예제 #1
int UserDir::authenticate( HttpSession *pSession, const char * pUserName, int len,
                      const char * pPasswd, int encryptMethod,
                      const AuthRequired * pRequired )
    int ready = 0;
    const AuthUser * pUser = getRequiredUser( pSession, pUserName, len, pRequired, &ready );
    if ( ready != 0 )
        return ready;
    if ( !pUser || !pUser->isExist() )
        return SC_401;
    const char * pStored = pUser->getPasswd();
//    if (( encryptMethod == m_encryptMethod )||
//        ( m_encryptMethod == AuthUser::ENCRYPT_UNKNOWN ))
    if ( pStored )
        switch( pUser->getEncMethod() )
        case ENCRYPT_UNKNOWN:
        case ENCRYPT_PLAIN:
            if ( strcmp( pPasswd, pUser->getPasswd() ) == 0 )
                return 0;
            //fall through
        case ENCRYPT_CRYPT:
            if ( strcmp( pStored, crypt( pPasswd, pStored )) == 0 )
                return 0;
        case ENCRYPT_MD5:
            if ( verifyMD5(pStored, pPasswd, 0 ) == 0 )
                return 0;
        case ENCRYPT_SHA:
            if ( verifySHA(pStored, pPasswd, 0 ) == 0 )
                return 0;
        case ENCRYPT_SMD5:
            if ( verifyMD5(pStored, pPasswd, 1 ) == 0 )
                return 0;
        case ENCRYPT_SSHA:
            if ( verifySHA(pStored, pPasswd, 1 ) == 0 )
                return 0;
    return SC_401;
예제 #2
파일: s3util.c 프로젝트: cheah/aws4c
main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if(argv[3] != NULL) {
  IOBuf * aws_buf = aws_iobuf_new();
  // Read credential file
  int rv = aws_read_config("myteksi");
  if ( rv )
    fprintf(stderr, "Could not find a credential in the config file \n" );
    fprintf(stderr, "Make sure your ~/.awsAuth file is correct \n" );
    exit (1);
  // Read config file
  FILE *fp = NULL;
  char getline[ LINE_MAX * sizeof(char) ];
  if( (fp = fopen("s3config", "r")) == NULL) {
    //File does not exist. Initialize it
    if( (fp = fopen("s3config", "w+")) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to create config file.\n");
    // Ask for bucket_name
    fprintf(stdout, "Config file doesn't exist yet! Creating one now. \n");
    fprintf(stdout, "Please specify the AWS S3 base address "
                    "[default s3.amazonaws.com] :");
    char getInput[ LINE_MAX * sizeof(char) ];
    if( fgets( getInput, sizeof(getInput) , stdin ) != NULL ) {
      if( strcmp(getInput, "\n") != 0 ) {
        S3_host = strndup(getInput, strlen(getInput) -1); // Remove trailing NL
      else {
        S3_host = strdup("s3.amazonaws.com");
    int validbucketname = 0;
    while( !validbucketname ) {
      fprintf(stdout, "Please specify the bucket name: ");
      if( fgets( getInput, sizeof(getInput) , stdin ) != NULL ) {
        bucketname = strndup(getInput, strlen(getInput) -1);
        validbucketname = 1;
    char * buf = malloc( snprintf(NULL, 0, "S3_Base_Address=\"%s\"\n"
                                  "bucket_name=\"%s\"\n", S3_host, bucketname));
    sprintf(buf, "S3_Base_Address=\"%s\"\n"
                 "bucket_name=\"%s\"\n", S3_host, bucketname );
    if( fputs( buf, fp ) == EOF ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to create config file.\n");
  // Config file exist, parse it
  else {
    char    delim[4] = {'=', '\"', '\n', '\0'};
    char*   left;
    char*   right;
    while( fgets( getline, sizeof(getline) , fp ) != NULL ) {
      if( (left = strtok(getline, delim)) != NULL ) {
        right = strtok(NULL, delim);
      else {
        //Empty Line
      // Match the strings
      char* comparison = "S3_Base_Address";
      if( strcmp(left, comparison) == 0) {
        if(right != NULL) {
          S3_host = strdup(right);
        else {
          S3_host = strdup("s3.amazonaws.com");
      comparison = "bucket_name";
      if( strcmp(left, comparison) == 0 && right != NULL) {
          bucketname = strdup(right);
    }  // End while
    if( S3_host == NULL || bucketname == NULL ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid entry in config file.\n");
  // Set parameters in S3 library
  // Check for valid arguments
  if ( argc != 3 && argc != 4 ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: s3util <operation> <filename>\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Operation can be one of {PUT, GET, DELETE}\n");
  // Check if operation is valid
  operation = strdup(argv[1]);
  filename  = strdup(argv[2]);
  // PUT file
  if( strcmp(operation, "PUT") == 0 ) {
    int rc;
    char s3replyMD5[33];
    rv = put_file( aws_buf, filename );
    rc = -1;
    if( aws_buf->eTag != NULL && strlen(aws_buf->eTag) > 2 ) {
      memset(s3replyMD5, 0, 33);
      memcpy(s3replyMD5, aws_buf->eTag + 1, 32);
      rc = verifyMD5(filename, s3replyMD5);
    if(rv != 0 || rc != 0) {
      printf ( "PUT operation was unsuccessful \n" );
      return rc;
    printf ( "MD5SUM matches, file uploaded successfully \n" );
  // GET file
  else if( strcmp(operation, "GET") == 0 ) {
    rv = get_file( aws_buf, filename );
    if(rv == 0 && aws_buf->code == 200) {
      printf ( "File was successfully downloaded \n" );
    else {
      printf ( "GET operation was unsuccessful \n" );
  else if( strcmp(operation, "DELETE") == 0 ) {
    rv = delete_file( aws_buf, filename );
    if(rv == 0 && aws_buf->code == 204) {
      printf ( "File was successfully deleted \n" );
    else {
      printf ( "DELETE operation was unsuccessful \n" );
  else {
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid operation, operation must be one of "
    "{PUT, GET, DELETE}\n");
  printf ( "RV %d\n", rv );
  printf ( "CODE    [%d] \n", aws_buf->code );
  printf ( "RESULT  [%s] \n", aws_buf->result );
  printf ( "LEN     [%d] \n", aws_buf->len );
  printf ( "LASTMOD [%s] \n", aws_buf->lastMod );
  printf ( "ETAG    [%s] \n", aws_buf->eTag );
  return 0;