예제 #1
void vlCylinder (GLdouble radius, GLdouble height)
//    display_init ();
//   GLfloat cylinder_mat[] = 
//   {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};

//   radius = 10;
//   height = 20;

   GLdouble max_edge = radius + 4 * edge;

   GLdouble i, j, k;
   double dist, maxradius, minradius;

   for(i = -1 * max_edge * edge; i <= max_edge * edge; i += edge)
      for(j = -1 * max_edge * edge; j <= max_edge * edge; j += edge)
         for(k = 0.0d; k <= height * edge; k += edge)
            dist = sqrt(i * i + j * j);
            maxradius = radius * edge + edge / 2;
            minradius = (radius - 4 * edge) * edge - edge / 2;
            if(k > 2 * edge && k < (height - 2) * edge)
               if(dist > minradius && dist <= maxradius)
                  glTranslated(i, j, k);
           //     glutSolidCube(edge);
                  vlVoxel ();
               if(dist <= maxradius)
                  glTranslated(i, j, k);
           //     glutSolidCube(edge);
                  vlVoxel ();
//   glutSwapBuffers();
예제 #2
void display (void)
   struct timeval start, end;
   double start_time, end_time, diff;

   gettimeofday(&start, NULL);

   /* Clear stencile each time */
   glLoadIdentity ();
   /* Set eye and viewing direction */
   gluLookAt (eyex, eyey, eyez, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

   vlInit (voxel_edge_len);
   vlSetFunction (&cone_function);

   glPushMatrix ();
   glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, cone_mat);
   vlVoxel (-cone_radius, -cone_radius, 0, cone_height);
   glPopMatrix ();

   glPushMatrix ();
   glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, sphere1_mat);
   glTranslated (0,3,-4);
   vlVoxel (-sphere_radius, -sphere_radius, -sphere_radius, 2*sphere_radius);
   glPopMatrix ();
   glPushMatrix ();
   glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, cube_mat);
   glTranslated (0, -10, -3);
   vlVoxel (-cube_edge/2, -cube_edge/2, -cube_edge/2, cube_edge);
   glPopMatrix ();
   glutSwapBuffers ();
   gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
   start_time = ((start.tv_sec) * 1000 + start.tv_usec/1000.0) + 0.5;
   end_time = ((end.tv_sec) * 1000 + end.tv_usec/1000.0) + 0.5;

   diff = end_time - start_time;

   printf ("Time taken : %g\n", diff);
예제 #3
void vlCube (GLdouble units)
//   display_init ();
/*   GLfloat cube_mat[] = 
   {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1}; */

//   units = 2;  

   GLdouble i, j, k;
   for(i = 0.0d; i < units * edge; i += edge)
      for(j = 0.0d; j < units * edge; j += edge)
/*         cube_mat[0] += 0.03;
         cube_mat[1] += 0.03;
         cube_mat[2] += 0.03; */
         for(l = 0; l < 4; l++)
            printf("%f\n", (float) cube_mat[l]);
         for(k = 0.0d; k < units * edge; k += edge)
            if( vlCmpDouble (i, (units - 1) * edge) 
             || vlCmpDouble (j, (units - 1) * edge) 
             || vlCmpDouble (k, (units - 1) * edge)
             || vlCmpDouble (i, 0.0d) 
             || vlCmpDouble (j, 0.0d) 
             || vlCmpDouble (k, 0.0d) )  // rendering only the visible layer of the cube.
               glPushMatrix ();
//              glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, cube_mat);
               glTranslated(i, j, k);
     //          glutSolidCube(LENedge);     // Replacing with voxelib function
               vlVoxel ();
               glPopMatrix ();

//   glutSwapBuffers();
예제 #4
void vlSphere (GLdouble radius)
//   display_init ();
/*   GLfloat cylinder_mat[] = 
   {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1}; */

/*   GLfloat sphere_mat[] = 
   {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
   glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, sphere_mat); */

//   radius = 14;
   GLdouble max_edge = radius + 4 * edge;

   GLdouble i, j, k;
   double dist, maxradius, minradius;
   for(i = -1 * max_edge * edge; i <= max_edge * edge; i += edge)
      for(j = -1 * max_edge * edge; j <= max_edge * edge; j += edge)
         for(k = -1 * max_edge * edge; k <= max_edge * edge; k += edge)
            dist = sqrt(i * i + j * j + k * k);
            maxradius = radius * edge + edge / 2;
//            minradius = (radius - 2.0d) * edge - edge / 2;
            minradius = (radius - 4 * edge) * edge - edge / 2;
            if(dist > minradius && dist <= maxradius)
               glTranslated(i, j, k);
               vlVoxel ();
         //      glutSolidCube(edge);

//   glutSwapBuffers();
