static void extract_ca_file(filedelete* f, drakvuf_t drakvuf, const drakvuf_trap_info_t* info, vmi_instance_t vmi, addr_t control_area, access_context_t* ctx, const char* filename, uint64_t fo_flags) { addr_t subsection = control_area + f->control_area_size; addr_t segment = 0; addr_t test = 0; addr_t test2 = 0; size_t filesize = 0; /* Check whether subsection points back to the control area */ ctx->addr = control_area + f->offsets[CONTROL_AREA_SEGMENT]; if ( VMI_FAILURE == vmi_read_addr(vmi, ctx, &segment) ) return; ctx->addr = segment + f->offsets[SEGMENT_CONTROLAREA]; if ( VMI_FAILURE == vmi_read_addr(vmi, ctx, &test) || test != control_area ) return; ctx->addr = segment + f->offsets[SEGMENT_SIZEOFSEGMENT]; if ( VMI_FAILURE == vmi_read_64(vmi, ctx, &test) ) return; ctx->addr = segment + f->offsets[SEGMENT_TOTALNUMBEROFPTES]; if ( VMI_FAILURE == vmi_read_32(vmi, ctx, (uint32_t*)&test2) ) return; if ( test != (test2 * 4096) ) return; const int curr_sequence_number = ++f->sequence_number; char* file = NULL; if ( asprintf(&file, "%s/", f->dump_folder, curr_sequence_number) < 0 ) return; FILE* fp = fopen(file, "w"); free(file); if (!fp) return; while (subsection) { /* Check whether subsection points back to the control area */ ctx->addr = subsection + f->offsets[SUBSECTION_CONTROLAREA]; if ( VMI_FAILURE == vmi_read_addr(vmi, ctx, &test) || test != control_area ) break; addr_t base = 0; addr_t start = 0; uint32_t ptes = 0; ctx->addr = subsection + f->offsets[SUBSECTION_SUBSECTIONBASE]; if ( VMI_FAILURE == vmi_read_addr(vmi, ctx, &base) ) break; ctx->addr = subsection + f->offsets[SUBSECTION_PTESINSUBSECTION]; if ( VMI_FAILURE == vmi_read_32(vmi, ctx, &ptes) ) break; ctx->addr = subsection + f->offsets[SUBSECTION_STARTINGSECTOR]; if ( VMI_FAILURE == vmi_read_32(vmi, ctx, (uint32_t*)&start) ) break; /* * The offset into the file is stored implicitely * based on the PTE's location within the Subsection. */ addr_t subsection_offset = start * 0x200; addr_t ptecount; for (ptecount=0; ptecount < ptes; ptecount++) { addr_t pteoffset = base + f->mmpte_size * ptecount; addr_t fileoffset = subsection_offset + ptecount * 0x1000; addr_t pte = 0; ctx->addr = pteoffset; if ( VMI_FAILURE == vmi_read(vmi, ctx, f->mmpte_size, &pte, NULL) ) break; if ( ENTRY_PRESENT(1, pte) ) { uint8_t page[4096]; if ( VMI_FAILURE == vmi_read_pa(vmi, VMI_BIT_MASK(12,48) & pte, 4096, &page, NULL) ) continue; if ( !fseek ( fp, fileoffset, SEEK_SET ) ) { if ( fwrite(page, 4096, 1, fp) ) filesize = MAX(filesize, fileoffset + 4096); } } } ctx->addr = subsection + f->offsets[SUBSECTION_NEXTSUBSECTION]; if ( !vmi_read_addr(vmi, ctx, &subsection) ) break; } fclose(fp); print_extraction_information(f, drakvuf, info, filename, filesize, fo_flags, curr_sequence_number); save_file_metadata(f, info, curr_sequence_number, control_area, filename, filesize, fo_flags); }
event_response_t cr3_callback(vmi_instance_t vmi, vmi_event_t *event) { va_pages = vmi_get_va_pages(vmi, event->reg_event.value); GSList *loop = va_pages; while(loop) { page_info_t *page = loop->data; // Demonstrate using access_context_t access_context_t ctx = { .translate_mechanism = VMI_TM_PROCESS_DTB, .addr = page->vaddr, .dtb = event->reg_event.value, }; uint64_t test; if(VMI_FAILURE == vmi_read_64(vmi, &ctx, &test)) { printf("Page in virtual address space of DTB 0x%"PRIx64" unaccessible: 0x%"PRIx64".\t" "Size: 0x%"PRIx64"\n", ctx.dtb, page->vaddr, (uint64_t)page->size); } loop=loop->next; } free_va_pages(); return 0; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { vmi_instance_t vmi = NULL; status_t status = VMI_SUCCESS; struct sigaction act; char *name = NULL; va_pages = NULL; if(argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: events_example <name of VM>\n"); exit(1); } // Arg 1 is the VM name. name = argv[1]; /* for a clean exit */ act.sa_handler = close_handler; act.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, NULL); // Initialize the libvmi library. if (vmi_init(&vmi, VMI_XEN | VMI_INIT_COMPLETE | VMI_INIT_EVENTS, name) == VMI_FAILURE) { printf("Failed to init LibVMI library.\n"); if (vmi != NULL ) { vmi_destroy(vmi); } return 1; } else { printf("LibVMI init succeeded!\n"); } /* Configure an event to track when the process is running. * (The CR3 register is updated on task context switch, allowing * us to follow as various tasks are scheduled and run upon the CPU) */ SETUP_REG_EVENT(&cr3_event, CR3, VMI_REGACCESS_W, 0, cr3_callback); vmi_register_event(vmi, &cr3_event); while(!interrupted) { printf("Waiting for events...\n"); status = vmi_events_listen(vmi,500); if (status != VMI_SUCCESS) { printf("Error waiting for events, quitting...\n"); interrupted = -1; } } printf("Finished with test.\n"); free_va_pages(); // cleanup any memory associated with the libvmi instance vmi_destroy(vmi); return 0; }