void management::parseWhois() { output::instance().addOutput("void management::parseWhois()"); std::vector< std::string > data; while(m_Run) { data = m_IrcData->getWhoisQueue(); if (data.size() >= 4) { if (data[1] == "001") //welcome { g_BotNick = data[2]; } if (data[1] == "307") //WHOIS regged userName { if (m_NickServer) { std::string userName = data[3]; std::string auth = data[3]; userAuth(userName, auth); } } if (data[1] == "318") //WHOIS end { endWhois(data[3]); } if (data[1] == "330") //WHOIS auth { if (!m_NickServer) { std::string userName = data[3]; std::string auth = data[4]; userAuth(userName, auth); } } if (data[1] == "402") //WHOIS no server { //WHOIS(data); } } if (data.size() == 7) { if (data[1] == "354") //WHOEXTRA { whoextra(data); } } if (data.size() >= 11) { if (data[1] == "352") //WHO { who(data); } } } }
void management::whoextra(std::vector< std::string > data) { if (data.size() == 7) { std::string l_ChannelName = data[3]; std::string l_UserName = data[4]; std::string l_Modes = data[5]; std::string l_Auth = data[6]; size_t chanpos; chanpos = l_ChannelName.find("#"); if (chanpos != std::string::npos) { std::shared_ptr<channel> l_Channel = channels::instance().add(l_ChannelName); std::shared_ptr<user> l_User = users::instance().add(l_UserName); l_Channel->addUser(l_UserName, l_User); l_User->addChannel(l_ChannelName, l_Channel); //U.FirstJoin(l_UserName); userAuth(l_UserName, l_Auth); userModes(l_UserName, l_Modes); userChannelModes(l_ChannelName, l_UserName, l_Modes); } } }
int main() { int sd,nsd,ret,tosend; struct sockaddr_in servAddr,cliAddr; char ch[FILENAME_PATH]; char ch1[10]; unsigned long int fileSize,len,tmpFs,TotalBytesSent; char *buf; socklen_t clilen; struct stat fstat; FILE *fp; //Client Requested file int opt=0; int EOFFlag=1; struct uname u1; int pid; /* Socket Creation */ if ( (sd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0 ) { perror("socket: "); exit(-1); } /* Bind the socket wiht Known PORT # */ servAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; //servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); servAddr.sin_port=htons(SERVER_PORT); if ( (bind(sd,(struct sockaddr *)&servAddr,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in ))) < 0 ) { perror("bind "); exit(0); } /* Crete a Queue for Incoming Connections */ if ( (listen(sd,1)) < 0 ) perror("listen "); clilen = sizeof(cliAddr); if ( (setsockopt(sd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(char*)&opt,sizeof(opt)) ) < 0 ) { perror("setsockopt "); } /* Blocking call to accept the connection from clients. */ while (1) { printf("waiting/Continue for VALID filename...\n"); nsd = accept(sd,(struct sockaddr *)&cliAddr,&clilen); if ( (pid=fork()) < 0 ) { perror("fork "); exit(0); } else if ( pid == 0 ) { /* Client Info */ printf("Client Details...Connection accepted with following details\n"); printf("Client PORT Number: %d\n",htons(cliAddr.sin_port)); printf("Client IP Address : %s\n",inet_ntoa(cliAddr.sin_addr)); printf("------------------------------------------------------------\n"); /* As soon as accept the connection Try to get the user credientials to login to remote server */ #if 1 len=read(nsd,&u1,sizeof(u1)); printf("User Credentials read as len:%lu\n",len); ret=userAuth(u1.username,u1.password); printf("Returned from userAuth function...:%d\n\n",ret); ret=1; /* Auth success ret value is greated than 1(which is actually userid) --- Auth Fails ret -1 */ if (ret < 0) { printf("UserAuthentication Failed...\n"); sprintf(ch1,"UserAuthentication Failed..."); len=write(nsd,&ch1,28); continue; } else { printf("UserAuthentication success...\n"); sprintf(ch1,"UserAuthentication success..."); len=write(nsd,&ch1,29); } #endif printf("Press any key to read the filename from client...\n"); //getchar(); memset(ch,'\0',512); /* reading filename from client and stores in ch varialbe */ len=read(nsd,ch,FILENAME_PATH); printf("new sockdes: %d --- Filename received is :%s \nAND length:%lu\n-------\n",nsd,ch,len); printf("Press any key to start file transfer...\n"); if ( (seteuid(ret) ) < 0 ) { perror("setuid "); exit(0); } else { printf("Current uid is :%d\n",ret); } //getchar(); if ( (fp=fopen(ch,"rb")) == NULL ) { //perror("Requested file not available...: "); sprintf(ch1,"Err|%s",strerror(errno)); //sprintf(ch1,"FNOTAVAIL"); len=write(nsd,&ch1,strlen(ch1)); if ((seteuid(0)) < 0 ) { perror("setuid(root) "); exit(0); } continue; } else { //ONLY TO ALLOCATE MEMORY, WE NEED TO KNOW THE FILESIZE if ( stat(ch,&fstat) < 0 ) { perror("stat "); memset(ch,'\0',512); continue; } else { fileSize=fstat.st_size; memset(ch,'\0',512); } printf("Filesize reported by stat...:%lu\n",fileSize); sprintf(ch1,"%lu",fileSize); printf("Press key to send FileSize in bytes To client...:%s\n",ch1); //getchar(); /* sending fileinfo to client (rightnow only filesize) */ len=write(nsd,&ch1,10); } printf("while loop Ends Here...fileSize:%lu\n",fileSize); if ( fileSize <= MAX_PACKET_SIZE ) { buf = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * fileSize); fread(buf,1,fileSize,fp); len=write(nsd,buf,fileSize); memset(buf,'\0',fileSize); } else { /* File Content sending CODE */ tmpFs=0; TotalBytesSent=0; tosend=MAX_PACKET_SIZE; buf = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * tosend); while (EOFFlag) { tmpFs+=MAX_PACKET_SIZE; if (tmpFs > fileSize) { tmpFs-=MAX_PACKET_SIZE; tosend=fileSize-tmpFs; EOFFlag=0; } fread(buf,1,tosend,fp); len=write(nsd,buf,tosend); if ( len != tosend) { printf("Wrong bytes sent len:%lu and tosend=%d\n",len,tosend); //getchar(); } memset(buf,'\0',tosend); //printf("Written %lu bytes to socket \n",tmpFs); } if (buf) free(buf); printf("While Loop ends succesfully...\n"); } close(nsd); fclose(fp); EOFFlag=1; seteuid(0); exit(0); } else { printf("Parent Process going to continue listining for next client\n"); } } close(sd); return 0; }