void startServer() { /* Initialze lighting service */ /* Create a service for us */ if (gethostname(hostname, INSTANCE_MAX) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to retrieve the hostname"); exit(1); } telldusService = xPL_createService("telldus", "core", hostname); xPL_setServiceVersion(telldusService, TELLDUS_VERSION); /* Add a responder */ xPL_addServiceListener(telldusService, lightingRequestHandler, xPL_MESSAGE_COMMAND, "lighting", "request", NULL); xPL_addServiceListener(telldusService, lightingCommandHandler, xPL_MESSAGE_COMMAND, "lighting", "basic", NULL); /* Install signal traps for proper shutdown */ signal(SIGTERM, shutdownHandler); signal(SIGINT, shutdownHandler); /* Enable the service */ xPL_setServiceEnabled(telldusService, TRUE); sendGatewayReadyMessage(); for (;;) { /* Let XPL run */ xPL_processMessages(-1); } }
void initXpl() { if (!xPL_initialize(xPL_getParsedConnectionType())) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to start xPL"); exit(1); } /* Initialze clock service */ /* Create a service for us */ pmaxdService = xPL_createService("visonic", "powermaxplus", "default"); xPL_setServiceVersion(pmaxdService, PMAXD_VERSION); /* Add a responder for time setting */ xPL_addServiceListener(pmaxdService, pmaxdMessageHandler, xPL_MESSAGE_COMMAND, "security", NULL, NULL); /* Install signal traps for proper shutdown */ signal(SIGTERM, shutdownHandler); signal(SIGINT, shutdownHandler); /* Enable the service */ xPL_setServiceEnabled(pmaxdService, TRUE); }
int main(void) { char *data; long m,n; printf("%s%c%c\n", "Content-Type:text/html;charset=iso-8859-1",13,10); // printf("<h3>Multiplication results</h3>\n"); data = getenv("QUERY_STRING"); stripSpace(data); char schemaclass[500]; char schematype[500]; char namedvaluearray[500]; char name[500]; char value[500]; char command[500]; char varcontent[500]; char jsoncontent[500]; char NVelement[500]; // printf("URL %s<BR>\n",data); strcpy(command,data); unencode(command); findVarInURL(varcontent,data,"xplpacket"); unencode(varcontent); stripSpace(varcontent); xPL_initialize(xPL_getParsedConnectionType()); webgateway = xPL_createService("viknet", "webgateway", "default"); xPL_setServiceVersion(webgateway, "1.0"); /* Add a responder for time setting */ xPL_addServiceListener(webgateway, webgatewayMessageHandler, xPL_MESSAGE_ANY, "security", NULL, NULL); xPL_setServiceEnabled(webgateway, TRUE); /* Create a message to send */ xplMessage = xPL_createBroadcastMessage(webgateway, xPL_MESSAGE_COMMAND); if (JSONfindObject(schemaclass,varcontent,"msgschemaclass")!=NULL && JSONfindObject(schematype,varcontent,"msgschematype")!=NULL) xPL_setSchema(xplMessage, JSONtoString(schemaclass), JSONtoString(schematype)); else xPL_setSchema(xplMessage, "schemaclass", "schematype"); JSONfindObject(namedvaluearray,varcontent,"namevaluelist"); int i; for (i=0;i<JSONArrayLength(namedvaluearray);i++) { JSONArrayAt(NVelement,namedvaluearray,i); if ( JSONfindObject(name,NVelement,"name") && JSONfindObject(value,NVelement,"value")) xPL_addMessageNamedValue(xplMessage, JSONtoString(name), JSONtoString(value)); } xPL_sendMessage(xplMessage); // xPL_processMessages(0); return 0; }
Bool sendMessage(int argc, String argv[]) { int argIndex = 0; xPL_ServicePtr theService = NULL; xPL_MessagePtr theMessage = NULL; String delimPtr; /* Create service so we can create messages */ if ((theService = xPL_createService(srcVendor, srcDeviceID, srcInstanceID)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create xPL service\n"); return FALSE; } /* Create an appropriate message */ if (msgTarget == NULL) { if ((theMessage = xPL_createBroadcastMessage(theService, msgType)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create broadcast message\n"); return FALSE; } } else { if ((theMessage = xPL_createTargetedMessage(theService, msgType, tgtVendor, tgtDeviceID, tgtInstanceID)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create targetted message\n"); return FALSE; } } /* Install the schema */ xPL_setSchema(theMessage, msgSchemaClass, msgSchemaType); /* Install named values */ for (argIndex = 1; argIndex < argc; argIndex++) { if ((delimPtr = strstr(argv[argIndex], "=")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Improperly formatted name/value pair %s\n", argv[argIndex]); return FALSE; } /* Break them up and add it */ *delimPtr++ = '\0'; xPL_addMessageNamedValue(theMessage, argv[argIndex], delimPtr); } /* Send the message */ if (!xPL_sendMessage(theMessage)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to send xPL message\n"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
int xpl4l_timer(node_t* argXmlConfig) { static init = 1; static time_t oldClockTime, oldTickTime; time_t t; struct tm *ts; char buf[80]; Bool ret; if ( init ) { t = 0; timer_loadConfig (argXmlConfig); init = 0; clockService = xPL_createService (XPLHAL4L_VENDOR, "clock", HAL4L_hostName); xPL_setServiceVersion (clockService, XPLHAL4L_VERSION); /* Add a responder for time setting */ xPL_addServiceListener (clockService, clockServiceHandler, xPL_MESSAGE_ANY, "clock", NULL, NULL); /* Create a message to send */ clockTickMessage = xPL_createBroadcastMessage (clockService, xPL_MESSAGE_STATUS); xPL_setSchema (clockTickMessage, "clock", "update"); /* Internals messages */ schedulerTickMessage = createInternalTickMessage(); xPL_addMessageListener(internalMessageHandler, NULL); } t = time (NULL); ts = localtime(&t); if ( timerConfig.clock_enabled && t%timerConfig.clock_interval==0 && t!=oldClockTime) { strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", ts); /* Install the value and send the message */ xPL_setMessageNamedValue (clockTickMessage, "time", buf); /* Broadcast the message */ xPL_sendMessage (clockTickMessage); oldClockTime = t; } if ( t%timerConfig.sched_interval==0 && t!=oldTickTime) { strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", ts); /* Crée le messageBody si NULL et y ajoute une seule ligne si elle n'existe pas, sinon la met à jour */ xPL_setMessageNamedValue(schedulerTickMessage, "timestamp", buf); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%H:%M", ts); xPL_setMessageNamedValue(schedulerTickMessage, "time", buf); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y", ts); xPL_setMessageNamedValue(schedulerTickMessage, "year", buf); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%m", ts); xPL_setMessageNamedValue(schedulerTickMessage, "month", buf); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y%m%d", ts); xPL_setMessageNamedValue(schedulerTickMessage, "date", buf); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", ts); xPL_setMessageNamedValue(schedulerTickMessage, "day", buf); sprintf(buf, "%d", t); xPL_setMessageNamedValue(schedulerTickMessage, "epoch", buf); ret = xPL_dispatchMessageEvent(schedulerTickMessage); printf ("Message dispatched = %s\n", ret == TRUE ? "TRUE":"FALSE"); oldTickTime = t; } }
int main(void) { pmaxSystem.status[0]=0; pmaxSystem.pmaxstatus[0]=0; pmaxSystem.readytoarm[0]=0; pmaxSystem.PmaxStatus[0]=0; int k; for (k=0;k<31;k++) { pmaxSystem.sensor[k].type[0]=0; pmaxSystem.sensor[k].alert[0]=0; pmaxSystem.sensor[k].PmaxAlarmType[0]=0; pmaxSystem.sensor[k].armed[0]=0; pmaxSystem.sensor[k].alarmed[0]=0; pmaxSystem.sensor[k].lowbattery[0]=0; pmaxSystem.sensor[k].enrolled[0]=0; pmaxSystem.sensor[k].tampered[0]=0; pmaxSystem.sensor[k].id[0]=0; } // char *data; long m,n; printf("%s%c%c\n" , "Content-Type:text/html;charset=iso-8859-1",13,10); xPL_initialize(xPL_getParsedConnectionType()); webgateway = xPL_createService("viknet", "webgateway", "default"); xPL_setServiceVersion(webgateway, "1.0"); /* Add a responder for time setting */ xPL_addServiceListener(webgateway, webgatewayMessageHandler, xPL_MESSAGE_ANY, "security", NULL, NULL); xPL_setServiceEnabled(webgateway, TRUE); // int j; // for (j=0;j<10;j++) // { /* Create a message to send */ xplMessage = xPL_createBroadcastMessage(webgateway, xPL_MESSAGE_COMMAND); xPL_setSchema(xplMessage, "security", "request"); xPL_setMessageNamedValue(xplMessage, "request", "zonelist"); xPL_sendMessage(xplMessage); // printf("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"); int i; xplMessage = xPL_createBroadcastMessage(webgateway, xPL_MESSAGE_COMMAND); xPL_setSchema(xplMessage, "security", "request"); xPL_setMessageNamedValue(xplMessage, "request", "gatestat"); xPL_sendMessage(xplMessage); for (i=1;i<1000;i++) { usleep(1000); if (nbzone!=0) break; xPL_processMessages(0); } strcpy(tpzonelist,zonelist); char * element; // printf("yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy\n"); // printf("zone: %d, %s\n",nbzone,zonelist); // for (i=0;i<nbzone;i++) { // char * pch; element = strtok (tpzonelist,","); while (element != NULL) { // printf ("%s\n",element); // xplListAt(element,zonelist,i); // sprintf(element,"%d",i); // printf("element: %s\n",element); xplMessage = xPL_createBroadcastMessage(webgateway, xPL_MESSAGE_COMMAND); xPL_setSchema(xplMessage, "security", "request"); xPL_setMessageNamedValue(xplMessage, "request", "zoneinfo"); xPL_setMessageNamedValue(xplMessage, "zone", element); xPL_sendMessage(xplMessage); xplMessage = xPL_createBroadcastMessage(webgateway, xPL_MESSAGE_COMMAND); xPL_setSchema(xplMessage, "security", "request"); xPL_setMessageNamedValue(xplMessage, "request", "zonestat"); xPL_setMessageNamedValue(xplMessage, "zone", element); xPL_sendMessage(xplMessage); usleep(40000); xPL_processMessages(0); element = strtok (NULL, ","); } // printf("zonelist: %s\n",zonelist); for (i=0;i<10;i++) { usleep(15000); xPL_processMessages(0); } printf("{ \"status\":\"%s\",\"pmaxstatus\":\"%s\",\"readytoarm\":\"%s\",\"sensor\":[",pmaxSystem.status,pmaxSystem.pmaxstatus,pmaxSystem.readytoarm); // strcpy(tpzonelist,zonelist); // element = strtok (tpzonelist,","); i=0; // while (element != NULL) char tmpbuff[200]; char buff[6000]; buff[0]=0; for (i=0;i<31;i++) { // printf ("%s\n",element); if ( strcmp(pmaxSystem.sensor[i].id,"")!=0 ) { sprintf(tmpbuff,"{\"zone\":\"%s\",\"type\":\"%s\",\"alert\":\"%s\",\"armed\":\"%s\",\"tamper\":\"%s\",\"low-battery\":\"%s\",\"alarm\":\"%s\"},", pmaxSystem.sensor[i].id, pmaxSystem.sensor[i].type, pmaxSystem.sensor[i].alert, pmaxSystem.sensor[i].armed, pmaxSystem.sensor[i].tampered, pmaxSystem.sensor[i].lowbattery, pmaxSystem.sensor[i].alarmed); strcat(buff,tmpbuff); //element = strtok (NULL, ","); //if (element!=NULL) //i++; } } buff[strlen(buff)-1]=0; printf("%s",buff); printf("]}"); nbzone=0; zonelist[0]=0; //} return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int longindex; int optchar; String p; KeyEntryPtr_t e; zoneMapPtr_t zm; /* Set the program name */ progName=argv[0]; /* Parse the arguments. */ while((optchar=getopt_long(argc, argv, SHORT_OPTIONS, longOptions, &longindex)) != EOF) { /* Handle each argument. */ switch(optchar) { /* Was it a long option? */ case 0: /* Hrmm, something we don't know about? */ fatal("Unhandled long getopt option '%s'", longOptions[longindex].name); /* If it was an error, exit right here. */ case '?': exit(1); /* Was it a config file path ? */ case 'c': confreadStringCopy(configFile, optarg, WS_SIZE - 1); debug(DEBUG_ACTION,"New config file path is: %s", configFile); break; /* Was it a debug level set? */ case 'd': /* Save the value. */ debugLvl=atoi(optarg); if(debugLvl < 0 || debugLvl > DEBUG_MAX) { fatal("Invalid debug level"); } break; /* Was it a pid file switch? */ case 'f': confreadStringCopy(pidFile, optarg, WS_SIZE - 1); debug(DEBUG_ACTION,"New pid file path is: %s", pidFile); configOverride |= CO_PID_FILE; break; /* Was it a help request? */ case 'h': showHelp(); exit(0); /* Specify interface to broadcast on */ case 'i': confreadStringCopy(interface, optarg, WS_SIZE -1); xPL_setBroadcastInterface(interface); configOverride |= CO_INTERFACE; break; case 'u': /* Override debug path*/ confreadStringCopy(debugFile, optarg, WS_SIZE - 1); debug(DEBUG_ACTION,"New debug path is: %s", debugFile); configOverride |= CO_DEBUG_FILE; break; /* Was it a no-backgrounding request? */ case 'n': /* Mark that we shouldn't background. */ noBackground = TRUE; break; case 'p': /* Override com port*/ confreadStringCopy(comPort, optarg, WS_SIZE - 1); debug(DEBUG_ACTION,"New com port is: %s", comPort); configOverride |= CO_COM_PORT; break; /* Was it an instance ID ? */ case 's': confreadStringCopy(instanceID, optarg, WS_SIZE); debug(DEBUG_ACTION,"New instance ID is: %s", instanceID); configOverride |= CO_INSTANCE_ID; break; /* Was it a version request? */ case 'v': printf("Version: %s\n", VERSION); exit(0); /* It was something weird.. */ default: fatal("Unhandled getopt return value %d", optchar); } } /* If there were any extra arguments, we should complain. */ if(optind < argc) { fatal("Extra argument on commandline, '%s'", argv[optind]); } /* Load the config file */ if(!(configEntry =confreadScan(configFile, NULL))) exit(1); /* Parse the general section */ /* Com port */ if(!(configOverride & CO_COM_PORT)){ if((p = confreadValueBySectKey(configEntry, "general", "com-port"))){ confreadStringCopy(comPort, p, WS_SIZE); } } /* Debug file */ if(!(configOverride & CO_DEBUG_FILE)){ if((p = confreadValueBySectKey(configEntry, "general", "debug-file"))){ confreadStringCopy(debugFile, p, WS_SIZE); } } /* PID file */ if(!(configOverride & CO_PID_FILE)){ if((p = confreadValueBySectKey(configEntry, "general", "pid-file"))){ confreadStringCopy(pidFile, p, WS_SIZE); } } /* Instance ID */ if(!(configOverride & CO_INSTANCE_ID)){ if((p = confreadValueBySectKey(configEntry, "general", "instance-id"))){ confreadStringCopy(instanceID, p, WS_SIZE); } } /* Interface */ if(!(configOverride & CO_INTERFACE)){ if((p = confreadValueBySectKey(configEntry, "general", "interface"))){ confreadStringCopy(interface, p, WS_SIZE); } } /* Build Zone Map */ if(!(e = confreadGetFirstKeyBySection(configEntry, "zone-map"))) fatal("A valid zone-map section and at least one entry must be defined in the config file"); for(; e; e = confreadGetNextKey(e)){ String plist[3]; const String key = confreadGetKey(e); const String value = confreadGetValue(e); /* Allocate a zone struct */ if(!(zm = mallocz(sizeof(zoneMap_t)))) MALLOC_ERROR; /* Get the zone number */ if(!str2uns(key, &zm->zone_num, 1, 99)) syntax_error(e, configFile,"invalid zone number"); /* Get the parameters */ if(3 != splitString(value, plist, ',', 3)) syntax_error(e, configFile, "3 parameters required"); if(!(zm->zone_name = strdup(plist[0]))) MALLOC_ERROR; if(!(zm->zone_type = strdup(plist[1]))) MALLOC_ERROR; if(!(zm->alarm_type = strdup(plist[2]))) MALLOC_ERROR; /* Hash the zone name */ zm->zone_name_hash = confreadHash(zm->zone_name); /* Free the split string */ free(plist[0]); /* Insert the entry into the zone list */ if(!zoneMapHead) zoneMapHead = zoneMapTail = zm; else{ zm->prev = zoneMapTail; zoneMapTail->next = zm; zoneMapTail = zm; } zoneCount++; } /* EXP zone mapping */ for(e = confreadGetFirstKeyBySection(configEntry, "exp-map"); e; e = confreadGetNextKey(e)){ expMapPtr_t emp; const String keyString = confreadGetKey(e); const String zone = confreadGetValue(e); String plist[3]; unsigned expaddr, expchannel; /* Check the key and zone strings */ if(!(keyString) || (!zone)) syntax_error(e, configFile, "key or zone missing"); /* Split the address and channel */ plist[0] = NULL; if(2 != splitString(keyString, plist, ',', 2)) syntax_error(e, configFile, "left hand side needs 2 numbers separated by a comma"); /* Convert and check address */ if(!str2uns(plist[0], &expaddr, 1, 99)) syntax_error(e, configFile,"address is limited from 1 - 99"); /* Convert and check channel */ if(!str2uns(plist[1], &expchannel, 1, 99)) syntax_error(e, configFile,"channel is limited from 1 - 99"); /* debug(DEBUG_ACTION, "Address: %u, channel: %u, zone: %s", expaddr, expchannel, zone); */ /* Look up zone to ensure it is defined */ if(!(zm = zoneLookup(zone))) syntax_error(e, configFile, "Zone must be defined in zone-map section"); /* Get memory for entry */ if(!(emp = mallocz(sizeof(expMap_t)))) MALLOC_ERROR; /* Initialize entry */ emp->zone_entry = zm; emp->addr = expaddr; emp->channel = expchannel; if(!(emp->zone = strdup(zone))) MALLOC_ERROR; /* Insert into list */ if(!expMapHead){ expMapHead = expMapTail = emp; } else{ expMapTail->next = emp; emp->prev = expMapTail; expMapTail = emp; } /* Free parameter string */ if(plist[0]) free(plist[0]); } /* Turn on library debugging for level 5 */ if(debugLvl >= 5) xPL_setDebugging(TRUE); /* Make sure we are not already running (.pid file check). */ if(pid_read(pidFile) != -1) { fatal("%s is already running", progName); } /* Check to see the serial device exists before we fork */ if(!serio_check_node(comPort)) fatal("Serial device %s does not exist or its permissions are not allowing it to be used.", comPort); /* Fork into the background. */ if(!noBackground) { int retval; debug(DEBUG_STATUS, "Forking into background"); /* * If debugging is enabled, and we are daemonized, redirect the debug output to a log file if * the path to the logfile is defined */ if((debugLvl) && (debugFile[0])) notify_logpath(debugFile); /* Fork and exit the parent */ if((retval = fork())){ if(retval > 0) exit(0); /* Exit parent */ else fatal_with_reason(errno, "parent fork"); } /* * The child creates a new session leader * This divorces us from the controlling TTY */ if(setsid() == -1) fatal_with_reason(errno, "creating session leader with setsid"); /* * Fork and exit the session leader, this prohibits * reattachment of a controlling TTY. */ if((retval = fork())){ if(retval > 0) exit(0); /* exit session leader */ else fatal_with_reason(errno, "session leader fork"); } /* * Change to the root of all file systems to * prevent mount/unmount problems. */ if(chdir("/")) fatal_with_reason(errno, "chdir to /"); /* set the desired umask bits */ umask(022); /* Close STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR */ close(0); close(1); close(2); } /* Start xPL up */ if (!xPL_initialize(xPL_getParsedConnectionType())) { fatal("Unable to start xPL lib"); } /* Initialize xplrcs service */ /* Create a service and set our application version */ xplService = xPL_createService("hwstar", "xplademco", instanceID); xPL_setServiceVersion(xplService, VERSION); /* * Create a status message object */ xplStatusMessage = xPL_createBroadcastMessage(xplService, xPL_MESSAGE_STATUS); /* * Create trigger message objects */ /* security.gateway */ if(!(xplEventTriggerMessage = xPL_createBroadcastMessage(xplService, xPL_MESSAGE_TRIGGER))) fatal("Could not initialize security.gateway trigger"); xPL_setSchema(xplEventTriggerMessage, "security", "gateway"); /* security.zone */ if(!(xplZoneTriggerMessage = xPL_createBroadcastMessage(xplService, xPL_MESSAGE_TRIGGER))) fatal("Could not initialize security.zone trigger"); xPL_setSchema(xplZoneTriggerMessage, "security", "zone"); /* Install signal traps for proper shutdown */ signal(SIGTERM, shutdownHandler); signal(SIGINT, shutdownHandler); /* Initialize the COM port */ if(!(serioStuff = serio_open(comPort, COM_BAUD_RATE))) fatal("Could not open com port: %s", comPort); /* Flush any partial commands */ serio_printf(serioStuff, "\r"); usleep(100000); serio_flush_input(serioStuff); /* Ask xPL to monitor our serial device */ if(xPL_addIODevice(serioHandler, 1234, serio_fd(serioStuff), TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) == FALSE) fatal("Could not register serial I/O fd with xPL"); /* Add 1 second tick service */ xPL_addTimeoutHandler(tickHandler, 1, NULL); /* And a listener for all xPL messages */ xPL_addMessageListener(xPLListener, NULL); /* Enable the service */ xPL_setServiceEnabled(xplService, TRUE); /* Update pid file */ if(pid_write(pidFile, getpid()) != 0) { debug(DEBUG_UNEXPECTED, "Could not write pid file '%s'.", pidFile); } /** Main Loop **/ for (;;) { /* Let XPL run forever */ xPL_processMessages(-1); } exit(1); }