예제 #1
//	Link a shared DirectX texture to an OpenGL texture
//	and create a GLDX interop object handle
//	IN	pSharedTexture  Pointer to shared the DirectX texture
//	IN	dxShareHandle   Handle of the DirectX texture to be shared
//	IN	glTextureID     ID of the OpenGL texture that is to be linked to the shared DirectX texture
//	Returns             Handle to the GL/DirectX interop object (the shared texture)
HANDLE spoutGLDXinterop::LinkGLDXtextures (	void* pDXdevice,
											void* pSharedTexture,
											HANDLE dxShareHandle,
											GLuint glTexture) 

	HANDLE hInteropObject;

	// Prepare the DirectX device for interoperability with OpenGL
	// The return value is a handle to a GL/DirectX interop device.
	if(!m_hInteropDevice) m_hInteropDevice = wglDXOpenDeviceNV(pDXdevice);
	if (m_hInteropDevice == NULL) return false;

	// prepare shared resource
	// wglDXSetResourceShareHandle does not need to be called for DirectX
	// version 10 and 11 resources. Calling this function for DirectX 10
	// and 11 resources is not an error but has no effect.
	if (!wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV(pSharedTexture, dxShareHandle))
		return NULL;

	// Prepare the DirectX texture for use by OpenGL
	// register for interop and associate the opengl texture with the dx texture
	hInteropObject = wglDXRegisterObjectNV( m_hInteropDevice,
											pSharedTexture,	// DX texture
											glTexture,		// OpenGL texture
											GL_TEXTURE_2D,	// Must be TEXTURE_2D
											WGL_ACCESS_READ_WRITE_NV); // We will write and the receiver will read

	return hInteropObject;

예제 #2
bool D3DPresentEngine::createSharedTexture(int w, int h, int textureID)

	_w = w;
	_h = h;
	if (gl_handleD3D == NULL ) 	gl_handleD3D = wglDXOpenDeviceNV(m_pDevice);

	if (!gl_handleD3D)
		printf("ofxWMFVideoplayer : openning the shared device failed\nCreate SharedTexture Failed");
		return false;



	HANDLE sharedHandle = NULL; //We need to create a shared handle for the ressource, otherwise the extension fails on ATI/Intel cards
	HRESULT hr = m_pDevice->CreateTexture(w,h,1,D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET,D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,D3DPOOL_DEFAULT,&d3d_shared_texture,&sharedHandle);

	if (FAILED(hr))
		printf("ofxWMFVideoplayer : Error creating D3DTexture\n");
		return false;

	if (!sharedHandle)
		printf("ofxWMFVideoplayer : Error creating D3D sahred handle\n");
		return false;

	gl_handle = wglDXRegisterObjectNV(gl_handleD3D, d3d_shared_texture,



	if (!gl_handle) 
		printf("ofxWMFVideoplayer : openning the shared texture failed\nCreate SharedTexture Failed");
		return false;
	return true;
예제 #3
// LJ DEBUG - TODO - not working
// Re-link a gl texture to the shared directX texture
bool spoutGLDXinterop::LinkGLtexture(GLuint glTexture) 
	// printf("LinkGLtexture(%d)\n", glTexture);
	if(g_pd3dDevice == NULL || g_pSharedTexture == NULL || m_dxShareHandle == NULL) {
		// printf("    null handles\n");
		return false;

	if(m_hInteropDevice != NULL &&  m_hInteropObject != NULL) {
		// printf("    unregister\n");
		wglDXUnregisterObjectNV(m_hInteropDevice, m_hInteropObject);
		m_hInteropObject = NULL;
	// printf("    unregister OK\n");

	if (m_hInteropDevice != NULL) {

	// printf("    close device OK\n");
	m_hInteropDevice = NULL;
	m_hInteropObject = NULL;

	m_hInteropDevice = wglDXOpenDeviceNV(g_pd3dDevice);
	if (m_hInteropDevice == NULL) {
		// printf("    open device fail\n");
		return false;
	// printf("    open device OK\n");

	// Prepare the DirectX texture for use by OpenGL
	// register for interop and associate the opengl texture with the dx texture
	m_hInteropObject = wglDXRegisterObjectNV(g_pd3dDevice, 
											 g_pSharedTexture,		// DX texture
											 glTexture,				// OpenGL texture
											 GL_TEXTURE_2D,			// Must be TEXTURE_2D
											 WGL_ACCESS_READ_WRITE_NV); // We will write and the receiver will read

	if(!m_hInteropObject) {
		// printf("    null InteropObject\n");
		return false;

	// printf("    InteropObject OK\n");

	return true;

JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_opengl_WGLNVDXInterop_nwglDXOpenDeviceNV(JNIEnv *__env, jclass clazz, jlong dxDeviceAddress, jlong __functionAddress) {
	void *dxDevice = (void *)(intptr_t)dxDeviceAddress;
	wglDXOpenDeviceNVPROC wglDXOpenDeviceNV = (wglDXOpenDeviceNVPROC)(intptr_t)__functionAddress;
	UNUSED_PARAMS(__env, clazz)
	return (jlong)(intptr_t)wglDXOpenDeviceNV(dxDevice);
    RenderManager::OpenResults RenderManagerD3D11OpenGL::OpenDisplay(void) {
        // All public methods that use internal state should be guarded
        // by a mutex.
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);

        OpenResults ret;
        ret.status = FAILURE;
        if (!doingOkay()) {
            return ret;

        // We need to call glewInit() so that we have access to
        // the wgl extensions needed below.  This means that we
        // need to get an OpenGL context open.  We use methods
        // in our OpenGL parent class to open the desired context.
        // We leave the context open so that we can get our
        // RenderBuffer names.
        GLContextParams p;
        p.visible = false; // Make the context invisible, to not distract
        if (!addOpenGLContext(p)) {
            std::cerr << "RenderManagerD3D11OpenGL::OpenDisplay: Can't open GL "
                      << std::endl;
            return ret;
        glewExperimental = true; // Needed for core profile
        if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK) {
            std::cerr << "RenderManagerD3D11OpenGL::OpenDisplay: Can't "
                         "initialize GLEW"
                      << std::endl;
            return ret;

        // Open the D3D display we're going to use and get a handle
        // on it to use to map our OpenGL objects.
        ret = m_D3D11Renderer->OpenDisplay();
        if (ret.status == FAILURE) {
            std::cerr << "RenderManagerD3D11OpenGL::OpenDisplay: Can't open "
                         "D3D11 display"
                      << std::endl;
            m_doingOkay = false;
            return ret;
        m_glD3DHandle = wglDXOpenDeviceNV(ret.library.D3D11->device);
        if (m_glD3DHandle == nullptr) {
            std::cerr << "RenderManagerD3D11OpenGL::OpenDisplay: Can't get GL "
                         "device handle"
                      << std::endl;
            ret.status = FAILURE;
            return ret;

        // Construct the present buffers we're going to use when in Render()
        // mode, to
        // wrap the PresenMode interface.
        if (!constructRenderBuffers()) {
            std::cerr << "RenderManagerOpenGL::OpenDisplay: Could not "
                         "construct present buffers to wrap Render() path"
                      << std::endl;
            ret.status = FAILURE;
            return ret;

        // Register the presentation buffers, which will cause them to
        // be associated with newly-constructed D3D buffers.
        if (!RegisterRenderBuffersInternal(m_colorBuffers)) {
            std::cerr << "RenderManagerOpenGL::OpenDisplay: Could not regsiter "
                         "present buffers to wrap Render() path"
                      << std::endl;
            ret.status = FAILURE;
            return ret;

        // Fill in our library with the things the application may need to
        // use to do its graphics state set-up.
        ret.library = m_library;
        ret.buffers = m_buffers;
        m_displayOpen = true;
        return ret;