int ioPositionOfWindow(wIndexType windowIndex) { Rect portRect; if (windowHandleFromIndex(windowIndex) == nil) return -1; GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(windowHandleFromIndex(windowIndex)),&portRect); QDLocalToGlobalRect(GetWindowPort(windowHandleFromIndex(windowIndex)), &portRect); return (portRect.left << 16) | ( & 0xFFFF); /* left is high 16 bits; top is low 16 bits */ }
int ioSizeOfWindow(wIndexType windowIndex) { Rect portRect; int w, h; if (windowHandleFromIndex(windowIndex) == nil) return -1; GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(windowHandleFromIndex(windowIndex)),&portRect); w = portRect.right - portRect.left; h = portRect.bottom -; return (w << 16) | (h & 0xFFFF); /* w is high 16 bits; h is low 16 bits */ }
size_t sqImageFileWrite(void *ptr, size_t sz, size_t count, sqImageFile f) { int remaining, actuallyWritten=0; unsigned char *dstPtr; remaining = sz * count; dstPtr = (unsigned char *)ptr; while (remaining >= CHUNK_SIZE) { actuallyWritten = fwrite(dstPtr, (size_t)1, (size_t)CHUNK_SIZE, f); /* if we didnt write enough, return an error case */ if ( actuallyWritten != CHUNK_SIZE) return 0; dstPtr += CHUNK_SIZE; remaining -= CHUNK_SIZE; /* drop this for now; it seems to clash with * the threading of Oregano at least, causing loss * of the image !! dummyWimpPoll(); */ } /* update the window title to reflect the new image name, if that * * is what it is showing */ if (actualOSLevel >= 380) { extern wimp_w windowHandleFromIndex(int windowIndex); xwimp_force_redraw_furniture(windowHandleFromIndex(1), wimp_FURNITURE_TITLE); } actuallyWritten = fwrite(dstPtr, (size_t)1, (size_t)remaining, f); /* if we didnt write enough, return an error case */ if ( actuallyWritten != remaining) return 0; /* return the number of bytes written */ return count; }
int ioSetTitleOfWindow(int windowIndex, char * newTitle, int sizeOfTitle) { char string[256]; if (sizeOfTitle > 255) return -1; memcpy(string,newTitle,sizeOfTitle); string[sizeOfTitle] = 0x00; CFStringRef windowTitleCFString = CFStringCreateWithCString (nil,string,kCFStringEncodingUTF8); SetWindowTitleWithCFString (windowHandleFromIndex(windowIndex),windowTitleCFString); CFRelease(windowTitleCFString); return 1; }
int ioSizeOfWindowSetxy(wIndexType windowIndex, int x, int y) { void * giLocker; int return_value=0; if (windowHandleFromIndex(windowIndex) == nil) return -1; giLocker = interpreterProxy->ioLoadFunctionFrom("getUIToLock", ""); if (giLocker != 0) { sqInt *foo; foo = malloc(sizeof(sqInt)*7); foo[0] = 4; foo[1] = (sqInt) SizeWindow; foo[2] = (sqInt) windowHandleFromIndex(windowIndex); foo[3] = x; foo[4] = y; foo[5] = true; foo[6] = 0; ((sqInt (*) (void *)) giLocker)(foo); return_value = interpreterProxy->positive32BitIntegerFor(foo[6]); free(foo); } setWindowTrackingRgn(windowIndex); return ioSizeOfWindow(windowIndex); }
int closeWindow(int windowIndex) { wHandleType windowHandle; windowHandle = windowHandleFromIndex(windowIndex); if(windowHandle == NULL) return 0; if (windowBlockFromIndex(windowIndex)->context) QDEndCGContext(GetWindowPort(windowBlockFromIndex(windowIndex)->handle),&windowBlockFromIndex(windowIndex)->context); //CGContextRelease(windowBlockFromIndex(windowIndex)->context); if (windowBlockFromIndex(windowIndex)->windowTrackingRef) { ReleaseMouseTrackingRegion(windowBlockFromIndex(windowIndex)->windowTrackingRef ); windowBlockFromIndex(windowIndex)->windowTrackingRef = NULL; } windowBlockFromIndex(windowIndex)->context = NULL; RemoveWindowBlock(windowBlockFromIndex(windowIndex)); DisposeWindow(windowHandle); return 1; }
WindowPtr getSTWindow(void) { if (gSqueakHeadless && !browserActiveAndDrawingContextOk()) return NULL; return windowHandleFromIndex(1); }