예제 #1
static cell_t GetClientsInRange(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
	cell_t *origin;
	pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[1], &origin);

	Vector vOrigin(sp_ctof(origin[0]), sp_ctof(origin[1]), sp_ctof(origin[2]));

	ClientRangeType rangeType = (ClientRangeType) params[2];

	engine->Message_DetermineMulticastRecipients(rangeType == ClientRangeType::Audibility, vOrigin, players);

	cell_t *outPlayers;
	pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[3], &outPlayers);

	int maxPlayers = params[4];
	int curPlayers = 0;

	int index = players.FindNextSetBit(0);
	while (index > -1 && curPlayers < maxPlayers)
		int entidx = index + 1;
		CPlayer *pPlayer = g_Players.GetPlayerByIndex(entidx);
		if (pPlayer && pPlayer->IsInGame())
			outPlayers[curPlayers++] = entidx;

		index = players.FindNextSetBit(index + 1);

	return curPlayers;
예제 #2
파일: clients.cpp 프로젝트: borzh/botrix
void CClient::PreThink()
    int iLastWaypoint = iCurrentWaypoint;

    // Client don't have access to waypoint modification.
    if ( FLAG_CLEARED(FCommandAccessWaypoint, iCommandAccessFlags) )

    // Check if lost waypoint, in that case add new one.
    if ( bAutoCreateWaypoints && m_bAlive &&
         ( !CWaypoint::IsValid(iCurrentWaypoint) ||
           (GetHead().DistToSqr(CWaypoints::Get(iCurrentWaypoint).vOrigin) >= SQR(CWaypoint::iDefaultDistance)) ) )
        Vector vOrigin( GetHead() );

        // Add new waypoint, but distance from previous one must not be bigger than iDefaultDistance.
        if ( CWaypoint::IsValid(iLastWaypoint) )
            CWaypoint& wLast = CWaypoints::Get(iLastWaypoint);
            vOrigin -= wLast.vOrigin;
            vOrigin *= CWaypoint::iDefaultDistance;
            vOrigin += wLast.vOrigin;

        // Add new waypoint.
        iCurrentWaypoint = CWaypoints::Add(vOrigin);

        // Add paths from previous to current.
        if ( CWaypoint::IsValid(iLastWaypoint) )
            float fHeight = GetPlayerInfo()->GetPlayerMaxs().z - GetPlayerInfo()->GetPlayerMins().z + 1;
            bool bIsCrouched = (fHeight < CMod::iPlayerHeight);

            CWaypoints::CreatePathsWithAutoFlags(iLastWaypoint, iCurrentWaypoint, bIsCrouched);
            iDestinationWaypoint = iLastWaypoint;

    // Calculate destination waypoint according to angles. Path's should be drawn.
    if ( !bLockDestinationWaypoint && (iPathDrawFlags != FPathDrawNone) &&
         (CWaypoints::fNextDrawWaypointsTime >= CBotrixPlugin::fTime) )
        QAngle ang;
        iDestinationWaypoint = CWaypoints::GetAimedWaypoint( GetHead(), ang );

    // Draw waypoints.
    CWaypoints::Draw(this); // TODO: should not draw for several admins...

    // Draw entities.
예제 #3
bool UnitSphere::intersect( Ray3D& ray, const Matrix4x4& worldToModel,
		const Matrix4x4& modelToWorld ) {
	// TODO: implement intersection code for UnitSphere, which is centred 
	// on the origin.  
	// Your goal here is to fill ray.intersection with correct values
	// should an intersection occur.  This includes intersection.point, 
	// intersection.normal, intersection.none, intersection.t_hit.   
	// HINT: Remember to first transform the ray into object space  
	// to simplify the intersection test.

    Ray3D modelRay;
    double discriminant;
    double a, b, c;
    double t, t0, t1;
    int inside = 1;
    // Transform ray to model space.
    modelRay.origin = worldToModel * ray.origin;
    modelRay.dir = worldToModel * ray.dir;
    // Compute coefficients of quadractic formula.
    Vector3D vOrigin(modelRay.origin[0], modelRay.origin[1], modelRay.origin[2]);
    a = modelRay.dir.dot(modelRay.dir);
    b = modelRay.dir.dot(vOrigin);
    c = vOrigin.dot(vOrigin) - 1.0;
    // Compute discriminant of quadractic formula.
    discriminant = (b * b) - (a * c);
    if (discriminant < 0) {
        // No real roots. No intersection.
        return false;
    t0 = (-b - sqrt(discriminant)) / a;
    t1 = (-b + sqrt(discriminant)) / a;
    t = t0;
    if (t < ray.intersection.t_min || t > ray.intersection.t_max) {
        t = t1;
        if (t < ray.intersection.t_min || t > ray.intersection.t_max) {
            return false;
        inside = -1;
        ray.intersection.inside = true;
    if (!ray.intersection.none && t > ray.intersection.t_hit) {
        return false;
    Point3D intPoint = modelRay.origin + (t * modelRay.dir);
    Vector3D surfaceNormal = inside * (intPoint - Point3D(0, 0, 0));
    ray.intersection.point = modelToWorld * intPoint;
    ray.intersection.normal = transNorm(worldToModel, surfaceNormal);
    ray.intersection.t_hit = t;
    ray.intersection.none = false;
    return true;
예제 #4
bool UnitCylinder::intersect( Ray3D& ray, const Matrix4x4& worldToModel,
        const Matrix4x4& modelToWorld ) {
    Ray3D modelRay;
    Point3D intPoint;
    Vector3D surfaceNormal;
    double discriminant;
    double a, b, c;
    double t0, t1, h, r, p_x, p_z, d_x, d_z;
    double t;
    bool isParallel = false;
    // 0 - cylinder_t0, 1 - cylinder_t1, 2 - top, 3 - bot
    double intersection_ts[4];
    double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    // initialize intersection_ts to infinities
    for (int i=0; i < 4; i++) {
	    intersection_ts[i] = inf;
    h = 1.0;
    r = 0.5;
    // Transform ray to model space.
    modelRay.origin = worldToModel * ray.origin;
    modelRay.dir = worldToModel * ray.dir;

    // Compute coefficients of quadractic formula.
    p_x = modelRay.origin[0];
    p_z = modelRay.origin[2];
    d_x = modelRay.dir[0];
    d_z = modelRay.dir[2];
    a = pow(d_x, 2) + pow(d_z, 2);
    b = (2 * p_x * d_x) + (2 * p_z * d_z);
    c = pow(p_x, 2) + pow(p_z, 2) - pow(r, 2);
    // Compute discriminant of quadractic formula.
    discriminant = (b * b) - (4 * a * c);

    if (discriminant >= 0) {

	    t0 = (-b - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);
	    t1 = (-b + sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);
	    Point3D intPoint_0 = modelRay.origin + (t0 * modelRay.dir);
	    Point3D intPoint_1 = modelRay.origin + (t1 * modelRay.dir);

        if (t0 >= ray.intersection.t_min && t0 <= ray.intersection.t_max) {
            if ((intPoint_0[1] >= 0 && intPoint_0[1] <= h)) {
                intersection_ts[0] = t0;

        if (t1 >= ray.intersection.t_min && t1 <= ray.intersection.t_max) {
            if ((intPoint_1[1] >= 0 && intPoint_1[1] <= h)) {
            intersection_ts[1] = t1;

        ray.intersection.inside = true;

    // Check if it intersected the top or bottom cap
    Vector3D surfaceNormalTopCirc(0, 1, 0);    // Constant surface normal.
    Vector3D surfaceNormalBotCirc(0, -1, 0);   // Constant surface normal.
    double t_top, t_bot;                       // Intersection parameter.
    // Compute intersection between ray and ZX-plane.
    double d_dot_n_top = modelRay.dir.dot(surfaceNormalTopCirc);
    double d_dot_n_bot = modelRay.dir.dot(surfaceNormalBotCirc);

    if (d_dot_n_top == 0.0) {
        // Ray is parallel to planes
        isParallel = true;

    if (!isParallel) {
        Vector3D vOrigin(modelRay.origin[0], modelRay.origin[1], modelRay.origin[2]);
        t_top = -(vOrigin.dot(surfaceNormalTopCirc) - h) / d_dot_n_top;
        t_bot = -(vOrigin.dot(surfaceNormalBotCirc)) / d_dot_n_bot;
        Point3D intPoint_top = modelRay.origin + (t_top * modelRay.dir);
        Point3D intPoint_bot = modelRay.origin + (t_bot * modelRay.dir);
        if ((t_top >= ray.intersection.t_min && t_top <= ray.intersection.t_max) &&
            ((pow(intPoint_top[0], 2) + pow(intPoint_top[2], 2) - pow(r, 2)) <= 0)) {
            intersection_ts[2] = t_top;
        if ((t_bot >= ray.intersection.t_min && t_bot <= ray.intersection.t_max) &&
            ((pow(intPoint_bot[0], 2) + pow(intPoint_bot[2], 2) - pow(r, 2)) <= 0)) {
            intersection_ts[3] = t_bot;

    // Get the smallest t value index
    int indexOfSmallest = 0;
    double smallest_t = intersection_ts[0];

    for (int i=0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (intersection_ts[i] < smallest_t) {
            smallest_t = intersection_ts[i];
            indexOfSmallest = i;
    if (smallest_t == inf) {
        return false;
    } else {
        t = smallest_t;

        if (!ray.intersection.none && t > ray.intersection.t_hit) {
            return false;

        intPoint = modelRay.origin + (t * modelRay.dir);

        if (indexOfSmallest == 0 || indexOfSmallest == 1) {
            surfaceNormal = intPoint - Point3D(0, intPoint[1], 0);
        } else if (indexOfSmallest == 2) {
            surfaceNormal = surfaceNormalTopCirc;
        } else {
            surfaceNormal = surfaceNormalBotCirc;
        ray.intersection.point = modelToWorld * intPoint;
        ray.intersection.normal = transNorm(worldToModel, surfaceNormal);
        ray.intersection.t_hit = t;
        ray.intersection.none = false;
        return true;