예제 #1
파일: gadgets.c 프로젝트: spnow/ropit
char *ropit_x86_list_disasm (uint8_t *bytes, int len) {
    int pos = 0;             // current position in buffer
    int size;                // size of instruction
    x86_insn_t insn;         // instruction
    char line[4096] = {0};
    int linelen = 4096;
    char *listing = NULL;

    listing = calloc(2048, sizeof(*listing));

    x86_init(opt_none, NULL, NULL);
    while ( pos < len ) {
        // disassemble address
        size = x86_disasm(bytes, len, 0, pos, &insn);
        if ( size ) {
            // print instruction
            x86_format_insn(&insn, line, linelen, intel_syntax);
            // printf("%s\n", line);
            strcat(listing, line);
            strcat(listing, "\n");
            pos += size;
        else {

    return listing;
예제 #2
void perplex_section(pefile_t *pefile, int section_number)
	char *data;
	size_t size;
	x86_insn_t insn;
	int pos = 0;
	int section_start;

	assert(pefile != NULL);
	section_start = pefile->pimage_section_headers[section_number].VirtualAddress + pefile->image_nt_headers.OptionalHeader.ImageBase;

	data = get_section_data(pefile, section_number, &size);
	if (data == NULL)

	x86_init(opt_none, 0);
	while (pos < size) {
		char line[512];
		int insn_size = x86_disasm(data, size, 0, pos, &insn);

		if (insn_size > 0) {
			x86_format_insn(&insn, line, sizeof line, intel_syntax);
			//printf("%08X: %s\n", pos + section_start, line);
			pos += insn_size;
		} else {
			//printf("%08X: Invalid Instruction\n", pos + section_start);

예제 #3
파일: gadgets.c 프로젝트: spnow/ropit
// disasm 1 instruction
char *ropit_x86_disasm (uint8_t *bytes, int len, int *sz_dis)
    int sz_inst, len_disasm;             /* sz_inst of instruction */
    x86_insn_t insn;         /* instruction */
    char line[1024];
    int sz_line = 1024;
    char *disasm;

    if (!bytes || len <= 0 || !sz_dis) {
        debug_printf (MESSAGE_ERROR, stderr, "error: ropit_x86_disasm(): Bad parameter(s)\n");
        return NULL;

    len_disasm = 0;

    x86_init(opt_none, NULL, NULL);
    sz_inst = x86_disasm (bytes, len, 0, 0, &insn);
    if (sz_inst > 0) {
        len_disasm = x86_format_insn (&insn, line, sz_line, intel_syntax);
        *sz_dis = sz_inst;
    x86_oplist_free (&insn);

    if (len_disasm == 0)
        return NULL;

    disasm = calloc (len_disasm, sizeof(*disasm));
    if (!disasm) {
        debug_printf (MESSAGE_ERROR, stderr, "error: ropit_x86_disasm(): Failed disasm alloc\n");
        return NULL;

    memcpy (disasm, line, len_disasm);

    return disasm;
예제 #4
void *decode_instructions(
    void *buf,
    void *buf_limit,
    void *(*putxml_fptr)(void *putxml_data, const char *element_format, void *element_data),
    void *putxml_data,
    void *(*printf_fptr)(void *printf_data, const char *format, ...),
    void *printf_data,
    const char *config_string)
#define PUTXML(efmt, edata)	(*putxml_fptr)(putxml_data, (const char*)(efmt), (void*)(edata))
#define PRINTF(fmt, x)		(*printf_fptr)(printf_data, (const char*)(fmt), x)
#define PRINTF2(fmt, x, y)	(*printf_fptr)(printf_data, (const char*)(fmt), x, y)

    size_t buf_size = (char*)buf_limit - (char*)buf;
    unsigned char *uc_buf = (unsigned char*) buf;
    int have_opnd, which;
    x86_insn_t insn;
    x86_op_t *opnd;
    intptr_t addr;
    char sbuf[MAX_OP_STRING * 2];
    size_t pos, size;

    if (!putxml_fptr) {
        putxml_fptr = empty_putxml;
    if (!printf_fptr) {
        intptr_t stdio_fprintf_addr = (intptr_t) &fprintf;
        printf_fptr = (void * (*)(void *, const char *, ...)) stdio_fprintf_addr;
        if (!printf_data)  printf_data = stdout;

    x86_init(0, 0, 0);
    PUTXML("insns", buf);
    PUTXML("mach name='%s'/", "i386(base-hsdis)");
    PUTXML("format bytes-per-line='%p'/", (intptr_t)FORMAT_BYTES_PER_LINE);

    for (pos = 0; pos < buf_size; pos += size) {
        size = x86_disasm(uc_buf, buf_size, (intptr_t) buf, pos, &insn);
        PUTXML("insn", (char*)buf + pos);
        if (size == 0) {
            PRINTF("invalid\t0x%02x", uc_buf[pos]);
            size = 1;  /* to make progress */
        } else {
            PRINTF2("%s%s", insn.prefix_string, insn.mnemonic);
            have_opnd = 0;
            for (which = 0; which < 3; which++) {
                /* dest comes first, then src and/or imm */
                switch (which) {
                case 0:
                    opnd = x86_operand_1st(&insn);
                case 1:
                    opnd = x86_operand_2nd(&insn);
                    opnd = x86_operand_3rd(&insn);
                if (!opnd)  continue;
                if (opnd->flags & op_implied)  continue;
                if (!have_opnd++)
                    PRINTF("\t", 0);
                else	PRINTF(", ", 0);
                addr = addr_from_operand(opnd);
                if (!(addr && PUTXML("addr/", addr))) {
                                       sbuf, sizeof(sbuf),
                    PRINTF("%s", sbuf);
        PUTXML("/insn", (char*)buf + pos + size);
        PRINTF("\n", 0);

    PUTXML("/insns", (char*)buf + pos);
    return (char*)buf + pos;
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char line[128];
	struct stat sbuf;
	char *input = NULL;
	char *buf = NULL;
	FILE *fd = NULL;
	int ret = 0;
	int offset = 0;
	int size = 0;
	x86_insn_t x86dis;

	printf("\n[*] simple x86 shellcode disassembler\n");
	printf("[*] trivially implemented thanks 2 libdisasm!\n");
	printf("[*] written by [email protected]\n");

	input = argv[1];

	if (!argv[1])
		printf("[*] usage: %s <shellcode as binary.file>\n", argv[0]);
		ret = 1;
		goto die;

	memset((char *)&sbuf, 0, sizeof(sbuf));

	if (stat(input, &sbuf) == -1)
		printf("[!] unable to stat %s!\n", input);
		ret = 1;
		goto die;

	buf = malloc(sbuf.st_size);

	if (!buf)
		printf("[!] failed to allocate %u bytes!\n", sbuf.st_size);
		ret = 1;
		goto die;

	fd = fopen(input, "r");

	if (!fd)
		printf("[!] unable to open %s\n", input);
		ret = 1;
		goto die;

	if (fread(buf, 1, sbuf.st_size, fd) != sbuf.st_size)
		printf("[!] failed to read in %u bytes!\n", sbuf.st_size);
		ret = 1;
		goto die;
	fd = NULL;


	x86_init(opt_none, NULL, NULL);

	while (offset < sbuf.st_size)
		size = x86_disasm(buf, sbuf.st_size, 0, offset, &x86dis);

		if (!size)
			printf("[!] invalid op at %i!\n", offset);
		memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));
		x86_format_insn(&x86dis, line, sizeof(line), intel_syntax);	
		printf("%08X: %s\n", offset, line);
		offset += size;


	if (buf)
	if (fd)
	return ret;
예제 #6
파일: gadgets.c 프로젝트: spnow/ropit
// find valid instructions offsets before ret
int _ropit_x86_find_gadgets (uint8_t *bytes, int len, int64_t *rets, int n_rets) {
    int sz_inst;                /* size of instruction */
    x86_insn_t insn;         /* instruction */
    int idx_ret, sz_ret;
    int valid_gadget;
    // back track instruction count
    int n_backtrack_inst, n_backtrack_bytes;
    // start for rop search
    uint8_t *start, *gadget_start;
    // disassemble
    int len_disasm;
    int sz_dst;
    char disassembled[DISASSEMBLED_SIZE_MAX] = {0};
    // cache
    FILE *fp_cache;
    struct cache_t *caches;
    int idx_caches, n_caches;
    struct gadget_t *gadgets;
    int idx_gadgets, n_gadgets;
    // cache queue
    struct gadget_cache_queue_t *cache_queue;
    // count
    int count_gadgets;

    // check params
    if (!bytes || len <= 0) {
        debug_printf (MESSAGE_ERROR, stderr, "error: _ropit_x86_find_gadgets(): Bytes null or len <= 0\n");
        return NULL;

    // search rets
    if (!rets || n_rets <= 0) {
        debug_printf (MESSAGE_ERROR, stderr, "error: _ropit_x86_find_gadgets(): No rets\n");
        return NULL;

    // init gadget_cache
    fp_cache = fopen("tmp/gadget_cache", "w");
    if (!fp_cache) {
        debug_printf (MESSAGE_ERROR, stderr, "error: _ropit_x86_find_gadgets(): Failed open (w)\n");
        return NULL;

    // init cache_queue
    cache_queue = NULL;
    if (!gadget_cache_queue_init(&cache_queue)) {
        debug_printf (MESSAGE_ERROR, stderr, "error: _ropit_x86_find_gadgets(): Cache queue allocation failed\n");
        return NULL;
    gadget_cache_queue_set_file (cache_queue, fp_cache);

    // init gadgets
    n_gadgets = 1024;
    gadgets = calloc(sizeof(struct gadget_t), n_gadgets);
    if (!gadgets) {
        debug_printf (MESSAGE_ERROR, stderr, "error: _ropit_x86_find_gadgets(): Failed allocating caches\n");
        return NULL;

    for (idx_gadgets = 0; idx_gadgets < n_gadgets; idx_gadgets++)
        gadget_init(&(gadgets[idx_gadgets]), DISASSEMBLED_SIZE_MAX);

    // init caches
    n_caches = 1;
    caches = calloc(sizeof(struct cache_t), n_caches);
    if (!caches) {
        debug_printf (MESSAGE_ERROR, stderr, "error: _ropit_x86_find_gadgets(): Failed allocating caches\n");
        return NULL;

    for (idx_caches = 0; idx_caches < n_caches; idx_caches++) {
        cache_init(&(caches[idx_caches]), 1024);

    // init disasm
    x86_init(opt_none, NULL, NULL);

    idx_caches = 0;
    idx_gadgets = 0;
    count_gadgets = 0;
    for (idx_ret = 0; idx_ret < n_rets; idx_ret++) {
        start = bytes + rets[idx_ret];

        n_backtrack_inst = 0;
        n_backtrack_bytes = 0;
        while ( bytes <= start && start <= bytes + len ) {
            /* disassemble address */
            sz_inst = x86_disasm(start, len - (start - bytes), 0, 0, &insn);

            if (sz_inst <= 0) {
                // printf("not found inst\n");
            else {
                // printf("found inst\n");
                n_backtrack_bytes = 0;

                valid_gadget = 0;
                gadget_start = start;
                if (gadget_start == bytes + rets[idx_ret])
                    valid_gadget = 1;
                else {
                    n_backtrack_inst = 0;
                    // check gadget validity
                    while (bytes <= gadget_start && gadget_start <= bytes + rets[idx_ret]) {
                        /* disassemble address */
                        sz_inst = x86_disasm(gadget_start, gadget_start - bytes, 0, 0, &insn);
                        if (sz_inst <= 0)
                        else {
                            gadget_start += sz_inst;
                            if (gadget_start == bytes + rets[idx_ret]) {
                                valid_gadget = 1;

                if (valid_gadget == 1) {

                    // get ret size
                    sz_ret = x86_disasm(bytes + rets[idx_ret], 10, 0, 0, &insn);

                    // fill gadget structure
                    gadgets[idx_gadgets].ret_addr = rets[idx_ret];
                    gadgets[idx_gadgets].ret_bytes = rets[idx_ret] + bytes;
                    gadgets[idx_gadgets].address = start - bytes;
                    gadgets[idx_gadgets].len_bytes = (rets[idx_ret] - (start - bytes)) + sz_ret;
                    if (gadgets[idx_gadgets].sz_bytes < gadgets[idx_gadgets].len_bytes) {
                        gadgets[idx_gadgets].bytes = realloc (gadgets[idx_gadgets].bytes, gadgets[idx_gadgets].len_bytes);
                        gadgets[idx_gadgets].sz_bytes = gadgets[idx_gadgets].len_bytes;
                    memcpy(gadgets[idx_gadgets].bytes, start, gadgets[idx_gadgets].len_bytes);

                    if (cache_add (&(caches[idx_caches]), &(gadgets[idx_gadgets])) == -ERR_CACHE_FULL) {
                        gadget_cache_queue_add (cache_queue, &(caches[idx_caches]));
                        gadget_cache_queue_fwrite_worker (cache_queue);
                        cache_reset (&(caches[idx_caches]));

                    idx_gadgets = (idx_gadgets + 1) % n_gadgets;

            // maximum intel instruction size is 15
            // maximum instructions in a gadget is hardcoded to 8 here
            /* TODO : Get more gadgets with n_backtrack_inst instructions
             * Effectively, we stop at the first gadget which has
             * n_backtrack_inst instructions while there might be multiple
             * possibilities.
            if (n_backtrack_bytes >= 15 || n_backtrack_inst == 8)

    // write remaining gadgets
    gadget_cache_queue_add (cache_queue, &(caches[idx_caches]));
    gadget_cache_queue_fwrite_worker (cache_queue);
    cache_reset (&(caches[idx_caches]));

    // clean up
    for (idx_caches = 0; idx_caches < n_caches; idx_caches++)

    for (idx_gadgets = 0; idx_gadgets < n_gadgets; idx_gadgets++) {
        // gadget_free(&(gadgets[idx_gadgets]));
        // free (gadgets[idx_gadgets].repr);
        free (gadgets[idx_gadgets].bytes);

    gadget_cache_queue_destroy (&cache_queue);

    fclose (fp_cache);

    return count_gadgets;
예제 #7
void ApiHook_cleanup()