// write the rboot config // preserves the contents of the rest of the sector, // so the rest of the sector can be used to store user data // updates checksum automatically (if enabled) bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rboot_set_config(rboot_config *conf) { uint8 *buffer; buffer = (uint8*)os_malloc(SECTOR_SIZE); if (!buffer) { //os_printf("No ram!\r\n"); return false; } #ifdef BOOT_CONFIG_CHKSUM conf->chksum = calc_chksum((uint8*)conf, (uint8*)&conf->chksum); #endif spi_flash_read(BOOT_CONFIG_SECTOR * SECTOR_SIZE, (uint32*)((void*)buffer), SECTOR_SIZE); memcpy(buffer, conf, sizeof(rboot_config)); vPortEnterCritical(); spi_flash_erase_sector(BOOT_CONFIG_SECTOR); vPortExitCritical(); taskYIELD(); vPortEnterCritical(); //spi_flash_write(BOOT_CONFIG_SECTOR * SECTOR_SIZE, (uint32*)((void*)buffer), SECTOR_SIZE); spi_flash_write(BOOT_CONFIG_SECTOR * SECTOR_SIZE, (uint32*)((void*)buffer), SECTOR_SIZE); vPortExitCritical(); os_free(buffer); return true; }
err_t sio_close( serdev_t * dev ) { int i; err_t error = ERR_VAL; for( i = 0; i < UART_DEVICES_MAX; i++ ) { if( &devices[i] == dev ) { break; } } if( i < UART_DEVICES_MAX ) { vPortEnterCritical( ); error = sio_close_low_level( i, dev ); vPortExitCritical( ); if( dev->tx_sem != ( xSemaphoreHandle ) 0 ) { vQueueDelete( dev->tx_sem ); } if( dev->rx_sem != ( xSemaphoreHandle ) 0 ) { vQueueDelete( dev->tx_sem ); } SIO_RESET_STATE( dev ); } return error; }
void PendSV( char req ) { char tmp=0; if(ClosedLv1Isr == 0) { vPortEnterCritical(); tmp = 1; } if(req ==1) { SWReq = 1; } else HdlMacSig= 1; #if 0 GPIO_REG_WRITE(GPIO_STATUS_W1TS_ADDRESS, 0x40); #else if(PendSvIsPosted == 0) { PendSvIsPosted = 1; xthal_set_intset(1<<ETS_SOFT_INUM); } #endif if(tmp == 1) vPortExitCritical(); }
uint32_t rtc_get_jiffies(void) { vPortEnterCritical(); static unsigned last, count; unsigned divh, divl; do { divh = RTC->DIVH & 0x0F; divl = RTC->DIVL; } while (divh != (RTC->DIVH & 0x0F)); unsigned ticks = RTC_PRESCALER - (divh << 16) - divl; count += ticks - last; if (ticks < last) count += RTC_PRESCALER; last = ticks; vPortExitCritical(); return count; }
int _gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp, void *tzvp) { if (tp) { unsigned divh, divl, cnth, cntl; vPortEnterCritical(); do { divh = RTC->DIVH & 0x0F; divl = RTC->DIVL; cnth = RTC->CNTH; cntl = RTC->CNTL; } while (divh != (RTC->DIVH & 0x0F)); vPortExitCritical(); tp->tv_sec = (cnth << 16) + cntl; tp->tv_usec = RTC_JIFFIES_TO_US( RTC_PRESCALER - (divh << 16) - divl ); } struct timezone *tzp = tzvp; if (tzp) { tzp->tz_minuteswest = 0; tzp->tz_dsttime = 0; } return 0; }
void WriteScriptPage(Serial *serial, unsigned int argc, char **argv){ if (argc < 2){ put_commandError(serial, ERROR_CODE_INVALID_PARAM); return; } unsigned int page = modp_atoi(argv[1]); char *scriptPage = ""; if (argc >= 3) scriptPage = argv[2]; if (page >=0 && page < SCRIPT_PAGES){ if (argc >= 2) unescape(scriptPage); lockLua(); vPortEnterCritical(); pr_info_int(strlen(scriptPage)); pr_info("="); pr_info(scriptPage); pr_info("\r\n"); int result = flashScriptPage(page, scriptPage); vPortExitCritical(); unlockLua(); if (result == 0){ put_commandOK(serial); } else{ put_commandError(serial, result); } } else{ put_commandError(serial, ERROR_CODE_INVALID_PARAM); } }
u32_t sio_write( sio_fd_t fd, u8_t * buf, u32_t size ) { u32_t ch_left; volatile serdev_t *dev = fd; if( dev->ready ) { ch_left = size; while( ch_left > 0 ) { vPortEnterCritical( ); while( ( dev->tx_buf_cnt < DEFAULT_TX_BUFSIZE ) && ( ch_left > 0 ) ) { dev->tx_buf[dev->tx_buf_wrpos] = *buf++; dev->tx_buf_wrpos = ( dev->tx_buf_wrpos + 1 ) % DEFAULT_TX_BUFSIZE; dev->tx_buf_cnt++; ch_left--; } /* Enable transmit FIFO empty interrupts and block. */ UART_ItConfig( dev->UARTx, UART_TxHalfEmpty, ENABLE ); vPortExitCritical( ); /* Not all characters sent within one write. Block on a semaphore * which is triggered when the buffer is empty again. */ if( ch_left != 0 ) { while( xSemaphoreTake( dev->tx_sem, portMAX_DELAY ) != pdTRUE ); } } } return size; }
unsigned char SWWriteSPI(unsigned char cData) { unsigned char i; unsigned char send; vPortEnterCritical(); SmartDelay_spi(5); send = cData&0xff; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { SPICLK2(0); if (send & 0x80) SPIDO2(1); else SPIDO2(0); send <<= 1; SmartDelay_spi(2); SPICLK2(1); SmartDelay_spi(5); } //SPICLK(0); //SPIDO(0); vPortExitCritical(); return 0; }
uint8_t EEPROM_Write(uint16_t AddressToWrite, void* DataArray, uint16_t BytesToWrite) { IAP_Result[0] = 0; //TODO: check to make sure the address is valid #ifdef USE_EEPROM_LIB IAP_Command[0] = EELIB_IAP_COMMAND_EEPROM_WRITE; //EEPROM library write command #else IAP_Command[0] = IAP_EEPROM_WRITE; //IAP EEPROM write command #endif IAP_Command[1] = (uint32_t)AddressToWrite; //EEPROM address to write to IAP_Command[2] = (uint32_t)DataArray; //RAM address of the data to write IAP_Command[3] = (uint32_t)BytesToWrite; //Number of bytes to write IAP_Command[4] = SystemCoreClock/1000; //System clock frequency in kHz #ifdef USE_EEPROM_LIB EELIB_entry(IAP_Command, IAP_Result); #else vPortEnterCritical(); iap_entry(IAP_Command, IAP_Result); vPortExitCritical(); #endif return (uint8_t)IAP_Result[0]; }
/* Creates and returns a new semaphore. The "count" argument specifies * the initial state of the semaphore. */ sys_sem_t sys_sem_new( u8_t count ) { xSemaphoreHandle xSemaphore; vSemaphoreCreateBinary( xSemaphore ); if( xSemaphore != SYS_SEM_NULL ) { if( count == 0 ) { xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, 1 ); } #ifdef SYS_STATS vPortEnterCritical( ); lwip_stats.sys.sem.used++; if( lwip_stats.sys.sem.used > lwip_stats.sys.sem.max ) { lwip_stats.sys.sem.max = lwip_stats.sys.sem.used; } vPortExitCritical( ); #endif } else { LWIP_ASSERT( "sys_sem_new: xSemaphore == SYS_SEM_NULL", xSemaphore != SYS_SEM_NULL ); } return xSemaphore; }
void PendSV( char req ) { char tmp=0; //ETS_INTR_LOCK(); if( NMIIrqIsOn == 0 ) { vPortEnterCritical(); //PortDisableInt_NoNest(); tmp = 1; } if(req ==1) { SWReq = 1; } else if(req ==2) HdlMacSig= 1; #if 0 GPIO_REG_WRITE(GPIO_STATUS_W1TS_ADDRESS, 0x40); #else if(PendSvIsPosted == 0) { PendSvIsPosted = 1; xthal_set_intset(1<<ETS_SOFT_INUM); } #endif if(tmp == 1) vPortExitCritical(); }
/* * Starts a new thread with priority "prio" that will begin its execution in the * function "thread()". The "arg" argument will be passed as an argument to the * thread() function. The argument "ssize" is the requested stack size for the * new thread. The id of the new thread is returned. Both the id and the * priority are system dependent. */ sys_thread_t sys_arch_thread_new( void ( *thread ) ( void *arg ), void *arg, int prio, size_t ssize ) { sys_thread_t thread_hdl = SYS_THREAD_NULL; int i; sys_tcb_t *p; char thread_name[ configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN ]; /* We disable the FreeRTOS scheduler because it might be the case that the new * tasks gets scheduled inside the xTaskCreate function. To prevent this we * disable the scheduling. Note that this can happen although we have interrupts * disabled because xTaskCreate contains a call to taskYIELD( ). */ vPortEnterCritical( ); p = tasks; i = 0; /* We are called the first time. Initialize it. */ if( p == NULL ) { p = pvPortMalloc( sizeof( sys_tcb_t ) ); if( p != NULL ) { tasks = p; } } else { /* First task already counter. */ i++; /* Cycle to the end of the list. */ while( p->next != NULL ) { i++; p = p->next; } p->next = pvPortMalloc( sizeof( sys_tcb_t ) ); p = p->next; } if( p != NULL ) { /* Memory allocated. Initialize the data structure. */ THREAD_INIT( p ); ( void )snprintf( thread_name, configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN, "lwIP%d", i ); /* Now q points to a free element in the list. */ if( xTaskCreate( thread, thread_name, ssize, arg, prio, &p->pid ) == pdPASS ) { thread_hdl = p; } else { vPortFree( p ); } } vPortExitCritical( ); return thread_hdl; }
/* Starts a new thread with priority "prio" that will begin its execution in the function "thread()". The "arg" argument will be passed as an argument to the thread() function. The id of the new thread is returned. Both the id and the priority are system dependent. */ sys_thread_t sys_thread_new(const char *name, lwip_thread_fn thread , void *arg, int stacksize, int prio) { xTaskHandle CreatedTask; int result; if ( s_nextthread < SYS_THREAD_MAX ) { vPortEnterCritical(); result = xTaskCreate( thread, ( signed portCHAR * ) name, stacksize, arg, prio, &CreatedTask ); // For each task created, store the task handle (pid) in the timers array. // This scheme doesn't allow for threads to be deleted s_timeoutlist[s_nextthread++].pid = CreatedTask; vPortExitCritical(); if(result == pdPASS) { return CreatedTask; } else { return NULL; } } else { return NULL; } }
unsigned char SWReadSPI(void) { unsigned char i; unsigned char ReceivedByte; vPortEnterCritical(); SmartDelay_spi(5); ReceivedByte = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { SPICLK2(0); //SmartDelay_spi(5); ReceivedByte <<= 1; if (SPIDI2()) ReceivedByte |= 0x01; SmartDelay_spi(2); SPICLK2(1); SmartDelay_spi(5); } //SPICLK(0); vPortExitCritical(); return (ReceivedByte); }
void vPortFree(void *p) { vPortEnterCritical(); msheap_free(p); vPortExitCritical(); }
bool SendReseive() { // vTaskDelay(50); GPIO_SetBits(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_14); // AT91F_PIO_SetOutput(AT91C_BASE_PIOA, LED_485); vTaskDelay(5); processBuffer8to7(rs485buf,rs485size); uart3Write ((uint8*) rs485buf, rs485size); vTaskDelay(20); //AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput(AT91C_BASE_PIOA, LED_485); GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_14); vPortEnterCritical(); vTaskDelay(1500); rs485size = uart3Read((uint8*) rs485buf, 256/*, 3000*/); vPortExitCritical(); if (rs485size == 0) return false; processBuffer7to8(rs485buf,rs485size); vTaskDelay(50); // AT91F_PIO_SetOutput(AT91C_BASE_PIOA, LED_485); vTaskDelay(100); return true; }
bool scheduler_task::addSharedObject(const char *name, void *obj_ptr) { bool duplicate = false; vPortEnterCritical(); do { if (!mpNamePtrPair) { mpNamePtrPair = new VECTOR<PtrNamePairType>; } /* Disallow adding duplicate items by name */ for(unsigned int i=0; i < mpNamePtrPair->size(); i++) { if (0 == strcmp(mpNamePtrPair->at(i).name, name)) { duplicate = true; break; } } /* Push back to vector */ PtrNamePairType item; item.ptr = obj_ptr; item.name = name; mpNamePtrPair->push_back(item); } while(0); vPortExitCritical(); return !duplicate; }
void BKP_storeWord(uint16_t bkpidx,uint16_t value) { if (bkpidx >= BKP_DR_NUMBER) return; vPortEnterCritical(); BKP_WriteBackupRegister(BKPDataReg[bkpidx],value); vPortExitCritical(); }
/* * Prints an assertion messages and aborts execution. */ void sys_assert( const char *msg ) { fputs( msg, stderr ); fputs( "\n\r", stderr ); vPortEnterCritical( ); for( ;; ); }
static void add_thread_signal_map (osThreadId thread_id, EventGroupHandle_t signals) { int dummy; // uint32_t i; ThreadSignalRec *prec_entity; if (inHandlerMode()) { dummy = portSET_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR(); } else { vPortEnterCritical(); } prec_entity = (ThreadSignalRec*) malloc(sizeof(ThreadSignalRec)); if (prec_entity != NULL) { prec_entity->thread_id = thread_id; prec_entity->signals = signals; prec_entity->pnext = NULL; if (pThreadSignalMapHead == NULL) { pThreadSignalMapHead = prec_entity; pThreadSignalMapTail = prec_entity; } else { pThreadSignalMapTail->pnext = prec_entity; pThreadSignalMapTail = prec_entity; } } else { CMSIS_OS_ERR("No Free Thread-Signal entity\n"); } #if 0 for (i=0;i<THREAD_SIGNAL_MAP_SIZE;i++) { if (!ThreadSignalMapTable[i].is_in_use) { ThreadSignalMapTable[i].is_in_use = 1; ThreadSignalMapTable[i].thread_id = thread_id; ThreadSignalMapTable[i].signals = signals; break; } } if (i >= THREAD_SIGNAL_MAP_SIZE) { // No free Thread-Signals map entity CMSIS_OS_ERR("No Free Thread-Signal entity\n"); } #endif if (inHandlerMode()) { portCLEAR_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR(dummy); } else { vPortExitCritical(); } }
bool CAN_tx (can_t can, can_msg_t *pCanMsg, uint32_t timeout_ms) { volatile LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx = CAN_ENUM_TO_REGS(can); const uint8_t cidx = CAN_INDEX(can); bool ok = false; if (!CANx || !pCanMsg) { return false; } /* Try transmitting to one of the available buffers */ vPortEnterCritical(); { ok = CAN_tx_now(CANx, pCanMsg); } vPortExitCritical(); /* If all three buffers are busy, just queue the message */ if (!ok) { if (taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING == xTaskGetSchedulerState()) { ok = xQueueSend(g_can_tx_qs[cidx], pCanMsg, OS_MS(timeout_ms)); } else { ok = xQueueSendFromISR(g_can_tx_qs[cidx], pCanMsg, NULL); } /* There is possibility that before we queued the message, we got interrupted * and all hw buffers were emptied meanwhile, and our queued message will now * sit in the queue forever until another Tx interrupt takes place. * So we dequeue it here if all are empty and send it over. */ vPortEnterCritical(); { can_msg_t msg; if (tx_all_avail == (CANx->SR & tx_all_avail) && xQueueReceiveFromISR(g_can_tx_qs[cidx], &msg, NULL) ) { ok = CAN_tx_now(CANx, &msg); } } vPortExitCritical(); } return ok; }
void BKP_storeDWord(uint16_t bkpidx,uint32_t value) { if (bkpidx >= (BKP_DR_NUMBER-1)) return; vPortEnterCritical(); BKP_WriteBackupRegister(BKPDataReg[bkpidx],(uint16_t)(value >> 16)); BKP_WriteBackupRegister(BKPDataReg[bkpidx+1],(uint16_t)value); vPortExitCritical(); }
/* Prelude ensures exceptions/NMI off and flash is mapped, allowing calls to non-IRAM functions. */ static void IRAM fatal_handler_prelude(void) { if (!sdk_NMIIrqIsOn) { vPortEnterCritical(); do { DPORT.DPORT0 &= 0xffffffe0; } while (DPORT.DPORT0 & 0x00000001); } Cache_Read_Disable(); Cache_Read_Enable(0, 0, 1); }
/* * Prints an assertion messages and aborts execution. */ void sys_assert( const char *msg ) { extern sio_fd_t stdio_fd; ( void )sio_write_noisr( stdio_fd, ( u8_t * ) msg, ( u32_t ) strlen( msg ) ); ( void )sio_write_noisr( stdio_fd, "\n\r", 2 ); vPortEnterCritical( ); for( ;; ); }
//extern unsigned char set__; void mad_synth_frame(struct mad_synth *synth, struct mad_frame /*const*/ *frame) { unsigned int nch, ns; static int samplerate=0; void (*synth_frame)(struct mad_synth *, struct mad_frame /*const*/ *, unsigned int, unsigned int); nch = MAD_NCHANNELS(&frame->header); ns = MAD_NSBSAMPLES(&frame->header); synth->pcm.samplerate = frame->header.samplerate; //--set_dac_sample_rate(synth->pcm.samplerate); //while(g_ulFlags!=7); //if(set__) { vPortEnterCritical( ); SoundSetFormat(frame->header.samplerate,16,1); //set__=0; vPortExitCritical( ); } synth->pcm.channels = nch; synth->pcm.length = 32 * ns; samplerate = synth->pcm.samplerate; synth_frame = synth_full; if (frame->options & MAD_OPTION_HALFSAMPLERATE) { synth->pcm.samplerate /= 2; synth->pcm.length /= 2; //--set_dac_sample_rate(synth->pcm.samplerate); vPortEnterCritical( ); SoundSetFormat(frame->header.samplerate,16,1); vPortExitCritical( ); synth_frame = synth_half; } synth_frame(synth, frame, nch, ns); synth->phase = (synth->phase + ns) % 16; }
/* * Prints an assertion messages and aborts execution. */ void sys_assert( const char *msg ) { ( void ) msg; /*FSL:only needed for debugging printf(msg); printf("\n\r"); */ vPortEnterCritical( ); for(;;) ; }
/** * Enters a critical section. * * @return the previous protection level */ sys_prot_t sys_arch_protect(void) { #if RTOS_SAFERTOS vPortEnterCritical(); #elif RTOS_FREERTOS taskENTER_CRITICAL(); #endif return 1; }
/* * Returns the thread control block for the currently active task. In case * of an error the functions returns NULL. */ sys_thread_t sys_arch_thread_current( void ) { sys_tcb_t *p = tasks; xTaskHandle pid = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle( ); vPortEnterCritical( ); while( ( p != NULL ) && ( p->pid != pid ) ) { p = p->next; } vPortExitCritical( ); return p; }
/* Deallocates a semaphore */ void sys_sem_free( sys_sem_t sem ) { LWIP_ASSERT( "sys_sem_free: sem != SYS_SEM_NULL", sem != SYS_SEM_NULL ); if( sem != SYS_SEM_NULL ) { #ifdef SYS_STATS vPortEnterCritical( ); lwip_stats.sys.sem.used--; vPortExitCritical( ); #endif vQueueDelete( sem ); } }
/* PendSV is called in place of vPortYield() to request a supervisor call. The portYIELD macro calls pendSV if it's a software request. The libpp and libudhcp libraries also call this function, assuming always with arg==2 (but maybe sometimes with arg==1?) In the original esp_iot_rtos_sdk implementation, arg was a char. Using an enum is ABI-compatible, though. */ void IRAM PendSV(enum SVC_ReqType req) { vPortEnterCritical(); if(req == SVC_Software) { pending_soft_sv = 1; } else if(req == SVC_MACLayer) pending_maclayer_sv= 1; xthal_set_intset(BIT(INUM_SOFT)); vPortExitCritical(); }