예제 #1
/* qrk_new:
 *   This initialize the object for holding a new empty trie, with some pre-
 *   allocations. The returned object must be freed with a call to qrk_free when
 *   not needed anymore.
qrk_t *qrk_new(void) {
	const uint64_t size = 128;
	qrk_t *qrk = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(qrk_t));
	qrk->root  = NULL;
	qrk->count = 0;
	qrk->lock  = false;
	qrk->size  = size;
	qrk->leafs = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(leaf_t) * size);
	return qrk;
예제 #2
/* tag_eval:
 *   Compute the token error rate and sequence error rate over the devel set (or
 *   taining set if not available).
void tag_eval(mdl_t *mdl, double *te, double *se) {
	const uint32_t W = mdl->opt->nthread;
	dat_t *dat = (mdl->devel == NULL) ? mdl->train : mdl->devel;
	// First we prepare the eval state for all the workers threads, we just
	// have to give them the model and dataset to use. This state will be
	// used to retrieve partial result they computed.
	eval_t *eval[W];
	for (uint32_t w = 0; w < W; w++) {
		eval[w] = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(eval_t));
		eval[w]->mdl = mdl;
		eval[w]->dat = dat;
	// And next, we call the workers to do the job and reduce the partial
	// result by summing them and computing the final error rates.
	mth_spawn((func_t *)tag_evalsub, W, (void *)eval, dat->nseq,
	uint64_t tcnt = 0, terr = 0;
	uint64_t scnt = 0, serr = 0;
	for (uint32_t w = 0; w < W; w++) {
		tcnt += eval[w]->tcnt;
		terr += eval[w]->terr;
		scnt += eval[w]->scnt;
		serr += eval[w]->serr;
	*te = (double)terr / tcnt * 100.0;
	*se = (double)serr / scnt * 100.0;
예제 #3
/* tag_evalsub:
 *   This is where the real evaluation is done by the workers, we process data
 *   by batch and for each batch do a simple Viterbi and scan the result to find
 *   errors.
static void tag_evalsub(job_t *job, uint32_t id, uint32_t cnt, eval_t *eval) {
	unused(id && cnt);
	mdl_t *mdl = eval->mdl;
	dat_t *dat = eval->dat;
	eval->tcnt = 0;
	eval->terr = 0;
	eval->scnt = 0;
	eval->serr = 0;
	// We just get a job a process all the squence in it.
	uint32_t count, pos;
	while (mth_getjob(job, &count, &pos)) {
		for (uint32_t s = pos; s < pos + count; s++) {
			// Tag the sequence with the viterbi
			const seq_t *seq = dat->seq[s];
			const uint32_t T = seq->len;
			uint32_t *out = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * T);
			tag_viterbi(mdl, seq, out, NULL, NULL);
			// And check for eventual (probable ?) errors
			bool err = false;
			for (uint32_t t = 0; t < T; t++)
				if (seq->pos[t].lbl != out[t])
					eval->terr++, err = true;
			eval->tcnt += T;
			eval->scnt += 1;
			eval->serr += err;
예제 #4
/* uit_setup:
 *   Install the signal handler for clean early stop from the user if possible
 *   and start the timer.
void uit_setup(mdl_t *mdl) {
	uit_stop = false;
	if (signal(SIGINT, uit_signal) == SIG_ERR)
		warning("failed to set signal handler, no clean early stop");
	gettimeofday(&mdl->timer, NULL);
	if (mdl->opt->stopwin != 0)
		mdl->werr = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(double) * mdl->opt->stopwin);
	mdl->wcnt = mdl->wpos = 0;
예제 #5
/* pat_exec:
 *   Execute a compiled pattern at position 'at' in the given tokens sequences
 *   in order to produce an observation string. The string is returned as a
 *   newly allocated memory block and the caller is responsible to free it when
 *   not needed anymore.
char *pat_exec(const pat_t *pat, const tok_t *tok, int at) {
	static char *bval[] = {"_x-1", "_x-2", "_x-3", "_x-4", "_x-#"};
	static char *eval[] = {"_x+1", "_x+2", "_x+3", "_x+4", "_x+#"};
	const int T = tok->len;
	// Prepare the buffer who will hold the result
	int size = 16, pos = 0;
	char *buffer = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(char) * size);
	// And loop over the compiled items
	for (int it = 0; it < pat->nitems; it++) {
		const pat_item_t *item = &(pat->items[it]);
		char *value = NULL;
		int len = 0;
		// First, if needed, we retrieve the token at the referenced
		// position in the sequence. We store it in value and let the
		// command handler do what it need with it.
		if (item->type != 's') {
			int pos = item->offset;
			if (item->absolute) {
				if (item->offset < 0)
					pos += T;
			} else {
				pos += at;
			int col = item->column;
			if (pos < 0)
				value = bval[min(-pos - 1, 4)];
			else if (pos >= T)
				value = eval[min( pos - T, 4)];
			else if (col >= tok->cnts[pos])
				fatal("missing tokens, cannot apply pattern");
				value = tok->toks[pos][col];
		// Next, we handle the command, 's' and 'x' are very simple but
		// 't' and 'm' require us to call the regexp matcher.
		if (item->type == 's') {
			value = item->value;
			len = strlen(value);
		} else if (item->type == 'x') {
			len = strlen(value);
		} else if (item->type == 't') {
			if (rex_match(item->value, value, &len) == -1)
				value = "false";
				value = "true";
			len = strlen(value);
		} else if (item->type == 'm') {
			int pos = rex_match(item->value, value, &len);
			if (pos == -1)
				len = 0;
			value += pos;
		// And we add it to the buffer, growing it if needed. If the
		// user requested it, we also remove caps from the string.
		if (pos + len >= size - 1) {
			while (pos + len >= size - 1)
				size = size * 1.4;
			buffer = wapiti_xrealloc(buffer, sizeof(char) * size);
		memcpy(buffer + pos, value, len);
		if (item->caps)
			for (int i = pos; i < pos + len; i++)
				buffer[i] = tolower(buffer[i]);
		pos += len;
	// Adjust the result and return it.
	buffer[pos++] = '\0';
	buffer = wapiti_xrealloc(buffer, sizeof(char) * pos);
	return buffer;
예제 #6
/* pat_comp:
 *   Compile the pattern to a form more suitable to easily apply it on tokens
 *   list during data reading. The given pattern string is interned in the
 *   compiled pattern and will be freed with it, so you don't have to take care
 *   of it and must not modify it after the compilation.
pat_t *pat_comp(char *p) {
	pat_t *pat = NULL;
	// Allocate memory for the compiled pattern, the allocation is based
	// on an over-estimation of the number of required item. As compiled
	// pattern take a neglectible amount of memory, this waste is not
	// important.
	int mitems = 0;
	for (int pos = 0; p[pos] != '\0'; pos++)
		if (p[pos] == '%')
	mitems = mitems * 2 + 1;
	pat = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(pat_t) + sizeof(pat->items[0]) * mitems);
	pat->src = p;
	// Next, we go through the pattern compiling the items as they are
	// found. Commands are parsed and put in a corresponding item, and
	// segment of char not in a command are put in a 's' item.
	int nitems = 0;
	int ntoks = 0;
	int pos = 0;
	while (p[pos] != '\0') {
		pat_item_t *item = &(pat->items[nitems++]);
		item->value = NULL;
		if (p[pos] == '%') {
			// This is a command, so first parse its type and check
			// its a valid one. Next prepare the item.
			const char type = tolower(p[pos + 1]);
			if (type != 'x' && type != 't' && type != 'm')
				fatal("unknown command type: '%c'", type);
			item->type = type;
			item->caps = (p[pos + 1] != type);
			pos += 2;
			// Next we parse the offset and column and store them in
			// the item.
			const char *at = p + pos;
			int off, col, nch;
			item->absolute = false;
			if (sscanf(at, "[@%d,%d%n", &off, &col, &nch) == 2)
				item->absolute = true;
			else if (sscanf(at, "[%d,%d%n", &off, &col, &nch) != 2)
				fatal("invalid pattern: %s", p);
			if (col < 0)
				fatal("invalid column number: %d", col);
			item->offset = off;
			item->column = col;
			ntoks = max(ntoks, col);
			pos += nch;
			// And parse the end of the argument list, for 'x' there
			// is nothing to read but for 't' and 'm' we have to get
			// read the regexp.
			if (type == 't' || type == 'm') {
				if (p[pos] != ',' && p[pos + 1] != '"')
					fatal("missing arg in pattern: %s", p);
				const int start = (pos += 2);
				while (p[pos] != '\0') {
					if (p[pos] == '"')
					if (p[pos] == '\\' && p[pos+1] != '\0')
				if (p[pos] != '"')
					fatal("unended argument: %s", p);
				const int len = pos - start;
				item->value = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(char) * (len + 1));
				memcpy(item->value, p + start, len);
				item->value[len] = '\0';
			// Just check the end of the arg list and loop.
			if (p[pos] != ']')
				fatal("missing end of pattern: %s", p);
		} else {
			// No command here, so build an 's' item with the chars
			// until end of pattern or next command and put it in
			// the list.
			const int start = pos;
			while (p[pos] != '\0' && p[pos] != '%')
			const int len = pos - start;
			item->type  = 's';
			item->caps  = false;
			item->value = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(char) * (len + 1));
			memcpy(item->value, p + start, len);
			item->value[len] = '\0';
	pat->ntoks = ntoks;
	pat->nitems = nitems;
	return pat;
예제 #7
/* tag_label:
 *   Label a data file using the current model. This output an almost exact copy
 *   of the input file with an additional column with the predicted label. If
 *   the check option is specified, the input file must be labelled and the
 *   predicted labels will be checked against the provided ones. This will
 *   output error rates during the labelling and detailed statistics per label
 *   at the end.
void tag_label(mdl_t *mdl, FILE *fin, FILE *fout) {
	qrk_t *lbls = mdl->reader->lbl;
	const uint32_t Y = mdl->nlbl;
	const uint32_t N = mdl->opt->nbest;
	// We start by preparing the statistic collection to be ready if check
	// option is used. The stat array hold the following for each label
	//   [0] # of reference with this label
	//   [1] # of token we have taged with this label
	//   [2] # of match of the two preceding
	uint64_t tcnt = 0, terr = 0;
	uint64_t scnt = 0, serr = 0;
	uint64_t stat[3][Y];
	for (uint32_t y = 0; y < Y; y++)
		stat[0][y] = stat[1][y] = stat[2][y] = 0;
	// Next read the input file sequence by sequence and label them, we have
	// to take care of not discarding the raw input as we want to send it
	// back to the output with the additional predicted labels.
	while (!feof(fin)) {
		// So, first read an input sequence keeping the raw_t object
		// available, and label it with Viterbi.
		raw_t *raw = rdr_readraw(mdl->reader, fin);
		if (raw == NULL)
		seq_t *seq = rdr_raw2seq(mdl->reader, raw,
			mdl->opt->check | mdl->opt->force);
		const uint32_t T = seq->len;
		uint32_t *out = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * T * N);
		double   *psc = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(double  ) * T * N);
		double   *scs = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(double  ) * N);
		if (N == 1)
			tag_viterbi(mdl, seq, (uint32_t*)out, scs, (double*)psc);
			tag_nbviterbi(mdl, seq, N, (void*)out, scs, (void*)psc);
		// Next we output the raw sequence with an aditional column for
		// the predicted labels
		for (uint32_t n = 0; n < N; n++) {
			if (mdl->opt->outsc)
				fprintf(fout, "# %d %f\n", (int)n, scs[n]);
			for (uint32_t t = 0; t < T; t++) {
				if (!mdl->opt->label)
					fprintf(fout, "%s\t", raw->lines[t]);
				uint32_t lbl = out[t * N + n];
				const char *lblstr = qrk_id2str(lbls, lbl);
				fprintf(fout, "%s", lblstr);
				if (mdl->opt->outsc) {
					fprintf(fout, "\t%s", lblstr);
					fprintf(fout, "/%f", psc[t * N + n]);
				fprintf(fout, "\n");
			fprintf(fout, "\n");
		// If user provided reference labels, use them to collect
		// statistics about how well we have performed here. Labels
		// unseen at training time are discarded.
		if (mdl->opt->check) {
			bool err = false;
			for (uint32_t t = 0; t < T; t++) {
				if (seq->pos[t].lbl == (uint32_t)-1)
				stat[1][out[t * N]]++;
				if (seq->pos[t].lbl != out[t * N])
					terr++, err = true;
					stat[2][out[t * N]]++;
			tcnt += T;
			serr += err;
		// Cleanup memory used for this sequence
		// And report our progress, at regular interval we display how
		// much sequence are labelled and if possible the current tokens
		// and sequence error rates.
		if (++scnt % 1000 == 0) {
			info("%10"PRIu64" sequences labeled", scnt);
			if (mdl->opt->check) {
				const double te = (double)terr  / tcnt * 100.0;
				const double se = (double)serr  / scnt * 100.0;
				info("\t%5.2f%%/%5.2f%%", te, se);
	// If user have provided reference labels, we have collected a lot of
	// statistics and we can repport global token and sequence error rate as
	// well as precision recall and f-measure for each labels.
	if (mdl->opt->check) {
		const double te = (double)terr  / tcnt * 100.0;
		const double se = (double)serr  / scnt * 100.0;
		info("    Nb sequences  : %"PRIu64"\n", scnt);
		info("    Token error   : %5.2f%%\n", te);
		info("    Sequence error: %5.2f%%\n", se);
		info("* Per label statistics\n");
		for (uint32_t y = 0; y < Y; y++) {
			const char   *lbl = qrk_id2str(lbls, y);
			const double  Rc  = (double)stat[2][y] / stat[0][y];
			const double  Pr  = (double)stat[2][y] / stat[1][y];
			const double  F1  = 2.0 * (Pr * Rc) / (Pr + Rc);
			info("    %-6s", lbl);
			info("  Pr=%.2f", Pr);
			info("  Rc=%.2f", Rc);
			info("  F1=%.2f\n", F1);
예제 #8
/* tag_nbviterbi:
 *   This function implement the Viterbi algorithm in order to decode the N-most
 *   probable sequences of labels according to the model. It can be used to
 *   compute only the best one and will return the same sequence than the
 *   previous function but will be slower to do it.
void tag_nbviterbi(mdl_t *mdl, const seq_t *seq, uint32_t N,
                   uint32_t out[][N], double sc[], double psc[][N]) {
	const uint32_t Y = mdl->nlbl;
	const uint32_t T = seq->len;
	double   *vpsi  = xvm_new(T * Y * Y);
	uint32_t *vback = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * T * Y * N);
	double   (*psi) [T][Y    ][Y] = (void *)vpsi;
	uint32_t (*back)[T][Y * N]    = (void *)vback;
	double *cur = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(double) * Y * N);
	double *old = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(double) * Y * N);
	// We first compute the scores for each transitions in the lattice of
	// labels.
	int op;
	if (mdl->type == 1)
		op = tag_memmsc(mdl, seq, vpsi);
	else if (mdl->opt->lblpost)
		op = tag_postsc(mdl, seq, (double *)psi);
		op = tag_expsc(mdl, seq, (double *)psi);
	if (mdl->opt->force)
		tag_forced(mdl, seq, vpsi, op);
	// Here also, it's classical but we have to keep the N best paths
	// leading to each nodes of the lattice instead of only the best one.
	// This mean that code is less trivial and the current implementation is
	// not the most efficient way to do this but it works well and is good
	// enough for the moment.
	// We first build the list of all incoming arcs from all paths from all
	// N-best nodes and next select the N-best one. There is a lot of room
	// here for later optimisations if needed.
	for (uint32_t y = 0, d = 0; y < Y; y++) {
		cur[d++] = (*psi)[0][0][y];
		for (uint32_t n = 1; n < N; n++)
			cur[d++] = -DBL_MAX;
	for (uint32_t t = 1; t < T; t++) {
		for (uint32_t d = 0; d < Y * N; d++)
			old[d] = cur[d];
		for (uint32_t y = 0; y < Y; y++) {
			// 1st, build the list of all incoming
			double lst[Y * N];
			for (uint32_t yp = 0, d = 0; yp < Y; yp++) {
				for (uint32_t n = 0; n < N; n++, d++) {
					lst[d] = old[d];
					if (op)
						lst[d] *= (*psi)[t][yp][y];
						lst[d] += (*psi)[t][yp][y];
			// 2nd, init the back with the N first
			uint32_t *bk = &(*back)[t][y * N];
			for (uint32_t n = 0; n < N; n++)
				bk[n] = n;
			// 3rd, search the N highest values
			for (uint32_t i = N; i < N * Y; i++) {
				// Search the smallest current value
				uint32_t idx = 0;
				for (uint32_t n = 1; n < N; n++)
					if (lst[bk[n]] < lst[bk[idx]])
						idx = n;
				// And replace it if needed
				if (lst[i] > lst[bk[idx]])
					bk[idx] = i;
			// 4th, get the new scores
			for (uint32_t n = 0; n < N; n++)
				cur[y * N + n] = lst[bk[n]];
	// Retrieving the best paths is similar to classical Viterbi except that
	// we have to search for the N bet ones and there is N time more
	// possibles starts.
	for (uint32_t n = 0; n < N; n++) {
		uint32_t bst = 0;
		for (uint32_t d = 1; d < Y * N; d++)
			if (cur[d] > cur[bst])
				bst = d;
		if (sc != NULL)
			sc[n] = cur[bst];
		cur[bst] = -DBL_MAX;
		for (uint32_t t = T; t > 0; t--) {
			const uint32_t yp = (t != 1) ? (*back)[t - 1][bst] / N: 0;
			const uint32_t y  = bst / N;
			out[t - 1][n] = y;
			if (psc != NULL)
				psc[t - 1][n] = (*psi)[t - 1][yp][y];
			bst = (*back)[t - 1][bst];
예제 #9
/* tag_viterbi:
 *   This function implement the Viterbi algorithm in order to decode the most
 *   probable sequence of labels according to the model. Some part of this code
 *   is very similar to the computation of the gradient as expected.
 *   And like for the gradient, the caller is responsible to ensure there is
 *   enough stack space.
void tag_viterbi(mdl_t *mdl, const seq_t *seq,
	         uint32_t out[], double *sc, double psc[]) {
	const uint32_t Y = mdl->nlbl;
	const uint32_t T = seq->len;
	double   *vpsi  = xvm_new(T * Y * Y);
	uint32_t *vback = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * T * Y);
	double   (*psi) [T][Y][Y] = (void *)vpsi;
	uint32_t (*back)[T][Y]    = (void *)vback;
	double *cur = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(double) * Y);
	double *old = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(double) * Y);
	// We first compute the scores for each transitions in the lattice of
	// labels.
	int op;
	if (mdl->type == 1)
		op = tag_memmsc(mdl, seq, vpsi);
	else if (mdl->opt->lblpost)
		op = tag_postsc(mdl, seq, vpsi);
		op = tag_expsc(mdl, seq, vpsi);
	if (mdl->opt->force)
		tag_forced(mdl, seq, vpsi, op);
	// Now we can do the Viterbi algorithm. This is very similar to the
	// forward pass
	//   | α_1(y) = Ψ_1(y,x_1)
	//   | α_t(y) = max_{y'} α_{t-1}(y') + Ψ_t(y',y,x_t)
	// We just replace the sum by a max and as we do the computation in the
	// logarithmic space the product become a sum. (this also mean that we
	// don't have to worry about numerical problems)
	// Next we have to walk backward over the α in order to find the best
	// path. In order to do this efficiently, we keep in the 'back' array
	// the indice of the y value selected by the max. This also mean that
	// we only need the current and previous value of the α vectors, not
	// the full matrix.
	for (uint32_t y = 0; y < Y; y++)
		cur[y] = (*psi)[0][0][y];
	for (uint32_t t = 1; t < T; t++) {
		for (uint32_t y = 0; y < Y; y++)
			old[y] = cur[y];
		for (uint32_t y = 0; y < Y; y++) {
			double   bst = -HUGE_VAL;
			uint32_t idx = 0;
			for (uint32_t yp = 0; yp < Y; yp++) {
				double val = old[yp];
				if (op)
					val *= (*psi)[t][yp][y];
					val += (*psi)[t][yp][y];
				if (val > bst) {
					bst = val;
					idx = yp;
			(*back)[t][y] = idx;
			cur[y]        = bst;
	// We can now build the sequence of labels predicted by the model. For
	// this we search in the last α vector the best value. Using this index
	// as a starting point in the back-pointer array we finally can decode
	// the best sequence.
	uint32_t bst = 0;
	for (uint32_t y = 1; y < Y; y++)
		if (cur[y] > cur[bst])
			bst = y;
	if (sc != NULL)
		*sc = cur[bst];
	for (uint32_t t = T; t > 0; t--) {
		const uint32_t yp = (t != 1) ? (*back)[t - 1][bst] : 0;
		const uint32_t y  = bst;
		out[t - 1] = y;
		if (psc != NULL)
			psc[t - 1] = (*psi)[t - 1][yp][y];
		bst = yp;
예제 #10
/* qrk_insert:
 *   Map a key to a uniq identifier. If the key already exist in the map, return
 *   its identifier, else allocate a new identifier and insert the new (key,id)
 *   pair inside the quark. This function is not thread safe and should not be
 *   called on the same map from different thread without locking.
size_t qrk_str2id(qrk_t *qrk, const char *key) {
	const uint8_t *raw = (void *)key;
	const size_t   len = strlen(key);
	// We first take care of the empty trie case so later we can safely
	// assume that the trie is well formed and so there is no NULL pointers
	// in it.
	if (qrk->count == 0) {
		if (qrk->lock == true)
			return none;
		const size_t size = sizeof(char) * (len + 1);
		leaf_t *lf = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(leaf_t) + size);
		memcpy(lf->key, key, size);
		lf->id = 0;
		qrk->root = qrk_lf2nd(lf);
		qrk->leafs[0] = lf;
		qrk->count = 1;
		return 0;
	// If the trie is not empty, we first go down the trie to the leaf like
	// if we are searching for the key. When at leaf there is two case,
	// either we have found our key or we have found another key with all
	// its critical bit identical to our one. So we search for the first
	// differing bit between them to know where we have to add the new node.
	const node_t *nd = qrk->root;
	while (!qrk_isleaf(nd)) {
		const uint8_t chr = nd->pos < len ? raw[nd->pos] : 0;
		const int side = ((chr | nd->byte) + 1) >> 8;
		nd = nd->child[side];
	const char *bst = qrk_nd2lf(nd)->key;
	size_t pos;
	for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos++)
		if (key[pos] != bst[pos])
	uint8_t byte;
	if (pos != len)
		byte = key[pos] ^ bst[pos];
	else if (bst[pos] != '\0')
		byte = bst[pos];
		return qrk_nd2lf(nd)->id;
	if (qrk->lock == true)
		return none;
	// Now we known the two key are different and we know in which byte. It
	// remain to build the mask for the new critical bit and build the new
	// internal node and leaf.
	while (byte & (byte - 1))
		byte &= byte - 1;
	byte ^= 255;
	const uint8_t chr = bst[pos];
	const int side = ((chr | byte) + 1) >> 8;
	const size_t size = sizeof(char) * (len + 1);
	node_t *nx = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(node_t));
	leaf_t *lf = wapiti_xmalloc(sizeof(leaf_t) + size);
	memcpy(lf->key, key, size);
	lf->id   = qrk->count++;
	nx->pos  = pos;
	nx->byte = byte;
	nx->child[1 - side] = qrk_lf2nd(lf);
	if (lf->id == qrk->size) {
		qrk->size *= 1.4;
		const size_t size = sizeof(leaf_t *) * qrk->size;
		qrk->leafs = wapiti_xrealloc(qrk->leafs, size);
	qrk->leafs[lf->id] = lf;
	// And last thing to do: inserting the new node in the trie. We have to
	// walk down the trie again as we have to keep the ordering of nodes. So
	// we search for the good position to insert it.
	node_t **trg = &qrk->root;
	while (true) {
		node_t *nd = *trg;
		if (qrk_isleaf(nd) || nd->pos > pos)
		if (nd->pos == pos && nd->byte > byte)
		const uint8_t chr = nd->pos < len ? raw[nd->pos] : 0;
		const int side = ((chr | nd->byte) + 1) >> 8;
		trg = &nd->child[side];
	nx->child[side] = *trg;
	*trg = nx;
	return lf->id;