예제 #1
void trace_image(int width, int height, float aspect, unsigned char *image, const world* world, const vec3& light_dir)
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
    for(int yloop = 0; yloop < height; yloop++) {
        unsigned char *row = image + (height - yloop - 1) * (((width * 3) + 3) & ~3);
        for(int xloop = 0; xloop < width; xloop++) {
            // printf("%d, %d\n", xloop, yloop);
            int cols = 0;
            vec3 color(0, 0, 0);
            for(int qky = 0; qky < world->ysub; qky++) {
                for(int qkx = 0; qkx < world->xsub; qkx++) {
                    float u = ((xloop + qkx / (float)world->xsub) + .5) / width;
                    float v = ((yloop + qky / (float)world->ysub) + .5) / height;
                    ray eye_ray;
                    eye_ray.d = make_eye_ray(u, v, aspect, world->cam.fov);
                    eye_ray.o = vec3(0, 0, 0);
                    ray world_ray = transform_ray(eye_ray, world->camera_matrix, world->camera_normal_matrix);
                    vec3 sample = trace(world_ray, world, light_dir);
                    color = vec3_add(color, sample);
            vec3 final_color = vec3_divide(color, cols);
            unsigned char *pixel = row + xloop * 3;
            pixel[0] = final_color.x * 255;
            pixel[1] = final_color.y * 255;
            pixel[2] = final_color.z * 255;
예제 #2
bool sphere::intersect(const ray& ray, const range& r, surface_hit* hit)
    float t = sphere_intersect(center, radius, ray, r);

    if(t == NO_t)
        return false;

    if(t > hit->t)
        return false;

    if(keep_stats) sphere_shadings++;

    vec3 point = vec3_add(ray.o, vec3_scale(ray.d, t));
    // snap to sphere surface
    vec3 to_surface = vec3_subtract(point, center);
    float distance = sqrtf(vec3_dot(to_surface, to_surface));
    hit->point = vec3_add(center, vec3_scale(to_surface, radius / distance));
    hit->normal = vec3_divide(to_surface, radius);
    hit->color = color;
    hit->t = t;

    return true;
예제 #3
world *load_world(char *fname) // Get world and return pointer.
    char *inpstr;
    int wkd;

    std::auto_ptr<world> w(new world);

    time_t prev = time(NULL);

    scoped_FILE fp(fopen(fname, "r"));
    if(fp == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open file %s for input.\nE#%d\n", fname, errno);
        return NULL;
    if((inpstr = getstr(fp)) == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read title.\n");
        return NULL;
    if(strcmp(inpstr, ".") != 0) {
        w->Title = NULL;
    } else {
        w->Title = new char[strlen(inpstr) + 1];
        strcpy(w->Title, inpstr);

    // lace now ignored
    int lace;
    if(!getint(fp, &lace)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "*!LACE\n");
        return NULL;

    int wdth, lnth; // now ignored
    if(!getint(fp, &wdth)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "*!WDTH\n");
        return NULL;
    if(!getint(fp, &lnth)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "*!LNTH\n");
        return NULL;

    int xsub, ysub; // now ignored
    if(!getint(fp, &xsub)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "*!xsub\n");
        return NULL;
    if(!getint(fp, &ysub)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "*!ysub\n");
        return NULL;
    w->xsub = 1;
    w->ysub = 1;
    int r, g, b, brt;
    if(!getint(fp, &r)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "*!backgroundr\n");
        return NULL;
    if(!getint(fp, &g)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "*!backgroundg\n");
        return NULL;
    if(!getint(fp, &b)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "*!backgroundb\n");
        return NULL;
    if(!getint(fp, &brt)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "*!backgroundb\n");
        return NULL;
    w->background.x = r / 16.0 * brt / 100.0;
    w->background.y = g / 16.0 * brt / 100.0;
    w->background.z = b / 16.0 * brt / 100.0;

    int df;
    if(!getint(fp, &df)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "*!DIFFUSION\n");
        return NULL;
    if(!getint(fp, &w->sphere_count)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "*!#Sphere\n");
        return NULL;

    prev = time(NULL);

    w->spheres = new sphere[w->sphere_count];
    for(int i = 0; i < w->sphere_count; i++) {
        if(time(NULL)  > prev) {
            prev = time(NULL);
            fprintf(stderr, "loaded %u spheres\n", i);
        float x, y, z, radius;
        wkd = fltget(fp, &x) && fltget(fp, &y);
        wkd = (wkd && fltget(fp, &z) && fltget(fp, &radius));

        int r, g, b, brt;
        wkd = (wkd && getint(fp, &r) && getint(fp, &g));
        wkd = (wkd && getint(fp, &b) && getint(fp, &brt));

        if(!wkd) {
            fprintf(stderr, "*!Sphere #%d\n", i);
            return NULL;

        vec3 color(r / 16.0 * brt / 100.0,
            g / 16.0 * brt / 100.0, b / 16.0 * brt / 100.0);

        w->spheres[i] = sphere(vec3(x, y, z), radius, color);

    w->scene_center = w->spheres[0].center;
    for(int i = 1; i < w->sphere_count; i++) {
        w->scene_center = vec3_add(w->spheres[i].center, w->scene_center);
    w->scene_center = vec3_divide(w->scene_center, w->sphere_count);

    w->scene_extent = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < w->sphere_count; i++) {
        vec3 to_center = vec3_subtract(w->scene_center, w->spheres[i].center);
        float distance = sqrtf(vec3_dot(to_center, to_center)) + w->spheres[i].radius;
        w->scene_extent = std::max(w->scene_extent, distance);
    w->scene_extent *= 2;

    w->root = make_tree(w->spheres, 0, w->sphere_count);

    wkd = fltget(fp, &w->cam.eye.x) && fltget(fp, &w->cam.eye.y);
    wkd = (wkd && fltget(fp, &w->cam.eye.z) && fltget(fp, &w->cam.yaw));
    wkd = (wkd && fltget(fp, &w->cam.pitch) && fltget(fp, &w->cam.roll));
    wkd = (wkd && fltget(fp, &w->cam.fov));
    if(!wkd) {
        fprintf(stderr, "*!Viewpoint\n");
        return NULL;

    w->cam.pitch = to_radians(w->cam.pitch);
    w->cam.yaw = to_radians(w->cam.yaw);
    w->cam.roll = to_radians(w->cam.roll);
    w->cam.fov = to_radians(w->cam.fov);

    return w.release();
예제 #4
파일: vector.c 프로젝트: SeMo810/CSCI-4229
VEC3 vec3_normalize(VEC3 v)
  return vec3_divide(v, vec3_length(v));