예제 #1
bool MyObjLoader::LoadObjModel(bool isRHCoordSys, bool computeNormals)
	HRESULT hr = 0;

	std::wifstream fileIn (filename.c_str());	//Open file
	std::wstring meshMatLib;					//String to hold our obj material library filename

	//Arrays to store our model's information
	std::vector<DWORD> indices;
	std::vector<float3> vertPos;
	std::vector<float3> vertNorm;
	std::vector<float2> vertTexCoord;
	std::vector<std::wstring> meshMaterials;

	//Vertex definition indices
	std::vector<int> vertPosIndex;
	std::vector<int> vertNormIndex;
	std::vector<int> vertTCIndex;

	//Make sure we have a default if no tex coords or normals are defined
	bool hasTexCoord = false;
	bool hasNorm = false;

	//Temp variables to store into vectors
	std::wstring meshMaterialsTemp;
	int vertPosIndexTemp;
	int vertNormIndexTemp;
	int vertTCIndexTemp;

	wchar_t checkChar;		//The variable we will use to store one char from file at a time
	std::wstring face;		//Holds the string containing our face vertices
	int vIndex = 0;			//Keep track of our vertex index count
	int triangleCount = 0;	//Total Triangles
	int totalVerts = 0;
	int meshTriangles = 0;

	//Check to see if the file was opened
	if (fileIn)
			checkChar = fileIn.get();	//Get next char

			switch (checkChar)
			case '#':
				checkChar = fileIn.get();
				while(checkChar != '\n')
					checkChar = fileIn.get();
			case 'v':	//Get Vertex Descriptions
				checkChar = fileIn.get();
				if(checkChar == ' ')	//v - vert position
					float vz, vy, vx;
					fileIn >> vx >> vy >> vz;	//Store the next three types

					if(isRHCoordSys)	//If model is from an RH Coord System
						vertPos.push_back(float3( vx, vy, vz * -1.0f));	//Invert the Z axis
						vertPos.push_back(float3( vx, vy, vz));
				if(checkChar == 't')	//vt - vert tex coords
					float vtcu, vtcv;
					fileIn >> vtcu >> vtcv;		//Store next two types

					if(isRHCoordSys)	//If model is from an RH Coord System
						vertTexCoord.push_back(float2(vtcu, 1.0f-vtcv));	//Reverse the "v" axis
						vertTexCoord.push_back(float2(vtcu, vtcv));	

					hasTexCoord = true;	//We know the model uses texture coords
				//Since we compute the normals later, we don't need to check for normals
				//In the file, but i'll do it here anyway
				if(checkChar == 'n')	//vn - vert normal
					float vnx, vny, vnz;
					fileIn >> vnx >> vny >> vnz;	//Store next three types

					if(isRHCoordSys)	//If model is from an RH Coord System
						vertNorm.push_back(float3( vnx, vny, vnz * -1.0f ));	//Invert the Z axis
						vertNorm.push_back(float3( vnx, vny, vnz ));	

					hasNorm = true;	//We know the model defines normals

				//New group (Subset)
			case 'g':	//g - defines a group
				checkChar = fileIn.get();
				if(checkChar == ' ')
					subsetIndexStart.push_back(vIndex);		//Start index for this subset

				//Get Face Index
			case 'f':	//f - defines the faces
				checkChar = fileIn.get();
				if(checkChar == ' ')
					face = L"";
					std::wstring VertDef;	//Holds one vertex definition at a time
					triangleCount = 0;

					checkChar = fileIn.get();
					while(checkChar != '\n')
						face += checkChar;			//Add the char to our face string
						checkChar = fileIn.get();	//Get the next Character
						if(checkChar == ' ')		//If its a space...
							triangleCount++;		//Increase our triangle count

					//Check for space at the end of our face string
					if(face[face.length()-1] == ' ')
						triangleCount--;	//Each space adds to our triangle count

					triangleCount -= 1;		//Ever vertex in the face AFTER the first two are new faces

					std::wstringstream ss(face);

					if(face.length() > 0)
						int firstVIndex, lastVIndex;	//Holds the first and last vertice's index

						for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)		//First three vertices (first triangle)
							ss >> VertDef;	//Get vertex definition (vPos/vTexCoord/vNorm)

							std::wstring vertPart;
							int whichPart = 0;		//(vPos, vTexCoord, or vNorm)

							//Parse this string
							for(uint32 j = 0; j < VertDef.length(); ++j)
								if(VertDef[j] != '/')	//If there is no divider "/", add a char to our vertPart
									vertPart += VertDef[j];

								//If the current char is a divider "/", or its the last character in the string
								if(VertDef[j] == '/' || j ==  VertDef.length()-1)
									std::wistringstream wstringToInt(vertPart);	//Used to convert wstring to int

									if(whichPart == 0)	//If vPos
										wstringToInt >> vertPosIndexTemp;
										vertPosIndexTemp -= 1;		//subtract one since c++ arrays start with 0, and obj start with 1

										//Check to see if the vert pos was the only thing specified
										if(j == VertDef.length()-1)
											vertNormIndexTemp = 0;
											vertTCIndexTemp = 0;

									else if(whichPart == 1)	//If vTexCoord
										if(vertPart != L"")	//Check to see if there even is a tex coord
											wstringToInt >> vertTCIndexTemp;
											vertTCIndexTemp -= 1;	//subtract one since c++ arrays start with 0, and obj start with 1
										else	//If there is no tex coord, make a default
예제 #2
bool LoadObjModel(std::wstring filename,
	ID3D11Buffer** vertBuff,
	ID3D11Buffer** indexBuff,
	ID3D11Device * device,
	UINT & verCnt,
	bool bComputeNormals ,
	bool bAverageNormals ,
	bool bComputeTangents ,
	bool bAverageTangents 
	HRESULT hr = 0;

	std::wifstream fileIn(filename.c_str());	//Open file

	//Arrays to store our model's information
	std::vector<DWORD> indices;
	std::vector<XMFLOAT3> vertPos;
	std::vector<XMFLOAT3> vertNorm;
	std::vector<XMFLOAT2> vertTexCoord;

	//Vertex definition indices
	std::vector<int> vertPosIndex;
	std::vector<int> vertNormIndex;
	std::vector<int> vertTCIndex;

	//Make sure we have a default if no tex coords or normals are defined
	bool hasTexCoord = false;
	bool hasNorm = false;

	//Temp variables to store into vectors
	int vertPosIndexTemp;
	int vertNormIndexTemp;
	int vertTCIndexTemp;

	wchar_t checkChar;		//The variable we will use to store one char from file at a time
	std::wstring face;		//Holds the string containing our face vertices
	int vIndex = 0;			//Keep track of our vertex index count
	int triangleCount = 0;	//Total Triangles
	int totalVerts = 0;
	int meshTriangles = 0;

	//Check to see if the file was opened
	if (fileIn)
		while (fileIn)
			checkChar = fileIn.get();

			switch (checkChar)
			case '#':
				checkChar = fileIn.get();
				while (checkChar != '\n')
					checkChar = fileIn.get();
			case 'v':	
				checkChar = fileIn.get();
				if (checkChar == ' ')	
					float vz, vy, vx;
					fileIn >> vx >> vy >> vz;	

					vertPos.push_back(XMFLOAT3(vx, vy, vz * -1.0f));
				if (checkChar == 't')	
					float vtcu, vtcv;
					fileIn >> vtcu >> vtcv;		

					vertTexCoord.push_back(XMFLOAT2(vtcu, 1.0f - vtcv));

					hasTexCoord = true;	
				if (checkChar == 'n')	
					float vnx, vny, vnz;
					fileIn >> vnx >> vny >> vnz;	

					vertNorm.push_back(XMFLOAT3(vnx, vny, -vnz));

					hasNorm = true;	
			case 'f':	
				checkChar = fileIn.get();
				if (checkChar == ' ')
					face = L"";
					std::wstring VertDef;	
					triangleCount = 0;

					checkChar = fileIn.get();
					while (checkChar != '\n')
						face += checkChar;			
						checkChar = fileIn.get();	
						if (checkChar == ' ')		

					if (face[face.length() - 1] == ' ')

					triangleCount -= 1;		

					std::wstringstream ss(face);

					if (face.length() > 0)
						int firstVIndex, lastVIndex;	//Holds the first and last vertice's index

						for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)		//First three vertices (first triangle)
							ss >> VertDef;	//Get vertex definition (vPos/vTexCoord/vNorm)

							std::wstring vertPart;
							int whichPart = 0;		//(vPos, vTexCoord, or vNorm)

							//Parse this string
							for (int j = 0; j < VertDef.length(); ++j)
								if (VertDef[j] != '/')	//If there is no divider "/", add a char to our vertPart
									vertPart += VertDef[j];

								//If the current char is a divider "/", or its the last character in the string
								if (VertDef[j] == '/' || j == VertDef.length() - 1)
									std::wistringstream wstringToInt(vertPart);	//Used to convert wstring to int

									if (whichPart == 0)	//If vPos
										wstringToInt >> vertPosIndexTemp;
										vertPosIndexTemp -= 1;		//subtract one since c++ arrays start with 0, and obj start with 1

										//Check to see if the vert pos was the only thing specified
										if (j == VertDef.length() - 1)
											vertNormIndexTemp = 0;
											vertTCIndexTemp = 0;

									else if (whichPart == 1)	//If vTexCoord
										if (vertPart != L"")	//Check to see if there even is a tex coord
											wstringToInt >> vertTCIndexTemp;
											vertTCIndexTemp -= 1;	//subtract one since c++ arrays start with 0, and obj start with 1
										else	//If there is no tex coord, make a default
예제 #3
bool Game::LoadObjModel(std::wstring filename,	//.obj filename
	ID3D11Buffer** vertBuff,					//mesh vertex buffer
	ID3D11Buffer** indexBuff,					//mesh index buffer
	std::vector<int>& subsetIndexStart,			//start index of each subset
	std::vector<int>& subsetMaterialArray,		//index value of material for each subset
	std::vector<SurfaceMaterial>& material,		//vector of material structures
	int& subsetCount,							//Number of subsets in mesh
	bool isRHCoordSys,							//true if model was created in right hand coord system
	bool computeNormals)						//true to compute the normals, false to use the files normals
	std::wifstream fileIn(filename.c_str());	//Open file specified on function call
	std::wstring meshMatLib;					//String to hold our obj material library filename

	//Dynamic arrays to store our model's information
	std::vector<DWORD> indices;					
	std::vector<XMFLOAT3> vertPos;				//vertices in obj file
	std::vector<XMFLOAT3> vertNorm;				//vertex normals in obj file
	std::vector<XMFLOAT2> vertTexCoord;			//text coordinates in obj file
	std::vector<std::wstring> meshMaterials;	//different materials in obj file

	//Vertex definition indices
	std::vector<int> vertPosIndex;
	std::vector<int> vertNormIndex;
	std::vector<int> vertTCIndex;

	//Make sure we have a default if no tex coords or normals are defined
	bool hasTexCoord = false;
	bool hasNorm = false;

	//Temp variables to store into vectors
	std::wstring meshMaterialsTemp;
	int vertPosIndexTemp;
	int vertNormIndexTemp;
	int vertTCIndexTemp;

	wchar_t checkChar;		//The variable we will use to store one char from file at a time
	std::wstring face;		//Holds the string containing our face vertices
	int vIndex = 0;			//Keep track of our vertex index count - store on console
	int triangleCount = 0;	//Total triangles
	int totalVerts = 0;		//Total vertices
	int meshTriangles = 0;

	if (fileIn) //if the file name is valid
		while (fileIn)
			checkChar = fileIn.get();	//Get next char

			switch (checkChar) //change to check string?
			case '#': //skip comments, check char again when new line is reached
				checkChar = fileIn.get();
				while (checkChar != '\n')
					checkChar = fileIn.get();

			case 'v':	//Get Vertex Descriptions
				checkChar = fileIn.get();
				if (checkChar == ' ')	//v - vert position
					float vz, vy, vx;
					fileIn >> vx >> vy >> vz;	//Store the next three types

					if (isRHCoordSys)	//If model is from an RH Coord System
						vertPos.push_back(XMFLOAT3(vx, vy, vz * -1.0f));	//Invert the Z axis
						vertPos.push_back(XMFLOAT3(vx, vy, vz));
				if (checkChar == 't')	//vt - vert tex coords
					float vtcu, vtcv;
					fileIn >> vtcu >> vtcv;		//Store next two types

					if (isRHCoordSys)	//If model is from an RH Coord System
						vertTexCoord.push_back(XMFLOAT2(vtcu, 1.0f - vtcv));	//Reverse the "v" axis
						vertTexCoord.push_back(XMFLOAT2(vtcu, vtcv));

					hasTexCoord = true;	//We know the model uses texture coords
				if (checkChar == 'n')	//vn - vert normal
					float vnx, vny, vnz;
					fileIn >> vnx >> vny >> vnz;	//Store next three types

					if (isRHCoordSys)	//If model is from an RH Coord System
						vertNorm.push_back(XMFLOAT3(vnx, vny, vnz * -1.0f));	//Invert the Z axis
						vertNorm.push_back(XMFLOAT3(vnx, vny, vnz));

					hasNorm = true;	//We know the model defines normals

				//New group (Subset)
			case 'g':	//g - defines a group
				checkChar = fileIn.get();
				if (checkChar == ' ')
					subsetIndexStart.push_back(vIndex);		//Start index for this subset

			case 'm':	//mtllib - material library filename
				//Store the material libraries file name
				fileIn >> meshMatLib;

			case 'u':	//usemtl - which material to use			
				meshMaterialsTemp = L"";	//Make sure this is cleared
				fileIn >> meshMaterialsTemp; //Get next type (string)

			case 'f':	//f - defines the faces
				checkChar = fileIn.get();
				if (checkChar == ' ')
					face = L"";
					std::wstring VertDef;	//Holds one vertex definition at a time
					triangleCount = 0;

					checkChar = fileIn.get();
					while (checkChar != '\n')
						face += checkChar;			//Add the char to our face string
						checkChar = fileIn.get();	//Get the next Character
						if (checkChar == ' ')		//If its a space...
							triangleCount++;		//Increase our triangle count

					//Check for space at the end of our face string
					if (face[face.length() - 1] == ' ')
						triangleCount--;	//Each space adds to our triangle count

					triangleCount -= 1;		//Ever vertex in the face AFTER the first two are new faces

					std::wstringstream ss(face);

					if (face.length() > 0)
						int firstVIndex, lastVIndex;	//Holds the first and last vertice's index

						for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)		//First three vertices (first triangle)
							ss >> VertDef;	//Get vertex definition (vPos/vTexCoord/vNorm)

							std::wstring vertPart;
							int whichPart = 0;		//(vPos, vTexCoord, or vNorm)

							//Parse this string
							for (int j = 0; j < VertDef.length(); ++j)
								if (VertDef[j] != '/')	//If there is no divider "/", add a char to our vertPart
									vertPart += VertDef[j];

								//If the current char is a divider "/", or its the last character in the string
								if (VertDef[j] == '/' || j == VertDef.length() - 1)
									std::wistringstream wstringToInt(vertPart);	//Used to convert wstring to int

									if (whichPart == 0)	//If vPos
										wstringToInt >> vertPosIndexTemp;
										vertPosIndexTemp -= 1;		//subtract one since c++ arrays start with 0, and obj start with 1

										//Check to see if the vert pos was the only thing specified
										if (j == VertDef.length() - 1)
											vertNormIndexTemp = 0;
											vertTCIndexTemp = 0;

									else if (whichPart == 1)	//If vTexCoord
										if (vertPart != L"")	//Check to see if there even is a tex coord
											wstringToInt >> vertTCIndexTemp;
											vertTCIndexTemp -= 1;	//subtract one since c++ arrays start with 0, and obj start with 1
										else	//If there is no tex coord, make a default