예제 #1
void MonsterGenerator::load_monster(JsonObject &jo)
    // id
    std::string mid;
    if (jo.has_member("id")) {
        mid = jo.get_string("id");
        if (mon_templates.count(mid) > 0) {
            delete mon_templates[mid];

        mtype *newmon = new mtype;

        newmon->id = mid;
        newmon->name = jo.get_string("name").c_str();
        if(jo.has_member("name_plural")) {
            newmon->name_plural = jo.get_string("name_plural");
        } else {
            // default behaviour: Assume the regular plural form (appending an “s”)
            newmon->name_plural = newmon->name + "s";
        newmon->description = _(jo.get_string("description").c_str());

        newmon->mat = jo.get_string("material");

        newmon->species = jo.get_tags("species");
        newmon->categories = jo.get_tags("categories");

        newmon->sym = jo.get_string("symbol");
        if( utf8_wrapper( newmon->sym ).display_width() != 1 ) {
            jo.throw_error( "monster symbol should be exactly one console cell width", "symbol" );
        newmon->color = color_from_string(jo.get_string("color"));
        newmon->size = get_from_string(jo.get_string("size", "MEDIUM"), size_map, MS_MEDIUM);
        newmon->phase = get_from_string(jo.get_string("phase", "SOLID"), phase_map, SOLID);

        newmon->difficulty = jo.get_int("diff", 0);
        newmon->agro = jo.get_int("aggression", 0);
        newmon->morale = jo.get_int("morale", 0);
        newmon->speed = jo.get_int("speed", 0);
        newmon->melee_skill = jo.get_int("melee_skill", 0);
        newmon->melee_dice = jo.get_int("melee_dice", 0);
        newmon->melee_sides = jo.get_int("melee_dice_sides", 0);
        newmon->melee_cut = jo.get_int("melee_cut", 0);
        newmon->sk_dodge = jo.get_int("dodge", 0);
        newmon->armor_bash = jo.get_int("armor_bash", 0);
        newmon->armor_cut = jo.get_int("armor_cut", 0);
        newmon->hp = jo.get_int("hp", 0);
        jo.read("starting_ammo", newmon->starting_ammo);
        newmon->luminance = jo.get_float("luminance", 0);
        newmon->revert_to_itype = jo.get_string( "revert_to_itype", "" );
        if (jo.has_array("attack_effs")) {
            JsonArray jsarr = jo.get_array("attack_effs");
            while (jsarr.has_more()) {
                JsonObject e = jsarr.next_object();
                mon_effect_data new_eff(e.get_string("id", "null"), e.get_int("duration", 0),
                                    body_parts[e.get_string("bp", "NUM_BP")], e.get_bool("permanent", false),
                                    e.get_int("chance", 100));

        if (jo.has_string("death_drops")) {
            newmon->death_drops = jo.get_string("death_drops");
        } else if (jo.has_object("death_drops")) {
            JsonObject death_frop_json = jo.get_object("death_drops");
            // Make up a group name, should be unique (include the monster id),
            newmon->death_drops = newmon->id + "_death_drops_auto";
            const std::string subtype = death_frop_json.get_string("subtype", "distribution");
            // and load the entry as a standard item group using the made up name.
            item_group::load_item_group(death_frop_json, newmon->death_drops, subtype);
        } else if (jo.has_member("death_drops")) {
            jo.throw_error("invalid type, must be string or object", "death_drops");

        newmon->dies = get_death_functions(jo, "death_function");
        load_special_defense(newmon, jo, "special_when_hit");
        load_special_attacks(newmon, jo, "special_attacks");

        std::set<std::string> flags, anger_trig, placate_trig, fear_trig;
        flags = jo.get_tags("flags");
        anger_trig = jo.get_tags("anger_triggers");
        placate_trig = jo.get_tags("placate_triggers");
        fear_trig = jo.get_tags("fear_triggers");

        newmon->flags = get_set_from_tags(flags, flag_map, MF_NULL);
        newmon->anger = get_set_from_tags(anger_trig, trigger_map, MTRIG_NULL);
        newmon->fear = get_set_from_tags(fear_trig, trigger_map, MTRIG_NULL);
        newmon->placate = get_set_from_tags(placate_trig, trigger_map, MTRIG_NULL);

        mon_templates[mid] = newmon;
void mtype::load( JsonObject &jo, const std::string &src )
    bool strict = src == "dda";

    MonsterGenerator &gen = MonsterGenerator::generator();

    // Name and name plural are not translated here, but when needed in
    // combination with the actual count in `mtype::nname`.
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "name", name );
    // default behavior: Assume the regular plural form (appending an “s”)
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "name_plural", name_plural, name + "s" );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "description", description );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "material", mat, auto_flags_reader<material_id> {} );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "species", species, auto_flags_reader<species_id> {} );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "categories", categories, auto_flags_reader<> {} );

    // See monfaction.cpp
    if( !was_loaded || jo.has_member( "default_faction" ) ) {
        const auto faction = mfaction_str_id( jo.get_string( "default_faction" ) );
        default_faction = monfactions::get_or_add_faction( faction );

    if( !was_loaded || jo.has_member( "symbol" ) ) {
        sym = jo.get_string( "symbol" );
        if( utf8_wrapper( sym ).display_width() != 1 ) {
            jo.throw_error( "monster symbol should be exactly one console cell width", "symbol" );
    if( was_loaded && jo.has_member( "copy-from" ) && looks_like.empty() ) {
        looks_like = jo.get_string( "copy-from" );
    if( jo.has_member( "looks_like" ) ) {
        looks_like = jo.get_string( "looks_like" );

    assign( jo, "color", color );
    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( Creature::size_map )> size_reader{ Creature::size_map, "invalid creature size" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "size", size, size_reader, MS_MEDIUM );
    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.phase_map )> phase_reader{ gen.phase_map, "invalid phase id" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "phase", phase, phase_reader, SOLID );

    assign( jo, "diff", difficulty, strict, 0 );
    assign( jo, "hp", hp, strict, 1 );
    assign( jo, "speed", speed, strict, 0 );
    assign( jo, "aggression", agro, strict, -100, 100 );
    assign( jo, "morale", morale, strict );

    assign( jo, "attack_cost", attack_cost, strict, 0 );
    assign( jo, "melee_skill", melee_skill, strict, 0 );
    assign( jo, "melee_dice", melee_dice, strict, 0 );
    assign( jo, "melee_dice_sides", melee_sides, strict, 0 );

    assign( jo, "dodge", sk_dodge, strict, 0 );
    assign( jo, "armor_bash", armor_bash, strict, 0 );
    assign( jo, "armor_cut", armor_cut, strict, 0 );
    assign( jo, "armor_stab", armor_stab, strict, 0 );
    assign( jo, "armor_acid", armor_acid, strict, 0 );
    assign( jo, "armor_fire", armor_fire, strict, 0 );

    assign( jo, "vision_day", vision_day, strict, 0 );
    assign( jo, "vision_night", vision_night, strict, 0 );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "starting_ammo", starting_ammo );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "luminance", luminance, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "revert_to_itype", revert_to_itype, "" );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "attack_effs", atk_effs, mon_attack_effect_reader{} );

    // TODO: make this work with `was_loaded`
    if( jo.has_array( "melee_damage" ) ) {
        JsonArray arr = jo.get_array( "melee_damage" );
        melee_damage = load_damage_instance( arr );
    } else if( jo.has_object( "melee_damage" ) ) {
        melee_damage = load_damage_instance( jo );

    if( jo.has_int( "melee_cut" ) ) {
        int bonus_cut = jo.get_int( "melee_cut" );
        melee_damage.add_damage( DT_CUT, bonus_cut );

    if( jo.has_member( "death_drops" ) ) {
        JsonIn &stream = *jo.get_raw( "death_drops" );
        death_drops = item_group::load_item_group( stream, "distribution" );

    assign( jo, "harvest", harvest, strict );

    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.death_map )> death_reader{ gen.death_map, "invalid monster death function" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "death_function", dies, death_reader );
    if( dies.empty() ) {
        // TODO: really needed? Is an empty `dies` container not allowed?
        dies.push_back( mdeath::normal );

    assign( jo, "emit_fields", emit_fields );

    if( jo.has_member( "special_when_hit" ) ) {
        JsonArray jsarr = jo.get_array( "special_when_hit" );
        const auto iter = gen.defense_map.find( jsarr.get_string( 0 ) );
        if( iter == gen.defense_map.end() ) {
            jsarr.throw_error( "Invalid monster defense function" );
        sp_defense = iter->second;
        def_chance = jsarr.get_int( 1 );
    } else if( !was_loaded ) {
        sp_defense = &mdefense::none;
        def_chance = 0;

    if( !was_loaded || jo.has_member( "special_attacks" ) ) {
        add_special_attacks( jo, "special_attacks", src );
    } else {
        // Note: special_attacks left as is, new attacks are added to it!
        // Note: member name prefixes are compatible with those used by generic_typed_reader
        if( jo.has_object( "extend" ) ) {
            auto tmp = jo.get_object( "extend" );
            add_special_attacks( tmp, "special_attacks", src );
        if( jo.has_object( "delete" ) ) {
            auto tmp = jo.get_object( "delete" );
            remove_special_attacks( tmp, "special_attacks", src );

    // Disable upgrading when JSON contains `"upgrades": false`, but fallback to the
    // normal behavior (including error checking) if "upgrades" is not boolean or not `false`.
    if( jo.has_bool( "upgrades" ) && !jo.get_bool( "upgrades" ) ) {
        upgrade_group = mongroup_id::NULL_ID();
        upgrade_into = mtype_id::NULL_ID();
        upgrades = false;
    } else if( jo.has_member( "upgrades" ) ) {
        JsonObject up = jo.get_object( "upgrades" );
        optional( up, was_loaded, "half_life", half_life, -1 );
        optional( up, was_loaded, "age_grow", age_grow, -1 );
        optional( up, was_loaded, "into_group", upgrade_group, auto_flags_reader<mongroup_id> {},
                  mongroup_id::NULL_ID() );
        optional( up, was_loaded, "into", upgrade_into, auto_flags_reader<mtype_id> {},
                  mtype_id::NULL_ID() );
        upgrades = true;

    if( jo.has_member( "reproduction" ) ) {
        JsonObject repro = jo.get_object( "reproduction" );
        optional( repro, was_loaded, "baby_count", baby_count, -1 );
        optional( repro, was_loaded, "baby_timer", baby_timer, -1 );
        optional( repro, was_loaded, "baby_monster", baby_monster, auto_flags_reader<mtype_id> {},
                  mtype_id::NULL_ID() );
        optional( repro, was_loaded, "baby_egg", baby_egg, auto_flags_reader<itype_id> {},
                  "null" );
        if( jo.has_member( "baby_flags" ) ) {
            JsonArray baby_tags = jo.get_array( "baby_flags" );
            while( baby_tags.has_more() ) {
                baby_flags.push_back( baby_tags.next_string() );
        reproduces = true;

    if( jo.has_member( "biosignature" ) ) {
        JsonObject biosig = jo.get_object( "biosignature" );
        optional( biosig, was_loaded, "biosig_timer", biosig_timer, -1 );
        optional( biosig, was_loaded, "biosig_item", biosig_item, auto_flags_reader<itype_id> {},
                  "null" );
        biosignatures = true;

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "burn_into", burn_into, auto_flags_reader<mtype_id> {},
              mtype_id::NULL_ID() );

    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.flag_map )> flag_reader{ gen.flag_map, "invalid monster flag" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "flags", flags, flag_reader );
    // Can't calculate yet - we want all flags first
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "bash_skill", bash_skill, -1 );

    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.trigger_map )> trigger_reader{ gen.trigger_map, "invalid monster trigger" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "anger_triggers", anger, trigger_reader );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "placate_triggers", placate, trigger_reader );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "fear_triggers", fear, trigger_reader );

    if( jo.has_member( "path_settings" ) ) {
        auto jop = jo.get_object( "path_settings" );
        // Here rather than in pathfinding.cpp because we want monster-specific defaults and was_loaded
        optional( jop, was_loaded, "max_dist", path_settings.max_dist, 0 );
        optional( jop, was_loaded, "max_length", path_settings.max_length, -1 );
        optional( jop, was_loaded, "bash_strength", path_settings.bash_strength, -1 );
        optional( jop, was_loaded, "allow_open_doors", path_settings.allow_open_doors, false );
        optional( jop, was_loaded, "avoid_traps", path_settings.avoid_traps, false );
        optional( jop, was_loaded, "allow_climb_stairs", path_settings.allow_climb_stairs, true );
예제 #3
void mtype::load( JsonObject &jo )
    MonsterGenerator &gen = MonsterGenerator::generator();

    // Name and name plural are not translated here, but when needed in
    // combination with the actual count in `mtype::nname`.
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "name", name );
    // default behaviour: Assume the regular plural form (appending an “s”)
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "name_plural", name_plural, name + "s" );
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "description", description, translated_string_reader );

    // Have to overwrite the default { "hflesh" } here
    if( !was_loaded || jo.has_member( "material" ) ) {
        mat = { jo.get_string( "material" ) };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "species", species, auto_flags_reader<species_id> {} );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "categories", categories, auto_flags_reader<> {} );

    // See monfaction.cpp
    if( !was_loaded || jo.has_member( "default_faction" ) ) {
        const auto faction = mfaction_str_id( jo.get_string( "default_faction" ) );
        default_faction = monfactions::get_or_add_faction( faction );

    if( !was_loaded || jo.has_member( "symbol" ) ) {
        sym = jo.get_string( "symbol" );
        if( utf8_wrapper( sym ).display_width() != 1 ) {
            jo.throw_error( "monster symbol should be exactly one console cell width", "symbol" );

    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "color", color, color_reader{} );
    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( Creature::size_map )> size_reader{ Creature::size_map, "invalid creature size" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "size", size, size_reader, MS_MEDIUM );
    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.phase_map )> phase_reader{ gen.phase_map, "invalid phase id" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "phase", phase, phase_reader, SOLID );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "diff", difficulty, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "aggression", agro, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "morale", morale, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "speed", speed, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "attack_cost", attack_cost, 100 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "melee_skill", melee_skill, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "melee_dice", melee_dice, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "melee_dice_sides", melee_sides, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "melee_cut", melee_cut, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "dodge", sk_dodge, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_bash", armor_bash, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_cut", armor_cut, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_acid", armor_acid, armor_cut / 2 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_fire", armor_fire, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "hp", hp, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "starting_ammo", starting_ammo );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "luminance", luminance, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "revert_to_itype", revert_to_itype, "" );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "vision_day", vision_day, 40 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "vision_night", vision_night, 1 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_stab", armor_stab, 0.8f * armor_cut );

    // TODO: allow adding/removing specific entries if `was_loaded` is true
    if( jo.has_array( "attack_effs" ) ) {
        JsonArray jsarr = jo.get_array( "attack_effs" );
        while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
            JsonObject e = jsarr.next_object();
            mon_effect_data new_eff( efftype_id( e.get_string( "id" ) ), e.get_int( "duration", 0 ),
                                     get_body_part_token( e.get_string( "bp", "NUM_BP" ) ), e.get_bool( "permanent", false ),
                                     e.get_int( "chance", 100 ) );
            atk_effs.push_back( new_eff );

    if( jo.has_member( "death_drops" ) ) {
        JsonIn &stream = *jo.get_raw( "death_drops" );
        death_drops = item_group::load_item_group( stream, "distribution" );

    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.death_map )> death_reader{ gen.death_map, "invalid monster death function" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "death_function", dies, death_reader );
    if( dies.empty() ) {
        // TODO: really needed? Is an empty `dies` container not allowed?
        dies.push_back( mdeath::normal );

    // TODO: allow overriding/adding/removing those if `was_loaded` is true
    gen.load_special_defense( this, jo, "special_when_hit" );
    gen.load_special_attacks( this, jo, "special_attacks" );

        // Disable upgrading when JSON contains `"upgrades": false`, but fallback to the
        // normal behavior (including error checking) if "upgrades" is not boolean or not `false`.
    if( jo.has_bool( "upgrades" ) && !jo.get_bool( "upgrades" ) ) {
            upgrade_group = mongroup_id::NULL_ID;
            upgrade_into = mtype_id::NULL_ID;
            upgrades = false;
    } else if( jo.has_member( "upgrades" ) ) {
            JsonObject up = jo.get_object( "upgrades" );
            optional( up, was_loaded, "half_life", half_life, -1 );
            optional( up, was_loaded, "into_group", upgrade_group, auto_flags_reader<mongroup_id> {}, mongroup_id::NULL_ID );
            optional( up, was_loaded, "into", upgrade_into, auto_flags_reader<mtype_id> {}, mtype_id::NULL_ID );
            upgrades = true;

    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.flag_map )> flag_reader{ gen.flag_map, "invalid monster flag" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "flags", flags, flag_reader );

    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.trigger_map )> trigger_reader{ gen.trigger_map, "invalid monster trigger" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "anger_triggers", anger, trigger_reader );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "placate_triggers", placate, trigger_reader );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "fear_triggers", fear, trigger_reader );
예제 #4
 * Generate and refresh output
void uimenu::show()
    if (!started) {

    draw_border(window, border_color);
    if( !title.empty() ) {
        mvwprintz(window, 0, 1, border_color, "< ");
        wprintz( window, title_color, title );
        wprintz(window, border_color, " >");

    std::string padspaces = std::string(w_width - 2 - pad_left - pad_right, ' ');
    const int text_lines = textformatted.size();
    int estart = 1;
    if( !textformatted.empty() ) {
        for ( int i = 0; i < text_lines; i++ ) {
            trim_and_print( window, 1 + i, 2, getmaxx( window ) - 4, text_color, textformatted[i] );

        mvwputch(window, text_lines + 1, 0, border_color, LINE_XXXO);
        for ( int i = 1; i < w_width - 1; ++i) {
            mvwputch(window, text_lines + 1, i, border_color, LINE_OXOX);
        mvwputch(window, text_lines + 1, w_width - 1, border_color, LINE_XOXX);
        estart += text_lines + 1; // +1 for the horizontal line.

    calcStartPos( vshift, fselected, vmax, fentries.size() );

    for ( int fei = vshift, si = 0; si < vmax; fei++, si++ ) {
        if ( fei < (int)fentries.size() ) {
            int ei = fentries [ fei ];
            nc_color co = ( ei == selected ?
                            hilight_color :
                            ( entries[ ei ].enabled || entries[ei].force_color ?
                              entries[ ei ].text_color :
                              disabled_color )

            if ( hilight_full ) {
                mvwprintz( window, estart + si, pad_left + 1, co, padspaces );
            if( entries[ ei ].hotkey >= 33 && entries[ ei ].hotkey < 126 ) {
                const nc_color hotkey_co = ei == selected ? hilight_color : hotkey_color;
                mvwprintz( window, estart + si, pad_left + 2, entries[ ei ].enabled ? hotkey_co : co,
                           "%c", entries[ ei ].hotkey );
            if( padspaces.size() > 3 ) {
                // padspaces's length indicates the maximal width of the entry, it is used above to
                // activate the highlighting, it is used to override previous text there, but in both
                // cases printing starts at pad_left+1, here it starts at pad_left+4, so 3 cells less
                // to be used.
                const auto entry = utf8_wrapper( ei == selected ? remove_color_tags( entries[ ei ].txt ) : entries[ ei ].txt );
                trim_and_print( window, estart + si, pad_left + 4,
                                max_entry_len, co, "%s", entry.c_str() );

                if( max_column_len && !entries[ ei ].ctxt.empty() ) {
                    const auto centry = utf8_wrapper( ei == selected ? remove_color_tags( entries[ ei ].ctxt ) : entries[ ei ].ctxt );
                    trim_and_print( window, estart + si, getmaxx( window ) - max_column_len - 2,
                                    max_column_len, co, "%s", centry.c_str() );
            mvwzstr menu_entry_extra_text = entries[ei].extratxt;
            if ( !menu_entry_extra_text.txt.empty() ) {
                mvwprintz( window, estart + si, pad_left + 1 + menu_entry_extra_text.left,
                           menu_entry_extra_text.color, menu_entry_extra_text.txt );
            if ( menu_entry_extra_text.sym != 0 ) {
                mvwputch ( window, estart + si, pad_left + 1 + menu_entry_extra_text.left,
                           menu_entry_extra_text.color, menu_entry_extra_text.sym );
            if ( callback != NULL && ei == selected ) {
                callback->select(ei, this);
        } else {
            mvwprintz( window, estart + si, pad_left + 1, c_light_gray, padspaces );

    if ( desc_enabled ) {
        // draw border
        mvwputch(window, w_height - desc_lines - 2, 0, border_color, LINE_XXXO);
        for ( int i = 1; i < w_width - 1; ++i) {
            mvwputch(window, w_height - desc_lines - 2, i, border_color, LINE_OXOX);
        mvwputch(window, w_height - desc_lines - 2, w_width - 1, border_color, LINE_XOXX);

        // clear previous desc the ugly way
        for ( int y = desc_lines + 1; y > 1; --y ) {
            for ( int x = 2; x < w_width - 2; ++x) {
                mvwputch(window, w_height - y, x, text_color, " ");

        if( static_cast<size_t>( selected ) < entries.size() ){
            fold_and_print( window, w_height - desc_lines - 1, 2, w_width - 4, text_color,
                            entries[selected].desc );

    if ( !filter.empty() ) {
        mvwprintz( window, w_height - 1, 2, border_color, "< %s >", filter.c_str() );
        mvwprintz( window, w_height - 1, 4, text_color, filter );

예제 #5
void MonsterGenerator::load_monster(JsonObject &jo)
    const mtype_id mid = mtype_id( jo.get_string("id") );
        if (mon_templates.count(mid) > 0) {
            delete mon_templates[mid];

        mtype *newmon = new mtype;

        newmon->id = mid;
        newmon->name = jo.get_string("name").c_str();
        if(jo.has_member("name_plural")) {
            newmon->name_plural = jo.get_string("name_plural");
        } else {
            // default behaviour: Assume the regular plural form (appending an “s”)
            newmon->name_plural = newmon->name + "s";
        newmon->description = _(jo.get_string("description").c_str());

        // Have to overwrite the default { "hflesh" } here
        newmon->mat = { jo.get_string("material") };

        for( auto &s : jo.get_tags( "species" ) ) {
            newmon->species.insert( species_id( s ) );
        newmon->categories = jo.get_tags("categories");

        // See monfaction.cpp
        newmon->default_faction =
            monfactions::get_or_add_faction( mfaction_str_id( jo.get_string("default_faction") ) );

        newmon->sym = jo.get_string("symbol");
        if( utf8_wrapper( newmon->sym ).display_width() != 1 ) {
            jo.throw_error( "monster symbol should be exactly one console cell width", "symbol" );
        newmon->color = color_from_string(jo.get_string("color"));
        newmon->size = get_from_string(jo.get_string("size", "MEDIUM"), Creature::size_map, MS_MEDIUM);
        newmon->phase = get_from_string(jo.get_string("phase", "SOLID"), phase_map, SOLID);

        newmon->difficulty = jo.get_int("diff", 0);
        newmon->agro = jo.get_int("aggression", 0);
        newmon->morale = jo.get_int("morale", 0);
        newmon->speed = jo.get_int("speed", 0);
        newmon->attack_cost = jo.get_int("attack_cost", 100);
        newmon->melee_skill = jo.get_int("melee_skill", 0);
        newmon->melee_dice = jo.get_int("melee_dice", 0);
        newmon->melee_sides = jo.get_int("melee_dice_sides", 0);
        newmon->melee_cut = jo.get_int("melee_cut", 0);
        newmon->sk_dodge = jo.get_int("dodge", 0);
        newmon->armor_bash = jo.get_int("armor_bash", 0);
        newmon->armor_cut = jo.get_int("armor_cut", 0);
        newmon->hp = jo.get_int("hp", 0);
        jo.read("starting_ammo", newmon->starting_ammo);
        newmon->luminance = jo.get_float("luminance", 0);
        newmon->revert_to_itype = jo.get_string( "revert_to_itype", "" );
        newmon->vision_day = jo.get_int("vision_day", 40);
        newmon->vision_night = jo.get_int("vision_night", 1);

        if (jo.has_array("attack_effs")) {
            JsonArray jsarr = jo.get_array("attack_effs");
            while (jsarr.has_more()) {
                JsonObject e = jsarr.next_object();
                mon_effect_data new_eff(e.get_string("id", "null"), e.get_int("duration", 0),
                                    get_body_part_token( e.get_string("bp", "NUM_BP") ), e.get_bool("permanent", false),
                                    e.get_int("chance", 100));

        if( jo.has_member( "death_drops" ) ) {
            JsonIn& stream = *jo.get_raw( "death_drops" );
            newmon->death_drops = item_group::load_item_group( stream, "distribution" );

        newmon->dies = get_death_functions(jo, "death_function");
        load_special_defense(newmon, jo, "special_when_hit");
        load_special_attacks(newmon, jo, "special_attacks");

        if (jo.has_member("upgrades")) {
            JsonObject upgrades = jo.get_object("upgrades");
            newmon->half_life = upgrades.get_int("half_life", -1);
            newmon->upgrade_group = mongroup_id( upgrades.get_string("into_group", mongroup_id::NULL_ID.str() ) );
            newmon->upgrade_into = mtype_id( upgrades.get_string("into", mtype_id::NULL_ID.str() ) );
            newmon->upgrades = true;

        std::set<std::string> flags, anger_trig, placate_trig, fear_trig;
        flags = jo.get_tags("flags");
        anger_trig = jo.get_tags("anger_triggers");
        placate_trig = jo.get_tags("placate_triggers");
        fear_trig = jo.get_tags("fear_triggers");

        newmon->flags = get_set_from_tags(flags, flag_map, MF_NULL);
        newmon->anger = get_set_from_tags(anger_trig, trigger_map, MTRIG_NULL);
        newmon->fear = get_set_from_tags(fear_trig, trigger_map, MTRIG_NULL);
        newmon->placate = get_set_from_tags(placate_trig, trigger_map, MTRIG_NULL);

        mon_templates[mid] = newmon;
예제 #6
void mtype::load( JsonObject &jo )
    MonsterGenerator &gen = MonsterGenerator::generator();

    // Name and name plural are not translated here, but when needed in
    // combination with the actual count in `mtype::nname`.
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "name", name );
    // default behaviour: Assume the regular plural form (appending an “s”)
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "name_plural", name_plural, name + "s" );
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "description", description, translated_string_reader );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "material", mat, auto_flags_reader<material_id> {} );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "species", species, auto_flags_reader<species_id> {} );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "categories", categories, auto_flags_reader<> {} );

    // See monfaction.cpp
    if( !was_loaded || jo.has_member( "default_faction" ) ) {
        const auto faction = mfaction_str_id( jo.get_string( "default_faction" ) );
        default_faction = monfactions::get_or_add_faction( faction );

    if( !was_loaded || jo.has_member( "symbol" ) ) {
        sym = jo.get_string( "symbol" );
        if( utf8_wrapper( sym ).display_width() != 1 ) {
            jo.throw_error( "monster symbol should be exactly one console cell width", "symbol" );

    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "color", color, color_reader{} );
    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( Creature::size_map )> size_reader{ Creature::size_map, "invalid creature size" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "size", size, size_reader, MS_MEDIUM );
    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.phase_map )> phase_reader{ gen.phase_map, "invalid phase id" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "phase", phase, phase_reader, SOLID );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "diff", difficulty, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "aggression", agro, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "morale", morale, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "speed", speed, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "attack_cost", attack_cost, 100 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "melee_skill", melee_skill, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "melee_dice", melee_dice, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "melee_dice_sides", melee_sides, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "dodge", sk_dodge, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_bash", armor_bash, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_cut", armor_cut, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_acid", armor_acid, armor_cut / 2 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_fire", armor_fire, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "hp", hp, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "starting_ammo", starting_ammo );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "luminance", luminance, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "revert_to_itype", revert_to_itype, "" );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "vision_day", vision_day, 40 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "vision_night", vision_night, 1 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_stab", armor_stab, 0.8f * armor_cut );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "attack_effs", atk_effs, mon_attack_effect_reader{} );

    // TODO: make this work with `was_loaded`
    if( jo.has_array( "melee_damage" ) ) {
        JsonArray arr = jo.get_array( "melee_damage" );
        melee_damage = load_damage_instance( arr );
    } else if( jo.has_object( "melee_damage" ) ) {
        melee_damage = load_damage_instance( jo );

    if( jo.has_int( "melee_cut" ) ) {
        int bonus_cut = jo.get_int( "melee_cut" );
        melee_damage.add_damage( DT_CUT, bonus_cut );

    if( jo.has_member( "death_drops" ) ) {
        JsonIn &stream = *jo.get_raw( "death_drops" );
        death_drops = item_group::load_item_group( stream, "distribution" );

    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.death_map )> death_reader{ gen.death_map, "invalid monster death function" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "death_function", dies, death_reader );
    if( dies.empty() ) {
        // TODO: really needed? Is an empty `dies` container not allowed?
        dies.push_back( mdeath::normal );

    if( jo.has_member( "special_when_hit" ) ) {
        JsonArray jsarr = jo.get_array( "special_when_hit" );
        const auto iter = gen.defense_map.find( jsarr.get_string( 0 ) );
        if( iter == gen.defense_map.end() ) {
            jsarr.throw_error( "Invalid monster defense function" );
        sp_defense = iter->second;
        def_chance = jsarr.get_int( 1 );
    } else if( !was_loaded ) {
        sp_defense = &mdefense::none;
        def_chance = 0;

    if( !was_loaded || jo.has_member( "special_attacks" ) ) {
        add_special_attacks( jo, "special_attacks" );
    } else {
        // Note: special_attacks left as is, new attacks are added to it!
        // Note: member name prefixes are compatible with those used by generic_typed_reader
        remove_special_attacks( jo, "remove:special_attacks" );
        add_special_attacks( jo, "add:special_attacks" );

    // Disable upgrading when JSON contains `"upgrades": false`, but fallback to the
    // normal behavior (including error checking) if "upgrades" is not boolean or not `false`.
    if( jo.has_bool( "upgrades" ) && !jo.get_bool( "upgrades" ) ) {
        upgrade_group = mongroup_id::NULL_ID;
        upgrade_into = mtype_id::NULL_ID;
        upgrades = false;
    } else if( jo.has_member( "upgrades" ) ) {
        JsonObject up = jo.get_object( "upgrades" );
        optional( up, was_loaded, "half_life", half_life, -1 );
        optional( up, was_loaded, "into_group", upgrade_group, auto_flags_reader<mongroup_id> {}, mongroup_id::NULL_ID );
        optional( up, was_loaded, "into", upgrade_into, auto_flags_reader<mtype_id> {}, mtype_id::NULL_ID );
        upgrades = true;

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "burn_into", burn_into, auto_flags_reader<mtype_id> {}, mtype_id::NULL_ID );

    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.flag_map )> flag_reader{ gen.flag_map, "invalid monster flag" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "flags", flags, flag_reader );

    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.trigger_map )> trigger_reader{ gen.trigger_map, "invalid monster trigger" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "anger_triggers", anger, trigger_reader );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "placate_triggers", placate, trigger_reader );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "fear_triggers", fear, trigger_reader );
예제 #7
// Pick up items at (posx, posy).
void Pickup::pick_up(int posx, int posy, int min)
    int veh_root_part = 0;
    int cargo_part = -1;

    vehicle *veh = g->m.veh_at (posx, posy, veh_root_part);
    bool from_vehicle = false;

    if( min != -1 ) {
        cargo_part = interact_with_vehicle( veh, posx, posy, veh_root_part );
        from_vehicle = cargo_part >= 0;
        if( cargo_part == -2 ) {
            // -2 indicates that we already interacted with the vehicle.

    if (g->m.has_flag("SEALED", posx, posy)) {

    //min == -1 is Autopickup
    if (!g->u.can_pickup(min != -1)) { // no message on autopickup (-1)

    if( !from_vehicle ) {
        bool isEmpty = (g->m.i_at(posx, posy).empty());

        // Hide the pickup window if this is a toilet and there's nothing here
        // but water.
        if ((!isEmpty) && g->m.furn(posx, posy) == f_toilet) {
            isEmpty = true;
            for (size_t i = 0; isEmpty && i < g->m.i_at(posx, posy).size(); i++) {
                if (g->m.i_at(posx, posy)[i].typeId() != "water") {
                    isEmpty = false;

        if (isEmpty && (min != -1 || !OPTIONS["AUTO_PICKUP_ADJACENT"] )) {

    // which items are we grabbing?
    std::vector<item> here = (from_vehicle) ?
        veh->parts[cargo_part].items : g->m.i_at(posx, posy);

    if (min == -1) {
        if (g->checkZone("NO_AUTO_PICKUP", posx, posy)) {

        // Recursively pick up adjacent items if that option is on.
        if( OPTIONS["AUTO_PICKUP_ADJACENT"] && g->u.posx == posx && g->u.posy == posy ) {
            //Autopickup adjacent
            direction adjacentDir[8] = {NORTH, NORTHEAST, EAST, SOUTHEAST, SOUTH, SOUTHWEST, WEST, NORTHWEST};
            for( auto &elem : adjacentDir ) {

                point apos = direction_XY( elem );
                apos.x += posx;
                apos.y += posy;

                if( g->m.has_flag( "SEALED", apos.x, apos.y ) ) {
                if( g->checkZone( "NO_AUTO_PICKUP", apos.x, apos.y ) ) {
                pick_up( apos.x, apos.y, min );

    // Not many items, just grab them
    if ((int)here.size() <= min && min != -1) {
        g->u.assign_activity( ACT_PICKUP, 0 );
        g->u.activity.placement = point( posx - g->u.xpos(), posy - g->u.ypos() );
        g->u.activity.values.push_back( from_vehicle );
        // Only one item means index is 0.
        g->u.activity.values.push_back( 0 );
        // auto-pickup means pick up all.
        g->u.activity.values.push_back( 0 );

    if(min != -1) { // don't bother if we're just autopickup-ing
    bool sideStyle = use_narrow_sidebar();

    // Otherwise, we have Autopickup, 2 or more items and should list them, etc.
    int maxmaxitems = sideStyle ? TERMY : getmaxy(g->w_messages) - 3;

    int itemsH = std::min(25, TERMY / 2);
    int pickupBorderRows = 3;

    // The pickup list may consume the entire terminal, minus space needed for its
    // header/footer and the item info window.
    int minleftover = itemsH + pickupBorderRows;
    if(maxmaxitems > TERMY - minleftover) {
        maxmaxitems = TERMY - minleftover;

    const int minmaxitems = sideStyle ? 6 : 9;

    std::vector<bool> getitem;
    getitem.resize(here.size(), false);

    int maxitems = here.size();
    maxitems = (maxitems < minmaxitems ? minmaxitems : (maxitems > maxmaxitems ? maxmaxitems :
                maxitems ));

    int itemcount = 0;
    std::map<int, unsigned int> pickup_count; // Count of how many we'll pick up from each stack

    if (min == -1) { //Auto Pickup, select matching items
        if( !select_autopickup_items( here, getitem) ) {
            // If we didn't find anything, bail out now.
    } else {
        int pickupH = maxitems + pickupBorderRows;
        int pickupW = getmaxx(g->w_messages);
        int pickupY = VIEW_OFFSET_Y;
        int pickupX = getbegx(g->w_messages);

        int itemsW = pickupW;
        int itemsY = sideStyle ? pickupY + pickupH : TERMY - itemsH;
        int itemsX = pickupX;

        WINDOW *w_pickup    = newwin(pickupH, pickupW, pickupY, pickupX);
        WINDOW *w_item_info = newwin(itemsH,  itemsW,  itemsY,  itemsX);
        WINDOW_PTR w_pickupptr( w_pickup );
        WINDOW_PTR w_item_infoptr( w_item_info );

        int ch = ' ';
        int start = 0, cur_it;
        int new_weight = g->u.weight_carried(), new_volume = g->u.volume_carried();
        bool update = true;
        mvwprintw(w_pickup, 0, 0, _("PICK UP"));
        int selected = 0;
        int last_selected = -1;

        if(g->was_fullscreen) {
        // Now print the two lists; those on the ground and about to be added to inv
        // Continue until we hit return or space
        do {
            static const std::string pickup_chars =
            int idx = -1;
            for (int i = 1; i < pickupH; i++) {
                mvwprintw(w_pickup, i, 0,
                          "                                                ");
            if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
                ch = (char)ch - '0';
                itemcount *= 10;
                itemcount += ch;
            } else if ((ch == '<' || ch == KEY_PPAGE) && start > 0) {
                start -= maxitems;
                selected = start;
                mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 2, 0, "         ");
            } else if ((ch == '>' || ch == KEY_NPAGE) && start + maxitems < (int)here.size()) {
                start += maxitems;
                selected = start;
                mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 2, pickupH, "            ");
            } else if ( ch == KEY_UP ) {
                if ( selected < 0 ) {
                    selected = here.size() - 1;
                    start = (int)( here.size() / maxitems ) * maxitems;
                    if (start >= (int)here.size()) {
                        start -= maxitems;
                } else if ( selected < start ) {
                    start -= maxitems;
            } else if ( ch == KEY_DOWN ) {
                if ( selected >= (int)here.size() ) {
                    selected = 0;
                    start = 0;
                } else if ( selected >= start + maxitems ) {
                    start += maxitems;
            } else if ( selected >= 0 && (
                            ( ch == KEY_RIGHT && !getitem[selected]) ||
                            ( ch == KEY_LEFT && getitem[selected] )
                        ) ) {
                idx = selected;
            } else if ( ch == '`' ) {
                std::string ext = string_input_popup(
                                      _("Enter 2 letters (case sensitive):"), 3, "", "", "", 2);
                if(ext.size() == 2) {
                    int p1 = pickup_chars.find(ext.at(0));
                    int p2 = pickup_chars.find(ext.at(1));
                    if ( p1 != -1 && p2 != -1 ) {
                        idx = pickup_chars.size() + ( p1 * pickup_chars.size() ) + p2;
            } else {
                idx = pickup_chars.find(ch);

            if( idx >= 0 && idx < (int)here.size()) {
                if( getitem[idx] ) {
                    if( pickup_count[idx] != 0 && (int)pickup_count[idx] < here[idx].charges ) {
                        item temp = here[idx];
                        temp.charges = pickup_count[idx];
                        new_weight -= temp.weight();
                        new_volume -= temp.volume();
                    } else {
                        new_weight -= here[idx].weight();
                        new_volume -= here[idx].volume();
                if (itemcount != 0 || pickup_count[idx] == 0) {
                    if (itemcount >= here[idx].charges || !here[idx].count_by_charges()) {
                        // Ignore the count if we pickup the whole stack anyway
                        // or something that is not counted by charges (tools)
                        itemcount = 0;
                    pickup_count[idx] = itemcount;
                    itemcount = 0;

                // Note: this might not change the value of getitem[idx] at all!
                getitem[idx] = ( ch == KEY_RIGHT ? true : ( ch == KEY_LEFT ? false : !getitem[idx] ) );
                if ( ch != KEY_RIGHT && ch != KEY_LEFT) {
                    selected = idx;
                    start = (int)( idx / maxitems ) * maxitems;

                if (getitem[idx]) {
                    if (pickup_count[idx] != 0 &&
                        (int)pickup_count[idx] < here[idx].charges) {
                        item temp = here[idx];
                        temp.charges = pickup_count[idx];
                        new_weight += temp.weight();
                        new_volume += temp.volume();
                    } else {
                        new_weight += here[idx].weight();
                        new_volume += here[idx].volume();
                } else {
                    pickup_count[idx] = 0;
                update = true;

            if ( selected != last_selected ) {
                last_selected = selected;
                if ( selected >= 0 && selected <= (int)here.size() - 1 ) {
                    std::vector<iteminfo> vThisItem, vDummy;
                    here[selected].info(true, &vThisItem);

                    draw_item_info(w_item_info, "", vThisItem, vDummy, 0, true, true);
                const auto name = utf8_wrapper( here[selected].display_name() ).shorten( itemsW - 8 );
                mvwprintz(w_item_info, 0, 2, c_white, "< %s >", name.c_str());

            if (ch == ',') {
                int count = 0;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < here.size(); i++) {
                    if (getitem[i]) {
                    } else {
                        new_weight += here[i].weight();
                        new_volume += here[i].volume();
                    getitem[i] = true;
                if (count == (int)here.size()) {
                    for (size_t i = 0; i < here.size(); i++) {
                        getitem[i] = false;
                    new_weight = g->u.weight_carried();
                    new_volume = g->u.volume_carried();
                update = true;

            for (cur_it = start; cur_it < start + maxitems; cur_it++) {
                mvwprintw(w_pickup, 1 + (cur_it % maxitems), 0,
                          "                                        ");
                if (cur_it < (int)here.size()) {
                    nc_color icolor = here[cur_it].color(&g->u);
                    if (cur_it == selected) {
                        icolor = hilite(icolor);

                    if (cur_it < (int)pickup_chars.size() ) {
                        mvwputch(w_pickup, 1 + (cur_it % maxitems), 0, icolor,
                    } else {
                        int p = cur_it - pickup_chars.size();
                        int p1 = p / pickup_chars.size();
                        int p2 = p % pickup_chars.size();
                        mvwprintz(w_pickup, 1 + (cur_it % maxitems), 0, icolor, "`%c%c",
                                  char(pickup_chars[p1]), char(pickup_chars[p2]));
                    if (getitem[cur_it]) {
                        if (pickup_count[cur_it] == 0) {
                            wprintz(w_pickup, c_ltblue, " + ");
                        } else {
                            wprintz(w_pickup, c_ltblue, " # ");
                    } else {
                        wprintw(w_pickup, " - ");
                    wprintz(w_pickup, icolor, "%s", here[cur_it].display_name().c_str());

            int pw = pickupW;
            const char *unmark = _("[left] Unmark");
            const char *scroll = _("[up/dn] Scroll");
            const char *mark   = _("[right] Mark");
            mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 1, 0,                         unmark);
            mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 1, (pw - strlen(scroll)) / 2, scroll);
            mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 1,  pw - strlen(mark),        mark);
            const char *prev = _("[pgup] Prev");
            const char *all = _("[,] All");
            const char *next   = _("[pgdn] Next");
            if (start > 0) {
                mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 2, 0, prev);
            mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 2, (pw - strlen(all)) / 2, all);
            if (cur_it < (int)here.size()) {
                mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 2, pw - strlen(next), next);

            if (update) { // Update weight & volume information
                update = false;
                for (int i = 9; i < pickupW; ++i) {
                    mvwaddch(w_pickup, 0, i, ' ');
                mvwprintz(w_pickup, 0,  9,
                          (new_weight >= g->u.weight_capacity() ? c_red : c_white),
                          _("Wgt %.1f"), g->u.convert_weight(new_weight));
                wprintz(w_pickup, c_white, "/%.1f", g->u.convert_weight(g->u.weight_capacity()));
                mvwprintz(w_pickup, 0, 24,
                          (new_volume > g->u.volume_capacity() - 2 ? c_red : c_white),
                          _("Vol %d"), new_volume);
                wprintz(w_pickup, c_white, "/%d", g->u.volume_capacity() - 2);

            ch = (int)getch();

        } while (ch != ' ' && ch != '\n' && ch != KEY_ESCAPE);

        bool item_selected = false;
        // Check if we have selected an item.
        for( auto selection : getitem ) {
            if( selection ) {
                item_selected = true;
        if( ch != '\n' || !item_selected ) {
            add_msg(_("Never mind."));

    // At this point we've selected our items, register an activity to pick them up.
    g->u.assign_activity( ACT_PICKUP, 0 );
    g->u.activity.placement = point( posx - g->u.xpos(), posy - g->u.ypos() );
    g->u.activity.values.push_back( from_vehicle );
    if( min == -1 ) {
        // Auto pickup will need to auto resume since there can be several of them on the stack.
        g->u.activity.auto_resume = true;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < here.size(); i++) {
        if( getitem[i] ) {
            g->u.activity.values.push_back( i );
            g->u.activity.values.push_back( pickup_count[i] );

예제 #8
 * Generate and refresh output
void uimenu::show()
    if (!started) {
    std::string padspaces = std::string(w_width - 2 - pad_left - pad_right, ' ');
    const int text_lines = textformatted.size();
    for ( int i = 0; i < text_lines; i++ ) {
        trim_and_print(window, 1 + i, 2, getmaxx(window) - 4, text_color, "%s", textformatted[i].c_str());

    mvwputch(window, text_lines + 1, 0, border_color, LINE_XXXO);
    for ( int i = 1; i < w_width - 1; ++i) {
        mvwputch(window, text_lines + 1, i, border_color, LINE_OXOX);
    mvwputch(window, text_lines + 1, w_width - 1, border_color, LINE_XOXX);

    int estart = text_lines + 2;

    calcStartPos( vshift, fselected, vmax, fentries.size() );

    for ( int fei = vshift, si = 0; si < vmax; fei++, si++ ) {
        if ( fei < (int)fentries.size() ) {
            int ei = fentries [ fei ];
            nc_color co = ( ei == selected ?
                            hilight_color :
                            ( entries[ ei ].enabled ?
                              entries[ ei ].text_color :
                              disabled_color )

            if ( hilight_full ) {
                mvwprintz(window, estart + si, pad_left + 1, co , "%s", padspaces.c_str());
            if(entries[ ei ].enabled && entries[ ei ].hotkey >= 33 && entries[ ei ].hotkey < 126 ) {
                mvwprintz( window, estart + si, pad_left + 2, ( ei == selected ) ? hilight_color :
                           hotkey_color , "%c", entries[ ei ].hotkey );
            if( padspaces.size() > 3 ) {
                // padspaces's length indicates the maximal width of the entry, it is used above to
                // activate the highlighting, it is used to override previous text there, but in both
                // cases printeing starts at pad_left+1, here it starts at pad_left+4, so 3 cells less
                // to be used.
                const auto entry = utf8_wrapper( entries[ ei ].txt );
                trim_and_print( window, estart + si, pad_left + 4, w_width - 2 - pad_left - pad_right, co, "%s", entry.c_str() );
            if ( !entries[ei].extratxt.txt.empty() ) {
                mvwprintz( window, estart + si, pad_left + 1 + entries[ ei ].extratxt.left,
                           entries[ ei ].extratxt.color, "%s", entries[ ei ].extratxt.txt.c_str() );
            if ( entries[ei].extratxt.sym != 0 ) {
                mvwputch ( window, estart + si, pad_left + 1 + entries[ ei ].extratxt.left,
                           entries[ ei ].extratxt.color, entries[ ei ].extratxt.sym );
            if ( callback != NULL && ei == selected ) {
                callback->select(ei, this);
        } else {
            mvwprintz(window, estart + si, pad_left + 1, c_ltgray , "%s", padspaces.c_str());

    if ( desc_enabled ) {
        // draw border
        mvwputch(window, w_height - desc_lines - 2, 0, border_color, LINE_XXXO);
        for ( int i = 1; i < w_width - 1; ++i) {
            mvwputch(window, w_height - desc_lines - 2, i, border_color, LINE_OXOX);
        mvwputch(window, w_height - desc_lines - 2, w_width - 1, border_color, LINE_XOXX);

        // clear previous desc the ugly way
        for ( int y = desc_lines + 1; y > 1; --y ) {
            for ( int x = 2; x < w_width - 2; ++x) {
                mvwputch(window, w_height - y, x, text_color, " ");

        // draw description
        fold_and_print(window, w_height - desc_lines - 1, 2, w_width - 4, text_color, entries[selected].desc.c_str());

    if ( !filter.empty() ) {
        mvwprintz( window, w_height - 1, 2, border_color, "< %s >", filter.c_str() );
        mvwprintz( window, w_height - 1, 4, text_color, "%s", filter.c_str() );
