예제 #1
파일: n-calli-1.c 프로젝트: mycoboco/beluga
int main(void)
    printf("%d, %d, %d, %u\n", x1(), x2(), x3(), x4());
예제 #2
파일: n-calli-2.c 프로젝트: mycoboco/beluga
int main(void)
    printf("%d, %d, %d, %u\n", x1(0), x2(0), x3(0), x4(0));
예제 #3
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: Lucie2lr/grassmann
void plop (){
    gca :: GCA_vector a (1.0 ,2.0 ,3.0 ,1.0);
    gca :: GCA_vector b ;
    b << 3.0 , 2.0 , 1.0 , 1.0;
    gca :: GCA_bivector l = a ^ b ; // l is a Plucker line
    std :: cout << "\n--------------- Plucker line ---------------" << std :: endl ;
    std :: cout << "point ^ point l : " << l << std :: endl ;
    gca :: GCA_vector x1 (2.0 , -1.0 , -1.0 ,1.0);
    gca :: GCA_vector x2 (1.0 , -1.0 ,1.0 ,1.0);
    gca :: GCA_vector x3 ( -1.0 , -1.0 , -2.0 ,1.0);
    gca :: GCA_trivector d = x1 ^ x2 ^ x3 ; // d is a plane
    gca :: GCA_trivector p = x1 ^ l ;
    gca :: GCA_trivector r = x3 ^ l ;
    std :: cout << "\n--------------- Plans ---------------" << std :: endl ;
    std :: cout << "point ^ point ^ point d: " << d << std :: endl ;
    std :: cout << "point ^ droite p: " << p << std :: endl ;
    std :: cout << "Plan r: " << r << std :: endl ;
    std :: cout << "\n--------------- Intersections ---------------" << std :: endl ;
    std :: cout << "plan v plan v plan : " << (~d ^ ~p ^ ~r) << std :: endl ;
    std :: cout << "plan v droite : " << (~d ^ ~l) << std :: endl ;
    std :: cout << "plan v plan : " << (~d ^ ~p) << std :: endl ;
    std :: cout << "\n--------------- Appartenances ---------------" << std :: endl ; 
    std :: cout << "point ^ droite : " << (l ^ a) << std :: endl;
    std :: cout << "point ^ plan : " << (x1 ^ p) << std :: endl;
예제 #4
파일: test.cpp 프로젝트: Grever1986/XCode
void test()
    CXCode x1(CXCode::CHARSET_UTF8);
    std::string sUTF8 = "abc\xe4\xb8\xad\xe5\x9b\xbd\xe4\xba\xba";
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("abc%u4E2D%u56FD%u4EBA"), CXCode::escape(sUTF8));
    EXPECT_EQ(sUTF8, CXCode::unescape(CXCode::escape(sUTF8)));
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("abc%u4E2D%u56FD%u4EBA"), CXCode::escape(CXCode::unescape(CXCode::escape(sUTF8))));
    EXPECT_EQ(sUTF8, CXCode::unescape((sUTF8)));
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("abc%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E4%BA%BA"), CXCode::encodeURIComponent(sUTF8));
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("abc\\u4E2D\\u56FD\\u4EBA"), CXCode::encodeJSONComponent(sUTF8));
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("abc&#x4E2D;&#x56FD;&#x4EBA;"), CXCode::encodeXMLComponent(sUTF8));

    std::string sUCS2 = CXCode::UCS2(CXCode::escape(sUTF8));

    CXCode x2(CXCode::CHARSET_GBS);
    std::string sGB="abc\xd6\xd0\xb9\xfa\xc8\xcb";
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("abc%u4E2D%u56FD%u4EBA"), CXCode::escape(sGB));
    EXPECT_EQ(sGB, CXCode::unescape(CXCode::escape(sGB)));
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("abc%u4E2D%u56FD%u4EBA"), CXCode::escape(CXCode::unescape(CXCode::escape(sGB))));
    EXPECT_EQ(sGB, CXCode::unescape((sGB)));
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("abc%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E4%BA%BA"), CXCode::encodeURIComponent(sGB));
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("abc\\u4E2D\\u56FD\\u4EBA"), CXCode::encodeJSONComponent(sGB));
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("abc&#x4E2D;&#x56FD;&#x4EBA;"), CXCode::encodeXMLComponent(sGB));

    CXCode x3(CXCode::CHARSET_UCS2);
    T_UC tUC[6] = {'a','b','c',20013,22269,20154};
    std::string sUC((char *)tUC, 12);
    EXPECT_EQ(sUC, CXCode::UCS2(sUC));
    EXPECT_EQ(sUCS2, CXCode::escape(sUC));
    EXPECT_EQ(CXCode::UCS2(sUCS2), CXCode::escape(sUC));
    EXPECT_EQ(CXCode::escape(sUC), CXCode::UCS2(CXCode::escape(sUC)));
    EXPECT_EQ(sUC, CXCode::unescape(CXCode::escape(sUC)));
    EXPECT_EQ(sUCS2, CXCode::escape(CXCode::unescape(CXCode::escape(sUC))));
    EXPECT_EQ(sUC, CXCode::unescape((sUC)));
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("abc%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E4%BA%BA"), CXCode::encodeURIComponent(sUC));
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("abc\\u4E2D\\u56FD\\u4EBA"), CXCode::encodeJSONComponent(sUC));
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("abc&#x4E2D;&#x56FD;&#x4EBA;"), CXCode::encodeXMLComponent(sUC));

    EXPECT_EQ(sUC, CXCode::GBS2UCS((sGB))); 
    EXPECT_EQ(sUTF8, CXCode::GBS2UTF8((sGB)));
    EXPECT_EQ(sUC, CXCode::UTF82UCS((sUTF8)));
    EXPECT_EQ(sGB, CXCode::UTF82GBS((sUTF8)));
    EXPECT_EQ(sGB, CXCode::UCS2GBS((sUC)));
    EXPECT_EQ(sUTF8, CXCode::UCS2UTF8((sUC)));
    //std::cout << sUC << std::endl;
    //std::cout << CXCode::UCS2(CXCode::escape(sUC))<<std::endl; 
    //std::cout << CXCode::escape(sUC) <<std::endl;
    //std::cout << CXCode::unescape(CXCode::escape(sUC)) <<std::endl;
    //std::cout << std::string("abc%u4E2D%u56FD%u4EBA") <<std::endl;
    //std::cout << CXCode::UCS2("abc%u4E2D%u56FD%u4EBA") <<std::endl;
    //std::cout << CXCode::encodeJSONComponent(CXCode::GBS2UCS((sGB)))<<std::endl; 

//    return 0;
예제 #5
void plop(){

	std::cout<<"Début de l'exemple de Nozick sensei"<<std::endl;

	gca::GCA_vector a(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0);
	gca::GCA_vector b;
	b << -1.0, -3.0, 2.0, 1.0;

	gca::GCA_bivector l = a ^ b; // l is a PLucker line


	gca::GCA_vector x1(2.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
	gca::GCA_vector x2(1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	gca::GCA_vector x3(-1.0, -1.0, -2.0, 1.0);
	gca::GCA_trivector d = x1^x2^x3; //d is a plane
	std::cout << d<<std::endl;

	std::cout << "(~d^~l) n'est pas l'intersection : "<< (~d^~l) <<std::endl;

	gca::GCA_antivector croisement = (~d^~l);

	std::cout << "~(~d^~l) est l'intersection : "<< ~croisement <<std::endl;
	//std::cout << "intersection : "<< ~d^~l <<std::endl;// ne peux pas pas compiler selon les normes du c++

	std::cout<<"Fin de l'exemple de Nozick sensei"<<std::endl;
예제 #6
파일: impint.C 프로젝트: VargMon/dd-wrt
void fn ()
  X x1(3.5);        // WARNING - double to int
  X x2(3.5f);       // WARNING - float to int
  X x3(1, 3.5);     // WARNING - double to int
  X x4(1, 3.5f);    // WARNING - float to int
  X x5(3.5, 1);     // WARNING - double to int
  X x6(3.5f, 1);    // WARNING - float to int

  X y1 = 3.5;       // WARNING - double to int
  X y2 = 3.5f;      // WARNING - float to int

  int j1 (3.5);     // WARNING - double to int
  int j2 (3.5f);    // WARNING - float to int

  int k1 = 3.5;     // WARNING - double to int
  int k2 = 3.5f;    // WARNING - float to int
  j1 = 3.5;         // WARNING - double to int
  j2 = 3.5f;        // WARNING - float to int
  foo (3.5);        // WARNING - double to int
  foo (3.5f);       // WARNING - float to int
  wibble (3.5);     // WARNING - double to int
  wibble (3.5f);    // WARNING - float to int
  wibble (1, 3.5);  // WARNING - double to int
  wibble (1, 3.5f); // WARNING - float to int
  wibble (3.5, 1);  // WARNING - double to int
  wibble (3.5f, 1); // WARNING - float to int
  punk ();          // WARNING - double to int
  rock (1);         // WARNING - double to int
예제 #7
int main( void )
    unsigned long   ul = 0xCCCCCCCC;
    void            *pv = NULL;

    x1 = test1;
    x1( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
    if( res[0] != 1 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    if( res[1] != 2 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    if( res[2] != 3 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    if( res[3] != 4 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    if( res[4] != 5 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    x2 = test1;
    x2( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
    if( res[0] != 1 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    if( res[1] != 2 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    if( res[2] != 3 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    if( res[3] != 4 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    if( res[4] != 5 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    x3 = test2;
    x3( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
    if( res[0] != 1 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    if( res[1] != 2 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    if( res[2] != 3 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    if( res[3] != 4 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    if( res[4] != 5 ) fail( __LINE__ );
    if( !fn1( ul, 0x55AA ) ) fail( __LINE__ );
    if( !fn2( pv, 0x55AA ) ) fail( __LINE__ );
예제 #8
void g() {
  X x1(5);
  X x2(1.0, 3, 4.2);
  X x3(1.0, 1.0); // expected-error{{no matching constructor for initialization of 'x3'; candidates are:}}
  Y y(1.0);
  X x4(3.14, y);

  Z z; // expected-error{{no matching constructor for initialization of 'z'}}
예제 #9
void g() {
  X x1(5);
  X x2(1.0, 3, 4.2);
  X x3(1.0, 1.0); // expected-error{{no matching constructor for initialization of 'X'}}
  Y y(1.0);
  X x4(3.14, y);

  Z z; // expected-error{{no matching constructor for initialization of 'Z'}}
예제 #10
bool PolygonLine :: intersects(Element *element)
    printf("Warning: entering PolygonLine :: intersects(Element *element).\n");

    if ( !boundingBoxIntersects(element) ) {
        return false;

    double distTol = 1.0e-9;

    int numSeg = this->giveNrVertices() - 1;

    // Loop over the crack segments and test each segment for
    // overlap with the element
    for ( int segId = 1; segId <= numSeg; segId++ ) {
        if ( element->giveGeometryType() == EGT_triangle_1 ) {
            // Crack segment
            bPoint2 crackP1( this->giveVertex ( segId )->at(1), this->giveVertex ( segId )->at(2) );
            bPoint2 crackP2( this->giveVertex ( segId + 1 )->at(1), this->giveVertex ( segId + 1 )->at(2) );
            bSeg2 crackSeg(crackP1, crackP2);

            // Triangle vertices
            bPoint2 x1( element->giveNode ( 1 )->giveCoordinate(1), element->giveNode ( 1 )->giveCoordinate(2) );
            bPoint2 x2( element->giveNode ( 2 )->giveCoordinate(1), element->giveNode ( 2 )->giveCoordinate(2) );
            bPoint2 x3( element->giveNode ( 3 )->giveCoordinate(1), element->giveNode ( 3 )->giveCoordinate(2) );

            bSeg2 edge1(x1, x2);
            bSeg2 edge2(x2, x3);
            bSeg2 edge3(x3, x1);

            double d1 = bDist(crackSeg, edge1);
            if ( d1 < distTol ) {
                return true;

            double d2 = bDist(crackSeg, edge2);
            if ( d2 < distTol ) {
                return true;

            double d3 = bDist(crackSeg, edge3);
            if ( d3 < distTol ) {
                return true;


    return false;
예제 #11
int main() {
    char user[3];
    read(0, user, 3);
    if (x0(user) || x1(user) || x2(user) || x3(user) || x4(user)) {
    else {
예제 #12
NT2_TEST_CASE_TPL( cols_nd_typed, NT2_TYPES )
   nt2::table<T> x2 = nt2::cols(8,4, T(22.5) );
   for(int i=1;i<=8;++i) for(int j=1;j<=4;++j) NT2_TEST_EQUAL( T(22.5+j-1), T(x2(i, j)) );
   nt2::table<T> x3 = nt2::cols(2,4, T(22.5) );
   for(int i=1;i<=2;++i) for(int j=1;j<=4;++j) NT2_TEST_EQUAL( T(22.5+j-1), T(x3(i, j)) );
   nt2::table<T> x4 = nt2::cols(nt2::of_size(8, 6), T(22.5) );
   for(int i=1;i<=8;++i) for(int j=1;j<=6;++j) NT2_TEST_EQUAL( T(22.5+j-1), T(x4(i, j)) );

예제 #13
파일: Cube.cpp 프로젝트: rafalcieslak/PGK
Cube::Cube(float scale){
		{ -1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f, -1.0f,-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, //
           1.0f, 1.0f,-1.0f, -1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f,-1.0f, //
           1.0f,-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f,  1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f, //
           1.0f, 1.0f,-1.0f,  1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f, -1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f, //
 		  -1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f,-1.0f,
           1.0f,-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f,-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f,
          -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f,-1.0f, 1.0f,  1.0f,-1.0f, 1.0f,
           1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,  1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f,  1.0f, 1.0f,-1.0f,
           1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f,  1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,  1.0f,-1.0f, 1.0f,
           1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,  1.0f, 1.0f,-1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f,-1.0f,
           1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f,-1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,
           1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,  1.0f,-1.0f, 1.0f},
	//	{ x3b(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), x3b(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), x3b(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f),
    //      x3b(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f),},
          { x4(x3(C_GREEN),x3(C_RED),x3(C_BLUE)),},
          { x4(x3(C_RED),x3(C_RED),x3(C_RED)),},
	model_id = "cube";
예제 #14
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: mjvd/personal
//int __stdcall WinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int)
int main()
        X x1(4.5, 6);
        X x2(x1);
        x2 = x1;
        X x3(std::move(x1));
        x3 = std::move(x2);
        X x4(4.5, 6);

    return 0;
예제 #15
파일: xml.cpp 프로젝트: richieyan/amf-cpp
TEST(XmlEquality, SimpleValues) {
	AmfXml x1;
	AmfXml x2("");
	EXPECT_EQ(x1, x2);

	AmfXml x3("foo");
	AmfXml x4("foo");
	EXPECT_EQ(x3, x4);

	EXPECT_NE(x1, x3);

	AmfXml x5("foobar");
	EXPECT_NE(x3, x5);
예제 #16
NT2_TEST_CASE_TPL( ric_nd_typed, NT2_TYPES )
  nt2::table<T> x1 = nt2::ric(8, nt2::meta::as_<T>() );
  for(int i=1;i<=8;++i) for(int j=1;j<=8;++j) NT2_TEST_EQUAL( T(i-1), T(x1(i, j)) );

  nt2::table<T> x2 = nt2::ric(8,4, nt2::meta::as_<T>() );
  for(int i=1;i<=8;++i) for(int j=1;j<=4;++j) NT2_TEST_EQUAL( T(i-1), T(x2(i, j)) );

  nt2::table<T> x3 = nt2::ric(2,4, nt2::meta::as_<T>() );
  for(int i=1;i<=2;++i) for(int j=1;j<=4;++j) NT2_TEST_EQUAL( T(i-1), T(x3(i, j)) );

  nt2::table<T> x4 = nt2::ric(nt2::of_size(8, 6), nt2::meta::as_<T>() );
  for(int i=1;i<=8;++i) for(int j=1;j<=6;++j) NT2_TEST_EQUAL( T(i-1), T(x4(i, j)) );
예제 #17
void tst_match(ast_manager & m, app * t, app * i) {
    substitution s(m);
    s.reserve(2, 10); // reserving a big number of variables to be safe.

    matcher      match;
    std::cout << "Is " << mk_pp(i, m) << " an instance of " << mk_pp(t, m) << "\n";
    if (match(t, i, s)) {
        std::cout << "yes\n";
    else {
        std::cout << "no\n";

    if (t->get_decl() == i->get_decl()) {
        // trying to match the arguments of t and i
        std::cout << "Are the arguments of " << mk_pp(i, m) << " an instance of the arguments of " << mk_pp(t, m) << "\n";
        unsigned num_args = t->get_num_args();
        unsigned j;
        for (j = 0; j < num_args; j++) {
            if (!match(t->get_arg(j), i->get_arg(j), s))
        if (j == num_args) {
            std::cout << "yes\n";
            // create some dummy term to test for applying the substitution.
            sort_ref S(          m.mk_uninterpreted_sort(symbol("S")),    m);
            sort * domain[3]   = {S, S, S};
            func_decl_ref r(     m.mk_func_decl(symbol("r"), 3, domain, S), m);
            expr_ref x1(         m.mk_var(0, S), m);
            expr_ref x2(         m.mk_var(1, S), m);
            expr_ref x3(         m.mk_var(2, S), m);
            app_ref  rxyzw(      m.mk_app(r, x1.get(), x2.get(), x3.get()), m);
            expr_ref result(m);
            unsigned deltas[2] = {0,0};
            s.apply(2, deltas, expr_offset(rxyzw, 0), result);
            std::cout << "applying substitution to\n" << mk_pp(rxyzw,m) << "\nresult:\n" << mk_pp(result,m) << "\n";
        else {
            std::cout << "no\n";
    std::cout << "\n";
예제 #18
void string0_tests()
    std::string x1(1, '\0');
    std::string x2(2, '\0');
    std::string x3(3, '\0');
    std::string x4(10, '\0');

    BOOST_HASH_TEST_NAMESPACE::hash<std::string> hasher;

    BOOST_TEST(hasher(x1) != hasher(x2));
    BOOST_TEST(hasher(x1) != hasher(x3));
    BOOST_TEST(hasher(x1) != hasher(x4));
    BOOST_TEST(hasher(x2) != hasher(x3));
    BOOST_TEST(hasher(x2) != hasher(x4));
    BOOST_TEST(hasher(x3) != hasher(x4));
예제 #19
void fwd_test()
    test::test_type1<int> x1(3);
    test::test_type1<std::string> y1("Black");
    test::test_type2<int> x2(25, 16);
    test::test_type2<std::string> y2("White", "Green");

    std::vector<int> empty;
    std::vector<std::string> empty2;

    test::test_type3<int> x3(empty.begin(), empty.end());
    test::test_type3<std::string> y3(empty2.begin(), empty2.end());

    // Prevent gcc warnings:
    unused(x1); unused(x2); unused(x3);
    unused(y1); unused(y2); unused(y3);
예제 #20
void IntegrationRule::DefineIntegrationRuleTetrahedron(IntegrationRule & integrationRule, int ruleOrder)
	// we use a ready function, which provides a tetrahedral integration rule
	Vector x1, x2, x3, w;
	GetIntegrationRuleTet(x1, x2, x3, w, ruleOrder);

	// and now we create a 3D integration rule
	assert(x1.Length() == x2.Length());
	assert(x1.Length() == x3.Length());
	assert(x1.Length() == w.Length());
	for (int i1 = 1; i1 <= x1.GetLen(); i1++)
		integrationRule.integrationPoints(i1).x = x1(i1);
		integrationRule.integrationPoints(i1).y = x2(i1);
		integrationRule.integrationPoints(i1).z = x3(i1);
		integrationRule.integrationPoints(i1).weight = w(i1);
예제 #21
void RSA_TestInstantiations()
	RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA>::Verifier x1(1, 1);
	RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA>::Signer x2(NullRNG(), 1);
	RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA>::Verifier x3(x2);
	RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA>::Verifier x4(x2.GetKey());
	RSASS<PSS, SHA>::Verifier x5(x3);
#ifndef __MWERKS__
	RSASS<PSSR, SHA>::Signer x6 = x2;
	x3 = x2;
	x6 = x2;
	RSAES<PKCS1v15>::Encryptor x7(x2);
#ifndef __GNUC__
	RSAES<PKCS1v15>::Encryptor x8(x3);
	RSAES<OAEP<SHA> >::Encryptor x9(x2);

	x4 = x2.GetKey();
예제 #22
void IntegrationRulesCreator::CreateTetrahedralRule(int order)
	// we use a ready function, which provides a one-dimensional integration rule
	Vector x1, x2, x3, w;
	GetIntegrationRuleTet(x1, x2, x3, w, order);

	// and now we create a 3D integration rule
	currentIntegrationRuleInfo = new IntegrationRule::IntegrationRuleInfo();
	assert(x1.Length() == x2.Length());
	assert(x1.Length() == x3.Length());
	assert(x1.Length() == w.Length());
	for (int i1 = 1; i1 <= x1.GetLen(); i1++)
		currentIntegrationRuleInfo->integrationRule(i1).x = x1(i1);
		currentIntegrationRuleInfo->integrationRule(i1).y = x2(i1);
		currentIntegrationRuleInfo->integrationRule(i1).z = x3(i1);
		currentIntegrationRuleInfo->integrationRule(i1).weight = w(i1);
boost::shared_ptr<Mesh<Simplex<2> > >
    typedef Mesh<Simplex<2> > mesh_type;
    double meshSize = option("gmsh.hsize").as<double>();
    GeoTool::Node x1(-2,-1);
    GeoTool::Node x2(2,1);
    GeoTool::Rectangle R( meshSize ,"OMEGA",x1,x2);
    GeoTool::Node x3(0,0); //center
    GeoTool::Node x4(1);//majorRadiusParam
    GeoTool::Node x5(0.7);//minorRadiusParam
    GeoTool::Node x6(0.1);//penautRadiusParam
    GeoTool::Peanut P( meshSize ,"OMEGA2",x3,x4,x5,x6);
    auto mesh = (R-P).createMesh(_mesh=new mesh_type,_name="mymesh.msh");

    return mesh;
예제 #24
파일: mathplot.cpp 프로젝트: zhoajianjun/QT
void MathPlot::setupMultiAxisDemo(QCustomPlot *customPlot)
  customPlot->setInteractions(QCP::iRangeDrag | QCP::iRangeZoom);

  customPlot->setLocale(QLocale(QLocale::English, QLocale::UnitedKingdom)); // period as decimal separator and comma as thousand separator
  QFont legendFont = font();  // start out with MainWindow's font..
  legendFont.setPointSize(9); // and make a bit smaller for legend
  // by default, the legend is in the inset layout of the main axis rect. So this is how we access it to change legend placement:
  customPlot->axisRect()->insetLayout()->setInsetAlignment(0, Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight);

  // setup for graph 0: key axis left, value axis bottom
  // will contain left maxwell-like function
  customPlot->addGraph(customPlot->yAxis, customPlot->xAxis);
  customPlot->graph(0)->setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 100, 0)));
  customPlot->graph(0)->setBrush(QBrush(QPixmap("://skin/images/balboa.jpg"))); // fill with texture of specified image
  customPlot->graph(0)->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssDisc, 5));
  customPlot->graph(0)->setName("Left maxwell function");

  // setup for graph 1: key axis bottom, value axis left (those are the default axes)
  // will contain bottom maxwell-like function
  customPlot->graph(1)->setBrush(QBrush(QPixmap("://skin/images/balboa.jpg"))); // same fill as we used for graph 0
  customPlot->graph(1)->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssCircle, Qt::red, Qt::white, 7));
  customPlot->graph(1)->setName("Bottom maxwell function");

  // setup for graph 2: key axis top, value axis right
  // will contain high frequency sine with low frequency beating:
  customPlot->addGraph(customPlot->xAxis2, customPlot->yAxis2);
  customPlot->graph(2)->setName("High frequency sine");

  // setup for graph 3: same axes as graph 2
  // will contain low frequency beating envelope of graph 2
  customPlot->addGraph(customPlot->xAxis2, customPlot->yAxis2);
  QPen blueDotPen;
  blueDotPen.setColor(QColor(30, 40, 255, 150));
  customPlot->graph(3)->setName("Sine envelope");

  // setup for graph 4: key axis right, value axis top
  // will contain parabolically distributed data points with some random perturbance
  customPlot->addGraph(customPlot->yAxis2, customPlot->xAxis2);
  customPlot->graph(4)->setPen(QColor(50, 50, 50, 255));
  customPlot->graph(4)->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssCircle, 4));
  customPlot->graph(4)->setName("Some random data around\na quadratic function");

  // generate data, just playing with numbers, not much to learn here:
  QVector<double> x0(25), y0(25);
  QVector<double> x1(15), y1(15), y1err(15);
  QVector<double> x2(250), y2(250);
  QVector<double> x3(250), y3(250);
  QVector<double> x4(250), y4(250);
  for (int i=0; i<25; ++i) // data for graph 0
    x0[i] = 3*i/25.0;
    y0[i] = exp(-x0[i]*x0[i]*0.8)*(x0[i]*x0[i]+x0[i]);
  for (int i=0; i<15; ++i) // data for graph 1
    x1[i] = 3*i/15.0;;
    y1[i] = exp(-x1[i]*x1[i])*(x1[i]*x1[i])*2.6;
    y1err[i] = y1[i]*0.25;
  for (int i=0; i<250; ++i) // data for graphs 2, 3 and 4
    x2[i] = i/250.0*3*M_PI;
    x3[i] = x2[i];
    x4[i] = i/250.0*100-50;
    y2[i] = sin(x2[i]*12)*cos(x2[i])*10;
    y3[i] = cos(x3[i])*10;
    y4[i] = 0.01*x4[i]*x4[i] + 1.5*(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX-0.5) + 1.5*M_PI;

  // pass data points to graphs:
  customPlot->graph(0)->setData(x0, y0);
  customPlot->graph(1)->setDataValueError(x1, y1, y1err);
  customPlot->graph(2)->setData(x2, y2);
  customPlot->graph(3)->setData(x3, y3);
  customPlot->graph(4)->setData(x4, y4);
  // activate top and right axes, which are invisible by default:
  // set ranges appropriate to show data:
  customPlot->xAxis->setRange(0, 2.7);
  customPlot->yAxis->setRange(0, 2.6);
  customPlot->xAxis2->setRange(0, 3.0*M_PI);
  customPlot->yAxis2->setRange(-70, 35);
  // set pi ticks on top axis:
  QVector<double> piTicks;
  QVector<QString> piLabels;
  piTicks << 0  << 0.5*M_PI << M_PI << 1.5*M_PI << 2*M_PI << 2.5*M_PI << 3*M_PI;
  piLabels << "0" << QString::fromUtf8("½π") << QString::fromUtf8("π") << QString::fromUtf8("1½π") << QString::fromUtf8("2π") << QString::fromUtf8("2½π") << QString::fromUtf8("3π");
  // add title layout element:
  customPlot->plotLayout()->addElement(0, 0, new QCPPlotTitle(customPlot, "Way too many graphs in one plot"));
  // set labels:
  customPlot->xAxis->setLabel("Bottom axis with outward ticks");
  customPlot->yAxis->setLabel("Left axis label");
  customPlot->xAxis2->setLabel("Top axis label");
  customPlot->yAxis2->setLabel("Right axis label");
  // make ticks on bottom axis go outward:
  customPlot->xAxis->setTickLength(0, 5);
  customPlot->xAxis->setSubTickLength(0, 3);
  // make ticks on right axis go inward and outward:
  customPlot->yAxis2->setTickLength(3, 3);
  customPlot->yAxis2->setSubTickLength(1, 1);
예제 #25
파일: ilosocpex1.cpp 프로젝트: renvieir/ioc
// This function creates the following model:
//   Minimize
//    obj: x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6
//   Subject To
//    c1: x1 + x2      + x5      = 8
//    c2:           x3 + x5 + x6 = 10
//    q1: [ -x1^2 + x2^2 + x3^2 ] <= 0
//    q2: [ -x4^2 + x5^2 ] <= 0
//   Bounds
//    x2 Free
//    x3 Free
//    x5 Free
//   End
// which is a second order cone program in standard form.
// The function returns objective, variables and constraints in the
// values obj, vars and rngs.
// The function also sets up cone so that for a column j we have
// cone[j] >= 0               Column j is in a cone constraint and is the
//                            cone's head variable.
// cone[j] == NOT_CONE_HEAD   Column j is in a cone constraint but is
//                            not the cone's head variable..
// cone[j] == NOT_IN_CONE     Column j is not contained in any cone constraint.
static void
createmodel (IloModel& model, IloObjective &obj, IloNumVarArray &vars,
             IloRangeArray &rngs, IloIntArray& cone)
   // The indices we assign as user objects to the modeling objects.
   // We define them as static data so that we don't have to worry about
   // dynamic memory allocation/leakage.
   static int indices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };

   IloEnv env = model.getEnv();

   // Create variables.
   IloNumVar x1(env,            0, IloInfinity, "x1");
   IloNumVar x2(env, -IloInfinity, IloInfinity, "x2");
   IloNumVar x3(env, -IloInfinity, IloInfinity, "x3");
   IloNumVar x4(env,            0, IloInfinity, "x4");
   IloNumVar x5(env, -IloInfinity, IloInfinity, "x5");
   IloNumVar x6(env,            0, IloInfinity, "x6");

   // Create objective function and immediately store it in return value.
   obj = IloMinimize(env, x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6);

   // Create constraints.
   IloRange c1(env, 8,  x1 + x2      + x5,       8, "c1");
   IloRange c2(env, 10,           x3 + x5 + x6, 10, "c2");
   IloRange q1(env, -IloInfinity, -x1*x1 + x2*x2 + x3*x3, 0, "q1");
   cone.add(2);             // x1, cone head of constraint at index 2
   cone.add(NOT_CONE_HEAD); // x2
   cone.add(NOT_CONE_HEAD); // x3
   IloRange q2(env, -IloInfinity, -x4*x4 + x5*x5, 0, "q2");
   cone.add(3);             // x4, cone head of constraint at index 3
   cone.add(NOT_CONE_HEAD); // x5

   cone.add(NOT_IN_CONE);   // x6

   // Setup model.

   // Setup return values.


   // We set the user object for each modeling object to its index in the
   // respective array. This makes the code in checkkkt a little simpler.
   for (IloInt i = 0; i < vars.getSize(); ++i)
   for (IloInt i = 0; i < rngs.getSize(); ++i)
예제 #26
int main()
   X x1( 1 );
   X x2( 2 );
   X x3( 3 );

   static_assert( noexcept( x1 + x2 ), "oops" );
   static_assert( !noexcept( x1 * x2 ), "oops" );

   assert( x1 == x1 );
   assert( x1 != x2 );

   assert( x1 == 1 );
   assert( 2 == x2 );
   assert( x3 != 1 );
   assert( 2 != x3 );

   assert( x1 < x2 );
   assert( x1 <= x2 );
   assert( x2 <= x2 );
   assert( x3 > x2 );
   assert( x3 >= x2 );
   assert( x2 >= x2 );

   assert( x1 < 2 );
   assert( x1 <= 2 );
   assert( x2 <= 2 );
   assert( x3 > 2 );
   assert( x3 >= 2 );
   assert( x2 >= 2 );

   assert( 1 < x2 );
   assert( 1 <= x2 );
   assert( 2 <= x2 );
   assert( 3 > x2 );
   assert( 3 >= x2 );
   assert( 2 >= x2 );

   assert( x1 + x2 == x3 );
   assert( 1 + x2 == x3 );
   assert( x1 + 2 == x3 );
   assert( x2 + x1 == 3 );

   assert( x3 - x1 == x2 );
   assert( 3 - x1 == x2 );
   assert( x3 - 1 == x2 );
   assert( x1 - x3 == -2 );

   assert( x2 * x2 == 4 );
   assert( x2 * 3 == 6 );
   assert( 4 * x2 == 8 );

   assert( ( x3 + x1 ) / x2 == 2 );
   assert( ( x1 + x3 ) / 2 == x2 );

   assert( x3 % x2 == 1 );
   assert( x3 % 2 == 1 );

   static_assert( std::is_empty< E >::value, "oops" );

   adl_test( E{} );

   S s;
   S s2( s, s );

#if !defined( _MSC_VER ) || defined( __clang__ )

   constexpr C c1( 1 );
   constexpr C c2( 2 );
   constexpr C c3( 3 );

   static_assert( c1 < c2, "oops" );
   static_assert( c2 < c3, "oops" );
   static_assert( c1 < c3, "oops" );

   static_assert( c1 < 2, "oops" );
   static_assert( c2 < 3, "oops" );
   static_assert( c1 < 3, "oops" );

   static_assert( c1 <= c2, "oops" );
   static_assert( c2 <= c3, "oops" );
   static_assert( c1 <= c3, "oops" );

   static_assert( c1 <= 2, "oops" );
   static_assert( c2 <= 3, "oops" );
   static_assert( c1 <= 3, "oops" );

   static_assert( 1 <= c2, "oops" );
   static_assert( 2 <= c3, "oops" );
   static_assert( 1 <= c3, "oops" );

   static_assert( c2 > c1, "oops" );
   static_assert( c3 > c2, "oops" );
   static_assert( c3 > c1, "oops" );

   static_assert( c2 > 1, "oops" );
   static_assert( c3 > 2, "oops" );
   static_assert( c3 > 1, "oops" );

   static_assert( 2 > c1, "oops" );
   static_assert( 3 > c2, "oops" );
   static_assert( 3 > c1, "oops" );

   static_assert( c2 >= c1, "oops" );
   static_assert( c3 >= c2, "oops" );
   static_assert( c3 >= c1, "oops" );

   static_assert( c2 >= 1, "oops" );
   static_assert( c3 >= 2, "oops" );
   static_assert( c3 >= 1, "oops" );

   static_assert( 2 >= c1, "oops" );
   static_assert( 3 >= c2, "oops" );
   static_assert( 3 >= c1, "oops" );

   static_assert( !( c1 < c1 ), "oops" );  // NOLINT
   static_assert( !( c1 > c1 ), "oops" );  // NOLINT
   static_assert( c1 <= c1, "oops" );      // NOLINT
   static_assert( c1 >= c1, "oops" );      // NOLINT

DMat& NDG2D::ConformingHrefine2D(IMat& edgerefineflag, const DMat& Qin)
#if (0)
  OutputNodes(false); // volume nodes
//OutputNodes(true);  // face nodes

  // function newQ = ConformingHrefine2D(edgerefineflag, Q)
  // Purpose: apply edge splits as requested by edgerefineflag

  IVec v1("v1"), v2("v2"), v3("v3"), tvi;
  DVec x1("x1"), x2("x2"), x3("x3"), y1("y1"), y2("y2"), y3("y3");
  DVec a1("a1"), a2("a2"), a3("a3");

  // count vertices
  assert (VX.size() == Nv);

  // find vertex triplets for elements to be refined
  v1 = EToV(All,1);  v2 = EToV(All,2);  v3 = EToV(All,3);
  x1 = VX(v1);       x2 = VX(v2);       x3 = VX(v3);
  y1 = VY(v1);       y2 = VY(v2);       y3 = VY(v3);

  // find angles at each element vertex (in radians)
  VertexAngles(x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3, a1,a2,a3);

  // absolute value of angle size
  a1.set_abs(); a2.set_abs(); a3.set_abs();

  int k=0,k1=0,f1=0,k2=0,f2=0, e1=0,e2=0,e3=0, b1=0,b2=0,b3=0, ref=0;
  IVec m1,m2,m3; DVec mx1, my1, mx2, my2, mx3, my3;

  // create new vertices at edge centers of marked elements 
  // (use unique numbering derived from unique edge number))
  m1 = max(IVec(Nv*(v1-1)+v2+1), IVec(Nv*(v2-1)+v1+1)); mx1=0.5*(x1+x2); my1=0.5*(y1+y2);
  m2 = max(IVec(Nv*(v2-1)+v3+1), IVec(Nv*(v3-1)+v2+1)); mx2=0.5*(x2+x3); my2=0.5*(y2+y3);
  m3 = max(IVec(Nv*(v1-1)+v3+1), IVec(Nv*(v3-1)+v1+1)); mx3=0.5*(x3+x1); my3=0.5*(y3+y1);

  // ensure that both elements sharing an edge are split
  for (k1=1; k1<=K; ++k1) {
    for (f1=1; f1<=Nfaces; ++f1) {
      if (edgerefineflag(k1,f1)) {
        k2 = EToE(k1,f1); 
        f2 = EToF(k1,f1);
        edgerefineflag(k2,f2) = 1;

  // store old data
  IMat oldEToV = EToV;  DVec oldVX = VX, oldVY = VY; 

  // count the number of elements in the refined mesh
  int newK = countrefinefaces(edgerefineflag);
  EToV.resize(newK, Nfaces, true, 0);
  IMat newBCType(newK,3, "newBCType");
  //   kold = [];
  IVec kold(newK, "kold");  Index1D KI,KIo;

  int sk=1, skstart=0, skend=0;

  for (k=1; k<=K; ++k)
    skstart = sk;

    e1 = edgerefineflag(k,1); b1 = BCType(k,1);
    e2 = edgerefineflag(k,2); b2 = BCType(k,2);
    e3 = edgerefineflag(k,3); b3 = BCType(k,3);
    ref = e1 + 2*e2 + 4*e3;
    switch (ref) {

    case 0: 
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),v2(k),v3(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b1, b2, b3); ++sk;

    case 1:
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),m1(k),v3(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b1,  0, b3); ++sk;
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(m1(k),v2(k),v3(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b1, b2,  0); ++sk;

    case 2:
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v2(k),m2(k),v1(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b2,  0, b1); ++sk;
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(m2(k),v3(k),v1(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b2, b3,  0); ++sk;

    case 4:
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v3(k),m3(k),v2(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b3,  0, b2); ++sk;
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(m3(k),v1(k),v2(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b3, b1,  0); ++sk;

    case 3:
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(m1(k),v2(k),m2(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b1, b2,  0); ++sk;
      if (a1(k) > a3(k)) { // split largest angle
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),m1(k),m2(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b1,  0,  0); ++sk;
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),m2(k),v3(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec( 0, b2, b3); ++sk;
      } else {
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v3(k),m1(k),m2(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec( 0,  0, b2); ++sk;
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v3(k),v1(k),m1(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b3, b1,  0); ++sk;

    case 5:
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),m1(k),m3(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b1,  0, b3); ++sk;
      if (a2(k) > a3(k)) { 
        // split largest angle
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v2(k),m3(k),m1(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec( 0,  0, b1); ++sk;
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v2(k),v3(k),m3(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b2, b3,  0); ++sk;
      } else {
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v3(k),m3(k),m1(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b3,  0,  0); ++sk;
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v3(k),m1(k),v2(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec( 0, b1, b2); ++sk;

    case 6:
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v3(k),m3(k),m2(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b3,  0, b2); ++sk;
      if (a1(k) > a2(k)) { 
        // split largest angle
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),m2(k),m3(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec( 0, 0, b3); ++sk;
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),v2(k),m2(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b1, b2,  0); ++sk;
      } else {
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v2(k),m2(k),m3(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b2,  0,  0); ++sk;
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v2(k),m3(k),v1(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec( 0 , b3, b1); ++sk;

      // split all 
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(m1(k),m2(k),m3(k)); newBCType(sk, All) = IVec( 0, 0,  0); ++sk;
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),m1(k),m3(k)); newBCType(sk, All) = IVec(b1, 0, b3); ++sk;
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v2(k),m2(k),m1(k)); newBCType(sk, All) = IVec(b2, 0, b1); ++sk;
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v3(k),m3(k),m2(k)); newBCType(sk, All) = IVec(b3, 0, b2); ++sk;
    skend = sk;

    // kold = [kold; k*ones(skend-skstart, 1)];

    // element k is to be refined into (1:4) child elements.
    // store parent element numbers in array "kold" to help 
    // with accessing parent vertex data during refinement.

    KI.reset(skstart, skend-1); // ids of child elements
    kold(KI) = k;               // mark as children of element k

  // Finished with edgerefineflag.  Delete if OBJ_temp
  if (edgerefineflag.get_mode() == OBJ_temp) { 
    delete (&edgerefineflag); 

  // renumber new nodes contiguously
  // ids = unique([v1;v2;v3;m1;m2;m3]);
  bool unique=true; IVec IDS, ids;
  IDS = concat( concat(v1,v2,v3), concat(m1,m2,m3) );
  ids = sort(IDS, unique);
  Nv = ids.size();

  int max_id = EToV.max_val();
  umMSG(1, "max id in EToV is %d\n", max_id);

  //         M     N   nnz vals triplet
  CSi newids(max_id,1, Nv,  1,    1  );
  //  newids = sparse(max(max(EToV)),1);

  int i=0, j=1;
  for (i=1; i<=Nv; ++i) {
  //     newids(ids)= (1:Nv);
    newids.set1(ids(i),j, i);   // load 1-based triplets
  }          // row   col x
  newids.compress();            // convert to csc form

  // Matlab -----------------------------------------------
  // v1 = newids(v1); v2 = newids(v2); v3 = newids(v3);
  // m1 = newids(m1); m2 = newids(m2); m3 = newids(m3);

  int KVi=v1.size(), KMi=m1.size();
  // read from copies, overwrite originals 
  // 1. reload ids for new vertices
  tvi = v1;  for (i=1;i<=KVi;++i) {v1(i) = newids(tvi(i), 1);}
  tvi = v2;  for (i=1;i<=KVi;++i) {v2(i) = newids(tvi(i), 1);}
  tvi = v3;  for (i=1;i<=KVi;++i) {v3(i) = newids(tvi(i), 1);}

  // 2. load ids for new (midpoint) vertices
  tvi = m1;  for (i=1;i<=KMi;++i) {m1(i) = newids(tvi(i), 1);}
  tvi = m2;  for (i=1;i<=KMi;++i) {m2(i) = newids(tvi(i), 1);}
  tvi = m3;  for (i=1;i<=KMi;++i) {m3(i) = newids(tvi(i), 1);}

  VX.resize(Nv); VY.resize(Nv);
  VX(v1) =  x1; VX(v2) =  x2; VX(v3) =  x3;
  VY(v1) =  y1; VY(v2) =  y2; VY(v3) =  y3;
  VX(m1) = mx1; VX(m2) = mx2; VX(m3) = mx3;
  VY(m1) = my1; VY(m2) = my2; VY(m3) = my3;

  if (newK != (sk-1)) {
    umERROR("NDG2D::ConformingHrefine2D", "Inconsistent element count: expect %d, but sk = %d", newK, (sk-1));
  } else {
    K = newK; // sk-1;

  // dumpIMat(EToV, "EToV (before)");

  // EToV = newids(EToV);
  for (j=1; j<=3; ++j) {
    for (k=1; k<=K; ++k) {
      EToV(k,j) = newids(EToV(k,j), 1);

#if (0)
  dumpIMat(EToV, "EToV (after)");
  // umERROR("Checking ids", "Nigel, check EToV");

  BCType = newBCType;

  Nv = VX.size();
  // xold = x; yold = y;


#if (1)
  OutputNodes(false); // volume nodes
//OutputNodes(true);  // face nodes
//umERROR("Exiting early", "Check adapted {volume,face} nodes");

  // allocate return object
  int Nfields = Qin.num_cols();
  DMat* tmpQ = new DMat(Np*K, Nfields, "newQ", OBJ_temp);
  DMat& newQ = *tmpQ;  // use a reference for syntax

  // quick return, if no interpolation is required
  if (Qin.size()<1) {
    return newQ;

  DVec rOUT(Np),sOUT(Np),xout,yout,xy1(2),xy2(2),xy3(2),tmp(2),rhs;
  int ko=0,kv1=0,kv2=0,kv3=0,n=0;  DMat A(2,2), interp;
  DMat oldQ = const_cast<DMat&>(Qin);

  for (k=1; k<=K; ++k)
    ko = kold(k); xout = x(All,k); yout = y(All,k);
    kv1=oldEToV(ko,1); kv2=oldEToV(ko,2); kv3=oldEToV(ko,3);
    xy1.set(oldVX(kv1), oldVY(kv1));
    xy2.set(oldVX(kv2), oldVY(kv2));
    xy3.set(oldVX(kv3), oldVY(kv3));
    A.set_col(1, xy2-xy1); A.set_col(2, xy3-xy1);
    for (i=1; i<=Np; ++i) {
      tmp.set(xout(i), yout(i));
      rhs = 2.0*tmp - xy2 - xy3;
      tmp = A|rhs;
      rOUT(i) = tmp(1);
      sOUT(i) = tmp(2);

    KI.reset (Np*(k -1)+1, Np*k );  // nodes in new element k
    KIo.reset(Np*(ko-1)+1, Np*ko);  // nodes in old element ko

    interp = Vandermonde2D(N, rOUT, sOUT)*invV;

    for (n=1; n<=Nfields; ++n) 
    //newQ(:,k,n)= interp*  Q(:,ko,n);
      //DVec tm1 = interp*oldQ(KIo,n);
      //dumpDVec(tm1, "tm1");
      newQ(KI,n) = interp*oldQ(KIo,n);
  return newQ;
예제 #28
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    int i;   
    char *passPhrase;
    int  outputLen = 0;
    FILE *inputFile;

    if (argc <= 1) {
        return 0;

    // Variable parsing for tablecheck
    if (strncmp(argv[1], "rc4", 3) == 0) {
        if (argc < 3) {
            return 0;
        for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
            if (argc == 4) {

                if (strncmp(argv[i], "-p=", 3) == 0) {
                    passPhrase = argv[i] + 3;

                if (strncmp(argv[i], "-l=", 3) == 0) {
                    outputLen = atoi(argv[i] + 3);


                if (!argv[i]) {
                    return 0;

            else if (argc == 3) {
                if (strncmp(argv[i], "-p=", 3) == 0) {
                    passPhrase = argv[i] + 3;

                 outputLen = 256;
            else {
                return 0;
        if (passPhrase == NULL || outputLen < 1) {
            return 0;
        else {
            // Call tablecheck function
            rc4(passPhrase, outputLen);

    else if (strncmp(argv[1], "x1", 2) == 0) {

        if (argc < 2) {
            return 0;
        //for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
            if (argc == 3) {
                inputFile = fopen(argv[2], "rb");
            else if (argc == 2) {
                inputFile = stdin;
                if(isatty(fileno(inputFile))) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid use of arguments. Please specify a file name or pipe input.\n");
                    return -1;
            else {
                return 0;
        if (inputFile == NULL) {
            return 0;
        else {
            // Call keyExpand function

    else if (strncmp(argv[1], "x2", 2) == 0) {

        if (argc < 2) {
            return 0;
        //for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
            if (argc == 3) {
                inputFile = fopen(argv[2], "rb");
            else if (argc == 2) {
                inputFile = stdin;
                if(isatty(fileno(inputFile))) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid use of arguments. Please specify a file name or pipe input.\n");
                    return -1;
            else {
                return 0;
        if (inputFile == NULL) {
            return 0;
        else {
            // Call keyExpand function

    else if (strncmp(argv[1], "x3", 2) == 0) {

        if (argc < 2) {
            return 0;
        //for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
            if (argc == 3) {
                inputFile = fopen(argv[2], "rb");
            else if (argc == 2) {
                inputFile = stdin;
                if(isatty(fileno(inputFile))) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid use of arguments. Please specify a file name or pipe input.\n");
                    return -1;
            else {
                return 0;
        if (inputFile == NULL) {
            return 0;
        else {
            // Call keyExpand function

    // If these conditions are not met, then print usage and quit.
    else {
        return 0;
    return 0;
예제 #29
Vector Rosen34(
	Fun           &F , 
	size_t         M , 
	const Scalar &ti , 
	const Scalar &tf , 
	const Vector &xi ,
	Vector       &e )

	// check numeric type specifications

	// check simple vector class specifications
	CheckSimpleVector<Scalar, Vector>();

	// Parameters for Shampine's Rosenbrock method
	// are static to avoid recalculation on each call and 
	// do not use Vector to avoid possible memory leak
	static Scalar a[3] = {
		Scalar(3)   / Scalar(5)
	static Scalar b[2 * 2] = {
		Scalar(24)  / Scalar(25),
		Scalar(3)   / Scalar(25)
	static Scalar ct[4] = {
		Scalar(1)   / Scalar(2),
		- Scalar(3) / Scalar(2),
		Scalar(121) / Scalar(50),
		Scalar(29)  / Scalar(250)
	static Scalar cg[3 * 3] = {
		- Scalar(4),
		Scalar(186) / Scalar(25),
		Scalar(6)   / Scalar(5),
		- Scalar(56) / Scalar(125),
		- Scalar(27) / Scalar(125),
		- Scalar(1)  / Scalar(5)
	static Scalar d3[3] = {
		Scalar(97) / Scalar(108),
		Scalar(11) / Scalar(72),
		Scalar(25) / Scalar(216)
	static Scalar d4[4] = {
		Scalar(19)  / Scalar(18),
		Scalar(1)   / Scalar(4),
		Scalar(25)  / Scalar(216),
		Scalar(125) / Scalar(216)
		M >= 1,
		"Error in Rosen34: the number of steps is less than one"
		e.size() == xi.size(),
		"Error in Rosen34: size of e not equal to size of xi"
	size_t i, j, k, l, m;             // indices

	size_t  n    = xi.size();         // number of components in X(t)
	Scalar  ns   = Scalar(double(M)); // number of steps as Scalar object
	Scalar  h    = (tf - ti) / ns;    // step size 
	Scalar  zero = Scalar(0);         // some constants
	Scalar  one  = Scalar(1);
	Scalar  two  = Scalar(2);

	// permutation vectors needed for LU factorization routine
	CppAD::vector<size_t> ip(n), jp(n);

	// vectors used to store values returned by F
	Vector E(n * n), Eg(n), f_t(n);
	Vector g(n * 3), x3(n), x4(n), xf(n), ftmp(n), xtmp(n), nan_vec(n);

	// initialize e = 0, nan_vec = nan
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	{	e[i]       = zero;
		nan_vec[i] = nan(zero);

	xf = xi;           // initialize solution
	for(m = 0; m < M; m++)
	{	// time at beginning of this interval
		Scalar t = ti * (Scalar(int(M - m)) / ns) 
		         + tf * (Scalar(int(m)) / ns);

		// value of x at beginning of this interval
		x3 = x4 = xf;

		// evaluate partial derivatives at beginning of this interval
		F.Ode_ind(t, xf, f_t);
		F.Ode_dep(t, xf, E);    // E = f_x
		if( hasnan(f_t) || hasnan(E) )
		{	e = nan_vec;
			return nan_vec;

		// E = I - f_x * h / 2
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		{	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
				E[i * n + j] = - E[i * n + j] * h / two;
			E[i * n + i] += one;

		// LU factor the matrix E
# ifndef NDEBUG
		int sign = LuFactor(ip, jp, E);
# else
		LuFactor(ip, jp, E);
# endif
			sign != 0,
			"Error in Rosen34: I - f_x * h / 2 not invertible"

		// loop over integration steps
		for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
		{	// set location for next function evaluation
			xtmp = xf; 
			for(l = 0; l < k; l++)
			{	// loop over previous function evaluations
				Scalar bkl = b[(k-1)*2 + l];
				for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
				{	// loop over elements of x
					xtmp[i] += bkl * g[i*3 + l] * h;
			// ftmp = F(t + a[k] * h, xtmp)
			F.Ode(t + a[k] * h, xtmp, ftmp); 
			if( hasnan(ftmp) )
			{	e = nan_vec;
				return nan_vec;

			// Form Eg for this integration step
			for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
				Eg[i] = ftmp[i] + ct[k] * f_t[i] * h;
			for(l = 0; l < k; l++)
			{	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
					Eg[i] += cg[(k-1)*3 + l] * g[i*3 + l];

			// Solve the equation E * g = Eg
			LuInvert(ip, jp, E, Eg);

			// save solution and advance x3, x4
			for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
			{	g[i*3 + k]  = Eg[i];
				x3[i]      += h * d3[k] * Eg[i];
				x4[i]      += h * d4[k] * Eg[i];
		// Form Eg for last update to x4 only
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
			Eg[i] = ftmp[i] + ct[3] * f_t[i] * h;
		for(l = 0; l < 3; l++)
		{	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
				Eg[i] += cg[2*3 + l] * g[i*3 + l];

		// Solve the equation E * g = Eg
		LuInvert(ip, jp, E, Eg);

		// advance x4 and accumulate error bound
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		{	x4[i] += h * d4[3] * Eg[i];

			// cant use abs because cppad.hpp may not be included
			Scalar diff = x4[i] - x3[i];
			if( diff < zero )
				e[i] -= diff;
			else	e[i] += diff;

		// advance xf for this step using x4
		xf = x4;
	return xf;
예제 #30
TEST(MathLib, DenseGaussAlgorithmDenseVector)
	std::size_t n_rows(50);
	std::size_t n_cols(n_rows);

	MathLib::DenseMatrix<double,std::size_t> mat(n_rows, n_cols);

	// *** fill matrix with arbitrary values
	// ** initialize random seed
	srand ( static_cast<unsigned>(time(nullptr)) );
	// ** loop over rows and columns
	for (std::size_t i(0); i<n_rows; i++) {
		for (std::size_t j(0); j<n_cols; j++) {
			mat(i,j) = rand()/static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX);

	// *** create solution vector, set all entries to 0.0
	MathLib::DenseVector<double> x(n_cols);
	std::fill(std::begin(x), std::end(x), 0.0);
	MathLib::DenseVector<double> b0(mat * x);

	// *** create other right hand sides,
	// set all entries of the solution vector to 1.0
	std::fill(std::begin(x), std::end(x), 1.0);
	MathLib::DenseVector<double> b1(mat * x);

	std::generate(std::begin(x), std::end(x), std::rand);
	MathLib::DenseVector<double> b2(mat * x);

	// right hand side and solution vector with random entries
	MathLib::DenseVector<double> b3(mat * x);
	MathLib::DenseVector<double> b3_copy(mat * x);
	MathLib::DenseVector<double> x3 (n_cols);
	std::generate(std::begin(x3),std::end(x3), std::rand);

	MathLib::GaussAlgorithm<MathLib::DenseMatrix<double, std::size_t>, MathLib::DenseVector<double>> gauss(mat);

	// solve with b0 as right hand side
	gauss.solve(b0, true);
	for (std::size_t i(0); i<n_rows; i++) {
		ASSERT_NEAR(b0[i], 0.0, 1e5 * std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());

	// solve with b1 as right hand side
	gauss.solve(b1, false);
	for (std::size_t i(0); i<n_rows; i++) {
		ASSERT_NEAR(b1[i], 1.0, std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());

	// solve with b2 as right hand side
	gauss.solve(b2, false);
	for (std::size_t i(0); i<n_rows; i++) {
		ASSERT_NEAR(fabs(b2[i]-x[i])/fabs(x[i]), 0.0, std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());

	gauss.solve(b3, x3, false);
	for (std::size_t i(0); i<n_rows; i++) {
		ASSERT_NEAR(fabs(x3[i]-x[i])/fabs(x[i]), 0.0, std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
	// assure entries of vector b3 are not changed
	for (std::size_t i(0); i<n_rows; i++) {
		ASSERT_NEAR(fabs(b3[i]-b3_copy[i])/fabs(b3[i]), 0.0, std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());