void dxyline(int npts, double *x, double *y, const char *xlab, const char *ylab, int id) /* Wrapper to plot double precision vectors */ { float *fx, *fy; long i; /* Copy our double vectors to float vectors */ fx = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * npts); fy = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * npts); for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) { fx[i] = (float) x[i]; fy[i] = (float) y[i]; } /* Call xyline */ xyline(npts, fx, fy, xlab, ylab, id); /* Free our memory */ free(fx); free(fy); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fftfile, *candfile = NULL, *psfile = NULL; char filenm[100], candnm[100], psfilenm[120]; float locpow, norm, powargr, powargi; float *powr, *spreadpow, *minizoompow, *freqs; fcomplex *data, *minifft, *minizoom, *spread; fcomplex *resp, *kernel; double T, dr, ftobinp; int ii, nbins, ncands, candnum, lofreq = 0, nzoom, numsumpow = 1; int numbetween, numkern, kern_half_width; binaryprops binprops; infodata idata; if (argc < 3 || argc > 6) { usage(); exit(1); } printf("\n\n"); printf(" Binary Candidate Display Routine\n"); printf(" by Scott M. Ransom\n\n"); /* Initialize the filenames: */ sprintf(filenm, "%s.fft", argv[1]); sprintf(candnm, "%s_bin.cand", argv[1]); /* Read the info file */ readinf(&idata, argv[1]); if (idata.object) { printf("Plotting a %s candidate from '%s'.\n", idata.object, filenm); } else { printf("Plotting a candidate from '%s'.\n", filenm); } T = idata.N * idata.dt; /* Open the FFT file and get its length */ fftfile = chkfopen(filenm, "rb"); nbins = chkfilelen(fftfile, sizeof(fcomplex)); /* Open the candidate file and get its length */ candfile = chkfopen(candnm, "rb"); ncands = chkfilelen(candfile, sizeof(binaryprops)); /* The candidate number to examine */ candnum = atoi(argv[2]); /* Check that candnum is in range */ if ((candnum < 1) || (candnum > ncands)) { printf("\nThe candidate number is out of range.\n\n"); exit(1); } /* The lowest freq present in the FFT file */ if (argc >= 4) { lofreq = atoi(argv[3]); if ((lofreq < 0) || (lofreq > nbins - 1)) { printf("\n'lofreq' is out of range.\n\n"); exit(1); } } /* Is the original FFT a sum of other FFTs with the amplitudes added */ /* in quadrature? (i.e. an incoherent sum) */ if (argc >= 5) { numsumpow = atoi(argv[4]); if (numsumpow < 1) { printf("\nNumber of summed powers must be at least one.\n\n"); exit(1); } } /* Initialize PGPLOT using Postscript if requested */ if ((argc == 6) && (!strcmp(argv[5], "ps"))) { sprintf(psfilenm, "%s_bin_cand_%d.ps", argv[1], candnum); cpgstart_ps(psfilenm, "landscape"); } else { cpgstart_x("landscape"); } /* Read the binary candidate */ chkfileseek(candfile, (long) (candnum - 1), sizeof(binaryprops), SEEK_SET); chkfread(&binprops, sizeof(binaryprops), 1, candfile); fclose(candfile); /* Output the binary candidate */ print_bin_candidate(&binprops, 2); /* Allocate some memory */ powr = gen_fvect(binprops.nfftbins); minifft = gen_cvect(binprops.nfftbins / 2); spread = gen_cvect(binprops.nfftbins); spreadpow = gen_fvect(binprops.nfftbins); nzoom = 2 * ZOOMFACT * ZOOMNEIGHBORS; minizoom = gen_cvect(nzoom); minizoompow = gen_fvect(nzoom); /* Allocate and initialize our interpolation kernel */ numbetween = 2; kern_half_width = r_resp_halfwidth(LOWACC); numkern = 2 * numbetween * kern_half_width; resp = gen_r_response(0.0, numbetween, numkern); kernel = gen_cvect(binprops.nfftbins); place_complex_kernel(resp, numkern, kernel, binprops.nfftbins); COMPLEXFFT(kernel, binprops.nfftbins, -1); /* Read the data from the FFT file */ data = read_fcomplex_file(fftfile, binprops.lowbin - lofreq, binprops.nfftbins); /* Turn the Fourier amplitudes into powers */ for (ii = 0; ii < binprops.nfftbins; ii++) powr[ii] = POWER(data[ii].r, data[ii].i); /* Chop the powers that are way above the median level */ prune_powers(powr, binprops.nfftbins, numsumpow); /* Perform the minifft */ memcpy((float *) minifft, powr, sizeof(float) * binprops.nfftbins); realfft((float *) minifft, binprops.nfftbins, -1); /* Calculate the normalization constant */ norm = sqrt((double) binprops.nfftbins * (double) numsumpow) / minifft[0].r; locpow = minifft[0].r / binprops.nfftbins; /* Divide the original power spectrum by the local power level */ for (ii = 0; ii < binprops.nfftbins; ii++) powr[ii] /= locpow; /* Now normalize the miniFFT */ minifft[0].r = 1.0; minifft[0].i = 1.0; for (ii = 1; ii < binprops.nfftbins / 2; ii++) { minifft[ii].r *= norm; minifft[ii].i *= norm; } /* Interpolate the minifft and convert to power spectrum */ corr_complex(minifft, binprops.nfftbins / 2, RAW, kernel, binprops.nfftbins, FFT, spread, binprops.nfftbins, kern_half_width, numbetween, kern_half_width, CORR); for (ii = 0; ii < binprops.nfftbins; ii++) spreadpow[ii] = POWER(spread[ii].r, spread[ii].i); /* Plot the initial data set */ freqs = gen_freqs(binprops.nfftbins, binprops.lowbin / T, 1.0 / T); xyline(binprops.nfftbins, freqs, powr, "Pulsar Frequency (hz)", "Power / Local Power", 1); vect_free(freqs); printf("The initial data set (with high power outliers removed):\n\n"); /* Plot the miniFFT */ freqs = gen_freqs(binprops.nfftbins, 0.0, T / (2 * binprops.nfftbins)); xyline(binprops.nfftbins, freqs, spreadpow, "Binary Period (sec)", "Normalized Power", 1); vect_free(freqs); printf("The miniFFT:\n\n"); /* Interpolate and plot the actual candidate peak */ ftobinp = T / binprops.nfftbins; freqs = gen_freqs(nzoom, (binprops.rdetect - ZOOMNEIGHBORS) * ftobinp, ftobinp / (double) ZOOMFACT); for (ii = 0; ii < nzoom; ii++) { dr = -ZOOMNEIGHBORS + (double) ii / ZOOMFACT; rz_interp(minifft, binprops.nfftbins / 2, binprops.rdetect + dr, 0.0, kern_half_width, &minizoom[ii]); minizoompow[ii] = POWER(minizoom[ii].r, minizoom[ii].i); } xyline(nzoom, freqs, minizoompow, "Binary Period (sec)", "Normalized Power", 1); vect_free(freqs); printf("The candidate itself:\n\n"); printf("Done.\n\n"); /* Cleanup */ cpgend(); vect_free(data); vect_free(powr); vect_free(resp); vect_free(kernel); vect_free(minifft); vect_free(spread); vect_free(spreadpow); vect_free(minizoom); vect_free(minizoompow); fclose(fftfile); if ((argc == 6) && (!strcmp(argv[5], "ps"))) { fclose(psfile); } return (0); }