int runblorb(char *path, char *game) { char magic[4]; strid_t file; giblorb_result_t res; giblorb_err_t err; giblorb_map_t *map; sprintf(tmp, "Could not load Blorb file:\n%s\n", game); file = glkunix_stream_open_pathname(game, 0, 0); if (!file) { winmsg(tmp); return FALSE; } err = giblorb_create_map(file, &map); if (err) { winmsg(tmp); return FALSE; } err = giblorb_load_resource(map, giblorb_method_FilePos, &res, giblorb_ID_Exec, 0); if (err) { winmsg(tmp); return FALSE; } glk_stream_set_position(file,, 0); glk_get_buffer_stream(file, magic, 4); switch (res.chunktype) { case ID_ZCOD: if (strlen(terp)) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,terp), flags, game); else if (magic[0] == 6) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_ZSIX), flags, game); else return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_ZCODE), flags, game); break; case ID_GLUL: if (strlen(terp)) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,terp), flags, game); else return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_GLULX), flags, game); break; default: sprintf(tmp, "Unknown game type in Blorb file:\n%s\n", game); winmsg(tmp); } return FALSE; }
int urldecode(char *decoded, unsigned int maxlen, const char *encoded) { unsigned int i; int convert, ascii; char buffer[3] = {0}; FILE * file; memset(decoded, 0, maxlen); convert = FALSE; for(i = 0; i < strlen(encoded); ++i) { if (!convert) { if (!(strlen(decoded) < maxlen - 1)) break; if(encoded[i] != '%') strncat(decoded, &encoded[i], 1); else convert = TRUE; } else { if (strlen(&encoded[i]) < 2) break; strncpy(buffer, &encoded[i], 2); buffer[2] = '\0'; if (!isxdigit(buffer[0]) || !isxdigit(buffer[1])) break; if (sscanf(buffer, "%x", &ascii) != 1) break; if (!(strlen(decoded) < maxlen - 1)) break; strncat(decoded, (char*)&ascii, 1); convert = FALSE; i++; } } while (strlen(decoded) && decoded[strlen(decoded)-1] == '/') decoded[strlen(decoded)-1] = '\0'; if (!(file = fopen(decoded, "r"))) { snprintf(decoded, maxlen, "Could not open URL path:\n%s\n", encoded); winmsg(decoded); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fclose(file); return 1; }
int winterp(char *path, char *exe, char *flags, char *game) { sprintf(tmp, LaunchingTemplate, path, exe); setenv("GARGLK_INI", path, FALSE); char *args[4] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; if (strstr(flags, "-")) { args[0] = exe; args[1] = flags; args[2] = game; } else { args[0] = exe; args[1] = buf; } if (!winexec(tmp, args)) { winmsg("Could not start 'terp.\nSorry."); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void CGUIWindowBoxeeMediaMain::OnItemLoaded(CFileItem* pItem) { if (!pItem) return; CGUIMessage winmsg(MSG_ITEM_LOADED, GetID(), 0); winmsg.SetPointer(new CFileItem(*pItem)); g_windowManager.SendThreadMessage(winmsg, GetID()); }
int winterp(char *path, char *exe, char *flags, char *game) { sprintf(tmp, LaunchingTemplate, path, exe, flags, game); if (!winexec(tmp, NULL)) { winmsg("Could not start 'terp.\nSorry."); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void CGUIWindowBoxeeMediaMain::LoadMediaItems() { Cleanup(); LoadMediaItems(m_listMediaItems); LoadAppItems(m_listApps); m_listMediaItemsSmall.Append(m_listMediaItems); m_listAppsSmall.Append(m_listApps); CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"%s - loaded %d media items and %d applications", __FUNCTION__, m_listMediaItems.Size(), m_listApps.Size()); int i; for (i=0; i<m_listMediaItems.Size(); i++) { CGUIMessage winmsg(GUI_MSG_LABEL_ADD, GetID(), MEDIA_ITEMS_LIST, 0, 0, m_listMediaItems[i]); OnMessage(winmsg); CGUIMessage winmsg2(GUI_MSG_LABEL_ADD, GetID(), MEDIA_ITEMS_LIST_SMALL, 0, 0, m_listMediaItemsSmall[i]); OnMessage(winmsg2); } for (i=0; i<m_listApps.Size(); i++) { CGUIMessage winmsg(GUI_MSG_LABEL_ADD, GetID(), APPS_ITEMS_LIST, 0, 0, m_listApps[i]); OnMessage(winmsg); CGUIMessage winmsg2(GUI_MSG_LABEL_ADD, GetID(), APPS_ITEMS_LIST_SMALL, 0, 0, m_listAppsSmall[i]); OnMessage(winmsg2); } // Load thumbnails for the items CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"Loading thumbnail for %d items", m_listMediaItems.Size()); m_listMediaItems.FillInDefaultIcons(); m_Loader = GetLoader(); CFileItemList *pList = new CFileItemList; pList->Append(m_listMediaItems); pList->Append(m_listApps); m_Loader->SetObserver(this); m_Loader->Load(*pList); }
void winpath(char *buffer) { char exepath[MaxBuffer] = {0}; unsigned int exelen; exelen = GetModuleFileName(NULL, exepath, sizeof(exepath)); if (exelen <= 0 || exelen >= MaxBuffer) { winmsg("Unable to locate executable path"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(buffer, exepath); char *dirpos = strrchr(buffer, *DirSeparator); if ( dirpos != NULL ) *dirpos = '\0'; return; }
void winpath(char *buffer) { char exepath[MaxBuffer] = {0}; ssize_t exelen; exelen = readlink("/proc/self/exe", exepath, sizeof(exepath)); if (exelen <= 0 || exelen >= MaxBuffer) { winmsg("Unable to locate executable path"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(buffer, exepath); char *dirpos = strrchr(buffer, *DirSeparator); if ( dirpos != NULL ) *dirpos = '\0'; return; }
int rungame(char *path, char *game) { /* initialize buffers */ strcpy(exe, GARGLKPRE); strcpy(terp, ""); strcpy(flags, ""); configterp(path, game); char *ext = strrchr(game, '.'); if (ext) ext++; else ext = ""; if (!strcasecmp(ext, "blb")) return runblorb(path, game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "blorb")) return runblorb(path, game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "glb")) return runblorb(path, game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "gbl")) return runblorb(path, game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "gblorb")) return runblorb(path, game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "zlb")) return runblorb(path, game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "zbl")) return runblorb(path, game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "zblorb")) return runblorb(path, game); if (strlen(terp)) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,terp), flags, game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "dat")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_ADVSYS), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "d$$")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_AGT), "-gl", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "agx")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_AGT), "-gl", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "acd")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_ALAN2), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "a3c")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_ALAN3), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "taf")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_ADRIFT), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "ulx")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_GLULX), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "hex")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_HUGO), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "jacl")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_JACL), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "j2")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_JACL), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "gam")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_TADS2), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "t3")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_TADS3), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "z1")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_ZOLD), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "z2")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_ZOLD), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "z3")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_ZCODE), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "z4")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_ZCODE), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "z5")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_ZCODE), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "z7")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_ZCODE), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "z8")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_ZCODE), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "z6")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_ZSIX), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "l9")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_LEV9), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "sna")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_LEV9), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "mag")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_MGSR), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "asl")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_QUEST), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "cas")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_QUEST), "", game); if (!strcasecmp(ext, "saga")) return winterp(path, strcat(exe,T_SCOTT), "", game); sprintf(tmp, "Unknown file type: \"%s\"\nSorry.", ext); winmsg(tmp); return FALSE; }
bool CGUIDialogBoxeeCtx::OnMessage(CGUIMessage &message) { switch (message.GetMessage()) { case GUI_MSG_ITEM_LOADED: { // New data received from the item loader, update existing item CFileItemPtr pItem ((CFileItem *)message.GetPointer()); message.SetPointer(NULL); if (pItem) { m_item = *pItem; CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_LABEL_RESET, GetID(), INFO_HIDDEN_LIST, 0); OnMessage(msg); CGUIMessage winmsg(GUI_MSG_LABEL_ADD, GetID(), INFO_HIDDEN_LIST, 0, 0, pItem); OnMessage(winmsg); CGUIMessage ref1(GUI_MSG_REFRESH_THUMBS, GetID(), IMG1); OnMessage(ref1); CGUIMessage ref2(GUI_MSG_REFRESH_THUMBS, GetID(), IMG2); OnMessage(ref2); CGUIMessage ref3(GUI_MSG_REFRESH_THUMBS, GetID(), IMG3); OnMessage(ref3); CGUIMessage ref4(GUI_MSG_REFRESH_THUMBS, GetID(), IMG4); OnMessage(ref4); } return true; } case GUI_MSG_CLICKED: { unsigned int iControl = message.GetSenderId(); if (iControl == BTN_MORE_INFO) { OnMoreInfo(); return true; } else if (iControl == BTN_RATE) { bool bLike; if (CGUIDialogBoxeeRate::ShowAndGetInput(bLike)) { BoxeeUtils::Rate(&m_item, bLike); g_application.m_guiDialogKaiToast.QueueNotification(CGUIDialogKaiToast::ICON_STAR, "", g_localizeStrings.Get(51034), 5000 , KAI_YELLOW_COLOR, KAI_GREY_COLOR); } } else if (iControl == BTN_SHARE) { CGUIDialogBoxeeShare *pShare = (CGUIDialogBoxeeShare *)g_windowManager.GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_BOXEE_SHARE); if (pShare) { pShare->SetItem(&m_item); pShare->DoModal(); } else { CLog::Log(LOGERROR,"CGUIDialogBoxeeCtx::OnMessage - GUI_MSG_CLICKED - BTN_SHARE - FAILED to get WINDOW_DIALOG_BOXEE_SHARE (share)"); } } else if (iControl == BTN_PRESET) { if (m_item.GetPropertyBOOL("IsPreset")) { CGUIDialogYesNo* dlgYesNo = (CGUIDialogYesNo*)g_windowManager.GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_YES_NO); if (dlgYesNo) { dlgYesNo->SetHeading(51020); dlgYesNo->SetLine(0, 51021); dlgYesNo->SetLine(1, m_item.GetLabel() + "?"); dlgYesNo->SetLine(2, ""); dlgYesNo->DoModal(); if (dlgYesNo->IsConfirmed()) { g_settings.DeleteSource(GetItemShareType(), m_item.GetProperty("ShareName"), m_item.m_strPath); CGUIWindow *pWindow = g_windowManager.GetWindow(g_windowManager.GetActiveWindow()); if (pWindow) { CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_REFRESH_APPS, 0, 0); pWindow->OnMessage(msg); } } } } else { CMediaSource newShare; newShare.strPath = m_item.m_strPath; newShare.strName = m_item.GetLabel(); if (m_item.HasProperty("OriginalThumb") && !m_item.GetProperty("OriginalThumb").IsEmpty()) newShare.m_strThumbnailImage = m_item.GetProperty("OriginalThumb"); else newShare.m_strThumbnailImage = m_item.GetThumbnailImage(); newShare.vecPaths.push_back(m_item.m_strPath); g_settings.AddShare(GetItemShareType(), newShare); } Close(); return true; } else if (iControl == BTN_QUALITY) { return HandleQualityList(); } } break; case GUI_MSG_WINDOW_DEINIT: case GUI_MSG_VISUALISATION_UNLOADING: { } break; case GUI_MSG_VISUALISATION_LOADED: { } } return CGUIDialog::OnMessage(message); }