int main(int argc, char *args[]) {
	char buffer[255];	// Buffer for sending data
	int i;			// Index
	if (argc == 4) { // Get parameters
		offset = atoi(args[1]);
		migrx = atof(args[2]);
		migrz = atof(args[3]);
		//migration goal point comes from the controller arguments. It is defined in the world-file, under "controllerArgs" of the supervisor.
		printf("Migratory instinct : (%f, %f)\n", migrx, migrz);
	} else {
		printf("Missing argument\n");
		return 1;
	orient_migr = -atan2f(migrx,migrz);
	if (orient_migr<0) {
		orient_migr+=2*M_PI; // Keep value within 0, 2pi


	// Compute reference fitness values
	float fit_cluster;			// Performance metric for aggregation
	float fit_orient;			// Performance metric for orientation
	for(;;) {
		if (t % 10 == 0) {
			for (i=0;i<FLOCK_SIZE;i++) {
				// Get data
				loc[i][0] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(robs_trans[i])[0]; // X
				loc[i][1] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(robs_trans[i])[2]; // Z
				loc[i][2] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_rotation(robs_rotation[i])[3]; // THETA
                    		// Sending positions to the robots, comment the following two lines if you don't want the supervisor sending it                   		
                  		sprintf(buffer,"%1d#%f#%f#%f##%f#%f",i+offset,loc[i][0],loc[i][1],loc[i][2], migrx, migrz);
			//Compute and normalize fitness values
			compute_fitness(&fit_cluster, &fit_orient);
			fit_cluster = fit_cluster_ref/fit_cluster;
			fit_orient = 1-fit_orient/M_PI;
			printf("time:%d, Topology Performance: %f\n", t, fit_cluster);			
		t += TIME_STEP;

void send_init_poses(void)
  	char buffer[255];	// Buffer for sending data
         int i;
         for (i=0;i<FLOCK_SIZE;i++) {
		// Get data
		loc[i][0] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(robs_trans[i])[0]; // X
		loc[i][1] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(robs_trans[i])[2]; // Z
		loc[i][2] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_rotation(robs_rotation[i])[3]; // THETA
			 printf("Supervisor %d %d %d/n",loc[i][0],loc[i][0],loc[i][0]);

		// Send it out
		sprintf(buffer,"%1d#%f#%f#%f##%f#%f",i+offset,loc[i][0],loc[i][1],loc[i][2], migrx, migrz);

		// Run one step
예제 #3
// main loop
int main(void)
  // initialization
  int i;
  for (i=0;i<ROBOTS;i++) {
    char aux[15];
    rob[i] = wb_supervisor_node_get_from_def(aux);
    loc[i] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(wb_supervisor_node_get_field(rob[i],"translation"));
    initLoc[i][0] = loc[i][0];
    initLoc[i][1] = loc[i][1];
    initLoc[i][2] = loc[i][2];

    rot[i] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_rotation(wb_supervisor_node_get_field(rob[i],"rotation"));
    initRot[i][0] = rot[i][0];
    initRot[i][1] = rot[i][1];
    initRot[i][2] = rot[i][2];
    initRot[i][3] = rot[i][3];


  // start the controller
  outfile = fopen("../../../matlab/output.m","w");

  printf("Starting main loop...\n");
  while (wb_robot_step(STEP_SIZE) != -1)

  return 0;

예제 #4
// this is what is done at every time step independently of the game state
static void step() {

  // copy pointer to ball position values
  if (ball_translation)
    ball_pos = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(ball_translation);

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < NUM_ROBOTS; i++) {
    // copy pointer to robot position values
    if (robot_translation[i])
      robot_pos[i] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(robot_translation[i]);
    if (robot_rotation[i])
      robot_rot[i] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_rotation(robot_rotation[i]);

  if (message_steps)

  // yield control to simulator

  // every 480 milliseconds
  if (step_count++ % 12 == 0)
  // did I receive a message ?

  // read key pressed
int main(int argc, char *args[]) {
	int i;			// Index

	// initialize fitness values
    float fit_O;
    float fit_C;
    float fit_V;
    float fit_P;
	 float fit_S;
	 float perf_sum = 0.0f;
	 int nb_measur = 0; //number of measurment of instant perf

	for(;;) {
		if (t % 100 == 0) {
			for (i=0;i<FLOCK_SIZE;i++) {
                // initialize old position
                loc_old[i][0] = loc[i][0];
                loc_old[i][1] = loc[i][1];
                loc_old[i][2] = loc[i][2];
                // initialize current position
				   loc[i][0] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(robs_trans[i])[0];
				   loc[i][1] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(robs_trans[i])[2];
				   loc[i][2] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_rotation(robs_rotation[i])[3];
            // compute the orientation metric
			   compute_fitness_O(& fit_O);
            // compute the cohesion metric
            compute_fitness_C(& fit_C);
            // compute the velocity metric
            compute_fitness_V(& fit_V);
            // compute entropy metric
            compute_fitness_S(& fit_S);

            // compute total metric value
            fit_P = instant_perf();
            // Display fitness
			   printf("time : %d, orientation , cohesion , velocity , entropy, instant perf : %.4lf, %.4lf, %.4lf, %.4lf, %.4lf\n", t, fit_O, fit_C, fit_V, fit_S, fit_P);
            //avoid wrong values
            if(fit_P > 0){
               perf_sum += fit_P;
		if (t % 1000 == 0){
		   printf("time : %d, overall perf : %.4lf\n", t, perf_sum/nb_measur);
		t += TIME_STEP;

예제 #6
int main() {
  printf("hello from supervisor\n");
  const char *robot_name[ROBOTS] = {"NAO"};
  WbNodeRef node;
  WbFieldRef robot_translation_field[ROBOTS],robot_rotation_field[ROBOTS],ball_translation_field;
  //WbDeviceTag emitter, receiver;
  int i,j;
  int score[2] = { 0, 0 };
  double time = 10 * 60;    /* a match lasts for 10 minutes */
  double ball_reset_timer = 0;
  double ball_initial_translation[3] = { -2.5, 0.0324568, 0 };
  double robot_initial_translation[ROBOTS][3] = {
      {-4.49515, 0.234045, -0.0112415},
      {0.000574037, 0.332859, -0.00000133636}};
  double robot_initial_rotation[ROBOTS][4] = {
      {0.0604202, 0.996035, -0.0652942, 1.55047},
      {0.000568956, 0.70711, 0.707104, 3.14045}};
  double packet[ROBOTS * 3 + 2];
  char time_string[64];
  const double *robot_translation[ROBOTS], *robot_rotation[ROBOTS], *ball_translation;

  time_step = wb_robot_get_basic_time_step();
  emitter = wb_robot_get_device("emitter");
  wb_receiver_enable(emitter, time_step);
  receiver = wb_robot_get_device("receiver");
  wb_receiver_enable(receiver, time_step);

  for (i = 0; i < ROBOTS; i++) {
    node = wb_supervisor_node_get_from_def(robot_name[i]);
    robot_translation_field[i] = wb_supervisor_node_get_field(node,"translation");
    robot_translation[i] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(robot_translation_field[i]);
    for(j=0;j<3;j++) robot_initial_translation[i][j]=robot_translation[i][j];
    robot_rotation_field[i] = wb_supervisor_node_get_field(node,"rotation");
    robot_rotation[i] = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_rotation(robot_rotation_field[i]);
    for(j=0;j<4;j++) robot_initial_rotation[i][j]=robot_rotation[i][j];

  node = wb_supervisor_node_get_from_def("BALL");
  ball_translation_field = wb_supervisor_node_get_field(node,"translation");
  ball_translation = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(ball_translation_field);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) ball_initial_translation[j]=ball_translation[j];
  /* printf("ball initial translation = %g %g %g\n",ball_translation[0],ball_translation[1],ball_translation[2]); */
  set_scores(0, 0);

  while(wb_robot_step(TIME_STEP)!=-1) {
    //printf("supervisor commands START!\n");
    ball_translation = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(ball_translation_field);
    for (i = 0; i < ROBOTS; i++) {
      /* printf("coords for robot %d: %g %g %g\n",i,robot_translation[i][0],robot_translation[i][1],robot_translation[i][2]); */
      packet[3 * i]     = robot_translation[i][0];  /* robot i: X */
      packet[3 * i + 1] = robot_translation[i][2];  /* robot i: Z */

      if (robot_rotation[i][1] > 0) {               /* robot i: rotation Ry axis */
        packet[3 * i + 2] = robot_rotation[i][3];   /* robot i: alpha */
      } else { /* Ry axis was inverted */
        packet[3 * i + 2] = -robot_rotation[i][3];   
    packet[3 * ROBOTS]     = ball_translation[0];  /* ball X */
    packet[3 * ROBOTS + 1] = ball_translation[2];  /* ball Z */
    wb_emitter_send(emitter, packet, sizeof(packet));

    /* Adds TIME_STEP ms to the time */
    time -= (double) TIME_STEP / 1000;
    if (time < 0) {
      time = 10 * 60; /* restart */
    sprintf(time_string, "%02d:%02d", (int) (time / 60), (int) time % 60);
    wb_supervisor_set_label(2, time_string, 0.45, 0.01, 0.1, 0x000000, 0.0);   /* black */

    if (ball_reset_timer == 0) {
      if (ball_translation[0] > GOAL_X_LIMIT) {  /* ball in the blue goal */
        set_scores(++score[0], score[1]);
        ball_reset_timer = 3;   /* wait for 3 seconds before reseting the ball */
      } else if (ball_translation[0] < -GOAL_X_LIMIT) {  /* ball in the yellow goal */
        set_scores(score[0], ++score[1]);
        ball_reset_timer = 3;   /* wait for 3 seconds before reseting the ball */
    } else {
      ball_reset_timer -= (double) TIME_STEP / 1000.0;
      if (ball_reset_timer <= 0) {
        ball_reset_timer = 0;
        wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_vec3f(ball_translation_field, ball_initial_translation);
        for (i = 0; i < ROBOTS; i++) {
          wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_vec3f(robot_translation_field[i], robot_initial_translation[i]);
          wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_rotation(robot_rotation_field[i], robot_initial_rotation[i]);

  return 0;