int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   char* publisher_name;
   int i, sampleIndex, nb_iteration;
   c_bool isStoppingSubscriber;
   float price;
   char* geTicker = "GE";
   int geTickerLength = strlen(geTicker);
   char* msftTicker = "MSFT";
   int msftTickerLength = strlen(msftTicker);
   os_time os_delay100 = { 0, 100000000 };
   os_time os_delay2000 =  { 2, 0 };

   DDS_Publisher QueryConditionDataPublisher;
   DDS_DataWriter QueryConditionDataDataWriter;
   QueryConditionData_Stock* geStockSample;
   QueryConditionData_Stock* msftStockSample;
   DDS_InstanceHandle_t geInstanceHandle;
   DDS_InstanceHandle_t msftInstancetHandle;

   createParticipant("QueryCondition example");

   // Register Stock Topic's type in the DDS Domain.
   g_StockTypeSupport = (DDS_TypeSupport) QueryConditionData_StockTypeSupport__alloc();
   checkHandle(g_StockTypeSupport, "QueryConditionData_StockTypeSupport__alloc");
   // Create Stock Topic in the DDS Domain.
   g_StockTypeName = (char*) QueryConditionData_StockTypeSupport_get_type_name(g_StockTypeSupport);
   g_StockTopic = createTopic("StockTrackerExclusive", g_StockTypeName);

   // Create the Publisher's in the DDS Domain.
   QueryConditionDataPublisher = createPublisher();

   // Request a Writer from the the Publisher.
   QueryConditionDataDataWriter = createDataWriter(QueryConditionDataPublisher, g_StockTopic, FALSE);

   // Publish a Stock Sample reflecting the state of the Msg DataWriter.
   geStockSample = QueryConditionData_Stock__alloc();
   msftStockSample = QueryConditionData_Stock__alloc();

   msftStockSample->ticker = DDS_string_alloc(msftTickerLength);
   snprintf(msftStockSample->ticker, msftTickerLength + 1, "%s", msftTicker);
   msftStockSample->price = 12.00f;

   geStockSample->ticker = DDS_string_alloc(geTickerLength);
   snprintf(geStockSample->ticker, geTickerLength + 1, "%s", geTicker);
   geStockSample->price = 25.00f;

   geInstanceHandle = QueryConditionData_StockDataWriter_register_instance(QueryConditionDataDataWriter, geStockSample);
   msftInstancetHandle = QueryConditionData_StockDataWriter_register_instance(QueryConditionDataDataWriter, msftStockSample);   

   nb_iteration = 20;
   // The subscriber should display the prices sent by the publisher with the highest ownership strength
   for( sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < nb_iteration ; ++sampleIndex )
      printf("GE : %.1f MSFT : %.1f\n", geStockSample->price, msftStockSample->price);
      writeStockSample(QueryConditionDataDataWriter, geInstanceHandle, geStockSample);
      writeStockSample(QueryConditionDataDataWriter, msftInstancetHandle, msftStockSample);
      geStockSample->price += 0.5;
      msftStockSample->price += 1.5;


   // This special price gives the end signal to the Subscriber:
   // signal to terminate
   geStockSample->price =  -1.0f;
   msftStockSample->price =  -1.0f;
   writeStockSample(QueryConditionDataDataWriter, geInstanceHandle, geStockSample);
   writeStockSample(QueryConditionDataDataWriter, msftInstancetHandle, msftStockSample);

   // This to make sure the Subscriber will get all the Samples.
   printf("Market Closed");

   QueryConditionData_StockDataWriter_unregister_instance (QueryConditionDataDataWriter, geStockSample, geInstanceHandle);
   QueryConditionData_StockDataWriter_unregister_instance (QueryConditionDataDataWriter, msftStockSample, msftInstancetHandle);

   // Cleanup DDS from the created Entities.
   deleteDataWriter(QueryConditionDataPublisher, QueryConditionDataDataWriter);

   // Cleanup C allocations,
   // recursively freeing the allocated structures and sequences using the OpenSplice API.

   // Print out an empty line, just to let behind a clean new line for the shell..
   return 0;
예제 #2
int OSPL_MAIN (int argc, char *argv[])
   char* publisher_name;
   int i, sampleIndex, ownership_strength, nb_iteration;
   c_bool isStoppingSubscriber;
   float price;
   os_time os_delay200 = { 0, 200000000 };
   os_time os_delay2000 = { 2, 0 };

   DDS_Publisher OwnershipDataPublisher;
   DDS_DataWriter OwnershipDataDataWriter;
   OwnershipData_Stock* OwnershipDataSample;
   DDS_InstanceHandle_t userHandle;
   const char ticker [] = "MSFT";
   DDS_unsigned_long stringLength = sizeof(ticker) - 1;

   // usage : Publisher.exe <publisher_name> <ownership_strength> <nb_iterations>
   if( argc < 5 )
   printf("\n\n Starting OwnershipDataPublisher...");
   printf("\n\n Parameters are:");
   for( i = 1; i < argc ; ++i )
      printf("\n %d: %s", i, argv[i]);

   publisher_name = argv[1];
   ownership_strength = atoi(argv[2]);
   nb_iteration = atoi(argv[3]);
   isStoppingSubscriber =  argv[4][0] == '1' ? TRUE : FALSE;

   createParticipant("Ownership example");

   // Register Stock Topic's type in the DDS Domain.
   g_StockTypeSupport = (DDS_TypeSupport) OwnershipData_StockTypeSupport__alloc();
   checkHandle(g_StockTypeSupport, "OwnershipData_StockTypeSupport__alloc");
   // Create Stock Topic in the DDS Domain.
   g_StockTypeName = OwnershipData_StockTypeSupport_get_type_name(g_StockTypeSupport);
   g_StockTopic = createTopic("StockTrackerExclusive", g_StockTypeName);

   // Create the Publisher's in the DDS Domain.
   OwnershipDataPublisher = createPublisher();

   // Request a Writer from the the Publisher.
   OwnershipDataDataWriter = createDataWriter(OwnershipDataPublisher, g_StockTopic, FALSE, ownership_strength);

   // Publish a Stock Sample reflecting the state of the Msg DataWriter.
   OwnershipDataSample = OwnershipData_Stock__alloc();

   OwnershipDataSample->ticker = DDS_string_alloc(stringLength);
   snprintf(OwnershipDataSample->ticker, stringLength + 1, "%s", ticker);
   OwnershipDataSample->price = 0.0;
   OwnershipDataSample->publisher = DDS_string_dup(publisher_name);
   OwnershipDataSample->strength = ownership_strength;

   userHandle = OwnershipData_StockDataWriter_register_instance(OwnershipDataDataWriter, OwnershipDataSample);

   //Publisher publishes the prices in dollars
   printf("\n=== [Publisher] Publisher %d with strength : ", ownership_strength);
   printf("\n / sending %d prices...", nb_iteration);
   // The subscriber should display the prices sent by the publisher with the highest ownership strength
   price = 10.0f;
   for( sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < nb_iteration ; ++sampleIndex )
      OwnershipDataSample->price = price;
      writeStockSample(OwnershipDataDataWriter, userHandle, OwnershipDataSample);
      price = price + 0.5f;
   if( isStoppingSubscriber == TRUE )
      // This special price gives the end signal to the Subscriber:
      OwnershipDataSample->price =  (DDS_float) -1.0f;
      writeStockSample(OwnershipDataDataWriter, userHandle, OwnershipDataSample);
   // This to make sure the Subscriber will get all the Samples.

   OwnershipData_StockDataWriter_unregister_instance (OwnershipDataDataWriter, OwnershipDataSample, userHandle);

   // Cleanup DDS from the created Entities.
   deleteDataWriter(OwnershipDataPublisher, OwnershipDataDataWriter);

   // Cleanup C allocations,
   // recursively freeing the allocated structures and sequences using the OpenSplice API.

   // Print out an empty line, just to let behind a clean new line for the shell..
   return 0;