int main(void) { XmlNode *x, *t; /* This is how many tests you plan to run */ plan_tests(12); ok1(x = xml_load("./test/test.xml1")); ok1(!xml_find(x, "Doesn't Exist")); ok1(t = xml_find(x, "one")); ok1(xml_find(t, "two")); ok1(!xml_attr(t, "foobar")); ok1(!xml_attr(t, "Doesn't Exist")); ok1(xml_attr(t, "barfoo")); xml_free(x); /* Simple thing we expect to succeed */ ok1(!test_load("does not exist")); /* A file that doesn't exist */ ok1(test_load("./test/test.xml1")); /* A basic xml file. */ ok1(test_load("./test/test.xml2")); /* Very small well-formed xml file. */ ok1(test_load("./test/test.xml3")); /* Smallest well-formed xml file. */ ok1(test_load("./test/test.xml4")); /* A single unclosed tag. */ /* Same, with an explicit description of the test. */ // ok(some_test(), "%s with no args should return 1", "some_test") /* How to print out messages for debugging. */ // diag("Address of some_test is %p", &some_test) /* Conditional tests must be explicitly skipped. */ /* This exits depending on whether all tests passed */ return exit_status(); }
static int test_load(const char * filename) { XmlNode *xml = xml_load(filename); if(!xml) return 0; xml_free(xml); return 1; }
fmll_som * fmll_som_load(const char * fname_prefix, double (* distance_w)(const double *, const double *, const unsigned), double (* distance)(const double *, const double *, const unsigned)) { char node_name[4096]; int map_dim, dim; unsigned u, v, num, * N = NULL; double ** w; fmll_som * som = NULL; mxml_node_t * sub_sub_node, * sub_node, * node, * content_node, * main_node = NULL; fmll_try; fmll_throw_if(xml_load(fname_prefix, TYPE_SOM, & main_node, & content_node)); fmll_throw_if(xml_get_int(content_node, "map_dim", & map_dim)); fmll_throw_if(xml_get_int(content_node, "dim", & dim)); fmll_throw_null(N = fmll_alloc(sizeof(unsigned), 1, map_dim)); fmll_throw_null(node = mxmlFindElement(content_node, content_node, "N", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)); for(u = 0, sub_node = mxmlFindElement(node, node, NULL, NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST); u < map_dim; u++) { fmll_throw_null(sub_node); N[u] = sub_node->child->value.integer; sub_node = mxmlFindElement(sub_node, node, NULL, NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND); } fmll_throw_null(som = fmll_som_init(N, map_dim, dim, distance_w, distance)); fmll_throw_null(node = mxmlFindElement(content_node, content_node, "W", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)); w = som->w; num = som->num; for(u = 0; u < num; u++) { sprintf(node_name, "w_%u", u); fmll_throw_null(sub_node = mxmlFindElement(node, node, node_name, NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)); for(v = 0, sub_sub_node = mxmlFindElement(sub_node, sub_node, NULL, NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST); v < dim; v++) { w[u][v] = sub_sub_node->child->value.real; sub_sub_node = mxmlFindElement(sub_sub_node, sub_node, NULL, NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND); } } fmll_catch; fmll_som_destroy(som); som = NULL; fmll_finally; fmll_free(N); xml_destroy(main_node); return som; }
/* ============================== ============================== */ void IKAModule::Start() { xml_document<>* doc = new xml_document<>; xml_load(doc, defaultFile); InitLimb(); InitCamera(); }
/* * load a configuration, decrypting it if credentials found */ XML *cfg_load (char *path) { XML *xml; cfg_clean (path); if ((xml = xml_load (path)) == NULL) return (NULL); if (strcmp (xml_root (xml), "Phineas")) { unsigned char *p; xcrypt_decrypt (xml, &p, ConfigCert, NULL, ConfigPass); xml_free (xml); xml = xml_parse (p); free (p); } return (xml); }
void xmlb (FILE *fp, char *fname, int indent) { XML *xml; char *ch; if ((xml = xml_load (fname)) == NULL) return; xml_beautify (xml, indent); ch = xml_format (xml); xml_free (xml); if (ch != NULL) { if (fp == NULL) fp = stdout; fprintf (fp, "%s", ch); free (ch); } }
fmll_pca * fmll_pca_load(const char * fname_prefix) { int dim, num; char node_name[4096]; unsigned u, v; double ** w; fmll_pca * pca = NULL; mxml_node_t * sub_sub_node, * sub_node, * node, * content_node, * main_node = NULL; fmll_try; fmll_throw_if(xml_load(fname_prefix, TYPE_PCA, & main_node, & content_node)); fmll_throw_if(xml_get_int(content_node, "dim", & dim)); fmll_throw_if(xml_get_int(content_node, "num", & num)); fmll_throw_null(pca = fmll_pca_init(dim, num)); fmll_throw_null(node = mxmlFindElement(content_node, content_node, "W", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)); for(u = 0, w = pca->w; u < num; u++) { sprintf(node_name, "w_%u", u); fmll_throw_null(sub_node = mxmlFindElement(node, node, node_name, NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)); for(v = 0, sub_sub_node = mxmlFindElement(sub_node, sub_node, NULL, NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST); v < dim; v++) { w[u][v] = sub_sub_node->child->value.real; sub_sub_node = mxmlFindElement(sub_sub_node, sub_node, NULL, NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND); } } fmll_catch; fmll_pca_destroy(pca); pca = NULL; fmll_finally; xml_destroy(main_node); return pca; }
fmll_svm_net * fmll_svm_net_load(const char * fname_prefix, double (** K)(const double *, const double *, const unsigned)) { int num; unsigned u; char node_name[4096]; fmll_svm ** svm = NULL; fmll_svm_net * svm_net = NULL; mxml_node_t * sub_node, * node, * content_node, * main_node = NULL; fmll_try; fmll_throw_null(svm_net = fmll_alloc(sizeof(fmll_svm_net), 1, 1)); fmll_throw_if(xml_load(fname_prefix, TYPE_SVM_NET, & main_node, & content_node)); fmll_throw_if(xml_get_int(content_node, "num", & num)); svm_net->num = num; fmll_throw_null(svm = svm_net->svm = (fmll_svm **) fmll_alloc(sizeof(fmll_svm *), 1, num)); fmll_throw_null(node = mxmlFindElement(content_node, content_node, "SVM", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)); for(u = 0; u < num; u++) svm[u] = NULL; for(u = 0; u < num; u++) { sprintf(node_name, "svm_%u", u); fmll_throw_null(sub_node = mxmlFindElement(node, node, node_name, NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST)); fmll_throw_null(svm[u] = fmll_svm_load_main(sub_node, K[u])); } fmll_catch; fmll_svm_net_destroy(svm_net); svm_net = NULL; fmll_finally; xml_destroy(main_node); return svm_net; }
// --------------------------------- // Find an element string in the <HID_cookie_strings.plist> resource (XML) file static Boolean xml_search_cookie(const long pVendorID, const long pProductID, const long pCookie, char* pCstr) { static CFPropertyListRef tCFPropertyListRef = NULL; Boolean results = false; if (NULL == tCFPropertyListRef) tCFPropertyListRef = xml_load(CFSTR("HID_cookie_strings"), CFSTR("plist")); if (NULL != tCFPropertyListRef) { if (CFDictionaryGetTypeID() == CFGetTypeID(tCFPropertyListRef)) { CFDictionaryRef vendorCFDictionaryRef; CFStringRef vendorKeyCFStringRef; vendorKeyCFStringRef = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%ld"), pVendorID); if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(tCFPropertyListRef, vendorKeyCFStringRef, (const void**) &vendorCFDictionaryRef)) { CFDictionaryRef productCFDictionaryRef; CFStringRef productKeyCFStringRef; CFStringRef vendorCFStringRef; if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(vendorCFDictionaryRef, CFSTR("Name"), (const void**) &vendorCFStringRef)) { //CFShow(vendorCFStringRef); } productKeyCFStringRef = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%ld"), pProductID); if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(vendorCFDictionaryRef, productKeyCFStringRef, (const void**) &productCFDictionaryRef)) { CFStringRef fullCFStringRef = NULL; CFStringRef cookieKeyCFStringRef; CFStringRef productCFStringRef; CFStringRef cookieCFStringRef; if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(productCFDictionaryRef, CFSTR("Name"), (const void**) &productCFStringRef)) { //CFShow(productCFStringRef); } cookieKeyCFStringRef = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%ld"), pCookie); if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(productCFDictionaryRef, cookieKeyCFStringRef, (const void**) &cookieCFStringRef)) { fullCFStringRef = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%@ %@ %@"), vendorCFStringRef, productCFStringRef, cookieCFStringRef); // CFShow(cookieCFStringRef); } #if FAKE_IT else { fullCFStringRef = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%@ %@ #%@"), vendorCFStringRef, productCFStringRef, cookieKeyCFStringRef); } #endif if (fullCFStringRef) { // CFShow(fullCFStringRef); results = CFStringGetCString( fullCFStringRef, pCstr, CFStringGetLength(fullCFStringRef) * sizeof(UniChar) + 1, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman); CFRelease(fullCFStringRef); } CFRelease(cookieKeyCFStringRef); } CFRelease(productKeyCFStringRef); } CFRelease(vendorKeyCFStringRef); } //++CFRelease(tCFPropertyListRef); // Leak this! } return results; }