void test_vcgeQu32 (void)
  uint32x4_t out_uint32x4_t;
  uint32x4_t arg0_uint32x4_t;
  uint32x4_t arg1_uint32x4_t;

  out_uint32x4_t = vcgeq_u32 (arg0_uint32x4_t, arg1_uint32x4_t);
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  int c = 0;
  int i = 0;
  int j = 0;
  uint temp_int = 0;
  uint num_loops = 0;
  bool interrupt_flag = false;
  uint number_samples = 0;
  uint decim_rate = 0;
  uint fft_size = 0;
  float threshold = 0.0;
  double gain = 0.0;
  float* fft_mag;
  uint32_t* fft_data;
  int threshold_exceeded = 0;
  float threshold_exceeded_mag = 0.0;
  int threshold_exceeded_index = 0;
  uint32_t start_thresholding;
  uint32_t stop_thresholding;
  uint32_t start_overhead;
  uint32_t stop_overhead;
  uint32_t start_dma;
  uint32_t stop_dma;
  float dma_time[30];
  float thresholding_time[30];
  uint32x4_t integers;
  uint32x4_t thresholds;
  uint32x4_t compares;
  struct crash_plblock *spec_sense;
  struct crash_plblock *usrp_intf_tx;

  // Parse command line arguments
  while (1) {
    static struct option long_options[] = {
      /* These options don't set a flag.
         We distinguish them by their indices. */
      {"interrupt",   no_argument,       0, 'i'},
      {"loop prog",   no_argument,       0, 'l'},
      {"decim",       required_argument, 0, 'd'},
      {"fft size",    required_argument, 0, 'k'},
      {"threshold",   required_argument, 0, 't'},
      {0, 0, 0, 0}
    /* getopt_long stores the option index here. */
    int option_index = 0;
    // 'n' is the short option, ':' means it requires an argument
    c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "ild:k:t:",
                     long_options, &option_index);
    /* Detect the end of the options. */
    if (c == -1) break;

    switch (c) {
      case 'i':
        interrupt_flag = true;
      case 'l':
        loop_prog = 1;
      case 'd':
        decim_rate = atoi(optarg);
      case 'k':
        fft_size = (uint)ceil(log2((double)atoi(optarg)));
      case 't':
        threshold = atof(optarg);
      case '?':
        /* getopt_long already printed an error message. */
        abort ();
  /* Print any remaining command line arguments (not options). */
  if (optind < argc)
    printf ("Invalid options:\n");
    while (optind < argc) {
      printf ("\t%s\n", argv[optind++]);
    return -1;

  if (decim_rate == 0) {
    printf("INFO: Decimation rate not specified, defaulting to 1\n");
    decim_rate = 1;

  if (decim_rate > 2047) {
    printf("ERROR: Decimation rate too high\n");
    return -1;

  if (fft_size == 0) {
    printf("INFO: FFT size not specified, defaulting to 256\n");
    fft_size = 8;

  // FFT size cannot be greater than 4096 or less than 64
  if (fft_size > 13 || fft_size < 6) {
    printf("ERROR: FFT size cannot be greater than 4096 or less than 64\n");
    return -1;

  if (threshold == 0.0) {
    printf("INFO: Threshold not set, default to 1.0\n");
    threshold = 1.0;

  number_samples = (uint)pow(2.0,(double)fft_size);

  // Set Ctrl-C handler
  signal(SIGINT, ctrl_c);

  // Set this process to be real time
  //struct sched_param param;
  //param.sched_priority = 99;
  //if (sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, & param) != 0) {
  //    perror("sched_setscheduler");
  //    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

  usrp_intf_tx = crash_open(USRP_INTF_PLBLOCK_ID,WRITE);
  if (usrp_intf_tx == 0) {
    printf("ERROR: Failed to allocate usrp_intf_tx plblock\n");
    return -1;

  spec_sense = crash_open(SPEC_SENSE_PLBLOCK_ID,READ);
  if (spec_sense == 0) {
    printf("ERROR: Failed to allocate spec_sense plblock\n");
    return -1;

  fft_mag = (float *)spec_sense->dma_buff;
  fft_data = (uint32_t *)spec_sense->dma_buff;
  start_overhead = crash_read_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs,DMA_DEBUG_CNT);
  stop_overhead = crash_read_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs,DMA_DEBUG_CNT);
  printf("Overhead (us): %f\n",(1e6/150e6)*(stop_overhead - start_overhead));

  do {
    // Global Reset to get us to a clean slate

    if (interrupt_flag == true) {
    // Wait for USRP DDR interface to finish calibrating (due to reset). This is necessary
    // as the next steps recalibrate the interface and are ignored if issued while it is
    // currently calibrating.

    // Set RX phase
    //printf("RX PHASE INIT: %d\n",crash_read_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs,USRP_RX_PHASE_INIT));

    // Set TX phase
    //printf("TX PHASE INIT: %d\n",crash_read_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs,USRP_TX_PHASE_INIT));

    // Set USRP TX / RX Modes
    crash_write_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs,USRP_USRP_MODE_CTRL,CMD_TX_MODE + TX_DAC_RAW_MODE);
    crash_write_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs,USRP_USRP_MODE_CTRL,CMD_RX_MODE + RX_ADC_DSP_MODE);

    // Setup RX path
    crash_set_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_FIFO_BYPASS);                       // Bypass RX FIFO so stale data in the FIFO does not cause latency
    crash_write_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_AXIS_MASTER_TDEST, SPEC_SENSE_PLBLOCK_ID);  // Set tdest to spec_sense
    crash_write_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_PACKET_SIZE, number_samples);     // Set packet size
    crash_clear_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_FIX2FLOAT_BYPASS);                // Do not bypass fix2float
    if (decim_rate == 1) {
      crash_set_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_CIC_BYPASS);                      // Bypass CIC Filter
      crash_set_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_HB_BYPASS);                       // Bypass HB Filter
      crash_write_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_GAIN, 1);                       // Set gain = 1
    } else if (decim_rate == 2) {
      crash_set_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_CIC_BYPASS);                      // Bypass CIC Filter
      crash_clear_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_HB_BYPASS);                     // Enable HB Filter
      crash_write_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_GAIN, 1);                       // Set gain = 1
    // Even, use both CIC and Halfband filters
    } else if ((decim_rate % 2) == 0) {
      crash_clear_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_CIC_BYPASS);                    // Enable CIC Filter
      crash_write_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_CIC_DECIM, decim_rate/2);       // Set CIC decimation rate (div by 2 as we are using HB filter)
      crash_clear_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_HB_BYPASS);                     // Enable HB Filter
      // Offset CIC bit growth. A 32-bit multiplier in the receive chain allows us
      // to scale the CIC output.
      gain = 26.0-3.0*log2(decim_rate/2);
      gain = (gain > 1.0) ? (ceil(pow(2.0,gain))) : (1.0);                        // Do not allow gain to be set to 0
      crash_write_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_GAIN, (uint32_t)gain);          // Set gain
    // Odd, use only CIC filter
    } else {
      crash_clear_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_CIC_BYPASS);                    // Enable CIC Filter
      crash_write_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_CIC_DECIM, decim_rate);         // Set CIC decimation rate
      crash_set_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_HB_BYPASS);                       // Bypass HB Filter
      gain = 26.0-3.0*log2(decim_rate);
      gain = (gain > 1.0) ? (ceil(pow(2.0,gain))) : (1.0);                        // Do not allow gain to be set to 0
      crash_write_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_RX_GAIN, (uint32_t)gain);          // Set gain

    // Setup TX path
    crash_clear_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_TX_FIX2FLOAT_BYPASS);                // Do not bypass fix2float
    crash_set_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_TX_CIC_BYPASS);                        // Bypass CIC Filter
    crash_set_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_TX_HB_BYPASS);                         // Bypass HB Filter
    crash_write_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs, USRP_TX_GAIN, 1);                         // Set gain = 1

    // Create a CW signal to transmit
    float *tx_sample = (float*)(usrp_intf_tx->dma_buff);
    for (i = 0; i < 4095; i++) {
      tx_sample[2*i+1] = 0;
      tx_sample[2*i] = 0.5;
    tx_sample[2*4095+1] = 0;
    tx_sample[2*4095] = 0;

    // Load waveform into TX FIFO so it can immediately trigger
    crash_write(usrp_intf_tx, USRP_INTF_PLBLOCK_ID, 4096);

    // Setup Spectrum Sense
    crash_write_reg(spec_sense->regs,SPEC_SENSE_AXIS_MASTER_TDEST,DMA_PLBLOCK_ID);  // Set Spectrum Sense block output destimation
    crash_write_reg(spec_sense->regs,SPEC_SENSE_OUTPUT_MODE,1);                   // FFT Magnitude Data
    crash_write_reg(spec_sense->regs,SPEC_SENSE_AXIS_CONFIG_TDATA,fft_size);      // FFT Size
    crash_set_bit(spec_sense->regs,SPEC_SENSE_AXIS_CONFIG_TVALID);                // FFT Size Enable
    crash_set_bit(spec_sense->regs,SPEC_SENSE_ENABLE_FFT);                        // Enable FFT
    memcpy(&temp_int,&threshold,sizeof(float));                                   // Copy float value to an int without a cast
    crash_write_reg(spec_sense->regs,SPEC_SENSE_THRESHOLD,temp_int);              // Threshold level in single precision floating point

    crash_set_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs,USRP_RX_ENABLE);                             // Enable RX

    // First, loop until threshold is exceeded
    j = 0;
    while (threshold_exceeded == 0) {
      crash_read(spec_sense, SPEC_SENSE_PLBLOCK_ID, number_samples);
      // Lower 32-bits of 64-bit AXI xfer is FFT magnitude data. Upper 32-bit are the FFT bin index
      // and threshold exceeded flag (bit 31). So, we use 2*i to index this buffer.
      for (i = 0; i < number_samples; i++) {
        // Bit 31 is set when threshold is exceeded, but the lower bits contain the FFT bin number.
        // So if the value is >= than 0x80000000, we atleast know that the bit 31 is set.
        if (fft_data[2*i+1] >= 0x80000000) {
          threshold_exceeded = 1;
          // Save threshold data
          threshold_exceeded_mag = fft_mag[2*i];
          threshold_exceeded_index = i;
      if (j > 10) {
        printf("TIMEOUT: Threshold never exceeded\n");
        goto cleanup;

    // Set threshold for NEON instruction
    thresholds[0] = 0x80000000;
    thresholds[1] = 0x80000000;
    thresholds[2] = 0x80000000;
    thresholds[3] = 0x80000000;

    // Second, loop until threshold is not exceeded
    while (threshold_exceeded == 1) {
      threshold_exceeded = 0;
      crash_read(spec_sense, SPEC_SENSE_PLBLOCK_ID, number_samples);
      for (i = 0; i < number_samples/4; i++) {
        // NEON GCC Intrinsic to do a 4x unsigned integer greater-than or equal to compare
        // We use the number explained in the loop above here for the comparison
        integers[0] = fft_data[8*i+1];
        integers[1] = fft_data[8*i+3];
        integers[2] = fft_data[8*i+5];
        integers[3] = fft_data[8*i+7];
        compares = vcgeq_u32(integers,thresholds);
        if (compares[0] == -1 || compares[1] == -1 || compares[2] == -1 || compares[3] == -1) {
          // Do not break loop
          threshold_exceeded = 1;
      if (threshold_exceeded == 0) {
        // Enable TX

    // Calculate how long the DMA and the thresholding took by using a counter in the FPGA
    // running at 150 MHz.
    start_dma = crash_read_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs,DMA_DEBUG_CNT);
    crash_read(spec_sense, SPEC_SENSE_PLBLOCK_ID, number_samples);
    stop_dma = crash_read_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs,DMA_DEBUG_CNT);
    // Set threshold for NEON instruction to something impossible
    thresholds[0] = 0x88000000;
    thresholds[1] = 0x88000000;
    thresholds[2] = 0x88000000;
    thresholds[3] = 0x88000000;
    start_thresholding = crash_read_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs,DMA_DEBUG_CNT);
    for (i = 0; i < number_samples/4; i++) {
      integers[0] = fft_data[8*i+1];
      integers[1] = fft_data[8*i+3];
      integers[2] = fft_data[8*i+5];
      integers[3] = fft_data[8*i+7];
      compares = vcgeq_u32(integers,thresholds);
      if (compares[0] == -1 || compares[1] == -1 || compares[2] == -1 || compares[3] == -1) {
        printf("This shouldn't happen\n");
    stop_thresholding = crash_read_reg(usrp_intf_tx->regs,DMA_DEBUG_CNT);

    // Print threshold information
    printf("Threshold Exceeded Index:\t%d\n",threshold_exceeded_index);
    printf("Threshold Exceeded Mag:\t\t%f\n",threshold_exceeded_mag);
    printf("DMA Time (us): %f\n",(1e6/150e6)*(stop_dma - start_dma));
    printf("Thresholding Time (us): %f\n",(1e6/150e6)*(stop_thresholding - start_thresholding));

    // Keep track of times so we can report an average at the end
    if (num_loops < 30) {
      dma_time[num_loops] = (1e6/150e6)*(stop_dma - start_dma);
      thresholding_time[num_loops] = (1e6/150e6)*(stop_thresholding - start_thresholding);

    if (loop_prog == 1) {
      printf("Ctrl-C to end program after this loop\n");

    // Force printf to flush since. We are at a real-time priority, so it cannot unless we force it.
    //if (nanosleep(&ask_sleep,&act_sleep) < 0) {
    //    perror("nanosleep");
    //    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

    crash_clear_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs,USRP_RX_ENABLE);                           // Disable RX
    crash_clear_bit(spec_sense->regs,SPEC_SENSE_ENABLE_FFT);                      // Disable FFT
    crash_clear_bit(usrp_intf_tx->regs,USRP_TX_ENABLE);                           // Disable TX
    threshold_exceeded = 0;
    threshold_exceeded_mag = 0.0;
    threshold_exceeded_index = 0;
  } while (loop_prog == 1);

  float dma_time_avg = 0.0;
  float thresholding_time_avg = 0.0;
  if (num_loops > 30) {
    for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
      dma_time_avg += dma_time[i];
      thresholding_time_avg += thresholding_time[i];
    dma_time_avg = dma_time_avg/30;
    thresholding_time_avg = thresholding_time_avg/30;
  } else {
    for (i = 0; i < num_loops; i++) {
      dma_time_avg += dma_time[i];
      thresholding_time_avg += thresholding_time[i];
    dma_time_avg = dma_time_avg/num_loops;
    thresholding_time_avg = thresholding_time_avg/num_loops;
  printf("Number of loops: %d\n",num_loops);
  printf("Average DMA time (us): %f\n",dma_time_avg);
  printf("Average Thresholding time (us): %f\n",thresholding_time_avg);

  return 0;
예제 #3
inline  uint32x4_t vcgeq(const uint32x4_t  & v0, const uint32x4_t  & v1) { return vcgeq_u32(v0, v1); }