static PyObject * _Bas_bspdeval(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int d, mc, nc, n; npy_intp dim[2]; double u, **ctrlmat, **pntmat; PyObject *input_ctrl, *input_k; PyArrayObject *ctrl, *k, *pnt; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iOOdi", &d, &input_ctrl, &input_k, &u, &n)) return NULL; ctrl = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input_ctrl, PyArray_DOUBLE, 2, 2); if(ctrl == NULL) return NULL; k = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input_k, PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 1); if(k == NULL) return NULL; mc = ctrl->dimensions[0]; nc = ctrl->dimensions[1]; dim[0] = mc; dim[1] = n + 1; pnt = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2, dim, PyArray_DOUBLE); ctrlmat = vec2mat(ctrl->data, mc, nc); pntmat = vec2mat(pnt->data, mc, n + 1); _bspdeval(d, ctrlmat, mc, nc, (double *)k->data, k->dimensions[0], u, n, pntmat); free(pntmat); free(ctrlmat); Py_DECREF(ctrl); Py_DECREF(k); return PyArray_Return(pnt); }
static PyObject * _Bas_bspeval(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int d, mc, nc, nu, dim[2]; double **ctrlmat, **pntmat; PyObject *input_ctrl, *input_k, *input_u; PyArrayObject *ctrl, *k, *u, *pnt; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iOOO", &d, &input_ctrl, &input_k, &input_u)) return NULL; ctrl = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input_ctrl, PyArray_DOUBLE, 2, 2); if(ctrl == NULL) return NULL; k = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input_k, PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 1); if(k == NULL) return NULL; u = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input_u, PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 1); if(u == NULL) return NULL; mc = ctrl->dimensions[0]; nc = ctrl->dimensions[1]; nu = u->dimensions[0]; dim[0] = mc; dim[1] = nu; pnt = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_FromDims(2, dim, PyArray_DOUBLE); ctrlmat = vec2mat(ctrl->data, mc, nc); pntmat = vec2mat(pnt->data, mc, nu); _bspeval(d, ctrlmat, mc, nc, (double *)k->data, k->dimensions[0], (double *)u->data, nu, pntmat); free(pntmat); free(ctrlmat); Py_DECREF(ctrl); Py_DECREF(k); Py_DECREF(u); return PyArray_Return(pnt); }
void P_nested(vector<double> &P, const vector<double> &par, const NumericMatrix &Theta, const int &N, const int &nfact, const int &ncat, const int &correct) { NumericVector dummy(1); const int par_size = par.size(); vector<double> dpar(nfact+3), npar(par_size - nfact - 3, 1.0); for(int i = 0; i < nfact+3; ++i) dpar[i] = par[i]; for(int i = nfact+3; i < par_size; ++i) npar[i - (nfact+3) + nfact] = par[i]; vector<double> Pd(N*2), Pn(N*(ncat-1)); P_dich(Pd, dpar, Theta, dummy, N, nfact); P_nominal(Pn, npar, Theta, dummy, N, nfact, ncat-1, 0, 0); NumericMatrix PD = vec2mat(Pd, N, 2); NumericMatrix PN = vec2mat(Pn, N, ncat-1); int k = 0, which = 0; for(int i = 0; i < ncat; ++i){ if((i+1) == correct){ for(int j = 0; j < N; ++j){ P[which] = PD(j,1); ++which; } --k; } else { for(int j = 0; j < N; ++j){ P[which] = PD(j,0) * PN(j,k); ++which; } } ++k; } }
static PyObject * _Bas_bspdegelev(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int d, mc, nc, nk, t, nh; npy_intp dim[2]; double **ctrlmat, **icmat; PyObject *input_ctrl, *input_k; PyArrayObject *ctrl, *k, *ic, *ik; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iOOi", &d, &input_ctrl, &input_k, &t)) return NULL; ctrl = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input_ctrl, PyArray_DOUBLE, 2, 2); if(ctrl == NULL) return NULL; k = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input_k, PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 1); if(k == NULL) return NULL; mc = ctrl->dimensions[0]; nc = ctrl->dimensions[1]; nk = k->dimensions[0]; dim[0] = mc; dim[1] = nc*(t + 1); ic = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2, dim, PyArray_DOUBLE); ctrlmat = vec2mat(ctrl->data, mc, nc); icmat = vec2mat(ic->data, mc, nc*(t + 1)); dim[0] = (t + 1)*nk; ik = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1, dim, PyArray_DOUBLE); _bspdegelev(d, ctrlmat, mc, nc, (double *)k->data, nk, t, &nh, icmat, (double *)ik->data); free(icmat); free(ctrlmat); Py_DECREF(ctrl); Py_DECREF(k); return Py_BuildValue("(OOi)", (PyObject *)ic, (PyObject *)ik, nh); }
RcppExport SEXP computeItemTrace(SEXP Rpars, SEXP RTheta, SEXP Ritemloc, SEXP Roffterm) { BEGIN_RCPP const List pars(Rpars); const NumericMatrix Theta(RTheta); const NumericMatrix offterm(Roffterm); const vector<int> itemloc = as< vector<int> >(Ritemloc); const int J = itemloc.size() - 1; const int nfact = Theta.ncol(); const int N = Theta.nrow(); vector<double> itemtrace(N * (itemloc[J]-1)); S4 item = pars[0]; NumericMatrix FD = item.slot(""); int USEFIXED = 0; if(FD.nrow() > 2) USEFIXED = 1; for(int which = 0; which < J; ++which) _computeItemTrace(itemtrace, Theta, pars, offterm(_, which), itemloc, which, nfact, N, USEFIXED); NumericMatrix ret = vec2mat(itemtrace, N, itemloc[J]-1); return(ret); END_RCPP }
//Estep for bfactor RcppExport SEXP Estepbfactor(SEXP Ritemtrace, SEXP Rprior, SEXP RPriorbetween, SEXP RX, SEXP Rr, SEXP Rsitems, SEXP RPrior, SEXP Rncores) { BEGIN_RCPP List ret; const NumericMatrix itemtrace(Ritemtrace); const vector<double> prior = as< vector<double> >(Rprior); const vector<double> Priorbetween = as< vector<double> >(RPriorbetween); const vector<double> Prior = as< vector<double> >(RPrior); const vector<int> r = as< vector<int> >(Rr); const int ncores = as<int>(Rncores); const IntegerMatrix data(RX); const IntegerMatrix sitems(Rsitems); const int nitems = data.ncol(); const int npquad = prior.size(); const int nbquad = Priorbetween.size(); const int nquad = nbquad * npquad; const int npat = r.size(); vector<double> expected(npat); vector<double> r1vec(nquad*nitems, 0.0); vector<double> r2vec(nbquad, 0.0); _Estepbfactor(expected, r1vec, r2vec, itemtrace, prior, Priorbetween, r, ncores, data, sitems, Prior); NumericMatrix r1 = vec2mat(r1vec, nquad, nitems); ret["r1"] = r1; ret["expected"] = wrap(expected); ret["r2"] = wrap(r2vec); return(ret); END_RCPP }
static PyObject * _Bas_bspbezdecom(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int i, b, c, d, mc, nc, nk, m; npy_intp dim[2]; double **ctrlmat, **icmat; PyObject *input_ctrl, *input_k; PyArrayObject *ctrl, *k, *ic; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iOO", &d, &input_ctrl, &input_k)) return NULL; ctrl = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input_ctrl, PyArray_DOUBLE, 2, 2); if(ctrl == NULL) return NULL; k = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input_k, PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 1); if(k == NULL) return NULL; mc = ctrl->dimensions[0]; nc = ctrl->dimensions[1]; nk = k->dimensions[0]; i = d + 1; c = 0; m = nk - d - 1; while (i < m) { b = 1; while (i < m && *(double *)(k->data + i * k->strides[0]) == *(double *)(k->data + (i + 1) * k->strides[0])) { b++; i++; } if(b < d) c = c + (d - b); i++; } dim[0] = mc; dim[1] = nc+c; ic = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2, dim, PyArray_DOUBLE); ctrlmat = vec2mat(ctrl->data, mc, nc); icmat = vec2mat(ic->data, mc, nc+c); _bspbezdecom(d, ctrlmat, mc, nc, (double *)k->data, nk, icmat); free(icmat); free(ctrlmat); Py_DECREF(ctrl); Py_DECREF(k); return Py_BuildValue("O", ic); }
static PyObject * _Bas_bspkntins(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int d, mc, nc, nk, nu; npy_intp dim[2]; double **ctrlmat, **icmat; PyObject *input_ctrl, *input_k, *input_u; PyArrayObject *ctrl, *k, *u, *ic, *ik; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iOOO", &d, &input_ctrl, &input_k, &input_u)) return NULL; ctrl = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input_ctrl, PyArray_DOUBLE, 2, 2); if(ctrl == NULL) return NULL; k = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input_k, PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 1); if(k == NULL) return NULL; u = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input_u, PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 1); if(u == NULL) return NULL; mc = ctrl->dimensions[0]; nc = ctrl->dimensions[1]; nk = k->dimensions[0]; nu = u->dimensions[0]; dim[0] = mc; dim[1] = nc + nu; ic = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2, dim, PyArray_DOUBLE); ctrlmat = vec2mat(ctrl->data, mc, nc); icmat = vec2mat(ic->data, mc, nc + nu); dim[0] = nk + nu; ik = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1, dim, PyArray_DOUBLE); _bspkntins(d, ctrlmat, mc, nc, (double *)k->data, nk, (double *)u->data, nu, icmat, (double *)ik->data); free(icmat); free(ctrlmat); Py_DECREF(ctrl); Py_DECREF(k); Py_DECREF(u); return Py_BuildValue("(OO)", (PyObject *)ic, (PyObject *)ik); }
RcppExport SEXP partcompTraceLinePts(SEXP Rpar, SEXP RTheta) { BEGIN_RCPP const vector<double> par = as< vector<double> >(Rpar); const NumericMatrix Theta(RTheta); const int nfact = Theta.ncol(); const int N = Theta.nrow(); vector<double> P(N*2); P_comp(P, par, Theta, N, nfact); NumericMatrix ret = vec2mat(P, N, 2); return(ret); END_RCPP }
RcppExport SEXP traceLinePts(SEXP Rpar, SEXP RTheta, SEXP Rot) { BEGIN_RCPP const vector<double> par = as< vector<double> >(Rpar); const NumericVector ot(Rot); const NumericMatrix Theta(RTheta); const int N = Theta.nrow(); const int nfact = Theta.ncol(); vector<double> P(N*2); P_dich(P, par, Theta, ot, N, nfact); NumericVector ret = vec2mat(P, N, 2); return(ret); END_RCPP }
RcppExport SEXP nestlogitTraceLinePts(SEXP Rpar, SEXP RTheta, SEXP Rcorrect, SEXP Rncat) { BEGIN_RCPP const vector<double> par = as< vector<double> >(Rpar); const NumericMatrix Theta(RTheta); const int correct = as<int>(Rcorrect); const int ncat = as<int>(Rncat); const int nfact = Theta.ncol(); const int N = Theta.nrow(); vector<double> P(N*ncat); P_nested(P, par, Theta, N, nfact, ncat, correct); NumericMatrix ret = vec2mat(P, N, ncat); return(ret); END_RCPP }
RcppExport SEXP gpcmTraceLinePts(SEXP Rpar, SEXP RTheta, SEXP Rot, SEXP Risrating) { BEGIN_RCPP const vector<double> par = as< vector<double> >(Rpar); const NumericMatrix Theta(RTheta); const int israting = as<int>(Risrating); const int nfact = Theta.ncol(); const int N = Theta.nrow(); int ncat = (par.size() - nfact)/2; NumericVector ot(Rot); vector<double> P(N*ncat); P_nominal(P, par, Theta, ot, N, nfact, ncat, 0, israting); NumericMatrix ret = vec2mat(P, N, ncat); return(ret); END_RCPP }
RcppExport SEXP nominalTraceLinePts(SEXP Rpar, SEXP Rncat, SEXP RTheta, SEXP RreturnNum, SEXP Rot) { BEGIN_RCPP const vector<double> par = as< vector<double> >(Rpar); const int ncat = as<int>(Rncat); const NumericMatrix Theta(RTheta); const int returnNum = as<int>(RreturnNum); const int nfact = Theta.ncol(); const int N = Theta.nrow(); NumericVector ot(Rot); vector<double> P(N*ncat); P_nominal(P, par, Theta, ot, N, nfact, ncat, returnNum, 0); NumericMatrix ret = vec2mat(P, N, ncat); return(ret); END_RCPP }
static PyObject * _Bas_dersbasisfuns(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int d, s, k, ret, n; double u; double **pntmat; int dim[2]; PyObject *input_U; PyArrayObject *dN, *U; ret=-1; ret = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iOdiii", &s, &input_U, &u, &d, &k, &n); if(!ret) { //printf("s/i=%d, u=%g, p/d=%d, k=%d, ret=%d\n", s, u, d, k, ret); return NULL; } //printf("ok: s/i=%d, u=%g, p/d=%d, k=%d, ret=%d, n/nk=%d\n", s, u, d, k, ret, n); U = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input_U, PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 1); if(U == NULL) return NULL; dim[0] = d+1; dim[1] = k+1; // dN array is p+1 in size dN = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_FromDims(2, dim, PyArray_DOUBLE); pntmat = vec2mat(dN->data, d+1, k+1); _dersbasisfuns(d, (double *)U->data, n, u, s, k, pntmat); //printf("dN->data[0][0] = %g\n",pntmat[1][1]); free(pntmat); //static void _dersbasisfuns(int d, double *k, int nk, double u, int s,int n, double **ders) // printf("*dN->data[0]=%g \n", (double *)dN->data[0]); // printf("*dN->data[1]=%g \n", (double *)dN->data[1]); //return (PyObject *)dN; // return Py_BuildValue("O", (PyObject *)dN ); return PyArray_Return(dN); }
// graded RcppExport SEXP gradedTraceLinePts(SEXP Rpar, SEXP RTheta, SEXP Ritemexp, SEXP Rot, SEXP Risrating) { BEGIN_RCPP const vector<double> par = as< vector<double> >(Rpar); const NumericVector ot(Rot); const NumericMatrix Theta(RTheta); const int nfact = Theta.ncol(); const int N = Theta.nrow(); const int itemexp = as<int>(Ritemexp); const int israting = as<int>(Risrating); int nint = par.size() - nfact; if(israting) --nint; int totalcat = nint + 1; if(!itemexp) ++totalcat; vector<double> P(N * totalcat); P_graded(P, par, Theta, ot, N, nfact, nint, itemexp, israting); NumericMatrix ret = vec2mat(P, N, totalcat); return(ret); END_RCPP }
//Estep for mirt RcppExport SEXP Estep(SEXP Ritemtrace, SEXP Rprior, SEXP RX, SEXP Rr, SEXP Rncores) { BEGIN_RCPP const vector<double> prior = as< vector<double> >(Rprior); const vector<int> r = as< vector<int> >(Rr); const IntegerMatrix data(RX); const NumericMatrix itemtrace(Ritemtrace); const int ncores = as<int>(Rncores); const int nquad = prior.size(); const int nitems = data.ncol(); const int npat = r.size(); vector<double> expected(npat, 0.0); vector<double> r1vec(nquad*nitems, 0.0); List ret; _Estep(expected, r1vec, prior, r, data, itemtrace, ncores); NumericMatrix r1 = vec2mat(r1vec, nquad, nitems); ret["r1"] = r1; ret["expected"] = wrap(expected); return(ret); END_RCPP }
void forward_shot_SH(struct waveAC *waveAC, struct PML_AC *PML_AC, struct matSH *matSH, float ** srcpos, int nshots, int ** recpos, int ntr, int nstage, int nfreq){ /* declaration of global variables */ extern int NSHOT1, NSHOT2, NONZERO, NX, NY, NXNY, NF; extern int SNAP, SEISMO, MYID, INFO, N_STREAMER, READ_REC; extern float DH; extern char SNAP_FILE[STRING_SIZE]; extern FILE * FP; /* declaration of local variables */ int ishot, status, nxsrc, nysrc, i; double *null = (double *) NULL ; int *Ap, *Ai; double *Ax, *Az, *xr, *xi; double time1, time2; char filename[STRING_SIZE]; void *Symbolic, *Numeric; /* Allocate memory for compressed sparse column form and solution vector */ Ap = malloc(sizeof(int)*(NXNY+1)); Ai = malloc(sizeof(int)*NONZERO); Ax = malloc(sizeof(double)*NONZERO); Az = malloc(sizeof(double)*NONZERO); xr = malloc(sizeof(double)*NONZERO); xi = malloc(sizeof(double)*NONZERO); /* assemble acoustic impedance matrix */ init_A_SH_9p_pml(PML_AC,matSH,waveAC); /* convert triplet to compressed sparse column format */ status = umfpack_zi_triplet_to_col(NXNY,NXNY,NONZERO,(*waveAC).irow,(*waveAC).icol,(*waveAC).Ar,(*waveAC).Ai,Ap,Ai,Ax,Az,NULL); /* Here is something buggy (*waveAC).Ar != Ax and (*waveAC).Ai != Az. Therefore, set Ax = (*waveAC).Ar and Az = (*waveAC).Ai */ for (i=0;i<NONZERO;i++){ Ax[i] = (*waveAC).Ar[i]; Az[i] = (*waveAC).Ai[i]; } if((MYID==0)&&(INFO==1)){ printf("\n==================================== \n"); printf("\n ***** LU factorization ********** \n"); printf("\n==================================== \n\n"); time1=MPI_Wtime(); } /* symbolic factorization */ status = umfpack_zi_symbolic(NXNY, NXNY, Ap, Ai, Ax, Az, &Symbolic, null, null); /* sparse LU decomposition */ status = umfpack_zi_numeric(Ap, Ai, Ax, Az, Symbolic, &Numeric, null, null); umfpack_zi_free_symbolic (&Symbolic); if((MYID==0)&&(INFO==1)){ time2=MPI_Wtime(); printf("\n Finished after %4.2f s \n",time2-time1); } if((MYID==0)&&(INFO==1)){ printf("\n============================================================================================================= \n"); printf("\n ***** Solve elastic SH forward problem by FDFD for shot %d - %d (f = %3.2f Hz) on MPI process no. %d ********** \n",NSHOT1,NSHOT2-1,(*waveAC).freq, MYID); printf("\n============================================================================================================= \n\n"); time1=MPI_Wtime(); } /* loop over all shots */ for (ishot=NSHOT1;ishot<NSHOT2;ishot++){ /* read receiver positions from receiver files for each shot */ if(READ_REC==1){ acq.recpos=receiver(FP, &ntr, 1); } /* define source vector RHS */ RHS_source_AC(waveAC,srcpos,ishot); /* solve forward problem by forward and back substitution */ status = umfpack_zi_solve(UMFPACK_A, Ap, Ai, Ax, Az, xr, xi, (*waveAC).RHSr, (*waveAC).RHSi, Numeric, null, null); /* convert vector xr/xi to pr/pi */ vec2mat((*waveAC).pr,(*waveAC).pi,xr,xi); /* write real part of pressure wavefield to file */ if(SNAP==1){ sprintf(filename,"%s_shot_%d.p",SNAP_FILE,ishot); /* writemod(filename,(*waveAC).pr,3); */ writemod_true(filename,(*waveAC).pr,3); } /* write FD seismogram files */ if(SEISMO==1){ calc_seis_AC(waveAC,acq.recpos,ntr,ishot,nshots,nfreq); } if(READ_REC==1){ free_imatrix(acq.recpos,1,3,1,ntr); ntr=0; } } if((MYID==0)&&(INFO==1)){ time2=MPI_Wtime(); printf("\n Finished after %4.2f s \n",time2-time1); } /* free memory */ free(Ap); free(Ai); free(Ax); free(Az); free(xr); free(xi); umfpack_zi_free_numeric (&Numeric); }
//EAP estimates used in multipleGroup RcppExport SEXP EAPgroup(SEXP Rlogitemtrace, SEXP Rtabdata, SEXP RTheta, SEXP Rprior, SEXP Rmu, SEXP Rfull, SEXP Rr, SEXP Rncores) { BEGIN_RCPP const int ncores = as<int>(Rncores); const int full = as<int>(Rfull); const vector<int> r = as< vector<int> >(Rr); #ifdef SUPPORT_OPENMP omp_set_num_threads(ncores); #endif const NumericMatrix logitemtrace(Rlogitemtrace); const IntegerMatrix tabdata(Rtabdata); const NumericMatrix Theta(RTheta); const vector<double> prior = as< vector<double> >(Rprior); const vector<double> mu = as< vector<double> >(Rmu); const int n = prior.size(); //nquad const int N = tabdata.nrow(); const int nitems = tabdata.ncol(); const int nfact = Theta.ncol(); vector<double> scores(N * nfact); vector<double> scores2(N * nfact*(nfact + 1)/2); #pragma omp parallel for for(int pat = 0; pat < N; ++pat){ vector<double> L(n, 0.0); for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){ for(int i = 0; i < nitems; ++i) if(tabdata(pat, i)) L[j] = L[j] + logitemtrace(j, i); } vector<double> thetas(nfact, 0.0); double denom = 0.0; for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){ L[j] = exp(L[j] + log(prior[j])); denom += L[j]; } for(int k = 0; k < nfact; ++k){ for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j) thetas[k] += Theta(j, k) * L[j] / denom; scores[pat + k*N] = thetas[k]; } int ind = 0; vector<double> thetas2(nfact*(nfact+1)/2, 0.0); for(int i = 0; i < nfact; ++i){ for(int k = 0; k < nfact; ++k){ if(i <= k){ for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j) thetas2[ind] += (Theta(j, i) - thetas[i]) * (Theta(j, k) - thetas[k]) * L[j] / denom; thetas2[ind] += (thetas[i] - mu[i]) * (thetas[k] - mu[k]); scores2[pat + ind*N] = thetas2[ind]; ind += 1; } } } } if(full){ const int NN = std::accumulate(r.begin(), r.end(), 0); NumericMatrix fullscores(NN, nfact); NumericMatrix scoresmat = vec2mat(scores, N, nfact); int ind = 0; for(int pat = 0; pat < N; ++pat){ for(int j = 0; j < r[pat]; ++j){ for(int i = 0; i < nfact; ++i) fullscores(ind, i) = scoresmat(pat, i); ++ind; } } return(fullscores); } List ret; ret["scores"] = vec2mat(scores, N, nfact); ret["scores2"] = vec2mat(scores2, N, nfact*(nfact + 1)/2); return(ret); END_RCPP }
double Spacetime::IterateOptimization_discrete(void) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // clear the state and costate sequences from the last solver iteration // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// setState(state_0); GSequence.clear(); CSequence.clear(); MSequence.clear(); MInvSequence.clear(); stateSequence.clear(); costateSequence.clear(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // compute the G, C, and M matrices for each timestep before the backwards sweep // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// setState(state_0); stateSequence.push_back(state_0); for (int t = 0; t < numTimeSteps; t++) { // compute G, C, M, and MInv state matrices matrix<double> G = computeG_discrete(); matrix<double> M = computeM_discrete(); matrix<double> C = computeC_discrete(); matrix<double> MInv = !M; // store G, C, M, and MInv state matrices GSequence.push_back(G); CSequence.push_back(C); MSequence.push_back(M); MInvSequence.push_back(MInv); // apply torque and advance system stepPhysics_discrete(uSequence[t]); // store current state stateSequence.push_back(getState()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // backwards sweep // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // clear values from previous pass kSequence.clear(); KSequence.clear(); valueSequence.clear(); // declare V derivative values matrix<double> Vx = -1.0 * ~(state_d - stateSequence[numTimeSteps-1]); matrix<double> Vxx = I(4); // backward pass double final_error = 0.5 * (~(state_d - stateSequence[numTimeSteps-1])*(state_d - stateSequence[numTimeSteps-1]))(0,0); valueSequence.push_back(final_error); for (int t = numTimeSteps-1; t >= 0; t--) { // compute value V = cost-to-go function = // sum of u^2 values for all successive timesteps + final error matrix<double> cost_t = ~uSequence[t]*uSequence[t]; valueSequence.push_back(cost_t(0,0) + valueSequence[t]); // compute first derivative values at current timestep matrix<double> Lu = compute_Lu(t); matrix<double> Lx = compute_Lx(t); matrix<double> Fx = compute_Fx(t); matrix<double> Fu = compute_Fu(t); // compute second derivative values at current timestep matrix<double> Luu = compute_Luu(t); matrix<double> Lxx = compute_Lxx(t); matrix<double> Lux = compute_Lux(t); matrix<double> Lxu = compute_Lxu(t); std::vector<matrix<double>> Fuu = compute_Fuu(t); std::vector<matrix<double>> F*x = compute_Fux(t); std::vector<matrix<double>> Fxu = compute_Fxu(t); std::vector<matrix<double>> Fxx = compute_Fxx(t); // compute expansion coefficients for current timestep matrix<double> Qx = Lx + Vx*Fx; matrix<double> Qu = Lu + Vx*Fu; matrix<double> Qxx = Lxx + ~Fx*Vxx*Fx + vec2mat(vectorMatrixProduct(vectorTranspose(Fxx), ~Vx)); matrix<double> Quu = Luu + ~Fu*Vxx*Fu + vec2mat(vectorMatrixProduct(vectorTranspose(Fuu), ~Vx)); matrix<double> Qux = Lux + ~Fu*Vxx*Fx + vec2mat(vectorMatrixProduct(vectorTranspose(F*x), ~Vx)); matrix<double> Qxu = Lxu + ~Fx*Vxx*Fu + vec2mat(vectorMatrixProduct(vectorTranspose(Fxu), ~Vx)); // compute k and K terms for current timestep kSequence.push_back(-(!Quu)*(~Qu)); KSequence.push_back(-(!Quu)*Qux); // compute Vx and Vxx terms for current timestep Vx = Qx - Qu*!Quu*Qux; Vxx = Qxx - Qxu*!Quu*Qux; } // reverse sequences for forward pass std::reverse(kSequence.begin(), KSequence.end()); std::reverse(KSequence.begin(), KSequence.end()); std::reverse(valueSequence.begin(), valueSequence.end()); // forward pass std::vector<matrix<double>> xHatSequence; std::vector<matrix<double>> uHatSequence; xHatSequence.push_back(state_0); for (int t = 0; t < numTimeSteps; t++) { // compute uHat matrix<double> uHat = uSequence[t] + kSequence[t] + KSequence[t]*(xHatSequence[t] - stateSequence[t]); uHatSequence.push_back(uHat); // compute next xHat matrix<double> xHat = F(xHatSequence[t], uHat); xHatSequence.push_back(xHat); } double uDiff = SSDvector(uSequence, uHatSequence); stateSequence = xHatSequence; uSequence = uHatSequence; return uDiff; }