예제 #1
파일: musiobin.cpp 프로젝트: DDMAL/aruspix
bool MusBinOutput::WriteElementAttr( const MusElement *element )
	Write( &element->liaison , 1 );
	Write( &element->dliai , 1 );
	Write( &element->fliai , 1 );
	Write( &element->lie_up , 1 );
	Write( &element->rel , 1 );
	Write( &element->drel , 1 );
	Write( &element->frel , 1 );
	Write( &element->oct , 1 );
	Write( &element->dimin , 1 );
	Write( &element->grp , 1 );
	Write( &element->_shport , 1 );
	Write( &element->ligat , 1 );
	Write( &element->ElemInvisible , 1 );
	Write( &element->pointInvisible , 1 );
	Write( &element->existDebord , 1 );
	Write( &element->fligat , 1 );
	Write( &element->notschowgrp , 1 );
	Write( &element->cone , 1 );
	Write( &element->liaisonPointil , 1 );
	Write( &element->reserve1 , 1 );
	Write( &element->reserve2 , 1 );
	Write( &element->ottava , 1 );
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( element->durNum );
	Write( &uint16, 2 );
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( element->durDen );
	Write( &uint16, 2 );
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( element->offset );
	Write( &uint16, 2 );
	int32 = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( element->xrel );
	Write( &int32, 4 );
	return true;
예제 #2
파일: musiobin.cpp 프로젝트: DDMAL/aruspix
bool MusBinInput::ReadElementAttr( MusElement *element )
	Read( &element->liaison , 1 );
	Read( &element->dliai , 1 );
	Read( &element->fliai , 1 );
	Read( &element->lie_up , 1 );
	Read( &element->rel , 1 );
	Read( &element->drel , 1 );
	Read( &element->frel , 1 );
	Read( &element->oct , 1 );
	Read( &element->dimin , 1 );
	Read( &element->grp , 1 );
	Read( &element->_shport , 1 );
	Read( &element->ligat , 1 );
	Read( &element->ElemInvisible , 1 );
	Read( &element->pointInvisible , 1 );
	Read( &element->existDebord , 1 );
	Read( &element->fligat , 1 );
	Read( &element->notschowgrp , 1 );
	Read( &element->cone , 1 );
	Read( &element->liaisonPointil , 1 );
	Read( &element->reserve1 , 1 );
	Read( &element->reserve2 , 1 );
	Read( &element->ottava , 1 );
	Read( &uint16, 2 );
	element->durNum = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 );
	Read( &uint16, 2 );
	element->durDen = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 );
	Read( &uint16, 2 );
	element->offset = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 );
	Read( &int32, 4 );
	element->xrel = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 );
	return true;
예제 #3
bool CWAVFileWriter::open()
	m_length = 0U ;

	m_file = new wxFFile(m_fileName.c_str(), wxT("wb"));

	bool ret = m_file->IsOpened();
	if (!ret) {
		wxLogError(wxT("WAVFileWriter: could not open the file %s in WAVFileWriter"), m_fileName.c_str());
		delete m_file;
		m_file = NULL;
		return false;

	m_file->Write("RIFF", 4);                       // 4 bytes, file signature

	m_offset1 = m_file->Tell();

	wxUint32 uint32 = 0;
	m_file->Write(&uint32, sizeof(wxUint32));       // 4 bytes, length of file, filled in later

	m_file->Write("WAVE", 4);                       // 4 bytes, RIFF file type

	m_file->Write("fmt ", 4);                       // 4 bytes, chunk signature

	uint32 = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(wxUint32(16));
	m_file->Write(&uint32, sizeof(wxUint32));       // 4 bytes, length of "fmt " chunk

	wxUint16 uint16;
	if (m_sampleWidth == 8U || m_sampleWidth == 16U)
		uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(wxUint16(1));      // 2 bytes, integer PCM/uncompressed
		uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(wxUint16(3));      // 2 bytes, float PCM/uncompressed
	m_file->Write(&uint16, sizeof(uint16));

	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(wxUint16(m_channels));
	m_file->Write(&uint16, sizeof(uint16));         // 2 bytes, no of channels
	uint32 = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(wxUint32(m_sampleRate));
	m_file->Write(&uint32, sizeof(wxUint32));       // 4 bytes, sample rate

	uint32 = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(wxUint32(m_sampleRate * m_channels * m_sampleWidth / 8U));
	m_file->Write(&uint32, sizeof(wxUint32));       // 4 bytes, average bytes per second

	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(wxUint16(m_channels * m_sampleWidth / 8U));
	m_file->Write(&uint16, sizeof(uint16));         // 2 bytes, block alignment

	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(wxUint16(m_sampleWidth));
	m_file->Write(&uint16, sizeof(uint16));         // 2 bytes, significant bits per sample

	m_file->Write("data", 4);                       // 4 bytes, chunk signature

	m_offset2 = m_file->Tell();

	uint32 = 0U;
	m_file->Write(&uint32, sizeof(wxUint32));       // 4 bytes, length of "data" chunk, filled in later

	return true;
예제 #4
bool wxSound::LoadWAV(const wxUint8 *data, size_t length, bool copyData)
    WAVEFORMAT waveformat;
    wxUint32 ul;

    if (length < 32 + sizeof(WAVEFORMAT))
        return false;

    memcpy(&waveformat, &data[FMT_INDEX + 4], sizeof(WAVEFORMAT));
    waveformat.uiSize = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(waveformat.uiSize);
    waveformat.uiFormatTag = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(waveformat.uiFormatTag);
    waveformat.uiChannels = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(waveformat.uiChannels);
    waveformat.ulSamplesPerSec = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(waveformat.ulSamplesPerSec);
    waveformat.ulAvgBytesPerSec = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(waveformat.ulAvgBytesPerSec);
    waveformat.uiBlockAlign = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(waveformat.uiBlockAlign);
    waveformat.uiBitsPerSample = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(waveformat.uiBitsPerSample);

    if (memcmp(data, "RIFF", 4) != 0)
        return false;
    if (memcmp(&data[WAVE_INDEX], "WAVE", 4) != 0)
        return false;
    if (memcmp(&data[FMT_INDEX], "fmt ", 4) != 0)
        return false;
    if (memcmp(&data[FMT_INDEX + waveformat.uiSize + 8], "data", 4) != 0)
        return false;
    memcpy(&ul,&data[FMT_INDEX + waveformat.uiSize + 12], 4);
    ul = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(ul);

    //WAS: if (ul + FMT_INDEX + waveformat.uiSize + 16 != length)
    if (ul + FMT_INDEX + waveformat.uiSize + 16 > length)
        return false;

    if (waveformat.uiFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM)
        return false;

    if (waveformat.ulSamplesPerSec !=
        waveformat.ulAvgBytesPerSec / waveformat.uiBlockAlign)
        return false;

    m_data = new wxSoundData;
    m_data->m_channels = waveformat.uiChannels;
    m_data->m_samplingRate = waveformat.ulSamplesPerSec;
    m_data->m_bitsPerSample = waveformat.uiBitsPerSample;
    m_data->m_samples = ul / (m_data->m_channels * m_data->m_bitsPerSample / 8);
    m_data->m_dataBytes = ul;

    if (copyData)
        m_data->m_dataWithHeader = new wxUint8[length];
        memcpy(m_data->m_dataWithHeader, data, length);
        m_data->m_dataWithHeader = (wxUint8*)data;

    m_data->m_data =
        (&m_data->m_dataWithHeader[FMT_INDEX + waveformat.uiSize + 8]);

    return true;
예제 #5
파일: musiobin.cpp 프로젝트: DDMAL/aruspix
bool MusBinInput::ReadFileHeader( MusFileHeader *header )
	Read( &int32, 4 ); 
	m_flag = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 ); 
	Read( &int32, 4 ); 
	m_vmaj = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 ); 
    Read( &int32, 4 ); 
	m_vmin = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 ); 
    Read( &int32, 4 ); 
	m_vrev = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 ); 
	Read( &uint16, 2 ); 
	header->nbpage = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 ); // nbpage
	Read( &uint16, 2 ); 
	header->nopage = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 ); // nopage
	Read( &uint16, 2 ); 
	header->noligne = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 ); // noligne
	Read( &uint32, 4 );
	header->xpos = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( uint32 );  // xpso
	Read( &header->param.orientation, 1 ); // param - orientation
	Read( &header->param.EpLignesPortee, 1 ); // param - epLignesPortee
    header->param.EpLignesPortee = 1;	
	Read( &header->param.EpQueueNote, 1 ); // param - epQueueNotes
    header->param.EpQueueNote = 2;
	Read( &header->param.EpBarreMesure, 1 ); // param - epBarreMesure
	Read( &header->param.EpBarreValeur, 1 ); // param - epBarreValeur
	Read( &header->param.EpBlancBarreValeur, 1 ); // param - epBlancBarreValeur
	Read( &int32, 4 );
	header->param.pageFormatHor = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 ); // param - pageFormatHor
	Read( &int32, 4 );
	header->param.pageFormatVer = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 ); // param - pageFormatVer
	Read( &int16, 2 );
	header->param.MargeSOMMET = wxINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( int16 ); // param - margeSommet
	Read( &int16, 2 );
	header->param.MargeGAUCHEIMPAIRE = wxINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( int16 ); // param - margeGaucheImpaire
	Read( &int16, 2 );
	header->param.MargeGAUCHEPAIRE = wxINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( int16 ); // param - margeGauchePaire
	Read( &header->param.rapportPorteesNum, 1 ); // rpPorteesNum
	Read( &header->param.rapportPorteesDen, 1 ); // rpPorteesDen
	Read( &header->param.rapportDiminNum, 1 ); // rpDiminNum
	Read( &header->param.rapportDiminDen, 1 ); // rpDiminDen	
	Read( &header->param.hampesCorr, 1 ); // hampesCorr
    header->param.hampesCorr = 1;	 
	if ( AxFile::FormatVersion(m_vmaj, m_vmin, m_vrev) < AxFile::FormatVersion(1, 6, 1) )
		return true; // following values where added in 1.6.1
    // 1.6.1
    Read( &int32, 4 );
    header->param.notationMode = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 );

	return true;
bool CDVAPController::writeHeader(const CHeaderData& header)

	unsigned char buffer[50U];

	::memcpy(buffer, DVAP_HEADER, DVAP_HEADER_LEN);

	wxUint16 sid = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(m_streamId);
	::memcpy(buffer + 2U, &sid, sizeof(wxUint16));

	buffer[4U] = 0x80U;
	buffer[5U] = 0U;

	::memset(buffer + 6U, ' ', RADIO_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTES);

	buffer[6U] = header.getFlag1();
	buffer[7U] = header.getFlag2();
	buffer[8U] = header.getFlag3();

	wxString rpt2 = header.getRptCall2();
	for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < rpt2.Len() && i < LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH; i++)
		buffer[i + 9U]  = rpt2.GetChar(i);

	wxString rpt1 = header.getRptCall1();
	for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < rpt1.Len() && i < LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH; i++)
		buffer[i + 17U] = rpt1.GetChar(i);

	wxString your = header.getYourCall();
	for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < your.Len() && i < LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH; i++)
		buffer[i + 25U] = your.GetChar(i);

	wxString my1 = header.getMyCall1();
	for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < my1.Len() && i < LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH; i++)
		buffer[i + 33U] = my1.GetChar(i);

	wxString my2 = header.getMyCall2();
	for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < my2.Len() && i < SHORT_CALLSIGN_LENGTH; i++)
		buffer[i + 41U] = my2.GetChar(i);

	CCCITTChecksumReverse cksum;
	cksum.update(buffer + 6U, RADIO_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTES - 2U);
	cksum.result(buffer + 45U);

	m_framePos = 0U;
	m_seq = 0U;

	wxMutexLocker locker(m_mutex);

	unsigned int space = m_txData.freeSpace();
	if (space < 48U)
		return false;

	unsigned char len = DVAP_HEADER_LEN;
	m_txData.addData(&len, 1U);

	m_txData.addData(buffer, DVAP_HEADER_LEN);

	return true;
예제 #7
/* ChasmBinArchive::isChasmBinArchive
 * Checks if the given data is a valid Chasm bin archive
bool ChasmBinArchive::isChasmBinArchive(MemChunk& mc)
	// Check given data is valid
	if (mc.getSize() < HEADER_SIZE)
		return false;

	// Read bin header and check it
	char magic[4] = {};
	mc.read(magic, sizeof magic);

	if (   magic[0] != 'C'
		|| magic[1] != 'S'
		|| magic[2] != 'i'
		|| magic[3] != 'd')
		return false;

	uint16_t num_entries = 0;
	mc.read(&num_entries, sizeof num_entries);
	num_entries = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(num_entries);

	return num_entries > MAX_ENTRY_COUNT
		|| (HEADER_SIZE + ENTRY_SIZE * MAX_ENTRY_COUNT) <= mc.getSize();
예제 #8
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks if the file at [filename] is a valid Chasm bin archive
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ChasmBinArchive::isChasmBinArchive(string filename)
	// Open file for reading
	wxFile file(filename);

	// Check it opened ok
	if (!file.IsOpened() || file.Length() < HEADER_SIZE)
		return false;

	// Read bin header and check it
	char magic[4] = {};
	file.Read(magic, sizeof magic);

	if (magic[0] != 'C' || magic[1] != 'S' || magic[2] != 'i' || magic[3] != 'd')
		return false;

	uint16_t num_entries = 0;
	file.Read(&num_entries, sizeof num_entries);
	num_entries = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(num_entries);

	return num_entries > MAX_ENTRY_COUNT
		   || (HEADER_SIZE + ENTRY_SIZE * MAX_ENTRY_COUNT) <= static_cast<uint32_t>(file.Length());
예제 #9
파일: musiobin.cpp 프로젝트: DDMAL/aruspix
bool MusBinOutput::WriteFileHeader( const MusFileHeader *header )
	int32 = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( m_flag );
	Write( &int32, 4 );
	int32 = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( AxApp::s_version_major );
	Write( &int32, 4 );
	int32 = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( AxApp::s_version_minor );
	Write( &int32, 4 );
	int32 = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( AxApp::s_version_revision );
	Write( &int32, 4 );
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( header->nbpage ); // nbpage
	Write( &uint16, 2 ); 
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( header->nopage ); // nopage
	Write( &uint16, 2 ); 
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( header->noligne ); // noligne
	Write( &uint16, 2 ); 
	uint32 = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( header->xpos ); // xpso
	Write( &uint32, 4 );
	Write( &header->param.orientation, 1 ); // param - orientation
	Write( &header->param.EpLignesPortee, 1 ); // param - epLignesPortee
	Write( &header->param.EpQueueNote, 1 ); // param - epQueueNotes
	Write( &header->param.EpBarreMesure, 1 ); // param - epBarreMesure
	Write( &header->param.EpBarreValeur, 1 ); // param - epBarreValeur
	Write( &header->param.EpBlancBarreValeur, 1 ); // param - epBlancBarreValeur
	int32 = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( header->param.pageFormatHor ); // param - pageFormatHor
	Write( &int32, 4 );
	int32 = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( header->param.pageFormatVer ); // param - pageFormatVer
	Write( &int32, 4 );
	int16 = wxINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( header->param.MargeSOMMET ); // param - margeSommet
	Write( &int16, 2 );
	int16 = wxINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( header->param.MargeGAUCHEIMPAIRE ); // param - margeGaucheImpaire
	Write( &int16, 2 );
	int16 = wxINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( header->param.MargeGAUCHEPAIRE ); // param - margeGauchePaire
	Write( &int16, 2 );
	Write( &header->param.rapportPorteesNum, 1 ); // rpPorteesNum
	Write( &header->param.rapportPorteesDen, 1 ); // rpPorteesDen
	Write( &header->param.rapportDiminNum, 1 ); // rpDiminNum
	Write( &header->param.rapportDiminDen, 1 ); // rpDiminDen
	Write( &header->param.hampesCorr, 1 ); // hampesCorr
	int32 = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( header->param.notationMode ); // param - pageFormatVer
	Write( &int32, 4 );    
	return true;
예제 #10
wxUint16 wxDataInputStream::Read16()
    wxUint16 i16;

    m_input->Read(&i16, 2);

    if (m_be_order)
        return wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_LE(i16);
        return wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(i16);
예제 #11
파일: musiobin.cpp 프로젝트: DDMAL/aruspix
bool MusBinInput::ReadSymbol( MusSymbol *symbol )
	ReadElementAttr( symbol );
	Read( &symbol->flag , 1 );
	we also need to convert LEIPZIG_METER_SYMB_CUT into METER_SYMB_CUT for IND_MES
	Read( &symbol->calte , 1 );
	Read( &symbol->carStyle , 1 );
	Read( &symbol->carOrient , 1 );
	Read( &symbol->fonte , 1 );
	Read( &symbol->s_lie_l , 1 );
	Read( &symbol->point , 1 );
	Read( &uint16, 2 );
	symbol->code = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 );
	Read( &uint16, 2 );
	symbol->l_ptch = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 );
	Read( &int32, 4 );
	symbol->dec_y = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 );
	if ( symbol->IsLyric() )
        ReadLyric( symbol );
	return true;
예제 #12
파일: musiobin.cpp 프로젝트: DDMAL/aruspix
bool MusBinOutput::WriteSymbol( const MusSymbol *symbol )
	Write( &symbol->TYPE, 1 );
	WriteElementAttr( symbol );
	Write( &symbol->flag , 1 );
	Write( &symbol->calte , 1 );
	Write( &symbol->carStyle , 1 );
	Write( &symbol->carOrient , 1 );
	Write( &symbol->fonte , 1 );
	Write( &symbol->s_lie_l , 1 );
	Write( &symbol->point , 1 );
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( symbol->code );
	Write( &uint16, 2 );
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( symbol->l_ptch );
	Write( &uint16, 2 );	
	int32 = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( symbol->dec_y );
	Write( &int32, 4 );
    // if ( symbol->IsLyric() ) // To be fixed ??
    if ( (symbol->flag == CHAINE) && (symbol->fonte == LYRIC) )
		WriteLyric( symbol );
	return true;
예제 #13
unsigned int CDVTOOLFileReader::read(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int length, DVTFR_TYPE& type)
	wxASSERT(buffer != 0);
	wxASSERT(length > 0U);

	wxUint16 uint16;
	size_t n = m_file.Read(&uint16, sizeof(wxUint16));
	if (n != sizeof(wxUint16))
		return 0U;

	wxUint16 len = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(uint16) - 15U;
	if (len > length)
		return 0U;

	unsigned char bytes[FIXED_DATA_LENGTH];
	n = m_file.Read(bytes, DSVT_SIGNATURE_LENGTH);
		return 0U;

	if (::memcmp(bytes, DSVT_SIGNATURE, DSVT_SIGNATURE_LENGTH) != 0)
		return 0U;

	char flag;
	n = m_file.Read(&flag, 1U);
	if (n != 1U)
		return 0U;


	n = m_file.Read(bytes, FIXED_DATA_LENGTH);
		return 0U;

	n = m_file.Read(&flag, 1U);
	if (n != 1U)
		return 0U;

	if (type == DVTFR_DETAIL) {
		if ((flag & TRAILER_MASK) == TRAILER_MASK)
			type = DVTFR_TRAILER;

	n = m_file.Read(buffer, len);
	if (n != len)
		return 0U;

	return len;
예제 #14
bool CDVAPController::writeData(const unsigned char* data, unsigned int length, bool end)
	unsigned char buffer[20U];

	::memcpy(buffer + 0U, DVAP_DATA, DVAP_DATA_LEN);

		m_framePos = 0U;

	wxUint16 sid = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(m_streamId);
	::memcpy(buffer + 2U, &sid, sizeof(wxUint16));

	buffer[4U] = m_framePos;
	buffer[5U] = m_seq;

	if (end)
		buffer[4U] |= 0x40U;

	::memcpy(buffer + 6U, data, DV_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES);

	wxMutexLocker locker(m_mutex);

	unsigned int space = m_txData.freeSpace();
	if (space < 19U) {
		wxLogMessage(wxT("Out of space in the DVAP TX queue"));
		return false;

	unsigned char len = DVAP_DATA_LEN;
	m_txData.addData(&len, 1U);

	m_txData.addData(buffer, DVAP_DATA_LEN);


	return true;
예제 #15
bool CSoundFileReader::open(float sampleRate, unsigned int blockSize)
	m_blockSize = blockSize;
	m_read      = 0U;

	m_file = new wxFFile(m_fileName.c_str(), wxT("rb"));

	bool ret = m_file->IsOpened();
	if (!ret) {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: could not open the WAV file %s."), m_fileName.c_str());

		delete m_file;
		m_file = NULL;

		return false;

	unsigned char buffer[4];

	unsigned int n = m_file->Read(buffer, 4);
	if (n != 4U || ::memcmp(buffer, "RIFF", 4) != 0) {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: %s has no \"RIFF\" signature."), m_fileName.c_str());
		return false;

	n = m_file->Read(buffer, 4);
	if (n != 4U) {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: %s is corrupt, cannot read the file length."), m_fileName.c_str());
		return false;

	n = m_file->Read(buffer, 4);
	if (n != 4U || ::memcmp(buffer, "WAVE", 4) != 0) {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: %s has no \"WAVE\" header."), m_fileName.c_str());
		return false;

	n = m_file->Read(buffer, 4);
	if (n != 4U || ::memcmp(buffer, "fmt ", 4) != 0) {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: %s has no \"fmt \" chunk."), m_fileName.c_str());
		return false;

	wxUint32 uint32;
	n = m_file->Read(&uint32, sizeof(wxUint32));

	wxUint32 length = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(uint32);
	if (n != sizeof(wxUint32) || length < 16U) {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: %s is corrupt, cannot read the WAVEFORMATEX structure length."), m_fileName.c_str());
		return false;

	wxUint16 uint16;
	n = m_file->Read(&uint16, sizeof(wxUint16));

	wxUint16 compCode = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(uint16);
	if (n != sizeof(wxUint16) || (compCode != FORMAT_PCM && compCode != FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT)) {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: %s is not PCM or IEEE Float format, is %u."), m_fileName.c_str(), compCode);
		return false;

	n = m_file->Read(&uint16, sizeof(wxUint16));

	m_channels = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(uint16);
	if (n != sizeof(wxUint16) || m_channels > 2U) {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: %s has %u channels, more than 2."), m_fileName.c_str(), m_channels);
		return false;

	n = m_file->Read(&uint32, sizeof(wxUint32));

	wxUint32 samplesPerSec = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(uint32);
	if (n != sizeof(wxUint32) || samplesPerSec != sampleRate) {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: %s has sample rate %lu, not %.0f"), m_fileName.c_str(), (unsigned long)samplesPerSec, sampleRate);
		return false;

	n = m_file->Read(&uint32, sizeof(wxUint32));

	if (n != sizeof(wxUint32)) {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: %s is corrupt, cannot read the average bytes per second"), m_fileName.c_str());
		return false;

	n = m_file->Read(&uint16, sizeof(wxUint16));

	if (n != sizeof(wxUint16)) {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: %s is corrupt, cannot read the block align."), m_fileName.c_str());
		return false;

	n = m_file->Read(&uint16, sizeof(wxUint16));

	if (n != sizeof(wxUint16)) {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: %s is corrupt, cannot read the bitsPerSample."), m_fileName.c_str());
		return false;

	wxUint16 bitsPerSample = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(uint16);

	if (bitsPerSample == 8U && compCode == FORMAT_PCM) {
		m_format = FORMAT_8BIT;
	} else if (bitsPerSample == 16U && compCode == FORMAT_PCM) {
		m_format = FORMAT_16BIT;
	} else if (bitsPerSample == 32U && compCode == FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT) {
		m_format = FORMAT_32BIT;
	} else {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: %s has sample width %u and format %u."), m_fileName.c_str(), bitsPerSample, compCode);
		return false;

	// Now drain any extra bytes of data
	if (length > 16U)
		m_file->Seek(length - 16U, wxFromCurrent);

	n = m_file->Read(buffer, 4);

	if (n != 4U || ::memcmp(buffer, "data", 4) != 0) {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: %s has no \"data\" chunk."), m_fileName.c_str());
		return false;

	n = m_file->Read(&uint32, sizeof(wxUint32));

	if (n != sizeof(wxUint32)) {
		wxLogError(wxT("SoundFileReader: %s is corrupt, cannot read the \"data\" chunk size"), m_fileName.c_str());
		return false;

	m_length = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(uint32);

	// Get the current location so we can rewind if needed
	m_offset = m_file->Tell();

	switch (m_format) {
		case FORMAT_8BIT:
			m_buffer8 =  new wxUint8[m_blockSize * m_channels];
		case FORMAT_16BIT:
			m_buffer16 = new wxInt16[m_blockSize * m_channels];
		case FORMAT_32BIT:
			m_buffer32 = new wxFloat32[m_blockSize * m_channels];

	m_buffer = new float[m_blockSize * 2U];

	return CThreadReader::open(sampleRate, blockSize);
예제 #16
파일: chm.cpp 프로젝트: gitrider/wxsj2
 * Help Browser tries to read the contents of the
 * file by interpreting a .hhp file in the Archiv.
 * For .chm doesnt include such a file, we need
 * to rebuild the information based on stored
 * system-files.
    wxFileName file;
    bool topic = false;
    bool hhc = false;
    bool hhk = false;
    wxInputStream *i;
    wxMemoryOutputStream *out;
    const char *tmp;

    // Try to open the #SYSTEM-File and create the HHP File out of it
    // see http://bonedaddy.net/pabs3/chmspec/0.1.2/Internal.html#SYSTEM
    if ( ! m_chm->Contains(_T("/#SYSTEM")) )
#ifdef DEBUG
        wxLogDebug(_("Archive doesnt contain #SYSTEM file"));
        file = wxFileName(_T("/#SYSTEM"));

    if ( CreateFileStream(_T("/#SYSTEM")) )
        // New stream for writing a memory area to simulate the
        // .hhp-file
        out = new wxMemoryOutputStream();

        tmp = "[OPTIONS]\r\n";
        out->Write((const void *) tmp, strlen(tmp));

        wxUint16 code;
        wxUint16 len;
        void *buf;

        // use the actual stream for reading
        i = m_contentStream;

        /* Now read the contents, and try to get the needed information */

        // First 4 Bytes are Version information, skip

        while (!i->Eof())
            // Read #SYSTEM-Code and length
            i->Read(&code, 2);
            code = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( code ) ;
            i->Read(&len, 2);
            len = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( len ) ;
            // data
            buf = malloc(len);
            i->Read(buf, len);

            switch (code)
                case 0: // CONTENTS_FILE
                    tmp = "Contents file=";
                case 1: // INDEX_FILE
                    tmp = "Index file=";
                    hhk = true;
                case 2: // DEFAULT_TOPIC
                    tmp = "Default Topic=";
                    topic = true;
                case 3: // TITLE
                    tmp = "Title=";
                //       case 6: // COMPILED_FILE
                //         tmp = "Compiled File=";
                //         break;
                case 7: // COMPILED_FILE
                    tmp = "Binary Index=YES\r\n";
                    out->Write( (const void *) tmp, strlen(tmp));
                    tmp = NULL;
                case 4: // STRUCT SYSTEM INFO
                    tmp = NULL ;
                    if ( len >= 28 )
                        char *structptr = (char*) buf ;
                        // LCID at position 0
                        wxUint32 dummy = *((wxUint32 *)(structptr+0)) ;
                        wxUint32 lcid = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( dummy ) ;
                        wxString msg ;
                        msg.Printf(_T("Language=0x%X\r\n"),lcid) ;
                        out->Write(msg.c_str() , msg.Length() ) ;
                    break ;

            if (tmp)
                out->Write((const void *) tmp, strlen(tmp));
                out->Write(buf, strlen((char*)buf));
                out->Write("\r\n", 2);


        // Free the old data which wont be used any more
        delete m_contentStream;
        if (m_content)
            free (m_content);

        // Now add entries which are missing
        if ( !hhc && m_chm->Contains(_T("*.hhc")) )
            tmp = "Contents File=*.hhc\r\n";
            out->Write((const void *) tmp, strlen(tmp));

        if ( !hhk && m_chm->Contains(_T("*.hhk")) )
            tmp = "Index File=*.hhk\r\n";
            out->Write((const void *) tmp, strlen(tmp));
        // Now copy the Data from the memory
        out->SeekO(0, wxFromEnd);
        m_size = out->TellO();
        out->SeekO(0, wxFromStart);
        m_content = (char *) malloc (m_size+1);
        out->CopyTo(m_content, m_size);
        m_contentStream = new wxMemoryInputStream(m_content, m_size);

        delete out;
예제 #17
/* GZipArchive::open
 * Reads gzip format data from a MemChunk
 * Returns true if successful, false otherwise
bool GZipArchive::open(MemChunk& mc)
	// Minimal metadata size is 18: 10 for header, 8 for footer
	size_t mds = 18;
	size_t size = mc.getSize();
	if (mds > size)
		return false;

	// Read header
	uint8_t header[4];
	mc.read(header, 4);

	// Check for GZip header; we'll only accept deflated gzip files
	// and reject any field using unknown flags
	if ((!(header[0] == GZIP_ID1 && header[1] == GZIP_ID2 && header[2] == GZIP_DEFLATE))
	        || (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FUNKN))
		return false;

	bool ftext, fhcrc, fxtra, fname, fcmnt;
	ftext = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FTEXT) ? true : false;
	fhcrc = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FHCRC) ? true : false;
	fxtra = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FXTRA) ? true : false;
	fname = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FNAME) ? true : false;
	fcmnt = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FCMNT) ? true : false;
	flags = header[3];

	mc.read(&mtime, 4);
	mtime = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(mtime);

	mc.read(&xfl, 1);
	mc.read(&os, 1);

	// Skip extra fields which may be there
	if (fxtra)
		uint16_t xlen;
		mc.read(&xlen, 2);
		xlen = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(xlen);
		mds += xlen + 2;
		if (mds > size)
			return false;
		mc.exportMemChunk(xtra, mc.currentPos(), xlen);
		mc.seek(xlen, SEEK_CUR);

	// Skip past name, if any
	string name;
	if (fname)
		char c;
			mc.read(&c, 1);
			if (c) name += c;
		while (c != 0 && size > mds);
		// Build name from filename
		name = getFilename(false);
		wxFileName fn(name);
		if (!fn.GetExt().CmpNoCase("tgz"))
		else if (!fn.GetExt().CmpNoCase("gz"))
		name = fn.GetFullName();

	// Skip past comment
	if (fcmnt)
		char c;
			mc.read(&c, 1);
			if (c) comment += c;
		while (c != 0 && size > mds);
		wxLogMessage("Archive %s says:\n %s", CHR(getFilename(true)), CHR(comment));

	// Skip past CRC 16 check
	if (fhcrc)
		uint8_t* crcbuffer = new uint8_t[mc.currentPos()];
		memcpy(crcbuffer, mc.getData(), mc.currentPos());
		uint32_t fullcrc = Misc::crc(crcbuffer, mc.currentPos());
		delete[] crcbuffer;
		uint16_t hcrc;
		mc.read(&hcrc, 2);
		hcrc = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(hcrc);
		mds += 2;
		if (hcrc  != (fullcrc & 0x0000FFFF))
			wxLogMessage("CRC-16 mismatch for GZip header");

	// Header is over
	if (mds > size || mc.currentPos() + 8 > size)
		return false;

	// Let's create the entry
	ArchiveEntry* entry = new ArchiveEntry(name, size - mds);
	MemChunk  xdata;
	if (Compression::GZipInflate(mc, xdata))
		delete entry;
		return false;


	// Finish
	return true;
예제 #18
/* GZipArchive::isGZipArchive
 * Checks if the file at [filename] is a valid GZip archive
bool GZipArchive::isGZipArchive(string filename)
	// Open file for reading
	wxFile file(filename);

	// Minimal metadata size is 18: 10 for header, 8 for footer
	size_t mds = 18;

	// Check it opened ok
	if (!file.IsOpened() || file.Length() < mds)
		return false;

	size_t size = file.Length();
	// Read header
	uint8_t header[4];
	file.Read(header, 4);
	bool ftext, fhcrc, fxtra, fname, fcmnt;
	ftext = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FTEXT) ? true : false;
	fhcrc = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FHCRC) ? true : false;
	fxtra = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FXTRA) ? true : false;
	fname = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FNAME) ? true : false;
	fcmnt = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FCMNT) ? true : false;

	// Check for GZip header; we'll only accept deflated gzip files
	// and reject any field using unknown flags
	if ((!(header[0] == GZIP_ID1 && header[1] == GZIP_ID2 && header[2] == GZIP_DEFLATE))
	        || (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FUNKN))
		return false;

	uint32_t mtime;
	file.Read(&mtime, 4);

	uint8_t xfl;
	file.Read(&xfl, 1);
	uint8_t os;
	file.Read(&os, 1);

	// Skip extra fields which may be there
	if (fxtra)
		uint16_t xlen;
		file.Read(&xlen, 2);
		xlen = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(xlen);
		mds += xlen + 2;
		if (mds > size)
			return false;
		file.Seek(xlen, wxFromCurrent);

	// Skip past name
	if (fname)
		string name;
		char c;
			file.Read(&c, 1);
			if (c) name += c;
		while (c != 0 && size > mds);

	// Skip past comment
	if (fcmnt)
		string comment;
		char c;
			file.Read(&c, 1);
			if (c) comment += c;
		while (c != 0 && size > mds);

	// Skip past CRC 16 check
	if (fhcrc)
		uint16_t hcrc;
		file.Read(&hcrc, 2);
		mds += 2;

	// Header is over
	if (mds > size)
		return false;

	// If it's passed to here it's probably a gzip file
	return true;
예제 #19
bool wxBMPHandler::SaveDib(wxImage *image,
                           wxOutputStream& stream,
                           bool verbose,
                           bool IsBmp,
                           bool IsMask)

    wxCHECK_MSG( image, false, wxT("invalid pointer in wxBMPHandler::SaveFile") );

    if ( !image->Ok() )
        if ( verbose )
            wxLogError(_("BMP: Couldn't save invalid image."));
        return false;

    // get the format of the BMP file to save, else use 24bpp
    unsigned format = wxBMP_24BPP;
    if ( image->HasOption(wxIMAGE_OPTION_BMP_FORMAT) )
        format = image->GetOptionInt(wxIMAGE_OPTION_BMP_FORMAT);

    wxUint16 bpp;     // # of bits per pixel
    int palette_size; // # of color map entries, ie. 2^bpp colors

    // set the bpp and appropriate palette_size, and do additional checks
    if ( (format == wxBMP_1BPP) || (format == wxBMP_1BPP_BW) )
        bpp = 1;
        palette_size = 2;
    else if ( format == wxBMP_4BPP )
        bpp = 4;
        palette_size = 16;
    else if ( (format == wxBMP_8BPP) || (format == wxBMP_8BPP_GREY) ||
              (format == wxBMP_8BPP_RED) || (format == wxBMP_8BPP_PALETTE) )
        // need to set a wxPalette to use this, HOW TO CHECK IF VALID, SIZE?
        if ((format == wxBMP_8BPP_PALETTE)
                && !image->HasPalette()
#endif // wxUSE_PALETTE
            if ( verbose )
                wxLogError(_("BMP: wxImage doesn't have own wxPalette."));
            return false;
        bpp = 8;
        palette_size = 256;
    else  // you get 24bpp
        format = wxBMP_24BPP;
        bpp = 24;
        palette_size = 0;

    unsigned width = image->GetWidth();
    unsigned row_padding = (4 - int(width*bpp/8.0) % 4) % 4; // # bytes to pad to dword
    unsigned row_width = int(width * bpp/8.0) + row_padding; // # of bytes per row

        // BitmapHeader:
        wxUint16  magic;          // format magic, always 'BM'
        wxUint32  filesize;       // total file size, inc. headers
        wxUint32  reserved;       // for future use
        wxUint32  data_offset;    // image data offset in the file

        // BitmapInfoHeader:
        wxUint32  bih_size;       // 2nd part's size
        wxUint32  width, height;  // bitmap's dimensions
        wxUint16  planes;         // num of planes
        wxUint16  bpp;            // bits per pixel
        wxUint32  compression;    // compression method
        wxUint32  size_of_bmp;    // size of the bitmap
        wxUint32  h_res, v_res;   // image resolution in pixels-per-meter
        wxUint32  num_clrs;       // number of colors used
        wxUint32  num_signif_clrs;// number of significant colors
    } hdr;

    wxUint32 hdr_size = 14/*BitmapHeader*/ + 40/*BitmapInfoHeader*/;

    hdr.magic = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(0x4D42/*'BM'*/);
    hdr.filesize = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( hdr_size + palette_size*4 +
                                        row_width * image->GetHeight() );
    hdr.reserved = 0;
    hdr.data_offset = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(hdr_size + palette_size*4);

    hdr.bih_size = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(hdr_size - 14);
    hdr.width = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(image->GetWidth());
    if ( IsBmp )
        hdr.height = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(image->GetHeight());
        hdr.height = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(2 * image->GetHeight());
    hdr.planes = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(1); // always 1 plane
    hdr.bpp = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(bpp);
    hdr.compression = 0; // RGB uncompressed
    hdr.size_of_bmp = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(row_width * image->GetHeight());

    // get the resolution from the image options  or fall back to 72dpi standard
    // for the BMP format if not specified
    int hres, vres;
    switch ( GetResolutionFromOptions(*image, &hres, &vres) )
            wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("unexpected image resolution units") );
            // fall through

            hres =
            vres = 72;
            // fall through to convert it to correct units

            // convert resolution in inches to resolution in centimeters
            hres = (int)(10*mm2inches*hres);
            vres = (int)(10*mm2inches*vres);
            // fall through to convert it to resolution in meters

        case wxIMAGE_RESOLUTION_CM:
            // convert resolution in centimeters to resolution in meters
            hres *= 100;
            vres *= 100;

    hdr.h_res = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(hres);
    hdr.v_res = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(vres);
    hdr.num_clrs = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(palette_size); // # colors in colormap
    hdr.num_signif_clrs = 0;     // all colors are significant

    if ( IsBmp )
        if (// VS: looks ugly but compilers tend to do ugly things with structs,
            //     like aligning hdr.filesize's ofset to dword :(
            // VZ: we should add padding then...
            !stream.Write(&hdr.magic, 2) ||
            !stream.Write(&hdr.filesize, 4) ||
            !stream.Write(&hdr.reserved, 4) ||
            !stream.Write(&hdr.data_offset, 4)
            if (verbose)
                wxLogError(_("BMP: Couldn't write the file (Bitmap) header."));
            return false;
    if ( !IsMask )
        if (
            !stream.Write(&hdr.bih_size, 4) ||
            !stream.Write(&hdr.width, 4) ||
            !stream.Write(&hdr.height, 4) ||
            !stream.Write(&hdr.planes, 2) ||
            !stream.Write(&hdr.bpp, 2) ||
            !stream.Write(&hdr.compression, 4) ||
            !stream.Write(&hdr.size_of_bmp, 4) ||
            !stream.Write(&hdr.h_res, 4) ||
            !stream.Write(&hdr.v_res, 4) ||
            !stream.Write(&hdr.num_clrs, 4) ||
            !stream.Write(&hdr.num_signif_clrs, 4)
            if (verbose)
                wxLogError(_("BMP: Couldn't write the file (BitmapInfo) header."));
            return false;

    wxPalette *palette = NULL; // entries for quantized images
    wxUint8 *rgbquad = NULL;   // for the RGBQUAD bytes for the colormap
    wxImage *q_image = NULL;   // destination for quantized image

    // if <24bpp use quantization to reduce colors for *some* of the formats
    if ( (format == wxBMP_1BPP) || (format == wxBMP_4BPP) ||
         (format == wxBMP_8BPP) || (format == wxBMP_8BPP_PALETTE) )
        // make a new palette and quantize the image
        if (format != wxBMP_8BPP_PALETTE)
            q_image = new wxImage();

            // I get a delete error using Quantize when desired colors > 236
            int quantize = ((palette_size > 236) ? 236 : palette_size);
            // fill the destination too, it gives much nicer 4bpp images
            wxQuantize::Quantize( *image, *q_image, &palette, quantize, 0,
                                  wxQUANTIZE_FILL_DESTINATION_IMAGE );
            palette = new wxPalette(image->GetPalette());
#endif // wxUSE_PALETTE

        int i;
        unsigned char r, g, b;
        rgbquad = new wxUint8 [palette_size*4];

        for (i = 0; i < palette_size; i++)
            if ( !palette->GetRGB(i, &r, &g, &b) )
#endif // wxUSE_PALETTE
                r = g = b = 0;

            rgbquad[i*4] = b;
            rgbquad[i*4+1] = g;
            rgbquad[i*4+2] = r;
            rgbquad[i*4+3] = 0;
    // make a 256 entry greyscale colormap or 2 entry black & white
    else if ( (format == wxBMP_8BPP_GREY) || (format == wxBMP_8BPP_RED) ||
              (format == wxBMP_1BPP_BW) )
        rgbquad = new wxUint8 [palette_size*4];

        for ( int i = 0; i < palette_size; i++ )
            // if 1BPP_BW then the value should be either 0 or 255
            wxUint8 c = (wxUint8)((i > 0) && (format == wxBMP_1BPP_BW) ? 255 : i);

            rgbquad[i*4] =
            rgbquad[i*4+1] =
            rgbquad[i*4+2] = c;
            rgbquad[i*4+3] = 0;

    // if the colormap was made, then it needs to be written
    if (rgbquad)
        if ( !IsMask )
            if ( !stream.Write(rgbquad, palette_size*4) )
                if (verbose)
                    wxLogError(_("BMP: Couldn't write RGB color map."));
                delete[] rgbquad;
                delete palette;
#endif // wxUSE_PALETTE
                delete q_image;
                return false;
        delete []rgbquad;

    // pointer to the image data, use quantized if available
    wxUint8 *data = (wxUint8*) image->GetData();
    if (q_image) if (q_image->Ok()) data = (wxUint8*) q_image->GetData();

    wxUint8 *buffer = new wxUint8[row_width];
    memset(buffer, 0, row_width);
    int y; unsigned x;
    long int pixel;

    for (y = image->GetHeight() -1; y >= 0; y--)
        if ( format == wxBMP_24BPP ) // 3 bytes per pixel red,green,blue
            for ( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
                pixel = 3*(y*width + x);

                buffer[3*x    ] = data[pixel+2];
                buffer[3*x + 1] = data[pixel+1];
                buffer[3*x + 2] = data[pixel];
        else if ((format == wxBMP_8BPP) ||       // 1 byte per pixel in color
                 (format == wxBMP_8BPP_PALETTE))
            for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
                pixel = 3*(y*width + x);
                buffer[x] = (wxUint8)palette->GetPixel( data[pixel],
                                                        data[pixel+2] );
                // FIXME: what should this be? use some std palette maybe?
                buffer[x] = 0;
#endif // wxUSE_PALETTE
        else if ( format == wxBMP_8BPP_GREY ) // 1 byte per pix, rgb ave to grey
            for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
                pixel = 3*(y*width + x);
                buffer[x] = (wxUint8)(.299*data[pixel] +
                                      .587*data[pixel+1] +
        else if ( format == wxBMP_8BPP_RED ) // 1 byte per pixel, red as greys
            for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
                buffer[x] = (wxUint8)data[3*(y*width + x)];
        else if ( format == wxBMP_4BPP ) // 4 bpp in color
            for (x = 0; x < width; x+=2)
                pixel = 3*(y*width + x);

                // fill buffer, ignore if > width
                buffer[x/2] = (wxUint8)(
                                                data[pixel+2]) << 4) |
                    (((x+1) > width)
                     ? 0
                     : ((wxUint8)palette->GetPixel(data[pixel+3],
                                                   data[pixel+5]) ))    );
                // FIXME: what should this be? use some std palette maybe?
                buffer[x/2] = 0;
#endif // wxUSE_PALETTE
        else if ( format == wxBMP_1BPP ) // 1 bpp in "color"
            for (x = 0; x < width; x+=8)
                pixel = 3*(y*width + x);

                buffer[x/8] = (wxUint8)(
                                           ((wxUint8)palette->GetPixel(data[pixel], data[pixel+1], data[pixel+2]) << 7) |
                    (((x+1) > width) ? 0 : ((wxUint8)palette->GetPixel(data[pixel+3], data[pixel+4], data[pixel+5]) << 6)) |
                    (((x+2) > width) ? 0 : ((wxUint8)palette->GetPixel(data[pixel+6], data[pixel+7], data[pixel+8]) << 5)) |
                    (((x+3) > width) ? 0 : ((wxUint8)palette->GetPixel(data[pixel+9], data[pixel+10], data[pixel+11]) << 4)) |
                    (((x+4) > width) ? 0 : ((wxUint8)palette->GetPixel(data[pixel+12], data[pixel+13], data[pixel+14]) << 3)) |
                    (((x+5) > width) ? 0 : ((wxUint8)palette->GetPixel(data[pixel+15], data[pixel+16], data[pixel+17]) << 2)) |
                    (((x+6) > width) ? 0 : ((wxUint8)palette->GetPixel(data[pixel+18], data[pixel+19], data[pixel+20]) << 1)) |
                    (((x+7) > width) ? 0 : ((wxUint8)palette->GetPixel(data[pixel+21], data[pixel+22], data[pixel+23])     ))    );
                // FIXME: what should this be? use some std palette maybe?
                buffer[x/8] = 0;
#endif // wxUSE_PALETTE
        else if ( format == wxBMP_1BPP_BW ) // 1 bpp B&W colormap from red color ONLY
            for (x = 0; x < width; x+=8)
                pixel = 3*(y*width + x);

                buffer[x/8] = (wxUint8)(
                                          (((wxUint8)(data[pixel]   /128.)) << 7) |
                   (((x+1) > width) ? 0 : (((wxUint8)(data[pixel+3] /128.)) << 6)) |
                   (((x+2) > width) ? 0 : (((wxUint8)(data[pixel+6] /128.)) << 5)) |
                   (((x+3) > width) ? 0 : (((wxUint8)(data[pixel+9] /128.)) << 4)) |
                   (((x+4) > width) ? 0 : (((wxUint8)(data[pixel+12]/128.)) << 3)) |
                   (((x+5) > width) ? 0 : (((wxUint8)(data[pixel+15]/128.)) << 2)) |
                   (((x+6) > width) ? 0 : (((wxUint8)(data[pixel+18]/128.)) << 1)) |
                   (((x+7) > width) ? 0 : (((wxUint8)(data[pixel+21]/128.))     ))    );

        if ( !stream.Write(buffer, row_width) )
            if (verbose)
                wxLogError(_("BMP: Couldn't write data."));
            delete[] buffer;
            delete palette;
#endif // wxUSE_PALETTE
            delete q_image;
            return false;
    delete[] buffer;
    delete palette;
#endif // wxUSE_PALETTE
    delete q_image;

    return true;
예제 #20
파일: musiobin.cpp 프로젝트: DDMAL/aruspix
bool MusBinOutput::WriteStaff( const MusStaff *staff )
	unsigned int k;

	uint32 = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( staff->nblement );
	Write( &uint32, 4 );
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( staff->voix );
	Write( &uint16, 2 );
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( staff->noGrp );
	Write( &uint16, 2 );
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( staff->totGrp );
	Write( &uint16, 2 );
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( staff->noLigne );
	Write( &uint16, 2 );
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( staff->no );
	Write( &uint16, 2 );
	Write( &staff->armTyp, 1 );
	Write( &staff->armNbr, 1 );
	Write( &staff->notAnc, 1 );
	Write( &staff->grise, 1 );
	Write( &staff->invisible, 1 );
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( staff->ecart );
	Write( &uint16, 2 );
	Write( &staff->vertBarre, 1 );
	Write( &staff->brace, 1 );
	Write( &staff->pTaille, 1 );
    int32 = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( staff->indent );
    Write( &int32, 4 );
	Write( &staff->indentDroite, 1 );
	Write( &staff->portNbLine, 1 );
	Write( &staff->accol, 1 );
	Write( &staff->accessoire, 1 );
	uint16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( staff->reserve );
	Write( &uint16, 2 );
	for (k = 0;k < staff->nblement ; k++ )
		if ( staff->m_elements[k].IsNote() )
			WriteNote( (MusNote*)&staff->m_elements[k] );
		else if ( staff->m_elements[k].IsSymbol() )
			WriteSymbol( (MusSymbol*)&staff->m_elements[k] );
        else if ( staff->m_elements[k].IsNeume() )
			WriteNeume( (MusNeume*)&staff->m_elements[k] );
		if ( m_flag == MUS_BIN_ARUSPIX_CMP )
			MusElement *elem = &staff->m_elements[k];
			int32 = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( (int)elem->m_im_filename.Length() );
			Write( &int32, 4 );
			Write( elem->m_im_filename.c_str(), (int)elem->m_im_filename.Length() + 1 );
			int32 = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( elem->m_im_staff );
			Write( &int32, 4 );
			int32 = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( elem->m_im_pos );
			Write( &int32, 4 );
			int32 = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( elem->m_cmp_flag );
			Write( &int32, 4 );

	return true;
예제 #21
void Extract(bool bits16,
             bool sign,
             bool stereo,
             bool bigendian,
             bool offset,
             char *rawData, int dataSize,
             float *data1, float *data2, int *len1, int *len2)
   int rawCount = 0;
   int dataCount1 = 0;
   int dataCount2 = 0;
   int i;

   *len1 = 0;
   *len2 = 0;

   if (offset && bits16) {
      /* Special case so as to not flip stereo channels during analysis */
      if (stereo && !bigendian) {
         rawData += 3;
         dataSize -= 3;
      else {

   if (bits16) {
      if (sign && bigendian)
         while (rawCount + 1 < dataSize) {
            /* 16-bit signed BE */
            data1[dataCount1] =
               (wxINT16_SWAP_ON_LE(*((signed short *)
               / 32768.0;
            rawCount += 2;
      if (!sign && bigendian)
         while (rawCount + 1 < dataSize) {
            /* 16-bit unsigned BE */
            data1[dataCount1] =
               (wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_LE(*((unsigned short *)
               / 32768.0 - 1.0;
            rawCount += 2;
      if (sign && !bigendian)
         while (rawCount + 1 < dataSize) {
            /* 16-bit signed LE */
            data1[dataCount1] =
               (wxINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(*((signed short *)
               / 32768.0;
            rawCount += 2;
      if (!sign && !bigendian)
         while (rawCount + 1 < dataSize) {
            /* 16-bit unsigned LE */
            data1[dataCount1] =
               (wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(*((unsigned short *)
               / 32768.0 - 1.0;
            rawCount += 2;
   else {
      /* 8-bit */
      if (sign) {
         while (rawCount < dataSize) {
            /* 8-bit signed */
            data1[dataCount1++] =
               (*(signed char *) (&rawData[rawCount++])) / 128.0;
      else {
         while (rawCount < dataSize) {
            /* 8-bit unsigned */
            data1[dataCount1++] =
               (*(unsigned char *) &rawData[rawCount++]) / 128.0 - 1.0;

   if (stereo) {
      dataCount1 /= 2;
      for(i=0; i<dataCount1; i++) {
         data2[i] = data1[2*i+1];
         data1[i] = data1[2*i];
      dataCount2 = dataCount1;

   *len1 = dataCount1;
   *len2 = dataCount2;
예제 #22
파일: Strings.cpp 프로젝트: GunioRobot/e
bool DetectTextEncoding(const char* buffer, size_t len, wxFontEncoding& encoding, unsigned int& BOM_len) {
	if (!buffer || len == 0) return false;

	const char* buff_ptr = buffer;
	const char* buff_end = &buffer[len];
	wxFontEncoding enc = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT;

	// Check if the buffer starts with a BOM (Byte Order Marker)
	if (len >= 2) {
		if (len >= 4 && memcmp(buffer, "\xFF\xFE\x00\x00", 4) == 0) {enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF32LE; BOM_len = 4;}
		else if (len >= 4 && memcmp(buffer, "\x00\x00\xFE\xFF", 4) == 0) {enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF32BE; BOM_len = 4;}
		else if (memcmp(buffer, "\xFF\xFE", 2) == 0) {enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF16LE; BOM_len = 2;}
		else if (memcmp(buffer, "\xFE\xFF", 2) == 0) {enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF16BE; BOM_len = 2;}
		else if (len >= 3 && memcmp(buffer, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3) == 0) {enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF8; BOM_len = 3;}
		else if (len >= 5 && memcmp(buffer, "\x2B\x2F\x76\x38\x2D", 5) == 0) {enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF7; BOM_len = 5;}

		buff_ptr += BOM_len;

	// If the file starts with a leading < (less) sign, it is probably an XML file
	// and we can determine the encoding by how the sign is encoded.
	if (enc == wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT && len >= 2) {
		if (len >= 4 && memcmp(buffer, "\x3C\x00\x00\x00", 4) == 0) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF32LE;
		else if (len >= 4 && memcmp(buffer, "\x00\x00\x00\x3C", 4) == 0) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF32BE;
		else if (memcmp(buffer, "\x3C\x00", 2) == 0) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF16LE;
		else if (memcmp(buffer, "\x00\x3C", 2) == 0) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF16BE;

	// Unicode Detection
		unsigned int null_byte_count = 0;
		unsigned int utf_bytes = 0;
		unsigned int good_utf_count = 0;
		unsigned int bad_utf_count = 0;
		unsigned int bad_utf32_count = 0;
		unsigned int bad_utf16_count = 0;
		unsigned int nl_utf32le_count = 0;
		unsigned int nl_utf32be_count = 0;
		unsigned int nl_utf16le_count = 0;
		unsigned int nl_utf16be_count = 0;

		while (buff_ptr != buff_end) {
			if (*buff_ptr == 0) ++null_byte_count;

			// Detect UTF-8 by scanning for invalid sequences
			if (utf_bytes == 0) {
				if ((*buff_ptr & 0xC0) == 0x80 || *buff_ptr == 0) ++bad_utf_count;
				else {
					utf_bytes = utf8_len(*buff_ptr) - 1;
					if (utf_bytes > 3) {
						utf_bytes = 0;
			else if ((*buff_ptr & 0xC0) == 0x80) {
				if (utf_bytes == 0) ++good_utf_count;
			else {
				utf_bytes = 0;

			// Detect UTF-32 by scanning for newlines (and lack of null chars)
			if ((uintptr_t)buff_ptr % 4 == 0 && buff_ptr+4 <= buff_end) {
				if (*((wxUint32*)buff_ptr) == 0) ++bad_utf32_count;
				if (*((wxUint32*)buff_ptr) == wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(0x0A)) ++nl_utf32le_count;
				if (*((wxUint32*)buff_ptr) == wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_LE(0x0A)) ++nl_utf32be_count;

			// Detect UTF-16 by scanning for newlines (and lack of null chars)
			if ((uintptr_t)buff_ptr % 2 == 0  && buff_ptr+4 <= buff_end) {
				if (*((wxUint16*)buff_ptr) == 0) ++bad_utf16_count;
				if (*((wxUint16*)buff_ptr) == wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(0x0A)) ++nl_utf16le_count;
				if (*((wxUint16*)buff_ptr) == wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_LE(0x0A)) ++nl_utf16be_count;


		if (bad_utf_count == 0) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF8;
		else if (bad_utf32_count == 0 && nl_utf32le_count > len / 400) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF32LE;
		else if (bad_utf32_count == 0 && nl_utf32be_count > len / 400) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF32BE;
		else if (bad_utf16_count == 0 && nl_utf16le_count > len / 200) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF16LE;
		else if (bad_utf16_count == 0 && nl_utf16be_count > len / 200) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF16BE;
		else if (null_byte_count) return false; // Maybe this is a binary file?

	// If we can't detect encoding and it does not contain null bytes just set it to the default encoding.

	encoding = enc;
	return true;
예제 #23
/* GZipArchive::write
 * Writes the gzip archive to a MemChunk
 * Returns true if successful, false otherwise
bool GZipArchive::write(MemChunk& mc, bool update)
	// Clear current data

	if (numEntries() == 1)
		MemChunk stream;
		if (Compression::GZipDeflate(getEntry(0)->getMCData(), stream, 9))
			const uint8_t* data = stream.getData();
			uint32_t working = 0;
			size_t size = stream.getSize();
			if (size < 18) return false;

			// zlib will have given us a minimal header, so we make our own
			uint8_t header[4];
			header[0] = GZIP_ID1; header[1] = GZIP_ID2;
			header[2] = GZIP_DEFLATE; header[3] = flags;
			mc.write(header, 4);

			// Update mtime if the file was modified
			if (getEntry(0)->getState())
				mtime = ::wxGetLocalTime();

			// Write mtime
			working = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(mtime);
			mc.write(&working, 4);

			// Write other stuff
			mc.write(&xfl, 1);
			mc.write(&os, 1);

			// Any extra content that may have been there
			if (flags & GZIP_FLG_FXTRA)
				uint16_t xlen = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(xtra.getSize());
				mc.write(&xlen, 2);
				mc.write(xtra.getData(), xtra.getSize());

			// File name, if not extrapolated from archive name
			if (flags & GZIP_FLG_FNAME)
				mc.write(CHR(getEntry(0)->getName()), getEntry(0)->getName().length());
				uint8_t zero = 0; mc.write(&zero, 1);	// Terminate string

			// Comment, if there were actually one
			if (flags & GZIP_FLG_FCMNT)
				mc.write(CHR(comment), comment.length());
				uint8_t zero = 0; mc.write(&zero, 1);	// Terminate string

			// And finally, the half CRC, which we recalculate
			if (flags & GZIP_FLG_FHCRC)
				uint32_t fullcrc = Misc::crc(mc.getData(), mc.getSize());
				uint16_t hcrc = (fullcrc & 0x0000FFFF);
				hcrc = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(hcrc);
				mc.write(&hcrc, 2);

			// Now that the pleasantries are dispensed with,
			// let's get with the meat of the matter
			return mc.write(data + 10, size - 10);
	return false;
예제 #24
bool OCPN_Sound::LoadWAV(const wxUint8 *data, size_t length, bool copyData)
    // the simplest wave file header consists of 44 bytes:
    //      0   "RIFF"
    //      4   file size - 8
    //      8   "WAVE"
    //      12  "fmt "
    //      16  chunk size                  |
    //      20  format tag                  |
    //      22  number of channels          |
    //      24  sample rate                 | WAVEFORMAT
    //      28  average bytes per second    |
    //      32  bytes per frame             |
    //      34  bits per sample             |
    //      36  "data"
    //      40  number of data bytes
    //      44  (wave signal) data
    // so check that we have at least as much
    if ( length < 44 )
        return false;
    WAVEFORMAT waveformat;
    memcpy(&waveformat, &data[FMT_INDEX + 4], sizeof(WAVEFORMAT));
    waveformat.uiSize = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(waveformat.uiSize);
    waveformat.uiFormatTag = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(waveformat.uiFormatTag);
    waveformat.uiChannels = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(waveformat.uiChannels);
    waveformat.ulSamplesPerSec = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(waveformat.ulSamplesPerSec);
    waveformat.ulAvgBytesPerSec = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(waveformat.ulAvgBytesPerSec);
    waveformat.uiBlockAlign = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(waveformat.uiBlockAlign);
    waveformat.uiBitsPerSample = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(waveformat.uiBitsPerSample);
    // get the sound data size
    wxUint32 ul;
    memcpy(&ul, &data[FMT_INDEX + waveformat.uiSize + 12], 4);
    ul = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(ul);
    if ( length < ul + FMT_INDEX + waveformat.uiSize + 16 )
        return false;
    if (memcmp(data, "RIFF", 4) != 0)
        return false;
    if (memcmp(&data[WAVE_INDEX], "WAVE", 4) != 0)
        return false;
    if (memcmp(&data[FMT_INDEX], "fmt ", 4) != 0)
        return false;
    if (memcmp(&data[FMT_INDEX + waveformat.uiSize + 8], "data", 4) != 0)
        return false;
    if (waveformat.uiFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM)
        return false;
    if (waveformat.ulSamplesPerSec !=
        waveformat.ulAvgBytesPerSec / waveformat.uiBlockAlign)
        return false;
    m_osdata = new OCPNSoundData;
    m_osdata->m_dataWithHeader = NULL;
    m_osdata->m_channels = waveformat.uiChannels;
    m_osdata->m_samplingRate = waveformat.ulSamplesPerSec;
    m_osdata->m_bitsPerSample = waveformat.uiBitsPerSample;
    m_osdata->m_samples = ul / (m_osdata->m_channels * m_osdata->m_bitsPerSample / 8);
    m_osdata->m_dataBytes = ul;
    if (copyData)
        m_osdata->m_dataWithHeader = new wxUint8[length];
        memcpy(m_osdata->m_dataWithHeader, data, length);
        m_osdata->m_dataWithHeader = (wxUint8*)data;
    m_osdata->m_data =
    (&m_osdata->m_dataWithHeader[FMT_INDEX + waveformat.uiSize + 8]);
    return true;
예제 #25
/* GZipArchive::isGZipArchive
 * Checks if the given data is a valid GZip archive
bool GZipArchive::isGZipArchive(MemChunk& mc)
	// Minimal metadata size is 18: 10 for header, 8 for footer
	size_t mds = 18;
	size_t size = mc.getSize();
	if (size < mds)
		return false;

	// Read header
	uint8_t header[4];
	mc.read(header, 4);

	// Check for GZip header; we'll only accept deflated gzip files
	// and reject any field using unknown flags
	if (!(header[0] == GZIP_ID1 && header[1] == GZIP_ID2 && header[2] == GZIP_DEFLATE)
	        || (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FUNKN))
		return false;

	bool ftext, fhcrc, fxtra, fname, fcmnt;
	ftext = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FTEXT) ? true : false;
	fhcrc = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FHCRC) ? true : false;
	fxtra = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FXTRA) ? true : false;
	fname = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FNAME) ? true : false;
	fcmnt = (header[3] & GZIP_FLG_FCMNT) ? true : false;

	uint32_t mtime;
	mc.read(&mtime, 4);

	uint8_t xfl;
	mc.read(&xfl, 1);
	uint8_t os;
	mc.read(&os, 1);

	// Skip extra fields which may be there
	if (fxtra)
		uint16_t xlen;
		mc.read(&xlen, 2);
		xlen = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(xlen);
		mds += xlen + 2;
		if (mds > size)
			return false;
		mc.seek(xlen, SEEK_CUR);

	// Skip past name, if any
	if (fname)
		string name;
		char c;
			mc.read(&c, 1);
			if (c) name += c;
		while (c != 0 && size > mds);

	// Skip past comment
	if (fcmnt)
		string comment;
		char c;
			mc.read(&c, 1);
			if (c) comment += c;
		while (c != 0 && size > mds);

	// Skip past CRC 16 check
	if (fhcrc)
		uint16_t hcrc;
		mc.read(&hcrc, 2);
		mds += 2;

	// Header is over
	if (mds > size || mc.currentPos() + 8 > size)
		return false;

	// If it's passed to here it's probably a gzip file
	return true;
예제 #26
wxDataInputStream::wxDataInputStream(wxInputStream& s, const wxMBConv& conv)
  : m_input(&s), m_be_order(false), m_conv(conv.Clone())
wxDataInputStream::wxDataInputStream(wxInputStream& s)
  : m_input(&s), m_be_order(false)

    delete m_conv;
#endif // wxUSE_UNICODE

#if wxHAS_INT64
wxUint64 wxDataInputStream::Read64()
  wxUint64 tmp;
  Read64(&tmp, 1);
  return tmp;
#endif // wxHAS_INT64

wxUint32 wxDataInputStream::Read32()
  wxUint32 i32;

  m_input->Read(&i32, 4);

  if (m_be_order)
    return wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_LE(i32);
    return wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(i32);

wxUint16 wxDataInputStream::Read16()
  wxUint16 i16;

  m_input->Read(&i16, 2);

  if (m_be_order)
    return wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_LE(i16);
    return wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(i16);

wxUint8 wxDataInputStream::Read8()
  wxUint8 buf;

  m_input->Read(&buf, 1);
  return (wxUint8)buf;

double wxDataInputStream::ReadDouble()
  char buf[10];

  m_input->Read(buf, 10);
  return ConvertFromIeeeExtended((const wxInt8 *)buf);
  return 0.0;
예제 #27
파일: musiobin.cpp 프로젝트: DDMAL/aruspix
bool MusBinInput::ReadStaff( MusStaff *staff )
	unsigned int k;

	Read( &uint32, 4 );
	staff->nblement = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( uint32 );
	Read( &uint16, 2 );
	staff->voix = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 );
	Read( &uint16, 2 );
	staff->noGrp = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 );
	Read( &uint16, 2 );
	staff->totGrp = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 );
	Read( &uint16, 2 );
	staff->noLigne = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 );
	Read( &uint16, 2 );
	staff->no = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 );
	Read( &staff->armTyp, 1 );
	Read( &staff->armNbr, 1 );
	Read( &staff->notAnc, 1 );
	//staff->notAnc = true;// force notation ancienne
	Read( &staff->grise, 1 );
	Read( &staff->invisible, 1 );
	Read( &uint16, 2 );
	staff->ecart = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 );
	Read( &staff->vertBarre, 1 );
	Read( &staff->brace, 1 );
	Read( &staff->pTaille, 1 );
    Read( &int32, 4 );
    staff->indent = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 );
	Read( &staff->indentDroite, 1 );
	Read( &staff->portNbLine, 1 );
	Read( &staff->accol, 1 );
	Read( &staff->accessoire, 1 );
	Read( &uint16, 2 );
	staff->reserve = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE( uint16 );
	unsigned char c;
	for ( k = 0; k < staff->nblement; k++ )
		Read( &c, 1 );
		if ( c == NOTE )
			MusNote *note = new MusNote();
			note->no = k;
			ReadNote( note );
			//Test code
			if ( (int)note->m_lyrics.GetCount() == 0 ){
				MusSymbol *lyric = new MusSymbol();
				lyric->flag = CHAINE;
				lyric->fonte = LYRIC;
				lyric->m_debord_str = "z";
				lyric->xrel = note->xrel - 10;
				lyric->dec_y = - STAFF_OFFSET;   //Add define for height
				lyric->offset = note->offset;
				lyric->m_note_ptr = note;		
				note->m_lyrics.Add( lyric );	
				MusSymbol *lyric2 = new MusSymbol();
				lyric2->flag = CHAINE;
				lyric2->fonte = LYRIC;
				lyric2->m_debord_str = "d";
				lyric2->xrel = note->xrel;
				lyric2->dec_y = - STAFF_OFFSET;   //Add define for height
				lyric2->offset = note->offset;
				lyric2->m_note_ptr = note;
				note->m_lyrics.Add( lyric2 );
			staff->m_elements.Add( note );
		else if ( c == SYMB )
			MusSymbol *symbol = new MusSymbol();
			symbol->no = k;
			ReadSymbol( symbol );
			staff->m_elements.Add( symbol );
        else if ( c == NEUME )
			MusNeume *neume = new MusNeume();
			ReadNeume( neume );
			staff->m_elements.Add(  neume );
		if ( m_flag == MUS_BIN_ARUSPIX_CMP )
			MusElement *elem = &staff->m_elements.Last();
			Read( &int32, 4 );
			Read( elem->m_im_filename.GetWriteBuf( wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 ) + 1 ) , wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 ) + 1 );
			Read( &int32, 4 );
			elem->m_im_staff = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 );
			Read( &int32, 4 );
			elem->m_im_pos = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 );
			Read( &int32, 4 );
			elem->m_cmp_flag = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( int32 );
	return true;
예제 #28
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reads Chasm bin format data from a MemChunk
// Returns true if successful, false otherwise
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ChasmBinArchive::open(MemChunk& mc)
	// Check given data is valid
	if (mc.getSize() < HEADER_SIZE)
		return false;

	// Read .bin header and check it
	char magic[4] = {};
	mc.read(magic, sizeof magic);

	if (magic[0] != 'C' || magic[1] != 'S' || magic[2] != 'i' || magic[3] != 'd')
		LOG_MESSAGE(1, "ChasmBinArchive::open: Opening failed, invalid header");
		Global::error = "Invalid Chasm bin header";
		return false;

	// Stop announcements (don't want to be announcing modification due to entries being added etc)

	uint16_t num_entries = 0;
	mc.read(&num_entries, sizeof num_entries);
	num_entries = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(num_entries);

	// Read the directory
	UI::setSplashProgressMessage("Reading Chasm bin archive data");

	for (uint16_t i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i)
		// Update splash window progress
		UI::setSplashProgress(static_cast<float>(i) / num_entries);

		// Read entry info
		char name[NAME_SIZE] = {};
		mc.read(name, sizeof name);

		uint32_t size;
		mc.read(&size, sizeof size);
		size = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(size);

		uint32_t offset;
		mc.read(&offset, sizeof offset);
		offset = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(offset);

		// Check offset+size
		if (offset + size > mc.getSize())
			LOG_MESSAGE(1, "ChasmBinArchive::open: Bin archive is invalid or corrupt (entry goes past end of file)");
			Global::error = "Archive is invalid and/or corrupt";
			return false;

		// Convert Pascal to zero-terminated string
		memmove(name, name + 1, sizeof name - 1);
		name[sizeof name - 1] = '\0';

		// Create entry
		ArchiveEntry* const entry = new ArchiveEntry(name, size);
		entry->exProp("Offset")   = static_cast<int>(offset);


	// Detect all entry types
	UI::setSplashProgressMessage("Detecting entry types");

	vector<ArchiveEntry*> all_entries;

	MemChunk edata;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < all_entries.size(); ++i)
		// Update splash window progress
		UI::setSplashProgress(static_cast<float>(i) / num_entries);

		// Get entry
		ArchiveEntry* const entry = all_entries[i];

		// Read entry data if it isn't zero-sized
		if (entry->getSize() > 0)
			// Read the entry data
			mc.exportMemChunk(edata, static_cast<int>(entry->exProp("Offset")), entry->getSize());

		// Detect entry type

		// Unload entry data if needed
		if (!archive_load_data)

		// Set entry to unchanged

	// Setup variables


	return true;
예제 #29
// Stolen from  https://github.com/etexteditor/e/blob/master/src/Strings.cpp
//        and:  https://github.com/etexteditor/e/blob/master/src/Utf.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2009, Alexander Stigsen, e-texteditor.com (All rights reserved)
// http://www.e-texteditor.com/
bool EncodingDetector::DetectEncodingEx(const wxByte* buffer, size_t size)
    if (!buffer || size == 0) return false;

    const wxByte*  buff_ptr = buffer;
    const wxByte*  buff_end = &buffer[size];
    wxFontEncoding enc      = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT;

    // Check if the buffer starts with a BOM (Byte Order Marker)
    if (size >= 2)
        if      (size >= 4 && memcmp(buffer, "\xFF\xFE\x00\x00", 4) == 0)
            enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF32LE;
            m_BOMSizeInBytes = 4;
            m_UseBOM = true;
        else if (size >= 4 && memcmp(buffer, "\xFE\xFF\x00\x00", 4) == 0)
            // FE FF 00 00  UCS-4, unusual octet order BOM (3412)
            // X-ISO-10646-UCS-4-3412 can not (yet) be handled by wxWidgets
            enc = (wxFontEncoding)-1;
        else if (size >= 4 && memcmp(buffer, "\x00\x00\xFE\xFF", 4) == 0)
            enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF32BE;
            m_BOMSizeInBytes = 4;
            m_UseBOM = true;
        else if (size >= 4 && memcmp(buffer, "\x00\x00\xFF\xFE", 4) == 0)
            // 00 00 FF FE  UCS-4, unusual octet order BOM (2143)
            // X-ISO-10646-UCS-4-2143 can not (yet) be handled by wxWidgets
            enc = (wxFontEncoding)-1;
        else if (             memcmp(buffer, "\xFF\xFE", 2) == 0)
            enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF16LE;
            m_BOMSizeInBytes = 2;
            m_UseBOM = true;
        else if (             memcmp(buffer, "\xFE\xFF", 2) == 0)
            enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF16BE;
            m_BOMSizeInBytes = 2;
            m_UseBOM = true;
        else if (size >= 3 && memcmp(buffer, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3) == 0)
            enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF8;
            m_BOMSizeInBytes = 3;
            m_UseBOM = true;
        else if (size >= 5 && memcmp(buffer, "\x2B\x2F\x76\x38\x2D", 5) == 0)
            enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF7;
            m_BOMSizeInBytes = 5;
            m_UseBOM = true;

        buff_ptr += m_BOMSizeInBytes;

    // If the file starts with a leading < (less) sign, it is probably an XML file
    // and we can determine the encoding by how the sign is encoded.
    if (enc == wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT && size >= 2)
        if      (size >= 4 && memcmp(buffer, "\x3C\x00\x00\x00", 4) == 0) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF32LE;
        else if (size >= 4 && memcmp(buffer, "\x00\x00\x00\x3C", 4) == 0) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF32BE;
        else if (             memcmp(buffer, "\x3C\x00",         2) == 0) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF16LE;
        else if (             memcmp(buffer, "\x00\x3C",         2) == 0) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF16BE;

    // Unicode Detection
    if (enc == wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT)
        unsigned int null_byte_count  = 0;
        unsigned int utf_bytes        = 0;
        unsigned int good_utf_count   = 0;
        unsigned int bad_utf_count    = 0;
        unsigned int bad_utf32_count  = 0;
        unsigned int bad_utf16_count  = 0;
        unsigned int nl_utf32le_count = 0;
        unsigned int nl_utf32be_count = 0;
        unsigned int nl_utf16le_count = 0;
        unsigned int nl_utf16be_count = 0;

        while (buff_ptr != buff_end)
            if (*buff_ptr == 0) ++null_byte_count;

            // Detect UTF-8 by scanning for invalid sequences
            if (utf_bytes == 0)
                if ((*buff_ptr & 0xC0) == 0x80 || *buff_ptr == 0)
                    const char c = *buff_ptr;
                    utf_bytes = 5; // invalid length
                    if      ((c & 0x80) == 0x00) utf_bytes = 1;
                    else if ((c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) utf_bytes = 2;
                    else if ((c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) utf_bytes = 3;
                    else if ((c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) utf_bytes = 4;
                    if (utf_bytes > 3)
                        utf_bytes = 0;
            else if ((*buff_ptr & 0xC0) == 0x80)
                if (utf_bytes == 0)
                utf_bytes = 0;

            // Detect UTF-32 by scanning for newlines (and lack of null chars)
            if ((wxUIntPtr)buff_ptr % 4 == 0 && buff_ptr+4 <= buff_end)
                if (*((wxUint32*)buff_ptr) == 0                        ) ++bad_utf32_count;
                if (*((wxUint32*)buff_ptr) == wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(0x0A)) ++nl_utf32le_count;
                if (*((wxUint32*)buff_ptr) == wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_LE(0x0A)) ++nl_utf32be_count;

            // Detect UTF-16 by scanning for newlines (and lack of null chars)
            if ((wxUIntPtr)buff_ptr % 2 == 0 && buff_ptr+4 <= buff_end)
                if (*((wxUint16*)buff_ptr) == 0)                         ++bad_utf16_count;
                if (*((wxUint16*)buff_ptr) == wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(0x0A)) ++nl_utf16le_count;
                if (*((wxUint16*)buff_ptr) == wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_LE(0x0A)) ++nl_utf16be_count;


        if      (bad_utf_count   == 0)                                  enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF8;
        else if (bad_utf32_count == 0 && nl_utf32le_count > size / 400) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF32LE;
        else if (bad_utf32_count == 0 && nl_utf32be_count > size / 400) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF32BE;
        else if (bad_utf16_count == 0 && nl_utf16le_count > size / 200) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF16LE;
        else if (bad_utf16_count == 0 && nl_utf16be_count > size / 200) enc = wxFONTENCODING_UTF16BE;
        else if (null_byte_count)
            return false; // Maybe this is a binary file?

    if (enc != wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT)
        m_Encoding = enc; // Success.
        return true;

    // If we can't detect encoding and it does not contain null bytes
    // just ignore it and try backup-procedures (Mozilla) later...
    return false;