void setInputMatrixToAlgebraDefault(float_tt* dst, size_t numVal) {
    valsSet(dst, float_tt(0), numVal); // empty cells imply zero

    enum dummy {DBG_DENSE_ALGEBRA_WITH_NAN_FILL=0};  // won't be correct if empty cells present
        valsSet(dst, ::nan(""), numVal); // any non-signalling nan will do
        std::cerr << "@@@@@@@@@@@@@ WARNING: prefill matrix memory with NaN for debug" << std::endl ;
예제 #2
void setInputMatrixToAlgebraDefault(float_tt* dst, size_t numVal) {
    Timing timer;
    valsSet(dst, float_tt(0), numVal); // empty cells imply zero

    enum dummy {DBG_DENSE_ALGEBRA_WITH_NAN_FILL=0};  // won't be correct if empty cells present
        valsSet(dst, ::nan(""), numVal); // any non-signalling nan will do
        LOG4CXX_WARN(SCALAPACKPHYSICAL_HPP_logger, "@@@@@@@@@@@@@ WARNING: prefill matrix memory with NaN for debug");
    LOG4CXX_DEBUG(SCALAPACKPHYSICAL_HPP_logger, "setInputMatrixToAlgebraDefault took " << timer.stop());
예제 #3
void setOutputMatrixToAlgebraDefault(float_tt* dst, size_t numVal, log4cxx::LoggerPtr logger) {
    Timing timer;
    valsSet(dst, ::nan(""), numVal); // ScaLAPACK algorithm should provide all entries in matrix
    LOG4CXX_DEBUG(SCALAPACKPHYSICAL_HPP_logger, "setOutputMatrixToAlgebraDefault took " << timer.stop());
void setOutputMatrixToAlgebraDefault(float_tt* dst, size_t numVal) {
    valsSet(dst, ::nan(""), numVal); // ScaLAPACK algorithm should provide all entries in matrix