static void MovePrompt(WINDOW *txtwin, int limit, int y, int x) { wchgat(txtwin, Remainder(txtwin), A_NORMAL, 0, NULL); wmove(txtwin, y, x); ShowPrompt(txtwin, limit); }
static void test_wchgat(WINDOW *win) { STATUS st; init_status(win, &st); do { switch ( { case '.': /* change from current position */ wchgat(win, st.count, st.attr, st.pair, (void *) 0); touch_if_needed(win, st.y_val); break; case ',': /* change from beginning of window */ mvwchgat(win, 0, 0, st.count, st.attr, st.pair, (void *) 0); touch_if_needed(win, 0); wmove(win, st.y_val, st.x_val); break; case 'w': do_subwindow(win, &st, test_wchgat); break; case 'q': return; default: update_status(win, &st); break; } } while (( = wgetch(win)) != ERR); }
void mrutils::ColChooser::printPrompt(const char * prompt, const char * prefix) { int n = 0; wmove((WINDOW*)chooserWin,maxLines-1,0); wattrset((WINDOW*)chooserWin,ATR_INPUT); wclrtoeol((WINDOW*)chooserWin); if (prefix != NULL) { waddnstr((WINDOW*)chooserWin,prefix,-1); n += strlen(prefix); } waddnstr((WINDOW*)chooserWin,prompt,-1); n += strlen(prompt); if (data[active].applySearch && !enteringSearch && prompt[0] != '>') { waddnstr((WINDOW*)chooserWin," searching /",-1); n += 12; waddnstr((WINDOW*)chooserWin,data[active].search,-1); n += strlen(data[active].search); waddnstr((WINDOW*)chooserWin,"/",-1); ++n; } wattrset((WINDOW*)chooserWin,ATR_BLANK); wchgat((WINDOW*)chooserWin, -1, A_NORMAL, COL_INPUT, NULL); wrefresh((WINDOW*)chooserWin); move(maxLines-1,n); }
static inline void set_view_attr(struct view *view, enum line_type type) { if (!view->curline->selected && view->curtype != type) { (void) wattrset(view->win, get_line_attr(type)); wchgat(view->win, -1, 0, get_line_color(type), NULL); view->curtype = type; } }
int chgat(int n, attr_t at, short co, const void *opts) { int code; code = wchgat(stdscr, n, at, co, opts); return (code); }
int mvchgat(int y, int x, int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("mvchgat() - called\n")); if (move(y, x) == ERR) return ERR; return wchgat(stdscr, n, attr, color, opts); }
int mvchgat(int y, int x, int n, attr_t at, short co, const void *opts) { int code; if ((code = wmove(stdscr, y, x)) == OK) code = wchgat(stdscr, n, at, co, opts); return (code); }
int mvwchgat(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("mvwchgat() - called\n")); if (wmove(win, y, x) == ERR) return ERR; return wchgat(win, n, attr, color, opts); }
int mvwchgat(WINDOW *w, int y, int x, int n, attr_t at, short co, const void *opts) { int code; if ((code = wmove(w, y, x)) == OK) code = wchgat(w, n, at, co, opts); return (code); }
void print_addr(WINDOW *win, size_t var_len, size_t x, size_t y, char *reg, int colors) { size_t idx; wmove(win, y, x); idx = 0; while (idx < var_len) print_byte(win, *(reg + idx++)); wmove(win, y, x); wchgat(win, var_len * 2, COLOR_PAIR(colors), colors, 0); }
int (chgat)(int n, attr_t at, short co, const void *opts) { int code; #ifdef M_CURSES_TRACE __m_trace("chgat(%d, %x, %d, %p)", n, at, co, opts); #endif code = wchgat(stdscr, n, at, co, opts); return __m_return_code("chgat", code); }
int (mvchgat)(int y, int x, int n, attr_t at, short co, const void *opts) { int code; #ifdef M_CURSES_TRACE __m_trace("mvchgat(%d, %d, %d, %x, %d, %p)", y, x, n, at, co, opts); #endif if ((code = wmove(stdscr, y, x)) == OK) code = wchgat(stdscr, n, at, co, opts); return __m_return_code("mvchgat", code); }
void Draw_Find_OutPut(void) { int totallines = fdview->lineidx; int i,highlight, j = 0; int start =0,end = 0; enum line_type type; start = 0; highlight = g_current + g_change; if(highlight < 0){ mvwaddstr(status_win,0,0,"At the top"); highlight = 0; }else if(highlight < LINES -2){ if(highlight == totallines) { mvwaddstr(status_win,0,0,"At the end"); highlight = totallines - 1; } }else{ start = highlight - LINES + 2; if(highlight == totallines){ mvwaddstr(status_win,0,0,"Hit the bottom"); highlight = totallines - 1; start = highlight - LINES + 1; } } if(totallines < LINES - 1) end = totallines; else if(totallines >= LINES) end = start + LINES; werase(stdscr); for(i = start; i < end; i++){ if(i == highlight){ snprintf(vim_cmd,sizeof(vim_cmd),VIM_CMD_FIND,fdview->findinfo[i].path,fdview->findinfo[i].name); type = LINE_CURSOR; g_current = i; wattrset(stdscr,get_line_attr(type)); wchgat(stdscr,-1,0,type,NULL); }else{ type = LINE_FILE_LINCON; wchgat(stdscr,-1,0,type,NULL); wattrset(stdscr,get_line_attr(LINE_FILE_NAME)); } if(type != LINE_CURSOR){ wattrset(stdscr,get_line_attr(LINE_FILE_NAME)); mvwaddstr(stdscr,j,0,fdview->findinfo[i].path); }else{ mvwaddstr(stdscr,j,0,fdview->findinfo[i].path); } if(type != LINE_CURSOR){ wattrset(stdscr,get_line_attr(LINE_FILE_LINUM)); } right_trim(fdview->findinfo[i].name); mvwaddstr(stdscr,j,35,fdview->findinfo[i].name); if(type != LINE_CURSOR){ wattrset(stdscr,get_line_attr(LINE_DELIMITER)); } mvwaddstr(stdscr,j,60,fdview->findinfo[i].type); mvwaddch(stdscr,j,COLS-1,'\n'); j++; } g_change = 0; }
int chgat(int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("chgat() - called\n")); return wchgat(stdscr, n, attr, color, opts); }
NCURSES_EXPORT(int) (mvwchgat) (WINDOW * a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, attr_t a5, short a6, const void * z) { T((T_CALLED("mvwchgat(%p,%d,%d,%d,%s,%d,%p)"), (const void *)a1, a2, a3, a4, _traceattr2(4,a5), a6, (const void *)z)); returnCode((wmove(a1,a2,a3) == (-1) ? (-1) : wchgat(a1,a4,a5,a6,z))); }
void mrutils::ColChooser::Column::highlight(int hid, bool refreshInput, bool selectFirst, bool refreshWindow) { mrutils::mutexAcquire(cc.updateMutex); int start, end, d, id; bool addMatches = false; if (hid > tail) { start = tail + 1; end = choices.size(); headMatches += tail == -1 ? 0 : MIN(cc.lines-1,(unsigned)searchMatches.size()-headMatches); if (headMatches+1 >= searchMatches.size()) { addMatches = true; head = tail = -1; } else { head = searchMatches[headMatches]; tail = searchMatches[MIN((unsigned)searchMatches.size()-1,headMatches + cc.lines-2)]; } } else { if (hid < head) { headMatches = MAX(0u, headMatches - cc.lines+1); head = searchMatches[headMatches]; tail = searchMatches[MIN((unsigned)searchMatches.size()-1,headMatches + cc.lines-2)]; } start = headMatches; end = searchMatches.size(); } d = headMatches; selMatches = -1; wattrset((WINDOW*)chooserWin,ATR_BLANK); for (int i = start; i < end && d-headMatches < cc.lines-1; ++i) { if (addMatches) { if (applySearch && !mrutils::stristr(choices[i].c_str(), search)) { continue; } if (d == headMatches) head = i; tail = i; searchMatches.push_back(i); } id = searchMatches[d]; wmove((WINDOW*)chooserWin,d++ - headMatches,cc.colStart); wclrtoeol((WINDOW*)chooserWin); if (id == hid) { selMatches = d-1; wattrset((WINDOW*)chooserWin,ATR_SELECTED); waddnstr((WINDOW*)chooserWin,choices[id].c_str(), colWidth); wattrset((WINDOW*)chooserWin,ATR_BLANK); int left = colWidth - choices[id].size(); if (left > 0) wchgat((WINDOW*)chooserWin,left, 0, COL_SELECTED, NULL); } else { bool targeted = colNumber+1 == && cc.targeted[id]; if (targeted) wattrset((WINDOW*)chooserWin,ATR_TARGETED); waddnstr((WINDOW*)chooserWin,choices[id].c_str(), colWidth); wattrset((WINDOW*)chooserWin,ATR_BLANK); int left = colWidth - choices[id].size(); if (left > 0) { if (targeted) wchgat((WINDOW*)chooserWin,left, 0, COL_TARGETED, NULL); else wchgat((WINDOW*)chooserWin,left, 0, COL_BLANK, NULL); } } } if (selMatches == -1 && selectFirst) { selMatches = headMatches; wmove((WINDOW*)chooserWin,0,cc.colStart); wchgat((WINDOW*)chooserWin, colWidth, A_BLINK, COL_SELECTED, NULL); } for (int i = d - headMatches; i < cc.lines-1; ++i) { wmove((WINDOW*)chooserWin,i,cc.colStart); wclrtoeol((WINDOW*)chooserWin); } // set the depth selection if ( selMatches < 0 || selMatches >= searchMatches.size() ) cc.depth[colNumber] = -1; else cc.depth[colNumber] = searchMatches[selMatches] + cc.startIndex; // build next column if ( > colNumber + 1 && hid >= 0 && cc.depth[colNumber] >= 0) { mvwvline((WINDOW*)chooserWin, 0, cc.colStart + colWidth, ACS_VLINE, cc.lines-1); std::vector<std::string>& choices =[colNumber+1].choices; if (refreshWindow) { cc.targeted.clear(); cc.targets.clear(); choices.clear(); (cc.optionsFn)(cc, cc.optionData); if (cc.building >= 0); } int colWidth =[colNumber+1].colWidth; int rows = MIN((unsigned)choices.size(), cc.lines-1); for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { bool targeted = colNumber+2 == && cc.targeted[i]; if (targeted) wattrset((WINDOW*)chooserWin,ATR_TARGETED); wmove((WINDOW*)chooserWin,i,cc.colStart+this->colWidth+1); waddnstr((WINDOW*)chooserWin,choices[i].c_str(), colWidth); if (targeted) { wchgat((WINDOW*)chooserWin,-1, 0, COL_TARGETED, NULL); wattrset((WINDOW*)chooserWin,ATR_BLANK); } } } if (refreshInput) { cc.printPrompt(; } else { if (refreshWindow) wrefresh((WINDOW*)chooserWin); move(cc.maxLines-1,0); } if (colNumber == && cc.changeFn != NULL) { (cc.changeFn)(cc, cc.changeData); } mrutils::mutexRelease(cc.updateMutex); }
/* * Show a highlighted line in the place where input will happen. */ static void ShowPrompt(WINDOW *txtwin, int limit) { wchgat(txtwin, limit, A_REVERSE, 0, NULL); wnoutrefresh(txtwin); }
NCURSES_EXPORT(int) (mvchgat) (int a1, int a2, int a3, attr_t a4, short a5, const void * z) { T((T_CALLED("mvchgat(%d,%d,%d,%s,%d,%p)"), a1, a2, a3, _traceattr2(3,a4), a5, (const void *)z)); returnCode((wmove(stdscr,a1,a2) == (-1) ? (-1) : wchgat(stdscr,a3,a4,a5,z))); }
static bool default_render(struct view *view, unsigned int lineno) { struct fileinfo *fileinfo; enum line_type type; int col = 0; size_t namelen; char *fname, *fnumber; int opt_file_name = 25; char text[SIZEOF_STR]; if (view->offset + lineno >= view->lines) return false; fileinfo = view->line[view->offset + lineno]; if (!*fileinfo->name) return false; fnumber = fileinfo->number; fname = blankspace(fileinfo->name); wmove(view->win, lineno, col); if (view->offset + lineno == view->lineno) { snprintf(vim_cmd, sizeof(vim_cmd), VIM_CMD, fnumber, fname); type = LINE_CURSOR; wattrset(view->win, get_line_attr(type)); wchgat(view->win, -1, 0, type, NULL); string_copy(view->file, fileinfo->name); } else { type = LINE_FILE_LINCON; wchgat(view->win, -1, 0, type, NULL); wattrset(view->win, get_line_attr(LINE_FILE_NAME)); } namelen = strlen(fileinfo->name); if (namelen > opt_file_name){ int n = namelen-opt_file_name; if (type != LINE_CURSOR) wattrset(view->win, get_line_attr(LINE_DELIMITER)); waddch(view->win, '~'); if (type != LINE_CURSOR) wattrset(view->win, get_line_attr(LINE_FILE_NAME)); waddnstr(view->win, fileinfo->name + n, opt_file_name); } else waddstr(view->win, fileinfo->name); col += opt_file_name + 2; wmove(view->win, lineno, col); if (type != LINE_CURSOR) wattrset(view->win, get_line_attr(LINE_FILE_LINUM)); waddstr(view->win, fileinfo->number); col += 9; if (type != LINE_CURSOR) wattrset(view->win, A_NORMAL); wmove(view->win, lineno, col); if (type != LINE_CURSOR) wattrset(view->win, get_line_attr(type)); int contentlen = strlength(fileinfo->content); string_expand(text, sizeof(text), fileinfo->content, opt_tab_size); if (col + contentlen > view->width){ contentlen = view->width - col; if (contentlen < 0) return TRUE; else { waddnstr(view->win, text, contentlen-1); if (type != LINE_CURSOR) wattrset(view->win, get_line_attr(LINE_DELIMITER)); waddch(view->win, '~'); } } else { waddstr(view->win, fileinfo->content); } return TRUE; }
static bool default_render(struct view *view, unsigned int lineno) { struct fileinfo *fileinfo; enum line_type type; int col = 0; size_t numberlen; size_t namelen; char *fname, *fnumber; if (view->offset + lineno >= view->lines) return false; fileinfo = view->line[view->offset + lineno]; if (!*fileinfo->name) return false; wmove(view->win, lineno, col); if (view->offset + lineno == view->lineno) { fnumber = fileinfo->number; fname = fileinfo->name; snprintf(vim_cmd, sizeof(vim_cmd), VIM_CMD, fnumber, fname); type = LINE_CURSOR; wattrset(view->win, get_line_attr(type)); wchgat(view->win, -1, 0, type, NULL); } else { type = LINE_FILE_LINCON; wchgat(view->win, -1, 0, type, NULL); wattrset(view->win, get_line_attr(LINE_FILE_NAME)); } waddstr(view->win, fileinfo->name); namelen = strlen(fileinfo->name); col += 20; wmove(view->win, lineno, col); if (type != LINE_CURSOR) wattrset(view->win, get_line_attr(LINE_FILE_LINUM)); waddstr(view->win, fileinfo->number); numberlen = strlen(fileinfo->number); col += 7; if (type != LINE_CURSOR) wattrset(view->win, A_NORMAL); wmove(view->win, lineno, col + 2); col += 2; if (type != LINE_CURSOR) wattrset(view->win, get_line_attr(type)); int contentlen = strlength(fileinfo->content); if (col + contentlen > view->width) contentlen = view->width - col - 20; if (contentlen > 0) waddnstr(view->win, fileinfo->content, contentlen); else waddnstr(view->win, fileinfo->content, 4); return TRUE; }
int chgat(int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts) { return wchgat(stdscr, n, attr, color, opts); }
/** * This function is used to draw the ls output, * we store all the output of the ls into a global * struct lsview. so we render each item one by one * and support the scroll. * */ void Draw_LS_OutPut() { int totallines = lsview->fileno; int i,highlight,j=0; int start, end; enum line_type type; start = 0; highlight = g_current + g_change; if(highlight <= 0) { mvwaddstr(status_win,0,0,"At the top"); highlight = 0; }else if(highlight <= LINES - 2){ if(highlight == totallines) {/*mean at the end */ mvwaddstr(status_win,0,0,"At the end"); highlight = totallines - 1; } }else { start = highlight - LINES + 2; /*hide one line*/ //end = highlight+1; /*current line is hightghit - 1*/ if(highlight == totallines ){ /*really at the end of the array*/ mvwaddstr(status_win,0,0,"Hit the bottom"); highlight = totallines - 1; start=highlight - LINES + 1; } } if(totallines <= LINES-1) end = totallines; /*not overlap the screen*/ else if(totallines >= LINES) end = start + LINES; werase(stdscr); for(i = start; i < end; i++) { if(i == highlight) { snprintf(vim_cmd,sizeof(vim_cmd), VIM_CMD,lsview->fileinfo[i].name); type = LINE_CURSOR; g_current = i; wattrset(stdscr, get_line_attr(type)); wchgat(stdscr,-1,0,type,NULL); }else{ type = LINE_FILE_LINCON; wchgat(stdscr,-1,0,type,NULL); wattrset(stdscr,get_line_attr(LINE_FILE_NAME)); } /*set filename, size and type*/ if(type != LINE_CURSOR){ wattrset(stdscr,get_line_attr(LINE_FILE_NAME)); mvwaddstr(stdscr,j,0,lsview->fileinfo[i].name); }else{ mvwaddstr(stdscr,j,0,lsview->fileinfo[i].name); } //wmove(stdscr,i,40); if(type != LINE_CURSOR){ wattrset(stdscr,get_line_attr(LINE_FILE_LINUM)); } mvwaddstr(stdscr,j,40,lsview->fileinfo[i].size); //wmove(stdscr,i,60); if(type != LINE_CURSOR){ wattrset(stdscr, get_line_attr(LINE_DELIMITER)); } mvwaddstr(stdscr,j,60,lsview->fileinfo[i].type); mvwaddch(stdscr,j,COLS-1,'\n'); j++; /*j control the screen loop*/ } g_change = 0; /*clear the offset*/ }
EIF_INTEGER c_ecurses_wchgat (EIF_POINTER w, EIF_INTEGER n, EIF_INTEGER attr, EIF_INTEGER color, EIF_POINTER opt) { return wchgat(((WINDOW*)w), ((int) n), ((attr_t)attr), ((short)color), ((char*)opt) ) ; };
NCURSES_EXPORT(int) (chgat) (int a1, attr_t a2, short a3, const void * z) { T((T_CALLED("chgat(%d,%s,%d,%p)"), a1, _traceattr2(1,a2), a3, (const void *)z)); returnCode(wchgat(stdscr,a1,a2,a3,z)); }