예제 #1
static string
kpsewhich (string name) {
  bench_start ("kpsewhich");
  string which= var_eval_system ("kpsewhich " * name);
  bench_cumul ("kpsewhich");
  return which;
예제 #2
파일: web_files.cpp 프로젝트: xywei/texmacs
get_from_web (url name) {
    if (!is_rooted_web (name)) return url_none ();
    url res= get_cache (name);
    if (!is_none (res)) return res;

#ifdef OS_WIN32
    string urlString = as_string (name);
    url tmp = url_temp();

    if (starts (urlString, "www."))
        urlString = "http://" * urlString;
    else if (starts (urlString, "ftp."))
        urlString = "ftp://" * urlString;
    else if (starts (urlString, "ftp://"))
        urlPath = NULL;
    else if (starts (urlString, "http://"))
        urlPath = NULL;
        urlString = "http://" * urlString;
    urlString= web_encode (urlString);

    c_string urlPath (urlString);
    c_string tempFilePath (as_string (tmp));

    if(!URL_Get(urlPath, tempFilePath))
        return url_none();
    else return set_cache (name, tmp);
    string test= var_eval_system ("which wget");
    if (!ends (test, "wget")) return url_none ();
    url tmp= url_temp ();
    string tmp_s= escape_sh (concretize (tmp));
    string cmd= "wget --header='User-Agent: TeXmacs-" TEXMACS_VERSION "' -q";
    cmd << " -O " << tmp_s << " " << escape_sh (web_encode (as_string (name)));
    // cout << cmd << "\n";
    system (cmd);
    // cout << "got " << name << " as " << tmp << "\n";

    if (var_eval_system ("cat " * tmp_s * " 2> /dev/null") == "") {
        remove (tmp);
        return url_none ();
    else return set_cache (name, tmp);
예제 #3
static void
init_deprecated () {
#ifndef OS_WIN32
  // Check for Macaulay 2
  if (get_env ("M2HOME") == "")
    if (exists_in_path ("M2")) {
      string where= concretize (resolve_in_path ("M2"));
      string s    = var_eval_system ("grep 'M2HOME=' " * where);
      string dir  = s (search_forwards ("=", s) + 1, N(s));
      if (dir != "") set_env ("M2HOME", dir);
예제 #4
파일: url.cpp 프로젝트: svn2github/texmacs
resolve_in_path (url u) {
  if (use_which) {
    string name = escape_sh (as_string (u));
    string which= var_eval_system ("which " * name * " 2> /dev/null");
    if (ends (which, name))
      return which;
    else if ((which != "") &&
	     (!starts (which, "which: ")) &&
	     (!starts (which, "no ")))
      cout << "TeXmacs] " << which << "\n";
  return resolve (url_path ("$PATH") * u, "x");
예제 #5
get_date (string lan, string fm) {
//#if defined(__MINGW__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(OS_WIN32)
//  return win32::get_date(lan, fm);
  if (invalid_format (fm)) {
    if ((lan == "british") || (lan == "english") || (lan == "american"))
      fm= "%B %d, %Y";
    else if (lan == "german")
      fm= "%d. %B %Y";
    else if (lan == "chinese" || lan == "japanese" ||
	     lan == "korean" || lan == "taiwanese")
	string y= simplify_date (var_eval_system ("date +\"%Y\""));
	string m= simplify_date (var_eval_system ("date +\"%m\""));
	string d= simplify_date (var_eval_system ("date +\"%d\""));
	if (lan == "japanese")
	  return y * "<#5e74>" * m * "<#6708>" * d * "<#65e5>";
	if (lan == "korean")
	  return y * "<#b144> " * m * "<#c6d4> " * d * "<#c77c>";
	return y * "," * m * "," * d;
    else fm= "%d %B %Y";
  lan= language_to_locale (lan);
  string lvar= "LC_TIME";
  if (get_env (lvar) == "") lvar= "LC_ALL";
  if (get_env (lvar) == "") lvar= "LANG";
  string old= get_env (lvar);
  set_env (lvar, lan);
  string date= simplify_date (var_eval_system ("date +\"" * fm * "\""));
  if ((lan == "cz_CZ") || (lan == "hu_HU") || (lan == "pl_PL"))
    date= il2_to_cork (date);
  // if (lan == "ru_RU") date= iso_to_koi8 (date);
  set_env (lvar, old);
  return date;
예제 #6
 // eps2write available starting with gs  9.14 (2014-03-26)
 // epswrite removed in gs 9.16 (2015-03-30)
eps_device () {
  static string dev; // no need to resolve each time
  if (dev == "") {
    string cmd= gs_prefix ()*" --version";
    string buf= var_eval_system (cmd);
    double ver;
    int pos=0;
    if (read_double (buf, pos, ver)) {
      if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "gs version :"<<buf<<LF;
      if (ver >= 9.14) dev="eps2write";
      else dev="epswrite";
    else  convert_error << "Cannot determine gs version"<<LF;
  return copy(dev);
예제 #7
파일: edit_main.cpp 프로젝트: xywei/texmacs
edit_main_rep::get_metadata (string kind) {
  string var= "global-" * kind;
  string val= get_init_string (var);
  if (val != "") return val;
  val= search_metadata (subtree (et, rp), kind);
  if (val != "") return val;
  if (kind == "title") return as_string (tail (get_name ()));
#ifndef __MINGW32__
  if (kind == "author" &&
      !is_none (resolve_in_path ("finger")) &&
      !is_none (resolve_in_path ("sed"))) {
    string val= var_eval_system ("finger `whoami` | sed -e '/Name/!d' -e 's/.*Name: //'");
    if (N(val) > 1) return utf8_to_cork (val);
  return "";
예제 #8
static void
init_misc () {
  // Test whether 'which' works
#if defined(__MINGW__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined (OS_WIN32)
  use_which = false;
  use_which = (var_eval_system ("which texmacs 2> /dev/null") != "");
  //string loc= var_eval_system ("locate bin/locate 2> /dev/null");
  //use_locate= (search_forwards ("bin/locate", loc) > 0);

  // Set extra environment variables for Cygwin
#ifdef OS_CYGWIN
  set_env ("CYGWIN", "check_case:strict");
  set_env ("COMSPEC", "");
  set_env ("ComSpec", "");

예제 #9
static url
get_kpsepath (string s) {
  // FIXME: adapt to WIN32
  if (get_setting ("KPSEPATH") != "true") return url_none ();
  string r= var_eval_system ("kpsepath " * s);
  if (N(r)==0) return url_none ();

  int i, start, end;
  url p= url_none ();
  for (i=0; i<N(r); i++) {
    while ((i<N(r)) && (r[i]=='!')) i++;
    while ((i<N(r)) && (r[i]!=':')) i++;
    while ((end>start) && (r[end-1]=='/')) end--;
    string dir= r (start, end);
    if (dir == ".") continue;
    p= expand (complete (dir * url_wildcard (), "dr")) | p;
  return p;
예제 #10
파일: texmacs.cpp 프로젝트: mgubi/texmacs
TeXmacs_init_paths (int& argc, char** argv) {
  (void) argc; (void) argv;
  url exedir = url_system (qt_application_directory ());
  url exedir = url_system(argv[0]) * ".." ;
  if (! is_rooted(exedir)) {
    exedir = url_pwd() * exedir ;

#if (defined(QTTEXMACS) && defined(Q_WS_MAC)) 
  // the following line can inibith external plugin loading
  // QCoreApplication::setLibraryPaths(QStringList());
  // ideally we would like to control the external plugins
  // and add the most useful (gif, jpeg, svg converters)
  // to the bundle package. I still do not have a reliable solution
  // so just allow everything that is reachable.
  // plugins need to be installed in TeXmacs.app/Contents/Plugins	
	QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath( QDir::cleanPath(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath().append("/../Plugins")) );
  // cout << from_qstring ( QCoreApplication::libraryPaths () .join("\n") ) << LF;
    // ensure that private versions of the Qt frameworks have priority on
    // other instances.
    // in the event that we load qt plugins which could possibly link to
    // other instances of the Qt libraries
    string buf;
    buf = as_string(exedir * "../Frameworks");
    if (get_env("DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH") != "") buf = buf * ":" * get_env("DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH");    
    set_env ("DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH", buf);    
    buf = as_string(exedir * "../Resources/lib");
    if (get_env("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") != "") buf = buf * ":" * get_env("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH");    
    set_env ("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", buf);    

#if defined(AQUATEXMACS) ||(defined(QTTEXMACS) && defined(Q_WS_MAC)) || (defined(X11TEXMACS) && defined (MACOSX_EXTENSIONS))
  // Mac bundle environment initialization
  // We set some environment variables when the executable
  // is in a .app bundle on MacOSX
  if (get_env ("TEXMACS_PATH") == "")
    set_env ("TEXMACS_PATH", as_string(exedir * "../Resources/share/TeXmacs"));
  //cout << get_env("PATH") * ":" * as_string(url("$PWD") * argv[0]
  // * "../../Resources/share/TeXmacs/bin") << LF;
  if (exists("/bin/bash")) {
    string shell_env = var_eval_system ("PATH='' /bin/bash -l -c 'echo $PATH'");
    set_env ("PATH", get_env("PATH") * ":" * shell_env * ":" *
             as_string (exedir * "../Resources/share/TeXmacs/bin"));
  } else {
    set_env ("PATH", get_env("PATH") * ":" *
             as_string (exedir * "../Resources/share/TeXmacs/bin"));
  // system("set");

#ifdef __MINGW32__
  // Win bundle environment initialization
  // TEXMACS_PATH is set by assuming that the executable is in TeXmacs/bin/
  // HOME is set to USERPROFILE
  // PWD is set to HOME
  // if PWD is lacking, then the path resolution machinery may not work
  if (get_env ("TEXMACS_PATH") == "")
    set_env ("TEXMACS_PATH", as_string (exedir * ".."));
//  if (get_env ("HOME") == "") //now set in immediate_options otherwise --setup option fails
//    set_env ("HOME", get_env("USERPROFILE"));
  // HACK
  // In WINE the variable PWD is already in the outer Unix environment 
  // so we need to override it to have a correct behaviour
  if ((get_env ("PWD") == "") || (get_env ("PWD")[0] == '/'))  {
    set_env ("PWD", as_string (exedir));
    // set_env ("PWD", get_env("HOME"));
  // system("set");
예제 #11
pretty_time (int t) {
  return var_eval_system ("date -r " * as_string (t));