예제 #1
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_edu_berkeley_bid_VSL_vsRngGaussian
(JNIEnv * env, jobject calling_obj, jint method, jobject j_stream, jint n, jfloatArray j_r, jfloat a, jfloat b) {

    VSLStreamStatePtr stream = getStream(env, calling_obj, j_stream);
    jfloat * r = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, j_r, JNI_FALSE);

    jint retval = vsRngGaussian(method, stream, n, r, a, b);

    (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, j_r, r, 0);
    return retval;
예제 #2
void Random<CPU>::gaussian (float *data, int size, const float mu, const float sigma) const
{ CHECK (sigma > 0.f);
  rand_check (vsRngGaussian (0, vStream_, size, data, mu, sigma)); // TODO
예제 #3
void pnlRandNormal( int numElem, float* vec, float mean, float sigma )
    vsRngGaussian( VSL_METHOD_SGAUSSIAN_BOXMULLER2, g_RNG.m_vslStream, numElem, vec, mean, (float)sqrt(sigma) );
예제 #4
float pnlRandNormal( float mean, float sigma )
    float val = 0;
    vsRngGaussian( VSL_METHOD_SGAUSSIAN_BOXMULLER2, g_RNG.m_vslStream, 1, &val, mean, (float)sqrt(sigma) );
    return val;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

	// construct lattice
	unsigned int rows = 1;
	unsigned int columns = 300;
	lattice_t* lattice = lattice_create(rows, columns, 
		periodic, periodic, periodic, periodic);

	// initialise lattice positioning
	unsigned int const kNumStdDevs = 5;
	unsigned int const kStdDevsRepeatCount = 1;
	unsigned int const kRepeatCount = 1000;
	double stddevs[] = { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 };

	unsigned int const kTimeSetsNum = 3;
	unsigned int timeSets[] = { 200, 500, 1000 };

	// initialise random number storage
	VSLStreamStatePtr stream;
	float randomNumbers[columns];

	// initialise temporary node storage
	double xPosition;
	double yPosition = 0.0;
	coordinate_t coord;

	// initialise loop variables
	bool trackedLatticeLayout;
	char latticeLayoutFileName[50];
	char latticeProfileFilename[100];

	// initialise agent tracking information
	unsigned int numTrackedAgents = 0;
	coordinate_t* trackedPositions = NULL;
	int* trackedAgentIds = NULL;

	// set motility properties
	double motilityProbability = 1.0;
	double xShiftPreference = 0;
	double yShiftPreference = 0;
	bool agentExclusion = false;

	// generation random lattices
	for (int stdDevIndex = 0; stdDevIndex < kNumStdDevs; stdDevIndex++) {
		for (int boundRepeatCount = 0; 
			boundRepeatCount < kStdDevsRepeatCount; boundRepeatCount++) {

			// generate any required random numbers (uniform dist)
			vslNewStream(&stream, BRNG, arc4random());	
				columns, randomNumbers, 0.0f, stddevs[stdDevIndex]);

			// perturb and sort node locations
			for (int col = 0; col < columns; col++) {
				randomNumbers[col] += col;
			qsort(randomNumbers, columns, sizeof(float), compare);

			// specify node locations
			for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
				for (int col = 0; col < columns; col++) {
					coord.row = row;
					coord.column = col;
					xPosition = (double)randomNumbers[col];
					lattice_specify_position(lattice, coord, xPosition, yPosition);

			// save node locations
			bool saveNodeLocations = true;
			if (saveNodeLocations) {
				sprintf(latticeLayoutFileName, "node_positions_%0.02f_%d_ghosts.txt", 
					stddevs[stdDevIndex], boundRepeatCount);
				trackedLatticeLayout = lattice_parser_node_positions(lattice, rows, 
					columns, latticeLayoutFileName, "output/");
				if (!trackedLatticeLayout) {
					printf("Error: failed storing lattice layout information (case: %0.02f %d).\n", 
						stddevs[stdDevIndex], boundRepeatCount);

			// perform simulations
			bool performSimulation = true;
			if (performSimulation) {

				// perform simulations
				for (int repeatCount = 0; repeatCount < kRepeatCount; repeatCount++) {

					// populate lattice
					int* agentId;
					int currentAgentId = 1;
					coordinate_t agentPos;

					for (int j = 130; j < 171; j++) {
						agentId = malloc(sizeof(int));
						*agentId = currentAgentId++;

						agentPos.row = 0;
						agentPos.column = j;

						lattice_push_agent(lattice, agentPos, agentId);

					// perform simulation
					for (int timeStep = 0; timeStep < timeSets[kTimeSetsNum-1]; 
							timeStep++) {
						performMotilityEvents(lattice, rows, columns, motilityProbability, 
							xShiftPreference, yShiftPreference, agentExclusion, 
							trackedAgentIds, numTrackedAgents, trackedPositions);

						for (int j = 0; j < kTimeSetsNum; j++) {
							if (timeStep == timeSets[j]-1) {
								// store lattice profile
								sprintf(latticeProfileFilename, "lattice_profile_%0.02f_%d_%d_%d_ghosts.txt", 
									stddevs[stdDevIndex], boundRepeatCount, repeatCount, timeStep+1);
								bool isTracked = lattice_occupancy_parser(lattice, rows, columns, 
									latticeProfileFilename, "output/");
								if (!isTracked) {
									printf("Error: failed to store lattice profile.\n");

					// clear lattice and deallocate memory
					lattice_clear(lattice, rows, columns, true);

	// deallocate memory
	lattice_destroy(&lattice, rows, columns, true);

예제 #6
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	sTime, eTime;

    double sum_delta  = 0.0;
    double sum_ref    = 0.0;
    double max_delta  = 0.0;
    double sumReserve = 0.0;

    printf("Monte Carlo European Option Pricing Single Precision\n\n");
    printf("Compiler Version  = %d\n", __INTEL_COMPILER/100);
    printf("Release Update    = %d\n", __INTEL_COMPILER_UPDATE);
    printf("Build Time        = %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);
    printf("Path Length       = %d\n", RAND_N);
    printf("Number of Options = %d\n", OPT_N);
    printf("Block Size        = %d\n", RAND_BLOCK_LENGTH);
    printf("Worker Threads    = %d\n\n", NTHREADS);

    const int mem_size  = sizeof(float)*OPT_PER_THREAD;

#ifndef _OPENMP
    NTHREADS = 1;

    float *samples[MAX_THREADS];
    VSLStreamStatePtr Streams[MAX_THREADS];
    const int nblocks = RAND_N/RAND_BLOCK_LENGTH;
#pragma omp parallel reduction(+ : sum_delta) reduction(+ : sum_ref) reduction(+ : sumReserve) reduction(max : max_delta)
#ifdef _OPENMP
    int threadID = omp_get_thread_num();
    int threadID = 0;
    unsigned int randseed = RANDSEED + threadID;
    float *CallResultList     = (float *)scalable_aligned_malloc(mem_size, SIMDALIGN);
    float *CallConfidenceList = (float *)scalable_aligned_malloc(mem_size, SIMDALIGN);
    float *StockPriceList     = (float *)scalable_aligned_malloc(mem_size, SIMDALIGN);
    float *OptionStrikeList   = (float *)scalable_aligned_malloc(mem_size, SIMDALIGN);
    float *OptionYearsList    = (float *)scalable_aligned_malloc(mem_size, SIMDALIGN);
    for(int i = 0; i < OPT_PER_THREAD; i++)
        CallResultList[i]     = 0.0f;
        CallConfidenceList[i] = 0.0f;
        StockPriceList[i]     = RandFloat_T(5.0f, 50.0f, &randseed);
        OptionStrikeList[i]   = RandFloat_T(10.0f, 25.0f, &randseed);
        OptionYearsList[i]    = RandFloat_T(1.0f, 5.0f, &randseed);
    samples[threadID] = (float *)scalable_aligned_malloc(RAND_BLOCK_LENGTH * sizeof(float), SIMDALIGN);
    vslNewStream(&(Streams[threadID]), VSL_BRNG_MT2203 + threadID, RANDSEED);

#pragma omp barrier
    if (threadID == 0)
        printf("Starting options pricing...\n");
        sTime = second();
        start_cyc = _rdtsc();

    for(int opt = 0; opt < OPT_PER_THREAD; opt++)
        const float VBySqrtT = VLog2E * sqrtf(OptionYearsList[opt]);
	const float MuByT    = MuLog2E * OptionYearsList[opt];
        const float Y        = StockPriceList[opt];
        const float Z        = OptionStrikeList[opt];
        float v0 = 0.0f;
        float v1 = 0.0f;
        for(int block = 0; block < nblocks; ++block)
            float *rand = samples[threadID];
            vsRngGaussian (VSL_RNG_METHOD_GAUSSIAN_ICDF, Streams[threadID], RAND_BLOCK_LENGTH, rand, MuByT, VBySqrtT); 
#pragma vector aligned
#pragma simd reduction(+:v0) reduction(+:v1)
#pragma unroll(4)
            for(int i=0; i < RAND_BLOCK_LENGTH; i++) 
                float callValue  = Y * exp2f(rand[i]) - Z;
                callValue = (callValue > 0.0) ? callValue : 0.0;
                v0 += callValue;
                v1 += callValue * callValue;
        const float  exprt      = exp2f(RLog2E*OptionYearsList[opt]);
        CallResultList[opt]     = exprt * v0 * INV_RAND_N;
        const float  stdDev     = sqrtf((F_RAND_N * v1 - v0 * v0) * STDDEV_DENOM);
        CallConfidenceList[opt] = (float)(exprt * stdDev * CONFIDENCE_DENOM);
    } //end of opt 

#pragma omp barrier
    if (threadID == 0) {
        end_cyc = _rdtsc();
        eTime = second();
        printf("Parallel simulation completed in %f seconds.\n", eTime-sTime);
        printf("Validating the result...\n");

    double delta = 0.0, ref = 0.0, L1norm = 0.0;
    int max_index = 0;
    double max_local  = 0.0;
    for(int i = 0; i < OPT_PER_THREAD; i++)
        double callReference, putReference;
            OptionStrikeList[i], OptionYearsList[i],  RISKFREE, VOLATILITY );
        ref   = callReference;
        delta = fabs(callReference - CallResultList[i]);
        sum_delta += delta;
        sum_ref   += fabs(ref);
        if(delta > 1e-6)
             sumReserve += CallConfidenceList[i] / delta;
        max_local = delta>max_local? delta: max_local;
    max_delta = max_local>max_delta? max_local: max_delta;
}//end of parallel block

    sumReserve          /= (double)OPT_N;
    const double L1norm  = sum_delta / sum_ref;

    printf("L1_Norm          = %4.3E\n", L1norm);
    printf("Average RESERVE  = %4.3f\n", sumReserve);
    printf("Max Error        = %4.3E\n", max_delta);

    const unsigned long long cyc       = end_cyc - start_cyc;
    const double             optcyc    = (double)cyc/(double)OPT_N;

    printf("Total Cycles = %lld\n", cyc);
    printf("Cyc/opt      = %8.3f\n", optcyc);
    printf("Time Elapsed = %8.3f\n", eTime-sTime);
    printf("Options/sec  = %8.3f\n", OPT_N/(eTime-sTime));
    return 0;