void GUI::ClientListComponent::writeClientDetailsToXML() { File f=File(csplayerxmlFilePath); XmlDocument xmlDoc(f); //Csplayer to take document of XMLDocument ScopedPointer<XmlElement> Csplayer; Csplayer=xmlDoc.getDocumentElement(); if(File(csplayerxmlFilePath).exists())//if csPlayer.scp is exist..... if(Csplayer)//if CsPlayer.scp is not blank.... Csplayer->removeChildElement(Csplayer->getChildByName("Clients"), true); Csplayer=new XmlElement("CsPlayer"); XmlElement * clientElement =new XmlElement("Clients"); Csplayer->addChildElement(clientElement); for(int row = 0; row < clientInfoArray.size(); row++) { Configurations::ClientInfo tempClientInfo; tempClientInfo = clientInfoArray.getReference (row); XmlElement * clientNode = new XmlElement ("Client"); tempClientInfo.toXML(clientNode); Csplayer->getChildByName("Clients")->addChildElement(clientNode); } Csplayer->writeToFile(File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getFullPathName() + File::separatorString + "csPlayer.scp", String::empty); }
bool Wiinnertag::ReadXML(const string &filepath) { TiXmlDocument xmlDoc(filepath.c_str()); if(!xmlDoc.LoadFile()) return false; TiXmlElement * node = xmlDoc.FirstChildElement("Tag"); while(node != NULL) { const char * URL = node->Attribute("URL"); const char * Key = node->Attribute("Key"); if(URL && Key) { int size = tagList.size(); tagList.resize(size+1); tagList[size].first = URL; tagList[size].second = Key; } node = node->NextSiblingElement(); } return true; }
void rpi_control::readXML(QString i){ QDomDocument xmlDoc("Control"); xmlDoc.setContent(i); QDomElement docElem = xmlDoc.documentElement(); readDomElement(docElem); /*if (docElem.tagName() == "Servo" ) { type_v = SERVO;} else if (docElem.tagName() == "BidirectionalMotor" ) { type_v = BIMOTOR;} else if (docElem.tagName() == "EscMotor" ) { type_v = ESCMOTOR;}*/ /* QDomNode n = docElem.firstChild(); while(!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // try to convert the node to an element. if(!e.isNull()) { qDebug() << e.tagName(); if (e.tagName() == "value") { setValue(e.text().toInt()); //value_v = e.text().toInt(); } } n = n.nextSibling(); }*/ }
void LoadFile(char* zName) { TiXmlDocument xmlDoc(zName); xmlDoc.LoadFile(); SoccerSerializer* poSerializer = new SoccerSerializer(&xmlDoc); poSerializer->Deserialize(); delete poSerializer; }
QStringList rpi_device::functionTest(){ QStringList ret; rpi_device testDev1; testDev1.setAddress(37); testDev1.setDevice("Sensor"); testDev1.setId(12); testDev1.setNode(67); testDev1.setPhiDev(34.23); testDev1.setThetaDev(182.35); testDev1.setSigmaDev(28.65); testDev1.setType(RPI_PRESSURE); testDev1.setXDev(-34.2); testDev1.setYDev(12.45); testDev1.setZDev(0.32); if ( (testDev1.address() != 37) ) ret << "Address Not Set"; if ( (testDev1.device() != "Sensor") ) ret << "Device Name Not Set"; if ( (testDev1.id() != 12) ) ret << "Id Not Set"; if ( (testDev1.node() != 67) ) ret << "Node Not Set"; if ( (testDev1.phiDev() != 34.23) ) ret << "Phi Not Set"; if ( (testDev1.thetaDev() != 182.35) ) ret << "theta Not Set"; if ( (testDev1.sigmaDev() != 28.65) ) ret << "Sigma Not Set"; if ( (testDev1.type() != RPI_PRESSURE) ) ret << "Type Not Set"; if ( (testDev1.xDev() != -34.2) ) ret << "x not set"; if ( (testDev1.yDev() != 12.45) ) ret << "y not set"; if ( (testDev1.zDev() != 0.32) ) ret << "z not set"; rpi_device testDevEqual(testDev1); if (!(testDevEqual == testDev1)) { if (testDevEqual.errorString().size()) ret << "Dev Equal Test"; ret << testDevEqual.errorString();} QDomDocument xmlDoc("TestDevice"); QDomElement root = xmlDoc.createElement("TestDevice"); xmlDoc.appendChild(root); testDev1.addtoDomDoc(xmlDoc,root); QString xmlStr= xmlDoc.toString(); QDomDocument xmlDoc2("TestDevice"); xmlDoc2.setContent(xmlStr); QDomElement docElem = xmlDoc2.documentElement(); rpi_device testDevXml ; testDevXml.readDomElement(docElem); if (!(testDevXml == testDev1)) { if (testDevXml.errorString().size()) ret << "Dev XML Test"; ret << testDevXml.errorString();} return ret; }
bool CGameWorld::init() { m_iTime = Sys_GetTime(); const char* pFilePath = "setup.xml"; TiXmlDocument xmlDoc(pFilePath); if (!xmlDoc.LoadFile()) { CORE("init:","load setup.xml error"); return false; } TiXmlElement *root = xmlDoc.RootElement(); if (root==NULL) { CORE("init:","init error RootElement"); return false; } if (!initConfig(root->FirstChildElement("config"))) { CORE("init:","initConfig error"); return false; } if (!initNet(root->FirstChildElement("net"))) { CORE("init:","initNet error"); return false; } if (!initDB(root->FirstChildElement("db"))) { CORE("init:","initDB error"); return false; } if (!initData()) { return false; } return true; }
QString rpi_control::toXML(bool values,bool conf){ QString name = "Control"; switch (type_v) { case SERVO : { name = "Servo"; break;} case BIMOTOR :{ name = "BidirectionalMotor"; break;} case ESCMOTOR :{ name = "EscMotor"; break;}\ default : { break;} } QDomDocument xmlDoc(name); QDomElement root = xmlDoc.createElement(name); xmlDoc.appendChild(root); addtoDomDoc(xmlDoc,root,values,conf); return xmlDoc.toString(); }
void CFileView::SaveProject() { if(CGlobalVariable::m_bIsProjectExist == false) return; CString strPathName = CGlobalVariable::m_strProjectPath + CGlobalVariable::m_strProjectName + _T(".uiproj"); TiXmlDocument xmlDoc(StringConvertor::WideToAnsi(strPathName)); TiXmlDeclaration Declaration("1.0","utf-8","yes"); xmlDoc.InsertEndChild(Declaration); TiXmlElement xmlElem("DirectUIProject"); xmlElem.SetAttribute("Name", StringConvertor::WideToUtf8(CGlobalVariable::m_strProjectName)); xmlElem.SetAttribute("Version", StringConvertor::WideToUtf8(UIDESIGNER_VERSION)); TiXmlNode* pNode = xmlDoc.InsertEndChild(xmlElem); SaveUITree(m_wndFileView.GetRootItem(), pNode->ToElement()); xmlDoc.SaveFile(); }
QString rpi_request::toXML() { QDomDocument xmlDoc("request"); QDomElement root = xmlDoc.createElement("request"); QDomElement erequest = xmlDoc.createElement("request"); QDomText trequest = xmlDoc.createTextNode(request()); QDomElement ereply = xmlDoc.createElement("reply"); xmlDoc.appendChild(root); root.appendChild(erequest); erequest.appendChild(trequest); root.appendChild(ereply); for (int k=0;k<reply().size();k++) { QDomElement ereplyk = xmlDoc.createElement("reply"); QDomText treplyk = xmlDoc.createTextNode(reply()[k]); ereply.appendChild(treplyk); ereply.appendChild(ereplyk); } return xmlDoc.toString(); }
xml::document applyResults( void ) { std::string xsltDoc( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" "<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform\" " "version=\"1.0\">" "<xsl:output method=\"html\" indent=\"yes\"/>" "<xsl:template match=\"/\">" "<html><body>asd</body></html>" "</xsl:template>" "</xsl:stylesheet>" ); std::string xmlDoc( "<root/>" ); xslt::stylesheet style( xsltDoc.c_str(), xsltDoc.size() ); xml::document doc( xmlDoc.c_str(), xmlDoc.size(), NULL ); xml::document result = style.apply( doc ); return result; }
void CDataProcess::ReadXmlInfo(CString strPath) { try { m_ConferenceSourceList.clear(); ConferenceSource conferenceSource; TiXmlDocument xmlDoc(strPath); xmlDoc.LoadFile() ; TiXmlElement* xmlRootElement = 0; xmlRootElement = xmlDoc.RootElement(); if (xmlRootElement == NULL) return; TiXmlElement* xmlConfElement = xmlRootElement->FirstChildElement(); while (xmlConfElement) { conferenceSource.ConfId = xmlConfElement->FirstChildElementText("ConfId"); conferenceSource.ConfName = xmlConfElement->FirstChildElementText("ConfName"); conferenceSource.StartTime = xmlConfElement->FirstChildElementText("StartTime"); conferenceSource.EndTime = xmlConfElement->FirstChildElementText("EndTime"); conferenceSource.Department = xmlConfElement->FirstChildElementText("Department"); TiXmlElement* xmlRoomElement = xmlConfElement->FirstChildElement("Room"); if (xmlRoomElement) { conferenceSource.Room.RoomName = xmlRoomElement->FirstChildElementText("RoomName"); } conferenceSource.ParticipantNumber = xmlConfElement->FirstChildElementText("ParticipantNumber"); conferenceSource.ConfState = xmlConfElement->FirstChildElementText("ConfState"); conferenceSource.ConfType = xmlConfElement->FirstChildElementText("ConfType"); m_ConferenceSourceList.push_back(conferenceSource); xmlConfElement = xmlConfElement->NextSiblingElement(); } } catch (CException* e) { } catch(...){} }
void GUI::ClientListComponent::readClientDetailsFromXML() { if(File(csplayerxmlFilePath).exists())//if File CsPlayer.scp is exist { File f=File(csplayerxmlFilePath); XmlDocument xmlDoc(f); // Csplayer to take document of XMLDocument ScopedPointer<XmlElement> Csplayer; Csplayer = xmlDoc.getDocumentElement(); if(Csplayer) //if CsPlayer.scp file is not blank.... { XmlElement * clientElement = Csplayer->getChildByName("Clients")->getChildByName("Client"); while(clientElement) { Configurations::ClientInfo tempClientInfo; tempClientInfo.fromXML(clientElement); // Add clientInformation into Array clientInfoArray.add(tempClientInfo); clientElement = clientElement->getNextElement(); } clientListBox->updateContent(); } } }
void RemoteArchiveModel::replyFinished(QNetworkReply *reply) { d_corpora.clear(); emit layoutChanged(); QNetworkReply::NetworkError error = reply->error(); if (error != QNetworkReply::NoError) { QString errorValue(networkErrorToString(error)); emit networkError(errorValue); reply->deleteLater(); return; } QByteArray xmlData(reply->readAll()); QScopedPointer<xmlDoc, XmlDocDeleter> xmlDoc( xmlReadMemory(xmlData.constData(), xmlData.size(), 0, 0, 0)); if (xmlDoc == 0) { emit processingError("could not parse the corpus archive index."); return; } xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(xmlDoc.data()); if (QString::fromUtf8(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(root->name)) != QString("corpusarchive")) { emit processingError("the corpus archive index has an incorrect root node."); return; } for (xmlNodePtr child = root->children; child != 0; child = child->next) { if (QString::fromUtf8(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(child->name)) != QString("corpus")) continue; QString name(childValue(xmlDoc.data(), child->children, reinterpret_cast<xmlChar const *>("filename"))); if (name.isNull()) continue; // Chop the extension, we do not want to bother users. if (name.endsWith(DOWNLOAD_EXTENSION)) name.chop(DOWNLOAD_EXTENSION.length()); // Retrieve and verify file size. QString fileSizeStr = childValue(xmlDoc.data(), child->children, reinterpret_cast<xmlChar const *>("filesize")); if (fileSizeStr.isNull()) continue; // Attempt to convert the size to a number. bool ok = true; size_t fileSize = fileSizeStr.toULong(&ok); if (!ok) continue; double fileSizeMB = fileSize / (1024 * 1024); RemoteArchiveEntry corpus; corpus.name = name; corpus.sentences = childValue(xmlDoc.data(), child->children, reinterpret_cast<xmlChar const *>("sentences")).toULong(); corpus.size = fileSizeMB; corpus.description = childValue(xmlDoc.data(), child->children, reinterpret_cast<xmlChar const *>("shortdesc")); corpus.longDescription = childValue(xmlDoc.data(), child->children, reinterpret_cast<xmlChar const *>("desc")).trimmed(); corpus.checksum = childValue(xmlDoc.data(), child->children, reinterpret_cast<xmlChar const *>("sha1")); d_corpora.push_back(corpus); } emit layoutChanged(); emit retrievalFinished(); reply->deleteLater(); }
void SkeletonAnimationManager::_animationsHaveLoaded(void* params) { FileManager::ReadFileCallbackParameters* rcp = (FileManager::ReadFileCallbackParameters*)params; if(rcp->result == ResultCode_OK) { // check to see if there is an animation load list std::set< std::string >* animationsToLoad = 0; if( rcp->userData.keyExists( ANIMATION_LIST_POINTER_KEY ) ) { const Property* prop = rcp->userData.getValueForKey( ANIMATION_LIST_POINTER_KEY ); animationsToLoad = prop->asPointer< std::set< std::string> >(); } XMLDocument xmlDoc(rcp->buffer, rcp->length, "Animations"); if(xmlDoc) { Property property; if(xmlDoc.getRootIterator().getAttribute( "curveCollection", property ) ) { setCurveCollectionName( property.asString() ); if( animationsToLoad ) { CurveManager::getManager().loadCurveCollection( getCurveCollectionName(), CallbackPtr(), *animationsToLoad ); } else { CurveManager::getManager().loadCurveCollection(getCurveCollectionName()); } } XMLDocument::NamedIterator animationIt = xmlDoc.getNamedIteratorTo( "Animation" ); while( animationIt ) { // we need to compare the animation name to the list of animations we want to // export to see if we should export it... bool shouldAddAnimation = true; if( animationsToLoad ) { Property aniNameProp; animationIt.getAttribute( "name", aniNameProp ); std::string animationName = aniNameProp.asString(); if( animationsToLoad->find( animationName ) == animationsToLoad->end() ) { // this animation isn't in the load list, skip it shouldAddAnimation = false; } } if( shouldAddAnimation ) { Animation* ani = Animation::createAnimationFromXmlNode( XMLDocument::Iterator( animationIt.getCurrentNode() ), mSkeleton ); addAnimation(ani); } ++animationIt; } } // we created a dynamic copy of the set because we need it to last through functions, // so we pass it through by pointer and delete it on this end if( animationsToLoad ) { delete animationsToLoad; } delete [] rcp->buffer; } }
std::string Pothos::Topology::toDotMarkup(const std::string &request) { //parse request arguments const auto result = Poco::JSON::Parser().parse(request.empty()?"{}":request); auto configObj = result.extract<Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr>(); const auto portConfig = configObj->optValue<std::string>("port", "connected"); //get a JSON dump of the topology const auto dumpResult = Poco::JSON::Parser().parse(this->dumpJSON(request)); const auto topObj = dumpResult.extract<Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr>(); const auto connsArray = topObj->getArray("connections"); const auto blocksObj = topObj->getObject("blocks"); std::vector<std::string> blockIds; blocksObj->getNames(blockIds); std::ostringstream os; os << "digraph flat_flows {" << std::endl; os << " rankdir=LR;" << std::endl; os << " node [shape=record, fontsize=10];" << std::endl; for (const auto &blockId : blockIds) { const auto blockObj = blocksObj->getObject(blockId); //form xml Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Document> xmlDoc(new Poco::XML::Document()); auto nodeTable = xmlDoc->createElement("table"); xmlDoc->appendChild(nodeTable); nodeTable->setAttribute("border", "0"); nodeTable->setAttribute("cellpadding", "0"); nodeTable->setAttribute("cellspacing", "0"); auto nodeTr = xmlDoc->createElement("tr"); nodeTable->appendChild(nodeTr); const bool enbFilter = portConfig == "connected"; const auto inputPorts = getConnectedPortInfos(topObj, blockId, enbFilter, true); const auto outputPorts = getConnectedPortInfos(topObj, blockId, enbFilter, false); if (inputPorts->size() > 0) { nodeTr->appendChild(portInfoToElem(xmlDoc, inputPorts, "in")); } { auto nodeTd = xmlDoc->createElement("td"); nodeTd->setAttribute("border", "0"); nodeTr->appendChild(nodeTd); auto table = xmlDoc->createElement("table"); nodeTd->appendChild(table); table->setAttribute("border", "0"); table->setAttribute("cellspacing", "0"); auto tr = xmlDoc->createElement("tr"); table->appendChild(tr); auto td = xmlDoc->createElement("td"); td->setAttribute("border", "1"); td->setAttribute("bgcolor", "azure"); tr->appendChild(td); auto name = blockObj->getValue<std::string>("name"); if (name.empty()) name = "Empty Name"; td->appendChild(xmlDoc->createTextNode(name)); } if (outputPorts->size() > 0) { nodeTr->appendChild(portInfoToElem(xmlDoc, outputPorts, "out")); } //dot node entry os << " "; os << std::hash<std::string>()(blockId); os << "[" << std::endl; os << " shape=none," << std::endl; os << " label=<" << std::endl; Poco::XML::DOMWriter write; write.setOptions(Poco::XML::XMLWriter::PRETTY_PRINT); write.writeNode(os, xmlDoc); os << " >" << std::endl; os << "];" << std::endl; } for (size_t c_i = 0; c_i < connsArray->size(); c_i++) { const auto conn = connsArray->getObject(c_i); os << " "; os << std::hash<std::string>()(conn->getValue<std::string>("srcId")); os << ":__out__" << conn->getValue<std::string>("srcName"); os << " -> "; os << std::hash<std::string>()(conn->getValue<std::string>("dstId")); os << ":__in__" << conn->getValue<std::string>("dstName"); os << ";" << std::endl; } os << "}" << std::endl; return os.str(); }
Status FileManager::save( Object* object, QString strFileName ) { QStringList debugDetails = QStringList() << "FileManager::save" << QString( "strFileName = " ).append( strFileName ); if ( object == nullptr ) { return Status( Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT, debugDetails << "object parameter is null" ); } QFileInfo fileInfo( strFileName ); if ( fileInfo.isDir() ) { return Status( Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT, debugDetails << "strFileName points to a directory", tr( "Invalid Save Path" ), tr( "The file path you have specified (\"%1\") points to a directory, so the file cannot be saved." ).arg( fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() ) ); } if ( fileInfo.exists() && !fileInfo.isWritable() ) { return Status( Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT, debugDetails << "strFileName points to a file that is not writable", tr( "Invalid Save Path" ), tr( "The file path you have specified (\"%1\") cannot be written to, so the file cannot be saved. Please make sure that you have sufficient permissions to save to that location and try again." ).arg( fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() ) ); } QString strTempWorkingFolder; QString strMainXMLFile; QString strDataFolder; bool isOldFile = strFileName.endsWith( PFF_OLD_EXTENSION ); if ( isOldFile ) { qCDebug( mLog ) << "Save in Old Pencil File Format (*.pcl) !"; strMainXMLFile = strFileName; strDataFolder = strMainXMLFile + "." + PFF_OLD_DATA_DIR; } else { qCDebug( mLog ) << "Save in New zipped Pencil File Format (*.pclx) !"; strTempWorkingFolder = object->workingDir(); Q_ASSERT( QDir( strTempWorkingFolder ).exists() ); debugDetails << QString( "strTempWorkingFolder = " ).append( strTempWorkingFolder ); qCDebug( mLog ) << "Temp Folder=" << strTempWorkingFolder; strMainXMLFile = QDir( strTempWorkingFolder ).filePath( PFF_XML_FILE_NAME ); strDataFolder = QDir( strTempWorkingFolder ).filePath( PFF_OLD_DATA_DIR ); } QFileInfo dataInfo( strDataFolder ); if ( !dataInfo.exists() ) { QDir dir( strDataFolder ); // the directory where filePath is or will be saved // creates a directory with the same name +".data" if( !dir.mkpath( strDataFolder ) ) { debugDetails << QString( "dir.absolutePath() = %1" ).arg( dir.absolutePath() ); if( isOldFile ) { return Status( Status::ERROR_FILE_CANNOT_OPEN, debugDetails, tr( "Cannot Create Data Directory" ), tr( "Cannot create the data directory at \"%1\". Please make sure that you have sufficient permissions to save to that location and try again. Alternatively try saving as pclx format." ).arg( strDataFolder ) ); } else { return Status( Status::FAIL, debugDetails, tr("Internal Error"), tr( "Cannot create the data directory at temporary location \"%1\". Please make sure that you have sufficient permissions to save to that location and try again. Alternatively try saving as pcl format." ).arg( strDataFolder ) ); } } } if( !dataInfo.isDir() ) { debugDetails << QString( "dataInfo.absoluteFilePath() = ").append(dataInfo.absoluteFilePath()); if( isOldFile ) { return Status( Status::ERROR_FILE_CANNOT_OPEN, debugDetails, tr( "Cannot Create Data Directory" ), tr( "Cannot use the path \"%1\" as a data directory since that currently points to a file. Please move or delete that file and try again. Alternatively try saving with the pclx format." ).arg( dataInfo.absoluteFilePath() ) ); } else { return Status( Status::FAIL, debugDetails, tr( "Internal Error" ), tr( "Cannot use the data directory at temporary location \"%1\" since it is a file. Please move or delete that file and try again. Alternatively try saving with the pcl format." ).arg( dataInfo.absoluteFilePath() ) ); } } // save data int layerCount = object->getLayerCount(); debugDetails << QString("layerCount = %1").arg(layerCount); qCDebug( mLog ) << QString( "Total layers = %1" ).arg( layerCount ); bool isOkay = true; for ( int i = 0; i < layerCount; ++i ) { Layer* layer = object->getLayer( i ); qCDebug( mLog ) << QString( "Saving Layer %1" ).arg( i ).arg( layer->mName ); //progressValue = (i * 100) / nLayers; //progress.setValue( progressValue ); debugDetails << QString("layer[%1] = Layer[id=%2, name=%3, type=%4]").arg( i ).arg( layer->id() ).arg( layer->name() ).arg( layer->type() ); switch ( layer->type() ) { case Layer::BITMAP: case Layer::VECTOR: case Layer::SOUND: { Status st = layer->save( strDataFolder ); if( !st.ok() ) { isOkay = false; QStringList layerDetails = st.detailsList(); for ( QString detail : layerDetails ) { detail.prepend( " " ); } debugDetails << QString( "- Layer[%1] failed to save" ).arg( i ) << layerDetails; } break; } case Layer::CAMERA: break; case Layer::UNDEFINED: case Layer::MOVIE: Q_ASSERT( false ); break; } if( !isOkay ) { return Status( Status::FAIL, debugDetails, tr( "Internal Error" ), tr( "An internal error occurred while trying to save the file. Some or all of your file may not have saved." ) ); } } // save palette object->savePalette( strDataFolder ); // -------- save main XML file ----------- QScopedPointer<QFile> file( new QFile( strMainXMLFile ) ); if ( !file->open( QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text ) ) { return Status::ERROR_FILE_CANNOT_OPEN; } QDomDocument xmlDoc( "PencilDocument" ); QDomElement root = xmlDoc.createElement( "document" ); xmlDoc.appendChild( root ); // save editor information //QDomElement editorElement = createDomElement( xmlDoc ); //root.appendChild( editorElement ); qCDebug( mLog ) << "Save Editor Node."; // save object QDomElement objectElement = object->saveXML( xmlDoc ); root.appendChild( objectElement ); qCDebug( mLog ) << "Save Object Node."; const int IndentSize = 2; QTextStream out( file.data() ); xmlDoc.save( out, IndentSize ); if ( !isOldFile ) { qCDebug( mLog ) << "Now compressing data to PFF - PCLX ..."; bool ok = JlCompress::compressDir( strFileName, strTempWorkingFolder ); if ( !ok ) { return Status::FAIL; } qCDebug( mLog ) << "Compressed. File saved."; } object->setFilePath( strFileName ); object->setModified( false ); return Status::OK; }
bool CDVDStateSerializer::DVDToXMLState( std::string &xmlstate, const dvd_state_t *state ) { char buffer[256]; TiXmlDocument xmlDoc("navstate"); TiXmlElement eRoot("navstate"); eRoot.SetAttribute("version", 1); { TiXmlElement eRegisters("registers"); for( int i = 0; i < 24; i++ ) { if( state->registers.SPRM[i] ) { TiXmlElement eReg("sprm"); eReg.SetAttribute("index", i); { TiXmlElement eValue("value"); sprintf(buffer, "0x%hx", state->registers.SPRM[i]); eValue.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText(buffer) ); eReg.InsertEndChild(eValue); } eRegisters.InsertEndChild(eReg); } } for( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) { if( state->registers.GPRM[i] || state->registers.GPRM_mode[i] || state->registers.GPRM_time[i].tv_sec || state->registers.GPRM_time[i].tv_usec ) { TiXmlElement eReg("gprm"); eReg.SetAttribute("index", i); { TiXmlElement eValue("value"); sprintf(buffer, "0x%hx", state->registers.GPRM[i]); eValue.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText(buffer) ); eReg.InsertEndChild(eValue); } { TiXmlElement eMode("mode"); sprintf(buffer, "0x%c", state->registers.GPRM_mode[i]); eMode.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText(buffer) ); eReg.InsertEndChild(eMode); } { TiXmlElement eTime("time"); { TiXmlElement eValue("tv_sec"); sprintf(buffer, "%ld", state->registers.GPRM_time[i].tv_sec); eValue.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText( buffer ) ); eTime.InsertEndChild( eValue ) ; } { TiXmlElement eValue("tv_usec"); sprintf(buffer, "%ld", (long int)state->registers.GPRM_time[i].tv_usec); eValue.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText( buffer ) ); eTime.InsertEndChild( eValue ) ; } eReg.InsertEndChild(eTime); } eRegisters.InsertEndChild(eReg); } } eRoot.InsertEndChild(eRegisters); } { TiXmlElement element("domain"); sprintf(buffer, "%d", state->domain); element.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText( buffer ) ); eRoot.InsertEndChild(element); } { TiXmlElement element("vtsn"); sprintf(buffer, "%d", state->vtsN); element.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText( buffer ) ); eRoot.InsertEndChild(element); } { TiXmlElement element("pgcn"); sprintf(buffer, "%d", state->pgcN); element.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText( buffer ) ); eRoot.InsertEndChild(element); } { TiXmlElement element("pgn"); sprintf(buffer, "%d", state->pgN); element.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText( buffer ) ); eRoot.InsertEndChild(element); } { TiXmlElement element("celln"); sprintf(buffer, "%d", state->cellN); element.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText( buffer ) ); eRoot.InsertEndChild(element); } { TiXmlElement element("cell_restart"); sprintf(buffer, "%d", state->cell_restart); element.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText( buffer ) ); eRoot.InsertEndChild(element); } { TiXmlElement element("blockn"); sprintf(buffer, "%d", state->blockN); element.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText( buffer ) ); eRoot.InsertEndChild(element); } { TiXmlElement rsm("rsm"); { TiXmlElement element("vtsn"); sprintf(buffer, "%d", state->rsm_vtsN); element.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText( buffer ) ); rsm.InsertEndChild(element); } { TiXmlElement element("blockn"); sprintf(buffer, "%d", state->rsm_blockN); element.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText( buffer ) ); rsm.InsertEndChild(element); } { TiXmlElement element("pgcn"); sprintf(buffer, "%d", state->rsm_pgcN); element.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText( buffer ) ); rsm.InsertEndChild(element); } { TiXmlElement element("celln"); sprintf(buffer, "%d", state->rsm_cellN); element.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText( buffer ) ); rsm.InsertEndChild(element); } { TiXmlElement regs("registers"); for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { TiXmlElement reg("sprm"); reg.SetAttribute("index", i); { TiXmlElement element("value"); sprintf(buffer, "0x%hx", state->rsm_regs[i]); element.InsertEndChild( TiXmlText(buffer) ); reg.InsertEndChild(element); } regs.InsertEndChild(reg); } rsm.InsertEndChild(regs); } eRoot.InsertEndChild(rsm); } xmlDoc.InsertEndChild(eRoot); std::stringstream stream; stream << xmlDoc; xmlstate = stream.str(); return true; }
int tinyxml_WriteChannelList() { char szFile[MAX_PATH_LENGTH] = {0,}; int ret = VSRM_GetPath(szFile, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); if (ret < 0) return -2; #ifdef _WIN32 strcat(szFile, "\\"); #else strcat(szFile, "/"); #endif strcat(szFile, "EasyNVR.xml"); char szCharset[16] = {0,}; strcpy(szCharset, "UTF-8"); //if (_app_param.language==1001) strcpy(szCharset, "gb2312"); //else if (_app_param.language==1000) strcpy(szCharset, "UTF-8"); TiXmlDocument xmlDoc( szFile ); TiXmlDeclaration Declaration( "1.0", szCharset, "yes" ); xmlDoc.InsertEndChild( Declaration ); TiXmlElement* pRootElm = NULL; pRootElm = new TiXmlElement( "CHANNEL_LIST" ); TiXmlElement *pGroup = new TiXmlElement("GROUP"); TiXmlElement *pGroupName = new TiXmlElement("NAME"); TiXmlElement *pPushAddr = new TiXmlElement("PUSH_ADDR"); TiXmlText *pName = new TiXmlText("group1"); TiXmlText *pPushAddrText = new TiXmlText(""); pGroupName->InsertEndChild(*pName); pGroup->InsertEndChild(*pGroupName); pPushAddr->InsertEndChild(*pPushAddrText); pGroup->InsertEndChild(*pPushAddr); TiXmlElement *pDevice = new TiXmlElement("CHANNEL"); { TiXmlElement *pChannelId = new TiXmlElement("ID"); TiXmlText* pText = new TiXmlText("1"); pChannelId->InsertEndChild(*pText); pDevice->InsertEndChild(*pChannelId); delete pText; delete pChannelId; } { TiXmlElement *pChannelId = new TiXmlElement("URL"); TiXmlText* pText = new TiXmlText("rtsp://"); pChannelId->InsertEndChild(*pText); pDevice->InsertEndChild(*pChannelId); delete pText; delete pChannelId; } pGroup->InsertEndChild(*pDevice); delete pDevice; pRootElm->InsertEndChild(*pGroup); delete pGroup; delete pGroupName; delete pName; delete pPushAddr; delete pPushAddrText; xmlDoc.InsertEndChild(*pRootElm) ; //xmlDoc.Print() ; if (xmlDoc.SaveFile()) { } delete pRootElm; return 0; }
void rpi_request::readXML(QString i) { QDomDocument xmlDoc("request"); xmlDoc.setContent(i); QDomElement docElem = xmlDoc.documentElement(); }
void Puppet::Load(const std::string &filename, Entity *entity) { this->filename = filename; animations.clear(); // delete parts? parts.clear(); TiXmlDocument xmlDoc(Assets::GetContentPath() + filename); if (xmlDoc.LoadFile()) { /// TextureAtlas TiXmlElement *xmlTextureAtlas = xmlDoc.FirstChildElement("TextureAtlas"); if (xmlTextureAtlas) { textureAtlas = new TextureAtlas(); textureAtlas->Load(xmlTextureAtlas); } /// Parts TiXmlElement *xmlParts = xmlDoc.FirstChildElement("Parts"); if (xmlParts) { LoadParts(xmlParts, entity); } /// Animations TiXmlElement *xmlAnimations = xmlDoc.FirstChildElement("Animations"); if (xmlAnimations) { /// Animation TiXmlElement *xmlAnimation = xmlAnimations->FirstChildElement("Animation"); while (xmlAnimation) { Animation animation; XMLFileNode xmlFileNodeKeyFrameAnim(xmlAnimation); animation.Load(&xmlFileNodeKeyFrameAnim); /// PartKeyFrames TiXmlElement *xmlPartKeyFrames = xmlAnimation->FirstChildElement("PartKeyFrames"); while (xmlPartKeyFrames) { PartKeyFrames partKeyFrames; partKeyFrames.SetPuppet(this); XMLFileNode xmlFileNodeKeyFramePart(xmlPartKeyFrames); partKeyFrames.Load(&xmlFileNodeKeyFramePart); /// KeyFrame TiXmlElement *xmlKeyFrame = xmlPartKeyFrames->FirstChildElement("KeyFrame"); while (xmlKeyFrame) { KeyFrame keyFrame; XMLFileNode xmlFileNodeKeyFrame(xmlKeyFrame); keyFrame.Load(&xmlFileNodeKeyFrame); partKeyFrames.AddKeyFrame(keyFrame); xmlKeyFrame = xmlKeyFrame->NextSiblingElement("KeyFrame"); } animation.AddPartKeyFrames(partKeyFrames); xmlPartKeyFrames = xmlPartKeyFrames->NextSiblingElement("PartKeyFrames"); } animation.RefreshDuration(); animations.push_back(animation); xmlAnimation = xmlAnimation->NextSiblingElement("Animation"); } } } else { Debug::Log("Warning: Could not open puppet file: " + Assets::GetContentPath() + filename); Debug::Log(" " + std::string(xmlDoc.ErrorDesc())); printf(" Row: %d\n", xmlDoc.ErrorRow()); } }
/* qparam filename Filepath of the XML file */ bool RomXML::LoadRomXMLData(const char* filename) { Name.clear(); Coder.clear(); Version.clear(); ShortDescription.clear(); LongDescription.clear(); Releasedate.clear(); TiXmlDocument xmlDoc(filename); if(!xmlDoc.LoadFile()) return false; TiXmlElement *appNode = xmlDoc.FirstChildElement("app"); if(!appNode) return false; TiXmlElement *node = NULL; node = appNode->FirstChildElement("name"); if(node && node->FirstChild() && node->FirstChild()->Value()) Name = node->FirstChild()->Value(); node = appNode->FirstChildElement("coder"); if(node && node->FirstChild() && node->FirstChild()->Value()) Coder = node->FirstChild()->Value(); node = appNode->FirstChildElement("version"); if(node && node->FirstChild() && node->FirstChild()->Value()) Version = node->FirstChild()->Value(); node = appNode->FirstChildElement("short_description"); if(node && node->FirstChild() && node->FirstChild()->Value()) ShortDescription = node->FirstChild()->Value(); node = appNode->FirstChildElement("long_description"); if(node && node->FirstChild() && node->FirstChild()->Value()) LongDescription = node->FirstChild()->Value(); char ReleaseText[200]; memset(ReleaseText, 0, sizeof(ReleaseText)); node = appNode->FirstChildElement("release_date"); if(node && node->FirstChild() && node->FirstChild()->Value()) snprintf(ReleaseText, sizeof(ReleaseText), node->FirstChild()->Value()); int len = (strlen(ReleaseText) - 6); //length of the date string without the 200000 at the end if (len == 8) snprintf(ReleaseText, sizeof(ReleaseText), "%c%c/%c%c/%c%c%c%c", ReleaseText[4], ReleaseText[5], ReleaseText[6], ReleaseText[7], ReleaseText[0], ReleaseText[1], ReleaseText[2], ReleaseText[3]); else if (len == 6) snprintf(ReleaseText, sizeof(ReleaseText), "%c%c/%c%c%c%c", ReleaseText[4], ReleaseText[5], ReleaseText[0], ReleaseText[1], ReleaseText[2], ReleaseText[3]); else snprintf(ReleaseText, sizeof(ReleaseText), "%s", ReleaseText); Releasedate = ReleaseText; node = appNode->FirstChildElement("arguments"); if(!node) return true; TiXmlElement *argNode = node->FirstChildElement("arg"); while(argNode) { if(argNode->FirstChild() && argNode->FirstChild()->Value()) Arguments.push_back(std::string(argNode->FirstChild()->Value())); argNode = argNode->NextSiblingElement(); } return true; }
void ExportTask::run() { if( ! _outputFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { LOG_WARNING(QString("Unable to open %1 in write mode").arg(_outputFile.fileName())); emit finished(tr("The file %1 can't be opened for writing").arg(_outputFile.fileName())); return; } emit currentStatusChanged(QString("Start to write the file")); QXmlStreamWriter xmlDoc(&_outputFile); xmlDoc.setAutoFormatting(true); xmlDoc.writeStartDocument("1.0", false); xmlDoc.writeStartElement("NML"); // TODO: Configure the correct version number xmlDoc.writeAttribute("VERSION", "15"); xmlDoc.writeEmptyElement("HEAD"); xmlDoc.writeAttribute("COMPANY", "www.native-instruments.com"); xmlDoc.writeAttribute("PROGRAM", "Traktor"); xmlDoc.writeEmptyElement("MUSICFOLDERS"); xmlDoc.writeStartElement("COLLECTION"); xmlDoc.writeAttribute("ENTRIES", QString::number(_records.count())); for(QSqlRecord record : _records) { writeCollectionEntry(xmlDoc, record); } xmlDoc.writeEndElement(); // COLLECTION xmlDoc.writeEmptyElement("SETS"); xmlDoc.writeAttribute("ENTRIES", "0"); xmlDoc.writeStartElement("PLAYLISTS"); xmlDoc.writeStartElement("NODE"); xmlDoc.writeAttribute("NAME", "$ROOT"); xmlDoc.writeAttribute("TYPE", "FOLDER"); xmlDoc.writeStartElement("SUBNODES"); xmlDoc.writeAttribute("COUNT", "1"); xmlDoc.writeStartElement("NODE"); xmlDoc.writeAttribute("NAME", QFileInfo(_outputFile).completeBaseName()); xmlDoc.writeAttribute("TYPE", "PLAYLIST"); xmlDoc.writeStartElement("PLAYLIST"); if(_exportPlaylist) { xmlDoc.writeAttribute("ENTRIES", QString::number(_records.count())); xmlDoc.writeAttribute("TYPE", "LIST"); for(QSqlRecord record : _records) { writePlaylistEntry(xmlDoc, record); } } else { xmlDoc.writeAttribute("ENTRIES", "0"); xmlDoc.writeAttribute("TYPE", "LIST"); } xmlDoc.writeEndElement(); // PLAYLIST xmlDoc.writeEndElement(); // NODE xmlDoc.writeEndElement(); // SUBNODES xmlDoc.writeEndElement(); // NODE xmlDoc.writeEndElement(); // PLAYLISTS xmlDoc.writeEndElement(); // NML xmlDoc.writeEndDocument(); _outputFile.close(); QString finalState = tr("File %1 has been correctly written. Now you can import the generated " "collection in Traktor. Don't forget to set priority on information " "from this collection instead of the one you already have.") .arg(QFileInfo(_outputFile).fileName()); emit finished(finalState); }