예제 #1
	Vector4 Transform(const Matrix4 &m, const Vector4 &v)
		// ************************************************************
		// The formula to transform the vector/point is as follows:
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		//		        p' = xX' + yY' + zZ' + T
		//					      OR
		// p'.x = (x * X'.x) + (x * Y'.x) + (x * Z'.x) + T.x
		// p'.y = (y * X'.y) + (y * Y'.y) + (y * Z'.y) + T.y
		// p'.z = (z * X'.z) + (z * Y'.z) + (z * Z'.z) + T.z
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		// Where:
		//		 p' is the transformed point/vector.
		//		 x is the x component/scalar of the vector.
		//       X' is the x axis component of the Matrix4.
		//		 y is the y component/scalar of the vector.
		//       Y' is the y axis component of the Matrix4.
		//		 z is the z component/scalar of the vector.
		//       Z' is the z axis component of the Matrix4.
		//       T is the translation component of the Matrix4 (W axis).
		// ************************************************************

		Vector4 result;

		Vector4 xAx(0,0,0,0); 
		Vector4 yAx(0,0,0,0); 
		Vector4 zAx(0,0,0,0); 
		Vector4 wAx(0,0,0,0); 

		// xX' component of formula
		xAx.x = v.x * m.xX;
		xAx.y = v.x * m.xY;
		xAx.z = v.x * m.xZ;
		xAx.w = v.x * m.xW;

		// yY' component of formula
		yAx.x = v.y * m.yX;
		yAx.y = v.y * m.yY;
		yAx.z = v.y * m.yZ;
		yAx.w = v.y * m.yW;

		// zZ' component of formula
		zAx.x = v.z * m.zX;
		zAx.y = v.z * m.zY;
		zAx.z = v.z * m.zZ;
		zAx.w = v.z * m.zW;

		wAx.x = v.w * m.wX;
		wAx.y = v.w * m.wY;
		wAx.z = v.w * m.wZ;
		wAx.w = v.w * m.wW;

		result.x = xAx.x + yAx.x + zAx.x + wAx.x;
		result.y = xAx.y + yAx.y + zAx.y + wAx.y;
		result.z = xAx.z + yAx.z + zAx.z + wAx.z;
		result.w = v.w;

		return result;
예제 #2
void ClassicDescSearch(    // search along whisker for best profile match
    double&      x,        // io: (in: old posn of landmark, out: new posn)
    double&      y,        // io:
    const Image& img,      // in: the image scaled to this pyramid level
    const Shape& inshape,  // in: current posn of landmarks (for whisker directions)
    int          ipoint,   // in: index of the current landmark
    const MAT&   meanprof, // in: mean of the training profiles for this point
    const MAT&   covi)     // in: inverse of the covar of the training profiles
    const int proflen = NSIZE(meanprof);
    CV_Assert(proflen % 2 == 1); // proflen must be odd in this implementation

    // fullprof is the 1D profile along the whisker including the extra
    // elements to allow search +-CLASSIC_MAX_OFFSET pixels away from
    // the current position of the landmark.
    // We precalculate the fullprof for efficiency in the for loop below.

    const int fullproflen = proflen + 2 * CLASSIC_MAX_OFFSET;
    CV_Assert(fullproflen % 2 == 1); // fullprof length must be odd
    const VEC fullprof(FullProf(img, inshape, ipoint, fullproflen));

    // move along the whisker looking for the best match

    int bestoffset = 0;
    double mindist = FLT_MAX;
    for (int offset = -CLASSIC_MAX_OFFSET;
             offset <= CLASSIC_MAX_OFFSET;
             offset += CLASSIC_SEARCH_RESOL)
        // Get the profile distance.  That is,  get the image profile at the given
        // offset along the whisker, and return the Mahalanobis distance between
        // it and the model mean profile.  Low distance means good fit.

        const VEC prof(SubProf(offset, proflen, fullprof));

        // The following code is equivalent to
        //      dist = (prof - meanprof).t() * covi * (prof - meanprof)
        // but is optimized for speed.

        prof -= meanprof;      // for efficiency, use "-=" not "=" with "-"
        const double dist = xAx(prof, covi);

        if (dist < mindist)
            mindist = dist;
            bestoffset = offset;
    // change x,y to the best position along the whisker

    double xstep, ystep;
    WhiskerStep(xstep, ystep, inshape, ipoint);
    x = inshape(ipoint, IX) + (bestoffset * xstep);
    y = inshape(ipoint, IY) + (bestoffset * ystep);
예제 #3
	Vector3 Transform(const Matrix4 &m, const Vector3 &v)
		// ************************************************************
		// The formula to transform the vector/point is as follows:
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		//		        p' = xX' + yY' + zZ' + T
		//					      OR
		// p'.x = (x * X'.x) + (x * Y'.x) + (x * Z'.x) + T.x
		// p'.y = (y * X'.y) + (y * Y'.y) + (y * Z'.y) + T.y
		// p'.z = (z * X'.z) + (z * Y'.z) + (z * Z'.z) + T.z
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		// Where:
		//		 p' is the transformed point/vector.
		//		 x is the x component/scalar of the vector.
		//       X' is the x axis component of the Matrix4.
		//		 y is the y component/scalar of the vector.
		//       Y' is the y axis component of the Matrix4.
		//		 z is the z component/scalar of the vector.
		//       Z' is the z axis component of the Matrix4.
		//       T is the translation component of the Matrix4 (W axis).
		// ************************************************************

		Vector3 result;

		Vector3 xAx(0,0,0); 
		Vector3 yAx(0,0,0);
		Vector3 zAx(0,0,0);

		// xX' component of formula
		xAx.x = v.x * m.xX;
		xAx.y = v.x * m.xY;
		xAx.z = v.x * m.xZ;

		// yY' component of formula
		yAx.x = v.y * m.yX;
		yAx.y = v.y * m.yY;
		yAx.z = v.y * m.yZ;

		// zZ' component of formula
		zAx.x = v.z * m.zX;
		zAx.y = v.z * m.zY;
		zAx.z = v.z * m.zZ;

		// Using the above equation, we now add the components (including translation components).
		// This isnt a true transform as I'm cheating by simply adding on the translation component.
		result.x = xAx.x + yAx.x + zAx.x + m.wX;
		result.y = xAx.y + yAx.y + zAx.y + m.wY;
		result.z = xAx.z + yAx.z + zAx.z + m.wZ;

		return result;