예제 #1
파일: main.c 프로젝트: paulbartell/EE-472
void vOLEDTask( void *pvParameters )
    xOLEDMessage xMessage;
    unsigned portLONG ulY, ulMaxY;
    static portCHAR cMessage[ mainMAX_MSG_LEN ];
    extern volatile unsigned portLONG ulMaxJitter;
    unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxUnusedStackOnEntry;
    const unsigned portCHAR *pucImage;

// Functions to access the OLED. 

    void ( *vOLEDInit )( unsigned portLONG ) = NULL;
    void ( *vOLEDStringDraw )( const portCHAR *, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portCHAR ) = NULL;
    void ( *vOLEDImageDraw )( const unsigned portCHAR *, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG ) = NULL;
    void ( *vOLEDClear )( void ) = NULL;
    vOLEDInit = RIT128x96x4Init;
    vOLEDStringDraw = RIT128x96x4StringDraw;
    vOLEDImageDraw = RIT128x96x4ImageDraw;
    vOLEDClear = RIT128x96x4Clear;
    ulMaxY = mainMAX_ROWS_96;
    pucImage = pucBasicBitmap;
// Just for demo purposes.
    uxUnusedStackOnEntry = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL );
    ulY = ulMaxY;
    /* Initialise the OLED  */
    vOLEDInit( ulSSI_FREQUENCY );	
    while( 1 )
      // Wait for a message to arrive that requires displaying.
      xQueueReceive( xOLEDQueue, &xMessage, portMAX_DELAY );
      // Write the message on the next available row. 
      ulY += mainCHARACTER_HEIGHT;
      if( ulY >= ulMaxY )
          ulY = mainCHARACTER_HEIGHT;
      // Display the message  
      sprintf( cMessage, "%s", xMessage.pcMessage);
      vOLEDStringDraw( cMessage, 0, ulY, mainFULL_SCALE );
예제 #2
void vOLEDTask( void *pvParameters )
xOLEDMessage xMessage;
unsigned portLONG ulY, ulMaxY;
static portCHAR cMessage[ mainMAX_MSG_LEN ];
extern volatile unsigned portLONG ulMaxJitter;
unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxUnusedStackOnEntry, uxUnusedStackNow;
const unsigned portCHAR *pucImage;

/* Functions to access the OLED.  The one used depends on the dev kit
being used. */
/* tBoolean is defined as a unsigned char in hw_types.h */
void ( *vOLEDInit )( unsigned portCHAR ) = NULL;
void ( *vOLEDStringDraw )( const portCHAR *, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG ) = NULL;
void ( *vOLEDImageDraw )( const unsigned portCHAR *, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG ) = NULL;
void ( *vOLEDClear )( void ) = NULL;

	/* Just for demo purposes. */
	uxUnusedStackOnEntry = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL );

	/* Point display functions to SSD driver functions */
	vOLEDInit = Display96x16x1Init;
	vOLEDStringDraw = Display96x16x1StringDraw;
	vOLEDImageDraw = Display96x16x1ImageDraw;
	vOLEDClear = Display96x16x1Clear;
	ulMaxY = mainMAX_ROWS_16;
	pucImage = pucBasicBitmap;

	ulY = ulMaxY;

	/* Initialise the OLED and display a startup message. */
	vOLEDInit( 1 );
	vOLEDStringDraw( "POWERED BY FreeRTOS", 0, 0 );
	vOLEDImageDraw( pucImage, 0, mainCHARACTER_HEIGHT + 1, bmpBITMAP_WIDTH, bmpBITMAP_HEIGHT );

	for( ;; )
		/* Wait for a message to arrive that requires displaying. */
		xQueueReceive( xOLEDQueue, &xMessage, portMAX_DELAY );

		/* Write the message on the next available row. */
		if( ulY >= ulMaxY )
			vOLEDStringDraw( pcWelcomeMessage, 0, 0 );

		/* Display the message along with the maximum jitter time from the
		high priority time test. */
		sprintf( cMessage, "%s [%uns]", xMessage.pcMessage, ulMaxJitter * mainNS_PER_CLOCK );
		vOLEDStringDraw( cMessage, 0, ulY );
예제 #3
파일: main.c 프로젝트: azim1866/ECE5770
void vOLEDTask( void *pvParameters )
xOLEDMessage xMessage;
unsigned portLONG ulY, ulMaxY;
static portCHAR cMessage[ mainMAX_MSG_LEN ];
extern volatile unsigned portLONG ulMaxJitter;
unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxUnusedStackOnEntry;
const unsigned portCHAR *pucImage;

/* Functions to access the OLED.  The one used depends on the dev kit
being used. */
void ( *vOLEDInit )( unsigned portLONG ) = NULL;
void ( *vOLEDStringDraw )( const portCHAR *, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portCHAR ) = NULL;
void ( *vOLEDImageDraw )( const unsigned portCHAR *, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG ) = NULL;
void ( *vOLEDClear )( void ) = NULL;

	/* Just for demo purposes. */
	uxUnusedStackOnEntry = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL );

	/* Map the OLED access functions to the driver functions that are appropriate
	for the evaluation kit being used. */	
		case SYSCTL_DID1_PRTNO_6965	:	
		case SYSCTL_DID1_PRTNO_2965	:	vOLEDInit = OSRAM128x64x4Init;
										vOLEDStringDraw = OSRAM128x64x4StringDraw;
										vOLEDImageDraw = OSRAM128x64x4ImageDraw;
										vOLEDClear = OSRAM128x64x4Clear;
										ulMaxY = mainMAX_ROWS_64;
										pucImage = pucBasicBitmap;
		case SYSCTL_DID1_PRTNO_1968	:	
		case SYSCTL_DID1_PRTNO_8962 :	vOLEDInit = RIT128x96x4Init;
										vOLEDStringDraw = RIT128x96x4StringDraw;
										vOLEDImageDraw = RIT128x96x4ImageDraw;
										vOLEDClear = RIT128x96x4Clear;
										ulMaxY = mainMAX_ROWS_96;
										pucImage = pucBasicBitmap;
		default						:	vOLEDInit = vFormike128x128x16Init;
										vOLEDStringDraw = vFormike128x128x16StringDraw;
										vOLEDImageDraw = vFormike128x128x16ImageDraw;
										vOLEDClear = vFormike128x128x16Clear;
										ulMaxY = mainMAX_ROWS_128;
										pucImage = pucGrLibBitmap;

	ulY = ulMaxY;
	/* Initialise the OLED and display a startup message. */
	vOLEDStringDraw( "POWERED BY FreeRTOS", 0, 0, mainFULL_SCALE );
	vOLEDImageDraw( pucImage, 0, mainCHARACTER_HEIGHT + 1, bmpBITMAP_WIDTH, bmpBITMAP_HEIGHT );
	for( ;; )
		/* Wait for a message to arrive that requires displaying. */
		xQueueReceive( xOLEDQueue, &xMessage, portMAX_DELAY );
		/* Write the message on the next available row. */
		if( ulY >= ulMaxY )
			vOLEDStringDraw( pcWelcomeMessage, 0, 0, mainFULL_SCALE );			

		/* Display the message along with the maximum jitter time from the
		high priority time test. */
		sprintf( cMessage, "%s [%uns]", xMessage.pcMessage, ulMaxJitter * mainNS_PER_CLOCK );
		vOLEDStringDraw( cMessage, 0, ulY, mainFULL_SCALE );
예제 #4
파일: Functions.c 프로젝트: suix2/InUW
void vOLEDTask( void *pvParameters )
    xOLEDMessage xMessage;
    unsigned portLONG ulY, ulMaxY;
    static portCHAR cMessage[ mainMAX_MSG_LEN ];
    extern volatile unsigned portLONG ulMaxJitter;
    unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxUnusedStackOnEntry;
    const unsigned portCHAR *pucImage;
    static int zz=0;
// Functions to access the OLED. 

    void ( *vOLEDInit )( unsigned portLONG ) = NULL;
    void ( *vOLEDStringDraw )( const portCHAR *, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portCHAR ) = NULL;
    void ( *vOLEDImageDraw )( const unsigned portCHAR *, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG ) = NULL;
    void ( *vOLEDClear )( void ) = NULL;
    vOLEDInit = RIT128x96x4Init;
    vOLEDStringDraw = RIT128x96x4StringDraw;
    vOLEDImageDraw = RIT128x96x4ImageDraw;
    vOLEDClear = RIT128x96x4Clear;
    ulMaxY = mainMAX_ROWS_96;
    pucImage = pucBasicBitmap;
// Just for demo purposes.
    uxUnusedStackOnEntry = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL );
    ulY = ulMaxY;
    /* Initialise the OLED  */
    vOLEDInit( ulSSI_FREQUENCY );	
    long button=0;
    while( 1 )
       // RIT128x96x4StringDraw("Oled   ", 10, 80, 15); 
      if (Clear){
     // Wait for a message to arrive that requires displaying.
      xQueueReceive( xOLEDQueue, &xMessage, portMAX_DELAY );
      // Write the message on the next available row. 
//      ulY += mainCHARACTER_HEIGHT;
//      button=GPIOPinRead(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_1);
//      if( button ==0)
//      {
//        if (zz==0){  //ulY = mainCHARACTER_HEIGHT;
//          vOLEDClear();zz++;
//        }else if (zz==50){zz=0;} else {zz++;}
//      } 
      sprintf(cMessage,"%u",GPIOPinRead(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_1));
      vOLEDStringDraw( cMessage, 0, 80, mainFULL_SCALE );
      // Display the message  
     // vOLEDClear();                
      //if (xMessage.msg==1) 
       sprintf( cMessage, "%u", *(xMessage.pIMessage));
        vOLEDStringDraw( "        ", *xMessage.X_LocI, *xMessage.Y_LocI, mainFULL_SCALE );
        vOLEDStringDraw( cMessage, *xMessage.X_LocI, *xMessage.Y_LocI, mainFULL_SCALE );
        sprintf( cMessage, "%s", xMessage.pcMessage);      
        vOLEDStringDraw( cMessage, *xMessage.X_Locs, *xMessage.Y_Locs, mainFULL_SCALE );
      //else {
//        sprintf( cMessage, "%u", *(xMessage.pIMessage));
//        vOLEDStringDraw( "        ", *xMessage.X_LocI, *xMessage.Y_LocI, mainFULL_SCALE );
//        break;
예제 #5
파일: oLED.c 프로젝트: yguo89/RTOS
// *************** vOLEDTask *************** 						  
void vOLEDTask( void *pvParameters )
	xOLEDMessage                       xMessage;
	unsigned portLONG                  ulY, ulMaxY;
//	unsigned portBASE_TYPE             uxUnusedStackOnEntry;
	/* Functions to access the OLED. The one used depends on the dev kit
       being used. */
	void ( *vOLEDInit )( unsigned portLONG ) = NULL;
	void ( *vOLEDStringDraw )( const portCHAR *, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portCHAR ) = NULL;
	void ( *vOLEDImageDraw )( const unsigned portCHAR *, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG, unsigned portLONG ) = NULL;
	void ( *vOLEDClear )( void ) = NULL;									 

	/* Create the queue used by the OLED task.  Messages for display on the OLED
       are received via this queue. */
	xOLEDQueue = xQueueCreate( mainOLED_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof( xOLEDMessage ) );

	/* Get the "high water mark" for this thread's stack. This value indicates
	   the smallest amount of unused stack reached for this thread. A value of
	   0 means the thread has either filled or overflowed its stack. Note that
	   this function call is for demo only and serves no purpose here. */
//	uxUnusedStackOnEntry = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL );

	/* Map the OLED access functions to the driver functions that are appropriate
	   for the evaluation kit being used. */	
//		case SYSCTL_DID1_PRTNO_6965	:	
//		case SYSCTL_DID1_PRTNO_2965	:	vOLEDInit = OSRAM128x64x4Init;
//										vOLEDStringDraw = OSRAM128x64x4StringDraw;
//										vOLEDImageDraw = OSRAM128x64x4ImageDraw;
//										vOLEDClear = OSRAM128x64x4Clear;
//										ulMaxY = mainMAX_ROWS_64;
//										break;
		case SYSCTL_DID1_PRTNO_1968	:	
		case SYSCTL_DID1_PRTNO_8962 :
		default                     :	vOLEDInit = RIT128x96x4Init;
										vOLEDStringDraw = RIT128x96x4StringDraw;
										vOLEDImageDraw = RIT128x96x4ImageDraw;
										vOLEDClear = RIT128x96x4Clear;
										ulMaxY = mainMAX_ROWS_96;
//		default						:	vOLEDInit = vFormike128x128x16Init;
//										vOLEDStringDraw = vFormike128x128x16StringDraw;
//										vOLEDImageDraw = vFormike128x128x16ImageDraw;
//										vOLEDClear = vFormike128x128x16Clear;
//										ulMaxY = mainMAX_ROWS_128;
//										break;

	ulY = ulMaxY;
	/* Initialise the OLED and display a startup message. */
	vOLEDStringDraw( "POWERED BY FreeRTOS", 0, 0, mainFULL_SCALE );
	for( ;; )
		/* Wait for a message to arrive that requires displaying. */
		xQueueReceive( xOLEDQueue, &xMessage, portMAX_DELAY );
		/* Write the message on the next available row. */
		if( ulY >= ulMaxY )
			//vOLEDStringDraw( pcWelcomeMessage, 0, 0, mainFULL_SCALE );			

		/* Display the message along with the maximum jitter time from the
	       high priority time test. */	
		vOLEDStringDraw( xMessage.pcMessage, 0, ulY, mainFULL_SCALE );