예제 #1
void update_dev_file(){
    write_axis(0, x);
    write_axis(1, y);
    write_axis(2, z);
    write_axis(3, pitch);
    write_axis(4, roll);
    write_axis(5, yaw);
static fitsfile* create_fits_file(const char* filename, int precision,
        int width, int height, int num_times, int num_channels,
        double centre_deg[2], double fov_deg[2], double start_time_mjd,
        double delta_time_sec, double start_freq_hz, double delta_freq_hz,
        int horizon_mode, const char* settings_log, size_t settings_log_length,
        int* status)
    int imagetype;
    long naxes[4], naxes_dummy[4] = {1l, 1l, 1l, 1l};
    double delta;
    const double deg2rad = M_PI / 180.0;
    const double rad2deg = 180.0 / M_PI;
    fitsfile* f = 0;
    const char* line;
    size_t length;
    if (*status) return 0;

    /* Create a new FITS file and write the image headers. */
    if (oskar_file_exists(filename)) remove(filename);
    imagetype = (precision == OSKAR_DOUBLE ? DOUBLE_IMG : FLOAT_IMG);
    naxes[0]  = width;
    naxes[1]  = height;
    naxes[2]  = num_channels;
    naxes[3]  = num_times;
    fits_create_file(&f, filename, status);
    fits_create_img(f, imagetype, 4, naxes_dummy, status);
    fits_write_date(f, status);
    fits_write_key_str(f, "TELESCOP", "OSKAR " OSKAR_VERSION_STR, 0, status);

    /* Write axis headers. */
    if (horizon_mode)
        delta = oskar_convert_fov_to_cellsize(M_PI, width);
        write_axis(f, 1, "-----SIN", "Azimuthal angle",
                0.0, -delta * rad2deg, (width + 1) / 2.0, status);
        delta = oskar_convert_fov_to_cellsize(M_PI, height);
        write_axis(f, 2, "-----SIN", "Elevation",
                90.0, delta * rad2deg, (height + 1) / 2.0, status);
        delta = oskar_convert_fov_to_cellsize(fov_deg[0] * deg2rad, width);
        write_axis(f, 1, "RA---SIN", "Right Ascension",
                centre_deg[0], -delta * rad2deg, (width + 1) / 2.0, status);
        delta = oskar_convert_fov_to_cellsize(fov_deg[1] * deg2rad, height);
        write_axis(f, 2, "DEC--SIN", "Declination",
                centre_deg[1], delta * rad2deg, (height + 1) / 2.0, status);
    write_axis(f, 3, "FREQ", "Frequency",
            start_freq_hz, delta_freq_hz, 1.0, status);
    write_axis(f, 4, "UTC", "Time",
            start_time_mjd * 86400.0, delta_time_sec, 1.0, status);

    /* Write other headers. */
    fits_write_key_str(f, "TIMESYS", "UTC", NULL, status);
    fits_write_key_str(f, "TIMEUNIT", "s", "Time axis units", status);
    fits_write_key_dbl(f, "MJD-OBS", start_time_mjd, 10, "Start time", status);
    if (!horizon_mode)
        fits_write_key_dbl(f, "OBSRA", centre_deg[0], 10, "RA", status);
        fits_write_key_dbl(f, "OBSDEC", centre_deg[1], 10, "DEC", status);

    /* Write the settings log up to this point as HISTORY comments. */
    line = settings_log;
    length = settings_log_length;
    for (; settings_log_length > 0;)
        const char* eol;
        fits_write_history(f, line, status);
        eol = (const char*) memchr(line, '\0', length);
        if (!eol) break;
        eol += 1;
        length -= (eol - line);
        line = eol;

    /* Update header keywords with the correct axis lengths.
     * Needs to be done here because CFITSIO doesn't let us write only the
     * file header with the correct axis lengths to start with. This trick
     * allows us to create a small dummy image block to write only the headers,
     * and not waste effort moving a huge block of zeros within the file. */
    fits_update_key_lng(f, "NAXIS1", naxes[0], 0, status);
    fits_update_key_lng(f, "NAXIS2", naxes[1], 0, status);
    fits_update_key_lng(f, "NAXIS3", naxes[2], 0, status);
    fits_update_key_lng(f, "NAXIS4", naxes[3], 0, status);

    return f;