void KConfigBase::writeEntry(const char *pKey, const QStringList &list, char sep, bool bPersistent, bool bGlobal, bool bNLS, bool bExpand) { if(list.isEmpty()) { writeEntry(pKey, QString::fromLatin1(""), bPersistent); return; } QString str_list; str_list.reserve(4096); QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); for(; it != list.end(); ++it) { QString value = *it; uint i; uint strLength(value.length()); for(i = 0; i < strLength; i++) { if(value[i] == sep || value[i] == '\\') str_list += '\\'; str_list += value[i]; } str_list += sep; } if(str_list.at(str_list.length() - 1) == sep) str_list.truncate(str_list.length() - 1); writeEntry(pKey, str_list, bPersistent, bGlobal, bNLS, bExpand); }
void Foam::tractionDisplacementFvPatchVectorField::write(Ostream& os) const { fvPatchVectorField::write(os); writeEntry(os, "traction", traction_); writeEntry(os, "pressure", pressure_); writeEntry(os, "value", *this); }
void KConfigBase::writeEntry(const char *pKey, const QStrList &list, char sep, bool bPersistent, bool bGlobal, bool bNLS) { if(list.isEmpty()) { writeEntry(pKey, QString::fromLatin1(""), bPersistent); return; } QString str_list; QStrListIterator it(list); for(; it.current(); ++it) { uint i; QString value; // !!! Sergey A. Sukiyazov <*****@*****.**> !!! // A QStrList may contain values in 8bit locale cpecified // encoding or in UTF8 encoding. value = KStringHandler::from8Bit(it.current()); uint strLengh(value.length()); for(i = 0; i < strLengh; i++) { if(value[i] == sep || value[i] == '\\') str_list += '\\'; str_list += value[i]; } str_list += sep; } if(str_list.at(str_list.length() - 1) == sep) str_list.truncate(str_list.length() - 1); writeEntry(pKey, str_list, bPersistent, bGlobal, bNLS); }
void Foam::wallBoilingModels::partitioningModels:: linear::write(Ostream& os) const { partitioningModel::write(os); writeEntry(os, "alphaLiquid1", alphaLiquid1_); writeEntry(os, "alphaLiquid0", alphaLiquid0_); }
void Foam::SRFVelocityFvPatchVectorField::write(Ostream& os) const { fvPatchVectorField::write(os); writeEntry(os, "relative", relative_); writeEntry(os, "inletValue", inletValue_); writeEntry(os, "value", *this); }
void Foam::fv::option::writeData(Ostream& os) const { writeEntry(os, "type", type()); writeEntry(os, "active", active_); os << nl; os << indent << word(type() + "Coeffs"); coeffs_.write(os); }
void Foam::JohnsonJacksonParticleSlipFvPatchVectorField::write ( Ostream& os ) const { fvPatchVectorField::write(os); writeEntry(os, "specularityCoefficient", specularityCoefficient_); writeEntry(os, "value", *this); }
void Foam::porousBafflePressureFvPatchField::write(Ostream& os) const { fixedJumpFvPatchField<scalar>::write(os); writeEntryIfDifferent<word>(os, "phi", "phi", phiName_); writeEntryIfDifferent<word>(os, "rho", "rho", rhoName_); writeEntry(os, "D", D_); writeEntry(os, "I", I_); writeEntry(os, "length", length_); }
void Foam::epsilonWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::writeLocalEntries ( Ostream& os ) const { writeEntry(os, "Cmu", Cmu_); writeEntry(os, "kappa", kappa_); writeEntry(os, "E", E_); }
void alphatJayatillekeWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::write(Ostream& os) const { fvPatchField<scalar>::write(os); writeEntry(os, "Prt", Prt_); writeEntry(os, "Cmu", Cmu_); writeEntry(os, "kappa", kappa_); writeEntry(os, "E", E_); writeEntry(os, "value", *this); }
void Foam::totalFlowRateAdvectiveDiffusiveFvPatchScalarField:: write(Ostream& os) const { fvPatchField<scalar>::write(os); writeEntry(os, "phi", phiName_); writeEntry(os, "rho", rhoName_); writeEntry(os, "massFluxFraction", massFluxFraction_); writeEntry(os, "value", *this); }
void Foam::temperatureDependentAlphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarField::write ( Ostream& os ) const { alphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarField::write(os); writeEntryIfDifferent<word>(os, "T", "T", TName_); writeEntry(os, theta0_()); writeEntry(os, "value", *this); }
void Foam::JohnsonJacksonParticleThetaFvPatchScalarField::write ( Ostream& os ) const { fvPatchScalarField::write(os); writeEntry(os, "restitutionCoefficient", restitutionCoefficient_); writeEntry(os, "specularityCoefficient", specularityCoefficient_); writeEntry(os, "value", *this); }
void Foam::inletOutletTotalTemperatureFvPatchScalarField::write(Ostream& os) const { fvPatchScalarField::write(os); writeEntryIfDifferent<word>(os, "U", "U", UName_); writeEntryIfDifferent<word>(os, "phi", "phi", this->phiName_); writeEntryIfDifferent<word>(os, "psi", "psi", psiName_); writeEntry(os, "gamma", gamma_); writeEntry(os, "T0", T0_); writeEntry(os, "value", *this); }
void Foam::variableHeightFlowRateFvPatchScalarField::write(Ostream& os) const { fvPatchScalarField::write(os); if (phiName_ != "phi") { writeEntry(os, "phi", phiName_); } writeEntry(os, "lowerBound", lowerBound_); writeEntry(os, "upperBound", upperBound_); writeEntry(os, "value", *this); }
void Foam::inclinedFilmNusseltHeightFvPatchScalarField::write ( Ostream& os ) const { fixedValueFvPatchScalarField::write(os); writeEntry(os, GammaMean_()); writeEntry(os, a_()); writeEntry(os, omega_()); writeEntry(os, "value", *this); }
QgsProject::QgsProject() : imp_( new QgsProject::Imp ) { // Set some default project properties // XXX THESE SHOULD BE MOVED TO STATUSBAR RELATED SOURCE writeEntry( "PositionPrecision", "/Automatic", true ); writeEntry( "PositionPrecision", "/DecimalPlaces", 2 ); // XXX writeEntry() makes the project dirty, but it doesn't make sense // for a new project to be dirty, so let's clean it up dirty( false ); } // QgsProject ctor
void Foam::phaseHydrostaticPressureFvPatchScalarField::write(Ostream& os) const { fvPatchScalarField::write(os); if (phaseFraction_ != "alpha") { writeEntry(os, "phaseFraction", phaseFraction_); } writeEntry(os, "rho", rho_); writeEntry(os, "pRefValue", pRefValue_); writeEntry(os, "pRefPoint", pRefPoint_); writeEntry(os, "value", *this); }
void JSONObject::writeOrder(std::ostream& str, const std::vector<std::string>& order, WriteVisitor& visitor) { str << "{" << std::endl; JSONObjectBase::level++; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < order.size(); i++) { writeEntry(str, order[i], _maps, visitor); } while(!_maps.empty()) { std::string key = _maps.begin()->first; writeEntry(str, key, _maps, visitor); } JSONObjectBase::level--; str << std::endl << JSONObjectBase::indent() << "}"; }
void inviscidWallPFvPatchScalarField::write(Ostream& os) const { fixedGradientFvPatchScalarField::write(os); os.writeKeyword("fluxFraction") << fluxFraction_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl; writeEntry("value", os); }
void fixedTractionFvPatchVectorField::write(Ostream& os) const { fvPatchVectorField::write(os); traction_.writeEntry("traction", os); pressure_.writeEntry("pressure", os); writeEntry("value", os); }
void Foam::interstitialInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField::write(Ostream& os) const { fvPatchField<vector>::write(os); os.writeEntryIfDifferent<word>("alpha", "alpha", alphaName_); inletVelocity_.writeEntry("inletVelocity", os); writeEntry("value", os); }
void Foam::SRFVelocityFvPatchVectorField::write(Ostream& os) const { fvPatchVectorField::write(os); os.writeKeyword("relative") << relative_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl; inletValue_.writeEntry("inletValue", os); writeEntry("value", os); }
void Foam::fluxCorrectedVelocityFvPatchVectorField::write(Ostream& os) const { fvPatchVectorField::write(os); writeEntryIfDifferent<word>(os, "phi", "phi", phiName_); writeEntryIfDifferent<word>(os, "rho", "rho", rhoName_); writeEntry("value", os); }
void sixDoFRigidBodyDisplacementPointPatchVectorField::write(Ostream& os) const { pointPatchField<vector>::write(os); os.writeKeyword("rhoName") << rhoName_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl; if (rhoName_ == "rhoInf") { os.writeKeyword("rhoInf") << rhoInf_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl; } if (lookupGravity_ == 0 || lookupGravity_ == -2) { os.writeKeyword("g") << g_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl; } os.writeKeyword("relaxationFactor") << relaxationFactor_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl; motion_.write(os); initialPoints_.writeEntry("initialPoints", os); writeEntry("value", os); }
void alphatWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::write(Ostream& os) const { fvPatchField<scalar>::write(os); writeEntryIfDifferent<word>(os, "mut", "mut", mutName_); os.writeKeyword("Prt") << Prt_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl; writeEntry("value", os); }
// Write void tractionDisplacementFvPatchVectorField::write(Ostream& os) const { fvPatchVectorField::write(os); traction_.writeEntry("traction", os); pressure_.writeEntry("pressure", os); writeEntry("value", os); }
void KConfigGroup::writeEntry(const QString &key, const char *value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags) { Q_ASSERT_X(isValid(), "KConfigGroup::writeEntry", "accessing an invalid group"); Q_ASSERT_X(!d->bConst, "KConfigGroup::writeEntry", "writing to a read-only group"); writeEntry(key.toUtf8().constData(), QVariant(QString::fromLatin1(value)), pFlags); }
void KConfigGroup::writeEntry( const char* key, const QString& value, WriteConfigFlags flags ) { Q_ASSERT_X(isValid(), "KConfigGroup::writeEntry", "accessing an invalid group"); Q_ASSERT_X(!d->bConst, "KConfigGroup::writeEntry", "writing to a read-only group"); writeEntry(key, value.toUtf8(), flags); }
void nutkAtmRoughWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::write(Ostream& os) const { fvPatchField<scalar>::write(os); writeLocalEntries(os); z0_.writeEntry("z0", os); writeEntry("value", os); }