예제 #1
파일: sample_base.c 프로젝트: hiuprocon/pve
void back_to_destination(const vec3d *v) {
  double power = 0.0;
  double steering = 0.0;
  char msg[100];
  vec3d dir;
  double dis;
  double targetVel;

  dis = v3length(&dir);
  if (dis!=0.0) v3normalize(&dir);

  targetVel = dis > 15 ? 15 : dis;
  if (v3dot(&dir,&front)<0.0) {
    steering = 0.3 * v3dot(&dir,&left);
    power = -300*(targetVel - v3length(&vel));
    power = power > 300 ? 300 : power;
    power = power < -300 ? -300 : power;
  } else {
    steering = 1.0;
    power = 150;

  sprintf(msg,"drive %.16f %.16f",power,steering);
예제 #2
파일: imu.cpp 프로젝트: pbreed/MOD5213AP
void IMU_GetAircraftSpaceState( vec3 *imu_north, vec3 *imu_down, vec3 *rates )
// Fill in this function and return sensor values for the IMU algorithm to use:
//		imu_north - Normalized magnetometer vector
//		imu_down  - Normalized accelerometer, with optional centrepetal force correction applied.
//		rates	  - rads/sec gyro rates
//+Gy = + pitch (Nose Up)
//+Gx = + roll  (Right wing down)
//+Gz = + yaw   (Nose right)
//AX=1.0 = -90 pitch
//AX=-1.0 = 90 pitch
//Ay=1.0  =+ 90 Roll
//Ay -1.0	= -90 Roll
//Az -1.0 = Inverted
//Az 1.0 = level
//Mx 0.5, My=0; Mz=-0.86  -> Heading ~ 0
//Mx 0, My =0.5, Mz=-0.86 ->Heading ~ -90
//Mx -0.5, My=0; Mz=-0.86  -> Heading ~ 180
//Mx 0, My =-0.5, Mz=-0.86 ->Heading ~ +90
	// TODO: You need to read your ADC, apply calibration tables, and return these values.	

	vec3 tmp;
	if (
		 (lMy!=0) || 
		 (lMx!=0) || 
예제 #3
파일: imu.cpp 프로젝트: pbreed/MOD5213AP
void IMU_Update( float dt ,float slew_scale)
// Main IMU sensor fusion function. Call frequently.
// R_estimate - Estimated vehicle orientation (in/out)
// dt - timestep, in seconds.
	quat erector;
	vec3 imu_north, imu_down, rates;

	// Read our sensors and get engineering units...
	IMU_GetAircraftSpaceState( &imu_north, &imu_down, &rates);

	// Euler Integrate our angluar rate gyros into R
	IMU_IntegrateGyros( dt, &rates, &g_gyroFrame);

	// Get the down vector in world space.	
	//IE rotate from measured IMU down to what it would be in world space
	//If the gryo frame was without error.
	vec3 v_measured_down_world;
	Quat_RotateVec3( &g_gyroFrame, &v_measured_down_world, &imu_down);

	// Get erector quaternion from measured down and "reference" down.
	//G World down shoudl probably be adjusted with GPS measured acceleratiosn to give
	//a proper value accouting for accelearations etc...
	if( IMU_GetErectorQuat( &erector, &g_gyroFrame, &v_measured_down_world, &g_world_down , ERECT_RPS*slew_scale, dt) )
		// If a correction is needed, apply the erector rotation to our estimate.
		Quat_Multiply( &g_gyroFrame, &erector, &g_gyroFrame );
	// Get the north vector in world space, flattened on the X-Y plane
	vec3 v_measured_north_world;
	Quat_RotateVec3( &g_gyroFrame, &v_measured_north_world, &imu_north);
	v_measured_north_world.z = 0.0f;

	// Get erector quaternion from measured north and "reference" north.
	if( IMU_GetErectorQuat( &erector, &g_gyroFrame, &v_measured_north_world, &g_world_north , NORTH_RPS*slew_scale, dt) )
		// If a correction is needed, apply the erector rotation to our estimate.
		Quat_Multiply( &g_gyroFrame, &erector, &g_gyroFrame );
예제 #4
파일: imu.cpp 프로젝트: pbreed/MOD5213AP
void IMU_IntegrateGyros(float dt, vec3 *rates, quat *pGyroFrame)
// Integrate gyros into our gyro frame. 
	// Get rotation axis from gyros, and rate in rads/sec	
	if ((rates->x==0.0f) && (rates->y==0.0f) && (rates->z==0.0f)) return;

	vec3 axis;	
	float rate = v3normalize(&axis,rates);


	// Get a quat for the displacement this timestep did.
	quat q_dot;
	Quat_SetAxisAndAngle( &q_dot, &axis, rate * dt);

	Quat_Multiply(pGyroFrame, pGyroFrame, &q_dot);
	Quat_Normalize( pGyroFrame);
예제 #5
파일: imu.cpp 프로젝트: pbreed/MOD5213AP
bool IMU_GetErectorQuat( quat *q_erect_out, quat *frame, vec3 *v_measured, vec3 *v_reference, float rads_sec, float dt)
// Calculates the quaternion needed to rotate the measured vector to the reference vector (world space) at a fixed correction rate
// Returns TRUE if correction is necessary, or FALSE if it is below the threshold of caring.
	// Get the rotation axis we'll use to erect.
	// (Normalize returns the length. We do a lower limit. No sense in correcting if we're close)

	vec3 c;
	v3cross(&c,v_measured, v_reference);	
	if( v3normalize(&c,&c) > 1.0f * RADIANS_PER_DEGREE)			
		// Get the angle between the two vectors, and clamp to that limit. We don't want to overshoot.
		// Angles are always positive since the rotation angle flips appropriately.
		float rads =  rads_sec * g_rps_scale * dt;
		float a = fabs(clamped_acos(v3dot(v_measured, v_reference)));
		if((rads>a)  && (rads>0))
		if((rads<-a) && (rads<0))
		// Get the quat that rotates our sensor toward the world vector by the specified amount
		Quat_SetAxisAndAngle( q_erect_out, &c, rads); 		

		return true;

	return false;