예제 #1
파일: test1.c 프로젝트: 0x1abin/LinuxLearn
int test10(struct Options options)
	int rc = 0;
	unsigned char buf[100];
	int buflen = sizeof(buf);
	unsigned short packetid = 255, packetid2 = 0;
	unsigned short topicid = 233, topicid2 = 0;
	unsigned char return_code = 127, return_code2 = 0;

	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test10\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 10 - serialization of regack and back");

	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_regack(buf, buflen, topicid, packetid, return_code);
	assert("good rc from serialize regack", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_regack(&topicid2, &packetid2, &return_code2, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize regack", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	assert("packetids should be the same", packetid == packetid2, "packetids were different %d\n", packetid2);
	assert("topicids should be the same", topicid == topicid2, "topicids were different %d\n", topicid2);
	assert("return codes should be the same", return_code == return_code2, "return_codes were different %d\n", return_code2);

/* exit: */
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST10: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #2
파일: test1.c 프로젝트: 0x1abin/LinuxLearn
int test11(struct Options options)
	int rc = 0;
	unsigned char buf[100];
	int buflen = sizeof(buf);
	unsigned char gatewayid = 255, gatewayid2 = 0;
	unsigned short duration = 3233, duration2 = 0;

	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test11\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 11 - serialization of advertise and back");

	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_advertise(buf, buflen, gatewayid, duration);
	assert("good rc from serialize advertise", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_advertise(&gatewayid2, &duration2, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize advertise", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	assert("gatewayids should be the same", gatewayid == gatewayid2, "gatewayids were different %d\n", gatewayid2);
	assert("return codes should be the same", duration == duration2, "return_codes were different %d\n", duration2);

/* exit: */
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST11: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #3
파일: test1.c 프로젝트: 0x1abin/LinuxLearn
int test12(struct Options options)
	int rc = 0;
	unsigned char buf[100];
	int buflen = sizeof(buf);
	unsigned char radius = 255, radius2 = 0;

	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test12\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 12 - serialization of searchgw and back");

	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_searchgw(buf, buflen, radius);
	assert("good rc from serialize searchgw", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_searchgw(&radius2, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize searchgw", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	assert("radiuss should be the same", radius == radius2, "radiuss were different %d\n", radius2);

/* exit: */
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST12: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #4
파일: test1.c 프로젝트: 0x1abin/LinuxLearn
int test13(struct Options options)
	int rc = 0;
	unsigned char buf[100];
	int buflen = sizeof(buf);
	unsigned char gatewayid = 255, gatewayid2 = 0;
	unsigned short gatewayaddress_len = 16, gatewayaddress_len2 = 0;
	unsigned char gatewayaddress[40] = "a gateway address", *gatewayaddress2 = NULL;

	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test11\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 13 - serialization of gwinfo and back");

	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_gwinfo(buf, buflen, gatewayid, gatewayaddress_len, gatewayaddress);
	assert("good rc from serialize gwinfo", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_gwinfo(&gatewayid2, &gatewayaddress_len2, &gatewayaddress2, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize gwinfo", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	assert("gatewayids should be the same", gatewayid == gatewayid2, "gatewayids were different %d\n", gatewayid2);
	assert("gateway lengths should be the same", gatewayaddress_len == gatewayaddress_len2, "gateway lengths were different %d\n", gatewayaddress_len2);
	assert("gateway addresses should be the same", memcmp(gatewayaddress, gatewayaddress2, gatewayaddress_len) == 0,
			"gateway addresses were different %.10s\n", gatewayaddress2);

/* exit: */
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST13: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #5
파일: test1.c 프로젝트: 0x1abin/LinuxLearn
int test6(struct Options options)
	int rc = 0;
	unsigned char buf[100];
	int buflen = sizeof(buf);

	int connack_rc = 77;

	int connack_rc2 = 0;

	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test6\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 6 - serialization of connack and back");

	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_connack(buf, buflen, connack_rc);
	assert("good rc from serialize connack", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_connack(&connack_rc2, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize connack", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	/* data after should be the same as data before */
	assert("connack rcs should be the same", connack_rc == connack_rc2, "connack rcs were different %d\n", connack_rc2);

/* exit: */
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST6: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #6

Test2c: Mutual SSL Authentication - Client does not have Server cert

int test2c(struct Options options)
	char* testname = "test2c";
	char* test_topic = "C client test2c";
	int subsqos = 2;
	MQTTClient c;
	MQTTClient_connectOptions opts = MQTTClient_connectOptions_initializer;
	MQTTClient_willOptions wopts = MQTTClient_willOptions_initializer;
	MQTTClient_SSLOptions sslopts = MQTTClient_SSLOptions_initializer;
	int rc = 0;

	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 2c - connection to SSL MQTT server, server auth enabled but unknown cert");
	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test3\" name=\"test 2c\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	rc = MQTTClient_create(&c, options.mutual_auth_connection, "test2c", MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_DEFAULT, persistenceStore);
	if (!(assert("good rc from create", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d\n", rc)))
		goto exit;

	opts.keepAliveInterval = 20;
	opts.cleansession = 1;
	opts.username = "******";
	opts.password = "******";
	if (options.haconnections != NULL)
		opts.serverURIs = options.haconnections;
		opts.serverURIcount = options.hacount;

	opts.ssl = &sslopts;
    	//if (options.server_key_file) 
	//	opts.ssl->trustStore = options.server_key_file; /*file of certificates trusted by client*/
	opts.ssl->keyStore = options.client_key_file;  /*file of certificate for client to present to server*/
	if (options.client_key_pass) 
		opts.ssl->privateKeyPassword = options.client_key_pass;
	if (options.client_private_key_file) 
		opts.ssl->privateKey = options.client_private_key_file;
	//opts.ssl->enabledCipherSuites = "DEFAULT";
	//opts.ssl->enabledServerCertAuth = 0;

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting");

	rc = MQTTClient_connect(c, &opts);
	if (!(assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTCLIENT_FAILURE, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "%s: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", testname, tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #7
파일: test4.c 프로젝트: i5ting/paho.mqtt.c

Test5: Connack return codes

int test5(struct Options options)
	int subsqos = 2;
	MQTTAsync c;
	MQTTAsync_connectOptions opts = MQTTAsync_connectOptions_initializer;
	MQTTAsync_willOptions wopts = MQTTAsync_willOptions_initializer;
	int rc = 0;
	char* test_topic = "C client test1";

	test_finished = failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 5 - connack return codes");
	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test4\" name=\"connack return codes\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	rc = MQTTAsync_create(&c, options.connection, "a clientid that is too long to be accepted",
	assert("good rc from create",  rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d\n", rc);
		goto exit;

	rc = MQTTAsync_setCallbacks(c, c, NULL, test1_messageArrived, NULL);
	assert("Good rc from setCallbacks", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);

	opts.onSuccess = test5_onConnect;
	opts.onFailure = test5_onConnectFailure;
	opts.context = c;

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting");
	rc = MQTTAsync_connect(c, &opts);
	rc = 0;
	assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);
		goto exit;

	while (!test_finished)
		#if defined(WIN32)


	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST5: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #8

Test1: SSL connection to non SSL MQTT server

int test1(struct Options options)
	char* testname = "test1";
	char* test_topic = "C client SSL test1";
	int subsqos = 2;
	MQTTClient c;
	MQTTClient_connectOptions opts = MQTTClient_connectOptions_initializer;
	MQTTClient_willOptions wopts = MQTTClient_willOptions_initializer;
	MQTTClient_SSLOptions sslopts = MQTTClient_SSLOptions_initializer;
	int rc = 0;

	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting SSL test 1 - connection to nonSSL MQTT server");
	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test3\" name=\"SSL connect fail to nonSSL MQTT server\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	rc = MQTTClient_create(&c, options.connection, "test1",	MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_DEFAULT, persistenceStore);
	if (!(assert("good rc from create", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d \n", rc)))
		goto exit;

	opts.keepAliveInterval = 20;
	opts.cleansession = 1;
	opts.username = "******";
	opts.password = "******";
	if (options.haconnections != NULL)
		opts.serverURIs = options.haconnections;
		opts.serverURIcount = options.hacount;

	opts.ssl = &sslopts;
	if (options.server_key_file != NULL) 
		opts.ssl->trustStore = options.server_key_file; /*file of certificates trusted by client*/

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting");

	rc = MQTTClient_connect(c, &opts);
	if (!(assert("Connect should fail", rc == MQTTCLIENT_FAILURE, "rc was %d ", rc)))
		goto exit;

	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "%s: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", testname, tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #9
파일: test1.c 프로젝트: 0x1abin/LinuxLearn
int test4(struct Options options)
	int rc = 0;
	unsigned char buf[100];
	size_t buflen = sizeof(buf);

	unsigned char dup = 0;
	unsigned short packetid = 23;
	MQTTSN_topicid topicFilter;
	int req_qos = 2;

	unsigned char dup2 = 1;
	unsigned short packetid2 = 2223;
	MQTTSN_topicid topicFilter2;
	int req_qos2 = 0;

	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test4\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 4 - serialization of subscribe and back");

	memset(&topicFilter, '\0', sizeof(topicFilter));
	memset(&topicFilter2, '\0', sizeof(topicFilter2));
	topicFilter.type = MQTTSN_TOPIC_TYPE_NORMAL;
	topicFilter.data.long_.name = "mytopic";
	topicFilter.data.long_.len = strlen(topicFilter.data.long_.name);
	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_subscribe(buf, buflen, dup, req_qos, packetid, &topicFilter);
	assert("good rc from serialize subscribe", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_subscribe(&dup2, &req_qos2, &packetid2, &topicFilter2, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize subscribe", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	/* data after should be the same as data before */
	assert("dups should be the same", dup == dup2, "dups were different %d\n", dup2);
	assert("msgids should be the same", packetid == packetid2, "packetids were different %d\n", packetid2);

	assert("topics should be the same",
					checkMQTTSNTopics(topicFilter, topicFilter2), "topics were different %s\n", "");
	assert("qoss should be the same", req_qos == req_qos2, "qoss were different %d\n", req_qos2);

	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST4: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #10
int test5a(struct Options options)
	char* testname = "test5a";
	char* test_topic = "C client SSL test5a";
	int subsqos = 2;
	MQTTClient c;
	MQTTClient_connectOptions opts = MQTTClient_connectOptions_initializer;
	MQTTClient_willOptions wopts = MQTTClient_willOptions_initializer;
	MQTTClient_SSLOptions sslopts = MQTTClient_SSLOptions_initializer;
	int rc = 0;

	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting SSL test 5a - Anonymous ciphers - server authentication disabled");
	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test3\" name=\"test 5a\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	rc = MQTTClient_create(&c, options.anon_connection, "test5a", MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_DEFAULT, persistenceStore);
	if (!(assert("good rc from create",	rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d\n", rc)))
		goto exit;

	opts.keepAliveInterval = 20;
	opts.cleansession = 1;
	opts.username = "******";
	opts.password = "******";
	if (options.haconnections != NULL)
		opts.serverURIs = options.haconnections;
		opts.serverURIcount = options.hacount;

	opts.ssl = &sslopts;
	opts.ssl->enabledCipherSuites = "aNULL";
	opts.ssl->enableServerCertAuth = 0;

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting");

	rc = MQTTClient_connect(c, &opts);
	if (!(assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;
	rc = MQTTClient_subscribe(c, test_topic, subsqos);
	if (!(assert("Good rc from subscribe", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	singleThread_sendAndReceive(c, 0, test_topic);
	singleThread_sendAndReceive(c, 1, test_topic);
	singleThread_sendAndReceive(c, 2, test_topic);

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Stopping\n");

	rc = MQTTClient_unsubscribe(c, test_topic);
	if (!(assert("Unsubscribe successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;
	rc = MQTTClient_disconnect(c, 0);
	if (!(assert("Disconnect successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	/* Just to make sure we can connect again */

	rc = MQTTClient_connect(c, &opts);
	if (!(assert("Connect successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;
	rc = MQTTClient_disconnect(c, 0);
	if (!(assert("Disconnect successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "%s: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", testname, tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #11
파일: test9.c 프로젝트: CJxD/paho.mqtt.c
int test3(struct Options options)
	char* testname = "test3";
	int subsqos = 2;
	MQTTAsync c, d;
	MQTTAsync_connectOptions opts = MQTTAsync_connectOptions_initializer;
	MQTTAsync_willOptions wopts = MQTTAsync_willOptions_initializer;
	MQTTAsync_createOptions createOptions = MQTTAsync_createOptions_initializer;
	int rc = 0;
	int count = 0;
	char clientidc[50];
	char clientidd[50];
	int i = 0;
	MQTTAsync_token *tokens;
	sprintf(willTopic, "paho-test9-3-%s", unique);
	sprintf(clientidc, "paho-test9-3-c-%s", unique);
	sprintf(clientidd, "paho-test9-3-d-%s", unique);
	sprintf(test_topic, "paho-test9-3-test topic %s", unique);

	test3Finished = 0;
	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting Offline buffering 3 - messages while disconnected");
	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test3\" name=\"%s\"", testname);
	global_start_time = start_clock();

	createOptions.sendWhileDisconnected = 1;
	rc = MQTTAsync_createWithOptions(&c, options.proxy_connection, clientidc, MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_DEFAULT, 
	      NULL, &createOptions);
	assert("good rc from create", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d \n", rc);
		goto exit;
	rc = MQTTAsync_create(&d, options.connection, clientidd, MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_DEFAULT, NULL);
	assert("good rc from create", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d \n", rc);
		goto exit;

	opts.keepAliveInterval = 20;
	opts.cleansession = 1;
	//opts.username = "******";
	//opts.password = "******";
	rc = MQTTAsync_setCallbacks(d, d, NULL, test3_messageArrived, NULL);
	assert("Good rc from setCallbacks", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);

	opts.will = NULL; /* don't need will for this client, as it's going to be connected all the time */
	opts.context = d;
	opts.onSuccess = test3dOnConnect;
	opts.onFailure = test3dOnFailure;
	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting client d");
	rc = MQTTAsync_connect(d, &opts);
	assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d ", rc);
		goto exit;
	/* wait until d is ready: connected and subscribed */
	count = 0;
	while (!test3dReady && ++count < 10000)
	assert("Count should be less than 10000", count < 10000, "count was %d", count); /* wrong */
	rc = MQTTAsync_setConnected(c, c, test3cConnected);
	assert("Good rc from setConnectedCallback", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);
	/* let client c go: connect, and send disconnect command to proxy */
	opts.will = &wopts;
	opts.will->message = "will message";
	opts.will->qos = 1;
	opts.will->retained = 0;
	opts.will->topicName = willTopic;
	opts.onSuccess = test3cOnConnect;
	opts.onFailure = test3cOnFailure;
	opts.context = c;
	opts.cleansession = 0;
	opts.automaticReconnect = 1;

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting client c");
	rc = MQTTAsync_connect(c, &opts);
	assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d ", rc);
		goto exit;
	/* wait for will message */
	while (!test3_will_message_received && ++count < 10000)
	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Now we can send some messages to be buffered");
	test3c_connected = 0;
	/* send some messages.  Then reconnect (check connected callback), and check that those messages are received */
	for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
	  char buf[50];
	  MQTTAsync_message pubmsg = MQTTAsync_message_initializer;
	  MQTTAsync_responseOptions opts = MQTTAsync_responseOptions_initializer;
	  sprintf(buf, "QoS %d message", i);
	  pubmsg.payload = buf;
	  pubmsg.payloadlen = strlen(pubmsg.payload) + 1;
	  pubmsg.qos = i;
	  pubmsg.retained = 0;
	  rc = MQTTAsync_sendMessage(c, test_topic, &pubmsg, &opts);
	  assert("Good rc from sendMessage", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d ", rc);

	rc = MQTTAsync_getPendingTokens(c, &tokens);
 	assert("Good rc from getPendingTokens", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d ", rc);
 	i = 0;
	if (tokens)
 		while (tokens[i] != -1)
 	assert("Number of getPendingTokens should be 3", i == 3, "i was %d ", i);
	/* wait for client to be reconnected */
	while (!test3c_connected == 0 && ++count < 10000)
	/* wait for success or failure callback */
	while (test3_messages_received < 3 && ++count < 10000)

	rc = MQTTAsync_getPendingTokens(c, &tokens);
 	assert("Good rc from getPendingTokens", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d ", rc);
 	i = 0;
	if (tokens)
 		while (tokens[i] != -1)
 	assert("Number of getPendingTokens should be 0", i == 0, "i was %d ", i);
	rc = MQTTAsync_disconnect(c, NULL);
 	assert("Good rc from disconnect", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d ", rc);
	rc = MQTTAsync_disconnect(d, NULL);
 	assert("Good rc from disconnect", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d ", rc);

	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "%s: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", testname, tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #12
int test2(struct Options options)
	char* testname = "test2";
	int subsqos = 2;
	MQTTClient c;
	MQTTClient_connectOptions opts = MQTTClient_connectOptions_initializer;
	int rc = 0;
	char* test_topic = "C client test2";
	char* topics[2] = {"test_topic", "nosubscribe"};
	int qoss[2] = {2, 2};

	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test1\" name=\"bad return code from subscribe\"");
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 2 - bad return code from subscribe");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	failures = 0;

	MQTTClient_create(&c, options.connection, "multi_threaded_sample", MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_DEFAULT, NULL);

	opts.keepAliveInterval = 20;
	opts.cleansession = 1;
	opts.MQTTVersion = 4;
	if (options.haconnections != NULL)
		opts.serverURIs = options.haconnections;
		opts.serverURIcount = options.hacount;

	rc = MQTTClient_setCallbacks(c, NULL, NULL, test2_messageArrived, test2_deliveryComplete);
	assert("Good rc from setCallbacks", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting");
	rc = MQTTClient_connect(c, &opts);
	assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);
		goto exit;

	assert("Correct serverURI returned", strcmp(opts.returned.serverURI, options.connection) == 0, "serverURI was %s",
	assert("Correct MQTTVersion returned", opts.returned.MQTTVersion == 4, "MQTTVersion was %d",
	assert("Correct sessionPresent returned", opts.returned.sessionPresent == 0, "sessionPresent was %d",

	rc = MQTTClient_subscribe(c, test_topic, subsqos);
	assert("Good rc from subscribe", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);

	rc = MQTTClient_subscribe(c, "nosubscribe", 2);
	assert("0x80 from subscribe", rc == 0x80, "rc was %d", rc);

	rc = MQTTClient_subscribeMany(c, 2, topics, qoss);
	assert("Good rc from subscribe", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);
	assert("Correct returned qos from subscribe", qoss[0] == 2, "qos 0 was %d", qoss[0]);
	assert("Correct returned qos from subscribe", qoss[1] == 0x80, "qos 0 was %d", qoss[0]);

	rc = MQTTClient_unsubscribe(c, test_topic);
	assert("Unsubscribe successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);
	rc = MQTTClient_disconnect(c, 0);
	assert("Disconnect successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);


	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "%s: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", testname, tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #13

Test1: sessionPresent

int test1(struct Options options)
	MQTTClient c;
	MQTTClient_connectOptions opts = MQTTClient_connectOptions_initializer;
	MQTTClient_willOptions wopts = MQTTClient_willOptions_initializer;
	int rc = 0;
	char* test_topic = "C client test1";

	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test1\" name=\"sessionPresent\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 1 - sessionPresent");
	rc = MQTTClient_create(&c, options.connection, "sesssionPresent",
	assert("good rc from create",  rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d\n", rc);
		goto exit;

	opts.keepAliveInterval = 20;
	opts.username = "******";
	opts.password = "******";
	opts.MQTTVersion = 4;
	if (options.haconnections != NULL)
		opts.serverURIs = options.haconnections;
		opts.serverURIcount = options.hacount;

	opts.will = &wopts;
	opts.will->message = "will message";
	opts.will->qos = 1;
	opts.will->retained = 0;
	opts.will->topicName = "will topic";
	opts.will = NULL;

	/* Connect cleansession */
	opts.cleansession = 1;
	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting");
	rc = MQTTClient_connect(c, &opts);
	assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);
		goto exit;

	assert("Correct serverURI returned", strcmp(opts.returned.serverURI, options.connection) == 0, "serverURI was %s",
	assert("Correct MQTTVersion returned", opts.returned.MQTTVersion == 4, "MQTTVersion was %d",
	assert("Correct sessionPresent returned", opts.returned.sessionPresent == 0, "sessionPresent was %d",

	rc = MQTTClient_disconnect(c, 0);
	assert("Disconnect successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);

	/* Connect again, non-cleansession */
	opts.cleansession = 0;
	rc = MQTTClient_connect(c, &opts);
	assert("Connect successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);

	assert("Correct serverURI returned", strcmp(opts.returned.serverURI, options.connection) == 0, "serverURI was %s",
	assert("Correct MQTTVersion returned", opts.returned.MQTTVersion == 4, "MQTTVersion was %d",
	assert("Correct sessionPresent returned", opts.returned.sessionPresent == 0, "sessionPresent was %d",

	rc = MQTTClient_disconnect(c, 0);
	assert("Disconnect successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);

	/* Connect again, non-cleansession */
	opts.cleansession = 0;
	rc = MQTTClient_connect(c, &opts);
	assert("Connect successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);
	assert("Correct serverURI returned", strcmp(opts.returned.serverURI, options.connection) == 0, "serverURI was %s",
	assert("Correct MQTTVersion returned", opts.returned.MQTTVersion == 4, "MQTTVersion was %d",
	assert("Correct sessionPresent returned", opts.returned.sessionPresent == 1, "sessionPresent was %d",
	rc = MQTTClient_disconnect(c, 0);
	assert("Disconnect successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);


	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST1: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #14
파일: test1.c 프로젝트: 0x1abin/LinuxLearn
int test3(struct Options options)
	int rc = 0;
	unsigned char buf[100];
	int buflen = sizeof(buf);

	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test3\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 3 - will messages");

	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_willtopicreq(buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from serialize willtopicreq", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_willtopicreq(buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize willtopicreq", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_willmsgreq(buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from serialize willmsgreq", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_willmsgreq(buf, rc);
	assert("good rc from deserialize willmsgreq", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
	int willQoS = 1, willQoS1 = 0;
	unsigned char willRetain = 1, willRetain1 = 0;
	MQTTSNString willTopic = MQTTSNString_initializer, willTopic1 = MQTTSNString_initializer;
	willTopic.cstring = "a will topic";
	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_willtopic(buf, buflen, willQoS, willRetain, willTopic);
	assert("good rc from serialize willtopic", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_willtopic(&willQoS1, &willRetain1, &willTopic1, buf, rc);
	assert("good rc from deserialize willtopic", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);
	assert("willQoSs are the same", willQoS == willQoS1, "willQoS1 was %d\n", willQoS1);
	assert("willRetains are the same", willRetain == willRetain1, "willRetain1 was %d\n", willRetain1);
	assert("willTopics are the same", checkMQTTSNStrings(willTopic, willTopic1), "willTopic1 was %.s\n", willTopic1.lenstring.data);

	memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
	willQoS = 2; willRetain = 1; willQoS1 = 0; willRetain1 = 0;
	MQTTSNString initTopic = MQTTSNString_initializer;
	memcpy(&willTopic, &initTopic, sizeof(initTopic));
	memcpy(&willTopic1, &initTopic, sizeof(initTopic));
	willTopic.cstring = "a will topic update";
	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_willtopicupd(buf, buflen, willQoS, willRetain, willTopic);
	assert("good rc from serialize willtopicupd", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_willtopicupd(&willQoS1, &willRetain1, &willTopic1, buf, rc);
	assert("good rc from deserialize willtopicupd", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);
	assert("willQoSs are the same", willQoS == willQoS1, "willQoS1 was %d\n", willQoS1);
	assert("willRetains are the same", willRetain == willRetain1, "willRetain1 was %d\n", willRetain1);
	assert("willTopics are the same", checkMQTTSNStrings(willTopic, willTopic1), "willTopic1 was %.s\n", willTopic1.lenstring.data);

	memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
	MQTTSNString willMsg = MQTTSNString_initializer, willMsg1 = MQTTSNString_initializer;
	willMsg.cstring = "a will message";
	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_willmsg(buf, buflen, willMsg);
	assert("good rc from serialize willmsg", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_willmsg(&willMsg1, buf, rc);
	assert("good rc from deserialize willmsg", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);
	assert("willMsgs are the same", checkMQTTSNStrings(willMsg, willMsg1), "willMsg1 was %.s\n", willMsg1.lenstring.data);

	memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
	memcpy(&willMsg, &initTopic, sizeof(initTopic));
	memcpy(&willMsg1, &initTopic, sizeof(initTopic));
	willMsg.cstring = "a will message";
	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_willmsgupd(buf, buflen, willMsg);
	assert("good rc from serialize willmsgupd", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_willmsgupd(&willMsg1, buf, rc);
	assert("good rc from deserialize willmsgupd", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);
	assert("willMsgs are the same", checkMQTTSNStrings(willMsg, willMsg1), "willMsg1 was %.s\n", willMsg1.lenstring.data);

	int resp_rc = 33, resp_rc2 = 0;
	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_willmsgresp(buf, buflen, resp_rc);
	assert("good rc from serialize willmsgresp", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_willmsgresp(&resp_rc2, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize willmsgresp", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);
	assert("resp rcs should be the same", resp_rc == resp_rc2, "resp rcs were different %d\n", resp_rc2);

	resp_rc = 67, resp_rc2 = 0;
	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_willtopicresp(buf, buflen, resp_rc);
	assert("good rc from serialize willmsgresp", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_willtopicresp(&resp_rc2, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize willmsgresp", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);
	assert("resp rcs should be the same", resp_rc == resp_rc2, "resp rcs were different %d\n", resp_rc2);

/* exit: */
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST3: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #15
파일: test1.c 프로젝트: 0x1abin/LinuxLearn
int test2(struct Options options)
	int rc = 0;
	unsigned char buf[100];
	int buflen = sizeof(buf);

	unsigned char dup = 0;
	int qos = 2;
	unsigned char retained = 0;
	unsigned short msgid = 23;
	MQTTSN_topicid topic;
	unsigned char *payload = (unsigned char*)"kkhkhkjkj jkjjk jk jk ";
	int payloadlen = strlen((char*)payload);

	unsigned char dup2 = 1;
	int qos2 = 1;
	unsigned char retained2 = 1;
	unsigned short msgid2 = 3243;
	MQTTSN_topicid topic2;
	unsigned char *payload2 = NULL;
	int payloadlen2 = 0;
	unsigned char acktype;

	unsigned char returncode = 3, returncode2 = -99;

	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test1\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 2 - serialization of publish and back");

	memset(&topic, 0, sizeof(topic));
	memset(&topic2, 0, sizeof(topic2));
	memcpy(topic.data.short_name, "my", 2);
	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_publish(buf, buflen, dup, qos, retained, msgid, topic,
			payload, payloadlen);
	assert("good rc from serialize publish", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_publish(&dup2, &qos2, &retained2, &msgid2, &topic2,
			&payload2, &payloadlen2, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize publish", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	/* data after should be the same as data before */
	assert("dups should be the same", dup == dup2, "dups were different %d\n", dup2);
	assert("qoss should be the same", qos == qos2, "qoss were different %d\n", qos2);
	assert("retaineds should be the same", retained == retained2, "retaineds were different %d\n", retained2);
	assert("msgids should be the same", msgid == msgid2, "msgids were different %d\n", msgid2);

	assert("topics should be the same",
			checkMQTTSNTopics(topic, topic2), "topics were different %s\n", "");

	assert("payload lengths should be the same",
				payloadlen == payloadlen2, "payload lengths were different %d\n", payloadlen2);

	assert("payloads should be the same",
						memcmp(payload, payload2, payloadlen) == 0, "payloads were different %s\n", "");

	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_puback(buf, buflen, topic.data.id, msgid, returncode);
	assert("good rc from serialize puback", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_puback(&topic2.data.id, &msgid2, &returncode2, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize puback", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);
	assert("msgids should be the same", msgid == msgid2, "msgids were different %d\n", msgid2);
	assert("return codes should be the same", returncode == returncode2, "return codes were different %d\n", returncode2);

	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_pubrec(buf, buflen, msgid);
	assert("good rc from serialize pubrec", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_ack(&acktype, &msgid2, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize pubrec", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);
	assert("Acktype should be MQTTSN_PUBREC", acktype == MQTTSN_PUBREC, "acktype was %d\n", acktype);
	assert("msgids should be the same", msgid == msgid2, "msgids were different %d\n", msgid2);

	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST2: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #16
파일: test1.c 프로젝트: 0x1abin/LinuxLearn
int test1(struct Options options)
	MQTTSNPacket_connectData data = MQTTSNPacket_connectData_initializer;
	MQTTSNPacket_connectData data_after = MQTTSNPacket_connectData_initializer;
	int rc = 0;
	unsigned char buf[100];
	int buflen = sizeof(buf);
	MQTTSNString clientid = MQTTSNString_initializer, clientid_after = MQTTSNString_initializer;
	int duration_after = -1;

	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test1\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 1 - serialization of connect and back");

	data.clientID.cstring = "me too";

	data.duration = 20;
	data.cleansession = 1;

	data.willFlag = 1;

	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_connect(buf, buflen, &data);
	assert("good rc from serialize connect", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_connect(&data_after, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize connect", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	/* data after should be the same as data before */
	rc = checkConnectPackets(&data, &data_after);
	assert("packets should be the same",  rc == 1, "packets were different\n", rc);

	/* Pingreq without clientid */
	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_pingreq(buf, buflen, clientid);
	assert("good rc from serialize pingreq", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_pingreq(&clientid_after, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize pingreq", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	/* data after should be the same as data before */
	assert("ClientIDs should be the same",
			checkMQTTSNStrings(clientid, clientid_after), "ClientIDs were different\n", rc);

	/* Pingreq with clientid */
	clientid.cstring = "this is me";
	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_pingreq(buf, buflen, clientid);
	assert("good rc from serialize pingreq", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_pingreq(&clientid_after, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize pingreq", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	/* data after should be the same as data before */
	assert("ClientIDs should be the same",
			checkMQTTSNStrings(clientid, clientid_after), "ClientIDs were different\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_pingresp(buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from serialize pingresp", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_pingresp(buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize pingresp", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	/* Disconnect without duration */
	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_disconnect(buf, buflen, 0);
	assert("good rc from serialize disconnect", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_disconnect(&duration_after, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize disconnect", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	/* data after should be the same as data before */
	assert("durations should be the same", 0 == duration_after, "durations were different\n", rc);

	/* Disconnect with duration */
	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_disconnect(buf, buflen, 33);
	assert("good rc from serialize disconnect", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_disconnect(&duration_after, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize disconnect", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	/* data after should be the same as data before */
	assert("durations should be the same", 33 == duration_after, "durations were different\n", rc);

	/* Pingreq with clientid */
	clientid.cstring = "this is me";
	rc = MQTTSNSerialize_pingreq(buf, buflen, clientid);
	assert("good rc from serialize pingreq", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);

	rc = MQTTSNDeserialize_pingreq(&clientid_after, buf, buflen);
	assert("good rc from deserialize pingreq", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);

/* exit: */
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST1: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #17
파일: test4.c 프로젝트: i5ting/paho.mqtt.c

Test3: More than one client object - simultaneous working.

int test3(struct Options options)
	#define num_clients 10
	int subsqos = 2;
	MQTTAsync_connectOptions opts = MQTTAsync_connectOptions_initializer;
	MQTTAsync_willOptions wopts = MQTTAsync_willOptions_initializer;
	int rc = 0;
	int i;
	client_data clientdata[num_clients];

	test_finished = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 3 - multiple connections");
	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test4\" name=\"multiple connections\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	for (i = 0; i < num_clients; ++i)
		sprintf(clientdata[i].clientid, "async_test3_num_%d", i);
		sprintf(clientdata[i].test_topic, "async test3 topic num %d", i);
		clientdata[i].index = i;
		clientdata[i].message_count = 0;

		rc = MQTTAsync_create(&(clientdata[i].c), options.connection, clientdata[i].clientid,
		assert("good rc from create",  rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d\n", rc);
		rc = MQTTAsync_setCallbacks(clientdata[i].c, &clientdata[i], NULL, test3_messageArrived, NULL);
		assert("Good rc from setCallbacks", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);

		opts.keepAliveInterval = 20;
		opts.cleansession = 1;
		opts.username = "******";
		opts.password = "******";
		opts.MQTTVersion = options.MQTTVersion;

		opts.will = &wopts;
		opts.will->message = "will message";
		opts.will->qos = 1;
		opts.will->retained = 0;
		opts.will->topicName = "will topic";
		opts.onSuccess = test3_onConnect;
		opts.onFailure = test3_onFailure;
		opts.context = &clientdata[i];

		MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting");
		rc = MQTTAsync_connect(clientdata[i].c, &opts);
		assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);

	while (test_finished < num_clients)
		MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "num_clients %d test_finished %d\n", num_clients, test_finished);
		#if defined(WIN32)

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "TEST3: destroying clients");

	for (i = 0; i < num_clients; ++i)

	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST3: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #18
int test2a_s(struct Options options)
	char* testname = "test2a_s";
	char* test_topic = "C client test2a_s";
	int subsqos = 2;
	MQTTClient c;
	MQTTClient_connectOptions opts = MQTTClient_connectOptions_initializer;
	MQTTClient_willOptions wopts = MQTTClient_willOptions_initializer;
	MQTTClient_SSLOptions sslopts = MQTTClient_SSLOptions_initializer;
	int rc = 0;

	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 2a_s - Mutual SSL authentication - single threaded client using receive");
	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test3\" name=\"test 2a_s\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	rc = MQTTClient_create(&c, options.server_auth_connection, "test2a_s", MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_DEFAULT, persistenceStore);
	if (!(assert("good rc from create", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d\n", rc)))
		goto exit;

	opts.keepAliveInterval = 20;
	opts.cleansession = 1;
	opts.username = "******";
	opts.password = "******";
	if (options.haconnections != NULL)
		opts.serverURIs = options.haconnections;
		opts.serverURIcount = options.hacount;

	opts.ssl = &sslopts;
	if (options.server_key_file) 
		opts.ssl->trustStore = options.server_key_file; /*file of certificates trusted by client*/
	opts.ssl->keyStore = options.client_key_file;  /*file of certificate for client to present to server*/
	if (options.client_key_pass) 
		opts.ssl->privateKeyPassword = options.client_key_pass;
	if (options.client_private_key_file) 
		opts.ssl->privateKey = options.client_private_key_file;

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting");

	rc = MQTTClient_connect(c, &opts);
	if (!(assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	rc = MQTTClient_subscribe(c, test_topic, subsqos);
	if (!(assert("Good rc from subscribe", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	singleThread_sendAndReceive(c, 0, test_topic);
	singleThread_sendAndReceive(c, 1, test_topic);
	singleThread_sendAndReceive(c, 2, test_topic);

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Stopping\n");

	rc = MQTTClient_unsubscribe(c, test_topic);
	if (!(assert("Unsubscribe successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;
	rc = MQTTClient_disconnect(c, 0);
	if (!(assert("Disconnect successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	/* Just to make sure we can connect again */
	rc = MQTTClient_connect(c, &opts);
	if (!(assert("Connect successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;
	rc = MQTTClient_disconnect(c, 0);
	if (!(assert("Disconnect successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "%s: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", testname, tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #19
파일: test4.c 프로젝트: i5ting/paho.mqtt.c

Test4: Send and receive big messages

int test4(struct Options options)
	int subsqos = 2;
	MQTTAsync c;
	MQTTAsync_connectOptions opts = MQTTAsync_connectOptions_initializer;
	MQTTAsync_willOptions wopts = MQTTAsync_willOptions_initializer;
	int rc = 0;
	char* test_topic = "C client test4";

	test_finished = failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 4 - big messages");
	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test4\" name=\"big messages\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	rc = MQTTAsync_create(&c, options.connection, "async_test_4",
	assert("good rc from create",  rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d\n", rc);
		goto exit;

	rc = MQTTAsync_setCallbacks(c, c, NULL, test4_messageArrived, NULL);
	assert("Good rc from setCallbacks", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);

	opts.keepAliveInterval = 20;
	opts.cleansession = 1;
	opts.username = "******";
	opts.password = "******";
	opts.MQTTVersion = options.MQTTVersion;

	opts.will = &wopts;
	opts.will->message = "will message";
	opts.will->qos = 1;
	opts.will->retained = 0;
	opts.will->topicName = "will topic";
	opts.will = NULL;
	opts.onSuccess = test4_onConnect;
	opts.onFailure = NULL;
	opts.context = c;

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting");
	rc = MQTTAsync_connect(c, &opts);
	rc = 0;
	assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);
		goto exit;

	while (!test_finished)
		#if defined(WIN32)


	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST4: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #20
int test3a_m(struct Options options)
	char* testname = "test3a_m";
	char* test_topic = "C client test3a_m";
	int subsqos = 2;
	MQTTClient c;
	MQTTClient_connectOptions opts = MQTTClient_connectOptions_initializer;
	MQTTClient_willOptions wopts = MQTTClient_willOptions_initializer;
	MQTTClient_SSLOptions sslopts = MQTTClient_SSLOptions_initializer;
	int rc = 0;

	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 3a_m - Server authentication - multi-threaded client using callbacks");
	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test3\" name=\"test 3a_m\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();

	rc = MQTTClient_create(&c, options.server_auth_connection, "test3a_m", MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_DEFAULT, persistenceStore);
	if (!(assert("good rc from create", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d\n", rc)))
		goto exit;

	opts.keepAliveInterval = 20;
	opts.cleansession = 1;
	opts.username = "******";
	opts.password = "******";
	if (options.haconnections != NULL)
		opts.serverURIs = options.haconnections;
		opts.serverURIcount = options.hacount;

	opts.ssl = &sslopts;
	if (options.server_key_file != NULL) 
		opts.ssl->trustStore = options.server_key_file; /*file of certificates trusted by client*/

	rc = MQTTClient_setCallbacks(c, NULL, NULL, multiThread_messageArrived,	multiThread_deliveryComplete);
	if (!(assert("Good rc from setCallbacks", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting");

	rc = MQTTClient_connect(c, &opts);
	if (!(assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	rc = MQTTClient_subscribe(c, test_topic, subsqos);
	if (!(assert("Good rc from subscribe", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	multiThread_sendAndReceive(c, 0, test_topic);
	multiThread_sendAndReceive(c, 1, test_topic);
	multiThread_sendAndReceive(c, 2, test_topic);

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Stopping\n");

	rc = MQTTClient_unsubscribe(c, test_topic);
	if (!(assert("Unsubscribe successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;
	rc = MQTTClient_disconnect(c, 0);
	if (!(assert("Disconnect successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "%s: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", testname, tests, failures);
	return failures;
예제 #21
파일: test4.c 프로젝트: i5ting/paho.mqtt.c

Test6: HA connections

int test6(struct Options options)
	int subsqos = 2;
	test6_client_info cinfo;
	MQTTAsync_connectOptions opts = MQTTAsync_connectOptions_initializer;
	MQTTAsync_willOptions wopts = MQTTAsync_willOptions_initializer;
	int rc = 0;
	char* test_topic = "C client test1";
	char* uris[2] = {options.connection, options.connection};

	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 7 - HA connections");
	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test4\" name=\"HA connections\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();
	test_finished = 0;
	cinfo.should_fail = 1; /* fail to connect */
	rc = MQTTAsync_create(&cinfo.c, "tcp://rubbish:1883", "async ha connection",
	assert("good rc from create",  rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d\n", rc);
		goto exit;

	rc = MQTTAsync_setCallbacks(cinfo.c, cinfo.c, NULL, test1_messageArrived, NULL);
	assert("Good rc from setCallbacks", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);

	opts.onSuccess = test6_onConnect;
	opts.onFailure = test6_onConnectFailure;
	opts.context = &cinfo;
	opts.MQTTVersion = options.MQTTVersion;

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting");
	rc = MQTTAsync_connect(cinfo.c, &opts);
	rc = 0;
	assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);
		goto exit;

	while (!test_finished)
		#if defined(WIN32)

	test_finished = 0;
	cinfo.should_fail = 0; /* should connect */
	rc = MQTTAsync_create(&cinfo.c, "tcp://rubbish:1883", "async ha connection",
	assert("good rc from create",  rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d\n", rc);
		goto exit;

	rc = MQTTAsync_setCallbacks(cinfo.c, cinfo.c, NULL, test1_messageArrived, NULL);
	assert("Good rc from setCallbacks", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);

	opts.onSuccess = test6_onConnect;
	opts.onFailure = test6_onConnectFailure;
	opts.context = &cinfo;
	opts.serverURIs = uris;
	opts.serverURIcount = 2;

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting");
	rc = MQTTAsync_connect(cinfo.c, &opts);
	rc = 0;
	assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);
		goto exit;

	while (!test_finished)
		#if defined(WIN32)


	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST6: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
	return failures;