예제 #1
static wiced_result_t receive_data(wiced_tcp_socket_t *sock, uint32_t timeout, char **p_buf, uint32_t *len) {
    wiced_packet_t *packet;
    uint16_t data_offset;
    uint16_t data_len;
    uint16_t total_data_len;
    uint8_t *data;
    char *curr;

    WICED_VERIFY(wiced_tcp_receive(sock, &packet, timeout));

    data_offset = 0;
    wiced_packet_get_data(packet, data_offset, &data, &data_len, &total_data_len);

    *p_buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * ((size_t)total_data_len + 1));
    curr = *p_buf;
    memcpy(*p_buf, data, data_len);
    data_offset = (uint16_t)(data_offset + data_len);
    curr += data_len;

    while (data_len < total_data_len) {
        wiced_packet_get_data(packet, data_offset, &data, &data_len, &total_data_len);
        memcpy(curr, data, data_len);
        data_offset = (uint16_t)(data_offset + data_len);
        curr += data_len;

    *curr = '\0';
    *len = total_data_len;

    return WICED_SUCCESS;
예제 #2
int read_packet_and_dispose(tcp_packet_t& packet, void* buffer, int len, wiced_tcp_socket_t* tcp_socket, int _timeout)
    int bytes_read = 0;
    if (!packet.packet) {
        packet.offset = 0;
        wiced_result_t result = wiced_tcp_receive(tcp_socket, &packet.packet, _timeout);
        if (result!=WICED_SUCCESS && result!=WICED_TIMEOUT) {
            DEBUG("Socket %d receive fail %d", (int)(int)tcp_socket->socket, int(result));
            return -result;
    uint8_t* data;
    uint16_t available;
    uint16_t total;
    bool dispose = true;
    if (packet.packet && (wiced_packet_get_data(packet.packet, packet.offset, &data, &available, &total)==WICED_SUCCESS)) {
        int read = std::min(uint16_t(len), available);
        packet.offset += read;
        memcpy(buffer, data, read);
        dispose = (total==read);
        bytes_read = read;
        DEBUG("Socket %d receive bytes %d of %d", (int)(int)tcp_socket->socket, int(bytes_read), int(available));
    if (dispose) {
    return bytes_read;
예제 #3
wiced_result_t wiced_tcp_stream_read_with_count( wiced_tcp_stream_t* tcp_stream, void* buffer, uint16_t buffer_length, uint32_t timeout, uint32_t* read_count )
    WICED_LINK_CHECK_TCP_SOCKET( tcp_stream->socket );

    if ( read_count != NULL )
        *read_count = 0;

    while ( buffer_length != 0 )
        uint16_t amount_to_read;
        uint16_t total_available;
        uint8_t* packet_data     = NULL;
        uint16_t space_available = 0;

        /* Check if we don't have a packet */
        if (tcp_stream->rx_packet == NULL)
            wiced_result_t result;
            result = wiced_tcp_receive(tcp_stream->socket, &tcp_stream->rx_packet, timeout );
            if ( result != WICED_TCPIP_SUCCESS)
                if ( ( read_count != NULL ) && ( *read_count != 0 ) )
                    result = WICED_TCPIP_SUCCESS;
                return result;

        wiced_packet_get_data(tcp_stream->rx_packet, 0, &packet_data, &space_available, &total_available);

        /* Read data */
        amount_to_read = MIN(buffer_length, space_available);
        buffer         = MEMCAT((uint8_t*)buffer, packet_data, amount_to_read);

        if ( read_count != NULL )
            *read_count += amount_to_read;

        /* Update buffer length */
        buffer_length = (uint16_t)(buffer_length - amount_to_read);

        /* Check if we need a new packet */
        if ( amount_to_read == space_available )
            wiced_packet_delete( tcp_stream->rx_packet );
            tcp_stream->rx_packet = NULL;
            /* Otherwise update the start of the data for the next read request */
            wiced_packet_set_data_start(tcp_stream->rx_packet, packet_data + amount_to_read);
예제 #4
wiced_result_t xively_flush_datastream( xively_datastream_t* stream )
    wiced_packet_t* response_packet;

    WICED_VERIFY( wiced_tcp_stream_flush( &stream->tcp_stream ) );

    /* Receive and free response packet */
    if ( wiced_tcp_receive( stream->tcp_stream.socket, &response_packet, 3000 ) == WICED_SUCCESS )
        uint8_t* data;
        uint16_t data_length;
        uint16_t available_data_length;
        char* is_ok_found;

        /* Parse HTTP response.  */
        wiced_packet_get_data( response_packet, 0, &data, &data_length, &available_data_length );

        /* Ensure that packet payload is NUL-terminated */
        *( data + data_length - 1 ) = 0;

        /* Find OK. Returns NULL of not found */
        is_ok_found = strstr( (char*) data, (char*) "OK" );

        wiced_packet_delete( response_packet );

        /* OK found. */
        if ( is_ok_found != NULL )
            return WICED_SUCCESS;

        /* If Not OK, assert flag to perform DNS query in the next data sending */
        is_ip_address_resolved = WICED_FALSE;

    return WICED_ERROR;
예제 #5
rwl_read_eth_port(void* hndle, char* read_buf, unsigned int data_size, unsigned int *numread)
    wiced_result_t  result = WICED_SUCCESS;
    char*           request;
    uint16_t        request_length;
    uint16_t        available_data_length;
    wiced_packet_t* temp_packet = NULL;

    *numread = 0;

    if ( data_size == 0 )
         return SUCCESS;

    if (wiced_tcp_receive( &tcp_client_socket, &temp_packet, WICED_WAIT_FOREVER ) == WICED_SUCCESS)
        result = result;

        if (temp_packet)
            /* Process the client request */
            wiced_packet_get_data( temp_packet, 0, (uint8_t **)&request, &request_length, &available_data_length );


        // read_buf = request;
        *numread = request_length;

        wiced_packet_delete( temp_packet );

    return SUCCESS;
예제 #6
static void tcp_server_thread_main(uint32_t arg)
    tcp_server_handle_t* server = (tcp_server_handle_t*) arg;

    while ( quit != WICED_TRUE )
        wiced_packet_t* temp_packet = NULL;

        /* Wait for a connection */
        wiced_result_t result = wiced_tcp_accept( &server->socket );

        result = wiced_tcp_enable_keepalive(&server->socket, TCP_SERVER_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL, TCP_SERVER_KEEP_ALIVE_PROBES, TCP_SERVER_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME );
        if( result != WICED_SUCCESS )
            WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Keep alive initialization failed \n"));

        if ( result == WICED_SUCCESS )
            /* Receive the query from the TCP client */
            if (wiced_tcp_receive( &server->socket, &temp_packet, WICED_WAIT_FOREVER ) == WICED_SUCCESS)
                /* Process the client request */
                tcp_server_process( server, temp_packet );

                /* Delete the packet, we're done with it */
                wiced_packet_delete( temp_packet );

                WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Waiting for data on a socket\n"));
                /* Check keepalive: wait to see whether the keepalive protocol has commenced */
                /* This is achieved by waiting forever for a packet to be received on the TCP connection*/
                if (wiced_tcp_receive( &server->socket, &temp_packet, WICED_WAIT_FOREVER ) == WICED_SUCCESS)
                    tcp_server_process( server, temp_packet );
                    /* Release the packet, we don't need it any more */
                    wiced_packet_delete( temp_packet );
                    WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Connection has been dropped by networking stack\n\n"));

                /* Send failed or connection has been lost, close the existing connection and */
                /* get ready to accept the next one */
                wiced_tcp_disconnect( &server->socket );

    wiced_tcp_disconnect( &server->socket );

예제 #7
wiced_result_t wiced_establish_websocket_handshake( wiced_websocket_t* websocket, wiced_websocket_handshake_fields_t* websocket_header_fields )
    wiced_tcp_stream_t stream;
    wiced_packet_t*                     tcp_reply_packet;
    uint16_t                            tcp_data_available;
    uint16_t                            total_received_bytes;
    uint8_t*                            received_handshake;

    /*Initialise the tcp stream*/
    wiced_tcp_stream_init(&stream, &websocket->socket);

    /*Initialise key array*/

    /*generate a unique websocket key to send to server as part of initial handshake*/
    WICED_VERIFY( wiced_generate_client_websocket_key( websocket_key_base64 ) );

    /*build the handshaking headers*/

    /*< GET /uri HTTP/1.1 >*/
    wiced_tcp_stream_write( &stream, "GET ",( uint16_t )strlen("GET ") );
    wiced_tcp_stream_write(&stream, websocket_header_fields->request_uri, ( uint16_t )strlen(websocket_header_fields->request_uri) );
    wiced_tcp_stream_write( &stream, " HTTP/1.1\r\n",( uint16_t )strlen(" HTTP/1.1\r\n") );

    /*< Host: ip1.ip2.ip3.ip4 >*/
    wiced_tcp_stream_write( &stream, "Host: ",( uint16_t )strlen("Host: ") );
    wiced_tcp_stream_write(&stream, websocket_header_fields->host, ( uint16_t )strlen(websocket_header_fields->host) );
    wiced_tcp_stream_write( &stream, "\r\n",( uint16_t )strlen("\r\n") );

    /*< Upgrade: websocket>*/
    wiced_tcp_stream_write(&stream, "Upgrade: websocket\r\n",( uint16_t )strlen("Upgrade: websocket\r\n") );

    /*< Connection: Upgrade >*/
    wiced_tcp_stream_write(&stream, "Connection: Upgrade\r\n",( uint16_t )strlen("Connection: Upgrade\r\n") );

    /*< Sec-WebSocket-Key: random_base4_value >*/
    wiced_tcp_stream_write(&stream, "Sec-WebSocket-Key: ",( uint16_t )strlen("Sec-WebSocket-Key: ") );
    wiced_tcp_stream_write(&stream, websocket_key_base64, ( uint16_t )strlen((char*)websocket_key_base64) );
    wiced_tcp_stream_write(&stream, "\r\n", ( uint16_t )strlen("\r\n") );

    /*< Origin: ip1.ip2.ip3.ip4 >*/
    wiced_tcp_stream_write(&stream, "Origin: ", ( uint16_t )strlen("Origin: ") );
    wiced_tcp_stream_write(&stream, websocket_header_fields->origin, ( uint16_t )strlen( websocket_header_fields->origin ) );
    wiced_tcp_stream_write(&stream, "\r\n",( uint16_t )strlen("\r\n") );

    /*The sec_websocket_protocol is optional, so check if it has been added, include in header if required*/
    if ( websocket_header_fields->sec_websocket_protocol != NULL)
        /*< Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: server_understood_protocol >*/
        wiced_tcp_stream_write(&stream, "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ",( uint16_t )strlen("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ") );
        wiced_tcp_stream_write(&stream, websocket_header_fields->sec_websocket_protocol, ( uint16_t )strlen( websocket_header_fields->sec_websocket_protocol ) );
        wiced_tcp_stream_write(&stream, "\r\n",( uint16_t )strlen("\r\n") );

    /*< Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 >*/
    wiced_tcp_stream_write(&stream, "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\r\n",strlen("Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\r\n") );

     /*send the handshake to server*/
    wiced_tcp_stream_flush( &stream );
    wiced_tcp_stream_deinit( &stream );

    WICED_VERIFY( wiced_tcp_receive( &websocket->socket, &tcp_reply_packet, WICED_WAIT_FOREVER ) );
    wiced_packet_get_data( tcp_reply_packet, 0, (uint8_t**)&received_handshake, &total_received_bytes, &tcp_data_available );

    WICED_VERIFY( wiced_verify_server_handshake( (char*)received_handshake ) );

    return WICED_SUCCESS;
예제 #8
static void ota_server_thread_main(uint32_t arg)
    ota_server_t*          server          = (ota_server_t*) arg;
    uint32_t               total_body_size = 0;
    int                    i               = 0;

    server->reboot_required = WICED_FALSE;
    while ( server->quit != WICED_TRUE )
        wiced_packet_t* temp_packet = NULL;

        /* Wait for a connection */
        wiced_result_t result = wiced_tcp_accept( &server->socket );
        if ( result == WICED_SUCCESS )
                if ( wiced_tcp_receive( &server->socket, &temp_packet, WICED_WAIT_FOREVER ) == WICED_SUCCESS )
                    char* request_string;
                    uint16_t request_length;
                    uint16_t available_data_length;

                    if( server->state == READING_HEADER )
                        uint8_t         temp   = 0;
                        wiced_result_t  result = WICED_ERROR;

                        if ( temp_packet == NULL )
                            goto disconnect;

                        server->request.request_packets[server->request.current_packet_index] = temp_packet;

                        wiced_packet_get_data(temp_packet, 0, (uint8_t**)&request_string, &request_length, &available_data_length);

                        /* Check that this is a GET or POST request, abort everything else */
                        if ( ( strstr( request_string, "GET" ) == 0 ) && ( strstr( request_string, "POST") == 0 ) )
                            result = WICED_ERROR;
                            goto disconnect;

                        /* Get header pointer and header size */
                        server->request.header_ptr = (uint8_t*)request_string;
                        server->request.header_size = ( (char*)strstr( (char*)request_string, crlfcrlf ) + strlen( crlfcrlf ) ) - (char*)request_string;
                        if( server->request.header_size == strlen( crlfcrlf ) )
                            goto disconnect;

                        /* Get content length */
                        server->request.content_length = 0;
                        if( strstr( request_string, "Content-Length") != NULL )
                            uint8_t* content_length_value = (uint8_t*)strstr( request_string, "Content-Length") + strlen("Content-Length:");
                            server->request.content_length = atoi((const char*)content_length_value);

                        temp = request_string[ server->request.header_size ];
                        request_string[ server->request.header_size ] ='\0';
                        request_string[ server->request.header_size ] = temp;

                        /* Get request type and the url */
                        result = get_http_request_type_and_url( (uint8_t*)request_string, request_length, &server->request);
                        if ( result == WICED_ERROR )
                           goto disconnect;

                        server->state = READING_BODY;

                    if( server->state == READING_BODY )
                        http_body_chunk_t*          current_body_chunk = &server->request.body_chunks[server->request.current_packet_index];

                        if( server->request.current_packet_index != 0 )
                            server->request.request_packets[server->request.current_packet_index] = temp_packet;

                        wiced_packet_get_data(temp_packet, 0, (uint8_t**)&request_string, &request_length, &available_data_length);

                        if( server->request.current_packet_index == 0 )
                            current_body_chunk->data = server->request.header_ptr + server->request.header_size;
                            current_body_chunk->size = ( request_string + request_length ) - (char*)current_body_chunk->data;
                            current_body_chunk->data = (uint8_t*)request_string;
                            current_body_chunk->size = request_length;
                        /* calculate total combined size of all body chunks which belongs to this message */
                        total_body_size = 0;

                        for( i = 0; i < ( server->request.current_packet_index + 1 ) ; i++ )
                            total_body_size+= server->request.body_chunks[i].size;


                        /* Check whether the combined size of the previous chunks and the current one is equal to the content length received in the first packet */
                        if( total_body_size == server->request.content_length )
                            ota_server_process_request( server, &server->socket );
                            /* Delete all packets belonging to the message */
                            for( i = 0; i < server->request.current_packet_index; i++ )
                            server->state = READING_HEADER;
                    goto disconnect;
        wiced_tcp_disconnect( &server->socket );

    wiced_tcp_delete_socket( &server->socket );
    if( server->reboot_required == WICED_TRUE )
        /* Give some for the response to be sent properly */

        /* Perform a reboot!!! */
static wiced_result_t received_data_callback( wiced_tcp_socket_t* socket, void* arg )

	uint16_t        request_length;
	uint16_t        available_data_length;
	wiced_packet_t* temp_packet = NULL;

	if(wiced_tcp_receive( socket, &temp_packet, 500 ) == WICED_SUCCESS) // get the data from the client
		char *rbuffer;
		dbEntry_t receive;
		char commandId;
		int err=1;
		char returnMessage[15];

		// get the pointer to the packet sent by the client and the data
		wiced_packet_get_data( temp_packet, 0, (uint8_t**) &rbuffer, &request_length, &available_data_length );
		sscanf(rbuffer,"%c%4x%2x%4x",&commandId,(unsigned int *)&receive.deviceId,(unsigned int *)&receive.regId,(unsigned int *)&receive.value);
		wiced_packet_delete( temp_packet ); // free the packet

		if(request_length >= 11 && request_length <= 13  ) //11 if no end 12 if CR 13 if CRLF
			dbEntry_t *newDbEntry;
			case 'R': // they sent a Read command
				newDbEntry = dbFind(&receive); // look through the database to find a previous write of the deviceId/regId
					sprintf(returnMessage,"A%04X%02X%04X",(unsigned int)newDbEntry->deviceId,(unsigned int)newDbEntry->regId,(unsigned int)newDbEntry->value);
					err = 1;
			case 'W': // they sent a Write command
				sprintf(returnMessage,"A%04X%02X%04X",(unsigned int)receive.deviceId,(unsigned int)receive.regId,(unsigned int)receive.value);
				dbEntry_t *newDB;
				newDB = malloc(sizeof(dbEntry_t)); // make a new entry to put in the database
				memcpy(newDB,&receive,sizeof(dbEntry_t)); // copy the received data into the new entry
				dbSetValue(newDB); // save it.
				err = 0;
			default: // if they don't send a legal command then it is an error
				err = 1;

		// Print IP address of the client (peer) that sent the data and print to terminal
		uint32_t 		peerAddressV4;
		peerAddressV4 = (*socket).socket.nx_tcp_socket_connect_ip.nxd_ip_address.v4;
				(uint8_t)(peerAddressV4 >> 24),
				(uint8_t)(peerAddressV4 >> 16),
				(uint8_t)(peerAddressV4 >> 8),
				(uint8_t)(peerAddressV4 >> 0)));

		// Print the port that the peer connected from
		uint16_t	    peerPort;
		peerPort = (*socket).socket.nx_tcp_socket_connect_port;

		// Print the data that was sent by the client (peer)
			WPRINT_APP_INFO(("X length=%d\n",available_data_length));
			uint32_t count;
			WPRINT_APP_INFO(("%c\t%4X\t%2X\t%4X\t%d\n",commandId,(unsigned int)receive.deviceId,(unsigned int)receive.regId,(unsigned int)receive.value,(int)count));

		// send response packet
		wiced_packet_t* tx_packet;
		uint8_t *tx_data;
		wiced_packet_create_tcp(socket, strlen(returnMessage), &tx_packet, (uint8_t**)&tx_data, &available_data_length);
		memcpy(tx_data, returnMessage, strlen(returnMessage));
		wiced_packet_set_data_end(tx_packet, (uint8_t*)&tx_data[strlen(returnMessage)]);
		wiced_tcp_send_packet(socket, tx_packet);

