예제 #1
파일: elec_terms.c 프로젝트: psi4/libefp
efp_dipole_dipole_grad(const vec_t *d1, const vec_t *d2, const vec_t *dr,
		       vec_t *force, vec_t *add1, vec_t *add2)
	double r = vec_len(dr);
	double r3 = r * r * r;
	double r5 = r3 * r * r;
	double r7 = r5 * r * r;

	double d1dr = vec_dot(d1, dr);
	double d2dr = vec_dot(d2, dr);

	double t1 = 3.0 / r5;
	double t2 = t1 * vec_dot(d1, d2) - 15.0 / r7 * d1dr * d2dr;

	force->x = t2 * dr->x + t1 * (d2dr * d1->x + d1dr * d2->x);
	force->y = t2 * dr->y + t1 * (d2dr * d1->y + d1dr * d2->y);
	force->z = t2 * dr->z + t1 * (d2dr * d1->z + d1dr * d2->z);

	add1->x = d1->y * (d2->z / r3 - t1 * dr->z * d2dr) -
			d1->z * (d2->y / r3 - t1 * dr->y * d2dr);
	add1->y = d1->z * (d2->x / r3 - t1 * dr->x * d2dr) -
			d1->x * (d2->z / r3 - t1 * dr->z * d2dr);
	add1->z = d1->x * (d2->y / r3 - t1 * dr->y * d2dr) -
			d1->y * (d2->x / r3 - t1 * dr->x * d2dr);

	add2->x = d2->y * (d1->z / r3 - t1 * dr->z * d1dr) -
			d2->z * (d1->y / r3 - t1 * dr->y * d1dr);
	add2->y = d2->z * (d1->x / r3 - t1 * dr->x * d1dr) -
			d2->x * (d1->z / r3 - t1 * dr->z * d1dr);
	add2->z = d2->x * (d1->y / r3 - t1 * dr->y * d1dr) -
			d2->y * (d1->x / r3 - t1 * dr->x * d1dr);
예제 #2
/*  skew_midpoint() finds the middle of the minimal distance segment between
    skew rays. Undefined for parallel rays.

    Reference for algorithm:

    vec3d vert1, direct1 - vertex and direction unit vector of one ray.
    vec3d vert2, direct2 - vertex and direction unit vector of other ray.
    vec3d res - output buffer for midpoint result.

    The minimal distance between the skew lines.
double skew_midpoint(vec3d vert1, vec3d direct1, vec3d vert2, vec3d direct2,
    vec3d res)
    vec3d perp_both, sp_diff, on1, on2, temp;
    double scale;

    /* vector between starting points */
    vec_subt(vert2, vert1, sp_diff);

    /* The shortest distance is on a line perpendicular to both rays. */
    vec_cross(direct1, direct2, perp_both);
    scale = vec_dot(perp_both, perp_both);

    /* position along each ray */
    vec_cross(sp_diff, direct2, temp);
    vec_scalar_mul(direct1, vec_dot(perp_both, temp)/scale, temp);
    vec_add(vert1, temp, on1);

    vec_cross(sp_diff, direct1, temp);
    vec_scalar_mul(direct2, vec_dot(perp_both, temp)/scale, temp);
    vec_add(vert2, temp, on2);

    /* Distance: */
    scale = vec_diff_norm(on1, on2);

    /* Average */
    vec_add(on1, on2, res);
    vec_scalar_mul(res, 0.5, res);

    return scale;
예제 #3
 * m   Model matrix
 * x   Return x in model space
 * y   Return y in model space
 * p   Mouse pointer at camera z plane
 * dir Mouse pointer direction vector
glw_widget_unproject(Mtx m, float *xp, float *yp, 
		     const float *p, const float *dir)
  Vector u, v, n, w0, T0, T1, T2, out, I;
  float b, inv[16];

  glw_mtx_mul_vec(T0, m, -1, -1, 0);
  glw_mtx_mul_vec(T1, m,  1, -1, 0);
  glw_mtx_mul_vec(T2, m,  1,  1, 0);

  vec_sub(u, T1, T0);
  vec_sub(v, T2, T0);
  vec_cross(n, u, v);
  vec_sub(w0, p, T0);
  b = vec_dot(n, dir);
  if(fabs(b) < 0.000001)
    return 0;

  vec_addmul(I, p, dir, -vec_dot(n, w0) / b);

  if(!glw_mtx_invert(inv, m))
    return 0;
  glw_mtx_mul_vec(out, inv, I[0], I[1], I[2]);

  *xp = out[0];
  *yp = out[1];
  return 1;
예제 #4
rgb lighting(scene s, ray r, hit_test h)
  rgb result;
  if (h.miss)
    return s.bg;
  vec hit_position = ray_position(r, h.dist);
  if (shadow(hit_position, s.light, s.spheres)) {
    result = rgb_modulate(h.surf, s.amb);
  else {  
    double dot = vec_dot(h.surf_norm, s.light.direction);
    double d = double_max(0, dot);
    rgb diffuse_light = rgb_scale(d, s.light.color);
    rgb lsum = rgb_add(s.amb, diffuse_light);
    result = rgb_modulate(h.surf, lsum);
  /**** === implement specular reflection here === ****/
  if (rgb_nonzero(h.shine)) {
    rgb ss;
    vec N = h.surf_norm;
    vec L = s.light.direction;
    rgb S = h.shine;
    vec R = vec_sub( vec_scale(2* vec_dot(N,L),N),L);
    vec V = vec_neg(r.direction);
    if (vec_dot(N,L)>0){
      ss = rgb_scale( pow( double_max( vec_dot(R,V),0), 6), S);
      ss = rgb_expr(0,0,0);
    return rgb_add(result,ss);
  return result;
예제 #5
파일: plane.cpp 프로젝트: kevinms/cu-ray
double plane_t::hits(
vec_t    *base,      /* ray base              */
vec_t    *dir)       /* unit direction vector */
   double   ndotd;
   double   t;
   double   ndotb;

   ndotq = vec_dot(&normal, &point);
   ndotd = vec_dot(dir, &normal);

/* ndotd = 0 -> ray is parallel to the plane */

   if (ndotd == 0)

   ndotb = vec_dot(&normal, base);

   t = (ndotq - ndotb) / ndotd;

   if (t <= 0)

   vec_scale(t, dir, &hitloc);
   vec_sum(&hitloc, base, &hitloc);

   if (hitloc.z > 0.001)

예제 #6
double plane_t::hits(vec_t *base, vec_t* dir){

	double ndotd;
	double t;
	double ndotb;

	ndotq = vec_dot(&normal, &point);
	ndotd = vec_dot(dir, &normal);

	/* ndotd = 0 -> ray is parallel to the plane */
	if (ndotd == 0)

	ndotb = vec_dot(&normal, base);

	t = (ndotq - ndotb) / ndotd;

	if (t <= 0)

	vec_scale(t, dir, &last_hitpt);
	vec_sum(&last_hitpt, base, &last_hitpt);

	if ((last_hitpt.z > 0.01) && (strcmp(obj_type, "projector")))

예제 #7
//Apply transform matrix to a vector
//v2 out
void vec_xform(mtx_t *m, vec_t *v1, vec_t *v2) {

    vec_t v3;

    v3.x = vec_dot(&(m->row[0]), v1);
    v3.y = vec_dot(&(m->row[1]), v1);
    v3.z = vec_dot(&(m->row[2]), v1);

    *v2 = v3;
예제 #8
파일: pol.c 프로젝트: SahanGH/psi4public
static void
get_induced_dipole_field(struct efp *efp, size_t frag_idx,
			 struct polarizable_pt *pt,
			 vec_t *field, vec_t *field_conj)
	struct frag *fr_i = efp->frags + frag_idx;

	*field = vec_zero;
	*field_conj = vec_zero;

	for (size_t j = 0; j < efp->n_frag; j++) {
		if (j == frag_idx || efp_skip_frag_pair(efp, frag_idx, j))

		struct frag *fr_j = efp->frags + j;
		struct swf swf = efp_make_swf(efp, fr_i, fr_j);

		for (size_t jj = 0; jj < fr_j->n_polarizable_pts; jj++) {
			struct polarizable_pt *pt_j = fr_j->polarizable_pts + jj;
			size_t idx = fr_j->polarizable_offset + jj;

			vec_t dr = {
				pt->x - pt_j->x + swf.cell.x,
				pt->y - pt_j->y + swf.cell.y,
				pt->z - pt_j->z + swf.cell.z

			double r = vec_len(&dr);
			double r3 = r * r * r;
			double r5 = r3 * r * r;

			double t1 = vec_dot(&efp->indip[idx], &dr);
			double t2 = vec_dot(&efp->indipconj[idx], &dr);

			double p1 = 1.0;

			if (efp->opts.pol_damp == EFP_POL_DAMP_TT)
				p1 = efp_get_pol_damp_tt(r, fr_i->pol_damp, fr_j->pol_damp);

			field->x -= swf.swf * p1 * (efp->indip[idx].x / r3 -
						3.0 * t1 * dr.x / r5);
			field->y -= swf.swf * p1 * (efp->indip[idx].y / r3 -
						3.0 * t1 * dr.y / r5);
			field->z -= swf.swf * p1 * (efp->indip[idx].z / r3 -
						3.0 * t1 * dr.z / r5);

			field_conj->x -= swf.swf * p1 * (efp->indipconj[idx].x / r3 -
						3.0 * t2 * dr.x / r5);
			field_conj->y -= swf.swf * p1 * (efp->indipconj[idx].y / r3 -
						3.0 * t2 * dr.y / r5);
			field_conj->z -= swf.swf * p1 * (efp->indipconj[idx].z / r3 -
						3.0 * t2 * dr.z / r5);
예제 #9
// Standard CG method starting from zero vector
// (because we solve for the increment)
// x... comes as right-hand side, leaves as solution
bool CommonSolverCG::_solve(Matrix* A, double *x, double tol, int maxiter)
    printf("CG solver\n");

    int n_dof = A->get_size();
    double *r = new double[n_dof];
    double *p = new double[n_dof];
    double *help_vec = new double[n_dof];
    if (r == NULL || p == NULL || help_vec == NULL) {
        _error("a vector could not be allocated in solve_linear_system_iter().");
    // r = b - A*x0  (where b is x and x0 = 0)
    for (int i=0; i < n_dof; i++) r[i] = x[i];
    // p = r
    for (int i=0; i < n_dof; i++) p[i] = r[i];

    // setting initial condition x = 0
    for (int i=0; i < n_dof; i++) x[i] = 0;

    // CG iteration
    int iter_current = 0;
    double tol_current;
    while (1)
        mat_dot(A, p, help_vec, n_dof);
        double r_times_r = vec_dot(r, r, n_dof);
        double alpha = r_times_r / vec_dot(p, help_vec, n_dof);
        for (int i=0; i < n_dof; i++) {
            x[i] += alpha*p[i];
            r[i] -= alpha*help_vec[i];
        double r_times_r_new = vec_dot(r, r, n_dof);
        tol_current = sqrt(r_times_r_new);
        if (tol_current < tol
            || iter_current >= maxiter) break;
        double beta = r_times_r_new/r_times_r;
        for (int i=0; i < n_dof; i++) p[i] = r[i] + beta*p[i];
    bool flag;
    if (tol_current <= tol)
        flag = true;
        flag = false;

    if (r != NULL) delete [] r;
    if (p != NULL) delete [] p;
    if (help_vec != NULL) delete [] help_vec;

    printf("CG solver: maxiter: %i, tol: %e\n",
           iter_current, tol_current);

    return flag;
예제 #10
파일: vector.c 프로젝트: Allanis/SpaceJam
// Collision detection of two boxs with arbitrary angles.
// Does only one side (a->b) of the collision.
//  -- If no collision, then no collision..
//  -- If returns collision, check the other side (b<-a)
//  -- A vector will be returned to displace 'a' so that there is no
//     no collision anymore. The vector returned is one of the normals of 'b'.
static vec_t box_o_o_collision(box_t a, box_t b) {
  // We will perform the collision using b's point of view and axes because
  // those will be consided the surface normals, and we want to return 'a's'
  // displacement in terms of 'a's' orientation vectors. -- So this may at times look reveresed.
  vec_t dist = vec_diff(b.pos, a.pos);

  // Normalized axis of box b. One of those axes will be the surface normal.
  vec_t axn[2]; // = { b.axis0, b.axis1 };
  float axl[2]; // Half axis length.
  // Half axis.
  vec_t ahx0 = vec_scale(a.axis0, a.size.x);
  vec_t ahx1 = vec_scale(a.axis1, a.size.y);

  // Distance we need to displace 'a' to remove the collision.
  //  -- (0, 0) => no collision.
  float col_vec[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 };
  int i = 2;
  axn[0] = b.axis0;
  axn[1] = b.axis1;
  axl[0] = b.size.x;
  axl[1] = b.size.y;
  while(i--) {
    float a1, a2, d;
    // We check if the distance from center to center is smaller
    // than the sum of the distance from center to box edge
    // and that projection along each vector normal.
    // If it is false for one normal, we have no collision.
    // Otherwise we have the displacement distance to remove the collision.
    a1 = vec_absdot(axn[i], ahx0);
    a2 = vec_absdot(axn[i], ahx1);
    d  = vec_absdot(axn[i], dist);
    col_vec[i] = a1 + a2 + axl[i] - d;

    if(col_vec[i] <= 0) {
      // Then there was no intersection.
      return vec_new(0, 0);
  if(col_vec[0] < col_vec[1]) {
    if(vec_dot(dist, axn[0]) > 0) {
      return vec_scale(axn[0], col_vec[0]);
    } else {
      return vec_scale(axn[0], -col_vec[0]);
  } else {
    if(vec_dot(dist, axn[1]) > 0) {
      return vec_scale(axn[1], col_vec[1]);
    } else {
      return vec_scale(axn[1], -col_vec[1]);
예제 #11
파일: ga_shading.c 프로젝트: fvdsn/gally
/* Computes the phong hilight */
static void ga_shade_phong(vec_t *color, const ga_material_t *mat,const vec_t *lcolor, const vec_t *ldir, const vec_t *dir, const vec_t *norm, float factor){
	vec_t r;
	float fact;
	float power;
	r = vec_sub(
	if((fact = vec_dot(r,vec_neg(*dir))) > 0.0f){
		power = powf(fact,mat->spec_power)*mat->spec_factor;
		*color = vec_add(*color, vec_scale( power*factor,
예제 #12
파일: elec_terms.c 프로젝트: psi4/libefp
efp_dipole_dipole_energy(const vec_t *d1, const vec_t *d2, const vec_t *dr)
	double r = vec_len(dr);
	double r2 = r * r;
	double r3 = r2 * r;
	double r5 = r3 * r2;

	double d1dr = vec_dot(d1, dr);
	double d2dr = vec_dot(d2, dr);

	return vec_dot(d1, d2) / r3 - 3.0 * d1dr * d2dr / r5;
예제 #13
COLOR_T illuminate (SCENE_T scene, RAY_T ray, VP_T int_pt, VP_T normal, int object) {
   COLOR_T color;
   COLOR_T input_color = scene.objs[object].color;

   if(scene.objs[object].checkerboard) {
      if(((int)floor(int_pt.x) + (int)floor(int_pt.y) + (int)floor(int_pt.z)) & 1) {
         input_color = scene.objs[object].color2;

   color.R = 0.1 * scene.objs[object].color.R;
   color.G = 0.1 * scene.objs[object].color.G;
   color.B = 0.1 * scene.objs[object].color.B;

   if(!test_shadow(scene, int_pt, normal, object)) {
      VP_T L = vec_subtract(scene.light.location, int_pt);
      double dL = vec_len(L);
      L = vec_normalize(L);
      double dot_L = vec_dot(normal, L);
      double c1 = 0.002,
             c2 = 0.02,
             c3 = 0.2;
      double light_atten = 1.0 / (c1 * dL * dL +
                                c2 * dL + c3);
      if (dot_L > 0) {
         color.R += dot_L * input_color.R * light_atten;
         color.G += dot_L * input_color.G * light_atten;
         color.B += dot_L * input_color.B * light_atten;

         VP_T R;
         R.x = L.x - 2 * dot_L * normal.x;
         R.y = L.y - 2 * dot_L * normal.y;
         R.z = L.z - 2 * dot_L * normal.z;
         R = vec_normalize(R);
         double dot_R = vec_dot(R, ray.direction);

         if (dot_R > 0) {
            color.R += pow(dot_R, 100);
            color.G += pow(dot_R, 100);
            color.B += pow(dot_R, 100);
   return color;
예제 #14
파일: plane.c 프로젝트: Infornia/RayTracing
t_hitpoint		hitplane(t_ray *r, t_plane *p)
	double		t;
	t_hitpoint	h;
	h.n = p->n;
	t = -(p->d - vec_dot(h.n, r->o)) / vec_dot(h.n, r->dir);
	if (t < EPSILON)
	h.t = t;
	h.p = vec_add(r->o, vec_scalar(r->dir, h.t));
	h.c = p->color;
	// h.m = p->m;
	return (h);
예제 #15
lightsource_fake_phong (float *vertex, float *norm, const float *light_pos,
			const float *light_up, const float *eye_pos,
			matrix_t *invcamera, vertex_attrs *vertex_info,
			unsigned int idx)
  float norm_light[3];
  float eye_to_vertex[3], tmp[3], reflection[3];
  float light_to_vertex[3];
  float eye_dot_norm;
  vec_sub (light_to_vertex, light_pos, vertex);
  vec_normalize (norm_light, light_to_vertex);
  vec_sub (eye_to_vertex, eye_pos, vertex);
  vec_normalize (eye_to_vertex, eye_to_vertex);
  eye_dot_norm = vec_dot (eye_to_vertex, norm);
  vec_scale (tmp, norm, 2.0 * eye_dot_norm);
  vec_sub (reflection, tmp, eye_to_vertex);

  if (eye_dot_norm < 0)
    vertex_info[idx].fakephong.transformed_z = -0.01;
    fakephong_texcoords (&vertex_info[idx].fakephong.texc[0],
			 reflection, norm_light, light_up,
예제 #16
파일: qrdec.c 프로젝트: yangmw/fedorov
//Brief: QR decomposition 
void qrdec(mat *A, mat* R){
    double proj = 0;
    double norm = 0;
    // Allocates pointers of type *vec 
    //vec *coli = (vec*)malloc(sizeof(vec));
    //vec *colj = (vec*)malloc(sizeof(vec));
    vec* coli = vec_new(A->row);
    vec* colj = vec_new(A->row);

    for(int i=0; i<A->col; i++){
	mat_get_col(coli, A, i);	
	norm = vec_norm(coli);
	mat_set(R, i, i, norm);
	vec_scale(coli, 1.0/norm);
	mat_set_col(A, coli, i);
	for(int j=i+1; j<A->col; j++){
	    mat_get_col(colj, A, j);
	    proj = vec_dot(coli,colj);
	    mat_set_col(A, colj, j);
	    mat_set(R, i, j, proj);
    // Free pointers
예제 #17
Vector getReflectedRay(Vector surface_norm, Vector light_ray)
	float cosTheta1 = vec_dot(surface_norm, vec_scale(light_ray,-1));
	Vector reflect_ray = vec_plus(light_ray, vec_scale(surface_norm, 2*cosTheta1));
	return reflect_ray;

예제 #18
Vector getRefractedRay(float initial_refraction, Spheres *sph, Vector surface_norm, Vector light_ray)
	float refraction_index = sph->refraction_index;
	float n = initial_refraction/refraction_index;

	Vector refract_ray;
	//n = .9;
	//light_ray.x = 0.707107;
	//light_ray.y = -0.707107;
	//light_ray.z = 0;
	//surface_norm.x = 0;
	//surface_norm.y = 1;
	//surface_norm.z = 0;

	float cosTheta1 = vec_dot(surface_norm, vec_scale(light_ray,-1));
	float cosTheta2 = sqrt(1.0f-pow(n,2)*(1-(cosTheta1*cosTheta1)));
	Vector a = vec_scale(light_ray, n);
	Vector b = vec_scale(surface_norm, n*cosTheta1 - cosTheta2);

	if(cosTheta1 > 0.0f)
		refract_ray = vec_plus(vec_scale(light_ray,n), vec_scale(surface_norm, n*cosTheta1-cosTheta2));
		refract_ray = vec_minus(vec_scale(light_ray,n), vec_scale(surface_norm, n*cosTheta1-cosTheta2));
	return refract_ray;
예제 #19
//project a vector onto a plane
void vec_project(vec_t *n, vec_t *v, vec_t *p) {

    vec_t *r = (vec_t *)malloc(sizeof(vec_t));
    vec_scale(vec_dot(n, v), n, r);
    vec_diff(r, v, p);

예제 #20
파일: render.c 프로젝트: Borf/CaveQuake
static int
classify_point(vec3_t p, int plane_n)
    /* Determine which side of plane p is on */
    plane_t *plane = &(g->r_planes[plane_n]);

    return (vec_dot(p, plane->vec) < plane->offset ? -1 : 1);
예제 #21
파일: ga_shading.c 프로젝트: fvdsn/gally
/* diffuse shading */
static void ga_shade_diffuse(vec_t *color, const ga_material_t *mat,const vec_t *lcolor, const vec_t *ldir, const vec_t *norm, float factor){
	float fact = vec_dot(*norm,*ldir);
	if(fact > 0.0f){
		*color = vec_add(*color,
예제 #22
파일: elec_terms.c 프로젝트: psi4/libefp
efp_charge_dipole_energy(double q1, const vec_t *d2, const vec_t *dr)
	double r = vec_len(dr);
	double r3 = r * r * r;

	return -q1 / r3 * vec_dot(d2, dr);
예제 #23
Float palRevoluteLink::GetAngularVelocity() const {
	palVector3 av1,av2,axis;
	palBody *pb =dynamic_cast<palBody *>(m_pParent);
	palBody *cb =dynamic_cast<palBody *>(m_pChild);
	if (pb)
	if (cb)

	axis = GetAxis();

	Float rate;
	rate =vec_dot(&axis,&av1);
	return rate;
예제 #24
파일: vector.c 프로젝트: brownman/bastos85
vec_t vec_project(vec_t a,vec_t b){
	float d = vec_dot(a,b);
	float l = b.x*b.x + b.y*b.y;
	if(l == 0.0){
		return vec_new(0,0);
		d /= l;
		return vec_new(d*b.x, d*b.y);
예제 #25
// Returns the angle between the two vectors vec1 and vec2.
// Calculate angle as:
//   a.b = |a||b|cos(theta)
double angle_btw_vec3(double vec1[3], double vec2[3])
  double numer = vec_dot(vec1, vec2);
  double denom = vec_dot(vec1, vec1) * vec_dot(vec2, vec2);

  //  v_print(vec1, 0);
  //  v_print(vec2, 0);
  //  printf("%.4f / %.4f\n", numer, sqrt(denom));

  if (denom < ANGLE_TOLERANCE)
    return 0.0;

  // Delay taking the square-root 
  double angle = numer / sqrt(denom);
  //  printf("angle: %.4f, ", angle);
  angle = acos(angle);
  //  printf(" %.4f <%.4f>\n", angle, angle*RAD2DEG);
  return angle;
예제 #26
double lines_distance_3d(double a1[3], double a2[3],
		       double b1[3], double b2[3])
  double cp1[3], cp2[3], len[3];

  line_segment_closest_points(a1, a2, b1, b2, cp1, cp2);

  vec_subt(len, cp2, cp1);
  return vec_dot(len, len);
예제 #27
hit_test intersect(ray r, sphere s)
  hit_test result = {0}; /* {0} to quiet the compiler */
  vec sc = s.center;
  double sr = s.radius;
  vec A = vec_sub(r.origin, sc);
  double B = vec_dot(A, r.direction);
  double C = vec_dot(A, A) - (sr * sr);
  double D = (B * B) - C;
  double t = (-B - sqrt(D));
  result.miss = 1;
  if (D > 0 && t > 0) {
    result.miss = 0;
    result.dist = t;
    result.surf = s.surf;
    result.shine = s.shine;
    result.surf_norm = vec_norm(vec_sub(ray_position(r,t),sc));
  return result;
vector<pdi> ClusterPruning::get_k_nearest(const vector<double> &vec_id,int k){
  vector<pdi> p;
  for(auto &e:leader){
    int leader_did=e.first;
    auto vec_l=get_doc_vec(leader_did);
  return p;
예제 #29
// reflect vector p based on normalized vector n
Vector vec_reflect(Vector p, Vector n) {
  Vector rc;

  p.x = -(p.x);
  p.y = -(p.y);
  p.z = -(p.z);
  rc = vec_minus(p ,vec_scale(n, (float)(2*(vec_dot(p, n)))));

  return rc;
예제 #30
//reflect a vector from a surface plane]
void vec_reflect(vec_t *n, vec_t *w, vec_t *v) {

    vec_t *u = (vec_t *)malloc(sizeof(vec_t));

    vec_unit(w, u);
    vec_scale(-1, u, u);

    vec_scale((2*vec_dot(u, n)), n, v);
    vec_diff(u, v, v);
