예제 #1
void AsFloyd::getRouteAndLatency(RoutingEdgePtr src, RoutingEdgePtr dst, sg_platf_route_cbarg_t res, double *lat)

  /* set utils vars */
  size_t table_size = xbt_dynar_length(p_indexNetworkElm);

  this->srcDstCheck(src, dst);

  /* create a result route */
  xbt_dynar_t route_stack = xbt_dynar_new(sizeof(sg_platf_route_cbarg_t), NULL);
  int pred;
  int cur = dst->getId();
  do {
    pred = TO_FLOYD_PRED(src->getId(), cur);
    if (pred == -1)
      THROWF(arg_error, 0, "No route from '%s' to '%s'", src->getName(), dst->getName());
    xbt_dynar_push_as(route_stack, sg_platf_route_cbarg_t, TO_FLOYD_LINK(pred, cur));
    cur = pred;
  } while (cur != src->getId());

  if (p_hierarchy == SURF_ROUTING_RECURSIVE) {
    res->gw_src = xbt_dynar_getlast_as(route_stack, sg_platf_route_cbarg_t)->gw_src;
    res->gw_dst = xbt_dynar_getfirst_as(route_stack, sg_platf_route_cbarg_t)->gw_dst;

  sg_routing_edge_t prev_dst_gw = NULL;
  while (!xbt_dynar_is_empty(route_stack)) {
    sg_platf_route_cbarg_t e_route = xbt_dynar_pop_as(route_stack, sg_platf_route_cbarg_t);
    xbt_dynar_t links;
    void *link;
    unsigned int cpt;

    if (p_hierarchy == SURF_ROUTING_RECURSIVE && prev_dst_gw != NULL
        && strcmp(prev_dst_gw->getName(), e_route->gw_src->getName())) {
      routing_get_route_and_latency(prev_dst_gw, e_route->gw_src,
                                    &res->link_list, lat);

    links = e_route->link_list;
    xbt_dynar_foreach(links, cpt, link) {
      xbt_dynar_push_as(res->link_list, sg_routing_link_t, link);
      if (lat)
        *lat += static_cast<NetworkLinkPtr>(link)->getLatency();

    prev_dst_gw = e_route->gw_dst;
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  msg_error_t res = MSG_OK;

  MSG_init(&argc, argv);
  xbt_assert(argc > 1, "Usage: %s platform_file\n\tExample: %s msg_platform.xml\n", argv[0], argv[0]);

  MSG_create_environment(argv[1]);  /** - Load the platform description */
  MSG_function_register("dream_master", dream_master); /** - Create and deploy the @ref dream_master */
  xbt_dynar_t hosts = MSG_hosts_as_dynar();
  MSG_process_create("dream_master", dream_master, NULL, xbt_dynar_getfirst_as(hosts, msg_host_t));
  res = MSG_main();                 /** - Run the simulation */

  XBT_INFO("Simulation time %g", MSG_get_clock());
  return res != MSG_OK;
예제 #3
/** Test function */
msg_error_t test_all(const char *platform_file)
  msg_error_t res = MSG_OK;
  xbt_dynar_t all_hosts;
  msg_host_t first_host;

  MSG_config("host/model", "ptask_L07");

  all_hosts = MSG_hosts_as_dynar();
  first_host = xbt_dynar_getfirst_as(all_hosts,msg_host_t);
  MSG_process_create("test", test, NULL, first_host);
  res = MSG_main();

  XBT_INFO("Simulation time %g", MSG_get_clock());
  return res;
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  MSG_init(&argc, argv);
  MSG_config("host/model", "ptask_L07");

  xbt_assert(argc <= 3, "1Usage: %s <platform file> [--energy]", argv[0]);
  xbt_assert(argc >= 2, "2Usage: %s <platform file> [--energy]", argv[0]);

  if(argc == 3 && argv[2][2] == 'e')


  /* Pick a process, no matter which, from the platform file */
  xbt_dynar_t all_hosts = MSG_hosts_as_dynar();
  msg_host_t first_host = xbt_dynar_getfirst_as(all_hosts,msg_host_t);

  MSG_process_create("test", runner, NULL, first_host);
  msg_error_t res = MSG_main();
  XBT_INFO("Simulation done.");

  return res != MSG_OK;