예제 #1
static int vlclua_node_add_subitem( lua_State *L )
    services_discovery_t *p_sd = (services_discovery_t *)vlclua_get_this( L );
    input_item_t **pp_node = (input_item_t **)luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "node" );
    if( *pp_node )
        if( lua_istable( L, -1 ) )
            lua_getfield( L, -1, "path" );
            if( lua_isstring( L, -1 ) )
                char **ppsz_options = NULL;
                int i_options = 0;
                const char *psz_path = lua_tostring( L, -1 );
                vlclua_read_options( p_sd, L, &i_options, &ppsz_options );
                input_item_node_t *p_input_node = input_item_node_Create( *pp_node );
                input_item_t *p_input = input_item_NewExt( p_sd, psz_path,
                                                           psz_path, i_options,
                                                           (const char **)ppsz_options,
                                                           VLC_INPUT_OPTION_TRUSTED, -1 );
                lua_pop( L, 1 );

                if( p_input )
                    vlclua_read_meta_data( p_sd, L, p_input );
                    /* This one is to be tested... */
                    vlclua_read_custom_meta_data( p_sd, L, p_input );
                    lua_getfield( L, -1, "duration" );
                    if( lua_isnumber( L, -1 ) )
                        input_item_SetDuration( p_input, (lua_tonumber( L, -1 )*1e6) );
                    else if( !lua_isnil( L, -1 ) )
                        msg_Warn( p_sd, "Item duration should be a number (in seconds)." );
                    lua_pop( L, 1 );
                    input_item_node_AppendItem( p_input_node, p_input );
                    input_item_node_PostAndDelete( p_input_node );
                    input_item_t **udata = (input_item_t **)
                                           lua_newuserdata( L, sizeof( input_item_t * ) );
                    *udata = p_input;
                    if( luaL_newmetatable( L, "input_item_t" ) )
                        lua_pushliteral( L, "none of your business" );
                        lua_setfield( L, -2, "__metatable" );
                    lua_setmetatable( L, -2 );
                    vlc_gc_decref( p_input );
                while( i_options > 0 )
                    free( ppsz_options[--i_options] );
                free( ppsz_options );
                msg_Err( p_sd, "node:add_subitem: the \"path\" parameter can't be empty" );
            msg_Err( p_sd, "Error parsing add_subitem arguments" );
    return 1;
예제 #2
파일: vlc.c 프로젝트: banketree/faplayer
int __vlclua_playlist_add_internal( vlc_object_t *p_this, lua_State *L,
                                    playlist_t *p_playlist,
                                    input_item_t *p_parent, bool b_play )
    int i_count = 0;
    input_item_node_t *p_parent_node = NULL;

    assert( p_parent || p_playlist );

    /* playlist */
    if( lua_istable( L, -1 ) )
        if( p_parent ) p_parent_node = input_item_node_Create( p_parent );
        lua_pushnil( L );
        /* playlist nil */
        while( lua_next( L, -2 ) )
            /* playlist key item */
            /* <Parse playlist item> */
            if( lua_istable( L, -1 ) )
                lua_getfield( L, -1, "path" );
                /* playlist key item path */
                if( lua_isstring( L, -1 ) )
                    const char   *psz_path     = NULL;
                    const char   *psz_name     = NULL;
                    char        **ppsz_options = NULL;
                    int           i_options    = 0;
                    mtime_t       i_duration   = -1;
                    input_item_t *p_input;

                    /* Read path and name */
                    psz_path = lua_tostring( L, -1 );
                    msg_Dbg( p_this, "Path: %s", psz_path );
                    lua_getfield( L, -2, "name" );
                    /* playlist key item path name */
                    if( lua_isstring( L, -1 ) )
                        psz_name = lua_tostring( L, -1 );
                        msg_Dbg( p_this, "Name: %s", psz_name );
                        if( !lua_isnil( L, -1 ) )
                            msg_Warn( p_this, "Playlist item name should be a string." );
                        psz_name = psz_path;

                    /* Read duration */
                    lua_getfield( L, -3, "duration" );
                    /* playlist key item path name duration */
                    if( lua_isnumber( L, -1 ) )
                        i_duration = (mtime_t)(lua_tonumber( L, -1 )*1e6);
                    else if( !lua_isnil( L, -1 ) )
                        msg_Warn( p_this, "Playlist item duration should be a number (in seconds)." );
                    lua_pop( L, 1 ); /* pop "duration" */

                    /* playlist key item path name */

                    /* Read options: item must be on top of stack */
                    lua_pushvalue( L, -3 );
                    /* playlist key item path name item */
                    vlclua_read_options( p_this, L, &i_options, &ppsz_options );

                    /* Create input item */
                    p_input = input_item_NewExt( p_playlist, psz_path,
                                                psz_name, i_options,
                                                (const char **)ppsz_options,
                                                i_duration );
                    lua_pop( L, 3 ); /* pop "path name item" */
                    /* playlist key item */

                    /* Read meta data: item must be on top of stack */
                    vlclua_read_meta_data( p_this, L, p_input );

                    /* Read custom meta data: item must be on top of stack*/
                    vlclua_read_custom_meta_data( p_this, L, p_input );

                    /* Append item to playlist */
                    if( p_parent ) /* Add to node */
                        input_item_CopyOptions( p_parent, p_input );
                        input_item_node_AppendItem( p_parent_node, p_input );
                    else /* Play or Enqueue (preparse) */
                        /* FIXME: playlist_AddInput() can fail */
                        playlist_AddInput( p_playlist, p_input,
                               PLAYLIST_APPEND |
                               ( b_play ? PLAYLIST_GO : PLAYLIST_PREPARSE ),
                               PLAYLIST_END, true, false );
                    i_count ++; /* increment counter */
                    vlc_gc_decref( p_input );
                    while( i_options > 0 )
                        free( ppsz_options[--i_options] );
                    free( ppsz_options );
                    lua_pop( L, 1 ); /* pop "path" */
                    msg_Warn( p_this,
                             "Playlist item's path should be a string" );
                /* playlist key item */
                msg_Warn( p_this, "Playlist item should be a table" );
            /* <Parse playlist item> */
            lua_pop( L, 1 ); /* pop the value, keep the key for
                              * the next lua_next() call */
            /* playlist key */
        /* playlist */
        if( p_parent )
            if( i_count ) input_item_node_PostAndDelete( p_parent_node );
            else input_item_node_Delete( p_parent_node );
        msg_Warn( p_this, "Playlist should be a table." );
    return i_count;
예제 #3
파일: sd.c 프로젝트: CSRedRat/vlc
static int vlclua_sd_add_item( lua_State *L )
    services_discovery_t *p_sd = (services_discovery_t *)vlclua_get_this( L );
    if( lua_istable( L, -1 ) )
        lua_getfield( L, -1, "path" );
        if( lua_isstring( L, -1 ) )
            const char *psz_path = lua_tostring( L, -1 );

            lua_getfield( L, -2, "title" );
            const char *psz_title = luaL_checkstring( L, -1 ) ? luaL_checkstring( L, -1 ) : psz_path;

            /* The table must be at the top of the stack when calling
             * vlclua_read_options() */
            char **ppsz_options = NULL;
            int i_options = 0;
            lua_pushvalue( L, -3 );
            vlclua_read_options( p_sd, L, &i_options, &ppsz_options );

            input_item_t *p_input = input_item_NewExt( psz_path, psz_title,
                                                       (const char **)ppsz_options,
                                                       VLC_INPUT_OPTION_TRUSTED, -1 );
            lua_pop( L, 3 );

            if( p_input )
                vlclua_read_meta_data( p_sd, L, p_input );
                /* This one is to be tested... */
                vlclua_read_custom_meta_data( p_sd, L, p_input );
                /* The duration is given in seconds, convert to microseconds */
                lua_getfield( L, -1, "duration" );
                if( lua_isnumber( L, -1 ) )
                   input_item_SetDuration( p_input, (lua_tonumber( L, -1 )*1e6) );
                else if( !lua_isnil( L, -1 ) )
                    msg_Warn( p_sd, "Item duration should be a number (in seconds)." );
                lua_pop( L, 1 );
                lua_getfield( L, -1, "category" );
                if( lua_isstring( L, -1 ) )
                    services_discovery_AddItem( p_sd, p_input, luaL_checkstring( L, -1 ) );
                    services_discovery_AddItem( p_sd, p_input, NULL );
                lua_pop( L, 1 );
                input_item_t **udata = (input_item_t **)
                                       lua_newuserdata( L, sizeof( input_item_t * ) );
                *udata = p_input;
                if( luaL_newmetatable( L, "input_item_t" ) )
                    lua_newtable( L );
                    luaL_register( L, NULL, vlclua_item_reg );
                    lua_setfield( L, -2, "__index" );
                    lua_pushliteral( L, "none of your business" );
                    lua_setfield( L, -2, "__metatable" );
                lua_setmetatable( L, -2 );
                vlc_gc_decref( p_input );
            while( i_options > 0 )
                free( ppsz_options[--i_options] );
            free( ppsz_options );
            msg_Err( p_sd, "vlc.sd.add_item: the \"path\" parameter can't be empty" );
        msg_Err( p_sd, "Error parsing add_item arguments" );
    return 1;