  * Serializes the supplied unsubscribe data into the supplied buffer, ready for sending
  * @param buf the raw buffer data, of the correct length determined by the remaining length field
  * @param buflen the length in bytes of the data in the supplied buffer
  * @param dup integer - the MQTT dup flag
  * @param packetid integer - the MQTT packet identifier
  * @param count - number of members in the topicFilters array
  * @param topicFilters - array of topic filter names
  * @return the length of the serialized data.  <= 0 indicates error
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR MQTTSerialize_unsubscribe(unsigned char* buf, int buflen, unsigned char dup, unsigned short packetid,
		int count, MQTTString topicFilters[])
	unsigned char *ptr = buf;
	MQTTHeader header = {0};
	int rem_len = 0;
	int rc = -1;
	int i = 0;

	if (MQTTPacket_len(rem_len = MQTTSerialize_unsubscribeLength(count, topicFilters)) > buflen)
		goto exit;

	header.byte = 0;
	header.bits.type = UNSUBSCRIBE;
	header.bits.dup = dup;
	header.bits.qos = 1;
	writeChar(&ptr, header.byte); /* write header */

	ptr += MQTTPacket_encode(ptr, rem_len); /* write remaining length */;

	writeInt(&ptr, packetid);

	for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
		writeMQTTString(&ptr, topicFilters[i]);

	rc = ptr - buf;
	return rc;
예제 #2
  * Serializes the supplied subscribe data into the supplied buffer, ready for sending
  * @param buf the buffer into which the packet will be serialized
  * @param buflen the length in bytes of the supplied bufferr
  * @param dup integer - the MQTT dup flag
  * @param packetid integer - the MQTT packet identifier
  * @param count - number of members in the topicFilters and reqQos arrays
  * @param topicFilters - array of topic filter names
  * @param requestedQoSs - array of requested QoS
  * @return the length of the serialized data.  <= 0 indicates error
int MQTTSerialize_subscribe(unsigned char* buf, int buflen, unsigned char dup, unsigned short packetid, int count,
		MQTTString topicFilters[], int requestedQoSs[])
	unsigned char *ptr = buf;
	MQTTHeader header = {0};
	int rem_len = 0;
	int rc = 0;
	int i = 0;

	if (MQTTPacket_len(rem_len = MQTTSerialize_subscribeLength(count, topicFilters)) > buflen)
		goto exit;

	header.byte = 0;
	header.bits.type = SUBSCRIBE;
	header.bits.dup = dup;
	header.bits.qos = 1;
	writeChar(&ptr, header.byte); /* write header */

	ptr += MQTTPacket_encode(ptr, rem_len); /* write remaining length */;

	writeInt(&ptr, packetid);

	for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
		writeMQTTString(&ptr, topicFilters[i]);
		writeChar(&ptr, requestedQoSs[i]);

	rc = ptr - buf;
	return rc;
  * Serializes the supplied publish data into the supplied buffer, ready for sending
  * @param buf the buffer into which the packet will be serialized
  * @param buflen the length in bytes of the supplied buffer
  * @param dup integer - the MQTT dup flag
  * @param qos integer - the MQTT QoS value
  * @param retained integer - the MQTT retained flag
  * @param packetid integer - the MQTT packet identifier
  * @param topicName MQTTString - the MQTT topic in the publish
  * @param payload byte buffer - the MQTT publish payload
  * @param payloadlen integer - the length of the MQTT payload
  * @return the length of the serialized data.  <= 0 indicates error
int MQTTSerialize_publish(unsigned char* buf, int buflen, unsigned char dup, int qos, unsigned char retained, uint64_t packetid,
		MQTTString topicName, unsigned char* payload, int payloadlen)
	unsigned char *ptr = buf;
	MQTTHeader header = {0};
	int rem_len = 0;
	int rc = 0;

	if (MQTTPacket_len(rem_len = MQTTSerialize_publishLength(qos, topicName, payloadlen)) > buflen)
		goto exit;

	header.bits.type = PUBLISH;
	header.bits.dup = dup;
	header.bits.qos = qos;
	header.bits.retain = retained;
	writeChar(&ptr, header.byte); /* write header */

	ptr += MQTTPacket_encode(ptr, rem_len); /* write remaining length */;

	writeMQTTString(&ptr, topicName);

	if (qos > 0)
		writeInt64(&ptr, packetid);

	memcpy(ptr, payload, payloadlen);
	ptr += payloadlen;

	rc = ptr - buf;

	return rc;
  * Serializes the connect options into the buffer.
  * @param buf the buffer into which the packet will be serialized
  * @param len the length in bytes of the supplied buffer
  * @param options the options to be used to build the connect packet
  * @return serialized length, or error if 0
int MQTTSerialize_connect(unsigned char* buf, int buflen, MQTTPacket_connectData* options)
	unsigned char *ptr = buf;
	MQTTHeader header = {0};
	MQTTConnectFlags flags = {0};
	int len = 0;
	int rc = -1;

	if (MQTTPacket_len(len = MQTTSerialize_connectLength(options)) > buflen)
		goto exit;

	header.byte = 0;
	header.bits.type = CONNECT;
	writeChar(&ptr, header.byte); /* write header */

	ptr += MQTTPacket_encode(ptr, len); /* write remaining length */

	if (options->MQTTVersion == 4)
		writeCString(&ptr, "MQTT");
		writeChar(&ptr, (char) 4);
		writeCString(&ptr, "MQIsdp");
		writeChar(&ptr, (char) 3);

	flags.all = 0;
	flags.bits.cleansession = options->cleansession;
	flags.bits.will = (options->willFlag) ? 1 : 0;
	if (flags.bits.will)
		flags.bits.willQoS = options->will.qos;
		flags.bits.willRetain = options->will.retained;

	if (options->username.cstring || options->username.lenstring.data)
		flags.bits.username = 1;
	if (options->password.cstring || options->password.lenstring.data)
		flags.bits.password = 1;

	writeChar(&ptr, flags.all);
	writeInt(&ptr, options->keepAliveInterval);
	writeMQTTString(&ptr, options->clientID);
	if (options->willFlag)
		writeMQTTString(&ptr, options->will.topicName);
		writeMQTTString(&ptr, options->will.message);
	if (flags.bits.username)
		writeMQTTString(&ptr, options->username);
	if (flags.bits.password)
		writeMQTTString(&ptr, options->password);

	rc = ptr - buf;

	exit: FUNC_EXIT_RC(rc);
	return rc;