예제 #1
bool wxGxContentView::OnDropObjects(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxArrayString& GxObjects, bool bIsControlOn)
    bool bMove = !bIsControlOn;

    SetItemState(m_HighLightItem, 0, wxGISLIST_STATE_DROPHILITED);
    //SetItemState(m_HighLightItem, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED);
    wxPoint pt(x, y);
	unsigned long nFlags(0);
	long nItemId = HitTest(pt, (int &)nFlags);
    long nObjectID(m_nParentGxObjectID);
	if(nItemId != wxNOT_FOUND && (nFlags & wxLIST_HITTEST_ONITEM))
        LPITEMDATA pItemData = (LPITEMDATA)GetItemData(nItemId);
        nObjectID = pItemData->nObjectID;

    wxGxObject* pGxObject = m_pCatalog->GetRegisterObject(nObjectID);
    IGxDropTarget* pTarget = dynamic_cast<IGxDropTarget*>(pGxObject);
        wxDragResult res(bMove == true ? wxDragMove : wxDragCopy);
            return pTarget->Drop(GxObjects, bMove);
	return false;
예제 #2
bool wxGxTreeView::OnDropObjects(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxArrayString& GxObjects)
    bool bMove = !wxGetKeyState(WXK_CONTROL);

    wxPoint pt(x, y);
    wxTreeItemId ItemId = wxTreeCtrl::HitTest(pt, flag);
        SetItemDropHighlight(ItemId, false);

	    wxGxTreeItemData* pData = (wxGxTreeItemData*)GetItemData(ItemId);
	    if(pData == NULL)
		    return wxDragNone;
        wxGxObject* pGxObject = m_pCatalog->GetRegisterObject(pData->m_nObjectID);
        IGxDropTarget* pTarget = dynamic_cast<IGxDropTarget*>(pGxObject);

            wxDragResult res(bMove == true ? wxDragMove : wxDragCopy);
                return pTarget->Drop(GxObjects, bMove);
    return false;
예제 #3
파일: dnd.cpp 프로젝트: czxxjtu/wxPython-1
static void target_drag_data_received( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget),
                                       GdkDragContext *context,
                                       gint x,
                                       gint y,
                                       GtkSelectionData *data,
                                       guint WXUNUSED(info),
                                       guint time,
                                       wxDropTarget *drop_target )
    if (g_isIdle) wxapp_install_idle_handler();

    /* Owen Taylor: "call gtk_drag_finish() with
       success == TRUE" */

    if ((data->length <= 0) || (data->format != 8))
        /* negative data length and non 8-bit data format
           qualifies for junk */
        gtk_drag_finish (context, FALSE, FALSE, time);


#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
    wxLogTrace(TRACE_DND, wxT( "Drop target: data received event") );
    /* inform the wxDropTarget about the current GtkSelectionData.
       this is only valid for the duration of this call */
    drop_target->SetDragData( data );

    wxDragResult result = ConvertFromGTK(context->action);

    if ( wxIsDragResultOk( drop_target->OnData( x, y, result ) ) )
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
        wxLogTrace(TRACE_DND, wxT( "Drop target: OnData returned true") );
        /* tell GTK that data transfer was successful */
        gtk_drag_finish( context, TRUE, FALSE, time );
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
        wxLogTrace(TRACE_DND, wxT( "Drop target: OnData returned FALSE") );
        /* tell GTK that data transfer was not successful */
        gtk_drag_finish( context, FALSE, FALSE, time );

    /* after this, invalidate the drop_target's drag data */
    drop_target->SetDragData( (GtkSelectionData*) NULL );
예제 #4
static void target_drag_data_received( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget),
                                       GdkDragContext *context,
                                       gint x,
                                       gint y,
                                       GtkSelectionData *data,
                                       guint WXUNUSED(info),
                                       guint time,
                                       wxDropTarget *drop_target )
    /* Owen Taylor: "call gtk_drag_finish() with
       success == TRUE" */

    if (gtk_selection_data_get_length(data) <= 0 || gtk_selection_data_get_format(data) != 8)
        /* negative data length and non 8-bit data format
           qualifies for junk */
        gtk_drag_finish (context, FALSE, FALSE, time);


    wxLogTrace(TRACE_DND, wxT( "Drop target: data received event") );

    /* inform the wxDropTarget about the current GtkSelectionData.
       this is only valid for the duration of this call */
    drop_target->GTKSetDragData( data );

    wxDragResult result = ConvertFromGTK(gdk_drag_context_get_selected_action(context));

    if ( wxIsDragResultOk( drop_target->OnData( x, y, result ) ) )
        wxLogTrace(TRACE_DND, wxT( "Drop target: OnData returned true") );

        /* tell GTK that data transfer was successful */
        gtk_drag_finish( context, TRUE, FALSE, time );
        wxLogTrace(TRACE_DND, wxT( "Drop target: OnData returned FALSE") );

        /* tell GTK that data transfer was not successful */
        gtk_drag_finish( context, FALSE, FALSE, time );

    /* after this, invalidate the drop_target's drag data */
    drop_target->GTKSetDragData( NULL );
예제 #5
// Name    : wxIDropTarget::Drop
// Purpose : Instructs the drop target to paste data that was just now
//           dropped on it.
// Returns : S_OK
// Params  : [in]    IDataObject *pIDataSource     the data to paste
//           [in]    DWORD        grfKeyState      kbd & mouse state
//           [in]    POINTL       pt               where the drop occurred?
//           [in/out]DWORD       *pdwEffect        operation effect
// Notes   :
STDMETHODIMP wxIDropTarget::Drop(IDataObject *pIDataSource,
                                 DWORD        grfKeyState,
                                 POINTL       pt,
                                 DWORD       *pdwEffect)
    wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_OleCalls, wxT("IDropTarget::Drop"));

    // TODO I don't know why there is this parameter, but so far I assume
    //      that it's the same we've already got in DragEnter
    wxASSERT( m_pIDataObject == pIDataSource );

    // we need client coordinates to pass to wxWin functions
    if ( !ScreenToClient(m_hwnd, (POINT *)&pt) )

    // first ask the drop target if it wants data
    if ( m_pTarget->OnDrop(pt.x, pt.y) ) {
        // it does, so give it the data source

        // and now it has the data
        wxDragResult rc = ConvertDragEffectToResult(
            GetDropEffect(grfKeyState, m_pTarget->GetDefaultAction(), *pdwEffect));
        rc = m_pTarget->OnData(pt.x, pt.y, rc);
        if ( wxIsDragResultOk(rc) ) {
            // operation succeeded
            *pdwEffect = ConvertDragResultToEffect(rc);
        else {
            *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE;
    else {
        // OnDrop() returned false, no need to copy data
        *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE;

    // release the held object

    return S_OK;
예제 #6
파일: dnd.cpp 프로젝트: czxxjtu/wxPython-1
static gboolean target_drag_motion( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget),
                                    GdkDragContext *context,
                                    gint x,
                                    gint y,
                                    guint time,
                                    wxDropTarget *drop_target )
    if (g_isIdle) wxapp_install_idle_handler();

    /* Owen Taylor: "if the coordinates not in a drop zone,
       return FALSE, otherwise call gtk_drag_status() and
       return TRUE" */

    /* inform the wxDropTarget about the current GdkDragContext.
       this is only valid for the duration of this call */
    drop_target->SetDragContext( context );

    // GTK+ always supposes that we want to copy the data by default while we
    // might want to move it, so examine not only suggested_action - which is
    // only good if we don't have our own preferences - but also the actions
    // field
    wxDragResult result;
    if (drop_target->GetDefaultAction() == wxDragNone)
        // use default action set by wxDropSource::DoDragDrop()
    if ( (gs_flagsForDrag & wxDrag_DefaultMove) == wxDrag_DefaultMove &&
            (context->actions & GDK_ACTION_MOVE ) )
        // move is requested by the program and allowed by GTK+ - do it, even
        // though suggested_action may be currently wxDragCopy
        result = wxDragMove;
    else // use whatever GTK+ says we should
        result = ConvertFromGTK(context->suggested_action);

        if ( (result == wxDragMove) && !(gs_flagsForDrag & wxDrag_AllowMove) )
            // we're requested to move but we can't
            result = wxDragCopy;
    else if (drop_target->GetDefaultAction() == wxDragMove &&
                (context->actions & GDK_ACTION_MOVE))
       result = wxDragMove;
        if (context->actions & GDK_ACTION_COPY)
            result = wxDragCopy;
        else if (context->actions & GDK_ACTION_MOVE)
            result = wxDragMove;
            result = wxDragNone;

    if (drop_target->m_firstMotion)
        /* the first "drag_motion" event substitutes a "drag_enter" event */
        result = drop_target->OnEnter( x, y, result );
        /* give program a chance to react (i.e. to say no by returning FALSE) */
        result = drop_target->OnDragOver( x, y, result );

    bool ret = wxIsDragResultOk( result );
    if (ret)
        GdkDragAction action;
        if (result == wxDragCopy)
            action = GDK_ACTION_COPY;
        else if (result == wxDragLink)
            action = GDK_ACTION_LINK;
            action = GDK_ACTION_MOVE;

        gdk_drag_status( context, action, time );

    /* after this, invalidate the drop_target's GdkDragContext */
    drop_target->SetDragContext( (GdkDragContext*) NULL );

    /* this has to be done because GDK has no "drag_enter" event */
    drop_target->m_firstMotion = false;

    return ret;
예제 #7
bool wxGISCatalogMainCmd::GetEnabled(void)
    wxCHECK_MSG(m_pGxApp, false, wxT("Application pointer is null"));

    wxGxSelection* pSel = m_pGxApp->GetGxSelection();
    wxGxCatalogBase* pCat = GetGxCatalog();

		case 0://Up One Level
            if(pCat && pSel)
                wxGxObject* pGxObject = pCat->GetRegisterObject(pSel->GetFirstSelectedObjectId());
                return pGxObject != NULL && pGxObject->GetParent();
            return false;
		case 1:
			return true;
		case 2:
			//check if wxGxDiscConnection
            if(pCat && pSel)
                wxGxObject* pGxObject = pCat->GetRegisterObject(pSel->GetFirstSelectedObjectId());
                return pGxObject != NULL && pGxObject->IsKindOf(wxCLASSINFO(wxGxDiscConnection));
			return false;
		case 3:
			return true;
		case 4://delete
             if(pCat && pSel)
                for(size_t i = 0; i < pSel->GetCount(); ++i)
                    wxGxObject* pGxObject = pCat->GetRegisterObject(pSel->GetSelectedObjectId(i));
					IGxObjectEdit* pGxObjectEdit = dynamic_cast<IGxObjectEdit*>(pGxObject);
					if(pGxObjectEdit && pGxObjectEdit->CanDelete())
						return true;
             return false;
		case 5:
                return pSel->CanUndo();
			return false;
		case 6:
                return pSel->CanRedo();
			return false;
        case 7:
            if(pCat && pSel)
                wxGxObject* pGxObject = pCat->GetRegisterObject(pSel->GetFirstSelectedObjectId());
                wxGxObjectContainer* pCont = wxDynamicCast(pGxObject, wxGxObjectContainer);
                    return pCont->CanCreate(enumGISContainer, enumContFolder);
			return false;
		case 8://Rename
            if(pCat && pSel)
                size_t nCounter(0);
                for(size_t i = 0; i < pSel->GetCount(); ++i)
                    wxGxObject* pGxObject = pCat->GetRegisterObject(pSel->GetSelectedObjectId(i));
	                IGxObjectEdit* pGxObjectEdit = dynamic_cast<IGxObjectEdit*>(pGxObject);
	                if(pGxObjectEdit && pGxObjectEdit->CanRename())
                return nCounter == 1 ? true : false;
            return false;
		case 9://Refresh
                return pSel->GetCount() > 0;
			return false;
		case 10://Properties
			//check if IGxObjectEditUI
            if(pCat && pSel)
                wxGxObject* pGxObject = pCat->GetRegisterObject(pSel->GetLastSelectedObjectId());
                return dynamic_cast<IGxObjectEditUI*>(pGxObject);
			return false;
        case 11://Copy
             if(pCat && pSel)
                for(size_t i = 0; i < pSel->GetCount(); ++i)
                    wxGxObject* pGxObject = pCat->GetRegisterObject(pSel->GetSelectedObjectId(i));
					IGxObjectEdit* pGxObjectEdit = dynamic_cast<IGxObjectEdit*>(pGxObject);
                    if(pGxObjectEdit && pGxObjectEdit->CanCopy(""))
                        return true;
             return false;
        case 12://Cut
             if(pCat && pSel)
                for(size_t i = 0; i < pSel->GetCount(); ++i)
                    wxGxObject* pGxObject = pCat->GetRegisterObject(pSel->GetSelectedObjectId(i));
					IGxObjectEdit* pGxObjectEdit = dynamic_cast<IGxObjectEdit*>(pGxObject);
                    if(pGxObjectEdit && pGxObjectEdit->CanMove(""))
                        return true;
             return false;
        case 13://Paste
            IViewDropTarget* pViewDropTarget = dynamic_cast<IViewDropTarget*>(wxWindow::FindFocus());
                if( pViewDropTarget->CanPaste() )
                    wxClipboardLocker locker;
                    bool bMove(false);
                        wxTextDataObject data;                        
                        if(wxTheClipboard->GetData( data ))
                            if(data.GetText() == wxString(wxT("cut")))
                                bMove = true;

                    for(size_t i = 0; i < pSel->GetCount(); ++i)
                        IGxDropTarget* pGxDropTarget = dynamic_cast<IGxDropTarget*>(pCat->GetRegisterObject(pSel->GetSelectedObjectId(i)));
                        if(pGxDropTarget && wxIsDragResultOk(pGxDropTarget->CanDrop(bMove == true ? wxDragMove : wxDragCopy)))
                            return true;
             return false;
			return false;