CPubKey CKey::GetPubKey() const { int nSize = i2o_ECPublicKey(pkey, NULL); if (!nSize) throw key_error("CKey::GetPubKey() : i2o_ECPublicKey failed"); std::vector<unsigned char> vchPubKey(nSize, 0); unsigned char* pbegin = &vchPubKey[0]; if (i2o_ECPublicKey(pkey, &pbegin) != nSize) throw key_error("CKey::GetPubKey() : i2o_ECPublicKey returned unexpected size"); return CPubKey(vchPubKey); }
// Converts a hex string to a public key if possible CPubKey HexToPubKey(const std::string& hex_in) { if (!IsHex(hex_in)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid public key: " + hex_in); } CPubKey vchPubKey(ParseHex(hex_in)); if (!vchPubKey.IsFullyValid()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid public key: " + hex_in); } return vchPubKey; }
bool CActiveMasternode::Register(CTxIn vin, CService service, CKey keyCollateralAddress, CPubKey pubKeyCollateralAddress, CKey keyMasternode, CPubKey pubKeyMasternode, std::string &retErrorMessage) { std::string errorMessage; std::vector<unsigned char> vchMasterNodeSignature; std::string strMasterNodeSignMessage; int64_t masterNodeSignatureTime = GetAdjustedTime(); std::string vchPubKey(pubKeyCollateralAddress.begin(), pubKeyCollateralAddress.end()); std::string vchPubKey2(pubKeyMasternode.begin(), pubKeyMasternode.end()); std::string strMessage = service.ToString() + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(masterNodeSignatureTime) + vchPubKey + vchPubKey2 + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(PROTOCOL_VERSION); if(!darkSendSigner.SignMessage(strMessage, errorMessage, vchMasterNodeSignature, keyCollateralAddress)) { retErrorMessage = "sign message failed: " + errorMessage; LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::Register() - Error: %s\n", retErrorMessage.c_str()); return false; } if(!darkSendSigner.VerifyMessage(pubKeyCollateralAddress, vchMasterNodeSignature, strMessage, errorMessage)) { retErrorMessage = "Verify message failed: " + errorMessage; LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::Register() - Error: %s\n", retErrorMessage.c_str()); return false; } bool found = false; LOCK(cs_masternodes); BOOST_FOREACH(CMasterNode& mn, vecMasternodes) if(mn.vin == vin) found = true; if(!found) { LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::Register() - Adding to masternode list service: %s - vin: %s\n", service.ToString().c_str(), vin.ToString().c_str()); CMasterNode mn(service, vin, pubKeyCollateralAddress, vchMasterNodeSignature, masterNodeSignatureTime, pubKeyMasternode, PROTOCOL_VERSION); mn.UpdateLastSeen(masterNodeSignatureTime); vecMasternodes.push_back(mn); } //send to all peers LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::Register() - SendDarkSendElectionEntry vin = %s\n", vin.ToString().c_str()); SendDarkSendElectionEntry(vin, service, vchMasterNodeSignature, masterNodeSignatureTime, pubKeyCollateralAddress, pubKeyMasternode, -1, -1, masterNodeSignatureTime, PROTOCOL_VERSION); return true; }
bool CActiveMasternode::Register(CTxIn vin, CService service, CKey keyCollateralAddress, CPubKey pubKeyCollateralAddress, CKey keyMasternode, CPubKey pubKeyMasternode, CScript rewardAddress, int rewardPercentage, std::string &retErrorMessage) { std::string errorMessage; std::vector<unsigned char> vchMasterNodeSignature; std::string strMasterNodeSignMessage; int64_t masterNodeSignatureTime = GetAdjustedTime(); std::string vchPubKey(pubKeyCollateralAddress.begin(), pubKeyCollateralAddress.end()); std::string vchPubKey2(pubKeyMasternode.begin(), pubKeyMasternode.end()); std::string strMessage = service.ToString() + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(masterNodeSignatureTime) + vchPubKey + vchPubKey2 + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(PROTOCOL_VERSION) + rewardAddress.ToString() + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(rewardPercentage); if(!darkSendSigner.SignMessage(strMessage, errorMessage, vchMasterNodeSignature, keyCollateralAddress)) { retErrorMessage = "sign message failed: " + errorMessage; LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::Register() - Error: %s\n", retErrorMessage.c_str()); return false; } if(!darkSendSigner.VerifyMessage(pubKeyCollateralAddress, vchMasterNodeSignature, strMessage, errorMessage)) { retErrorMessage = "Verify message failed: " + errorMessage; LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::Register() - Error: %s\n", retErrorMessage.c_str()); return false; } CMasternode* pmn = mnodeman.Find(vin); if(pmn == NULL) { LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::Register() - Adding to masternode list service: %s - vin: %s\n", service.ToString().c_str(), vin.ToString().c_str()); CMasternode mn(service, vin, pubKeyCollateralAddress, vchMasterNodeSignature, masterNodeSignatureTime, pubKeyMasternode, PROTOCOL_VERSION, rewardAddress, rewardPercentage); mn.ChangeNodeStatus(false); mn.UpdateLastSeen(masterNodeSignatureTime); mnodeman.Add(mn); } //send to all peers LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::Register() - RelayElectionEntry vin = %s\n", vin.ToString().c_str()); mnodeman.RelayMasternodeEntry(vin, service, vchMasterNodeSignature, masterNodeSignatureTime, pubKeyCollateralAddress, pubKeyMasternode, -1, -1, masterNodeSignatureTime, PROTOCOL_VERSION, rewardAddress, rewardPercentage); return true; }
bool CActiveBlanknode::Register(CTxIn vin, CService service, CKey keyCollateralAddress, CPubKey pubKeyCollateralAddress, CKey keyBlanknode, CPubKey pubKeyBlanknode, CScript donationAddress, int donationPercentage, std::string &retErrorMessage) { std::string errorMessage; std::vector<unsigned char> vchBlankNodeSignature; std::string strBlankNodeSignMessage; int64_t blankNodeSignatureTime = GetAdjustedTime(); std::string vchPubKey(pubKeyCollateralAddress.begin(), pubKeyCollateralAddress.end()); std::string vchPubKey2(pubKeyBlanknode.begin(), pubKeyBlanknode.end()); std::string strMessage = service.ToString() + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(blankNodeSignatureTime) + vchPubKey + vchPubKey2 + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(PROTOCOL_VERSION) + donationAddress.ToString() + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(donationPercentage); if(!zeroSendSigner.SignMessage(strMessage, errorMessage, vchBlankNodeSignature, keyCollateralAddress)) { retErrorMessage = "sign message failed: " + errorMessage; LogPrintf("CActiveBlanknode::Register() - Error: %s\n", retErrorMessage.c_str()); return false; } if(!zeroSendSigner.VerifyMessage(pubKeyCollateralAddress, vchBlankNodeSignature, strMessage, errorMessage)) { retErrorMessage = "Verify message failed: " + errorMessage; LogPrintf("CActiveBlanknode::Register() - Error: %s\n", retErrorMessage.c_str()); return false; } CBlanknode* psn = snodeman.Find(vin); if(psn == NULL) { LogPrintf("CActiveBlanknode::Register() - Adding to Blanknode list service: %s - vin: %s\n", service.ToString().c_str(), vin.ToString().c_str()); CBlanknode sn(service, vin, pubKeyCollateralAddress, vchBlankNodeSignature, blankNodeSignatureTime, pubKeyBlanknode, PROTOCOL_VERSION, donationAddress, donationPercentage); sn.UpdateLastSeen(blankNodeSignatureTime); snodeman.Add(sn); } //send to all peers LogPrintf("CActiveBlanknode::Register() - RelayElectionEntry vin = %s\n", vin.ToString().c_str()); snodeman.RelayBlanknodeEntry(vin, service, vchBlankNodeSignature, blankNodeSignatureTime, pubKeyCollateralAddress, pubKeyBlanknode, -1, -1, blankNodeSignatureTime, PROTOCOL_VERSION, donationAddress, donationPercentage); return true; }
bool CMasternodeBroadcast::Sign(CKey& keyCollateralAddress) { std::string errorMessage; std::string vchPubKey(pubkey.begin(), pubkey.end()); std::string vchPubKey2(pubkey2.begin(), pubkey2.end()); sigTime = GetAdjustedTime(); std::string strMessage = addr.ToString() + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(sigTime) + vchPubKey + vchPubKey2 + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(protocolVersion); if(!darkSendSigner.SignMessage(strMessage, errorMessage, sig, keyCollateralAddress)) { LogPrintf("CMasternodeBroadcast::Sign() - Error: %s\n", errorMessage); return false; } if(!darkSendSigner.VerifyMessage(pubkey, sig, strMessage, errorMessage)) { LogPrintf("CMasternodeBroadcast::Sign() - Error: %s\n", errorMessage); return false; } return true; }
bool CMasternodeBroadcast::CheckAndUpdate(int& nDos) { // make sure signature isn't in the future (past is OK) if (sigTime > GetAdjustedTime() + 60 * 60) { LogPrintf("mnb - Signature rejected, too far into the future %s\n", vin.ToString()); nDos = 1; return false; } std::string vchPubKey(pubkey.begin(), pubkey.end()); std::string vchPubKey2(pubkey2.begin(), pubkey2.end()); std::string strMessage = addr.ToString() + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(sigTime) + vchPubKey + vchPubKey2 + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(protocolVersion); if(protocolVersion < masternodePayments.GetMinMasternodePaymentsProto()) { LogPrintf("mnb - ignoring outdated Masternode %s protocol version %d\n", vin.ToString(), protocolVersion); return false; } CScript pubkeyScript; pubkeyScript = GetScriptForDestination(pubkey.GetID()); if(pubkeyScript.size() != 25) { LogPrintf("mnb - pubkey the wrong size\n"); nDos = 100; return false; } CScript pubkeyScript2; pubkeyScript2 = GetScriptForDestination(pubkey2.GetID()); if(pubkeyScript2.size() != 25) { LogPrintf("mnb - pubkey2 the wrong size\n"); nDos = 100; return false; } if(!vin.scriptSig.empty()) { LogPrintf("mnb - Ignore Not Empty ScriptSig %s\n",vin.ToString()); return false; } std::string errorMessage = ""; if(!darkSendSigner.VerifyMessage(pubkey, sig, strMessage, errorMessage)){ LogPrintf("mnb - Got bad Masternode address signature\n"); nDos = 100; return false; } if(Params().NetworkID() == CBaseChainParams::MAIN) { if(addr.GetPort() != 9999) return false; } else if(addr.GetPort() == 9999) return false; //search existing Masternode list, this is where we update existing Masternodes with new mnb broadcasts CMasternode* pmn = mnodeman.Find(vin); // no such masternode or it's not enabled already, nothing to update if(pmn == NULL || (pmn != NULL && !pmn->IsEnabled())) return true; // mn.pubkey = pubkey, IsVinAssociatedWithPubkey is validated once below, // after that they just need to match if(pmn->pubkey == pubkey && !pmn->IsBroadcastedWithin(MASTERNODE_MIN_MNB_SECONDS)) { //take the newest entry LogPrintf("mnb - Got updated entry for %s\n", addr.ToString()); if(pmn->UpdateFromNewBroadcast((*this))){ pmn->Check(); if(pmn->IsEnabled()) Relay(); } masternodeSync.AddedMasternodeList(GetHash()); } return true; }
bool CActiveMasternode::Register(CTxIn vin, CService service, CKey keyCollateralAddress, CPubKey pubKeyCollateralAddress, CKey keyMasternode, CPubKey pubKeyMasternode, std::string& errorMessage) { CMasternodeBroadcast mnb; CMasternodePing mnp(vin); if (!mnp.Sign(keyMasternode, pubKeyMasternode)) { errorMessage = strprintf("Failed to sign ping, vin: %s", vin.ToString()); LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::Register() - %s\n", errorMessage); return false; } mnodeman.mapSeenMasternodePing.insert(make_pair(mnp.GetHash(), mnp)); LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::Register() - Adding to Masternode list\n service: %s\n vin: %s\n", service.ToString(), vin.ToString()); mnb = CMasternodeBroadcast(service, vin, pubKeyCollateralAddress, pubKeyMasternode, PROTOCOL_VERSION); mnb.lastPing = mnp; if (!mnb.Sign(keyCollateralAddress)) { errorMessage = strprintf("Failed to sign broadcast, vin: %s", vin.ToString()); LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::Register() - %s\n", errorMessage); return false; } mnodeman.mapSeenMasternodeBroadcast.insert(make_pair(mnb.GetHash(), mnb)); masternodeSync.AddedMasternodeList(mnb.GetHash()); CMasternode* pmn = mnodeman.Find(vin); if (pmn == NULL) { CMasternode mn(mnb); mnodeman.Add(mn); } else { pmn->UpdateFromNewBroadcast(mnb); } //send to all peers LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::Register() - RelayElectionEntry vin = %s\n", vin.ToString()); mnb.Relay(); /* * IT'S SAFE TO REMOVE THIS IN FURTHER VERSIONS * AFTER MIGRATION TO V12 IS DONE */ if (IsSporkActive(SPORK_10_MASTERNODE_PAY_UPDATED_NODES)) return true; // for migration purposes inject our node in old masternodes' list too std::string retErrorMessage; std::vector<unsigned char> vchMasterNodeSignature; int64_t masterNodeSignatureTime = GetAdjustedTime(); std::string donationAddress = ""; int donationPercantage = 0; std::string vchPubKey(pubKeyCollateralAddress.begin(), pubKeyCollateralAddress.end()); std::string vchPubKey2(pubKeyMasternode.begin(), pubKeyMasternode.end()); std::string strMessage = service.ToString() + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(masterNodeSignatureTime) + vchPubKey + vchPubKey2 + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(PROTOCOL_VERSION) + donationAddress + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(donationPercantage); if (!obfuScationSigner.SignMessage(strMessage, retErrorMessage, vchMasterNodeSignature, keyCollateralAddress)) { errorMessage = "dsee sign message failed: " + retErrorMessage; LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::Register() - Error: %s\n", errorMessage.c_str()); return false; } if (!obfuScationSigner.VerifyMessage(pubKeyCollateralAddress, vchMasterNodeSignature, strMessage, retErrorMessage)) { errorMessage = "dsee verify message failed: " + retErrorMessage; LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::Register() - Error: %s\n", errorMessage.c_str()); return false; } LOCK(cs_vNodes); BOOST_FOREACH (CNode* pnode, vNodes) pnode->PushMessage("dsee", vin, service, vchMasterNodeSignature, masterNodeSignatureTime, pubKeyCollateralAddress, pubKeyMasternode, -1, -1, masterNodeSignatureTime, PROTOCOL_VERSION, donationAddress, donationPercantage); /* * END OF "REMOVE" */ return true; }
void ProcessMessageMasternode(CNode* pfrom, std::string& strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv) { if (strCommand == "dsee") { //DarkSend Election Entry if(fLiteMode) return; //disable all darksend/masternode related functionality bool fIsInitialDownload = IsInitialBlockDownload(); if(fIsInitialDownload) return; CTxIn vin; CService addr; CPubKey pubkey; CPubKey pubkey2; vector<unsigned char> vchSig; int64_t sigTime; int count; int current; int64_t lastUpdated; int protocolVersion; std::string strMessage; // 70047 and greater vRecv >> vin >> addr >> vchSig >> sigTime >> pubkey >> pubkey2 >> count >> current >> lastUpdated >> protocolVersion; // make sure signature isn't in the future (past is OK) if (sigTime > GetAdjustedTime() + 60 * 60) { printf("dsee - Signature rejected, too far into the future %s\n", vin.ToString().c_str()); return; } bool isLocal = addr.IsRFC1918() || addr.IsLocal(); //if(Params().MineBlocksOnDemand()) isLocal = false; std::string vchPubKey(pubkey.vchPubKey.begin(), pubkey.vchPubKey.end()); std::string vchPubKey2(pubkey2.vchPubKey.begin(), pubkey2.vchPubKey.end()); strMessage = addr.ToString() + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(sigTime) + vchPubKey + vchPubKey2 + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(protocolVersion); if(protocolVersion < MIN_MN_PROTO_VERSION) { printf("dsee - ignoring outdated masternode %s protocol version %d\n", vin.ToString().c_str(), protocolVersion); return; } CScript pubkeyScript; pubkeyScript =GetScriptForDestination(pubkey.GetID()); if(pubkeyScript.size() != 25) { printf("dsee - pubkey the wrong size\n"); pfrom->Misbehaving(100); return; } CScript pubkeyScript2; pubkeyScript2 =GetScriptForDestination(pubkey2.GetID()); if(pubkeyScript2.size() != 25) { printf("dsee - pubkey2 the wrong size\n"); pfrom->Misbehaving(100); return; } std::string errorMessage = ""; if(!darkSendSigner.VerifyMessage(pubkey, vchSig, strMessage, errorMessage)){ printf("dsee - Got bad masternode address signature\n"); pfrom->Misbehaving(100); return; } //search existing masternode list, this is where we update existing masternodes with new dsee broadcasts LOCK(cs_masternodes); BOOST_FOREACH(CMasterNode& mn, vecMasternodes) { if(mn.vin.prevout == vin.prevout) { // count == -1 when it's a new entry // e.g. We don't want the entry relayed/time updated when we're syncing the list // mn.pubkey = pubkey, IsVinAssociatedWithPubkey is validated once below, // after that they just need to match if(count == -1 && mn.pubkey == pubkey && !mn.UpdatedWithin(MASTERNODE_MIN_DSEE_SECONDS)){ mn.UpdateLastSeen(); if(mn.now < sigTime){ //take the newest entry printf("dsee - Got updated entry for %s\n", addr.ToString().c_str()); mn.pubkey2 = pubkey2; mn.now = sigTime; mn.sig = vchSig; mn.protocolVersion = protocolVersion; mn.addr = addr; RelayDarkSendElectionEntry(vin, addr, vchSig, sigTime, pubkey, pubkey2, count, current, lastUpdated, protocolVersion); } } return; } } // make sure the vout that was signed is related to the transaction that spawned the masternode // - this is expensive, so it's only done once per masternode if(!darkSendSigner.IsVinAssociatedWithPubkey(vin, pubkey)) { printf("dsee - Got mismatched pubkey and vin\n"); pfrom->Misbehaving(100); return; } if(fDebug) printf("dsee - Got NEW masternode entry %s\n", addr.ToString().c_str()); // make sure it's still unspent // - this is checked later by .check() in many places and by ThreadCheckDarkSendPool() CTransaction tx = CTransaction(); CTxOut vout = CTxOut(24999*COIN, darkSendPool.collateralPubKey); tx.vin.push_back(vin); tx.vout.push_back(vout); //if(AcceptableInputs(mempool, state, tx)){ bool* pfMissingInputs = false; if(AcceptableInputs(mempool, tx, false, pfMissingInputs)){ if(fDebug) printf("dsee - Accepted masternode entry %i %i\n", count, current); if(GetInputAge(vin) < MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS){ printf("dsee - Input must have least %d confirmations\n", MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS); pfrom->Misbehaving(20); return; } // use this as a peer addrman.Add(CAddress(addr), pfrom->addr, 2*60*60); // add our masternode CMasterNode mn(addr, vin, pubkey, vchSig, sigTime, pubkey2, protocolVersion); mn.UpdateLastSeen(lastUpdated); vecMasternodes.push_back(mn); // if it matches our masternodeprivkey, then we've been remotely activated if(pubkey2 == activeMasternode.pubKeyMasternode && protocolVersion == PROTOCOL_VERSION){ activeMasternode.EnableHotColdMasterNode(vin, addr); } if(count == -1 && !isLocal) RelayDarkSendElectionEntry(vin, addr, vchSig, sigTime, pubkey, pubkey2, count, current, lastUpdated, protocolVersion); } else { printf("dsee - Rejected masternode entry %s\n", addr.ToString().c_str()); int nDoS = 0; /* if (state.IsInvalid(nDoS)) { printf("dsee - %s from %s %s was not accepted into the memory pool\n", tx.GetHash().ToString().c_str(), pfrom->addr.ToString().c_str(), pfrom->cleanSubVer.c_str()); if (nDoS > 0) pfrom->Misbehaving(nDoS); }*/ } } else if (strCommand == "dseep") { //DarkSend Election Entry Ping
bool MultisigDialog::createRedeemScript(int m, vector<string> vKeys, CScript& redeemRet, string& errorRet) { try{ int n = vKeys.size(); //gather pub keys if (n < 1) throw runtime_error("a Multisignature address must require at least one key to redeem"); if (n < m) throw runtime_error( strprintf("not enough keys supplied " "(got %d keys, but need at least %d to redeem)", m, n)); if (n > 15) throw runtime_error("Number of addresses involved in the Multisignature address creation > 15\nReduce the number"); vector<CPubKey> pubkeys; pubkeys.resize(n); int i = 0; for(vector<string>::iterator it = vKeys.begin(); it != vKeys.end(); ++it) { string keyString = *it; #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET // Case 1: PIVX address and we have full public key: CBitcoinAddress address(keyString); if (pwalletMain && address.IsValid()) { CKeyID keyID; if (!address.GetKeyID(keyID)) { throw runtime_error( strprintf("%s does not refer to a key", keyString)); } CPubKey vchPubKey; if (!pwalletMain->GetPubKey(keyID, vchPubKey)) throw runtime_error( strprintf("no full public key for address %s", keyString)); if (!vchPubKey.IsFullyValid()){ string sKey = keyString.empty()?"(empty)":keyString; throw runtime_error(" Invalid public key: " + sKey ); } pubkeys[i++] = vchPubKey; } //case 2: hex pub key else #endif if (IsHex(keyString)) { CPubKey vchPubKey(ParseHex(keyString)); if (!vchPubKey.IsFullyValid()){ throw runtime_error(" Invalid public key: " + keyString); } pubkeys[i++] = vchPubKey; } else { throw runtime_error(" Invalid public key: " + keyString); } } //populate redeem script //OP_N for required signatures redeemRet << redeemRet.EncodeOP_N(m); //public keys for(CPubKey& key : pubkeys){ vector<unsigned char> vKey= ToByteVector(key); redeemRet << vKey; } //OP_N for total pubkeys redeemRet << redeemRet.EncodeOP_N(pubkeys.size()); redeemRet << OP_CHECKMULTISIG; return true; }catch(const runtime_error& e){ errorRet = string(e.what()); return false; } }
void ProcessMessageMasternode(CNode* pfrom, std::string& strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv) { if (strCommand == "dsee") { //DarkSend Election Entry if (pfrom->nVersion != darkSendPool.MIN_PEER_PROTO_VERSION) { return; } bool fIsInitialDownload = IsInitialBlockDownload(); if(fIsInitialDownload) return; CTxIn vin; CService addr; CPubKey pubkey; CPubKey pubkey2; vector<unsigned char> vchSig; int64 sigTime; int count; int current; int64 lastUpdated; vRecv >> vin >> addr >> vchSig >> sigTime >> pubkey >> pubkey2 >> count >> current >> lastUpdated; bool isLocal = false; // addr.IsRFC1918(); std::string vchPubKey(pubkey.begin(), pubkey.end()); std::string vchPubKey2(pubkey2.begin(), pubkey2.end()); CScript pubkeyScript; pubkeyScript.SetDestination(pubkey.GetID()); if(pubkeyScript.size() != 25) { LogPrintf("dsee - pubkey the wrong size\n"); pfrom->Misbehaving(100); return; } std::string strMessage = addr.ToString() + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(sigTime) + vchPubKey + vchPubKey2; CScript pubkeyScript2; pubkeyScript2.SetDestination(pubkey2.GetID()); if(pubkeyScript2.size() != 25) { LogPrintf("dsee - pubkey the wrong size\n"); pfrom->Misbehaving(100); return; } std::string errorMessage = ""; if(!darkSendSigner.VerifyMessage(pubkey, vchSig, strMessage, errorMessage)){ LogPrintf("dsee - Got bad masternode address signature\n"); pfrom->Misbehaving(100); return; } if((fTestNet && addr.GetPort() != 19999) || (!fTestNet && addr.GetPort() != 9999)) return; //LogPrintf("Searching existing masternodes : %s - %s\n", addr.ToString().c_str(), vin.ToString().c_str()); BOOST_FOREACH(CMasterNode& mn, darkSendMasterNodes) { //LogPrintf(" -- %s\n", mn.vin.ToString().c_str()); if(mn.vin.prevout == vin.prevout) { //count == -1 when it's a new entry // e.g. We don't want the entry relayed/time updated when we're syncing the list if(count == -1 && !mn.UpdatedWithin(MASTERNODE_MIN_SECONDS)){ mn.UpdateLastSeen(); if(mn.now < sigTime){ //take the newest entry LogPrintf("dsee - Got updated entry for %s\n", addr.ToString().c_str()); mn.pubkey2 = pubkey2; mn.now = sigTime; mn.sig = vchSig; if(pubkey2 == activeMasternode.pubkeyMasterNode2){ activeMasternode.EnableHotColdMasterNode(vin, sigTime, addr); } RelayDarkSendElectionEntry(vin, addr, vchSig, sigTime, pubkey, pubkey2, count, current, lastUpdated); } } return; } } if(!darkSendSigner.IsVinAssociatedWithPubkey(vin, pubkey)) { LogPrintf("dsee - Got mismatched pubkey and vin\n"); pfrom->Misbehaving(100); return; } LogPrintf("dsee - Got NEW masternode entry %s\n", addr.ToString().c_str()); CValidationState state; CTransaction tx = CTransaction(); CTxOut vout = CTxOut(999.99*COIN, darkSendPool.collateralPubKey); tx.vin.push_back(vin); tx.vout.push_back(vout); if(tx.AcceptableInputs(state, true)){ LogPrintf("dsee - Accepted masternode entry %i %i\n", count, current); if(GetInputAge(vin) < MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS){ LogPrintf("dsee - Input must have least %d confirmations\n", MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS); pfrom->Misbehaving(20); return; } addrman.Add(CAddress(addr), pfrom->addr, 2*60*60); CMasterNode mn(addr, vin, pubkey, vchSig, sigTime, pubkey2); mn.UpdateLastSeen(lastUpdated); darkSendMasterNodes.push_back(mn); if(pubkey2 == activeMasternode.pubkeyMasterNode2){ activeMasternode.EnableHotColdMasterNode(vin, sigTime, addr); } if(count == -1 && !isLocal) RelayDarkSendElectionEntry(vin, addr, vchSig, sigTime, pubkey, pubkey2, count, current, lastUpdated); } else { LogPrintf("dsee - Rejected masternode entry\n"); int nDoS = 0; if (state.IsInvalid(nDoS)) { LogPrintf("dsee - %s from %s %s was not accepted into the memory pool\n", tx.GetHash().ToString().c_str(), pfrom->addr.ToString().c_str(), pfrom->cleanSubVer.c_str()); if (nDoS > 0) pfrom->Misbehaving(nDoS); } } } else if (strCommand == "dseep") { //DarkSend Election Entry Ping
bool CMasternodeBroadcast::CheckAndUpdate(int& nDos) { nDos = 0; // make sure signature isn't in the future (past is OK) if (sigTime > GetAdjustedTime() + 60 * 60) { LogPrintf("mnb - Signature rejected, too far into the future %s\n", vin.ToString()); nDos = 1; return false; } if(protocolVersion < masternodePayments.GetMinMasternodePaymentsProto()) { LogPrintf("mnb - ignoring outdated Masternode %s protocol version %d\n", vin.ToString(), protocolVersion); return false; } CScript pubkeyScript; pubkeyScript = GetScriptForDestination(pubkey.GetID()); if(pubkeyScript.size() != 25) { LogPrintf("mnb - pubkey the wrong size\n"); nDos = 100; return false; } CScript pubkeyScript2; pubkeyScript2 = GetScriptForDestination(pubkey2.GetID()); if(pubkeyScript2.size() != 25) { LogPrintf("mnb - pubkey2 the wrong size\n"); nDos = 100; return false; } if(!vin.scriptSig.empty()) { LogPrintf("mnb - Ignore Not Empty ScriptSig %s\n",vin.ToString()); return false; } std::string strMessage; std::string errorMessage = ""; if(protocolVersion < 70201) { std::string vchPubKey(pubkey.begin(), pubkey.end()); std::string vchPubKey2(pubkey2.begin(), pubkey2.end()); strMessage = addr.ToString(false) + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(sigTime) + vchPubKey + vchPubKey2 + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(protocolVersion); LogPrint("masternode", "mnb - sanitized strMessage: %s, pubkey address: %s, sig: %s\n", SanitizeString(strMessage), CBitcoinAddress(pubkey.GetID()).ToString(), EncodeBase64(&sig[0], sig.size())); if(!darkSendSigner.VerifyMessage(pubkey, sig, strMessage, errorMessage)){ if (addr.ToString() != addr.ToString(false)) { // maybe it's wrong format, try again with the old one strMessage = addr.ToString() + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(sigTime) + vchPubKey + vchPubKey2 + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(protocolVersion); LogPrint("masternode", "mnb - sanitized strMessage: %s, pubkey address: %s, sig: %s\n", SanitizeString(strMessage), CBitcoinAddress(pubkey.GetID()).ToString(), EncodeBase64(&sig[0], sig.size())); if(!darkSendSigner.VerifyMessage(pubkey, sig, strMessage, errorMessage)){ // didn't work either LogPrintf("mnb - Got bad Masternode address signature, sanitized error: %s\n", SanitizeString(errorMessage)); // there is a bug in old MN signatures, ignore such MN but do not ban the peer we got this from return false; } } else { // nope, sig is actually wrong LogPrintf("mnb - Got bad Masternode address signature, sanitized error: %s\n", SanitizeString(errorMessage)); // there is a bug in old MN signatures, ignore such MN but do not ban the peer we got this from return false; } } } else { strMessage = addr.ToString(false) + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(sigTime) + pubkey.GetID().ToString() + pubkey2.GetID().ToString() + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(protocolVersion); LogPrint("masternode", "mnb - strMessage: %s, pubkey address: %s, sig: %s\n", strMessage, CBitcoinAddress(pubkey.GetID()).ToString(), EncodeBase64(&sig[0], sig.size())); if(!darkSendSigner.VerifyMessage(pubkey, sig, strMessage, errorMessage)){ LogPrintf("mnb - Got bad Masternode address signature, error: %s\n", errorMessage); nDos = 100; return false; } } if(Params().NetworkID() == CBaseChainParams::MAIN) { if(addr.GetPort() != 9887) return false; } else if(addr.GetPort() == 9887) return false; //search existing Masternode list, this is where we update existing Masternodes with new mnb broadcasts CMasternode* pmn = mnodeman.Find(vin); // no such masternode, nothing to update if(pmn == NULL) return true ; else { // this broadcast older than we have, it's bad. if(pmn->sigTime > sigTime) { LogPrintf("mnb - Bad sigTime %d for Masternode %20s %105s (existing broadcast is at %d)\n", sigTime, addr.ToString(), vin.ToString(), pmn->sigTime); return false; } // masternode is not enabled yet/already, nothing to update if(!pmn->IsEnabled()) return true; } // mn.pubkey = pubkey, IsVinAssociatedWithPubkey is validated once below, // after that they just need to match if(pmn->pubkey == pubkey && !pmn->IsBroadcastedWithin(MASTERNODE_MIN_MNB_SECONDS)) { //take the newest entry LogPrintf("mnb - Got updated entry for %s\n", addr.ToString()); if(pmn->UpdateFromNewBroadcast((*this))){ pmn->Check(); if(pmn->IsEnabled()) Relay(); } masternodeSync.AddedMasternodeList(GetHash()); } return true; }