예제 #1
파일: measure.c 프로젝트: ellingjp/ee472
void measureRunFunction(void *dataptr) {
  static tBoolean onFirstRun = true;
  static int rate;
  MeasureData *mData = (MeasureData *) dataptr;

  if (onFirstRun) {
    rate = *(int*) cbGet(mData->pulseRateRaw);
    onFirstRun = false;
  // capture pulse rate
    // Divide by two so raw pulse rate matches frequency
    rate = pulseRate/2;
    pulseRate = 0;
  // only run on major cycle
  short measureSelect = *(mData->measureSelect);
	if(measureSelect == 0 || measureSelect == 1)
	if(measureSelect == 0 || measureSelect == 2)
		setBloodPress(mData->systolicPressRaw, mData->diastolicPressRaw);
	if(measureSelect == 0 || measureSelect == 3)
      int prev = *(int*) cbGet(mData->pulseRateRaw);
      // Only save if +- 15%
      if (rate < prev*0.85 || rate > prev*1.15) {
        cbAdd(mData->pulseRateRaw, (void *)&rate);
	if(measureSelect == 0 || measureSelect == 4)
    vTaskResume(computeHandle);  // run the compute task
    char num[30];
    int temp = *(int *)cbGet(mData->temperatureRaw);
    int sys = *(int *)cbGet(mData->systolicPressRaw);
    int dia = *(int *)cbGet(mData->diastolicPressRaw);
    int pulse = *(int *)cbGet(mData->pulseRateRaw);
    int batt = global.batteryState;

    usnprintf(num, 30, "<-- MEASURE DEBUG -->");
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw(num, 0, 0, 15);
    usnprintf(num, 30, "Raw temp: %d  ", temp);
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw(num, 0, 10, 15);

    usnprintf(num, 30, "Raw Syst: %d  ", sys);
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw(num, 0, 20, 15);

    usnprintf(num, 30, "Raw Dia: %d  ", dia);
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw(num, 0, 30, 15);

    usnprintf(num, 30, "Raw Pulse: %d  ", pulse);
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw(num, 0, 40, 15);
    usnprintf(num, 30, "Raw Batt: %d  ", batt);
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw(num, 0, 50, 15);
예제 #2
파일: QPeek.c 프로젝트: ShaohuiZhu/Haier-1
static void prvLowPriorityPeekTask( void *pvParameters )
xQueueHandle xQueue = ( xQueueHandle ) pvParameters;
unsigned portLONG ulValue;

	for( ;; )
		/* Write some data to the queue.  This should unblock the highest 
		priority task that is waiting to peek data from the queue. */
		ulValue = 0x11223344;
		if( xQueueSendToBack( xQueue, &ulValue, qpeekNO_BLOCK ) != pdPASS )
			/* We were expecting the queue to be empty so we should not of
			had a problem writing to the queue. */
			xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

		/* By the time we get here the data should have been removed from
		the queue. */
		if( uxQueueMessagesWaiting( xQueue ) != 0 )
			xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

		/* Write another value to the queue, again waking the highest priority
		task that is blocked on the queue. */
		ulValue = 0x01234567;
		if( xQueueSendToBack( xQueue, &ulValue, qpeekNO_BLOCK ) != pdPASS )
			/* We were expecting the queue to be empty so we should not of
			had a problem writing to the queue. */
			xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

		/* All the other tasks should now have successfully peeked the data.
		The data is still in the queue so we should be able to receive it. */
		ulValue = 0;
		if( xQueueReceive( xQueue, &ulValue, qpeekNO_BLOCK ) != pdPASS )
			/* We expected to receive the data. */
			xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

		if( ulValue != 0x01234567 )
			/* We did not receive the expected value. */
		/* Lets just delay a while as this is an intensive test as we don't
		want to starve other tests of processing time. */
		vTaskDelay( qpeekSHORT_DELAY );

		/* Unsuspend the other tasks so we can repeat the test - this time
		however not all the other tasks will peek the data as the high
		priority task is actually going to remove it from the queue.  Send
		to front is used just to be different.  As the queue is empty it
		makes no difference to the result. */
		vTaskResume( xMediumPriorityTask );
		vTaskResume( xHighPriorityTask );
		vTaskResume( xHighestPriorityTask );

		ulValue = 0xaabbaabb;
		if( xQueueSendToFront( xQueue, &ulValue, qpeekNO_BLOCK ) != pdPASS )
			/* We were expecting the queue to be empty so we should not of
			had a problem writing to the queue. */
			xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

		/* This time we should find that the queue is empty.  The high priority
		task actually removed the data rather than just peeking it. */
		if( xQueuePeek( xQueue, &ulValue, qpeekNO_BLOCK ) != errQUEUE_EMPTY )
			/* We expected to receive the data. */
			xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

		/* Unsuspend the highest and high priority tasks so we can go back
		and repeat the whole thing.  The medium priority task should not be
		suspended as it was not able to peek the data in this last case. */
		vTaskResume( xHighPriorityTask );
		vTaskResume( xHighestPriorityTask );		

		/* Lets just delay a while as this is an intensive test as we don't
		want to starve other tests of processing time. */
		vTaskDelay( qpeekSHORT_DELAY );
 * Controller task as described above.
static portTASK_FUNCTION( vCounterControlTask, pvParameters )
uint32_t ulLastCounter;
short sLoops;
short sError = pdFALSE;

	/* Just to stop warning messages. */
	( void ) pvParameters;

	for( ;; )
		/* Start with the counter at zero. */
		ulCounter = ( uint32_t ) 0;

		/* First section : */

		/* Check the continuous count task is running. */
		for( sLoops = 0; sLoops < priLOOPS; sLoops++ )
			/* Suspend the continuous count task so we can take a mirror of the
			shared variable without risk of corruption.  This is not really
			needed as the other task raises its priority above this task's
			priority. */
			vTaskSuspend( xContinuousIncrementHandle );
				#if( INCLUDE_eTaskGetState == 1 )
					configASSERT( eTaskGetState( xContinuousIncrementHandle ) == eSuspended );
				#endif /* INCLUDE_eTaskGetState */

				ulLastCounter = ulCounter;
			vTaskResume( xContinuousIncrementHandle );

			#if( configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0 )

			#if( INCLUDE_eTaskGetState == 1 )
				configASSERT( eTaskGetState( xContinuousIncrementHandle ) == eReady );
			#endif /* INCLUDE_eTaskGetState */

			/* Now delay to ensure the other task has processor time. */
			vTaskDelay( priSLEEP_TIME );

			/* Check the shared variable again.  This time to ensure mutual
			exclusion the whole scheduler will be locked.  This is just for
			demo purposes! */
				if( ulLastCounter == ulCounter )
					/* The shared variable has not changed.  There is a problem
					with the continuous count task so flag an error. */
					sError = pdTRUE;

		/* Second section: */

		/* Suspend the continuous counter task so it stops accessing the shared
		variable. */
		vTaskSuspend( xContinuousIncrementHandle );

		/* Reset the variable. */
		ulCounter = ( uint32_t ) 0;

		#if( INCLUDE_eTaskGetState == 1 )
			configASSERT( eTaskGetState( xLimitedIncrementHandle ) == eSuspended );
		#endif /* INCLUDE_eTaskGetState */

		/* Resume the limited count task which has a higher priority than us.
		We should therefore not return from this call until the limited count
		task has suspended itself with a known value in the counter variable. */
		vTaskResume( xLimitedIncrementHandle );

		#if( configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0 )

		/* This task should not run again until xLimitedIncrementHandle has
		suspended itself. */
		#if( INCLUDE_eTaskGetState == 1 )
			configASSERT( eTaskGetState( xLimitedIncrementHandle ) == eSuspended );
		#endif /* INCLUDE_eTaskGetState */

		/* Does the counter variable have the expected value? */
		if( ulCounter != priMAX_COUNT )
			sError = pdTRUE;

		if( sError == pdFALSE )
			/* If no errors have occurred then increment the check variable. */

		/* Resume the continuous count task and do it all again. */
		vTaskResume( xContinuousIncrementHandle );

		#if( configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0 )
예제 #4
static void vPrimaryBlockTimeTestTask( void *pvParameters )
portBASE_TYPE xItem, xData;
TickType_t xTimeWhenBlocking;
TickType_t xTimeToBlock, xBlockedTime;

	( void ) pvParameters;

	for( ;; )
        Test 1

        Simple block time wakeup test on queue receives. */
		for( xItem = 0; xItem < bktQUEUE_LENGTH; xItem++ )
			/* The queue is empty. Attempt to read from the queue using a block
			time.  When we wake, ensure the delta in time is as expected. */
			xTimeToBlock = ( TickType_t ) ( bktPRIMARY_BLOCK_TIME << xItem );

			xTimeWhenBlocking = xTaskGetTickCount();

			/* We should unblock after xTimeToBlock having not received
			anything on the queue. */
			if( xQueueReceive( xTestQueue, &xData, xTimeToBlock ) != errQUEUE_EMPTY )
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

			/* How long were we blocked for? */
			xBlockedTime = xTaskGetTickCount() - xTimeWhenBlocking;

			if( xBlockedTime < xTimeToBlock )
				/* Should not have blocked for less than we requested. */
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

			if( xBlockedTime > ( xTimeToBlock + bktALLOWABLE_MARGIN ) )
				/* Should not have blocked for longer than we requested,
				although we would not necessarily run as soon as we were
				unblocked so a margin is allowed. */
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

        Test 2

        Simple block time wakeup test on queue sends.

		First fill the queue.  It should be empty so all sends should pass. */
		for( xItem = 0; xItem < bktQUEUE_LENGTH; xItem++ )
			if( xQueueSend( xTestQueue, &xItem, bktDONT_BLOCK ) != pdPASS )
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

			#if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0

		for( xItem = 0; xItem < bktQUEUE_LENGTH; xItem++ )
			/* The queue is full. Attempt to write to the queue using a block
			time.  When we wake, ensure the delta in time is as expected. */
			xTimeToBlock = ( TickType_t ) ( bktPRIMARY_BLOCK_TIME << xItem );

			xTimeWhenBlocking = xTaskGetTickCount();

			/* We should unblock after xTimeToBlock having not received
			anything on the queue. */
			if( xQueueSend( xTestQueue, &xItem, xTimeToBlock ) != errQUEUE_FULL )
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

			/* How long were we blocked for? */
			xBlockedTime = xTaskGetTickCount() - xTimeWhenBlocking;

			if( xBlockedTime < xTimeToBlock )
				/* Should not have blocked for less than we requested. */
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

			if( xBlockedTime > ( xTimeToBlock + bktALLOWABLE_MARGIN ) )
				/* Should not have blocked for longer than we requested,
				although we would not necessarily run as soon as we were
				unblocked so a margin is allowed. */
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

        Test 3

		Wake the other task, it will block attempting to post to the queue.
		When we read from the queue the other task will wake, but before it
		can run we will post to the queue again.  When the other task runs it
		will find the queue still full, even though it was woken.  It should
		recognise that its block time has not expired and return to block for
		the remains of its block time.

		Wake the other task so it blocks attempting to post to the already
		full queue. */
		xRunIndicator = 0;
		vTaskResume( xSecondary );

		/* We need to wait a little to ensure the other task executes. */
		while( xRunIndicator != bktRUN_INDICATOR )
			/* The other task has not yet executed. */
			vTaskDelay( bktSHORT_WAIT );
		/* Make sure the other task is blocked on the queue. */
		vTaskDelay( bktSHORT_WAIT );
		xRunIndicator = 0;

		for( xItem = 0; xItem < bktQUEUE_LENGTH; xItem++ )
			/* Now when we make space on the queue the other task should wake
			but not execute as this task has higher priority. */
			if( xQueueReceive( xTestQueue, &xData, bktDONT_BLOCK ) != pdPASS )
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

			/* Now fill the queue again before the other task gets a chance to
			execute.  If the other task had executed we would find the queue
			full ourselves, and the other task have set xRunIndicator. */
			if( xQueueSend( xTestQueue, &xItem, bktDONT_BLOCK ) != pdPASS )
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

			if( xRunIndicator == bktRUN_INDICATOR )
				/* The other task should not have executed. */
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

			/* Raise the priority of the other task so it executes and blocks
			on the queue again. */
			vTaskPrioritySet( xSecondary, bktPRIMARY_PRIORITY + 2 );

			/* The other task should now have re-blocked without exiting the
			queue function. */
			if( xRunIndicator == bktRUN_INDICATOR )
				/* The other task should not have executed outside of the
				queue function. */
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

			/* Set the priority back down. */
			vTaskPrioritySet( xSecondary, bktSECONDARY_PRIORITY );

		/* Let the other task timeout.  When it unblockes it will check that it
		unblocked at the correct time, then suspend itself. */
		while( xRunIndicator != bktRUN_INDICATOR )
			vTaskDelay( bktSHORT_WAIT );
		vTaskDelay( bktSHORT_WAIT );
		xRunIndicator = 0;

        Test 4

		As per test 3 - but with the send and receive the other way around.
		The other task blocks attempting to read from the queue.

		Empty the queue.  We should find that it is full. */
		for( xItem = 0; xItem < bktQUEUE_LENGTH; xItem++ )
			if( xQueueReceive( xTestQueue, &xData, bktDONT_BLOCK ) != pdPASS )
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

		/* Wake the other task so it blocks attempting to read from  the
		already	empty queue. */
		vTaskResume( xSecondary );

		/* We need to wait a little to ensure the other task executes. */
		while( xRunIndicator != bktRUN_INDICATOR )
			vTaskDelay( bktSHORT_WAIT );
		vTaskDelay( bktSHORT_WAIT );
		xRunIndicator = 0;

		for( xItem = 0; xItem < bktQUEUE_LENGTH; xItem++ )
			/* Now when we place an item on the queue the other task should
			wake but not execute as this task has higher priority. */
			if( xQueueSend( xTestQueue, &xItem, bktDONT_BLOCK ) != pdPASS )
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

			/* Now empty the queue again before the other task gets a chance to
			execute.  If the other task had executed we would find the queue
			empty ourselves, and the other task would be suspended. */
			if( xQueueReceive( xTestQueue, &xData, bktDONT_BLOCK ) != pdPASS )
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

			if( xRunIndicator == bktRUN_INDICATOR )
				/* The other task should not have executed. */
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

			/* Raise the priority of the other task so it executes and blocks
			on the queue again. */
			vTaskPrioritySet( xSecondary, bktPRIMARY_PRIORITY + 2 );

			/* The other task should now have re-blocked without exiting the
			queue function. */
			if( xRunIndicator == bktRUN_INDICATOR )
				/* The other task should not have executed outside of the
				queue function. */
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;
			vTaskPrioritySet( xSecondary, bktSECONDARY_PRIORITY );

		/* Let the other task timeout.  When it unblockes it will check that it
		unblocked at the correct time, then suspend itself. */
		while( xRunIndicator != bktRUN_INDICATOR )
			vTaskDelay( bktSHORT_WAIT );
		vTaskDelay( bktSHORT_WAIT );

예제 #5
static BaseType_t prvSelectiveBitsTestMasterFunction( void )
BaseType_t xError = pdFALSE;
EventBits_t uxBit;

	/* Used in a test that blocks two tasks on various different bits within an
	event group - then sets each bit in turn and checks that the correct tasks
	unblock at the correct times.  The two other tasks (xSyncTask1 and
	xSyncTask2) call prvSelectiveBitsTestSlaveFunction() to perform their parts in
	this test.

	Both other tasks should start in the suspended state. */
	if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask1 ) != eSuspended )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask2 ) != eSuspended )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Test each bit in the byte individually. */
	for( uxBit = 0x01; uxBit < 0x100; uxBit <<= 1 )
		/* Resume both tasks. */
		vTaskResume( xSyncTask1 );
		vTaskResume( xSyncTask2 );

		/* Now both tasks should be blocked on the event group. */
		if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask1 ) != eBlocked )
			xError = pdTRUE;

		if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask2 ) != eBlocked )
			xError = pdTRUE;

		/* Set one bit. */
		xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroup, uxBit );

		/* Is the bit set in the first set of selective bits?  If so the first
		sync task should have unblocked and returned to the suspended state. */
		if( ( uxBit & ebSELECTIVE_BITS_1 ) == 0 )
			/* Task should not have unblocked. */
			if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask1 ) != eBlocked )
				xError = pdTRUE;
			/* Task should have unblocked and returned to the suspended state. */
			if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask1 ) != eSuspended )
				xError = pdTRUE;

		/* Same checks for the second sync task. */
		if( ( uxBit & ebSELECTIVE_BITS_2 ) == 0 )
			/* Task should not have unblocked. */
			if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask2 ) != eBlocked )
				xError = pdTRUE;
			/* Task should have unblocked and returned to the suspended state. */
			if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask2 ) != eSuspended )
				xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Ensure both tasks are blocked on the event group again, then delete the
	event group so the other tasks leave this portion of the test. */
	vTaskResume( xSyncTask1 );
	vTaskResume( xSyncTask2 );

	/* Deleting the event group is the signal that the two other tasks should
	leave the prvSelectiveBitsTestSlaveFunction() function and continue to the main
	part of their functionality. */
	vEventGroupDelete( xEventGroup );

	return xError;
예제 #6
void correction_task()
	ErrorStatus sensor_correct = ERROR;

	while (system.status == SYSTEM_UNINITIALIZED);

	while (sensor_correct == ERROR) {

		while (SensorMode != Mode_Algorithm) {
			uint8_t IMU_Buf[20] = {0};

			static uint8_t BaroCnt = 0;

			/* 500Hz, Read Sensor ( Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer ) */

#ifdef Use_Barometer
			/* 100Hz, Read Barometer */

			if (BaroCnt == SampleRateFreg / 100) {
				MS5611_Read(&Baro, MS5611_D1_OSR_4096);
				BaroCnt = 0;


			Acc.X  = (s16)((IMU_Buf[0]  << 8) | IMU_Buf[1]);
			Acc.Y  = (s16)((IMU_Buf[2]  << 8) | IMU_Buf[3]);
			Acc.Z  = (s16)((IMU_Buf[4]  << 8) | IMU_Buf[5]);
			Temp.T = (s16)((IMU_Buf[6]  << 8) | IMU_Buf[7]);
			Gyr.X  = (s16)((IMU_Buf[8]  << 8) | IMU_Buf[9]);
			Gyr.Y  = (s16)((IMU_Buf[10] << 8) | IMU_Buf[11]);
			Gyr.Z  = (s16)((IMU_Buf[12] << 8) | IMU_Buf[13]);
			Mag.X  = (s16)((IMU_Buf[15] << 8) | IMU_Buf[14]);
			Mag.Y  = (s16)((IMU_Buf[17] << 8) | IMU_Buf[16]);
			Mag.Z  = (s16)((IMU_Buf[19] << 8) | IMU_Buf[18]);

			/* Offset */
			Acc.X -= Acc.OffsetX;
			Acc.Y -= Acc.OffsetY;
			Acc.Z -= Acc.OffsetZ;
			Gyr.X -= Gyr.OffsetX;
			Gyr.Y -= Gyr.OffsetY;
			Gyr.Z -= Gyr.OffsetZ;
			Mag.X *= Mag.AdjustX;
			Mag.Y *= Mag.AdjustY;
			Mag.Z *= Mag.AdjustZ;



		if ((AngE.Roll < 0.1) && (AngE.Pitch < 0.1) && (NumQ.q0 < 1)
		    && (NumQ.q1 < 1) && (NumQ.q2 < 1) && (NumQ.q3 < 1)) {
			sensor_correct = SUCCESS ;

		} else {
			SensorMode = Mode_GyrCorrect;
			sensor_correct = ERROR ;


예제 #7
static void prvTakeTwoMutexesReturnInSameOrder( SemaphoreHandle_t xMutex, SemaphoreHandle_t xLocalMutex )
	/* Take the mutex.  It should be available now. */
	if( xSemaphoreTake( xMutex, intsemNO_BLOCK ) != pdPASS )
		xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

	/* Set the guarded variable to a known start value. */
	ulGuardedVariable = 0;

	/* This task's priority should be as per that assigned when the task was
	created. */
	if( uxTaskPriorityGet( NULL ) != genqMUTEX_LOW_PRIORITY )
		xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

	/* Now unsuspend the high priority task.  This will attempt to take the
	mutex, and block when it finds it cannot obtain it. */
	vTaskResume( xHighPriorityMutexTask );

	#if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0

	/* Ensure the task is reporting its priority as blocked and not
	suspended (as it would have done in versions up to V7.5.3). */
	#if( INCLUDE_eTaskGetState == 1 )
		configASSERT( eTaskGetState( xHighPriorityMutexTask ) == eBlocked );
	#endif /* INCLUDE_eTaskGetState */

	/* The priority of the high priority task should now have been inherited
	as by now it will have attempted to get the mutex. */
	if( uxTaskPriorityGet( NULL ) != genqMUTEX_HIGH_PRIORITY )
		xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

	/* Now unsuspend the medium priority task.  This should not run as the
	inherited priority of this task is above that of the medium priority
	task. */
	vTaskResume( xMediumPriorityMutexTask );

	/* If the medium priority task did run then it will have incremented the
	guarded variable. */
	if( ulGuardedVariable != 0 )
		xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

	/* Take the local mutex too, so two mutexes are now held. */
	if( xSemaphoreTake( xLocalMutex, intsemNO_BLOCK ) != pdPASS )
		xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

	/* When the local semaphore is given back the priority of this task should
	not	yet be disinherited because the shared mutex is still held.  This is a
	simplification to allow FreeRTOS to be integrated with middleware that
	attempts to hold multiple mutexes without bloating the code with complex
	algorithms.  It is possible that the high priority mutex task will
	execute as it shares a priority with this task. */
	if( xSemaphoreGive( xLocalMutex ) != pdPASS )
		xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

	#if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0

	/* The guarded variable is only incremented by the medium priority task,
	which still should not have executed as this task should remain at the
	higher priority, ensure this is the case. */
	if( ulGuardedVariable != 0 )
		xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

	if( uxTaskPriorityGet( NULL ) != genqMUTEX_HIGH_PRIORITY )
		xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

	/* Now also give back the shared mutex, taking the held count back to 0.
	This time the priority of this task should be disinherited back to the
	priority at which it was created.  This means the medium priority task
	should execute and increment the guarded variable.  When this task next runs
	both the high and medium priority tasks will have been suspended again. */
	if( xSemaphoreGive( xMutex ) != pdPASS )
		xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

	#if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0

	/* Check the guarded variable did indeed increment... */
	if( ulGuardedVariable != 1 )
		xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

	/* ... and that the priority of this task has been disinherited to
	if( uxTaskPriorityGet( NULL ) != genqMUTEX_LOW_PRIORITY )
		xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;
예제 #8
static BaseType_t prvPerformTaskSyncTests( BaseType_t xError, TaskHandle_t xTestSlaveTaskHandle )
EventBits_t uxBits;

	/* The three tasks that take part in the synchronisation (rendezvous) are
	expected to be in the suspended state at the start of the test. */
	if( eTaskGetState( xTestSlaveTaskHandle ) != eSuspended )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask1 ) != eSuspended )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask2 ) != eSuspended )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Try a synch with no other tasks involved.  First set all the bits other
	than this task's bit. */
	xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroup, ( ebALL_SYNC_BITS & ~ebSET_BIT_TASK_SYNC_BIT ) );

	/* Then wait on just one bit - the bit that is being set. */
	uxBits = xEventGroupSync( xEventGroup,			/* The event group used for the synchronisation. */
							ebSET_BIT_TASK_SYNC_BIT,/* The bit set by this task when it reaches the sync point. */
							ebSET_BIT_TASK_SYNC_BIT,/* The bits to wait for - in this case it is just waiting for itself. */
							portMAX_DELAY );		/* The maximum time to wait for the sync condition to be met. */

	/* A sync with a max delay should only exit when all the synchronise
	bits are set...check that is the case.  In this case there is only one
	sync bit anyway. */
	if( ( uxBits & ebSET_BIT_TASK_SYNC_BIT ) != ebSET_BIT_TASK_SYNC_BIT )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* ...but now the sync bits should be clear again, leaving all the other
	bits set (as only one bit was being waited for). */
	if( xEventGroupGetBits( xEventGroup ) != ( ebALL_SYNC_BITS & ~ebSET_BIT_TASK_SYNC_BIT ) )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Clear all the bits to zero again. */
	xEventGroupClearBits( xEventGroup, ( ebALL_SYNC_BITS & ~ebSET_BIT_TASK_SYNC_BIT ) );
	if( xEventGroupGetBits( xEventGroup ) != 0 )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Unsuspend the other tasks then check they have executed up to the
	synchronisation point. */
	vTaskResume( xTestSlaveTaskHandle );
	vTaskResume( xSyncTask1 );
	vTaskResume( xSyncTask2 );

	if( eTaskGetState( xTestSlaveTaskHandle ) != eBlocked )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask1 ) != eBlocked )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask2 ) != eBlocked )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Set this task's sync bit. */
	uxBits = xEventGroupSync( xEventGroup,			/* The event group used for the synchronisation. */
							ebSET_BIT_TASK_SYNC_BIT,/* The bit set by this task when it reaches the sync point. */
							ebALL_SYNC_BITS,		/* The bits to wait for - these bits are set by the other tasks that take part in the sync. */
							portMAX_DELAY );		/* The maximum time to wait for the sync condition to be met. */

	/* A sync with a max delay should only exit when all the synchronise
	bits are set...check that is the case. */
	if( ( uxBits & ebALL_SYNC_BITS ) != ebALL_SYNC_BITS )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* ...but now the sync bits should be clear again. */
	if( xEventGroupGetBits( xEventGroup ) != 0 )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* The other tasks should now all be suspended again, ready for the next
	synchronisation. */
	if( eTaskGetState( xTestSlaveTaskHandle ) != eSuspended )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask1 ) != eSuspended )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask2 ) != eSuspended )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Sync again - but this time set the last necessary bit as the
	highest priority task, rather than the lowest priority task.  Unsuspend
	the other tasks then check they have executed up to the	synchronisation
	point. */
	vTaskResume( xTestSlaveTaskHandle );
	vTaskResume( xSyncTask1 );
	vTaskResume( xSyncTask2 );

	if( eTaskGetState( xTestSlaveTaskHandle ) != eBlocked )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask1 ) != eBlocked )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask2 ) != eBlocked )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Raise the priority of this task above that of the other tasks. */
	vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, ebWAIT_BIT_TASK_PRIORITY + 1 );

	/* Set this task's sync bit. */
	uxBits = xEventGroupSync( xEventGroup, ebSET_BIT_TASK_SYNC_BIT, ebALL_SYNC_BITS, portMAX_DELAY );

	/* A sync with a max delay should only exit when all the synchronisation
	bits are set... */
	if( ( uxBits & ebALL_SYNC_BITS ) != ebALL_SYNC_BITS )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* ...but now the sync bits should be clear again. */
	if( xEventGroupGetBits( xEventGroup ) != 0 )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* The other tasks should now all be in the ready state again, but not
	executed yet as this task still has a higher relative priority. */
	if( eTaskGetState( xTestSlaveTaskHandle ) != eReady )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask1 ) != eReady )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask2 ) != eReady )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Reset the priority of this task back to its original value. */
	vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, ebSET_BIT_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* Now all the other tasks should have reblocked on the event bits
	to test the behaviour when the event bits are deleted. */
	if( eTaskGetState( xTestSlaveTaskHandle ) != eBlocked )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask1 ) != eBlocked )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	if( eTaskGetState( xSyncTask2 ) != eBlocked )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	return xError;
예제 #9
파일: api.c 프로젝트: el303/pses
void os_resumeTask(xTaskHandle xHandle) {
예제 #10
   Name: osal_task_resume

   Purpose: resumes a suspended task
      task_handle Handle to the task being readied.
   returns: OSAL_ERROR if error
            OSAL_SUCCESS if success
void osal_task_resume( void **task_handle )
  vTaskResume( task_handle );
예제 #11
파일: rtosutil.c 프로젝트: loboris/Espruino
void task_Resume(int idx){
예제 #12
void Task::resume()
static void prvRecursiveMutexPollingTask( void *pvParameters )
	/* Just to remove compiler warning. */
	( void ) pvParameters;

	for( ;; )
		/* Keep attempting to obtain the mutex.  We should only obtain it when
		the blocking task has suspended itself, which in turn should only
		happen when the controlling task is also suspended. */
		if( xSemaphoreTakeRecursive( xMutex, recmuNO_DELAY ) == pdPASS )
			/* Is the blocking task suspended? */
			if( ( xBlockingIsSuspended != pdTRUE ) || ( xControllingIsSuspended != pdTRUE ) )
				xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;
				/* Keep count of the number of cycles this task has performed 
				so a stall can be detected. */

				/* We can resume the other tasks here even though they have a
				higher priority than the polling task.  When they execute they
				will attempt to obtain the mutex but fail because the polling
				task is still the mutex holder.  The polling task (this task)
				will then inherit the higher priority.  The Blocking task will
				block indefinitely when it attempts to obtain the mutex, the
				Controlling task will only block for a fixed period and an
				error will be latched if the polling task has not returned the
				mutex by the time this fixed period has expired. */				
				vTaskResume( xBlockingTaskHandle );
				#if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0

				vTaskResume( xControllingTaskHandle );
				#if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0

				/* The other two tasks should now have executed and no longer
				be suspended. */
				if( ( xBlockingIsSuspended == pdTRUE ) || ( xControllingIsSuspended == pdTRUE ) )
					xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;
				/* Release the mutex, disinheriting the higher priority again. */
				if( xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( xMutex ) != pdPASS )
					xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE;

				#if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0

		#if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0
예제 #14
static void prvLowPriorityMutexTask( void *pvParameters )
    xSemaphoreHandle xMutex = ( xSemaphoreHandle ) pvParameters;

#ifdef USE_STDIO
    void vPrintDisplayMessage( const portCHAR * const * ppcMessageToSend );

    const portCHAR * const pcTaskStartMsg = "Fast mutex with priority inheritance test started.\r\n";

    /* Queue a message for printing to say the task has started. */
    vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskStartMsg );

    ( void ) pvParameters;

    for( ;; )
        /* Take the mutex.  It should be available now. */
        if( xSemaphoreAltTake( xMutex, genqNO_BLOCK ) != pdPASS )
            xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

        /* Set our guarded variable to a known start value. */
        ulGuardedVariable = 0;

        /* Our priority should be as per that assigned when the task was
        created. */
        if( uxTaskPriorityGet( NULL ) != genqMUTEX_LOW_PRIORITY )
            xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

        /* Now unsuspend the high priority task.  This will attempt to take the
        mutex, and block when it finds it cannot obtain it. */
        vTaskResume( xHighPriorityMutexTask );

        /* We should now have inherited the prioritoy of the high priority task,
        as by now it will have attempted to get the mutex. */
        if( uxTaskPriorityGet( NULL ) != genqMUTEX_HIGH_PRIORITY )
            xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

        /* We can attempt to set our priority to the test priority - between the
        idle priority and the medium/high test priorities, but our actual
        prioroity should remain at the high priority. */
        vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, genqMUTEX_TEST_PRIORITY );
        if( uxTaskPriorityGet( NULL ) != genqMUTEX_HIGH_PRIORITY )
            xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

        /* Now unsuspend the medium priority task.  This should not run as our
        inherited priority is above that of the medium priority task. */
        vTaskResume( xMediumPriorityMutexTask );

        /* If the did run then it will have incremented our guarded variable. */
        if( ulGuardedVariable != 0 )
            xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

        /* When we give back the semaphore our priority should be disinherited
        back to the priority to which we attempted to set ourselves.  This means
        that when the high priority task next blocks, the medium priority task
        should execute and increment the guarded variable.   When we next run
        both the high and medium priority tasks will have been suspended again. */
        if( xSemaphoreAltGive( xMutex ) != pdPASS )
            xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

        /* Check that the guarded variable did indeed increment... */
        if( ulGuardedVariable != 1 )
            xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

        /* ... and that our priority has been disinherited to
        genqMUTEX_TEST_PRIORITY. */
        if( uxTaskPriorityGet( NULL ) != genqMUTEX_TEST_PRIORITY )
            xErrorDetected = pdTRUE;

        /* Set our priority back to our original priority ready for the next
        loop around this test. */
        vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, genqMUTEX_LOW_PRIORITY );

        /* Just to show we are still running. */

#if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0
예제 #15
// use this function to resume the task
void SEQ_TASK_PatternResume(void)
예제 #16
static void prvEventControllerTask( void *pvParameters )
const char * const pcTaskStartMsg = "Multi event controller task started.\r\n";
portBASE_TYPE xDummy = 0;

	/* Just to stop warnings. */
	( void ) pvParameters;

	vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskStartMsg );

	for( ;; )
		/* All tasks are blocked on the queue.  When a message is posted one of
		the two tasks that share the highest priority should unblock to read
		the queue.  The next message written should unblock the other task with
		the same high priority, and so on in order.   No other task should 
		unblock to read data as they have lower priorities. */

		prvCheckTaskCounters( evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1, 1 );
		prvCheckTaskCounters( evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_2, 1 );
		prvCheckTaskCounters( evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1, 1 );
		prvCheckTaskCounters( evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_2, 1 );
		prvCheckTaskCounters( evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1, 1 );

		/* For the rest of these tests we don't need the second 'highest' 
		priority task - so it is suspended. */
		vTaskSuspend( xCreatedTasks[ evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_2 ] );

		/* Now suspend the other highest priority task.  The medium priority 
		task will then be the task with the highest priority that remains 
		blocked on the queue. */
		vTaskSuspend( xCreatedTasks[ evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1 ] );
		/* This time, when we post onto the queue we will expect the medium
		priority task to unblock and preempt us. */
		prvCheckTaskCounters( evtMEDIUM_PRIORITY_INDEX, 1 );

		/* Now try resuming the highest priority task while the scheduler is
		suspended.  The task should start executing as soon as the scheduler
		is resumed - therefore when we post to the queue again, the highest
		priority task should again preempt us. */
			vTaskResume( xCreatedTasks[ evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1 ] );
		prvCheckTaskCounters( evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1, 1 );
		/* Now we are going to suspend the high and medium priority tasks.  The
		low priority task should then preempt us.  Again the task suspension is 
		done with the whole scheduler suspended just for test purposes. */
			vTaskSuspend( xCreatedTasks[ evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1 ] );
			vTaskSuspend( xCreatedTasks[ evtMEDIUM_PRIORITY_INDEX ] );
		prvCheckTaskCounters( evtLOWEST_PRIORITY_INDEX, 1 );
		/* Do the same basic test another few times - selectively suspending
		and resuming tasks and each time calling prvCheckTaskCounters() passing
		to the function the number of the task we expected to be unblocked by 
		the	post. */

		vTaskResume( xCreatedTasks[ evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1 ] );
		prvCheckTaskCounters( evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1, 1 );
		vTaskSuspendAll(); /* Just for test. */
			vTaskSuspendAll(); /* Just for test. */
				vTaskSuspendAll(); /* Just for even more test. */
					vTaskSuspend( xCreatedTasks[ evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1 ] );
		prvCheckTaskCounters( evtLOWEST_PRIORITY_INDEX, 1 );
		vTaskResume( xCreatedTasks[ evtMEDIUM_PRIORITY_INDEX ] );
		prvCheckTaskCounters( evtMEDIUM_PRIORITY_INDEX, 1 );
		vTaskResume( xCreatedTasks[ evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1 ] );
		prvCheckTaskCounters( evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1, 1 );

		/* Now a slight change, first suspend all tasks. */
		vTaskSuspend( xCreatedTasks[ evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1 ] );
		vTaskSuspend( xCreatedTasks[ evtMEDIUM_PRIORITY_INDEX ] );
		vTaskSuspend( xCreatedTasks[ evtLOWEST_PRIORITY_INDEX ] );
		/* Now when we resume the low priority task and write to the queue 3 
		times.  We expect the low priority task to service the queue three
		times. */
		vTaskResume( xCreatedTasks[ evtLOWEST_PRIORITY_INDEX ] );
		prvCheckTaskCounters( evtLOWEST_PRIORITY_INDEX, evtQUEUE_LENGTH );
		/* Again suspend all tasks (only the low priority task is not suspended
		already). */
		vTaskSuspend( xCreatedTasks[ evtLOWEST_PRIORITY_INDEX ] );
		/* This time we are going to suspend the scheduler, resume the low
		priority task, then resume the high priority task.  In this state we
		will write to the queue three times.  When the scheduler is resumed
		we expect the high priority task to service all three messages. */
			vTaskResume( xCreatedTasks[ evtLOWEST_PRIORITY_INDEX ] );
			vTaskResume( xCreatedTasks[ evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1 ] );
			for( xDummy = 0; xDummy < evtQUEUE_LENGTH; xDummy++ )
				if( xQueueSend( xQueue, &xDummy, evtNO_DELAY ) != pdTRUE )
					xHealthStatus = pdFAIL;
			/* The queue should not have been serviced yet!.  The scheduler
			is still suspended. */
			if( memcmp( ( void * ) xExpectedTaskCounters, ( void * ) xTaskCounters, sizeof( xExpectedTaskCounters ) ) )
				xHealthStatus = pdFAIL;

		/* We should have been preempted by resuming the scheduler - so by the
		time we are running again we expect the high priority task to have 
		removed three items from the queue. */
		xExpectedTaskCounters[ evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_1 ] += evtQUEUE_LENGTH;
		if( memcmp( ( void * ) xExpectedTaskCounters, ( void * ) xTaskCounters, sizeof( xExpectedTaskCounters ) ) )
			xHealthStatus = pdFAIL;
		/* The medium priority and second high priority tasks are still 
		suspended.  Make sure to resume them before starting again. */
		vTaskResume( xCreatedTasks[ evtMEDIUM_PRIORITY_INDEX ] );
		vTaskResume( xCreatedTasks[ evtHIGHEST_PRIORITY_INDEX_2 ] );

		/* Just keep incrementing to show the task is still executing. */
예제 #17
 * Controller task as described above.
static void vCounterControlTask( void * pvParameters )
unsigned long ulLastCounter;
short sLoops;
short sError = pdFALSE;
const char * const pcTaskStartMsg = "Priority manipulation tasks started.\r\n";
const char * const pcTaskFailMsg = "Priority manipulation Task Failed\r\n";

	/* Just to stop warning messages. */
	( void ) pvParameters;

	/* Queue a message for printing to say the task has started. */
	vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskStartMsg );

	for( ;; )
		/* Start with the counter at zero. */
		ulCounter = ( unsigned long ) 0;

		/* First section : */

		/* Check the continuous count task is running. */
		for( sLoops = 0; sLoops < priLOOPS; sLoops++ )
			/* Suspend the continuous count task so we can take a mirror of the
			shared variable without risk of corruption. */
			vTaskSuspend( xContinuousIncrementHandle );
				ulLastCounter = ulCounter;
			vTaskResume( xContinuousIncrementHandle );
			/* Now delay to ensure the other task has processor time. */
			vTaskDelay( priSLEEP_TIME );

			/* Check the shared variable again.  This time to ensure mutual 
			exclusion the whole scheduler will be locked.  This is just for
			demo purposes! */
				if( ulLastCounter == ulCounter )
					/* The shared variable has not changed.  There is a problem
					with the continuous count task so flag an error. */
					sError = pdTRUE;
						vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskFailMsg );

		/* Second section: */

		/* Suspend the continuous counter task so it stops accessing the shared variable. */
		vTaskSuspend( xContinuousIncrementHandle );

		/* Reset the variable. */
		ulCounter = ( unsigned long ) 0;

		/* Resume the limited count task which has a higher priority than us.
		We should therefore not return from this call until the limited count
		task has suspended itself with a known value in the counter variable. 
		The scheduler suspension is not necessary but is included for test
		purposes. */
			vTaskResume( xLimitedIncrementHandle );

		/* Does the counter variable have the expected value? */
		if( ulCounter != priMAX_COUNT )
			sError = pdTRUE;
			vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskFailMsg );

		if( sError == pdFALSE )
			/* If no errors have occurred then increment the check variable. */

		#if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0

		/* Resume the continuous count task and do it all again. */
		vTaskResume( xContinuousIncrementHandle );
예제 #18
static BaseType_t prvBitCombinationTestMasterFunction( BaseType_t xError, TaskHandle_t xTestSlaveTaskHandle )
EventBits_t uxBits;

	/* Resume the other task.  It will block, pending a single bit from
	within ebCOMBINED_BITS. */
	vTaskResume( xTestSlaveTaskHandle );

	/* Ensure the other task is blocked on the task. */
	if( eTaskGetState( xTestSlaveTaskHandle ) != eBlocked )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Set all the bits in ebCOMBINED_BITS - the 'test slave' task is only
	blocked waiting for one of them. */
	xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroup, ebCOMBINED_BITS );

	/* The 'test slave' task should now have executed, clearing ebBIT_1 (the
	bit it was blocked on), then re-entered the Blocked state to wait for
	all the other bits in ebCOMBINED_BITS to be set again.  First check
	ebBIT_1 is clear. */
	uxBits = xEventGroupWaitBits( xEventGroup, ebALL_BITS, pdFALSE, pdFALSE, ebDONT_BLOCK );

	if( uxBits != ( ebCOMBINED_BITS & ~ebBIT_1 ) )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Ensure the other task is still in the blocked state. */
	if( eTaskGetState( xTestSlaveTaskHandle ) != eBlocked )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Set all the bits other than ebBIT_1 - which is the bit that must be
	set before the other task unblocks. */
	xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroup, ebALL_BITS & ~ebBIT_1 );

	/* Ensure all the expected bits are still set. */
	uxBits = xEventGroupWaitBits( xEventGroup, ebALL_BITS, pdFALSE, pdFALSE, ebDONT_BLOCK );

	if( uxBits != ( ebALL_BITS & ~ebBIT_1 ) )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Ensure the other task is still in the blocked state. */
	if( eTaskGetState( xTestSlaveTaskHandle ) != eBlocked )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Now also set ebBIT_1, which should unblock the other task, which will
	then suspend itself. */
	xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroup, ebBIT_1 );

	/* Ensure the other task is suspended. */
	if( eTaskGetState( xTestSlaveTaskHandle ) != eSuspended )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* The other task should not have cleared the bits - so all the bits
	should still be set. */
	if( xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroup, 0x00 ) != ebALL_BITS )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Clear ebBIT_1 again. */
	if( xEventGroupClearBits( xEventGroup, ebBIT_1 ) != ebALL_BITS )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Resume the other task - which will wait on all the ebCOMBINED_BITS
	again - this time clearing the bits when it is unblocked. */
	vTaskResume( xTestSlaveTaskHandle );

	/* Ensure the other task is blocked once again. */
	if( eTaskGetState( xTestSlaveTaskHandle ) != eBlocked )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Set the bit the other task is waiting for. */
	xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroup, ebBIT_1 );

	/* Ensure the other task is suspended once again. */
	if( eTaskGetState( xTestSlaveTaskHandle ) != eSuspended )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* The other task should have cleared the bits in ebCOMBINED_BITS.
	Clear the remaining bits. */
	uxBits = xEventGroupWaitBits( xEventGroup, ebALL_BITS, pdFALSE, pdFALSE, ebDONT_BLOCK );

	if( uxBits != ( ebALL_BITS & ~ebCOMBINED_BITS ) )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* Clear all bits ready for the sync with the other three tasks.  The
	value returned is the value prior to the bits being cleared. */
	if( xEventGroupClearBits( xEventGroup, ebALL_BITS ) != ( ebALL_BITS & ~ebCOMBINED_BITS ) )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	/* The bits should be clear now. */
	if( xEventGroupGetBits( xEventGroup ) != 0x00 )
		xError = pdTRUE;

	return xError;
예제 #19
static void prvChangePriorityWhenSuspendedTask( void *pvParameters )
const char * const pcTaskStartMsg = "Priority change when suspended task started.\r\n";
const char * const pcTaskFailMsg = "Priority change when suspended task failed.\r\n";

	/* Just to stop warning messages. */
	( void ) pvParameters;

	/* Queue a message for printing to say the task has started. */
	vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskStartMsg );	
	for( ;; )
		/* Start with the counter at 0 so we know what the counter should be
		when we check it next. */
		ulPrioritySetCounter = ( unsigned long ) 0;

		/* Resume the helper task.  At this time it has a priority lower than
		ours so no context switch should occur. */
		vTaskResume( xChangePriorityWhenSuspendedHandle );

		/* Check to ensure the task just resumed has not executed. */
			if( ulPrioritySetCounter != ( unsigned long ) 0 )
				xPriorityRaiseWhenSuspendedError = pdTRUE;
				vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskFailMsg );

		/* Now try raising the priority while the scheduler is suspended. */
			vTaskPrioritySet( xChangePriorityWhenSuspendedHandle, ( configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1 ) );

			/* Again, even though the helper task has a priority greater than 
			ours, it should not have executed yet because the scheduler is
			suspended. */
				if( ulPrioritySetCounter != ( unsigned long ) 0 )
					xPriorityRaiseWhenSuspendedError = pdTRUE;
					vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskFailMsg );
		/* Now the scheduler has been resumed the helper task should 
		immediately preempt us and execute.  When it executes it will increment
		the ulPrioritySetCounter exactly once before suspending itself.

		We should now always find the counter set to 1. */
			if( ulPrioritySetCounter != ( unsigned long ) 1 )
				xPriorityRaiseWhenSuspendedError = pdTRUE;
				vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskFailMsg );

		/* Delay until we try this again. */		
		vTaskDelay( priSLEEP_TIME * 2 );
		/* Set the priority of the helper task back ready for the next 
		execution of this task. */
			vTaskPrioritySet( xChangePriorityWhenSuspendedHandle, tskIDLE_PRIORITY );				
예제 #20
extern int pso_resume (void) {
	if (_pso_task)
		vTaskResume (_pso_task);

	return 0;
예제 #21
파일: QueueSet.c 프로젝트: BlueSkyGjj/nRF52
static void prvSetupTest( void )
BaseType_t x;
uint32_t ulValueToSend = 0;

	/* Ensure the queues are created and the queue set configured before the
	sending task is unsuspended.

	First Create the queue set such that it will be able to hold a message for
	every space in every queue in the set. */
	xQueueSet = xQueueCreateSet( queuesetNUM_QUEUES_IN_SET * queuesetQUEUE_LENGTH );

	for( x = 0; x < queuesetNUM_QUEUES_IN_SET; x++ )
		/* Create the queue and add it to the set.  The queue is just holding
		uint32_t value. */
		xQueues[ x ] = xQueueCreate( queuesetQUEUE_LENGTH, sizeof( uint32_t ) );
		configASSERT( xQueues[ x ] );
		if( xQueueAddToSet( xQueues[ x ], xQueueSet ) != pdPASS )
			xQueueSetTasksStatus = pdFAIL;
			/* The queue has now been added to the queue set and cannot be added to
			another. */
			if( xQueueAddToSet( xQueues[ x ], xQueueSet ) != pdFAIL )
				xQueueSetTasksStatus = pdFAIL;

	/* Attempt to remove a queue from a queue set it does not belong
	to (NULL being passed as the queue set in this case). */
	if( xQueueRemoveFromSet( xQueues[ 0 ], NULL ) != pdFAIL )
		/* It is not possible to successfully remove a queue from a queue
		set it does not belong to. */
		xQueueSetTasksStatus = pdFAIL;

	/* Attempt to remove a queue from the queue set it does belong to. */
	if( xQueueRemoveFromSet( xQueues[ 0 ], xQueueSet ) != pdPASS )
		/* It should be possible to remove the queue from the queue set it
		does belong to. */
		xQueueSetTasksStatus = pdFAIL;

	/* Add an item to the queue before attempting to add it back into the
	set. */
	xQueueSend( xQueues[ 0 ], ( void * ) &ulValueToSend, 0 );
	if( xQueueAddToSet( xQueues[ 0 ], xQueueSet ) != pdFAIL )
		/* Should not be able to add a non-empty queue to a set. */
		xQueueSetTasksStatus = pdFAIL;

	/* Remove the item from the queue before adding the queue back into the
	set so the dynamic tests can begin. */
	xQueueReceive( xQueues[ 0 ], &ulValueToSend, 0 );
	if( xQueueAddToSet( xQueues[ 0 ], xQueueSet ) != pdPASS )
		/* If the queue was successfully removed from the queue set then it
		should be possible to add it back in again. */
		xQueueSetTasksStatus = pdFAIL;

	/* The task that sends to the queues is not running yet, so attempting to
	read from the queue set should fail. */
	if( xQueueSelectFromSet( xQueueSet, queuesetSHORT_DELAY ) != NULL )
		xQueueSetTasksStatus = pdFAIL;

	/* Resume the task that writes to the queues. */
	vTaskResume( xQueueSetSendingTask );

	/* Let the ISR access the queues also. */
	xSetupComplete = pdTRUE;