void WCModeSketchArcThreePointCreate::OnMouseMove(const WPFloat &x, const WPFloat &y) {
    //Get suggestion from workbench
    this->_xSuggest = this->_workbench->SnapMouseX();
    this->_ySuggest = this->_workbench->SnapMouseY();
    this->_suggestionType = this->_workbench->SuggestAlignment(this->_alignRules, NULL, this->_xSuggest, this->_ySuggest);

    //Init some variables
    WCVector4 newPoint(this->_xSuggest, this->_ySuggest, 0.0, 1.0);
    //Get the updated position
    newPoint = this->_workbench->Sketch()->ReferencePlane()->TransformMatrix() * newPoint;

    //Switch on click stage
    if (this->_stage == 1) {
        //Update second point
        //Update end of firstLine
    //Second click has occured
    else if (this->_stage == 2) {
        //Update third point
        //Calculate center and radius
        WCVector4 center;
        WPFloat radius = WCSketchArc::CalculateCenterAndRadius(this->_firstPoint->Data(), this->_secondPoint->Data(), this->_thirdPoint->Data(), center);
        if (radius == 0.0) {
            //Clean up and wait for good radius
            if (this->_arc != NULL) delete this->_arc;
            this->_arc = NULL;
            //Make first line visible
        else {
            //Make first line not visible
            //Recreate arc
            WCVector4 xUnit(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            WCVector4 yUnit(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            xUnit = this->_workbench->Sketch()->ReferencePlane()->TransformMatrix() * xUnit;
            yUnit = this->_workbench->Sketch()->ReferencePlane()->TransformMatrix() * yUnit;
            //Back project center onto the plane to determine rotation angles
            WCVector4 planeCenter = this->_workbench->Sketch()->ReferencePlane()->InverseTransformMatrix() * center;
            WPFloat firstAngle = WCSketchArc::PointsToDegrees(planeCenter, this->_first);
            WPFloat secondAngle = WCSketchArc::PointsToDegrees(planeCenter, this->_second);
            //If not on right, then swap first and second
            if (!IsOnRight2D(this->_first.I(), this->_first.J(), this->_second.I(), this->_second.J(), this->_workbench->SnapMouseX(), this->_workbench->SnapMouseY()))
                std::swap(firstAngle, secondAngle);
            //Delete the old arc
            if (this->_arc != NULL) delete this->_arc;
            //Create the new one
            this->_arc = WCNurbsCurve::CircularArc(this->_creator->Document()->Scene()->GeometryContext(),
                                                   center, xUnit, yUnit, radius, firstAngle, secondAngle);
//			this->_arc->Layer( this->_workbench->Layer() );
	void Render(WCSketchWorkbench *wb, const WPFloat &x, const WPFloat &y) {
		WPFloat iconSize = 16 * SCREEN_PIXEL_WIDTH;
		WPFloat localX = x + 0.01;
		WPFloat localY = y + 0.01;
		//Calculate box slighly above and right of location
		WCVector4 ll(localX, localY, 0.0, 1.0);
		WCVector4 xUnit(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
		WCVector4 yUnit(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);

		//Project from the plane (adjust for zoom factor to maintain icon size)
		ll = wb->Sketch()->ReferencePlane()->TransformMatrix() * ll;
		xUnit = wb->Sketch()->ReferencePlane()->TransformMatrix() * xUnit;
		yUnit = wb->Sketch()->ReferencePlane()->TransformMatrix() * yUnit;
		xUnit = xUnit * (iconSize / wb->Feature()->Document()->Scene()->ActiveCamera()->Zoom());
		yUnit = yUnit * (iconSize / wb->Feature()->Document()->Scene()->ActiveCamera()->Zoom());
		WCVector4 ul = ll + yUnit;
		WCVector4 ur = ll + xUnit + yUnit;
		WCVector4 lr = ll + xUnit;

		//Set up data arrays
		GLfloat data[12] = {(GLfloat)ll.I(), (GLfloat)ll.J(), (GLfloat)ll.K(),
							(GLfloat)ul.I(), (GLfloat)ul.J(), (GLfloat)ul.K(),
							(GLfloat)ur.I(), (GLfloat)ur.J(), (GLfloat)ur.K(), 
							(GLfloat)lr.I(), (GLfloat)lr.J(), (GLfloat)lr.K()};
		WSTexture *tex = wb->Feature()->Document()->Scene()->TextureManager()->TextureFromName("concentric32");
		GLfloat texCoords[8] = { 0.0, 0.0, 
								 0.0, tex->_height, 
								 tex->_width, tex->_height, 
								 tex->_width, 0.0 };
		//Enable state
		glBindTexture(tex->_target, tex->_id);
		glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		//Draw textured quad
		glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, data);
		glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, texCoords);
		glDrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, 4);
		//Clean up state
		glBindTexture(tex->_target, 0);
void WCModeSketchArcThreePointCreate::OnMouseDown(const WCMouseButton &button) {
    //Restart if right click
    if (button == WCMouseButton::Right()) {
        if(this->_stage == 0) return;
        //Delete first point, second point, and first line
        delete this->_firstPoint;
        delete this->_secondPoint;
        delete this->_firstLine;
        //See if in stage 2
        if (this->_stage > 1) {
            //Delete third point and arc
            delete this->_thirdPoint;
            if (this->_arc != NULL) {
                delete this->_arc;
                this->_arc = NULL;
        //Reset the stage
        this->_stage = 0;
    else if (button != WCMouseButton::Left()) return;

    //Init some variables
    WCVector4 newPoint(this->_workbench->SnapMouseX(), this->_workbench->SnapMouseY(), 0.0, 1.0);
    newPoint = this->_workbench->Sketch()->ReferencePlane()->TransformMatrix() * newPoint;

    //Switch on first click
    if (this->_stage == 0) {
        //Get the position
        this->_first.I( this->_workbench->SnapMouseX() );
        this->_first.J( this->_workbench->SnapMouseY() );
        //Create first point
        this->_firstPoint = new WCGeometricPoint(newPoint);
        //Create second point and first line
        this->_secondPoint = new WCGeometricPoint(newPoint);
        this->_firstLine = new WCGeometricLine(newPoint, newPoint);
        //Set the properties of the points and lines
        //Increment stage
    //Second click
    else if (this->_stage == 1) {
        //Record second click
        this->_second.I( this->_workbench->SnapMouseX() );
        this->_second.J( this->_workbench->SnapMouseY() );
        //Create the third point and second line
        this->_thirdPoint = new WCGeometricPoint(newPoint);
        //Increment the stage
    //Last click
    else {
        //Calculate center and radius
        WCVector4 center;
        WPFloat radius = WCSketchArc::CalculateCenterAndRadius(this->_firstPoint->Data(), this->_secondPoint->Data(), newPoint, center);
        if (radius == 0.0) {
            //Clean up and wait for good radius
            if (this->_arc != NULL) delete this->_arc;
            this->_arc = NULL;
        //All is good
        else {
            //Recreate arc
            WCVector4 xUnit(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            WCVector4 yUnit(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            xUnit = this->_workbench->Sketch()->ReferencePlane()->TransformMatrix() * xUnit;
            yUnit = this->_workbench->Sketch()->ReferencePlane()->TransformMatrix() * yUnit;
            //Back project center onto the plane to determine rotation angles
            WCVector4 planeCenter = this->_workbench->Sketch()->ReferencePlane()->InverseTransformMatrix() * center;
            WPFloat firstAngle = WCSketchArc::PointsToDegrees(planeCenter, this->_first);
            WPFloat secondAngle = WCSketchArc::PointsToDegrees(planeCenter, this->_second);
            //If not on right, swap angles
            if (!IsOnRight2D(this->_first.I(), this->_first.J(), this->_second.I(), this->_second.J(), this->_workbench->SnapMouseX(), this->_workbench->SnapMouseY()))
                std::swap(firstAngle, secondAngle);
            //Determine center planar coordinates
            center = this->_workbench->Sketch()->ReferencePlane()->InverseTransformMatrix() * center;
            //Create the arc creation action
            WCAction *action = WCSketchArc::ActionCreate(this->_workbench->Sketch(), "", center, radius, firstAngle, secondAngle,
                               WCVector4(this->_workbench->MouseX(), this->_workbench->MouseY(), 0.0, 1.0));
            //Execute the action
            this->_workbench->Sketch()->Document()->ExecuteAction( action );
            //Clean up the arc
            delete this->_arc;
            this->_arc = NULL;
        //Delete the drawing objects
        delete this->_firstPoint;
        delete this->_secondPoint;
        delete this->_firstLine;
        delete this->_thirdPoint;
        //Reset stage
        this->_stage = 0;
예제 #4
void ObjectReferencedAxes::CalculateRotationMatrix(const A1Mjd &atEpoch,
                                                   bool forceComputation)
   if (!primary)
      throw CoordinateSystemException("Primary \"" + primaryName +
         "\" is not yet set in object referenced coordinate system!");

   if (!secondary)
      throw CoordinateSystemException("Secondary \"" + secondaryName +
         "\" is not yet set in object referenced coordinate system!");

   if ((xAxis == yAxis) || (xAxis == zAxis) || (yAxis == zAxis))
      CoordinateSystemException cse;
      cse.SetDetails("For object referenced axes, axes are improperly "
                     "defined.\nXAxis = '%s', YAxis = '%s', ZAxis = '%s'",
                     xAxis.c_str(), yAxis.c_str(), zAxis.c_str());
      throw cse;
   if ((xAxis != "") && (yAxis != "") && (zAxis != ""))
      CoordinateSystemException cse;
      cse.SetDetails("For object referenced axes, too many axes are defined.\n"
                     "XAxis = '%s', YAxis = '%s', ZAxis = '%s'",
                     xAxis.c_str(), yAxis.c_str(), zAxis.c_str());
      throw cse;
   SpacePoint *useAsSecondary = secondary;
//   if (!useAsSecondary)  useAsSecondary = origin;
   Rvector6 rv     = useAsSecondary->GetMJ2000State(atEpoch) -
      if (visitCount == 0)
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(" ------------ rv Primary (%s) to Secondary (%s) = %s\n",
               primary->GetName().c_str(), secondary->GetName().c_str(), rv.ToString().c_str());

      if (visitCount == 0)
         std::stringstream ss;
         ss << " ----------------- rv Earth to Moon (truncated)    = "
              << rv << std::endl;

         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("%s\n", ss.str().c_str());

   Rvector3 a     =  useAsSecondary->GetMJ2000Acceleration(atEpoch) -
   Rvector3 r      = rv.GetR();
   Rvector3 v      = rv.GetV();
   Rvector3 n     =  Cross(r,v);
   Rvector3 rUnit = r.GetUnitVector();
   Rvector3 vUnit = v.GetUnitVector();
   Rvector3 nUnit = n.GetUnitVector();
   Real     rMag  = r.GetMagnitude();
   Real     vMag  = v.GetMagnitude();
   Real     nMag  = n.GetMagnitude();
   // check for divide-by-zero
   if ((GmatMathUtil::IsEqual(rMag, MAGNITUDE_TOL)) || (GmatMathUtil::IsEqual(vMag, MAGNITUDE_TOL)) || (GmatMathUtil::IsEqual(nMag, MAGNITUDE_TOL)))
      std::string errmsg = "Object referenced axis system named \"";
      errmsg += coordName + "\" is undefined because at least one axis is near zero in length.\n";
      throw CoordinateSystemException(errmsg);

   Rvector3 rDot  = (v / rMag) - (rUnit / rMag) * (rUnit * v);
   Rvector3 vDot  = (a / vMag) - (vUnit / vMag) * (vUnit * a);
   Rvector3 nDot = (Cross(r,a) / nMag) - (nUnit / nMag) * (Cross(r,a) * nUnit);
   Rvector3 xUnit, yUnit, zUnit, xDot, yDot, zDot;
   bool     xUsed = true, yUsed = true, zUsed = true;

   // determine the x-axis
   if ((xAxis == "R") || (xAxis == "r"))
      xUnit = rUnit;
      xDot  = rDot;
   else if ((xAxis == "-R") || (xAxis == "-r"))
      xUnit = -rUnit;
      xDot  = -rDot;
   else if ((xAxis == "V") || (xAxis == "v"))
      xUnit = vUnit;
      xDot  = vDot;
   else if ((xAxis == "-V") || (xAxis == "-v"))
      xUnit = -vUnit;
      xDot  = -vDot;
   else if ((xAxis == "N") || (xAxis == "n"))
      xUnit = nUnit;
      xDot  = nDot;
   else if ((xAxis == "-N") || (xAxis == "-n"))
      xUnit = -nUnit;
      xDot  = -nDot;
      xUsed = false;
   // determine the y-axis
   if ((yAxis == "R") || (yAxis == "r"))
      yUnit = rUnit;
      yDot  = rDot;
   else if ((yAxis == "-R") || (yAxis == "-r"))
      yUnit = -rUnit;
      yDot  = -rDot;
   else if ((yAxis == "V") || (yAxis == "v"))
      yUnit = vUnit;
      yDot  = vDot;
   else if ((yAxis == "-V") || (yAxis == "-v"))
      yUnit = -vUnit;
      yDot  = -vDot;
   else if ((yAxis == "N") || (yAxis == "n"))
      yUnit = nUnit;
      yDot  = nDot;
   else if ((yAxis == "-N") || (yAxis == "-n"))
      yUnit = -nUnit;
      yDot  = -nDot;
      yUsed = false;
   // determine the z-axis
   if ((zAxis == "R") || (zAxis == "r"))
      zUnit = rUnit;
      zDot  = rDot;
   else if ((zAxis == "-R") || (zAxis == "-r"))
      zUnit = -rUnit;
      zDot  = -rDot;
   else if ((zAxis == "V") || (zAxis == "v"))
      zUnit = vUnit;
      zDot  = vDot;
   else if ((zAxis == "-V") || (zAxis == "-v"))
      zUnit = -vUnit;
      zDot  = -vDot;
   else if ((zAxis == "N") || (zAxis == "n"))
      zUnit = nUnit;
      zDot  = nDot;
   else if ((zAxis == "-N") || (zAxis == "-n"))
      zUnit = -nUnit;
      zDot  = -nDot;
      zUsed = false;
   // determine the third axis
   if (xUsed && yUsed && !zUsed)
      zUnit = Cross(xUnit, yUnit);
      zDot  = Cross(xDot, yUnit) + Cross(xUnit, yDot);
   else if (xUsed && zUsed && !yUsed)
      yUnit = Cross(zUnit,xUnit);
      yDot  = Cross(zDot, xUnit) + Cross(zUnit, xDot);
   else if (yUsed && zUsed && !xUsed)
      xUnit = Cross(yUnit,zUnit);
      xDot  = Cross(yDot, zUnit) + Cross(yUnit, zDot);
      throw CoordinateSystemException(
            "Object referenced axes are improperly defined.");
   // Compute the rotation matrix
   rotMatrix(0,0) = xUnit(0);
   rotMatrix(0,1) = yUnit(0);
   rotMatrix(0,2) = zUnit(0);
   rotMatrix(1,0) = xUnit(1);
   rotMatrix(1,1) = yUnit(1);
   rotMatrix(1,2) = zUnit(1);
   rotMatrix(2,0) = xUnit(2);
   rotMatrix(2,1) = yUnit(2);
   rotMatrix(2,2) = zUnit(2);

   // Compute the rotation derivative matrix
   rotDotMatrix(0,0) = xDot(0);
   rotDotMatrix(0,1) = yDot(0);
   rotDotMatrix(0,2) = zDot(0);
   rotDotMatrix(1,0) = xDot(1);
   rotDotMatrix(1,1) = yDot(1);
   rotDotMatrix(1,2) = zDot(1);
   rotDotMatrix(2,0) = xDot(2);
   rotDotMatrix(2,1) = yDot(2);
   rotDotMatrix(2,2) = zDot(2);

         ("rotMatrix=%s\n", rotMatrix.ToString().c_str());

      std::stringstream ss;

      ss << " ----------------- rotMatrix    = " << rotMatrix << std::endl;
      ss << " ----------------- rotDotMatrix = " << rotDotMatrix << std::endl;

      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("%s\n", ss.str().c_str());

   if (!rotMatrix.IsOrthonormal(ORTHONORMAL_TOL))
      std::stringstream errmsg("");
      errmsg << "*** WARNING*** Object referenced axis system \"" << coordName;
      errmsg << "\" has a non-orthogonal rotation matrix. " << std::endl;
예제 #5
  Calcola gli AlgorithmPointI sulla base di points, verificando di punto in punto lo step
	tra ascissa e ordinata; inserisce i punti calcolati in gPoints e in base alla quntita' di
	AlgorithmPointI trovati restituisce true(e' possibile interpolare) o false(non e' possibile).

	\param points Vettore di T3DPoints
bool interpolate(const std::vector<T3DPointD> &points)

	unsigned int curr, next;

	TPointI currStep, xStep, yStep, guideLine;
	TPointI xUnit(1, 0);
	TPointI yUnit(0, 1);

	bool chooseByDistance = false;

	curr = 0;
	next = 1;
	//int i = points.size();

	while (next <= points.size() - 1) {
		if (points[next] != points[curr]) {
			gPoints.push_back(AlgorithmPointI(points[curr], curr));
			guideLine = TPointI((int)(points[curr].x - points[next].x),
								(int)(points[curr].y - points[next].y));
			currStep = gPoints.back();
			double xStepTheta, yStepTheta;
			//TPointI a;

			while (norm2(TPointI((int)(points[next].x - currStep.x), (int)(points[next].y - currStep.y))) > 1) {
				TPointI nextPoint = TPointI((int)points[next].x, (int)points[next].y);

				//TPointI a = nextPoint - currStep;
				//int i = 0;

				if (currStep.x > nextPoint.x)
					xStep = currStep - xUnit;
				else if (currStep.x < nextPoint.x)
					xStep = currStep + xUnit;
				else {
					xStep = currStep;
					chooseByDistance = true;

				if (currStep.y > nextPoint.y)
					yStep = currStep - yUnit;
				else if (currStep.y < nextPoint.y)
					yStep = currStep + yUnit;
				else {
					yStep = currStep;
					chooseByDistance = true;

				if (chooseByDistance) {
					chooseByDistance = false;
					if (norm2(xStep - nextPoint) < norm2(yStep - nextPoint))
						currStep = xStep;
						currStep = yStep;
				} else {
					double aux = norm2(guideLine);
					xStepTheta = acos(
						(xStep - nextPoint) * guideLine /
						(sqrt(norm2(xStep - nextPoint) * aux)));
					yStepTheta = acos(
						(yStep - nextPoint) * guideLine /
						(sqrt(norm2(yStep - nextPoint) * aux)));

					if (xStepTheta > yStepTheta)
						currStep = yStep;
						currStep = xStep;

				gPoints.push_back(AlgorithmPointI(currStep, next));

	gPoints.push_back(AlgorithmPointI(points[curr], curr));
	if ((int)gPoints.size() < (2 * gMaxDist + 1))
		return false;
	return true;