예제 #1
GEOM geom_3v_onto_3v(VECTOR v1, VECTOR v2, VECTOR v3, VECTOR t1, VECTOR t2, VECTOR t3)
{  GEOM op;
   float angle;
   LINE axis;
   VECTOR v123;
   PLANE plane_v123, plane_t123;

   /* step 1, superimpose v1 to t1 */
   geom_move(&op, vector_vminusv(t1, v1));

   /* step 2, align v1-v2 to t1-t2 */
   angle = all(line_2v(v1, v2), line_2v(t1, t2));
   axis.p0 = t1;
   axis.t  = vector_normalize(vector_vxv(vector_vminusv(v2, v1), vector_vminusv(t2, t1)));
   geom_roll(&op, angle, axis);

   /* normal direction of plane v123 should be updated */
   geom_apply(op, &v1);
   geom_apply(op, &v2);
   geom_apply(op, &v3);
   plane_v123 = plane_3v(v1, v2, v3);
   plane_t123 = plane_3v(t1, t2, t3);
   v123 = plane_v123.t;

   /*step 3, align v1-v2-v3 to t1-t2-t3 */
   angle = avv(v123, plane_t123.t);
   axis.p0 = t1;
   axis.t  = vector_normalize(vector_vxv(v123, plane_t123.t));
   geom_roll(&op, angle, axis);

   return op;
예제 #2
파일: vdw.c 프로젝트: GunnerLab/mcce2.7
VECTOR vdw_frc(VECTOR v1, VECTOR v2, float C6, float C12) { 
    VECTOR frc;
    float d2, d4, d8, d14;
    VECTOR frc6,frc12;
    d2 = ddvv(v1, v2);
    if (d2 > cutoff_far2)  {frc.x=0;frc.y=0;frc.z=0;return frc;}
    if (d2 < cutoff_near2) d2 = cutoff_near2;
    d4 = d2*d2;
    d8 = d4*d4;
    d14 = d8*d4*d2;
    frc12 = vector_rescale(vector_vminusv(v2,v1), (-12.*C12/d14));
    frc6  = vector_rescale(vector_vminusv(v2,v1), (  6.*C6/d8));
    frc = vector_vplusv(frc12, frc6);
    return frc;
예제 #3
/* move protein so that the anchor is aligned to a defined orientation */
int anchor2defined(PROT *prot_p, VECTOR *pos) {
    float cos_theta, theta;

    int i_res, i_conf, i_atom, na, ia;
    ATOM **all_atoms; /* a list of pointers pointing to all atoms in prot */
    ATOM *prot_anchor;

    prot_anchor = prot_p->res[prot_p->n_res-1].conf[0].atom;
    na = 0;
    all_atoms = NULL;
    for (i_res=0; i_res<prot_p->n_res; i_res++) {
        for (i_conf=0; i_conf<prot_p->res[i_res].n_conf; i_conf++) {
            for (i_atom=0; i_atom<prot_p->res[i_res].conf[i_conf].n_atom; i_atom++) {
                ATOM *atom_p = &prot_p->res[i_res].conf[i_conf].atom[i_atom];
                if (!atom_p->on) continue;
                all_atoms = (ATOM **) realloc(all_atoms, na*sizeof(ATOM *));
                all_atoms[na-1] = atom_p;
    /* move anchor[0] to pos[0] */
    VECTOR shift = vector_vminusv(pos[0], prot_anchor[0].xyz);
    for (ia=0; ia<na; ia++) {
        all_atoms[ia]->xyz = vector_vplusv(all_atoms[ia]->xyz, shift);
    /* rotate anchor[1] to be aligned with pos[1] */
    /* get i direction given by the defined orientaion (pos) and the current
    protein position (prot_anchor) */
    VECTOR vec_axis;
    VECTOR pos_i, pos_j, pos_k;
    VECTOR anchor_i, anchor_j;
    pos_i = vector_normalize(vector_vminusv(pos[1],pos[0]));
    anchor_i = vector_normalize(vector_vminusv(prot_anchor[1].xyz, prot_anchor[0].xyz));

    cos_theta = vdotv(anchor_i, pos_i);
    theta = acos(cos_theta);
    vec_axis = vector_vplusv(pos[0],vector_vxv(anchor_i, pos_i));
    rotate_atoms(pos[0], vec_axis, theta, na, all_atoms);
    /* rotate anchor[2] to be aligned with pos[2] */
    pos_j = vector_normalize(vector_vminusv(pos[2],pos[0]));
    anchor_j = vector_normalize(vector_vminusv(prot_anchor[2].xyz, prot_anchor[0].xyz));

    cos_theta = vdotv(anchor_j, pos_j);
    theta = acos(cos_theta);
    pos_k = vector_normalize(vector_vminusv(pos[3],pos[0]));
    if (vdotv(vector_vxv(anchor_j,pos_j),pos_i) <0.)
        theta = 2.*env.PI - theta;

    rotate_atoms(pos[0], pos[1], theta, na, all_atoms);

    na = 0;
    return 0;
예제 #4
int relax_water(PROT prot) {
    int i_res,i_conf,i_atom,j_res,j_conf,j_atom,k_res,k_conf,k_atom;
    int n_conf, add, counter;
    FILE *debug_fp;

    for (i_res=0; i_res<prot.n_res; i_res++) {
        RES *ires_p = &prot.res[i_res];
        if (strcmp(prot.res[i_res].resName, "HOH")) continue;
	n_conf = prot.res[i_res].n_conf;
        counter = 0;
        for (i_conf=1; i_conf<n_conf; i_conf++) {
            CONF *iconf_p = &prot.res[i_res].conf[i_conf];
	    if (!iconf_p->n_atom) continue;
            for (j_res=0; j_res<prot.n_res; j_res++) {
                if (!strcmp(prot.res[j_res].resName, "HOH")) continue;
                for (j_conf=0; j_conf<prot.res[j_res].n_conf; j_conf++) {
                    CONF *jconf_p = &prot.res[j_res].conf[j_conf];
                    ATOM *iatom_p;
                    CONF conf;
                    conf.n_atom = iconf_p->n_atom;
                    conf.atom  = (ATOM *) malloc(conf.n_atom*sizeof(ATOM));
                    for (i_atom=0;i_atom<conf.n_atom;i_atom++) {
                        if (!conf.atom[i_atom].on) continue;
                        if (conf.atom[i_atom].name[1] == 'O') break;
                    if (i_atom<conf.n_atom) iatom_p = &conf.atom[i_atom];
                    else break;
                    add = 0;
                    for (j_atom=0; j_atom<prot.res[j_res].conf[j_conf].n_atom; j_atom++) {
                        ATOM *jatom_p = &jconf_p->atom[j_atom];
			if (!jatom_p->on) continue;
                        if (jatom_p->name[1] == 'H') continue;
                        if (ddvv(iatom_p->xyz,jatom_p->xyz) > RELAX_THR2) continue;
                        add = 1;

                        for (i_atom=0;i_atom<conf.n_atom;i_atom++) {
                            if (!conf.atom[i_atom].on) continue;
                            conf.atom[i_atom].xyz = 
                            vector_vminusv(conf.atom[i_atom].xyz, jatom_p->xyz)), env.water_relax_thr));
                        ins_conf(ires_p, ires_p->n_conf, iconf_p->n_atom);
                        iconf_p = &prot.res[i_res].conf[i_conf];
                        if (cpy_conf(&ires_p->conf[ires_p->n_conf-1], &ires_p->conf[i_conf])) {printf("   Error! relax_water(): couldn't copy the conformer \"%s\" in residue %s %d, to new position k_conf = %d\n",ires_p->conf[i_conf].confName,ires_p->resName, ires_p->resSeq, ires_p->n_conf-1); return USERERR;}

                        for (i_conf2=1; i_conf2<ires_p->n_conf-1; i_conf2++) {
                            if (!cmp_conf(ires_p->conf[i_conf2], ires_p->conf[ires_p->n_conf-1],0.05)) break;
                        if ( i_conf2 < ires_p->n_conf-1 ) {
                            del_conf(ires_p, ires_p->n_conf-1);
                            iconf_p = &prot.res[i_res].conf[i_conf];
                        //printf("   Debugging! residue %s%4d nconf=%d, residue %s%4d, distance %8.3f\n", prot.res[i_res].resName,prot.res[i_res].resSeq,ires_p->n_conf, prot.res[j_res].resName,prot.res[j_res].resSeq,dvv(iatom_p->xyz,jatom_p->xyz));
                    if (add) {
                    for (j_atom=0; j_atom<prot.res[j_res].conf[j_conf].n_atom; j_atom++) {
                        ATOM *jatom_p = &jconf_p->atom[j_atom];
			if (!jatom_p->on) continue;
                        if (jatom_p->name[1] == 'H') continue;
                        if (ddvv(iatom_p->xyz,jatom_p->xyz) > RELAX_THR2) continue;
                        add = 0;
                    if (add) {
                    for (k_conf=1; k_conf<ires_p->n_conf; k_conf++) {
                        if (!cmp_conf(ires_p->conf[k_conf], conf, 0.05)) break;
                    if ( k_conf<ires_p->n_conf ) add = 0;
                    if (add) {
                    for (k_res=0; k_res<prot.n_res; k_res++) {
                        k_conf = 0;
                        for (k_atom=0; k_atom<prot.res[k_res].conf[k_conf].n_atom; k_atom++) {
                            ATOM *katom_p = &prot.res[k_res].conf[k_conf].atom[k_atom];
                            if (!katom_p->on) continue;
                            if (katom_p->name[1] == 'H') continue;
                            if (ddvv(iatom_p->xyz,katom_p->xyz) > RELAX_THR2) continue;
                            add = 0;

                    if (add) {
                        ins_conf(ires_p, ires_p->n_conf, conf.n_atom);
                        iconf_p = &prot.res[i_res].conf[i_conf];
                        if (cpy_conf(&ires_p->conf[ires_p->n_conf-1], &conf)) {printf("   Error! relax_water(): couldn't copy a new conformer \"%s\" in residue %s %d, to new position k_conf = %d\n",conf.confName,ires_p->resName, ires_p->resSeq, ires_p->n_conf-1); return USERERR;}
                        debug_fp = fopen(env.debug_log,"a");
                        fprintf(debug_fp,"add conformer to HOH %c%04d to relax against %s %c%04d\n",ires_p->chainID,ires_p->resSeq,prot.res[j_res].resName,prot.res[j_res].chainID,prot.res[j_res].resSeq);
    return 0;
예제 #5
파일: surf.c 프로젝트: GunnerLab/mcce3.0
float estimate_rxn(CONF *conf_p, PROT *boundary_prot) {
    INT_VECT k_grid;
    int i_atom;

    probe(*boundary_prot, &env.ipece);
    /* initialize the image crg array */
    env.ipece.image_crg = malloc(env.ipece.n_grid.x * sizeof(float **));
    for (k_grid.x = 0; k_grid.x<env.ipece.n_grid.x; k_grid.x++) {
        env.ipece.image_crg[k_grid.x] = malloc(env.ipece.n_grid.y * sizeof(float *));
        for (k_grid.y = 0; k_grid.y<env.ipece.n_grid.y; k_grid.y++) {
            env.ipece.image_crg[k_grid.x][k_grid.y] = malloc(env.ipece.n_grid.z * sizeof(float));
            for (k_grid.z = 0; k_grid.z<env.ipece.n_grid.z; k_grid.z++) {
                env.ipece.image_crg[k_grid.x][k_grid.y][k_grid.z] = 0.;
    /* assign image charges */
    for (i_atom=0; i_atom<conf_p->n_atom; i_atom++) {
        INT_VECT corner1, corner2;
        VECTOR sum_rad;
        if (!conf_p->atom[i_atom].on) continue;
        sum_rad.x = sum_rad.y = sum_rad.z = conf_p->atom[i_atom].rad+env.ipece.probe_radius+shell_size;
        corner1 = coor2grid(vector_vminusv(conf_p->atom[i_atom].xyz, sum_rad), &env.ipece);
        corner2 = coor2grid(vector_vplusv(conf_p->atom[i_atom].xyz, sum_rad), &env.ipece);
        float n_grid_surf = 4./3.*env.PI*(pow(sum_rad.x,3)-pow(conf_p->atom[i_atom].rad+env.ipece.probe_radius,3)) / pow(env.ipece.grid_space,3);
        //float n_grid_surf = 4./3.*env.PI*(pow(sum_rad.x,3)-pow(conf_p->atom[i_atom].rad+env.ipece.probe_radius,3)) * (conf_p->atom[i_atom].rad+env.ipece.probe_radius) / pow(env.ipece.grid_space,3);
        for (k_grid.x = corner1.x; k_grid.x < corner2.x; k_grid.x++) {
            for (k_grid.y = corner1.y; k_grid.y < corner2.y; k_grid.y++) {
                for (k_grid.z = corner1.z; k_grid.z < corner2.z; k_grid.z++) {
                    if (*reach_label(k_grid, &env.ipece) == 'o' || *reach_label(k_grid, &env.ipece) == 'c') {
                        float d;
                        d = dvv(conf_p->atom[i_atom].xyz, grid2coor(k_grid, &env.ipece));
                        if (d>sum_rad.x) continue;
                        -= conf_p->atom[i_atom].crg/(n_grid_surf*d);
    /* calc. charge-image interactions */
    float sum_e = 0.;
    for (i_atom=0; i_atom<conf_p->n_atom; i_atom++) {
        float e = 0.;
        if (fabs(conf_p->atom[i_atom].crg) < 1e-4) continue;
        for (k_grid.x = env.ipece.grid_boundary_lower.x; k_grid.x<env.ipece.grid_boundary_higher.x; k_grid.x++) {
            for (k_grid.y = env.ipece.grid_boundary_lower.y; k_grid.y<env.ipece.grid_boundary_higher.y; k_grid.y++) {
                for (k_grid.z = env.ipece.grid_boundary_lower.z; k_grid.z<env.ipece.grid_boundary_higher.z; k_grid.z++) {
                    float d;
                    if (*reach_label(k_grid, &env.ipece) != 'o' && *reach_label(k_grid, &env.ipece) != 'c') continue;
                    d = dvv(conf_p->atom[i_atom].xyz, grid2coor(k_grid, &env.ipece));
                    e += 331.5*conf_p->atom[i_atom].crg*
                    env.ipece.image_crg[k_grid.x-env.ipece.grid_boundary_lower.x][k_grid.y-env.ipece.grid_boundary_lower.y][k_grid.z-env.ipece.grid_boundary_lower.z]/(0.5259 * d);
        sum_e += e;
    /* free up memory */
    for (k_grid.x = 0; k_grid.x<env.ipece.n_grid.x; k_grid.x++) {
        for (k_grid.y = 0; k_grid.y<env.ipece.n_grid.y; k_grid.y++) {
    return sum_e;

예제 #6
/* Move the protein to the position so the membrane is between
z=+/- half_membrane_thichness */
int mem_position(PROT *prot_p, IPECE *ipece)
    VECTOR *orig_r;
    ATOM **all_atoms; /* a list of pointers pointing to all atoms in prot */
    int i_res, i_conf, i_atom, na;
    ATOM *atom_p;

    VECTOR vec_orig, vec_i, vec_j, vec_k;
    vec_orig.x = 0.;    vec_orig.y = 0.;    vec_orig.z = 0.;
    vec_i.x=1.;         vec_i.y=0.;         vec_i.z=0.;
    vec_j.x=0.;         vec_j.y=1.;         vec_j.z=0.;
    vec_k.x=0.;         vec_k.y=0.;         vec_k.z=1.;
    idum = time(NULL);
    /* set up. add a residue to contain anchor vectors,
    initialize all_atoms array, backup all atom coordinates to orig_r */
    ins_res(prot_p, prot_p->n_res);
    for (i_atom=0;i_atom<4;i_atom++) {
        prot_p->res[prot_p->n_res-1].conf[0].atom[i_atom].on = 1;
    prot_p->res[prot_p->n_res-1].conf[0].atom[0].xyz = vec_orig;
    prot_p->res[prot_p->n_res-1].conf[0].atom[1].xyz = vector_rescale(vec_i,100.);
    prot_p->res[prot_p->n_res-1].conf[0].atom[2].xyz = vector_rescale(vec_j,100.);
    prot_p->res[prot_p->n_res-1].conf[0].atom[3].xyz = vector_rescale(vec_k,100.);
    na = 0;
    all_atoms = NULL;
    orig_r = NULL;
    for (i_res=0; i_res<prot_p->n_res; i_res++) {
        for (i_conf=0; i_conf<prot_p->res[i_res].n_conf; i_conf++) {
            for (i_atom=0; i_atom<prot_p->res[i_res].conf[i_conf].n_atom; i_atom++) {
                atom_p = &prot_p->res[i_res].conf[i_conf].atom[i_atom];
                if (!atom_p->on) continue;
                orig_r = (VECTOR *) realloc(orig_r, na*sizeof(VECTOR));
                orig_r[na-1] = atom_p->xyz;
                all_atoms = (ATOM **) realloc(all_atoms, na*sizeof(ATOM *));
                all_atoms[na-1] = atom_p;
                atom_p->i_atom_prot = na-1;
    /* move the center of the protein to the origin */
    VECTOR center;
    center = vec_orig;
    int ia;
    for (ia=0; ia<na; ia++) {
        center = vector_vplusv(center, all_atoms[ia]->xyz);
    center = vector_rescale(center, 1./na);
    for (ia=0; ia<na; ia++) {
        all_atoms[ia]->xyz = vector_vminusv(all_atoms[ia]->xyz, center);
    float score, min_score;
    int best_pos;
    /* get the initial score for the protein */
    probe(*prot_p, ipece);
    /* collect atoms used for calculating scores */
    get_scored_atoms(*prot_p, ipece);
    min_score = calc_score(ipece);
    best_pos = 1;
    /* rotate around x axis by 90� to calculate score again */
    rotate_atoms(vec_orig, vec_i, env.PI/2., ipece->n_scored_atom, ipece->scored_atoms);
    score = calc_score(ipece);
    if (score < min_score) {
        min_score = score;
        best_pos = 2;
    rotate_atoms(vec_orig, vec_i, -env.PI/2., ipece->n_scored_atom, ipece->scored_atoms);
    /* rotate around y axis by 90� to calculate score again */
    rotate_atoms(vec_orig, vec_j, env.PI/2., ipece->n_scored_atom, ipece->scored_atoms);
    score = calc_score(ipece);
    if (score < min_score) {
        min_score = score;
        best_pos = 3;
    rotate_atoms(vec_orig, vec_j, -env.PI/2., ipece->n_scored_atom, ipece->scored_atoms);
    /* choose the lowest scored position to start with */
    if (best_pos == 2) {
        rotate_atoms(vec_orig, vec_i, env.PI/2., na, all_atoms);
        rotate_atoms(vec_orig, vec_i, env.PI/2., ipece->n_scored_atom, ipece->scored_atoms);
    if (best_pos == 3) {
        rotate_atoms(vec_orig, vec_j, env.PI/2., na, all_atoms);
        rotate_atoms(vec_orig, vec_j, env.PI/2., ipece->n_scored_atom, ipece->scored_atoms);
    /* randomly translate the protein in z direction or rotation around an axis
    on x-y plane to find the lowest scored position.
    sampling the positions in a way similar as monte carlo */
    VECTOR vec_trans = vec_orig;
    VECTOR vec_axis = vec_orig;
    score = calc_score(ipece);
    min_score = score;
    for (ia=0;ia<4;ia++) {
        ipece->membrane_position[ia] = prot_p->res[prot_p->n_res-1].conf[0].atom[ia].xyz;
    int iter;
    for (iter=0;iter<ipece->n_iteration;iter++) {
        float new_score, delta_score;
        /* translation */
        if (ran2(&idum) < 0.5) {
            vec_trans.z =  2.*(ran2(&idum) - 0.5)*ipece->translation_max;
            translate_atoms(vec_trans, ipece->n_scored_atom, ipece->scored_atoms);
            new_score = calc_score(ipece);
            delta_score = new_score - score;
            if (ran2(&idum) < exp(-ipece->beta * delta_score)) {
                translate_atoms(vec_trans, na, all_atoms);
                score = new_score;
            else {
                vec_trans.z = -vec_trans.z;
                translate_atoms(vec_trans, ipece->n_scored_atom, ipece->scored_atoms);
        /* rotation */
        else {
            float phi, theta;
            phi = ran2(&idum)*2.*env.PI;
            theta = ran2(&idum)*ipece->rotation_max;    /* rotation_max has been
                                                        converted to radian in
                                                        parameter reading process */
            vec_axis.x = cos(phi);
            vec_axis.y = sin(phi);
            rotate_atoms(vec_orig, vec_axis, theta, ipece->n_scored_atom, ipece->scored_atoms);
            new_score = calc_score(ipece);
            delta_score = new_score - score;
            if (ran2(&idum) < exp(-ipece->beta * delta_score)) {
                rotate_atoms(vec_orig, vec_axis, theta, na, all_atoms);
                score = new_score;
            else {
                vec_trans.z = -vec_trans.z;
                rotate_atoms(vec_orig, vec_axis, -theta, ipece->n_scored_atom, ipece->scored_atoms);

        if (score < min_score) {
            min_score = score;
            for (ia=0;ia<4;ia++) {
                ipece->membrane_position[ia] = prot_p->res[prot_p->n_res-1].conf[0].atom[ia].xyz;
        for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
            printf("       %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f\n",
    ipece->mem_position_defined = 1;
    /* move the protein back to orginal position */
    for (ia=0; ia<na; ia++) {
        all_atoms[ia]->xyz = orig_r[ia];

    /* free memory */
    na = 0;
    /* delete the extra anchor residue */
    del_res(prot_p, prot_p->n_res-1);
    return 0;