예제 #1
float i_wndv ( float pres )
/*  I_WNDV                                                   */
/*  John Hart  NSSFC KCMO                                    */
/*                                                           */
/*  Interpolates the given data to calculate a               */
/*  v-component to the wind at pressure level (pres).        */
/*                                                           */
/*  pres             - Level(mb) to compute a V-Component    */
	short below, above, i, ok;
	float vtop, vbot, nm1;

	if ( sndgp == NULL ) return ( -999.0F );


	/* ----- Find Wind Immediately Above level ----- */
	ok = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < sndgp->numlev; i++)
	   if((sndgp->sndg[i].pres == pres) && (sndgp->sndg[i].drct != -999.0F) &&
              (sndgp->sndg[i].sped != -999.0F))
              return vcomp( sndgp->sndg[i].drct, sndgp->sndg[i].sped );
	   if((sndgp->sndg[i].pres < pres) && (sndgp->sndg[i].drct != -999.0F))
	      above = i; ok=1; break;
	   if( ok == 0 ) return -999.0F;

	/* ----- Find Wind Immediately Below level ----- */
	ok = 0;
	for (i = sndgp->numlev - 1; i > -1; i--)
	   if((sndgp->sndg[i].pres >= pres) && (sndgp->sndg[i].drct != -999.0F))
	      below = i; ok=1; break;
	   if( ok == 0 ) return -999.0F;

	/* ----- If both levels are the same, return them ---- */
	if( above == below)
	   return vcomp( sndgp->sndg[above].drct, sndgp->sndg[above].sped );

	/* ----- Now we need to interpolate to get the Wind ----- */
	nm1 = sndgp->sndg[below].pres - pres;
	vbot = vcomp( sndgp->sndg[below].drct, sndgp->sndg[below].sped );
	vtop = vcomp( sndgp->sndg[above].drct, sndgp->sndg[above].sped );
	return vbot - ((nm1 / (sndgp->sndg[below].pres - sndgp->sndg[above].pres))
	* (vbot - vtop));
예제 #2
void plot_vis(void)
	/*  PLOT_VIS                                                 */
	/*  John Hart  NSSFC KCMO                                    */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  Plots the results of storm-relative parcel trajectory.   */
	float sfctemp, sfcdwpt, sfcpres, ix1;
	short x1, y1, x2, y2, ulx, uly, vwid;
	Parcel pcl;

	ulx = hov.tlx;
	uly = hov.bry;
	vwid = 120;

	setcliprgn( ulx, uly, ulx + vwid, uly + vwid - 1);
	setlinestyle( 1, 1 );
	rectangle( 1, ulx, uly, ulx + vwid, uly + vwid - 1); 
	rectangle( 0, ulx, uly, ulx + vwid, uly + vwid - 1);

       /* ----- Plot Crosshairs ----- */
	moveto(ulx, uly + (vwid/2)); lineto(ulx + vwid, uly + (vwid/2));
	moveto(ulx + (vwid/2), uly); lineto(ulx + (vwid/2), uly + vwid);

	/* ----- Plot Label ----- */
	/* outgtext( "Storm", hov.brx-145, hov.tly + 125 ); */
	outgtext( "Storm Slinky",  ulx + 5, uly + vwid-13 );

	/* ----- Calculate Parcel Data ----- */
	sfctemp = lplvals.temp;
	sfcdwpt = lplvals.dwpt;
	sfcpres = lplvals.pres;
	ix1 = parcel( -1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &pcl);

	/* ----- Plot storm motion ----- */
	x1 = ulx + (vwid/2);
	y1 = uly + (vwid/2);
	x2 = x1 + (short)ucomp( st_dir, 30);
	y2 = y1 - (short)vcomp( st_dir, 30);
	moveto( x1, y1);
	lineto( x2, y2);

	/* ----- Run Visualization Routine ----- */
	ix1 = visual1( pcl.lfcpres, pcl.elpres, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, ulx, uly, vwid);
	setcliprgn(1, 1, xwdth, xhght);
예제 #3
hodo_to_pix (float dir, float mag, short *x, short *y)
	/*  HODO_TO_PIX                                              */
	/*  John Hart  NSSFC KCMO                                    */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  Calculates the screen location (x,y) in pixels of the    */
	/*  wind vector (dir,mag).                                   */
  float midx, midy;
  float scle;

  scle = (float) ((hov.brx - hov.tlx) / hov.hodomag);
  midx = hov.tlx + ((hov.brx - hov.tlx) / 2) + (hov.xshift * scle);
  midy = hov.tly + ((hov.bry - hov.tly) / 2) - (hov.yshift * scle);

  *x = (short) (midx - (ucomp (dir, mag) * scle));
  *y = (short) (midy + (vcomp (dir, mag) * scle));
예제 #4
 /*NP*/ void
wind_barb (float wdir, float wspd, short x, short y, short siz)
	/*  WIND_BARB                                                */
	/*  John Hart  NSSFC KCMO                                    */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  Plots wind barb at location (x,y) for given wind.        */
  short x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, sped, maxsiz = 3;
  float dx, dy, spcx, spcy, wid, hgt;

  dx = (ucomp (wdir, 10) * (float) siz) / 1.5F;
  dy = (vcomp (wdir, 10) * (float) siz) / 1.5F;

  x1 = x;
  y1 = y;
  x2 = x1 + (short) dx;
  y2 = y1 - (short) dy;

  /* ----- Draw backbone of wind barb, along with origin dot ----- */
  if (siz > maxsiz)
      setlinestyle (1, 2);
      setlinestyle (1, 1);

  rectangle (0, x1 - 1, y1 - 1, x1 + 1, y1 + 1);
  moveto (x1, y1);
  lineto (x2, y2);

  sped = (short) wspd;
  x1 = x2;
  y1 = y2;

  wid = 5;			/* Number of flags that will fit */
  spcx = dx / wid;
  spcy = dy / wid;
  x1 = x1 + (short) spcx;
  y1 = y1 - (short) spcy;

  /* ----- Draw wind flags (increments of 50kt) ----- */
  while (sped > 47)
      x1 = x1 - (short) spcx;
      y1 = y1 + (short) spcy;

      hgt = .5F;		/* Heigth of flags */
      x2 = x1 + (short) (dy * hgt);
      y2 = y1 + (short) (dx * hgt);

      x3 = x1 - (short) spcx;
      y3 = y1 + (short) spcy;

      moveto (x1, y1);
      lineto (x2, y2);
      lineto (x3, y3);

      x2 = (x1 + x2 + x3) / 3;
      y2 = (y1 + y2 + y3) / 3;

      sped -= 50;
      x1 = x3;
      y1 = y3;

  /* ----- Draw wind barbs (increments of 5kt) ----- */
  while (sped > 7)
      hgt = .5F;		/* Heigth of flags */
      x2 = x1 + (short) (dy * hgt);
      y2 = y1 + (short) (dx * hgt);

      x3 = x1 - (short) spcx;
      y3 = y1 + (short) spcy;

      moveto (x3, y3);
      lineto (x2, y2);

      sped -= 10;
      x1 = x3;
      y1 = y3;

  /* ----- Draw short barb ----- */
  if (sped > 3)
      hgt = .5F;		/* Heigth of flags */
      x2 = x1 + (short) (dy * hgt);
      y2 = y1 + (short) (dx * hgt);

      x3 = x1 - (short) spcx;
      y3 = y1 + (short) spcy;

      dx = (x3 - x2) / 2;
      dy = (y3 - y2) / 2;

      x2 = x3 - (short) dx;
      y2 = y3 - (short) dy;

      moveto (x3, y3);
      lineto (x2, y2);