예제 #1
 *Caches a vehicle definition from a JsonObject to be loaded after itypes is initialized.
void vehicle_prototype::load(JsonObject &jo)
    vehicle_prototype &vproto = vtypes[ vproto_id( jo.get_string( "id" ) ) ];
    // If there are already parts defined, this vehicle prototype overrides an existing one.
    // If the json contains a name, it means a completely new prototype (replacing the
    // original one), therefor the old data has to be cleared.
    // If the json does not contain a name (the prototype would have no name), it means appending
    // to the existing prototype (the parts are not cleared).
    if( !vproto.parts.empty() && jo.has_string( "name" ) ) {
        vproto = std::move( vehicle_prototype() );
    if( vproto.parts.empty() ) {
        vproto.name = jo.get_string( "name" );

    vgroups[vgroup_id(jo.get_string("id"))].add_vehicle(vproto_id(jo.get_string("id")), 100);

    JsonArray parts = jo.get_array("parts");
    while (parts.has_more()) {
        JsonObject part = parts.next_object();
        const point pxy( part.get_int("x"), part.get_int("y") );
        const vpart_str_id pid( part.get_string( "part" ) );
        vproto.parts.emplace_back( pxy, pid );

    JsonArray items = jo.get_array("items");
    while(items.has_more()) {
        JsonObject spawn_info = items.next_object();
        vehicle_item_spawn next_spawn;
        next_spawn.pos.x = spawn_info.get_int("x");
        next_spawn.pos.y = spawn_info.get_int("y");
        next_spawn.chance = spawn_info.get_int("chance");
        if(next_spawn.chance <= 0 || next_spawn.chance > 100) {
            debugmsg("Invalid spawn chance in %s (%d, %d): %d%%",
                     vproto.name.c_str(), next_spawn.pos.x, next_spawn.pos.y, next_spawn.chance);
        if(spawn_info.has_array("items")) {
            //Array of items that all spawn together (ie jack+tire)
            JsonArray item_group = spawn_info.get_array("items");
            while(item_group.has_more()) {
        } else if(spawn_info.has_string("items")) {
            //Treat single item as array
        if(spawn_info.has_array("item_groups")) {
            //Pick from a group of items, just like map::place_items
            JsonArray item_group_names = spawn_info.get_array("item_groups");
            while(item_group_names.has_more()) {
        } else if(spawn_info.has_string("item_groups")) {
        vproto.item_spawns.push_back( std::move( next_spawn ) );
void check_vehicle_damage( std::string explosive_id, std::string vehicle_id, int range )
    // Clear map
    tripoint origin( 30, 30, 0 );

    vehicle *target_vehicle = g->m.add_vehicle( vproto_id( vehicle_id ), origin, 0, -1, 0 );
    std::vector<int> before_hp = get_part_hp( target_vehicle );

    while( g->m.veh_at( origin ) ) {
    origin.x += range;

    // Set off an explosion
    item grenade( explosive_id );
    grenade.charges = 0;
    grenade.type->invoke( g->u, grenade, origin );

    std::vector<int> after_hp = get_part_hp( target_vehicle );

    // We don't expect any destroyed parts.
    CHECK( before_hp.size() == after_hp.size() );
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < before_hp.size(); ++i ) {
        INFO( target_vehicle->parts[ i ].name() );
        if( target_vehicle->parts[ i ].name() == "windshield" ||
            target_vehicle->parts[ i ].name() == "headlight" ) {
            CHECK( before_hp[ i ] >= after_hp[ i ] );
        } else {
            CHECK( before_hp[ i ] == after_hp[ i ] );
예제 #3
statistics find_inner( std::string type, std::string terrain, int delay, bool smooth ) {
    statistics efficiency;
    for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        efficiency.add( test_efficiency( vproto_id( type ), ter_id( terrain ), delay, -1, smooth ) );
    return efficiency;
예제 #4
void VehicleGroup::load(JsonObject &jo)
    VehicleGroup &group = vgroups[vgroup_id(jo.get_string("id"))];

    JsonArray vehicles = jo.get_array("vehicles");
    while (vehicles.has_more()) {
        JsonArray pair = vehicles.next_array();
        group.add_vehicle(vproto_id(pair.get_string(0)), pair.get_int(1));
efficiency_stat find_inner( const std::string &type, int &expected_mass, const std::string &terrain,
                            const int delay,
                            const bool smooth, const bool test_mass = false )
    efficiency_stat efficiency;
    for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
        efficiency.add( test_efficiency( vproto_id( type ), expected_mass, ter_id( terrain ),
                                         delay, -1, smooth, test_mass ) );
    return efficiency;
예제 #6
// Behold: power of laziness
void print_drag_test_strings( const std::string &type )
    std::ostringstream ss;
    vehicle *veh_ptr = setup_drag_test( vproto_id( type ) );
    if( veh_ptr == nullptr ) {
    ss << "    test_vehicle_drag( \"" << type << "\", ";
    ss << veh_ptr->coeff_air_drag() << ", ";
    ss << veh_ptr->coeff_rolling_drag() << ", ";
    ss << veh_ptr->safe_velocity() << ", ";
    ss << veh_ptr->max_velocity();
    ss << " );" << std::endl;
    printf( "%s", ss.str().c_str() );
    fflush( stdout );
예제 #7
void construct::done_vehicle( const tripoint &p )
    std::string name = string_input_popup( _( "Enter new vehicle name:" ), 20 );
    if( name.empty() ) {
        name = _( "Car" );

    vehicle *veh = g->m.add_vehicle( vproto_id( "none" ), p, 270, 0, 0 );

    if( !veh ) {
        debugmsg( "error constructing vehicle" );
    veh->name = name;
    veh->install_part( 0, 0, vpart_from_item( g->u.lastconsumed ) );

    // Update the vehicle cache immediately,
    // or the vehicle will be invisible for the first couple of turns.
    g->m.add_vehicle_to_cache( veh );
static void test_repair( const std::vector<item> &tools, bool expect_craftable )

    const tripoint test_origin( 60, 60, 0 );
    g->u.setpos( test_origin );
    const item backpack( "backpack" );
    g->u.wear( g->u.i_add( backpack ), false );
    for( const item gear : tools ) {
        g->u.i_add( gear );

    const tripoint vehicle_origin = test_origin + tripoint( 1, 1, 0 );
    vehicle *veh_ptr = g->m.add_vehicle( vproto_id( "bicycle" ), vehicle_origin, -90, 0, 0 );
    REQUIRE( veh_ptr != nullptr );
    // Find the frame at the origin.
    vehicle_part *origin_frame = nullptr;
    for( vehicle_part *part : veh_ptr->get_parts_at( vehicle_origin, "", part_status_flag::any ) ) {
        if( part->info().location == "structure" ) {
            origin_frame = part;
    REQUIRE( origin_frame != nullptr );
    REQUIRE( origin_frame->hp() == origin_frame->info().durability );
    veh_ptr->mod_hp( *origin_frame, -100 );
    REQUIRE( origin_frame->hp() < origin_frame->info().durability );

    const vpart_info &vp = origin_frame->info();
    // Assertions about frame part?

    requirement_data reqs = vp.repair_requirements();
    // Bust cache on crafting_inventory()
    g->u.mod_moves( 1 );
    inventory crafting_inv = g->u.crafting_inventory();
    bool can_repair = vp.repair_requirements().can_make_with_inventory( g->u.crafting_inventory(),
                      is_crafting_component );
    CHECK( can_repair == expect_craftable );
예제 #9
 *Caches a vehicle definition from a JsonObject to be loaded after itypes is initialized.
void vehicle_prototype::load( JsonObject &jo )
    vehicle_prototype &vproto = vtypes[ vproto_id( jo.get_string( "id" ) ) ];
    // If there are already parts defined, this vehicle prototype overrides an existing one.
    // If the json contains a name, it means a completely new prototype (replacing the
    // original one), therefore the old data has to be cleared.
    // If the json does not contain a name (the prototype would have no name), it means appending
    // to the existing prototype (the parts are not cleared).
    if( !vproto.parts.empty() && jo.has_string( "name" ) ) {
        vproto =  vehicle_prototype();
    if( vproto.parts.empty() ) {
        vproto.name = jo.get_string( "name" );

    vgroups[vgroup_id( jo.get_string( "id" ) )].add_vehicle( vproto_id( jo.get_string( "id" ) ), 100 );

    const auto add_part_obj = [&]( JsonObject part, point pos ) {
        part_def pt;
        pt.pos = pos;
        pt.part = vpart_id( part.get_string( "part" ) );

        assign( part, "ammo", pt.with_ammo, true, 0, 100 );
        assign( part, "ammo_types", pt.ammo_types, true );
        assign( part, "ammo_qty", pt.ammo_qty, true, 0 );
        assign( part, "fuel", pt.fuel, true );

        vproto.parts.push_back( pt );

    const auto add_part_string = [&]( std::string part, point pos ) {
        part_def pt;
        pt.pos = pos;
        pt.part = vpart_id( part );
        vproto.parts.push_back( pt );

    JsonArray parts = jo.get_array( "parts" );
    while( parts.has_more() ) {
        JsonObject part = parts.next_object();
        point pos = point( part.get_int( "x" ), part.get_int( "y" ) );

        if( part.has_string( "part" ) ) {
            add_part_obj( part, pos );
        } else if( part.has_array( "parts" ) ) {
            JsonArray subparts = part.get_array( "parts" );
            while( subparts.has_more() ) {
                if( subparts.test_string() ) {
                    std::string part_name = subparts.next_string();
                    add_part_string( part_name, pos );
                } else {
                    JsonObject subpart = subparts.next_object();
                    add_part_obj( subpart, pos );

    JsonArray items = jo.get_array( "items" );
    while( items.has_more() ) {
        JsonObject spawn_info = items.next_object();
        vehicle_item_spawn next_spawn;
        next_spawn.pos.x = spawn_info.get_int( "x" );
        next_spawn.pos.y = spawn_info.get_int( "y" );

        next_spawn.chance = spawn_info.get_int( "chance" );
        if( next_spawn.chance <= 0 || next_spawn.chance > 100 ) {
            debugmsg( "Invalid spawn chance in %s (%d, %d): %d%%",
                      vproto.name.c_str(), next_spawn.pos.x, next_spawn.pos.y, next_spawn.chance );

        // constrain both with_magazine and with_ammo to [0-100]
        next_spawn.with_magazine = std::max( std::min( spawn_info.get_int( "magazine",
                                             next_spawn.with_magazine ), 100 ), 0 );
        next_spawn.with_ammo = std::max( std::min( spawn_info.get_int( "ammo", next_spawn.with_ammo ),
                                         100 ), 0 );

        if( spawn_info.has_array( "items" ) ) {
            //Array of items that all spawn together (i.e. jack+tire)
            JsonArray item_group = spawn_info.get_array( "items" );
            while( item_group.has_more() ) {
                next_spawn.item_ids.push_back( item_group.next_string() );
        } else if( spawn_info.has_string( "items" ) ) {
            //Treat single item as array
            next_spawn.item_ids.push_back( spawn_info.get_string( "items" ) );
        if( spawn_info.has_array( "item_groups" ) ) {
            //Pick from a group of items, just like map::place_items
            JsonArray item_group_names = spawn_info.get_array( "item_groups" );
            while( item_group_names.has_more() ) {
                next_spawn.item_groups.push_back( item_group_names.next_string() );
        } else if( spawn_info.has_string( "item_groups" ) ) {
            next_spawn.item_groups.push_back( spawn_info.get_string( "item_groups" ) );
        vproto.item_spawns.push_back( std::move( next_spawn ) );
예제 #10
vehicle* VehicleFactory::add_vehicle(map& m, const std::string &vehicle_id, const point &p, const int facing, const int fuel, const int status, const bool mergewrecks)
    return m.add_vehicle(groups.count(vehicle_id) > 0 ? vproto_id(groups[vehicle_id].pick()) : vproto_id(vehicle_id),
        p.x, p.y, facing, fuel, status, mergewrecks);
예제 #11
#include "catch/catch.hpp"

#include "game.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "vehicle.h"
#include "veh_type.h"
#include "player.h"

TEST_CASE( "destroy_grabbed_vehicle_section" )
    GIVEN( "A vehicle grabbed by the player" ) {
        tripoint test_origin( 60, 60, 0 );
        g->u.setpos( test_origin );
        tripoint vehicle_origin = test_origin + tripoint( 1, 1, 0 );
        vehicle *veh_ptr = g->m.add_vehicle( vproto_id( "bicycle" ), vehicle_origin, -90 );
        REQUIRE( veh_ptr != nullptr );
        tripoint grab_point = test_origin + tripoint( 1, 0, 0 );
        g->u.grab_type = OBJECT_VEHICLE;
        g->u.grab_point = grab_point;
        WHEN( "The vehicle section grabbed by the player is destroyed" ) {
            g->m.destroy( grab_point );
            THEN( "The player's grab is released" ) {
                CHECK( g->u.grab_type == OBJECT_NONE );
                CHECK( g->u.grab_point == tripoint_zero );