예제 #1
void EnviroGUI::UpdateProgress(const char *msg1, const char *msg2, int amount1, int amount2)
	wxString ws1(msg1, wxConvUTF8);
	wxString ws2(msg2, wxConvUTF8);

	// Try to translate the first part; a translation might be available.
	// If the string is not found in any of the loaded message catalogs,
	// the original string is returned.
	if (ws1 != _T(""))
		ws1 = wxGetTranslation(ws1);

	// Concatenate
	UpdateProgressDialog2(amount1, amount2, ws1 + ws2);
예제 #2
vector<WaySublineMatch> MaximalSubline::_extractAllMatches(const ConstOsmMapPtr &map,
        const ConstWayPtr& w1, const ConstWayPtr& w2, Sparse2dMatrix& sublineMatrix)
    vector<Sparse2dCellId> endMatches = _findEndMatches(sublineMatrix);
    vector<Sparse2dCellId> startMatches(endMatches.size());

    for (size_t i = 0; i < endMatches.size(); i++)
        startMatches[i] = _findStartMatch(sublineMatrix, endMatches[i]);

    vector<WaySublineMatch> result;

    // calculate the way locations for each subline on each way.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < endMatches.size(); i++)
        WayLocation start1 = _calculateStartWayLocation(map, w1, w2, startMatches[i].row(),
        WayLocation start2 = _calculateStartWayLocation(map, w2, w1, startMatches[i].col(),

        WayLocation end1 = _calculateEndWayLocation(map, w1, w2, endMatches[i].row(),
        WayLocation end2 = _calculateEndWayLocation(map, w2, w1, endMatches[i].col(),

        WaySubline ws1(start1, end1);
        WaySubline ws2(start2, end2);

        if (ws1.isValid() && ws1.isZeroLength() == false &&
                ws2.isValid() && ws2.isZeroLength() == false)
            result.push_back(WaySublineMatch(ws1, ws2));

    return result;
예제 #3
static int main_(int /* argc */, char** /*argv*/)
    std::string             mbs("multibyte string");
    std::wstring            ws1(L"wide string #1");
    stlsoft::simple_wstring ws2(L"wide string #2");

    pan::log_NOTICE("mbs=", mbs, ", ws1=", pan::w2m(ws1), ", ws2=", pan::w2m(ws2));

    VARIANT         var;

    var.vt = VT_I4;
    var.lVal = -10;

    pan::log_DEBUG("var=", pan::w2m(var));

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
예제 #4
/// @todo this is in desperate need of a rewrite by someone with more rest than myself. -JRS
vector<WaySublineMatch> MaximalSubline::_snapIntersections(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map,
        const ConstWayPtr& w1, const ConstWayPtr& w2, vector<WaySublineMatch>& rawSublineMatches)
    // this only works if the rawSublineMatches are in order. We order by subline1
    sort(rawSublineMatches.begin(), rawSublineMatches.end(), lessThan);

    // make sure that ordering by subline1 results in sorted subline2s. If this isn't the case then
    // there isn't much we can do.
    for (size_t i = 2; i < rawSublineMatches.size(); i++)
        if (rawSublineMatches[i].getSubline2().getStart() >
                rawSublineMatches[i - 1].getSubline2().getStart())
            LOG_WARN("Way matches sublines out of order. This is unusual and may give a sub-optimal "
            return rawSublineMatches;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < rawSublineMatches.size(); i++)
        // if any of the raw sublines are crazy small, then don't try to snap the intersections.
        if (rawSublineMatches[i].getSubline1().getLength() < _spacing * 2 ||
                rawSublineMatches[i].getSubline2().getLength() < _spacing * 2)
            return rawSublineMatches;

    // calculate a series of point pair matches along the lines.

    // discretize the first line into a series of points.
    vector< pair<WayLocation, WayLocation> > pairs;
    pairs = _discretizePointPairs(map, w1, w2, rawSublineMatches);
    assert(pairs.size() > 0);

    // extract features on the point pairs and populate a matrix.
    Meters acc = w1->getCircularError() + w2->getCircularError();

    cv::Mat m(pairs.size(), 2, CV_64F);

    size_t currentSubline = 0;

    vector<int> starts(rawSublineMatches.size(), numeric_limits<int>::max());
    vector<int> ends(rawSublineMatches.size(), 0);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++)
        WayLocation& wl1 = pairs[i].first;
        WayLocation& wl2 = pairs[i].second;
        // If the rawSublineMatches is smaller than _spacing, then it may not directly overlap with
        // one of the point pairs. To avoid this, we create a subline that surrounds the point pair
        // and will guarantee that each rawSublineMatches will touch at least one point pair.
        WaySubline ws1 = WaySubline(wl1.move(-_spacing / 2.0), wl1.move(_spacing / 2.0));
        WaySubline ws2 = WaySubline(wl2.move(-_spacing / 2.0), wl2.move(_spacing / 2.0));

        if (currentSubline < rawSublineMatches.size())
            // figure out the first and last match for this subline.
            if (rawSublineMatches[currentSubline].getSubline1().touches(ws1) ||
                starts[currentSubline] = min<int>(starts[currentSubline], i);
                ends[currentSubline] = max<int>(ends[currentSubline], i);
                // if this is past the current subline, advance to the right subline.
                while (currentSubline < rawSublineMatches.size() &&
                        rawSublineMatches[currentSubline].getSubline1().getEnd() < ws1.getStart() &&
                        rawSublineMatches[currentSubline].getSubline2().getEnd() < ws2.getStart())

        Meters distance = wl1.getCoordinate().distance(wl2.getCoordinate());
        Radians angle1 = WayHeading::calculateHeading(wl1);
        Radians angle2 = WayHeading::calculateHeading(wl2);
        Radians angleDiff = WayHeading::deltaMagnitude(angle1, angle2);

        m.at<double>(i, 0) = distance / acc;
        m.at<double>(i, 1) = angleDiff;

    //LOG_DEBUG("starts: " << starts);
    //LOG_DEBUG("ends: " << ends);

    // create the matrix of constraints.
    vector<int> finalStarts;
    vector<int> finalEnds;

    if (starts[0] != 0)
        finalEnds.push_back(starts[0] + (ends[0] - starts[0]) / 3);

    // this maps finalStarts indexes to the rawSublineMatches indexes. E.g.
    // rawSublineMatches[i] maps to finalStarts[matchIndexes[i]]
    vector<int> matchIndexes(starts.size());

    for (size_t i = 0; i < starts.size(); i++)
        if (starts[i] == numeric_limits<int>::max())
            // Due to poor subline pair matching we cannot properly snap these intersections. Warn the
            // user and move on. It is likely they aren't a good match anyways.
            LOG_WARN("A solid set of point pair matches could not be found.");
            return rawSublineMatches;
        matchIndexes[i] = finalStarts.size();

        if (i != starts.size() - 1)
            finalStarts.push_back(ends[i] - (ends[i] - starts[i]) / 3);
            finalEnds.push_back(starts[i + 1] + (ends[i + 1] - starts[i + 1]) / 3);

    int last = ends.size() - 1;
    if ((size_t)ends[last] != pairs.size() - 1)
        finalStarts.push_back(ends[last] - (ends[last] - starts[last]) / 3);
        finalEnds.push_back(pairs.size() - 1);

    //LOG_DEBUG("finalStarts: " << finalStarts);
    //LOG_DEBUG("finalEnds: " << finalEnds);

    Mat ranges(finalStarts.size(), 2, CV_32S);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < finalStarts.size(); i++)
        ranges.at<int>(i, 0) = finalStarts[i];
        ranges.at<int>(i, 1) = finalEnds[i];

    // run ExpectationIntersection to determine new intersection points.
    ExpectationIntersection ei;
    vector<double> splits = ei.snapMatches(m, ranges);


    vector<WaySublineMatch> result = rawSublineMatches;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < matchIndexes.size(); i++)
        size_t mi = matchIndexes[i];
        WayLocation w1Start;
        WayLocation w2Start;


        // if this is the first subline, then it starts at the beginning of the subline.
        if (matchIndexes[i] == 0)
            w1Start = WayLocation(rawSublineMatches[i].getSubline1().getStart());
            w2Start = WayLocation(rawSublineMatches[i].getSubline2().getStart());
            int wi = (int)splits[mi - 1];
            //LOG_DEBUG("start split: " << wi);
            double r = splits[mi - 1] - wi;
            Meters offset1 = pairs[wi].first.calculateDistanceOnWay() * r +
                             pairs[wi + 1].first.calculateDistanceOnWay() * (1 - r);
            Meters offset2 = pairs[wi].second.calculateDistanceOnWay() * r +
                             pairs[wi + 1].second.calculateDistanceOnWay() * (1 - r);

            //LOG_DEBUG("offset1: " << offset1 << " r: " << r);
            //LOG_DEBUG("offset2: " << offset2 << " r: " << r);
            w1Start = WayLocation(map, w1, offset1);
            w2Start = WayLocation(map, w2, offset2);



        // if we are passed the point where we have a node pairing, then snap it back to a legit pair.
        if (w1Start < pairs.front().first.move(-_spacing))
            w1Start = pairs.front().first;
        if (w2Start < pairs.front().second.move(-_spacing))
            w2Start = pairs.front().second;


        WayLocation w1End(rawSublineMatches[i].getSubline1().getEnd());
        WayLocation w2End(rawSublineMatches[i].getSubline2().getEnd());

        // convert the end split location into a WayLocation
        if (matchIndexes[i] < (int)splits.size())
            int wi = (int)splits[mi];
            //LOG_DEBUG("end split: " << wi << " matchIndexes[" << i << "]: " << mi);
            double r = splits[mi] - wi;
            Meters offset1 = pairs[wi].first.calculateDistanceOnWay() * r +
                             pairs[wi + 1].first.calculateDistanceOnWay() * (1 - r);
            Meters offset2 = pairs[wi].second.calculateDistanceOnWay() * r +
                             pairs[wi + 1].second.calculateDistanceOnWay() * (1 - r);

            w1End = WayLocation(map, w1, offset1);
            w2End = WayLocation(map, w2, offset2);

            //LOG_DEBUG("offset1: " << offset1 << " r: " << r);
            //LOG_DEBUG("offset2: " << offset2 << " r: " << r);

        // if we are passed the point where we have a node pairing, then snap it back to a legit pair.
        if (w1End > pairs.back().first.move(_spacing))
            w1End = pairs.back().first;
        if (w2End > pairs.back().second.move(_spacing))
            w2End = pairs.back().second;
        //LOG_DEBUG("w1End: " << w1End.toString());
        //LOG_DEBUG("w2End: " << w2End.toString());

        WaySubline ws1Expanded = rawSublineMatches[i].getSubline1().expand(
                                     max(_minSplitSize, _spacing));
        WaySubline ws2Expanded = rawSublineMatches[i].getSubline2().expand(
                                     max(_minSplitSize, _spacing));
        if (ws1Expanded.contains(w1Start) == false ||
                ws2Expanded.contains(w2Start) == false ||
                ws1Expanded.contains(w1End) == false ||
                ws2Expanded.contains(w2End) == false ||
                w1Start > w1End ||
                w2Start > w2End)
            LOG_DEBUG("Point pair matching failed, skipping intersection snapping.");
            return rawSublineMatches;

        // snap to the start if we're within spacing distance.
        _snapToStart(w1Start, max(_minSplitSize, _spacing));
        _snapToStart(w2Start, max(_minSplitSize, _spacing));

        // snap to the end if we're within spacing distance.
        _snapToEnd(w1End, max(_minSplitSize, _spacing));
        _snapToEnd(w2End, max(_minSplitSize, _spacing));


        WaySubline ws1(w1Start, w1End);
        WaySubline ws2(w2Start, w2End);
        result[i] = WaySublineMatch(ws1, ws2);

    // Put the updated intersection points into the result.
    return result;