예제 #1
void LLPanelFriends::filterContacts()
	std::string friend_name;
	std::string search_name;

	search_name = LLPanelFriends::getChild<LLLineEditor>("buddy_search_lineedit")->getValue().asString();

	if ((search_name != "" /*&& search_name != mLastContactSearch*/))
		mLastContactSearch = search_name;

		std::vector<LLScrollListItem*> vFriends = mFriendsList->getAllData(); // all of it.
		for (std::vector<LLScrollListItem*>::iterator itr = vFriends.begin(); itr != vFriends.end(); ++itr)
			friend_name = utf8str_tolower((*itr)->getColumn(LIST_FRIEND_NAME)->getValue().asString());
			BOOL show_entry = (friend_name.find(utf8str_tolower(search_name)) != std::string::npos);

			if (!show_entry)

	else if (search_name == "" && search_name != mLastContactSearch) refreshNames(LLFriendObserver::ADD);
예제 #2
S32 LLTextParser::findPattern(const std::string &text, LLSD highlight)
	if (!highlight.has("pattern")) return -1;
	std::string pattern=std::string(highlight["pattern"]);
	std::string ltext=text;
	if (!(bool)highlight["case_sensitive"])
		ltext   = utf8str_tolower(text);
		pattern= utf8str_tolower(pattern);

	size_t found=std::string::npos;
	switch ((S32)highlight["condition"])
		case CONTAINS:
			found = ltext.find(pattern); 
		case MATCHES:
		    found = (! ltext.compare(pattern) ? 0 : std::string::npos);
			found = (! ltext.find(pattern) ? 0 : std::string::npos);
		case ENDS_WITH:
			S32 pos = ltext.rfind(pattern); 
			if (pos >= 0 && (ltext.length()-pattern.length()==pos)) found = pos;
	return found;
void LLPanelFriends::filterContacts(const std::string& search_name)
	std::string friend_name;

	if ((search_name != "" /*&& search_name != mLastContactSearch*/))
		if (search_name.find(mLastContactSearch) == std::string::npos)

		//llinfos << "search_name = " << search_name <<llendl;

		std::vector<LLScrollListItem*> vFriends = mFriendsList->getAllData(); // all of it.
		for (std::vector<LLScrollListItem*>::iterator itr = vFriends.begin(); itr != vFriends.end(); ++itr)
			friend_name = utf8str_tolower((*itr)->getColumn(LIST_FRIEND_NAME)->getValue().asString());
			BOOL show_entry = (friend_name.find(utf8str_tolower(search_name)) != std::string::npos);
			//llinfos << "friend_name = " << friend_name << (show_entry?" (shown)":"") <<llendl;
			if (!show_entry)

	else if (search_name == "" && search_name != mLastContactSearch) refreshNames(LLFriendObserver::ADD);
	mLastContactSearch = search_name;
bool SHCommandHandler::handleCommand(bool from_chat, const std::string &full_str, const LLUUID &callerid, LLViewerObject *pCaller)
	static const LLCachedControl<bool> sh_allow_script_commands("SHAllowScriptCommands",true);	//Are script commands enabled?
	static const LLCachedControl<bool> sh_allow_chat_commands("AscentCmdLine",true);			//Are chat commands enabled?

	static const LLCachedControl<std::string> sh_script_cmd_prefix("SHScriptCommandPrefix","#@#@!");//Incomming script commands are prefixed with this string.
	static const LLCachedControl<std::string> sh_chat_cmd_prefix("SHChatCommandPrefix",">>");		//Outgoing chat commands are prefixed with this string.
	static const LLCachedControl<std::string> sh_script_cmd_sep("SHScriptCommandSeparator","|");	//Separator for script commands
	static const LLCachedControl<std::string> sh_chat_cmd_sep("SHChatCommandSeparator"," ");		//Separator for chat commands

	const char *szPrefix = from_chat ? sh_chat_cmd_prefix.get().c_str() : sh_script_cmd_prefix.get().c_str();
	const size_t prefix_len = strlen(szPrefix);

	if(full_str.length() <= prefix_len || (prefix_len && full_str.substr(0,prefix_len)!=szPrefix))
		return false; //Not a command
	else if(!isalnum(full_str.c_str()[prefix_len]))
		return false; //Commands must start with a # or letter
	else if((!from_chat && !sh_allow_script_commands) || (from_chat && !sh_allow_chat_commands))
		return !!prefix_len; //These commands are disabled.

	const std::string trimmed_str = full_str.substr(prefix_len,std::string::npos);
	typedef boost::char_separator<char> sep_t;
	const sep_t sep(from_chat ? sh_chat_cmd_sep.get().c_str(): sh_script_cmd_sep.get().c_str(),"", boost::keep_empty_tokens);
	const boost::tokenizer<sep_t> tokens(trimmed_str, sep);
	const boost::tokenizer<sep_t>::const_iterator tok_end = tokens.end();
	boost::tokenizer<sep_t>::const_iterator tok_iter = tokens.begin();

	if(tok_iter == tok_end) //Shouldn't ever be true.
		return !from_chat && !!prefix_len; //Don't spam if the prefix was correct yet the string was empty.
	LLSD cmd_args;		//Push tokens into LLSD so args can be looked up via args[#]
	bool found = false;	//Return this if found. Also used to determine if cmd_args has been set up.
	//Now look for the command.
	std::list<SHCommandHandler*> &CommandList = from_chat ? getChatCommandList() : getScriptCommandList();
	std::list<SHCommandHandler*>::iterator cmd_iter = CommandList.begin();
	const std::list<SHCommandHandler*>::iterator cmd_end = CommandList.end();
	const std::string search_arg = utf8str_tolower(*tok_iter);
				found = true;
				int i = -1;
				for(tok_iter;tok_iter!=tok_end;++tok_iter) //Fill the LLSD
					cmd_args[++i] = (*tok_iter);
	return found || !!prefix_len; //Don't spam if the prefix was correct yet the command wasn't found.
// Apart from well-known cases, in general this function returns the domain of the loginUri (with the "login." stripped off).
// This should be correct for all SL BETA grids, assuming they have the form of "login.<gridId>.lindenlab.com", in which
// case it returns "<gridId>.lindenlab.com".
// Well-known cases that deviate from this:
// agni      --> "secondlife.com"
// damballah --> "secondlife-staging.com"
static std::string getMarketplaceDomain()
	std::string domain;
	if (gHippoGridManager->getCurrentGrid()->isSecondLife())
		if (gHippoGridManager->getConnectedGrid()->isInProductionGrid())
			domain = "secondlife.com";		// agni
			// SecondLife(tm) BETA grid.
			// Using the login URI is a bit of a kludge, but it's the best we've got at the moment.
			domain = utf8str_tolower(getLoginUriDomain());				// <gridid>.lindenlab.com; ie, "aditi.lindenlab.com".
			llassert(domain.length() > 14 && domain.substr(domain.length() - 14) == ".lindenlab.com");
			if (domain == "damballah.lindenlab.com")
				domain = "secondlife-staging.com";
		// TODO: Find out if OpenSim, and Avination adopted any outbox stuffs, if so code HippoGridManager for this
		// Aurora grid has not.
		// For now, set domain on other grids to the loginUri domain, so we don't harass LL web services.
		domain = getLoginUriDomain(); //gHippoGridManager->getCurrentGrid()->getMarketPlaceDomain();
	return domain;
예제 #6
void HippoGridInfo::setLoginUri(const std::string& loginUri)
	std::string uri = loginUri;
	mLoginUri = sanitizeUri(uri);
	if (utf8str_tolower(LLURI(uri).hostName()) == "login.agni.lindenlab.com")
		mIsInProductionGrid = true;
bool LLGridManager::addGrid(LLSD& grid_data)
	if (grid_data.isMap() && grid_data.has(GRID_VALUE))
		std::string grid = utf8str_tolower(grid_data[GRID_VALUE]);

		// grid should be in the form of a dns address
		if (!grid.empty() &&
			grid.find_first_not_of("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890-_. ") != std::string::npos)
			llinfos << "Invalid grid name " << grid << llendl;
			return false;
		// populate the other values if they don't exist
		if (!grid_data.has(GRID_LABEL_VALUE)) 
			grid_data[GRID_LABEL_VALUE] = grid;
		if (!grid_data.has(GRID_ID_VALUE))
			grid_data[GRID_ID_VALUE] = grid;
		// if the grid data doesn't include any of the URIs, then 
		// generate them from the grid, which should be a dns address
		if (!grid_data.has(GRID_LOGIN_URI_VALUE)) 
			grid_data[GRID_LOGIN_URI_VALUE] = LLSD::emptyArray();
			grid_data[GRID_LOGIN_URI_VALUE].append(std::string("https://") + 
													grid + "/cgi-bin/login.cgi");
		// Populate to the default values
		if (!grid_data.has(GRID_LOGIN_PAGE_VALUE)) 
			grid_data[GRID_LOGIN_PAGE_VALUE] = std::string("http://") + grid + "/app/login/";
		if (!grid_data.has(GRID_HELPER_URI_VALUE)) 
			grid_data[GRID_HELPER_URI_VALUE] = std::string("https://") + grid + "/helpers/";
		if (!grid_data.has(GRID_LOGIN_IDENTIFIER_TYPES))
			// non system grids and grids that haven't already been configured with values
			// get both types of credentials.
			grid_data[GRID_LOGIN_IDENTIFIER_TYPES] = LLSD::emptyArray();
		LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "ADDING: " << grid << LL_ENDL;
		mGridList[grid] = grid_data;		
	return true;
예제 #8
std::string LLWeb::expandURLSubstitutions(const std::string &url,
										  const LLSD &default_subs)
	LLSD substitution = default_subs;
	substitution["VERSION"] = LLVersionInfo::getVersion();
	substitution["VERSION_MAJOR"] = LLVersionInfo::getMajor();
	substitution["VERSION_MINOR"] = LLVersionInfo::getMinor();
	substitution["VERSION_PATCH"] = LLVersionInfo::getPatch();
	substitution["VERSION_BUILD"] = LLVersionInfo::getBuild();
	substitution["CHANNEL"] = LLVersionInfo::getChannel();
	// substitution["GRID"] = LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridLabel();
	// substitution["GRID_LOWERCASE"] = utf8str_tolower(LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridLabel());
	//NOTE: getGridLabel() returns e.g. "Second Life"
	//      getGridNick() returns e.g. "agni"
	substitution["GRID"] = LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridNick();
	substitution["GRID_LOWERCASE"] = utf8str_tolower(LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridNick());
	substitution["OS"] = LLAppViewer::instance()->getOSInfo().getOSStringSimple();
	substitution["SESSION_ID"] = gAgent.getSessionID();
	substitution["FIRST_LOGIN"] = gAgent.isFirstLogin();

	// work out the current language
	std::string lang = LLUI::getLanguage();
	if (lang == "en-us")
		// *HACK: the correct fix is to change English.lproj/language.txt,
		// but we're late in the release cycle and this is a less risky fix
		lang = "en";
	substitution["LANGUAGE"] = lang;

	// find the region ID
	LLUUID region_id;
	LLViewerRegion *region = gAgent.getRegion();
	if (region)
		region_id = region->getRegionID();
	substitution["REGION_ID"] = region_id;

	// find the parcel local ID
	S32 parcel_id = 0;
	LLParcel* parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel();
	if (parcel)
		parcel_id = parcel->getLocalID();
	substitution["PARCEL_ID"] = llformat("%d", parcel_id);

	// expand all of the substitution strings and escape the url
	std::string expanded_url = url;
	LLStringUtil::format(expanded_url, substitution);

	return LLWeb::escapeURL(expanded_url);
예제 #9
void HippoGridInfo::setLoginUri(const std::string& loginUri)
	mLoginUri = sanitizeUri(loginUri);
	if (utf8str_tolower(LLURI(mLoginUri).hostName()) == "login.agni.lindenlab.com")
		mIsInProductionGrid = true;
	else if (utf8str_tolower(LLURI(mLoginUri).hostName()) == "login.aditi.lindenlab.com")
	else if (utf8str_tolower(LLURI(mLoginUri).hostName()) == "login.avination.com" ||
		utf8str_tolower(LLURI(mLoginUri).hostName()) == "login.avination.net")
		mIsInAvination = true;
예제 #10
파일: llgesture.cpp 프로젝트: Boy/rainbow
U8 *LLGesture::deserialize(U8 *buffer, S32 max_size)
	U8 *tmp = buffer;

	if (tmp + sizeof(mKey) + sizeof(mMask) + 16 > buffer + max_size)
		llwarns << "Attempt to read past end of buffer, bad data!!!!" << llendl;
		return buffer;

	htonmemcpy(&mKey, tmp, MVT_S8, 1);
	tmp += sizeof(mKey);
	htonmemcpy(&mMask, tmp, MVT_U32, 4);
	tmp += sizeof(mMask);
	htonmemcpy(mSoundItemID.mData, tmp, MVT_LLUUID, 16);
	tmp += 16;
	mTrigger.assign((char *)tmp);
	mTriggerLower = mTrigger;
	mTriggerLower = utf8str_tolower(mTriggerLower);
	tmp += mTrigger.length() + 1;
	mAnimation.assign((char *)tmp);
	//RN: force animation names to lower case
	// must do this for backwards compatibility
	mAnimation = utf8str_tolower(mAnimation);
	tmp += mAnimation.length() + 1;
	mOutputString.assign((char *)tmp);
	tmp += mOutputString.length() + 1;

	if (tmp > buffer + max_size)
		llwarns << "Read past end of buffer, bad data!!!!" << llendl;
		return tmp;

	return tmp;
예제 #11
파일: llgesture.cpp 프로젝트: Boy/rainbow
LLGesture::LLGesture(KEY key, MASK mask, const std::string &trigger,
					 const LLUUID &sound_item_id, 
					 const std::string &animation,
					 const std::string &output_string)
	mTriggerLower = utf8str_tolower(mTriggerLower);
static std::string getMarketplaceDomain()
	std::string domain = "secondlife.com";
	if (!LLGridManager::getInstance()->isInSLMain())
		const std::string& grid_label = LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridLabel();
		const std::string& grid_label_lower = utf8str_tolower(grid_label);
		if (grid_label_lower == "damballah")
			domain = "secondlife-staging.com";
			domain = llformat("%s.lindenlab.com", grid_label_lower.c_str());
	return domain;
bool LLGridManager::addGrid(LLSD& grid_data)
	bool added = false;
	if (grid_data.isMap() && grid_data.has(GRID_VALUE))
		std::string grid = utf8str_tolower(grid_data[GRID_VALUE].asString());

		if ( getGrid(grid_data[GRID_VALUE]).empty() && getGrid(grid).empty() )
			std::string grid_id = grid_data.has(GRID_ID_VALUE) ? grid_data[GRID_ID_VALUE].asString() : "";
			if ( getGrid(grid_id).empty() )
				// populate the other values if they don't exist
				if (!grid_data.has(GRID_LABEL_VALUE))
					grid_data[GRID_LABEL_VALUE] = grid;
				if (!grid_data.has(GRID_ID_VALUE))
					grid_data[GRID_ID_VALUE] = grid;

				// if the grid data doesn't include any of the URIs, then
				// generate them from the grid, which should be a dns address
				if (!grid_data.has(GRID_LOGIN_URI_VALUE))
					grid_data[GRID_LOGIN_URI_VALUE] = LLSD::emptyArray();
					grid_data[GRID_LOGIN_URI_VALUE].append(std::string("https://") +
														   grid + "/cgi-bin/login.cgi");
				// Populate to the default values
				if (!grid_data.has(GRID_LOGIN_PAGE_VALUE))
					grid_data[GRID_LOGIN_PAGE_VALUE] = std::string("http://") + grid + "/app/login/";
				if (!grid_data.has(GRID_HELPER_URI_VALUE))
					grid_data[GRID_HELPER_URI_VALUE] = std::string("https://") + grid + "/helpers/";

				if (!grid_data.has(GRID_LOGIN_IDENTIFIER_TYPES))
					// non system grids and grids that haven't already been configured with values
					// get both types of credentials.
					grid_data[GRID_LOGIN_IDENTIFIER_TYPES] = LLSD::emptyArray();

				LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") <<grid<<"\n"
										 <<"  id:          "<<grid_data[GRID_ID_VALUE].asString()<<"\n"
										 <<"  label:       "<<grid_data[GRID_LABEL_VALUE].asString()<<"\n"
										 <<"  login page:  "<<grid_data[GRID_LOGIN_PAGE_VALUE].asString()<<"\n"
										 <<"  helper page: "<<grid_data[GRID_HELPER_URI_VALUE].asString()<<"\n";
				/* still in LL_DEBUGS */ 
				for (LLSD::array_const_iterator login_uris = grid_data[GRID_LOGIN_URI_VALUE].beginArray();
					 login_uris != grid_data[GRID_LOGIN_URI_VALUE].endArray();
					LL_CONT << "  login uri:   "<<login_uris->asString()<<"\n";
				mGridList[grid] = grid_data;
				added = true;
				LL_WARNS("GridManager")<<"duplicate grid id'"<<grid_id<<"' ignored"<<LL_ENDL;
			LL_WARNS("GridManager")<<"duplicate grid name '"<<grid<<"' ignored"<<LL_ENDL;
		LL_WARNS("GridManager")<<"invalid grid definition ignored"<<LL_ENDL;
	return added;
예제 #14
static size_t headerCallback(void* data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* user)
	const char* header_line = (const char*)data;
	size_t header_len = size * nmemb;
	LLURLRequestComplete* complete = (LLURLRequestComplete*)user;

	if (!complete || !header_line)
		return header_len;

	// *TODO: This should be a utility in llstring.h: isascii()
	for (size_t i = 0; i < header_len; ++i)
		if (header_line[i] < 0)
			return header_len;

	std::string header(header_line, header_len);

	// Per HTTP spec the first header line must be the status line.
	if (!complete->haveHTTPStatus())
		if (header.substr(0,5) == "HTTP/")
			std::string::iterator end = header.end();
			std::string::iterator pos1 = std::find(header.begin(), end, ' ');
			if (pos1 != end) ++pos1;
			std::string::iterator pos2 = std::find(pos1, end, ' ');
			if (pos2 != end) ++pos2;
			std::string::iterator pos3 = std::find(pos2, end, '\r');

			std::string version(header.begin(), pos1);
			std::string status(pos1, pos2);
			std::string reason(pos2, pos3);

			int statusCode = atoi(status.c_str());
			if (statusCode >= 300 && statusCode < 400)
				// This is a redirect, ignore it and all headers
				// until we find a normal status code.
			else if (statusCode > 0)
				complete->httpStatus((U32)statusCode, reason);
		return header_len;

	std::string::iterator sep = std::find(header.begin(),header.end(),':');

	if (sep != header.end())
		std::string key(header.begin(), sep);
		std::string value(sep + 1, header.end());

		key = utf8str_tolower(utf8str_trim(key));
		value = utf8str_trim(value);

		complete->header(key, value);
		if (!header.empty())
			llwarns << "Unable to parse header: " << header << llendl;

	return header_len;
예제 #15
void ASFloaterUploadBrowser::refresh()
    std::string filename;
    std::string fullPath = mPathName + gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter();
    childSetValue("dir_path", gDirUtilp->getDirName(fullPath));
    mUploaderSettings["ActivePath"] = mPathName;
    gSavedSettings.setLLSD("AscentUploadSettings", mUploaderSettings);
    gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(gDirUtilp->getChatLogsDir(),"*", filename, false); //Clears the last file
    bool found = true;
    S32 file_count = 0;
        found = gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(fullPath, "*.*", filename, false);
            S32 periodIndex = filename.find_last_of(".");
            std::string extension = filename.substr(periodIndex + 1, filename.length() - 1);
            std::string extensionL = utf8str_tolower(extension);
            LLSD element;
            element["path"] = mPathName + filename;

            LLSD& filename_column = element["columns"][LIST_FILE_NAME];
            filename_column["column"] = "file_name";
            filename_column["font"] = "SANSSERIF";
            filename_column["font-style"] = "NORMAL";

            LLSD& filetype_column = element["columns"][LIST_FILE_TYPE];
            filetype_column["column"] = "file_type";
            filetype_column["type"] = "number";

            LLSD& assettype_column = element["columns"][LIST_ASSET_TYPE];
            assettype_column["column"] = "asset_type";
            assettype_column["type"] = "number";

            LLSD& invtype_column = element["columns"][LIST_INVENTORY_TYPE];
            invtype_column["column"] = "icon_inventory_type";
            invtype_column["type"] = "icon";
            invtype_column["value"] = "inv_folder_trash.tga";

            if (((extensionL == "jpeg")||(extensionL == "jpg")||(extensionL == "tga")
                    ||(extensionL == "png")||(extensionL == "bmp"))&&((mFilterType == "None")||(mFilterType == "Texture")))
                invtype_column["value"] = "inv_item_texture.tga";
                filename_column["value"] = filename.substr(0, periodIndex);
                filetype_column["value"] = FILE_TEXTURE;
                assettype_column["value"] = LIST_TYPE_FILE;

            else if ((extensionL == "wav")&&((mFilterType == "None")||(mFilterType == "Sound")))
                invtype_column["value"] = "inv_item_sound.tga";
                filename_column["value"] = filename.substr(0, periodIndex);
                filetype_column["value"] = FILE_SOUND;
                assettype_column["value"] = LIST_TYPE_FILE;
            else if (((extensionL == "bvh")||(extensionL == "anim"))&&((mFilterType == "None")||(mFilterType == "Animation")))
                invtype_column["value"] = "inv_item_animation.tga";
                filename_column["value"] = filename.substr(0, periodIndex);
                filetype_column["value"] = FILE_ANIMATION;
                assettype_column["value"] = LIST_TYPE_FILE;
            else if ((extension == filename.substr(0, filename.length() - 1))&&(filename != "."))
                std::string test_path = mPathName + gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter() + filename + gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter();
                S32 file_count = gDirUtilp->countFilesInDir(test_path, "*.*");
                    invtype_column["value"] = "inv_folder_plain_closed.tga";
                    filename_column["value"] = filename;
                    filetype_column["value"] = FOLDER;
                    assettype_column["value"] = LIST_TYPE_FOLDER;
            else if (filename == "..")
                invtype_column["value"] = "inv_folder_plain_open.tga";
                filename_column["value"] = filename;
                filetype_column["value"] = FOLDER;
                assettype_column["value"] = LIST_TYPE_PARENT;
            if (invtype_column["value"].asString() != "inv_folder_trash.tga")
                mFileList->addElement(element, ADD_BOTTOM);
                if (assettype_column["value"].asInteger() == LIST_TYPE_FILE)

    std::string result;
    LLResMgr::getInstance()->getIntegerString(result, file_count);
    if (result == "")
        result = "0";
    childSetTextArg("result_label",  "[COUNT]", result);

    llinfos << "Total files loaded: " << result << "." << llendl;
예제 #16
// LLGridManager::addGrid - add a grid to the grid list, populating the needed values
// if they're not populated yet.
void LLGridManager::addGrid(GridEntry* grid_entry,  AddState state)
		llwarns << "addGrid called with NULL grid_entry. Please send a bug report." << llendl;
		state = FAIL;
		state = FAIL;
	else if(grid_entry->grid[GRID_VALUE].asString().empty())
		state = FAIL;
	else if(!grid_entry->grid.isMap())
		state = FAIL;

	if ((FETCH == state) ||(FETCHTEMP == state) || (SYSTEM == state))
		std::string grid = utf8str_tolower(grid_entry->grid[GRID_VALUE]);
		// grid should be in the form of a dns address
		// but also support localhost:9000 or localhost:9000/login
		if ( !grid.empty() && grid.find_first_not_of("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890-_.:/@% ") != std::string::npos)
			printf("grid name: %s", grid.c_str());
			if (grid_entry)
				state = FAIL;
				delete grid_entry;
				grid_entry = NULL;
			throw LLInvalidGridName(grid);

		size_t find_last_slash = grid.find_last_of("/");
		if ( (grid.length()-1) == find_last_slash )
			grid_entry->grid[GRID_VALUE]  = grid;

		if (FETCHTEMP == state)
			grid_entry->grid["FLAG_TEMPORARY"] = "TRUE";
			state = FETCH;


	if ((FETCH == state) || (RETRY == state))
		std::string grid = utf8str_tolower(grid_entry->grid[GRID_VALUE]);

		std::string match = "://";
		size_t find_scheme = grid.find(match);
		if ( std::string::npos != find_scheme)
			// We only support http so just remove anything the user might have chosen
			grid_entry->grid[GRID_VALUE]  = grid;

		std::string uri = "http://"+grid;

		if (std::string::npos != uri.find("lindenlab.com"))
			state = SYSTEM;
			if ( std::string::npos == uri.find(".")
				|| std::string::npos != uri.find("")
				|| std::string::npos != uri.find("localhost") )
				state = LOCAL;
			grid_entry->grid[GRID_LOGIN_URI_VALUE] = LLSD::emptyArray();

			size_t find_last_slash = uri.find_last_of("/");
			if ( (uri.length()-1) != find_last_slash )
			LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "get_grid_info uri: " << uri << LL_ENDL;
			time_t last_modified = 0;
				LLDate saved_value = grid_entry->grid["LastModified"];
				last_modified = (time_t)saved_value.secondsSinceEpoch();
			LLHTTPClient::getIfModified(uri, new GridInfoRequestResponder(this, grid_entry, state), last_modified);

	if(TRYLEGACY == state)
		std::string grid = utf8str_tolower(grid_entry->grid[GRID_VALUE]);
		std::string uri = "https://" + grid + "/cgi-bin/login.cgi";
		llwarns << "No gridinfo found. Trying if legacy login page exists: " << uri << llendl;
		LLHTTPClient::get(uri, new GridInfoRequestResponder(this, grid_entry, state));

	if(FAIL != state)
		std::string grid = utf8str_tolower(grid_entry->grid[GRID_VALUE]);

		// populate the other values if they don't exist
		if (!grid_entry->grid.has(GRID_LABEL_VALUE)) 
			grid_entry->grid[GRID_LABEL_VALUE] = grid;
			llwarns << "No \"gridname\" found in grid info, setting to " << grid_entry->grid[GRID_LABEL_VALUE].asString() << llendl;

		if (!grid_entry->grid.has(GRID_NICK_VALUE))
			grid_entry->grid[GRID_NICK_VALUE] = grid;
			llwarns << "No \"gridnick\" found in grid info, setting to " << grid_entry->grid[GRID_NICK_VALUE].asString() << llendl;

	if (SYSTEM == state)
		std::string grid = utf8str_tolower(grid_entry->grid[GRID_VALUE]);

		// if the grid data doesn't include any of the URIs, then 
		// generate them from the grid

		if (!grid_entry->grid.has(GRID_LOGIN_URI_VALUE))
			grid_entry->grid[GRID_LOGIN_URI_VALUE] = LLSD::emptyArray();
			grid_entry->grid[GRID_LOGIN_URI_VALUE].append(std::string("https://") + grid + "/cgi-bin/login.cgi");
			llwarns << "Adding Legacy Login Service at:" << grid_entry->grid[GRID_LOGIN_URI_VALUE].asString() << llendl;

		// Populate to the default values
		if (!grid_entry->grid.has(GRID_LOGIN_PAGE_VALUE)) 
			grid_entry->grid[GRID_LOGIN_PAGE_VALUE] = std::string("http://") + grid + "/app/login/";
			llwarns << "Adding Legacy Login Screen at:" << grid_entry->grid[GRID_LOGIN_PAGE_VALUE].asString() << llendl;
		if (!grid_entry->grid.has(GRID_HELPER_URI_VALUE)) 
			llwarns << "Adding Legacy Economy at:" << grid_entry->grid[GRID_HELPER_URI_VALUE].asString() << llendl;
			grid_entry->grid[GRID_HELPER_URI_VALUE] = std::string("https://") + grid + "/helpers/";

	if(FAIL != state)
		std::string grid = utf8str_tolower(grid_entry->grid[GRID_VALUE]);

		if (!grid_entry->grid.has(GRID_LOGIN_IDENTIFIER_TYPES))
			// non system grids and grids that haven't already been configured with values
			// get both types of credentials.
			grid_entry->grid[GRID_LOGIN_IDENTIFIER_TYPES] = LLSD::emptyArray();
		bool is_current = grid_entry->set_current;
		grid_entry->set_current = false;
			if (!mGridList.has(grid)) //new grid
				//finally add the grid \o/
				mGridList[grid] = grid_entry->grid;

				LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "Adding new entry: " << grid << LL_ENDL;
				LLSD existing_grid = mGridList[grid];
				if (!existing_grid.has("LastModified"))
					//lack of "LastModified" means existing_grid is from fallback list,
					// assume its anyway older and override with the new entry

					mGridList[grid] = grid_entry->grid;
					//number of mGridEntries doesn't change
					LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "Using custom entry: " << grid << LL_ENDL;
				else if (grid_entry->grid.has("LastModified"))
// (time_t)saved_value.secondsSinceEpoch();
					LLDate testing_newer = grid_entry->grid["LastModified"];
					LLDate existing = existing_grid["LastModified"];

					LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "testing_newer " << testing_newer
								<< " existing " << existing << LL_ENDL;

					if(testing_newer.secondsSinceEpoch() > existing.secondsSinceEpoch())
						//existing_grid is older, override.
						mGridList[grid] = grid_entry->grid;
						//number of mGridEntries doesn't change
						LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "Updating entry: " << grid << LL_ENDL;
					LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "Same or newer entry already present: " << grid << LL_ENDL;

				mGrid = grid;
				LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "Selected grid is " << mGrid << LL_ENDL;		

// This is only of use if we want to fetch infos of entire gridlists at startup
	if(grid_entry && FINISH == state || FAIL == state)

		if((FINISH == state && !mCommandLineDone && 0 == mResponderCount)
			||(FAIL == state && grid_entry->set_current) )
			LL_DEBUGS("GridManager") << "init CmdLineGrids"  << LL_ENDL;


	if (grid_entry)
		if(!grid_entry->mOnDoneCallback.empty()) {
		delete grid_entry;
		grid_entry = NULL;