예제 #1
파일: vpImageTools.cpp 프로젝트: ricsp/visp
  Change the look up table (LUT) of an image. Considering pixel gray
  level values \f$ l \f$ in the range \f$[A, B]\f$, this method allows
  to rescale these values in \f$[A^*, B^*]\f$ by linear interpolation:

  \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
  l \in ]-\infty, A] \mbox{, } &  l = A^* \\
  l \in  [B, \infty[ \mbox{, } &  l = B^* \\
  l \in ]A, B[ \mbox{, }       &  l = A^* + (l-A) * \frac{B^*-A^*}{B-A}

  \param I : Image to process.
  \param A : Low gray level value of the range to consider.
  \param A_star : New gray level value \f$ A^*\f$ to attribute to pixel
  who's value was A
  \param B : Height gray level value of the range to consider.
  \param B_star : New gray level value \f$ B^*\f$ to attribute to pixel
  who's value was B
  \return The modified image.

  \exception vpImageException::incorrectInitializationError If \f$B \leq A\f$.

  As shown in the example below, this method can be used to binarize
  an image. For an unsigned char image (in the range 0-255),
  thresholding this image at level 127 can be done by:

#include <visp3/core/vpImageTools.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpImage.h>
#include <visp3/io/vpImageIo.h>

int main()
  vpImage<unsigned char> I;
#ifdef _WIN32
  std::string filename("C:/temp/ViSP-images/Klimt/Klimt.ppm");
  std::string filename("/local/soft/ViSP/ViSP-images/Klimt/Klimt.ppm");

  // Read an image from the disk
  vpImageIo::read(I, filename);

  // Binarize image I:
  // - gray level values less than or equal to 127 are set to 0,
  // - gray level values greater than 128 are set to 255
  vpImageTools::changeLUT(I, 127, 0, 128, 255);

  vpImageIo::write(I, "Klimt.pgm"); // Write the image in a PGM P5 image file format

void vpImageTools::changeLUT(vpImage<unsigned char>& I,
                             unsigned char A,
                             unsigned char A_star,
                             unsigned char B,
                             unsigned char B_star)
  // Test if input values are valid
  if (B <= A) {
    vpERROR_TRACE("Bad gray levels") ;
    throw (vpImageException(vpImageException::incorrectInitializationError ,
                            "Bad gray levels"));
  unsigned char v;

  double factor = (double)(B_star - A_star)/(double)(B - A);

  for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < I.getHeight(); i++)
    for (unsigned int j=0 ; j < I.getWidth(); j++) {
      v = I[i][j];

      if (v <= A)
        I[i][j] = A_star;
      else if (v >= B)
        I[i][j] = B_star;
        I[i][j] = (unsigned char)(A_star + factor*(v-A));
예제 #2
  Sets all the parameters needed to read the video or the image sequence.
  Grab the first frame and stores it in the image \f$ I \f$.
  \param I : The image where the frame is stored.
void vpVideoReader::open(vpImage< vpRGBa > &I)
  if (!initFileName)
    vpERROR_TRACE("The generic filename has to be set");
    throw (vpImageException(vpImageException::noFileNameError,"filename empty"));
  if (formatType == FORMAT_PGM ||
      formatType == FORMAT_PPM ||
      formatType == FORMAT_JPEG ||
      formatType == FORMAT_PNG)
    imSequence = new vpDiskGrabber;
  else if (formatType == FORMAT_AVI ||
           formatType == FORMAT_MPEG ||
           formatType == FORMAT_MOV ||
           formatType == FORMAT_OGV)
    ffmpeg = new vpFFMPEG;
    if(!ffmpeg->openStream(fileName, vpFFMPEG::COLORED))
      throw (vpException(vpException::ioError ,"Could not open the video"));
  else if (formatType == FORMAT_AVI ||
           formatType == FORMAT_MPEG ||
           formatType == FORMAT_MOV ||
           formatType == FORMAT_OGV)
    vpERROR_TRACE("To read video files the FFmpeg library has to be installed");
    throw (vpException(vpException::fatalError ,"the FFmpeg library is required"));
  else if (formatType == FORMAT_UNKNOWN)
    vpERROR_TRACE("The format of the file does not correpsond to a readable format.");
    throw (vpException(vpException::fatalError ,"The format of the file does not correpsond to a readable format."));
  frameCount = firstFrame;
    vpERROR_TRACE("Could not read the first frame");
    throw (vpException(vpException::ioError ,"Could not read the first frame"));
  height = I.getHeight();
  width = I.getWidth();
  isOpen = true;
예제 #3
Sets all the parameters needed to read the video or the image sequence.

Grab the first frame and stores it in the image \f$ I \f$.

\param I : The image where the frame is stored.
void vpVideoReader::open(vpImage<unsigned char> &I)
	if (!initFileName)
		vpERROR_TRACE("The generic filename has to be set");
		throw (vpImageException(vpImageException::noFileNameError,"filename empty"));

	if (isImageExtensionSupported())
		imSequence = new vpDiskGrabber;
		if (firstFrameIndexIsSet)
	else if (isVideoExtensionSupported())
		ffmpeg = new vpFFMPEG;
		if (!ffmpeg->openStream(fileName, vpFFMPEG::GRAY_SCALED))
      throw (vpException(vpException::ioError ,"Could not open the video with ffmpeg"));
#elif VISP_HAVE_OPENCV_VERSION >= 0x020100

      throw (vpException(vpException::ioError ,"Could not open the video with opencv"));
    //vpERROR_TRACE("To read video files ViSP should be build with ffmpeg or opencv 3rd party libraries.");
    throw (vpException(vpException::fatalError ,"To read video files ViSP should be build with ffmpeg or opencv >= 2.1.0 3rd party libraries."));
	else if (formatType == FORMAT_UNKNOWN)
    //vpERROR_TRACE("The format of the file does not correspond to a readable format.");
    throw (vpException(vpException::fatalError ,"The format of the file does not correspond to a readable format supported by ViSP."));

	frameCount = firstFrame;
    //vpERROR_TRACE("Could not read the video first frame");
    throw (vpException(vpException::ioError ,"Could not read the video first frame"));

	height = I.getHeight();
	width = I.getWidth();

	isOpen = true;
	frameCount = firstFrame; // open() should not increase the frame counter
예제 #4
  It enables to set the path and the name of the file(s) which as/have to be read.
  If you want to read a video file, \f$ filename \f$ corresponds to the path to the file (example : /local/video.mpeg).
  If you want to read a sequence of images, \f$ filename \f$ corresponds to the path followed by the image name template. For exemple, if you want to read different images named image0001.jpeg, image0002.jpg, ... and located in the folder /local/image, \f$ filename \f$ will be "/local/image/image%04d.jpg". 
  \param filename : Path to a video file or file name template of a image sequence.
void vpVideoReader::setFileName(const char *filename)
  if (filename == '\0')
    vpERROR_TRACE("filename empty ") ;
    throw (vpImageException(vpImageException::noFileNameError,"filename empty ")) ;
  formatType = getFormat(fileName);
  initFileName = true;
예제 #5
It enables to set the path and the name of the file(s) which as/have to be read.

If you want to read a video file, \f$ filename \f$ corresponds to the path to the file (example : /local/video.mpeg).

If you want to read a sequence of images, \f$ filename \f$ corresponds to the path followed by the image name template. For exemple, if you want to read different images named image0001.jpeg, image0002.jpg, ... and located in the folder /local/image, \f$ filename \f$ will be "/local/image/image%04d.jpg". 

\param filename : Path to a video file or file name template of a image sequence.
void vpVideoReader::setFileName(const char *filename)
	if (!filename || *filename == '\0')
		vpERROR_TRACE("filename empty ") ;
		throw (vpImageException(vpImageException::noFileNameError,"filename empty ")) ;

	if (strlen( filename ) >= FILENAME_MAX) {
			"Not enough memory to intialize the file name"));


	formatType = getFormat(fileName);

  if (formatType == FORMAT_UNKNOWN) {
    throw(vpException(vpException::badValue, "Filename extension not supported"));

	initFileName = true;