// A helper method to set settings from command line void settings_store_setting(int parameter, double value) { switch(parameter) { case 0: case 1: case 2: // X, Y, Z if (value <= 0.0) { printPgmString(PSTR("Steps/mm must be > 0.0\r\n")); return; } settings.steps_per_mm[parameter] = value; break; case 3 : // axe T : linear -> U or V or W, rotary -> A or B or C if (value <= 0.0) { #if AXIS_T_TYPE == LINEAR printPgmString(PSTR("Steps/mm must be > 0.0\r\n")); #else printPgmString(PSTR("Steps/degree must be > 0.0\r\n")); #endif return; } #if AXIS_T_TYPE == LINEAR settings.steps_per_mm[parameter] = value; #else settings.steps_per_degree[parameter] = value; #endif break; case 4: if (value < 3) { printPgmString(PSTR("Step pulse must be >= 3 microseconds\r\n")); return; } settings.pulse_microseconds = round(value); break; case 5: settings.default_feed_rate = value; break; case 6: settings.default_seek_rate = value; break; case 7: settings.mm_per_arc_segment = value; break; case 8: settings.invert_mask_stepdir = trunc(value); break; case 9: settings.invert_mask_limit = trunc(value); break; case 10: settings.acceleration = value*60*60; break; // Convert to mm/min^2 for grbl internal use. case 11: settings.junction_deviation = fabs(value); break; case 12: settings.spindle_pwm = value; break; case 13: settings.default_spindle = value; break; case 14: settings.max_spindle = value; break; case 1000: value ? st_enable(): st_disable(); if (!value) { coolant_stop(); spindle_stop(); } return; break; default: printPgmString(PSTR("Unknown parameter\r\n")); return; } write_settings(); printPgmString(PSTR("Stored new setting\r\n")); }
PngyuMainWindow::~PngyuMainWindow() { write_settings(); delete ui; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Name: ~Configuration // Desc: destructor //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Configuration::~Configuration() { write_settings(); }
int updatebin(int idx, char *par, int secs) { if (!par || !par[0]) { logidx(idx, "Not enough parameters."); return 1; } size_t path_siz = strlen(binname) + strlen(par) + 2; char *path = (char *) my_calloc(1, path_siz); char *newbin = NULL, buf[DIRMAX] = ""; const char* argv[5]; int i; strlcpy(path, binname, path_siz); newbin = strrchr(path, '/'); if (!newbin) { free(path); logidx(idx, STR("Don't know current binary name")); return 1; } newbin++; if (strchr(par, '/')) { *newbin = 0; logidx(idx, STR("New binary must be in %s and name must be specified without path information"), path); free(path); return 1; } strcpy(newbin, par); if (!strcmp(path, binname)) { free(path); logidx(idx, STR("Can't update with the current binary")); return 1; } if (!can_stat(path)) { logidx(idx, STR("%s can't be accessed"), path); free(path); return 1; } if (fixmod(path)) { logidx(idx, STR("Can't set mode 0600 on %s"), path); free(path); return 1; } /* Check if the new binary is compatible */ int initialized_code = check_bin_initialized(path); if (initialized_code == 2) { logidx(idx, STR("New binary is corrupted or the wrong architecture/operating system.")); free(path); return 1; } else if (initialized_code == 1 && !check_bin_compat(path)) { logidx(idx, STR("New binary must be initialized as pack structure has been changed in new version.")); free(path); return 1; } /* make a backup just in case. */ simple_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), STR("%s/.bin.old"), conf.datadir); copyfile(binname, buf); write_settings(path, -1, 0, initialized_code ? 0 : 1); /* re-write the binary with our packdata */ Tempfile *conffile = new Tempfile("conf"); if (writeconf(NULL, conffile->fd, CONF_ENC)) { logidx(idx, STR("Failed to write temporary config file for update.")); delete conffile; return 1; } /* The binary should return '2' when ran with -2, if not it's probably corrupt. */ putlog(LOG_DEBUG, "*", STR("Running for update binary test: %s -2"), path); argv[0] = path; argv[1] = "-2"; argv[2] = 0; i = simple_exec(argv); if (i == -1 || WEXITSTATUS(i) != 2) { logidx(idx, STR("Couldn't restart new binary (error %d)"), i); delete conffile; return i; } /* now to send our config to the new binary */ putlog(LOG_DEBUG, "*", STR("Running for update conf: %s -4 %s"), path, conffile->file); argv[0] = path; argv[1] = "-4"; argv[2] = conffile->file; argv[3] = 0; i = simple_exec(argv); delete conffile; if (i == -1 || WEXITSTATUS(i) != 6) { /* 6 for successfull config read/write */ logidx(idx, STR("Couldn't pass config to new binary (error %d)"), i); return i; } if (movefile(path, binname)) { logidx(idx, STR("Can't rename %s to %s"), path, binname); free(path); return 1; } if (updating == UPDATE_EXIT) { /* dont restart/kill/spawn bots, just die ! */ printf(STR("* Moved binary to: %s\n"), binname); fatal(STR("Binary updated."), 0); } if (updating == UPDATE_AUTO) { /* Make all other bots do a soft restart */ conf_checkpids(conf.bots); conf_killbot(conf.bots, NULL, NULL, SIGHUP); if (conf.bot->pid) kill(conf.bot->pid, SIGHUP); exit(0); } if (!conf.bot->hub && secs > 0) { /* Make all other bots do a soft restart */ conf_checkpids(conf.bots); conf_killbot(conf.bots, NULL, NULL, SIGHUP); /* invoked with -u */ if (updating == UPDATE_AUTO) { if (conf.bot->pid) kill(conf.bot->pid, SIGHUP); exit(0); } /* this odd statement makes it so specifying 1 sec will restart other bots running * and then just restart with no delay */ updating = UPDATE_AUTO; if (secs > 1) { egg_timeval_t howlong; howlong.sec = secs; howlong.usec = 0; timer_create_complex(&howlong, STR("restarting for update"), (Function) restart, (void *) (long) idx, 0); } else restart(idx); return 0; } else restart(idx); /* no timer */ /* this should never be reached */ return 2; }
gint yad_print_run (void) { GtkWidget *dlg; GtkWidget *box, *img, *lbl; gchar *uri, *job_name = NULL; GtkPrintCapabilities pcap; GtkPrintOperationAction act = GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PRINT; gint resp, ret = 0; GError *err = NULL; /* check if file is exists */ if (options.common_data.uri && options.common_data.uri[0]) { if (!g_file_test (options.common_data.uri, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { g_printerr (_("File %s not found.\n"), options.common_data.uri); return 1; } } else { g_printerr (_("Filename is not specified.\n")); return 1; } /* create print dialog */ dlg = gtk_print_unix_dialog_new (options.data.dialog_title, NULL); gtk_window_set_type_hint (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL); gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_embed_page_setup (GTK_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG (dlg), TRUE); pcap = GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_PAGE_SET | GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_COPIES | GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_COLLATE | GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_REVERSE | GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_NUMBER_UP | GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_NUMBER_UP_LAYOUT; if (options.common_data.preview && options.print_data.type != YAD_PRINT_RAW) pcap |= GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_PREVIEW; gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_manual_capabilities (GTK_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG (dlg), pcap); if (!settings.print_settings) settings.print_settings = gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_settings (GTK_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG (dlg)); uri = g_build_filename (g_get_current_dir (), "yad.pdf", NULL); gtk_print_settings_set (settings.print_settings, "output-uri", g_filename_to_uri (uri, NULL, NULL)); g_free (uri); gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_settings (GTK_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG (dlg), settings.print_settings); if (settings.page_setup) gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_page_setup (GTK_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG (dlg), settings.page_setup); /* set window behavior */ gtk_widget_set_name (dlg, "yad-dialog-window"); if (options.data.sticky) gtk_window_stick (GTK_WINDOW (dlg)); gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), !options.data.fixed); gtk_window_set_keep_above (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), options.data.ontop); gtk_window_set_decorated (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), !options.data.undecorated); gtk_window_set_skip_taskbar_hint (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), options.data.skip_taskbar); gtk_window_set_skip_pager_hint (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), options.data.skip_taskbar); /* set window size and position */ if (!options.data.geometry) { gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), options.data.width, options.data.height); if (options.data.center) gtk_window_set_position (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER); else if (options.data.mouse) gtk_window_set_position (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), GTK_WIN_POS_MOUSE); } else { /* parse geometry, if given. must be after showing widget */ gtk_widget_realize (dlg); gtk_window_parse_geometry (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), options.data.geometry); } /* create yad's top box */ if (options.data.dialog_text || options.data.dialog_image) { #if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) box = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0); #else box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); #endif if (options.data.dialog_image) { GdkPixbuf *pb = NULL; pb = get_pixbuf (options.data.dialog_image, YAD_BIG_ICON); img = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf (pb); if (pb) g_object_unref (pb); gtk_widget_set_name (img, "yad-dialog-image"); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), img, FALSE, FALSE, 2); } if (options.data.dialog_text) { gchar *buf = g_strcompress (options.data.dialog_text); lbl = gtk_label_new (NULL); if (!options.data.no_markup) gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (lbl), buf); else gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (lbl), buf); gtk_widget_set_name (lbl, "yad-dialog-label"); gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (lbl), options.data.selectable_labels); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (lbl), options.data.text_align, 0.5); if (options.data.geometry || options.data.width != -1) gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (lbl), TRUE); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), lbl, TRUE, TRUE, 2); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (lbl), "size-allocate", G_CALLBACK (size_allocate_cb), NULL); g_free (buf); } /* add tob box to dialog */ gtk_widget_show_all (box); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dlg))), box, TRUE, TRUE, 5); gtk_box_reorder_child (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dlg))), box, 0); } do { resp = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dlg)); switch (resp) { case GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY: /* ask for preview */ act = GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PREVIEW; case GTK_RESPONSE_OK: /* run print */ settings.print_settings = gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_settings (GTK_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG (dlg)); settings.page_setup = gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_page_setup (GTK_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG (dlg)); job_name = g_strdup_printf ("yad-%s-%d", g_path_get_basename (options.common_data.uri), getpid ()); if (options.print_data.type != YAD_PRINT_RAW) { /* print text or image */ GtkPrintOperation *op = gtk_print_operation_new (); gtk_print_operation_set_unit (op, GTK_UNIT_POINTS); gtk_print_operation_set_print_settings (op, settings.print_settings); gtk_print_operation_set_default_page_setup (op, settings.page_setup); gtk_print_operation_set_job_name (op, job_name); switch (options.print_data.type) { case YAD_PRINT_TEXT: g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (op), "begin-print", G_CALLBACK (begin_print_text), NULL); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (op), "draw-page", G_CALLBACK (draw_page_text), NULL); break; case YAD_PRINT_IMAGE: gtk_print_operation_set_n_pages (op, 1); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (op), "draw-page", G_CALLBACK (draw_page_image), NULL); break; default:; } if (gtk_print_operation_run (op, act, NULL, &err) == GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_RESULT_ERROR) { g_printerr (_("Printing failed: %s\n"), err->message); ret = 1; } } else { /* print raw ps or pdf data */ GtkPrinter *prnt; GtkPrintJob *job; prnt = gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_selected_printer (GTK_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG (dlg)); if (g_str_has_suffix (options.common_data.uri, ".ps")) { if (!gtk_printer_accepts_ps (prnt)) { g_printerr (_("Printer doesn't support ps format.\n")); ret = 1; } } else if (g_str_has_suffix (options.common_data.uri, ".pdf")) { if (!gtk_printer_accepts_pdf (prnt)) { g_printerr (_("Printer doesn't support pdf format.\n")); ret = 1; } } else { g_printerr (_("This file type is not supported for raw printing.\n")); ret = 1; } if (ret == 1) break; job = gtk_print_job_new (job_name, prnt, settings.print_settings, settings.page_setup); if (gtk_print_job_set_source_file (job, options.common_data.uri, &err)) { gtk_print_job_send (job, (GtkPrintJobCompleteFunc) raw_print_done, &ret, NULL); gtk_main (); } else { g_printerr (_("Load source file failed: %s\n"), err->message); ret = 1; } } break; default: ret = 1; break; } } while (resp == GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY); gtk_widget_destroy (dlg); write_settings (); return ret; }
void report_designer_desc::finalize() throw(ch_unknown_exc, ch_module_exc) { write_settings(); }
void data_integration_desc::finalize() throw(ch_unknown_exc, ch_module_exc) { write_settings(); }
void Main_GUI::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) { write_settings(); event->accept(); }
/** * Change the enabled state of a suite. * * @param suiteId ID of the suite * @param enabled true if the suite is be enabled * * @return an error code (ALL_OK if no errors) */ static MIDPError change_enabled_state(SuiteIdType suiteId, jboolean enabled) { char* pszError; MIDPError status; jbyte* pPermissions; int numberOfPermissions; jbyte pushInterrupt; jint pushOptions; jboolean temp; lockStorageList* node; MidletSuiteData* pData; /* * This is a public API which can be called without the VM running * so we need automatically init anything needed, to make the * caller's code less complex. * * Initialization is performed in steps so that we do use any * extra resources such as the VM for the operation being performed. */ if (midpInit(LIST_LEVEL) != 0) { return OUT_OF_MEMORY; } status = midp_suite_exists(suiteId); if ((status != ALL_OK) && (status != SUITE_CORRUPTED_ERROR)) { return status; } node = find_storage_lock(suiteId); if (node != NULL) { if (node->update == KNI_TRUE) { /* Suite is being updated currently. */ return SUITE_LOCKED; } } status = read_settings(&pszError, suiteId, &temp, &pushInterrupt, &pushOptions, &pPermissions, &numberOfPermissions); if (status != ALL_OK) { storageFreeError(pszError); return status; } status = begin_transaction(TRANSACTION_ENABLE_SUITE, suiteId, NULL); if (status != ALL_OK) { return status; } status = write_settings(&pszError, suiteId, enabled, pushInterrupt, pushOptions, pPermissions, numberOfPermissions, NULL); pcsl_mem_free(pPermissions); if (status != ALL_OK) { storageFreeError(pszError); /* nothing was written, so nothing to rollback, just finish */ (void)finish_transaction(); return status; } /* synchronize the settings in the list of MidletSuiteData structures */ pData = get_suite_data(suiteId); /* * We can assert that pData is not NULL because midp_suite_exists() * was called above to ensure that the suite with the given ID exists. */ if (pData != NULL) { int status; char* pszError; pData->isEnabled = enabled; /* IMPL_NOTE: these settings must be cached and saved on AMS exit. */ status = write_suites_data(&pszError); storageFreeError(pszError); if (status != ALL_OK) { (void)rollback_transaction(); return IO_ERROR; } } (void)finish_transaction(); return ALL_OK; }
// Update loop void menu::update(){ //Menu animations if( animation_pos < 100 && !startClicked) animation_pos += 4; if( animation_pos > 0 && startClicked) animation_pos -= 4; // Start the game if( startClicked && animation_pos <= 0) set_next_state( STATE_GAME); // Open submenu or start game if( mini_screen == MINISTATE_MENU){ // Start game with controller if( joystickListener::buttonPressed[JOY_XBOX_START] || joystickListener::buttonPressed[JOY_XBOX_A]){ startClicked = true; } // Buttons if( mouseListener::mouse_pressed & 1){ // Start game if( collision( mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_x, 40, 40 + al_get_bitmap_width(start), mouseListener::mouse_y, mouseListener::mouse_y, 410, 410 + al_get_bitmap_height(start))){ startClicked = true; } // Scores else if( collision( mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_x, 660, 660 + al_get_bitmap_width(highscores_button), mouseListener::mouse_y, mouseListener::mouse_y, 30, 30 + al_get_bitmap_height(highscores_button))){ updateScores( scores); mini_screen = MINISTATE_SCORES; } // Credits menu else if( collision( mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_x, 542, 644, mouseListener::mouse_y, mouseListener::mouse_y, 548, 600)){ mini_screen = MINISTATE_CREDITS; } // Controls menu else if( collision( mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_x, 644, 696, mouseListener::mouse_y, mouseListener::mouse_y, 548 ,600)){ mini_screen = MINISTATE_CONTROLS; } // Help screen else if( collision( mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_x, 696, 749, mouseListener::mouse_y, mouseListener::mouse_y, 548, 600)){ mini_screen = MINISTATE_TUTORIAL; } // Options menu else if( collision( mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_x, 749, 800, mouseListener::mouse_y, mouseListener::mouse_y, 548, 600)){ mini_screen = MINISTATE_OPTIONS; } } } // Exit menus else if( mini_screen == MINISTATE_TUTORIAL || mini_screen == MINISTATE_CREDITS || mini_screen == MINISTATE_CONTROLS || mini_screen == MINISTATE_SCORES ){ if( keyListener::lastKeyPressed != -1 || mouseListener::mouse_pressed & 1 || joystickListener::lastButtonPressed != -1){ mini_screen = MINISTATE_MENU; draw(); } } // Options else if( mini_screen == MINISTATE_OPTIONS && mouseListener::mouse_pressed & 1){ // Particles toggle if( collision( 280, 360, mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_x, 400, 480, mouseListener::mouse_y, mouseListener::mouse_y)){ settings[SETTING_PARTICLE_TYPE] = (settings[SETTING_PARTICLE_TYPE] + 1) % 4; } // Sound button toggle else if( collision( 120, 200, mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_x, 180, 260, mouseListener::mouse_y, mouseListener::mouse_y)){ settings[SETTING_SOUND] = (settings[SETTING_SOUND] + 1) % 2; } // Music button toggle else if( collision( 280, 360, mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_x, 180, 260, mouseListener::mouse_y, mouseListener::mouse_y)){ settings[SETTING_MUSIC] = (settings[SETTING_MUSIC] + 1) % 2; if( settings[SETTING_MUSIC] == 0) al_stop_sample( ¤tMusic); else al_play_sample( music_mainmenu, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, ALLEGRO_PLAYMODE_ONCE, ¤tMusic); } // Fullscreen toggle else if( collision( 120, 200, mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_x, 400, 480, mouseListener::mouse_y, mouseListener::mouse_y)){ settings[SETTING_FULLSCREEN] = (settings[SETTING_FULLSCREEN] + 1) % 2; if( settings[SETTING_FULLSCREEN]){ // Fullscreen stuff al_destroy_display( display); al_set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW); display = al_create_display( SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_MODE disp_data; al_get_display_mode(al_get_num_display_modes() - 1, &disp_data); float sx = disp_data.width / (float)SCREEN_W; float sy = disp_data.height / (float)SCREEN_H; ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM trans; al_identity_transform(&trans); al_scale_transform(&trans, sx, sy); al_use_transform(&trans); al_hide_mouse_cursor( display); } else{ al_destroy_display( display); al_set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_WINDOWED); display = al_create_display( SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); al_hide_mouse_cursor( display); } } //Screen shake else if( collision( 280, 360, mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_x, 290, 370, mouseListener::mouse_y, mouseListener::mouse_y)){ settings[SETTING_SCREENSHAKE] = (settings[SETTING_SCREENSHAKE] + 1) % 4; } // Control Toggle else if( collision( 120, 200, mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_x, 290, 370, mouseListener::mouse_y, mouseListener::mouse_y)){ settings[SETTING_CONTROLMODE] = ((settings[SETTING_CONTROLMODE] + 1) % 3); } // Power off else if( collision( 540, 620, mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_x, 180, 260, mouseListener::mouse_y, mouseListener::mouse_y)){ write_settings(); set_next_state( STATE_EXIT); } // Exit menu else if( collision( 540, 620, mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_x, 407, 487, mouseListener::mouse_y, mouseListener::mouse_y)){ mini_screen = MINISTATE_MENU; write_settings(); } } // Update mouse particles if( settings[SETTING_PARTICLE_TYPE] != 3 && mouse_rocket_up){ for( int i = 0; i < 500; i++){ if( random( 1, 10) == 1){ ALLEGRO_COLOR part_color = al_map_rgb( 255, random(0,255), 0); if( settings[SETTING_CHRISTMAS]){ int red_or_green = random( 0, 1) * 255; part_color = al_map_rgb( red_or_green, 255 - red_or_green, 0); } particle newParticle( mouseListener::mouse_x, mouseListener::mouse_y + 16, part_color, random( -2, 2), random( 8, 20), 1, settings[SETTING_PARTICLE_TYPE]); mousePart.push_back( newParticle); } } } for( unsigned int i = 0; i < mousePart.size(); i++){ mousePart.at(i).logic(); if( random( 0, 10) == 0) mousePart.erase( mousePart.begin() + i); } // Close game if( keyListener::key[ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE]) set_next_state( STATE_EXIT); // Check if mouse is going up mouse_rocket_up = ( mouseListener::mouse_y < mouseMove); mouseMove = mouseListener::mouse_y; }